I am starting work tomorrow!
No more life of leisure. No more sleeping till 12pm, waking up and putting on makeup then going out for lunch, karaoke, movie, shopping, whatever:(
No more facebooking with Tze until 5.30 am WTF because Suet and Jammie have already gone to sleep next day got work wtf.
No more Fat Her and Mummy Ooi nagging “why don’t you go through the classifieds one more time” wtf.
No more Grandma Ooi asking me every Sunday when I start work because now I can tell her.
No more resumes and interviews!
But hello proper corporate woman (who hopefully won’t have to wear shirts and knee-length skirts all the time)
Hello MONEY (金金金金 wtf Sam Hui wtf)
Hello Grandma Ooi telling me not to drive to work very dangerous ask Daddy to drive you there la wtf.
Hello College Loans Payoffs (Did I mention I have USD 25,000 worth of loans to settle and the interest is 8% which means the total comes up to USD37,000 aih gone are my dreams of saving a lot of money fast so I can resign and go to Africa to take care of AIDS babies wtf.)
Ok lemme post a lot of pictures to remind myself that life was once simple and carefree WTF.
Okay I know the whole world knows about Tsuya Tsuya Angel Eyes already but that day was the first time I actually saw it in action wtf.
Carol, Will and I were in Midvalley and Will was off somewhere talking in Shanghainese on my phone and looking for bird’s nest wtf. Carol and I saw the Tsuya Tsuya booth and we went up to it cos I’d heard about it and wanted to see what was so good about it.
The promoter had it on one eye so we could make comparisons, and the eye that was mascaraed LOOKED LIKE IT HAD LASH EXTENSIONS THAT KENG OK.
Like bird’s feathers wtf dunno what I’m saying also.
Anyway, she did it for me and this is what it turned out to look like:
Before: My lashes without makeup. Pictur resized smaller because ugly things should never be shown wtf.
Aiya cannot really see properly. But it’s very good la ok! This is the first mascara I’ve fallen in love at first sight with.
It makes me look like I have lash extensions on! It doesn’t look like fake lashes, it just looks like u have super long lashes coated with mascara. Which is what I like! I don’t like fake lashes because they don’t look that natural plus I will never forget the time I squeezed my glue tube too hard so glue flowed down my face and I looked like Two Face Harvey wtf.
I am so buying it as soon as I get my pay!
(Btw any Tsuya Tsuya people want me to write advertorial ar I write for free! That is if I get a mascara set wtf.)
After we were done at Midvalley, we took a bus (BUS!!!) to get to the LRT station to go to Ampang to meet Ray and Roger.
My first time on a bus in Malaysia!
Carol was the one who brought us on the bus I think she must have been a warrior in her past life so brave to sit bus.
When Carol took this shot of me on the bus, a bunch of people behind us sniggered T_T cos we very jakun T_T
Will’s face hahahaah exactly like =.=! See the people behind laughing.
Incidentally, this was his face too when he and Carol were talking about free will within religion (or something) then I cut in, “Free Will? Why, are you in jail?” HAHAHAHAHAHHAA VERY FUNNY RIGHT but he didn’t think so and nearly went to sit further from us wtf.
In Ampang so Will can fulfil his ikan bakar craving wtf. Us with Ray, Roger and Reynard 3Rs wtf.
I swear to god the pose wasn’t my idea cos if it was I would admit it (since according to some people I make this sign way too often)
Went back to Ray’s to get changed and wait for Roger to come pick us up.
Indulged in stupid childish games to while the time away. Do you know this game! The objective is to push at your opponent’s hands until he/she loses her balance and falls/shifts their feet. (Will had a handicap – stand on one leg because my balance sucks something wrong with my ears I think)
I have never played this game in my life until last year at Six Flags when we played it while lining up for rides.
We also emoed on the piano/keyboard playing emo Chinese songs. There’s something about Chinese songs ok T_T make people get emo very easily! I declared we should just stay at home and keep emo-ing to Chinese songs and then I sat back and listened pensively to Carol and Will play wtf.
Carol, Ray and Will.
Me and Carol. She says I look like a doll here which is my lifelong ambition wtf.
The five-ten game wtf.
Sting Ray WTF.
This is what drinking does to me T_T With Roger and Ray.
The guys messed up my hair see how happy they are with their peace signs wtf.
We were doing Crank Dat on the road wtf.
HAHAHAHA I got a joke for you!
Q: Who is Soulja Boy’s best friend?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Will told that to me damn funny!!!
