
So busy

God I have no time to write anything or even to reply comments.

If I can get through this week and a half, I can get through anythinggggg.

V(^_____^)V wtf

AudSocialButterfly AudVanity

I hate my extensions

The Club plus ones

(except Latat cos he’s taking the picture wtf)

Tze + Zhen

Jammie + Latat

Suet + Ooib

Aud + Tim

All of us together!  Taken by the New Zealand icecream man wtf.

For the first time I actually really don’t know what to blog about.

Besides my hair!

Every few months you get a post like this because I am so fickle with my hair!

My hairstylist even asked me “are you sure you’re not fickle with other things?” (staring meaningfully at Tim WTF)

I am so so so so fuxxing sick of my hair like you wouldn’t believe.

Why on earth did I ever think it was a good idea to dye my hair black!!!

Oh wait now I remember.  It was because I used a DIY kit that said “COPPERY LIGHT BROWN” but it came out in dark rich brown instead wtf.

I quite liked it and dyed it a second time but it came out shitty black 🙁

I went to the salon today meaning to take off my extensions but Raymond told me it would be a waste because I only put them on in May and he said besides my real hair is still too short *dark face

And I couldn’t dye my hair either because I had extensions on and he told me not everything braided onto my head is real human hair and that there’s some nylon strands in there too *darker face

Seriously Aud seriously.  What was I thinking.  With this stupid black long hair I look like some goody two shoes from China.  Hmm come to think of it maybe I should meet Tim’s parents more while I still have long black hair WTF.

So anyway Imma keep these extensions on for another month or so then go berserk and dye some super chronic light color *tearful

Even a brown like this also can la wuwuw T____T


Tim’s Award & Heineken Green Room

Last Saturday was a very busy day for Audtim.

They should make it illegal to wake up before noon on Saturday but that’s what we had to do:(

Tim was getting a Creative Young Entrepeneur Award from an organization called JCI (Junior Chambers… International..?)

Not too sure what the award is about or what organization that is wtf but it seemed like a lot of people wanted that award so yay baby!

Anyway, rolled out of bed at ungodly hour of 845 am.  ON SATURDAY.

Tim (crazy bastard) actually wanted to set the alarm for 8am and I scoffed at the ludicrousness of such a suggestion.

Me (5 minutes later): So what time did you really set the alarm for?

Tim: 8 am.


Then I made him change it to 845 wtf.

Put on makeup and got dressed.

Clearly I still suck monkey balls at this because I can’t even get the same lighting and color in all my pictures.


Of special shasshins

I, Audrey Ooi, do solemnly declare…

that I have found the best photo editing software in the entire universe.

It’s called Xiuxiu.

Photo sticker capabilities!

And ready made makeup like eyeshadow and fake lashes!  All you have to do is just paste and angle the stuff on!

Ok I think I may have gone overboard with the editing.

(but look at my nails carefully.  Even those were done with the editor!)

(also I had no makeup on in this photo at all.  My eyeliner and lashes are fake.  Shit see my lashes are crooked)

Too hard to resist!

I think I know how women who have had no makeup on for their whole lives and suddenly use makeup for the first time feel!  No such thing as too little!

I asked Suet to send me one of her makeupless photos.


Tadah!  Made her eyes bigger, gave her smoky lids, some blusher and turned her hair red wtf.

Suet said it looks real but she also looks ugly *sad

Ok la still quite noob but I did this all in 5 minutes ok go fun dake!

Angela and I have been competing over who comes up with the best pictures and I can safely say that hers looks like 10,000 kinds of shit ok wtf don’t listen to her!!  Her pictures are all ghosts and cannibals WTF.

This was my first attempt when I was too scared to do much WTf very overwhelming what do you know.

Ok gotta go edit more photos!

All my photos from now are going to be edited!!!!


White date

Most of my possessions are pink.

