Pictures from Phuket Day 2!
(don’t have Day 1 yet because I haven’t gotten them from Tim *huffs)
Anyway! I came back from Phuket with:
Butt ache
Sprained right index finger WTF
Super soft and glowing skin MMMMM wtf
Ok I show you why.
Woke up at the nice reasonable hour of 12pm. Walked out of the hotel and found a restaurant which called itself Thai-American (?)
I ordered Japanese curry rice /slurp chose very mild food because the night before Phuket I had dinner at Shangrila and managed to be allergic to their Chinese food -_______- I think they put too much MSG or something so I had very tender and swollen lips for a week T_T
Tim had fried rice with green curry! Which I looked at with envy because I love green curry.
Restaurant ambience. Very quaint. Sold Coke and Fanta in ancient glass bottles. Had handrawn posters of food on the wall and plastic table cloths!
Then after that I had a stomach ache and I had to walk back cross legged to the hotel wtf -____-
(so my butt ache came from walking too fast WTF)
I’m always like this!
Always have to go at inopportune moments. Like last night we were having dinner at not-so-clean coffee shop in PJ when I absolutely needed to go again.
So I waddled to the toilet…
and found the toilet seat was broken T_________T
And there ensued a very tiring and uncomfortable ten minutes of hovering (HOVERING!), fist clenching and worrying that my hair would touch the tong of flushing water at the side WTF.
Anyway back to Phuket.
Then on we went to the shooting range! (Tim’s dream)
Him and his sniper gun.
Ok the target in the middle of the green was mine. The one that looks as far as heaven wtf is what his distance was.
And he got bloody 95% accuracy on it!!!!
Tim wanted me to try a Colt but the guy didn’t dare. He gave me a very old school Al Capone looking type of pistol.
Ok it is incredibly hard to shoot a gun.
First of all I’m a n00b wtf. I don’t play fighting or war computer games. The only games I play are Sims… and Mickey Mouse games back when a Mac was called Macintosh wtf.
And I couldn’t pull the trigger! I was near tears by then…
and then the gun went off and scared the shit out of me holy shit how does the FBI deal with such fear on a daily basis wtf.
After I managed to let off all ten bullets (hey thanks god wtf). I was very dejected by then because I think half my bullets didn’t even hit the paper target at all *slumped
54% accuracy at 15 yards. I guess if I had a gun and a rapist came up to me I might as well give up and let him take me WTF.
Oh and that’s how I got my sprained finger. From shooting yo.
Vast array of guns. Of which I was not allowed to go near / was terrified of anyway.
Then the gun guy there asked baby to try the shot gun! Either thinking he’s some kind of master sniper…or just hoping to make more money out of us.
Anyway he tried it. And it nearly took off his arm wtf.
I was quite scared when I saw! Then he took the gun back to try another time =.= So I took a video to show him how awful it looks from outside.
Boys and girls, please don’t try this at home.
You know how in movies they always show rednecks running out of their trailers wielding shotguns and shooting intruders on their land?
Very sure they’re all fake.
How can you run around pulling your trigger galore when the recoil looks enough to bust your arm!
Tim’s shotgun bruise hasn’t died down yet.
Anyway after that to relax we went for a spa! (My highlight of the holiday!)
At the entrance.
Walk down the aisle wtf.
No pictures inside the spa because what do you want me to do, bring my camera into the sauna with me? wtf.
We had a sauna (separate) in a room filled with menthol and I nearly died trying to breathe! I also found out I’m claustrophobic because I felt absolutely terrible inside the room with steam swirling all around me.
And when I tried to open the door to get out, the door was stuck! My heart started beating very fast and I was going to scream for help but luckily one of the spa workers opened the door from outside phewww.
Then we had a jacuzzi (separate also) and finally a nice body scrub and massage (together)
Super soft skin came from here <3
Pretty lights on the ceiling.