At Oldtown after. I was damn impatient to get home cos so late already ok 4am!!! What if Fat Her Ooi was breathing flames waiting for me wtf. I kept shouting at them to eat faster and nearly strangled Will when he called for a second bowl of noodles.
To show that he was really in KL.
Carol and Aud again. I was really grumpy!
Like any blog reader worth their salt in kepoh-ness, I’ve been keeping up with the recent scandals floating around the www.
I love gossip as much as anyone (or maybe even more) but it sucks to read things about people that I know or am acquainted with.
And it feels even worse to read all the hate embedded in the readers’ comments on blogs like Shadow Fox’s about people who are not even connected in any way to the scandals.
Why are you bitching about Su Ann for writing supposedly “sneaky” advertorials? Or dating someone older than she is? Why are people hating Suet for having a stupid life and an ugly boyfriend WTF.
I think I am very lucky that so far nobody has really flamed me in my blog or anywhere else. But I know it’s definitely not because I am better or more likeable than others, it’s just that not as many people read me wtf. If I were as well-known as Suet or Su Ann sure the bitchy comments would start rolling in wan.
For that matter, I cannot for the life of me fathom why Suet or Su Ann are getting haters. Suet is my best friend la, but even if viewed objectively, what is in her blog that can inspire so much hatred? Granted, some people might think her life boring or she’s annoying for using wtf, but is that really enough to make people hate her =.= Besides, me and Tze talked about it before and we decided the exact reason why people like Suet is just that – she’s a normal regular girl with a normal regular life, and she blogs guilelessly about herself just for the sake of blogging and that is why people love her.
Same goes for Su Ann. I don’t know her that well but I do know that she is smart, honest and possibly the most unbitchy person I have ever met.
I like blogging because I like putting up pictures and writing and making people laugh. And connecting with people.
But it’s things like this – all this unrequited hatred for people you don’t even know – that make me agree with Tze that blogging really sucks at times and it does make me consider shutting down my blog or making it private.:(
But first. Aud, Carol and Will’s Day Out wtf.
Slapping on face paint. (God I love having Carol around! For lots of reasons obviously but one of them is that she takes pictures of EVERYTHING)
Me and Carol <3
And me and Will!
We were looking for Redbox at the Curve. Walk around upstairs and downstairs and still couldn’t find the entrance wtf.
Found it!
Choosing songs with great intensity wtf.
The salad which looks very pretty but which none of us took no wonder Carol has to eat diet plums HAHAHAH
I told you Carol is obsessed with pictures!
Stupid Will showed me some disgusting piece of fat from the chicken wtf.
Only bothered about food wtf.
Paparazzi shot!
Welcome to the Curve wtf.
Idiot! His shoelace came undone and meanwhile the phone rang for him and I was already rushing to leave before it got dark because I don’t wanna drive in the dark! (scary) So I had to do up his shoelace for him wtf.
Stupid Will! Put seatbelt and clung on for dear life IN THE BACKSEAT while I was driving! I know that it’s now the law to wear your seatbelt in the backseat. BUT HE DOESN’T KNOW OK HE WAS JUST SERIOUSLY SCARED FOR HIS LIFE
I am not that bad at driving honestly! Just that I have trouble telling right from left WTF.
Carol: Ok keep left here.
Aud: Ok *swerves right
And whenever I sing Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable” with the hand actions, at the part where she goes “to the left to the left” I always point to the right WTF.
Anyway I hate driving because every time I drive people turn all pale and exaggerate by strapping themselves to the seats. And they like to say things in strained voices like “watch out for that car” and “turn here I SAID TURN HERE”wtf.
But I had no choice that day because Carol is from Kuching and Will is from Boston and neither of them have cars here obviously.
Trying to get my revenge wtf.
Then I made him drive and propped up my feet and shrieked at him to watch where he was going did he still think he was in America wtf.
The other day I had a clash with a guy from Shu Uemura wtf.
Me, Jam, Suet and Tze were in Midvalley the other day when Tze decided she needed to get a new eyebrow pencil to match her new hair color.
And there the Shu Uemura guy convinced her to let him shape her eyebrows. (RM20 for normal brow RM30 for extraordinarily bushy brows)
Then he damn irritating ok! Kept calling all of us ‘girl’ wtf.
And then he said “let me look at your eyebrows” and pushed back my bangs and said “oh yours ar yours will cost RM30” WTF.
Damn angry ok I stewed for a while until Jam asked him “so do you trim your brows?” to which he answered “no” where I triumphantly said “yalah look at his brows you think he trims meh” wtf.
