

Someone met 2 friends of mine, A and B, and he said “I know why you can get along better with B.”

“Why ar?”

“Cos she’s prettier and you’re quite superficial”

WTF boohoo why he say that T____________T

Ok I admit I am very superficial and I value appearances alot.  And I think most of my close friends are very pretty but that doesn’t mean I choose friends based on their looks…

And it is true that I get along better with B.  But I think A is hot too and I think the reason why I get along better with B is because she is she’s quite blur and funny and goofy too and today I laughed with her until I had to squat down on the floor *shifty eyes

A is equally nice but she is very cool and composed and happening and independent ie. nothing in common with me so I just find it easier to talk to B.

But once I had a friend who um wasn’t good looking.

Actually no her face is quite pretty and guys say so too.

But SHE thought she wasn’t goodlooking.  She was so obsessed with her weight and appearance!  She wasn’t even fat ok she was regular-sized!  But she was like 5’7 which btw I think is a very nice height to be ok can wear maxi dresses no problemo senor wtf.  So because she was 5’7 and regular sized, she kept comparing herself to me and Angela who are 4’9 and 5’2 respectively and kept coming up with the conclusion that she was huge.

Because she thought she was fat, she had no confidence in herself.  It didn’t help that she was very shy in talking to guys also.  So she made me and Angela’s lives miserable T_______T

Every time at a party if a guy went up to one of us  (and not her) her face would turn black like… a coal mine wtf.  And she would whisper to other people snide things about us.

Sometimes if I wore something extra cute to class for no reason also I would have to brace myself for her sneers and comments -_-

Dunno how she did it but she somehow made it so that I always felt guilty for being cuter than her or for taking more care with my appearance than her =.=

One day I got sick of it.  I did really like her as a friend because she was smart and funny and when she wanted to she could be nice.  But my mood would always be pulled down by her sour faces and remarks so in the end I talked to her about it.

And she apologized and said she felt that she was fat and it didn’t help that all her friends would just go “Oh no don’t worry you are not fat at all you are so skinny compared to me” etc etc when she said all she really wanted was someone to acknowledge what she felt about herself and help her with it.

So I said okay if you really don’t like the way you are I’ll help you then.  I’ll help you control your diet or make sure you go to the gym or whatever.

And she said ok thank you.

But then after that if I ever said “Ei don’t take so much fries you’re on a diet” she would either scold me or ignore me what is the point of me trying to help then -_-

And then I felt like a bitch for not letting people eat when they wanted to and also I sounded like I was reminding her that she was fat all the time so I just gave up.

And then when she found other friends (fatter friends I might add — one of the girls she hung out with would eat an onigiri, 2 juice boxes, a sandwich, chocolate and cookies everyday in class.  For breakfast wtf.  Maybe that girl made my friend feel better about herself.) , she ignored me and Angela and sometimes we’d notice her and her new friends pointing and looking at us from afar and laughing   -_____-

Already tried to help her but get scolded and made fun of for no bloody good reason!

(I might also add that the girl who ate an entire convenience store everyday for breakfast also clearly suffered from terrible self esteem problems.  She didn’t act like it whenever she made fun of me and Angela and other people, but if you weren’t having self esteem issues would you have sex with random men (lots of them) you meet on the subway? I rest my case wtf)

After that Angela and I angrily swore we would never be friends with ugly people again wtf.  Not that we mean ugly people of course but just people who have no self-esteem and who keep thinking they’re ugly (EVEN IF THEY’RE NOT) because god they will be a drain on your emotional wellbeing.

It is true!  I will never again touch someone with self esteem issues with a ten foot pole.  Do you know how tiring it is to keep having to assure someone that they are not ugly at all actually quite beautiful.  Or having to feel guilty just because the other person thinks you look better than them?  Do you see me making other people miserable just because I am a midget?

So because of this that Someone thinks I just discriminate against whoever I think is ugly wtf.  Which is so not true!

It’s not about looks it’s about confidence!  Like how none of my exes were good looking ok all my friends can attest strongly to that but they were all supremely confident to the point of being cocky…

(Aih something tells me I will get in trouble for this post)

Here you want ugly I’ll give you ugly wtf.



So the results are in!