Pink mp3 player, pink casing, pink journal

Pink bed, pink pillows, pink comforter, pink socks

Pink humidifier, pink lamp

Pink pencil case, mug, comb, random small stuff

But what most people don’t know is that white is my favourite color to wear. (also favourite color for my face to be)

White dress for visiting temples in Nara

White top for the day I turned into an official Moho alum.

White outfit for a pretty day in spring under the cherry blossoms!

White dress for um walking down steps.

White dress for graduation!

Well the people at Darlie have got it right when they chose me as one of their White Bloggers

See see it’s me! On a site other than my blog! With Ringo, Su Ann, Redmummy, Suet, Tzia and Vivien.

Darlie is having a 14 day White contest in which you have to get ready for your dream date with your dream guy, naturally all dressed in clean pretty sparkly white.

Prizes are…

(Why oh why did I already get my Miu Miu T_________T)

Other prizes are white Iphones, white VAIOs, and white Sony mp3 players.

So I tried my hand at the contest which is on Facebook.

For this bag *dreamy eyed. Altho it probably costs more than RM5,000…

Anyway you’re supposed to prepare for your dream date by doing the usual preparations any girl would do before going out – brushing teeth (ESPECIALLY brushing teeth, very important), choosing a dress, doing your hair etc.

Secret: I am quite old right now and haven’t been on a proper date for ages.

Serious! Well not since I met Tim anyway wtf.

So let me live vicariously through this app

First step, always remember to brush your teeth. You don’t wanna be called Smelly Mouth Melissa for the rest of your life do you?

Second, you must brag to all your girl friends about your hot date WTF.

If there is one thing a hot date gives you, it’s bragging rights and lots of squealing to your friends.

Unfortunately it looks like most of mine are guys 🙁

Now comes the more fun part. Choosing a dress!

You have to search online for the prettiest white dress you can find to knock the guy off his feet.

This is mine WTF.

That will knock Tim off his feet for sure wtf.

(not to mention my mother)

Kidding Ma! But this dress is so pretty!

The rosettes are breathtaking!

Another beautiful dress with a fabric rose on it. My future wedding dress will definitely have that on it *determined

(of course not for years to come la hehehe wtf)

And then after that you have to think about choosing the right shoes, right manicure, right hair and makeup.

This would be my nails! Pale pearly pink with white jewels encrusted on them.

The application opens up one task a day so you have to play it for 14 days to finish and complete everything.

This is one of the more fun games to play around (and definitely more relevant to a girl’s daily life) so go ahead and try it! Click All Shiny White to play.


Hai hai sexy

Had this message sitting in my Facebook friend requests for months:

Hai hai TQ in advance 4 addin are U?are u studyin or working? where? stay where? I am in PJMalaysia but work in Klang hangout at Curve or 1U? u hangout where? Free if I buy a drink? Also do u like to chat? can i hav ur hand ph so I can contact u? Steven.

Always wanted to blog about it so I left it there for a while.   Forgot about it until yesterday so I showed it to Ooib.

Ooib said “eh eh reply him with ‘HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA’.  No really, reply him that.”

So I did.

And this is what he came back with:

Used same copy but now he added “sexy” in front wow big fucking effort wtf.

When will people like him learn that messaging random girls on social networks will not work and they will probably remain dateless forever as long as they keep doing this wtf.

Seriously, not trying to be mean but if anyone reading this entry is sending messages like this on Facebook/Friendster should just stop before you kill any chance you have at a normal social life.

Also, being too forward and asking for their number the first time they talk to them will only classify you as a very desperate and creepy man wtf.

Anyway just got back from Heineken Green Room at Zouk and my hair is disgusting so I blog more tomorrow <3


Today I got angry at somebody because I thought he wasn’t doing his job well.

I complained to Desmond while crushing my pillow with my hands, and he reminded me that I used to make a lot of simple mistakes especially during my first six months.

And I felt terrible.

I’m very sure a lot of people were very patient with me when I first started working, which couldn’t have been easy because I didn’t have a clue about anything that was going on around me.  I got email addresses wrong, forgot to include attachments, and after every task I did, Desmond had to remind me what I had to do next.