Then later on he said he would do my brows for RM20 give me discount wtf. Then I said it was okay, but he said “do la can be prettier.”
And I snottily replied “No need now I’m pretty enough” complete with hair flipping.
To which he said “you very pretty now meh?”
Dunno why I was so annoyed! Usually things like this don’t bother me but I think it was how he looked so smug.
And I won’t usually say I am pretty but he just got on my nerves so much I had to say something back!
But Tze loves him because he made her eyebrows really nice and keeps defending him wtf.
Chelsea-Malaysia match. Of which we only caught half:( Cos we were stuck in a jam and then we were stuck outside waiting for people.
But no matter because I didn’t really find it that interesting. Just went for the experience.
I was more interested in the blue balloon someone had let go which was floating near the roof!
Both pics stolen from KY! God I look so short next to Cindy T________T
I went to Singapore for a day last Friday! Met up with Elise whom I haven’t seen since October Vegas Night.:)))))
I am very happy in the knowledge that Elise is in Singapore, Mild is in Bangkok, and Christine is in HK all fairly reachable! Now if only Angela would move here T3T
We took a train to and from Singapore. This is the first class cabin and Mummy Ooi was very amazed and insisted I take a photo (or ten wtf)
Got aircon and fan wtf.
And a sink! And a chair and folding table. (in addition to two beds) But I hate the table la ok I tried to make it fold down and it closed on my finger and I nearly cried and my mother called me a “Life Idiot” WTF.
Which means I suck at life wtf.
Met up with Grace and Vina for lunch!
Carol joined us! She’s in KL
And she’s staying with me! Here is Hitler and Ugly Ninja makes a comeback wtf.
Yay Redang!
Okay I admit this was my first time in Redang. Or anywhere on the east coast for that matter.
When we were in our van from the Kuala Terengganu airport heading to the jetty I said “so this is what the east coast looks like. Reminds me of Miami” WTF.
Anyway Imma try post pics that Suet, Tze and Jam haven’t already.
Hello Redang!
At lunch, where each of us took piles and piles of food cos wanna get our money’s worth wtf.
Wanted to take a picture of the background but I am just too big wtf.
No nice pictures of Ooib dunno why. Look at these pictures and how fair I look next to Latat wtf. I am honestly not that fair but next to Latat I think the camera tried to compensate by like sucking in a lot of light or something to make the picture brighter cos Latat was in it hahahahaahhaha
Me and Angie took a similar shot like this when we were at Koh Samui. With the water rushing around our ankles. But now there’s nobody to take this shot with me anymore T____________T
Jammie piggy backing me up and down the beach why is she so strong /boo
Official picture 2008 wtf.
Ah Niu and Richie Ren wtf.
When those 4 crazy fuckers went snorkelling. I hate snorkelling la ok I always get cut by coral and fishes try to eat me alive WTF. Even when I’m flinging bread pieces around like crazy to distract them they still try to come take a bite of me wtf.
The battle against our enemy will never end wtf.
Seriously la ok I can see myself getting darker and darker each day and today Tze talked about Vitamin C injections that can make you fair I am contemplating it wtf.
Our fort. It started out as a sandcastle, then changed into a tower, then an igloo, then a turtle and finally a fort wtf. (Just because every attempt failed)
Me being Godzilla. I think there’s another pic of me in the same exact pose trying to step on a plastic dinosaur in the butterfly farm near Moho wtf.
I love this pic! Jam looks very hot and so does Latat (but in different ways WTF)
Then we went swimming!
Actually Tze, Jam and Latat did. I stayed at the side because I didn’t wanna get my hair wet wtf.
But then there was a slide!
I cannot resist slides.
The only people using it were children. But that did not stop us!
We went to the bottom of the slide and looked intimidatingly at the children before they faltered and crept away to let us have it WTF. No la children are just naturally shy when there are other people around I think.
Jam and Tze on the slide.
I was a bit scared when I was at the top wtf because there was rushing water all around me!
And water naturally erases the friction so I went down faster than I’d expected.
As expected, I screamed the whole way down, to the amusement of the watching kids.
(There’s a video somewhere that shows the power of me and my lungs compared to brave Tze and Jam wtf)
Here I am whining about the state of my hair.
Again, everyone was posing ‘cept me.
“Up and away!” wtf.
Us on hammocks HAHAHAA TZE.
Latat called a hammock a ‘hancock’ ok why is he like this hahaahahahahah
Burying Ooib (nowhere to be seen because he’s already underground wtf wtf no I kid)
Now this is the time when we were in the cafe having dinner when it suddenly started pouring rain. We already showered and didn’t feel like getting wet and we’d left our umbrellas in the room (cos no more sun ma wtf) so we begged a garbage bag from the staff to shield ourselves from the rain for the walk back to our rooms.