(not talking about Terengganu by-elections wtf)

So who is Lolo?  People guessed:

Angie – 5 (until she threw a fit and announced that she’s not as lame as to pretend to be a bear)

Ooib – 5 (quite popular choice wtf)

Suet – 4 (ditto)

Tim – 11 (clearly he doesn’t have much of a cool reputation online wtf)

Fat Her – 5 (also a popular choice except it can’t be him because I showed him the screenshots and he was truly amazed that Lolo is alive WTF)

Kenny – 1 vote

Mother Ooi – 1 vote

Flo-Rida WTF – 1 vote damn random

Myself – 1 vote WTF even more stupid hahahaha

So the right answer is……







Tim wtf.

Ya I was really damn surprised when I went online that day and saw “Lolo” on my MSN list with a pic of himself with duct tape stuck on his head wtf.

But I should have known that it would be Tim because he makes fun of Lolo all the time what is so funny about his name! *fierce.  Protective mother wtf.


Hmm don’t really have much to blog about.

Oh ya I played around with special webcam effects today!

Broke my webcam so nobody has been able to videotalk with me for months.  But what did I expect from buying RM20 China webcam from Sungei Wang T_T

So when you hand me a working webcam and leave the room this is what you should expect.

This is called Comic Book effect.  But I think it looks like the Joker.

This is what Angela always does in pictures!  Hello babie do you miss me T3T

Mirror image!

Why hello there Aud wtf.

Come here dear friend, let me give you a kiss on the cheek wtf.  Speaking of which I hate people who insist on kissing both my cheeks when they meet me!  Feels damn awkward ok you have to stand there and smile like a tool while they simper around your face and air kiss muah muah ARGH just thinking about it makes me break out in hives!

I decided to pull a willing partner into this. HAHAHA HIS SMILE


I look like those tribal women with lots of rings around their necks to elongate it wtf and Tim just looks like a smarty pants wtf.

Then we um went diving.

And then to er Knotts Berry Farm.  (The impact of the roller coaster knocked one of my teeth out wtf)

Went to Hawaii wtf.

And Paris Eiffel Tower sacre bleu! wtf

Trying to block other tourists from seeing the tower wtf.

Oh I am so looking forward to Chinese New Year!  This will be my first CNY at home in 4 years!First year, I ate pirated Chinese food at Main Moon outside MHC.

2nd year, forgot what I did wtf.

3rd year I was in Japan probably trying to find Chinese food but failing wtf.

4th year I was on the plane back to MHC from Vancouver T3T

And I didn’t even get to wear new clothes!

I think the most I did was just try to wear something red or pink and call it a day 🙁

So now this year! Yay!  Get to go back to Penang and eat reunion dinner yummmmm

Get to wear new clothes!  But haven’t bought new lingerie wtf my family very traditional ok everything must be new from head to toe this is the best thing about Chinese New Year <3333333333

Get ANGPAU WOOHOO MONEY MONEY MONEY is so funny in a rich man’s world wtf

Ok I know worthless entry but that is because I am on the phone and writing this entry and men cannot multitask WTF.

Chu chu wtf.


Lolo keeps up with the times

Pointless post:

Remember him?

O hai guys

(I’m not choking him)

A bit of history: I think I’ve had Lolo since I was 5 or something.  Which makes him 18 years old WTF.

Lolo’s original name was actually Cutie Pai wtf.  Because Ooib watched The Terminator and I think Arnie called some chick in it “cutie pie” and Ooib said “Che Che that is a very cute name let’s call our bear that”

I said okay and proceeded to write out the birth cert wtf.

“Eh how do you spell cutie pie?”

“C-U-T-I-E P-A-I” wtf

So there we have it.

And then later on we watched a cartoon with a penguin called Lolo in it.  And we decided to add that on.

And then because he is a Metrojaya Jellybear, his full name became Lolo Pai Cutie Jellybear (cos in the tradition of me and Ooib’s names we thought everyone must have two names after the surname wtf)

And then years after that we changed the “Lolo Pai” to”Purple Pai” because he turned from pink to purple after years of loving care (throwing him down the stairs when we were too lazy to carry him down, pretending he was a circus acrobat and throwing him up in the air between me and Ooib, pretending his talent was to turn into a stone and squashing him into a ball WTF etc)

But eventually we went back to Lolo cos he was always Lolo in our heads.

Lolo is a very lucky bear because he got to go all the way to South Hadley, Massachusetts and Kyoto, Japan.  And now he’s back in KL with me again.

