
The Chair Stealer

sorry guys i just got news that the god of carnage show is actually this monday, the 25th of april. sorry for the confusion they provided me the wrong details T.T  please leave a comment to confirm if you guys can make it!!!!! i’ll pick the top 3 on saturday. again gomen ne!

Had to write a new post just so I can say the above and hopefully have it appear on your Google Reader T_T

Anyway I have a lot of pet peeves right.

I hate people cutting lines.

Just earlier today I was in Robb’s car stuck in a jam waiting to turn right into another road when this car full of selfish turds rolled up next to us and tried to cut in front of us to turn!

Already angry from being stuck in a 3 hour jam because of Justin Bieber’s babi concert, I rolled down the window and waved my middle finger around WTF. If I could have used my middle finger knuckle to rap on their window, I would wtf.  /road rage

They just stared at me….and moved in front of us.  FTS.

But anyway I think most of my pet peeves go back to people being rude.

Imagine… me kneeling on a chair gripping the back of it with my hands.  A bunch of us are standing around an easel brainstorming ideas and scribbling on big sheets of paper on the easel.

Everyone is standing except me, because I am kneeling on my chair.

In the middle of the discussion, this girl who’s next to me puts her knee on my chair too to balance herself.

I don’t notice it.  The discussion goes on.

Some time later, I realize that my chair has suddenly become much smaller.

The girl (who’s not a small girl) magically has both knees on my chair!  And I only have one knee on it.  My other knee has been straightened and my foot is on the floor -_-

And then I fall off the chair.

And for the rest of the discussion she humps my chair.

Quite annoyed cos I was kicked off my own chair!  And I lost my spot in front of the easel probably because she wanted that spot (and to hear her own voice more wtf)

But also quite petty so I didn’t say anything.  Or maybe I’m passive aggressive wtf.

Later we are sitting down at the table when she leans over me to talk to someone else.

She steps on my foot in the process. (my foot which is in a shoe I’ve worn for the first time) *black face

I pull my foot away.  She doesn’t say anything to me.

Then she rests her immense boob on my Blackberry *black until grey face

Resisted pulling away my BB to avoid contact!!!!

End of horror story.

Oh and today I tripped over the same laptop cable three times and tossed my teacup on the table wtf.

End of suay story.


God of Carnage

edit: sorry guys i just got news that the show is actually this monday, the 25th of april. sorry for the confusion they provided me the wrong details T.T  please leave a comment to confirm if you guys can make it!!!!! i’ll pick the top 3 on saturday. again gomen ne!

Ok the title sounds abit freaky.

Like you’d imagine mud-painted men with spears rushing at you shouting out prayers WTF.

But I assure you it’s not!  I think…

PJLA is giving 3 of my readers a pair of tickets to watch the above comedy!

Show : The God of Carnage
Date & Time : 28th April 2011, Thursday. 8:30PM
Location: PJ Life Arts, Jaya One

God of Carnage is a comedy about two boys who get into a fight and their parents get hands on and  meet to settle things in a civilized manner but things get out of hand…. wtf.

Aiya sorry I’m watching movie now and I’m bad at synopses anyway wtf but it looks promisingly funny!  I mean with people like Lina Teoh, Will Quah, Maya Tan and Megat Shahrizal it should be good.

(actually I only know Lina Teoh WTF)

Better synopsis here.

But anyway me and Wombeh will be going on the 28th!  So if you wanna come watch God of Carnage with us, just comment and tell me if you were a god, god of what would you be and why 😀

(my question so interesting right!)

Also leave your email address for me to contact you ok.  The 3 best comments will win a pair of tickets each.  Contest ends next Saturday, 23 April.

Good luck!


Was planning to blog but got no mood.

Ah Kong fainted today and was hospitalized.

Sigh. When he was sick before I wasn’t too worried.  He’s been around forever (nearly a century wtf) and he’s never been seriously sick so I think I felt he was immortal.  But obviously he’s not. Sigh.

Life is too short and too long at the same time.


Ah Kong & Poh Poh

So recently my grandpa in Penang got sick.