Then went for dinner at some seaside restaurant where I couldn’t stand it anymore and had green curry.
And then our flight was 8am the next day FML.
But the hotel provided us with a packed breakfast which I thought was really thoughtful! Can of orange juice, ham & cheese sandwiches, croissant, weird green fruit…
And then back to KL.
Where I am now. wtf.
So anger!
Woke up today with nothing much to do so I decided to go get lash extensions again. (Haven’t had them for some time cos of my damn eye infection)
So anyway decided to try a salon in Bangsar Village 2 cos their outlet in 1u is super small and always busy.
Girl behind counter told me the next available appointment was in 2 hours.
Since I was already there I thought ok la just kill 2 hours there before my appointment.
Went grocery shopping, followed Tim to get his GPS, had ice cream, then finally went for my appointment!
They told me to wait 10 more minutes cos the Lash Expert (Maybelline Lash Expert wtf) wasn’t done with her previous customer yet.
When it was finally my turn..
Lash Girl told me to sit down and said brightly “Eyelash perming right?”
“Er no eyelash extensions.”
“Didn’t you tell the girl at the counter you’re doing eyelash perming?”
“No very sure I said extensions.”
“Oh…. er eyelash extensions take 2 hours.”
“Huh? Why so long? Your 1u branch only takes 1 hour.”
(simpering behind her stupid face mask) “Different people different eyes ma..”
“What different? My eyes didn’t change what! I did there before the same type of extensions and it took 1 hour!”
(still simpering) “Yalor they do so many extensions there…”
WTF! Not skilled say not skilled la! I have no time for 2 hour extensions! And people said clearly EXTENSIONS how can you mix it up with PERMING.
They did say sorry. But haih sorry doesn’t give me back 2 hours of my life (and Tim’s life) wandering around Bangsar!
Already thought there was something wrong with the girl at the counter. When she was writing in my appointment for 5.30 pm, she wrote in her sheet under the 6pm slot WTF.
Then when she asked for my number, she wrote 01 down and waited for me to narrate the rest of number.
I said “o12..” and paused for her to write.
She stared into space.
I gave the next 3 digits of my number.
She said “uhh what?”
To long to rant on Twitter so I came back to blog.
Ok going out for duck rice dinner in PJ first yum!
I’ve decided to try my luck at a contest!
Now I never join any contests normally (especially if I need to write slogans) but Suet always tries at contests and WINS so my turn to try now! I will be Aud the Great Contest Contestant!
This particular one’s quite easy too. It’s the Chipster Superstar contest! Prizes include a Macbook Air, Ipod Touch, Ipod Nanos and a chance to be a real live superstar i.e be featured in a finale movie on TV3!
(although I have my doubts about being an actress. Cannot lie to save my own skin)
But good for you if you have always wanted to be famous! (And somehow missed MDG… or Akademi Fantasia… or something
Ok so what you have to do is log on to the Chipster website and create your own movie.
Step 1: Upload pictures of yourself, your boyfriend, your grandmother, teddy bear to be cast in your movie
Step 2: Create your own movie by inserting all your ‘actors’ and writing a few lines of snazzy dialogue for your characters to say! You also need to type in a Unique Code that comes with a Chipster pack to join the contest, so make sure you get your pack of Chipster first.
Step 3: Submit for contest and get all your friends to vote for you!
Ok so I chose the Matrix themed movie because… I actually watched the Matrix movie but didn’t understand it at all WTF so I thought it would be interesting to try out.
And it turned out to be so cute!
Pink! And talking about hairstyles! (in the first scene anyway)
This movie requires one female lead so I chose me obviously. And 2 male leads so I put Tim and Masato in.
Masato has the best facial expression ever! Especially for fighting scenes HAHAHA look how appropriately in pain he is!
You can watch my video here!
Anyway … *shameless plug starts
Please go onto to vote for my movie titled “Aud’s Shot at Fame” wtf and vote for me so that I can have a chance at winning (the Ipod Nano) please please I really want one.