(Although not so lucky when I have to fly somewhere and I stuff him in my suitcase and pray his arms don’t come off wtf)


I l turned on my computer this morning as usual.

And I saw a very unexpected name in my MSN list.

He’s trying to buy stain remover for himself hahahahahahahaha


He loves me!  Even though I sometimes kick him off the bed!

(who can guess Lolo’s real identity wins microwavable tupperware wtf)


Machine gun kiss

Yes Princess Chessie has deleted her blog (and her account) by the looks of it.

No, she did not apologize.  But whatever la  bygones.

Anyway she never had the need to apologize because her blog was all full of ME and none of herself, so it’s not like anyone really knows who she is so she doesn’t need to do anything other than disappear.

This is going to be a grumpy post.

Actually I’m not really grumpy.  But I’ve been meaning to talk about some things that have made me go like this — 🙁 wtf

Like having no money wtf.

Aih having no money really sucks!  I know I should be on my knees thanking god for even having a job in these tough times but god is it difficult.

I am drawing a regular salary and everything of course, but basically half my pay every month goes into what I call the Suck-My-Blood-Dry-Mount-Holyoke Fund known more popularly as paying off my college loans T________T

Moho is worth every penny of course but goddamn if I am not suffering for it now wtf.

(Oh ya why I say Mt Holyoke is better than NTU is because I really think it is!  It’s the oldest women’s college in the States and um… has Emily Dickinson as its alum! ok so she’s not Gandhi but whatever speak to the elbow cos the hand ain’t interested wtf)

So anyway half my pay goes into college loans.  And I’m left with the rest of which I need to eat with, pay for gas, give my parents some, buy some other necessities and poof woohoo no savings.

And notice! I am not even shopping!  I don’t remember the last time I shopped for fun!  The last time I shopped was for Chinese New Year last week wtf but it’s not as if I wanted to go shop for fun but I had to get new clothes if not I have bad luck for the rest of the year ok I am unlucky enough as it is.

It wouldn’t be so bad if not for the loan I guess.  But I chose this path:(  10 more years of this to go before I’m a free woman wowee wtf.


There’s this person I see quite often who for some reason I don’t really understand is who is quite mean to me.

At first I thought nothing of it because everybody makes fun of me anyway I am just very entertaining that way to everyone such a barrel of laughs wtf.

I’m not very sensitive because when you’re this height, you tend to develop thick skin wtf.  Anyway I wasn’t very sensitive to begin with because if a joke is funny I will laugh whether or not it’s about me.

So I thought it was nothing.  But then I realized after a while that this person likes to make mean comments about me regardless of whether I’m even talking to him or not!

I sometimes say things without filtering it in my head.  So when I make a dumb comment usually people will laugh or make a joke about me.  But this person will roll his eyes and shake his head and say “can somebody please slap her / tell her to shut up”

Ok la maybe it sounds funny now but it’s not when you get this nearly everyday for a few months!  I wondered for weeks what I did to make him dislike me and get irritated by me so much.

I even stopped trying to talk to him because at first I before he started showing he was really annoyed by me I liked him a lot and wanted to be friends with him.  But now when I see him I usually just walk by without looking at him.

Sometimes I see him like..shooting back some people with one liners too but usually these people are very smart and fierce and they shoot it back at him.  But when anyone says anything about me usually I just laugh and don’t answer back so maybe that’s why he thinks its okay to say me.

But then again I dunno la I haven’t noticed if he rolls his eyes at other people or not.  Hate the eye rolling makes me feel like I’m very stupid and disgusting wtf >______>

But I’m more or less used to it just don’t need to talk to him if he doesn’t talk to me first.


You know you’re getting old (or at least your grandma is) when she opens up her safe and distributes her gold necklace to you and tells you this is to wear on your wedding day wtf.


I always said I believed in karma but nothing beats this last bit of news I’ve heard.  I’ve never believed in revenge because I don’t think it really makes anyone feel better, but karma does come and bite you back in the ass!

In the exact form of badness you shelled out yourself.

Sorry that I only thought it was funny and “it figures”.  So everyone, don’t play with the universe.

With my back to the world WTF.


Catch a rat

Apparently there’s a whole new strain of copycat bloggers coming out.  Multiplying like bacteria wtf.

Ringo sent me a link to a girl who calls herself “Princess Chessie” -________-

Her blog is a super combo lunch set meal of maybe 7 parts my entries,  3 parts Ringo’s entries, with a pinch of Suet, a sprinkle of Kenny and a dash of Tim.