I could argue that the person I was angry at should know better by now.  But he might not have been exposed to the same learning opportunities that I’ve had over the past year  or so.  And who am I to begrudge him some patience and coaching.

Which is really what I need myself right now.  A lot more patience and a lot less irritability.  I always felt proud that I tried to treat people how I want to be treated but I think I forgot about it.

If I were religious I would pray to god to be more forgiving but I’m not wtf.

So I guess it’s up to me to solve this wtf.

Not only with people I work with but the people close to me.

I promise to breathe in a bag take a deep breath whenever I feel myself getting annoyed…

and remind myself about my blood pressure wtf.

AudEveryday AudSocialButterfly


Another pointless entry about myself and my shallow life!

HAHAHAHAHAH Wafu (my name for Lee Fen – see the influence of Akiraceo) sent me this video of Pan-kun & James, a chimpanzee and a bulldog from Japan.

Someone teaches Pan-kun to take a train and he does so beautifully T_____T

Got other videos too!  Pan-kun makes ramen, Pan-kun does some farming hahahaahhaahah too cute T____T

I want a Pan-kun too! (or Doraemon will do)

Club photo from weeks back!  We regrouped at Sushi Zanmai right after work which explains the hopelessness of my appearance wtf.

I also stuck out like a sore thumb I dunno why all 3 of them decided to wear black cardigans while I turned up in a bright pink checked shirt.

This is one of the dresses I bought in Sg Wang for RM25!!!

Damn cheap but also damn low quality.  The other day I got water on it and the red leopard print started to bleed dangnabbit.

I think Imma just wear it like ten more times then throw it away. 🙁

With Suet and her color contacts.  I didn’t have on enlarging contacts and I think I look cock eyed without them wtf.  Like Suet said, the bad thing about these lenses is that you get so used to having them on that when you don’t you think you look like a mummy reincarnated wtf.

And I got a new cell phone strap!

It’s a chocolate bar so LG Icecream + Chocolate = chocolate icecream.

I didn’t think it was that great a line but Desmond put it on his twitter *proud

Tim went to go buy his cousin a remote control helicopter for his birthday.  Very cool, very cool.

Until he tested it out and landed it on my foot FML.

Quite painful ok don’t underestimate plastic chopper blades.

Tim always does this to me ok T3T Injure me unintentionally.

The other day he accidentally pulled a strand of my extensions and I was so angry with him I cried *shifty eyed

Then half an hour later he was too engrossed with his Xbox that he didn’t see me on the couch and sat on me FML.

But but then he also went and bought me a pink bag from Paul Frank to keep my laptop in  cos he knew my old gold bag was flaking off and turning into an orange cloth bag *eyes shining

And then he went and bought himself 12 million or so tshirts too ^^

Was at Artistry for a while last weekend.

With Suet.  I’m getting a bit tired of my hair *shifty eyed

Not the extensions but I can’t stand it being black anymore why did I think it was a good idea to dye my hair black T3T

The minute these extensions come off Imma dye my hair blond *decisive.  Or at least as light as my opis will let me go anyway.

With Mr Hyper.  Whose voice rivalled the rappers when he was shouting “WOOOOO” and putting his hands in the air T_T

With Ringo who doesn’t need fake hair for hers to look so nice *envious.

And Jam behind HAHAHAHAHA Latat are you strangling her! wtf.

Suet & Jammie <3  I think I was a bit tipsy by then.

And Jolene her skin looks so nice!  Standing next to Tomato Woman no la my face not red it’s just reflecting Jo’s outfit wtf.

With Yvonne and Eileen!

With baby and Yvonne.

This was like right before some moron girl fell behind me and


It was a halter dress so my whole back and dress AND SHOES got wet.  Even my underwear was wet FML la T______T

Damn cold somemore cos got ice wtf hate drunk people!!!

I think it was the one in red behind Yvonne wtf.