No detours ok! Time is a-ticking and voting period ends June 19!
*shameless plug ends
Oh all right I guess if you see videos better than mine no harm voting for them too *resigned
I am back from Phuket! (sorry Mild I know you’re gonna kill me T_T But Phuket is so far from Bangkok anyway would you have come to Phuket to see me! *bulging eyes)
Which I deem a highly successful trip because I came back the same skin tone I went in *smug
Thanks to Nivea SPF50 sunblock applied and reapplied obsessively throughout the whole day.
Also thanks to Nivea SPF50 sunblock that gave me rashes FML.
But I decided that rashes > getting dark, and being itchy for a few days > being a weird grey shade for weeks.
Apparently my skin is super princess and is allergic to all sunblocks except expensive face ones like Shiseido haih.
Anyway I have so much backlogged stuff to write!
Last week, I woke up with a mofo-ing huge swell in my eye! And it hurt like shit too.
Actually I only felt pain then when I looked in the mirror I got a shock T________T
It went down after a day and a trip to the doctor’s for eye drops so good for me *relieved
But it hurt whenever I moved or rolled my eyeball so I couldn’t even look at people properly in the eye without turning my neck wtf.
I also went for a photoshoot with Klue and this was the loot the makeup artist Ming brought with him.
The makeup he did for me. Too bad I didn’t think of taking a picture until much later that night.
Anyway I had enough of photos for the moment T______T Because I was so bad at posing for shots you don’t even know T______T
I am just horribly awkward and un-graceful (have you seen me dance wtf) so I guess it was no surprise that I’m bad with this too. Dunno how the photographer managed not to cry wtf.
Btw I am no longer using Freshkon Monthly but am using Acuvue Dailies with rims now! More convenient, a whole lot cleaner but also more expensive. Does anyone use Geo lenses and are they good?
This is Desmond’s car.
And it was Desmond’s birthday.
So this was our birthday present to him.
HAHAHAH so cute right! Look her eyes are shining!
And her lashes are all curled and fluttering! And her lips are freshly outlined with pink chapstick wtf.
Proud papa wtf. She also has pictures of Adam Lambert plastered all over wtf.
Amazing what a devious mind (Mehlin’s) and an hour of hard labor (Aiping & me) can do wtf.
Desmond drove off with his car like this! In the rain hahahahaha.
He stopped at a gas station and people gave him weird stares hahahaahahah.
Then when he was driving the eyelashes and lips flew off halfway HAHAHAHAHAH Imagine the person behind him! If I were them i wouldn’t know how to react if a pair of lips flew to my windscreen and stuck there hahaahhaahahha.
Ok quite gross but skin blotters! Guess whose is the one with the most oil wtf.
Taken on the plane to Phuket. Next entry only write la since Tim has beaten me to it anyway *gloom.
And lastly, I couldn’t do this before since I was away but…
Happy Birthday to my Angela!
I know you’re away in LA now shopping and partying it up so I guess you’ll just have to read this when you’re back wtf.
I never get to celebrate your birthday with you cos we’re always on summer vacation and separated T______T Anyways I hope you can imagine me right next to you when you’re in a club wtf. Like a (short) ghost next to you, doing my 70s dance moves and stealing your drink WTF.
Or when shopping I’ll be walking around the store totally apart from you but we’ll still always pick the same clothes /boo
Anyway we’ve been apart for a year now T_______T and even that day when i called you shouted at me in Mandarin wtf but that doesn’t mean we don’t talk nearly everyday and what is one year in a lifetime of soulmate-and-bestfriendship anyways wtf. Have a great 23rd birthday (without me) (and nearly as old as me now huh WTF) and… I’ll see you when I see you wtf.
Off for a much anticipated trip!
Sorry no time to reply comments or emails yet:(
Super rushed and forgot to pack any shorts or underwear WTF.