I guess we’re famous now in Redang for being the 4 who walk around with garbage bags on their heads shrieking at each other about getting wet wtf.
Look at Suet’s face damn fat hau!
Latat is being LOA. Tze’s in the back reading one of the two copies of the same Marian Keyes book we um “borrowed” from the hotel library *shifty eyes
Does this look like a sitcom promo picture or what!
Haha Jam so cute here.
While I was on the phone to Will. Who is in town! And who keeps forcing me to play stupid games with him in which I alwasy lose and whom I have yet to take a decent picture with so no pictures yet wtf.
Just cos we both look sweet.
My only complaint is that there is not enough light on my face wtf.
Whaddup ho wtf. A day where I actually felt cold on the beach. Me, who has lived in New England for 4 years, felt cold in Redang. = =
MSN emoticon! Can anyone recognise which one it is wtf.
Hai guys wtf.
On the boat on the way back.
On the floating jetty getting to the boat, some stupid Ah Bengs thought it would be fun to jump up and down and rock the jetty. I screamed that if I fell into the water, someone was going to get their boombox broken over their head.
I don’t think they know what boombox means though.
Bye bye Redang!
Maybelline had a party for us the other day!
When Robb told me he had a makeup advertorial for me to do, I jumped up in the middle of the cinema (lucky movie haven’t started yet) and said “YESSSSS” wtf.
So the Maybelline makeup party!
Maybelline invited a bunch of us over and gave us a huge box/portable dressing table full of makeup to play and experiment with.
Damn fun right!
At first we didn’t want to seem too greedy or hasty wtf.
Must act a bit sophisticated ma it was the first time I met some of them after all.
But after a while everybody was pushing for space in the mirror and shouting over tubes of mascara and eyeliner pencils!
The altar to the God of Maybelline.
Us crouched around it playing with makeup.
Me and Ringo hogging the mirror and makeup station. We both look like idiots in this picture but I thought it was cute! Our bangs and silly expressions look like mirror images wtf.
At first I thought it would be even better if they brought over a makeup artist for us. But tahdah Cass (on the right) is a makeup artist too! Damn power ok her skill like Monkey God WTF.
And Paris from My Women’s Stuff was there too! Her and Cass’s makeup blogs are full of tips and information on cosmetics and makeup. Hello Makeup Sifus /shy
Cass did Karen’s makeup (pic above) with really pretty green shadow over her lids. But I don’t have a close up shot
Then Cass decided it was her turn to be pampered.
I kindly volunteered to do her makeup for her!<
(Actually I was very scared because do you know how intimidating it is to put on makeup for a profession makeup artist)
Me with intense concentration.
But I wasn’t used to putting on makeup for other people.
So I pushed the eyebrow pencil into her disappointed hands and ran away to play with other people.
Poor Cass was left to salvage the mess I made of her eyebrows.
But she damn expert ok!
While she was doing this, I ran off only to get cornered by one of the staff who made me paint her nails for her wtf.
I was even more stressed by this woman than I was with Cass! Cos she kept yelling at me in Hokkien so my hand started to shake WTF. Hahahaha no la she was very fierce but funny I did like her.
The finished product!
Me and Ringo in amazement at the array of products they provided us with.
But the star of the day was….
Maybelline’s new Water Shine 3D Collagen Lipstick.
It’s a new product on the market, and they gave us the chance to play with it and try it on.
To be honest, I am not a fan of lipsticks of anything on my lips other than Vaseline wtf.
Cos I don’t like having stuff on my lips and resisting the urge to lick it off.
Mummy Ooi always tries to make me wear lipstick/lipgloss though she thinks my lips are too dry = =
Water Shine 3D Collagen is supposed to help with dry lips and lip cracks though!
I tried some of it on.
And it felt like Vaseline!
Which to me is the greatest achievement any lipstick can have wtf.
I hate having sticky or heavy stuff on my lips, but this one was light and left my lips super moist.
(Which was good because I forgot my Vaseline wtf)<
Another thing is if I put any lipstick or gloss on my lips, I usually have to put on a layer of Vaseline first because a lot of products sting my lips dunno why. But this one didn’t at all!
It’s called 3D Collagen because of some super technology in it that (bubble-shaped molecules) that will give a multi-dimensional, deeper effect.