He’s all of 95 years old so any illness can obviously be quite detrimental to his health.  Actually he’s been remarkably healthy up to this point (bless you, god WTF) and it’s only been of late that he’s starting to get sick and face health issues 🙁

Anyway he had trouble peeing (ahem excuse the graphic details wtf) so the doctors had to put a tube into him T_______T But then they realized that blood was coming out of the tube as well because I think there was some kind of urinary tract stone in him that was bouncing around and bruising his insides T_____________T

Anyway to cut a long story short, my grandpa was hospitalized.  Mummy Ooi flew back to Penang to take care of him yadda yadda.  Haih and he was so sick and out of it that he couldn’t even remember how he ended up there and asked the nurse who brought him in.

At another point he panicked and pulled out all the tubes that were connecting him to life wtf.

And another time he asked my mother if he was in a hotel.

The point of this post is not to talk about death or the fleeting existence of a human life.  Although I may talk about that next time wtf.

The point of this story is that though my grandfather was so sick, when he recovered enough to think straight, he asked to go home because he wanted to see my grandmother.

And my whole life, I’ve only seen my grandfather yell at my grandmother for being annoying wtf.

(My grandmother is senile and has this annoying habit of asking people to eat/bathe/drink coffee every 5 minutes.  And locking the door 30 seconds after you open it to maybe get something from the car – thus locking you out of the house wtf)

So I’ve never seen any sign of affection between them at all.

But I guess there is because my grandma, though senile, asked for my grandfather every day he was away.  And on the day my mother told her he was coming home, she pulled herself out of bed, carefully brushed her hair, and got dressed and ready to go downstairs.

She normally doesn’t like to go downstairs before noon (because she thinks it’s too cold wtf) but on that day, she willingly got dressed and went down damn quickly.

Then when she saw my grandfather, she nodded casually and said “so you’re back.” WTF.

Ok any sign of overt affection would be too much to ask for wtf.

But their love gives me hope.  (LGMH as opposed to FML wtf)

I am 26.  But I would rather live my life believing in fairy tales and happy endings than preparing myself for the worst that may come in the next 50 years of my life.  And if my life comes crashing down around my ears, it would be okay because I would have been happy until then.  And after that I would find a way to be happy again.

Because living without believing the best would not be living.

AudSocialButterfly AudVanity

Extension cord

Walau post one picture with long hair get so many comments write long long about artsy stuff get no comments T_T

Ok i embrace my bimbo side and post pretty (half pretty la cos only Cheesie wtf) pictures only now.


Lunch and Cute Girl Day Out with Cheesie for her 16th birthday ^^

Change style again! God I’m as fickle as Hugh Hefner.  Mode kei style now!


My shirt on the left!


Acting atas at Pavilion.  Actually pretend wan just order drink cos dessert expensive WTF.


When take picture of Cheesie I made sure got capture the expensive looking store at the side *snob face


Cheesie taking picture of me taking picture of her taking picture of me taking….


Must volumize hair first before I pretend take picture


Cheesie showing off her zillionth birthday present to herself.

Ok fine you guessed my secret howdja know my hair grow so fast WTF. I put fertilizer on it wtf.

No la I was sick of my hair being that awkward shoulder length so I tried extensions! Only clip on ones though.

But then I realized that these extensions make me look pedophilically young T_T  I can only leave it straight or curl it into ringlets or waves like every other purty girl in Malaysia yawn so boring I got chip on my shoulder wanna be special.

And totally not mode kei lo! Or kakkoi style haih lemme figure out how to make them look cool first then tell you.

Without extensions! (this is not mode kei this is lemme-figure-out-how-to-make-my-hair-mode mode wtf)

AudVanity Audvertorial

Here comes the sun

Last Monday I had the best weekday lunch ever in the 2-3 years I’ve been working.
(has it been that long T____T)


Lunch break at Clarins wtf .


With healthy tea and cantaloupe melon served! (remember the significance of the melon ah)

Ok not really a lunch la but I was there with Redmummy and Cheesie to learn about Clarins’ new UV Plus HP Protection SPF40 and White Plus HP products.


Got very classy lounge area for us to sit and chill and learn about their whitening range!

As you know, since forever I’ve been obsessed with having fair even skin and sun protection.