Bye be back next week!
edit: I have 5 tickets to give away for the Nuffnang Transformers premiere!
Date: 22nd June (Mon)
Time: 9.15pm
Venue: Cathay Cinneplex, Cineleisure
First person(s) to email me at and tell me how many tickets they want and why, gets them! First come first serve basis only.
The Tiger Nuffnang party in point form:
So Tim‘s birthday was an epic fail T___________T
Supposed to be a surprise for him but …
1) He kept asking so many questions! Like every few days in the past 2 months he’d ask me “so what are you doing for my birthday” imagine the stress! And I’m not very good at thinking up excuses on the spot so I either just kept quiet or tried to distract him by asking him back questions which was even worse.
2) People kept spilling the beans to him T__________T Suet, Yee Hou, Pierre… I’m watching you wtf.
Anyway I think he still had a nice birthday… I hope.
Thank you so much to Robb & Nicholas and the other Nuffies for helping out so so much for this! They’re all super organized and efficient and pulled it off so much better than I could have.
Not that many pictures with us so whoever had pictures from that night .. I want!
Pictures from Jamtart’s Iphone! Dunno what we were doing here.
Tim cutting his Tiramisu cake from Alexis Nicholas smuggled over.
Jammie said I look damn fair here WTF someone’s camera flash went off and this is the result.
I was talking to someone else then I heard people behind me discussing girls who do act cute poses in pictures! I turned around and they all said “no no who said we’re talking about you” wtf. So I made Desmond do this with me HAHAHAHA
Edmund said this is the Power Ranger pose -___- is it?!
With baby.
Some of us! Look at Nicholas spoiling the photo behind hahahhaha
I think the 3 of them are so cute in this photo! And Suet’s dress is so purty (with cleavage too) *gleaming eyes
They brought out a Flaming Lamborghini! He drank it very calmly and for a while he looked fine…
Until he started groping me WTF see his hand at my waist moving damn fast! That’s how I know when he’s drunk -_____-
Some stuff happened earlier which made Tim a bit upset but I think he felt much better by the end of the night =) Some of us came back to his place to hang out and play Wii and some men (coughkyandkenny) got badly defeated by the women at boxing (Kim & Mell).
So oh well no surprise and no expertly planned party but I think he was happy *crosses fingers wtf
One party down, one more to go.
Happy Birthday, baby!
Waiting for Suet and Jammie to come over to get ready together for Tiger party later. Will blog properly tomorrow!
…my phones, that is.
Oh this is me trying to be all techy are you excited! wtf
I never had very high tech or cutting edge phones.
I’m not a gadget person and I’m intensely shallow so I based all my phone purchases on … yea how it looks wtf.
My first phone ever! I was 16 and my parents gave it to me for my birthday.
Yellow backlight check.
Digital looking words check.
Absolutely heavy check.
Tim said Sagem is not even in production anymore? But I loved it! It was shaped like a jellybean and nobody else I knew had this phone and I like being different in the things I own.
This phone came with me on dates with my first boyfriend ehehehehe wtf. We both couldn’t drive yet so we’d take the train from Subang down to KLCC just because it was the only shopping mall that had a train going to it.
But later on I found out that another reason why we went there is because most people we knew didn’t hang out in KLCC so they wouldn’t bump into us and find out we’re dating FML.
2nd phone. Age 18. Blue screen and polyphonic. It was tiny and had cartoon pictures in the menu! This was the start of my love affair with flip phones.
I brought this phone with me to college when I was doing SAM at Taylors. Again I was so proud of it cos nobody else I knew had this phone either.
This phone took me through a nasty breakup with abovementioned boyfriend but it also started ringing a lot more because I guess this was when I stopped being Audrey the Ugly wtf.
I brought it with me to the US but couldn’t use it there cos it wasn’t triband.