She uses more of my writing and more Ringo’s pictures (especially Ringo’s nails I guess she really likes her nails) but when she wants to post pictures of her face she puts up Dawn Yang WTF I guess me and Ringo are not pretty enough for her wtf.

Hence the name Princess + Ches(s)ie -_________-

She even copied my Maxis Broadband advertorial crazy wan!

But she looks like she took a lot of effort because she woohoo deleted all the pictures with my face in it (again possibly too ugly for her) and only left some random scenery shots.

You can see that she deleted my photos but left the captions in so it looks like a lot of random disjointed sentences.

One of the funniest copies was:

Copied my entry on what I wanted to be for Halloween.

Followed by a claim that Ayu dressed as an Indian in her concert I have no idea if this is true.

Then a conversation that Ringo had on her blog with Mehlin.  (wtf?? change identity wtf)

And then yes that’s right suddenly a picture of Dawn Yang enjoying HER Halloween.

I think this is an issue of multiple personality disorder *solemn

And then there was this:

Goodness gracious!  She also received carnations one day!

This is her entry.

This is mine.

So…she found hers in her car while I found my on my desk.

Mehlin is now Mel.  Darren is now Dany.  Yeff is now Jeffrey wtf.  While Mount Holyoke has been downgraded to NTU.

One more:


I didn’t know there’s a road in Singapore called NKVE too!  Wow the coincidences!

My mom and dad have now been improved to Keju.

Who is supposed to be her boyfriend.

And sometimes she takes entries from Tim or lines that my brother wrote on Suet’s blog for her and she posted them up pretending they were written by Keju.

She also posted up a picture of her boyfriend Keju:

Yes!  Keju is actually Hirai Ken!  (popular Jpop singer)

She is so lucky!  Looks like Dawn Yang, dating Hirai Ken!

Actually maybe she is not so lucky after all.

Because a lot of her entries are about her falling down.  Or accidents happening to her.  Like getting electrocuted with a curler (as I did once).

I guess she really likes my suay entries about my accidents cos she nearly copied all and even has a category called “Suay”

The weird thing is she seems to put in quite some effort in this.  Like some of her entries published recently are copies of my entries which I wrote 4-5 years ago changed to fit her life, friends’ names and times.

Like she would change this movie I watched 5 years ago (don’t even remember what it was now) to Twilight to make it seem up to date.

She also copied a lot of my entries in Japan especially the ones where I got lost on buses in Kyoto (kill two birds with one stone get to write about Japan AND unlucky incidents in one entry way to go wtf)

And she’s been doing this since June 2008 now.

Can’t stand it why don’t you get a life!  Like seriously a real one instead of stealing mine AND my writing.

I don’t understand why she would plagiarize people like Ringo and Kenny though because I think people can recognize their writings and pictures. Especially if their pictures are watermarked WTF.

The only consolation is nobody reads her blog anyway so it’s not as if people read her and think she’s very funny and interesting.


High resolution

Disclaimer: I am not dating Kenny Sia contrary to what some people think.  If you think so because of my last post where I posted the picture of him and me in my fake wedding dress, I was actually going to say he was my dad giving me away at the church wtf but I decided not to because only Fat Her is my true dad.

So no I am not seeing him even though he is a very nice and funny person.  The End.

I forgot to say in my previous post my New Years resolutions!

I never make resolutions.  Because I usually forget them after the second day *shifty eyed

And I always think that if there’s something to change about me I don’t have to wait until the New Year to change it.

But this time I dunno why I decided to make resolutions (probably because I never keep the ones I make in the middle of the year anyway)

So! This year I resolve to:

1. Lose weight wtf.

I dunno la!  I think I’m an okay size right now.  But my face looks so fat in pictures you wouldn’t believe it.  I am losing my jaw just like Ooib it’s the Ooi sibling Fat Jaw curse I am so not used to this I never looked fat at any angle before!  So I must leave some margin for error.

But quite hard now because every time I’m faced with  a plate of food all resolve flies out the window and I tell myself “my diet starts tomorrow” wtf.

Or like today I had Macdonald’s twister fries and I had to try so hard not to eat up Ai Ping’s fries as well.  Achievement that I managed to eat only my own wtf.