Pixar’s Up is here!

Angela’s watched it like months ago and I forbade her to tell me anything about it because I’ve been dying to watch it myself for like a year since I saw the trailer in US last summer wtf.

But it’s here now!

And I am one of the very honored people giving away 20 pairs of tickets (courtesy of Nuffnang) for the premiere:

Date: 11 Aug (Tuesday)
Time : 9.30pm
Venue : Cathay Cineplex Damansara
Since some people have said it wasn’t fair to give tickets away to the fastest people to email, this is what Imma do.

A pair of tickets will go to whoever can tell me why I am so cute a funny story!

Cannot be stupid jokes ok.


Q: What do you call a Transformer made of furniture?

A: PeraBOT

(source: Desmondkiu)

Actually any story also can *fickle.  Preferably cute, sweet funny stories that would put a smile on anyone’s face!  Like a story of how you & your first bf started, or how in first grade you went to the toilet and had no toilet paper so you wiped your ass on the wall WTF.

Funny story, romantic story, touching story, horror story also can.  Entertain me!  But must be true wan ar don’t go and google shit and send to me wtf.

20 best stories will win their tickets!  (email to fourfeetnine AT gmail with the subject “UP stories”)

P/S: Also, in your email please tell me if you’re ok with me posting some of your stories up and your blog url if any!

Blowing flower petals UP wtf.

ok people contest closes 12pm monday 27 july! emails after that will not be entertained 🙁

btw to Vin who talked about his Genting story in my comments which made me spew saliva all over my screen, not sure if you’re trying to get tickets too, so let me know by monday 12pm!


Lurve of Purikura

Desmond sent me a Lurve quiz the other day.

I played the quiz and got an 80% compatibility match with Desmond. Best frenz 4eva wtf.

And I also found out I am a French Onion.

Anyway Lurve is having an affair a contest on Facebook called “What’s Your Lurve Affair?”

The Lurve app is filled with like tiny games and stuff to play with that is quite fun.

Got the share your Lurve portion which I failed at miserably.

And sticker picture portion!

Actually I doubt this picture is sticky wtf.  But it has my favorite element of sticker photos! (besides the white light that makes everything beautiful)

The photo editing and adding cute things into the picture.

I love purikura!  Those of you who have been reading me through Japan would know how much of a purikura (and karaoke) freak I used to be.

But I guess now that I am quite old it’s quite hard for me to walk into a sticker booth and take purikura huh.

Well not in Malaysia anyway.

Plus I doubt Suet or Tze or Jam would wanna go with me.  And I think Tim would sooner run himself over with a tank wtf.

My only hope for sticker pictures is far away in Canada T3T

Hello Angie T3T

Those were the days huh.

Good times good times.

Somehow purikura machines make you look bloody Olay fair and darkens your eyeliner so you have seductive eyes wtf.

With Christine and Angie.  Damn cute ok can put lips! And heart! And kira kira!

Damn high tech ok!  Can clone us!  More of me to look at!

If only the world had more Audreys, it would be a better place WTF.

And this is what I like to think of as the origin of sticker pictures/purikura.

Sticker pictures lifesize manual version wtf.

This was taken when one day we borrowed David’s soccer jerseys and put them on.  What jerseys were those anyway?

Taken in Harajuku.

I remember this batch of pictures!  Angela’s aunt saw these pictures and said Angela looks very pretty and shining, Christine looks very pure and I look very logical WTF.

*remembers for life

Taken near Christmas I think.  Clearly our Japanese still sucked because what we wrote there doesn’t make sense at all.

I think we were trying to say “why are we so cute” wtf.

Anyway those good old days are gone *emos

I am now old and mature and should have better things to do than decorate photos with cute symbols.

Ok I lie.

Cannot play in public doesn’t mean cannot play in secret.

I put a fried egg on Suet’s head hahahaha. And gave Latat some sexy lips.

If you wanna try also, try your luck at the Lurve Facebook app and who knows, you might win something!