I think i said before in a previous blog post that I use sunblock like my father’s name is Coppertone. If I know Imma be out in the sun, I slap on sunblock until I turn as white as a ghost WTF. Then I reapply sunblock religiously until I’m also a sucker for whitening ranges and I’ve tried tons! I’ve tried Clarins too but not their whitening range though.

But while i certainly recognize the power of sunblock wtf, I didn’t realize that while the sun triggers the skin’s production of melanin (what makes you tan) in the day, THE PRODUCTION OF MELANIN CONTINUES AT NIGHT.

I felt the need to warn you all about this too.


So Clarins has come up with a new Whitening Repairing Night Cream which contains a special ingredient – Daisy extract! It works to protect you against direct & indirect causes of skin hyperpigmentation.


It contains sea lily extract (I love how all its ingredients are so pretty) as the brightening active ingredient cos sea lilies have been found to control the delivery of melanin to your skin cells.

(yalah itself so white must be very pro at whitening wtf)


…and daisy extract to calm the skin at night for it to recover the next morning 🙂


I got a jar of the cream to take home with me!

Another new product in the White Plus range is the Whitening Intensive Serum.


Did you know that you should use a serum after your toner to compliment your moisturizer?

I knew. But didn’t bother to replenish my last serum after it finished wtf.

Anyway Clarins Whitening Intensive is made to make your skin brighter and more radiant and to avoid nasty dull skin 🙂 It contains sea lily extracts, which is actually an active brightening ingredient that helps prevent the formation of dark spots.


I’m not getting any younger and recently I’m a bit paranoid about whether my usual skincare regime and products are doing enough to moisturize and anti-wrinkle my skin. Cos I always use whitening ranges and they’re marketed for evening skin tone and stuff and not so much moisturizing.

I think in this picture I was asking about the moisture.

But I’ve been using the night cream the past coupla nights already and I think it’s at least as good as my usual (super moisture) range!


The other two new products in the White Plus HP range was the Renewing Gentle Exfoliator and the Gentle Renewing Brightening Peel.
The Exfoliator is made of ..


A combination of me and Cheesie’s favourite fruits! She loves raspberries and I love strawberries. Nobody loves grapefruit but I also love pomelo *irrelevant

Strawberry extract encourages the exfoliation, while raspberry brightens complexion and grapefruit tightens your pores.

Both the Exfoliater and the Peel work hand in hand to renew your skin and to make it softer and brighter 🙂 The pretty Clarins ladies told us they use both and their skin is awesome lo.


Testing out the Peel and Exfoliater!


Smell damn nice because of all the fruit extracts in them!


Something else Clarins has launched is the UV Plus HP Day Screen!

SPF 40 some more! Anything more than SPF 25 is my love.


I love this sunblock T____________T

It’s pink tinted so you can use it in place of your makeup base also.

And it glides on so smooth and when it’s absorbed into your skin, it goes super fine and the skin becomes so soft!!!! There’s no sticky / overpowdery residue left behind and it beats my normal sunblock flat T________________T By far my favourite product of the White Plus range!!!!!

It contains cantaloupe melon extract (can only find in Provence, France) which has very powerful antioxidation capabilities.

More importantly, provides skin with protection against premature aging T________T


Damn yummy some more the cantaloupe.

But when Clarins told us it takes 100kg of cantaloupe melon to get 1kg of extract I felt damn bad about gobbling down all that melon T_T


Then got quiz!!!! Fastest person with all correct answers would win an extra little something from Clarins.
(check out my competitive posture yo)


Cheesie won DAMMIT.

I actually finished first! But my answers all wrong FTS.

Cannot compete with straight A1 SPM student T_________T Redmummy also got all correct I suspect she’s a JPA scholar too.


But whatever ok I got a bunch of products to take home too <3


I love it when I discover amazing skincare ranges!!! Makes me feel like that’s a bottle of hope right there for me WTF.


If you want a free Skin Time, one-on-one hands-on session with Clarins to determine the best beauty regime for your skin AND get a customized trial suppy from Clarins, just Like their Facebook page and fill in your details to claim your free session 😀

(and if you happen to be the first 1000 Clarins fans on Facebook, you’ll win a vanity mirror.)

Lastly if you share the Clarins Facebook page on your wall, you might win a Clarins UV Gift Pack worth RM350 🙂 Go to Clarins Facebook page for more info.