But I am considering going jogging or badminton with Jam.  And you know I am serious because never in my life have I willingly said “yes I will exercise” the last time I went to the gym (2 years ago) I rolled around on the mat for a while and then hung outside the squash courts and watched idly while the players ran about panting.

2.  Be kinder.

I think I’ve forgotten how to be kind anymore:(

I’ve gotten numb to the sufferings of the world because of all the cheats and liars out there.  Like the monks who stand in pasar malams and beg for money.

HAHAHA Jam told me once this monk went up to her friend to beg and the friend plopped a packet of nasi lemak into his bowl because that’s what you’re supposed to do isn’t it!  You can only give the monks food… I think money is not allowed in the monks code of honor or something.

But the monk was clearly a fake monk because he got angry and threw back the nasi lemak at him hahahahahaahahah

And once I think we were in Lorong Selamat in Penang eating when this beggar on crutches came up to us and asked for money.  He was very old and pitiful looking so Fat Her gave him some money.

He said “thank you” in a very soft and weak voice and proceeded to hobble away slowly.

All of us watched in pity at him walking away slowly when suddenly he straightened up, put his crutches under his arm and marched off WTF.

And then near my workplace there’s this stupid woman who pretends to be blind and comes to our table when we’re having lunch to beg.

Clearly we know she is not really blind because even if there’s a maze of chairs stacked between her and us she’ll manage to manuever around them and arrive at our table safely.  Dunno maybe unless she has like supersonic hearing like a bat wtf can hear the sound waves echoing off the chairs or something wtf.

So with all these people around how are you expected to keep your trust and charity!  But I think the world needs more charity and kindness in it so that’s my second resolution for the year.

Maybe that’s the Aquarius in me talking?  I heard Aquariuses are very weird and eccentric wtf but want to do good for the world or so Fat Her says.

Speaking of Aquarius my birthday is coming up!

And I asked my parents to get me this since I’ve been away from home for my birthday for 4 years:

I am so easily satisfied should have asked for a nice handbag wtf.

OHOHOHOHO it’s a laptop cooling table!  Dunno what it’s called just simply make things up.

You know you put your laptop on it and there’s a fan underneath so it cools off your computer?

And it’s Hello Kitty!

Also got a mouse also Hello Kitty no more using stupid touch pads yay!

I love them thank you Parents!

I was so happy with them that I cleaned my room wtf so my room would look nice and match with my mouse and laptop >.>



This was my post recapping 2007 last year *click*

So what has happened for me in 2008?  Let me recap before I get any older wtf.

I started off 2008 in Vancouver, playing with snow and sparklers and counting down to the new year in the bachelor pad of Fun Group #1 and Fun Group #2 wtf.

Funny thing!  Today is 2 Jan 2009 and I found a folder for 2 Jan 2008.  I spent today at work then had dinner and snuggled down on the couch to watch a fake DVD wtf but last year I was hidden in a karaoke room in Richmond with Esther & Angie.

Good times wtf.  Back when I was thinner and fairer boohoo.

In 2008 I…

slogged and slogged for my thesis (and honors!)

attended a forum for Malaysian students at Harvard where I met some very nice and smart people.

took part in a Thai dance with Shanshan and Mild which cause Mild a lot of undue stress and anxiety and sleepless nights wtf.

celebrated my birthday in Boston with a pink ice cream cake and no eyes.

celebrated Chinese New Year by wearing a qipao…

and emptied half the buffet table with Angie and Suet wtf.

became models with Angie for Mild’s final project for her photography class.

went to Miami with Angie, Mild and Jeannie and discovered Mild’s horrific side which wouldn’t let us skip clubbing for even one night.

became a ninja wtf.

attended Senior Ball with this group and 500 other very drunk women.

graduated!  With a major in Asian Studies (East Asian History ask me anything! wtf).  Mount Holyoke Class of 08 yo.
panicked for a while over job prospects.  Considered teaching in Japan, staying in New York to job hunt, working in Singapore but decided to move back to KL.  (at the expense of separating from my soulmate T3T)

found a job I like.

But not before getting molested by an interviewer fuck him forever hope he chokes on shit and dies.

went to Redang with the Club.

dyed my hair back to dark after 5 years of orange hair.  Once you go black you never go back wtf wtf.

Met someone special very unexpectedly:)

got married HAHA no I kid.

got our picture stolen and used for a prostitution site WTF fuck this shit la seriously!