Came home for winter break first year and lost it outside Atmosphere (when it was still around wtf) when I was standing by the side of the road and a group of Malay men grabbed it from my back pocket T_____T
Age 19-20. I saw the commercial with Jay Chou and knew I had to get this!!!11111
Pink! Small! Only thing is not flip phone. Also blue light and polyphonic and by then most people were migrating to camera phones but I didn’t care.
It was also triband so I happily brought it back with me to the US. And found out that Angela had the same exact phone as me she used in Canada /boo/boo except hers was metallic pink and white.
Age 21-22. My phone in Japan! I signed up for a phone plan there and this phone was free.
It was my first ever camera phone! (yea in 2006 don’t laugh)
Because the Japanese use email on their phones more than anything else, I suffered with this phone typing out painful emails in Japanese to my friends.
Actually sorry this phone was a blessing! Cos like any other phone, it had the dictionary option in its messages so whenever I didn’t know how to write a word in Kanji I’d just spell it out in hiragana and let the phone do the work for me!
I used this phone to mostly email, call Angela Luo and David Roy wtf and my okaasan to tell her what time I’m coming home.
Oh ya also in a short period when I thought I might have a fling with a Japanese guy I used the phone to communicate with him. But that very quickly ended because he was very quiet and I was very er linguistically inept wtf.
Me and Angela with our new Japan phones. This was the era before iris-enlarging contacts wtf.
I stopped using the phone when I left Japan because it didn’t have a sim card or a slot wtf.
After that my phones just get sad.
Age 22. With my Japan phone rendered useless, another ex boyfriend had pity on me and gave me his old Sony Ericsson (maybe also because by that time he had his sights set on another girl WTF). I didn’t like how it was big and silver so I pimped it up.
(didn’t do a very nice job of it though)
I think someone said it looked like it grew pimples -____-
First phone with mp3s! Didn’t use this phone for very long though because its buttons were screwed. Very hard to push and by that time I had gone back to the US for my last year. I went back and remembered that I had closed my phone plan before I went to Japan so I had to get a new one (and new phone)
This is the phone I got. Age 22. Actually no it’s not. It’s actually uglier but I couldn’t find it so I just googled Ugly Nokia phone and took the most similar one.
Mine was black and like a brick. It was my first and last Nokia. Because Nokia is for the masses everyone has a Nokia!
It was color screen (vaguely) and I can’t remember if it had Snake on it wtf. Hated every minute of using it and if someone asked me if that phone was mine I would say no WTF.
After a semester I got a new phone plan. Cos the Ugly Nokia was actually a prepaid phone and I found that it was cheaper to get a proper postpaid line.
So this came free with the plan and I used it for a pretty long time!
Brought it back from the US with me and unlocked it for RM80 wtf.
Oh I was using this phone when I met Tim /shy
And then slowly the battery started to die…. and the phone went into random comas for no reason. (now that Ooib is back, he’s using it wtf)
Then a few months ago Fat Her went to Hong Kong and came back with the fake China iphone for me.
I had to use the tips of my nails to pierce the buttons each time and as a result, I developed very good aim wtf.
Unique feature: there was no way to turn off the camera sound so every time I took a picture the phone would sound like a bomb was ticking and going off WTF.
This phone broke when I dropped it one day and the touch screen cracked.
And now my LG Icecream!
Very easy to use, easily the most high tech phone I’ve ever had and absolutely beautiful.
No stories to come with it yet though it’s still early days:)
Taking a cue from dozens of other pretty bloggers who take pictures of their outfits and caption them.
Outfit of the day:
Top: White shirt with ketchup stains on sleeves, – Shibuya 109, Tokyo.
Skirt: Grey + white dress turned into skirt – Forever 21
Belt: Silver belt bursting at seams (too much Mcds) – Vancouver.
Shoes: None WTF (cos take them off in office)
Accessories: Red schoolmarm glasses, orange rubber band in hair
Summary: Like dung wtf.
(picture for illustrative purposes only)
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