Say thanks to Clarins for the enlightenment! HAHA GEDDIT

AudCamwhore AudVanity

Foruchizu foru real

A long long time ago (in January wtf) when NHK’s Tokyo Kawaii came to KL to film gyarus…

it was just me and Cheesie.


They asked us if we knew any other gyarus in Malaysia and sadly we said we didn’t know anyone else in Malaysia who liked overdressing like us wtf.

(actually haih I hate everyone wtf the longer I stay in Malaysia the more I don’t feel like dressing up and accessorizing lo! Then I met Cheesie and things improved a bit but now I can feel myself spiralling into a black hole of laziness again)

Anyway, what we did then was tweet and blog and ask our readers who are interested in gyaru fashion to join us to shoot the 2nd day of Tokyo Kawaii.

And some of our readers showed up and we had gyaru makeover …


and tadah six hot girls you’d do in a jiffy wtf.

Yea you would.

Anyway the point is, there really are no ugly women, just lazy ones.

Like me FTS.

Anyway, Cheesie and I promised Maiko and Lie that we would keep the gyaru spirit alive in Malaysia.

(of course they don’t want their effort of dolling people up so pretty to go to waste wtf)

And we don’t wanna tell lies to Lie so we finally got off our asses and… created


Don’t think there’s any gyaru circles in Malaysia yet so this be the first!

It’s just a Facebook page for now but everyone is on Facebook anyway so it’s the best place to start 😀

A gyaru sa is “a group of gals that meet up and hold events promoting gal style, music, and parapara dancing.” – according to Wikipedia.

However I think I would rather die than dance parapara on the street so can we just focus on fashion and music wtf.

A lot of our readers have told us that they’re very interested in Japanese fashion and makeup but don’t know where or how to start.

So that’s where Foruchizu comes in.  Basically Foruchizu will be a place (or forum if you will) for people to share gyaru makeup tips, shopping tips (like where to buy gyaru style clothing), discuss latest trends, etc.  For people to learn from one another so nobody can feign ignorance about keeping up appearances!

And where ugliness is no more an excuse wtf.

Yaya sounds damn bimbo but everyone has the right to information ok.  And did you know that in Japan, gyarus are the driving force behind the economy and consumerism!  There are even websites and focus groups dedicated to study what gyarus like because that will be what will sell.

Anyway. If you’re into gyaru-ism, join! And spread the word kthxbai!

AudRubbish AudSocialButterfly

Lat tali lat tamplong


Me and #Addiction went swimming the other day WTF.

In a lake made by Lat wtf.

Lat the Musical is based on the life (and comics) of… Lat.

If you’re Malaysian and/or grew up in Malaysia, you’d likely have grown up reading the cartoons of Lat, who I think is the most famous cartoonist in Malaysia.


We went to watch Lat (the musical) lately!  Tickets for me and Wombeh courtesy of Patrek Kuah.

Thanks Patrek! Didja know Patrek wrote some scenes in Lat? 😀

Patrek says:



Proper pic of us.  Annoyed! I’m always going for events after work and end up looking like dog poop next to everyone else >((((

On the night we were there, we heard Najib and Rosmah were coming as well! (for non-Malaysians, Najib is our Prime Minister and Rosmah is his wife)

When Wombeh and I arrived at Istana Budaya, there was a red carpet rolled out at the entrance!  For Najib and Rosmah no doubt but me and Wombeh stepped all over it while climbing the steps up to the entrance wtf.

Thought we were late but Najib and crew were even later lo!

So I tweeted “#tanyanajib dude where are you? Lat the musical can’t start without you wei” HAHAHAHAHA I AM QUITE WITTY AH IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF

Sorry non-Malaysians again you might not get the context again.

#tanyanajib is a Twitter hashtag that trended for a while in Malaysia.  It means “Ask Najib”.  Najib (trying to connect with people through social media no doubt) invited Malaysians to ask him anything on Twitter using that hashtag.  Sadly I don’t think he really replied most of the questions…did he?


Anyway Najib + entourage arrives!  Me and Cheesie just wanted a moment of fame and tried to camwhore with Najib WTF.  Like you know trying to do the opposite of a photobomb.  Clearly didn’t work.