2008 has been a very … different year.

Huge changes in my life… moved back from the States, left all my close friends to come home:(  And most of all, that I left my life as a student and have now embarked on my life stage as a proper working adult.

There were many difficult moments when I had to learn how to cope and how to let go of certain things or people that weren’t good for me.

Last year I wrote “This year, I realized that having your heart broken at seventeen and having your heart broken at 22 is incomparable.

Next year will be better.”

And I was right:)  Looking back on this year, I may not know for sure if moving back to KL is good for my mind wtf and horizons in the sense that I think being in KL is to live a very sheltered life.  My family is here and they will always take care of me.  But I miss being independent and sometimes I wonder if I’m still growing as a person.  And although wonderful people, Malaysians tend to be of the same mould and have the same mindset and outlook, and I miss having the diversity and er.. weirdness of people in America.

But that said, I am happy.  I don’t know what will happen in the future but it’s enough for right now.

Happy 2009 everyone.


The Great Couple Meme – Aud & Angie edition

The other day Su Ann and Martian wrote out a very very cute couple meme which they called “The Great Couple Meme”.

It’s a very sweet and endearing meme that a couple writes about each other kind of to show how they look at their relationship and how well they know the other person.

Unoriginal Aud loved it and wanted to do it too!

So clearly, the obvious choice of person to do it with would be…


Because we are soulmates!  (but not lesbian partners)

So here goes!


Ding Dong Dell

For those of you who have been wondering why the lucky 8 of us were given free makeovers, shopping trips and FOOD, this is the reason why:

It’s called the Dell Inspiron Mini 9.  To be exact, the Maxis Broadband-ready Dell Inspiron Mini 9.

Maxis has teamed up with Dell to produce this teeny laptop computer that comes with a built-in HSPA modem.  To noobs (like me who had to ask three different times what it meant), it means that the computer has Maxis Broadband Service fitted inside.

In other words (I still didn’t understand at this point), you can go online with this laptop anywhere without cables, without needing to make sure there is a wireless connection available for you to steal wtf.

So the kind people of Maxis lent me one of these for a week to play with, to carry around and to basically act like a poser at Starbucks because my computer is way cooler than everyone else’s wtf.

You know why!

Because Dell Inspiron Mini 9 (true to its name!) measures 9 inches!  Sorry, 9 inches diagonally so it’s actually less than that in terms of width.

I pulled it out of its box and instantly fell in love with it.

You know how I have a penchant for all things small!  Every time I see something tiny or fits me I feel like it was MADE for me and I need to have it!

And everyone at office thought it suited me so well too didn’t look too small or too big in my hands <3333

See how it looks on my lap just nice right doesn’t really look like a supertiny laptop!

And when everyone poses with it their laptops all look tiny in their hands except mine *smug

Anyway, one week with the Mini 9 was so —– shit I forgot the word.  Makes me feel like I have the power to do anything la wtf.

When waiting for someone, whip out laptop to check email. (no need to sleep in public anymore wtf)

When wanna show off I got cool laptop, whip it out to action to passersby wtf.

I mean I have a laptop at home too (Dell incidentally) but even though it’s 14 inches I don’t feel like lugging it around cos it is really heavy and quite inconvenient.

But with the Mini 9 I was carrying it around during our Day Out and I realized that the laptop I was carrying was actually lighter than my own handbag = =

I brought it to work and although I couldn’t use it much there cos all my emails are in my desktop, I’ve been damn sick for the past two days, and I kept thinking if only I had my own company laptop like all the fancy schmancy people above me, I could have this Mini 9 (by this time, I’d already returned it sigh) and I could just lie in bed and check all my emails so convenient and easy!

(I guess you should be able to tell how much I dread going back to work and seeing all the emails last night I even dreamed about work the whole night long in between waking up because of fever T___________T)

But not only for work!

Like I said, when you’re out with friends and wanna be a poser.

Or somewhere with Grandma and you need a breather from all your relatives’ reminiscing talk wtf.

I’m thinking about getting it now actually.  See how la IF I EVER GET A PAY RISE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS.

To get the laptop, you pay RM99 for 24 months and it comes inclusive of 6 months worth of Maxis Broadband subscription.

And then after the 6th month, the Maxis Broadband service will be automatically extended at a promotional rate of only RM77 a month.

So after 24 months the laptop is yours to own and do whatever you want with.

For more info, visit here.