But then we got into the theater and realized that we were sitting in front of them!

F Najib’s L must be thinking who are these two idiots who keep pointing camera at him and making exaggerated faces wtf.

FTS I just realized nobody famous is in this picture either (except us WTF)

Why our Opposite Photobomb skills so bad!

(pun not intended and not related to any Mongolians)

No pictures of the musical out of respect to everyone else in the theater.

But it was amazing!  The plot was just okay to be honest because it’s based on Lat’s life and he had a pretty normal life (for a famous cartoonist).  But I thought they still created a very nice story out of a very simple plot.

And the actors, the music, the costumes, the sets, the voices, everything was so good!!

I didn’t have very high expectations for a local production but the quality of it blew me away! The child actors all had amazing voices already, don’t even say the adults.  And the whole musical came with a feel good muhibbah vibe that is present in all Lat’s cartoons anyway 🙂

I iz sorry for looking down on local productions *looks down.

Go try to catch it if you haven’t!  It runs till 5 April and you can get tickets here.


Wombeh said it’s the best musical he’s ever watched even better than Wicked WTF.

No la nothing beats Wicked! But it’s nearly as good really 🙂

Oh and if you notice, Wombeh got all dressed up for this because for Michael Buble’s concert, he went as a phillistine in tshirt and shorts and Crocs wtf.

Suit-wearing Wombeh says:




Oh remember my trip to Japan?  We had to cancel it to avoid our parents going berserk with worry 🙁  But the good thing is, Malaysia Airlines very very kindly let us get a full refund for our tickets to Tokyo and from Kansai!

Normally the refunds apply for Tokyo only but because ours was kinda a special case (what use is 1 flight back from Kansai to us if we couldn’t even get there in the first place) we appealed and got the refunds! Awesome customer service thanks MAS! 😀


One last thing!

Something that made me LOL.

Excerpt from Knowyourmeme:

Beginning on March 22nd, 2011, 4chan and Reddit users started plotting an “involuntary” flash mob event by creating fake dating profiles on OKCupid and setting up a false rendezvous for single males at the Times Square, New York City at 7:30pm on May 13th, 2011.


They even set the date on Friday the 13th hahahahahaha

Wait…was that why Park Yu Mi‘s Facebook account was created?



My twin

Fucking annoyed.

Just now I got a message from someone on Facebook asking me to add her.

At first I thought it was a reader…. but then I took a closer look.

creepy 1


Well technically she is a reader.  Because my Santarina picture with Angela was stolen off my blog.

Fucking creepy la ok!

I don’t know why she had the audacity to try to add me on Facebook! Think I won’t notice those are my pictures ah!?

creepy 2

Clicked through to her profile.

(Sister is someone called Dambi some more -_______-)

Mahai all her photos are mine!!!

Why would someone who’s purpotedly a fashion model steal and use the photos of someone who’s clearly not model height -_______-

All her my photos were added just a few weeks ago so this is probably a new account.  And weirdly she took photos all the way from like 4-5 years back when I had long extensions to right now and randomly chucked all together.

I noticed she also likes to take photos that have both me and Angela in them -____- Or me and Cheesie.

creepy 3

Last straw is this.

Ok first of all I’m already not counting all the people who are praising her for her counterfeit pictures and giving credit where credit is NOT due although that pisses me off too.

But check out that Fatma Lovley Dambi fella. (I clicked on the profile and it’s some camwhoring Asian girl I have no idea if this is fake either)

Actually no I know Dambi is fake. Dambi and Park Yu Mi are supposedly siblings so wouldn’t Dambi know that Park Yu Mi probably doesn’t look anything like me.

(When she said “maiko” think she meant an apprentice geisha.  Either that or she’s calling Maiko from Tokyo Kawaii wtf)

creepy 4

Nah this is Park Yu Mi wtf.

This is her profile.

Still contemplating whether I should do anything.  Report her to Facebook got use ah?

On one hand she’s damn irritating and stole my photos and even messaged me on Facebook WTF.  On the other, I don’t see her doing much damage yet and I kinda pity her – you have to feel sorry for crazy people who steal photos then message the other person.

Anyway this is still better than the time Angela and I got our photos stolen and posted on a Vancouver prostitute site WTF.