And when you press your lips together, it’s supposed to reactivate shine to keep the shine lasting longer (seriously why so high tech wan I am nearly in disbelief)
Me and the super high tech lipstick. Btw I love this color on me but I think when I was choosing the lipstick to bring home I took the wrong shade AIH maybe Imma go buy a new one.
Me and Ringo comparing lipsticks.
The End!
Hsin said I should have known not to trust any company which suffixes a -Z to their name.
But how was I to know! Firefly is affiliated with MAS Malaysian Airlines (so people can google this and find my blog), which although expensive, is widely trusted and provides very good service and customer care most of the time.
So this is the story of our ongoing nightmare with Firefly.
The 6 of us booked our flights to and from Redang through Firefly a whole 2 months before our trip.
We paid everything in full.
Then about 4 days before Redang, we received notification that our flight leaving Redang was delayed from 4pm to 10pm.
We were quite upset about it because it meant that we had to wait around in Kuala Terengganu for 8 hours or so, because our boat from Redang Island to the mainland was at 12pm.
We contemplated taking a bus back or booking an earlier flight with AirAsia instead, but decided against it, thinking that we could live waiting for 8 hours.
Then on our way back from Redang, in the ferry, Suet received an SMS from Firefly telling us that our flight had been further delayed to 1.3o am!!!
Everyone was going crazy calling up our parents back in KL to tell them what shit has happened now wtf.
Latat called up Firefly who told him that we could cancel our tickets and get refunds, and look for other options of getting home.
We decided to rush to the airport to see if we could get an earlier flight back to KL. This was at 3pm.
So we got to the airport. And there, the airport staff informed us that there was no way that there could be a 1.30 am flight with Firefly as the airport closes at 11pm.
Since the airport wouldn’t let them land, they had to cancel the flight. The next available flight out was at 8am the next day.
And they never bothered to inform us!
If we hadn’t gone to the airport early, we would never have found out!
What if we decided to stick with the 1.30 flight and only went to the airport say at 11pm? We would have just found out the flight was canceled and then we would be stuck in Kuala Terengganu for the night.
In our anger, Tze and I went around kicking Firefly signs in the hopes that they would topple over wtf. Unfortunately mine didn’t wtf but Tze’s did.
Suet and Ooib went to talk to the MAS personnel in the airport to ask for a refund and compensation, while the rest of us went to Airasia to book new flights. (Suet didn’t let us go with her because she didn’t want us shouting and ruining whatever progress she could make wtf)
So she talked to this MAS guy called Ajimat / Ahjimat / Ahjeemat / Azimat wtf who looked like a MAS big shot because he had a jacket wtf.
He promised us full refunds on our tickets (he said to just go to the Firefly outlet at Subang Airport with our boarding passes and we would get our refunds) and refreshments.
So we went ahead and booked our AirAsia flights and wiped out the buffet at the airport restaurant wtf.
Today, Suet and Ooib went to Subang Airport to get our refunds.
The people there told them that:
1) they could not do anything about the flight delays/cancellation because one of their planes was grounded, and they had not enough aircraft to fly the other routes.
2) we would get no such refund. They had talked to fucking Ajimat who claimed there had been a “COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN” and he had never told us we could get our money back.
Ooib wrote an email to them complaining and to their credit, they replied very promptly in the same day.
But the compensation they offered was a one way ticket to any destination in Malaysia for all 6 of us. No cash refund for our wasted KT-Subang flight.
What fucking good is a one way ticket? We still have to buy the other way to go anywhere, we would still be spending extra money and Firefly would just profit from it.
In total, Firefly has already cost us RM 1200+ (rm218 per person to book new tickets on AirAsia) That’s about USD 400.
I cannot believe how irresponsible and thickskinned Firefly and its employees are.
How the hell do they expect to compete with AirAsia and the other budget airlines if they can’t even do a simple thing like provide what they are selling to their customers?
Jam looked on google and found this link *click* where other people have been complaining about Firefly for the exact same issue.
So if this is a recurring problem, WHY THE HELL ARE THEY NOT DOING ANYTHING TO RESOLVE IT?
This is a huge warning to everyone not to take Firefly to any destination, even if they are offering cheaper prices than other airlines.
So what if it’s cheaper? You never know when they might choose to delay or cancel your flight. You could just be stuck somewhere, or unable to get to where you want to go just because some irresponsible idiot’s actions.
Companies with such little disregard for customer opinion and welfare do not deserve to earn our money, especially when the product/service they are providing sucks balls.
I will not stop ranting about Firefly until I get at least a full cash refund on my plane ticket plus compensation to cover my AirAsia ticket. >((((((((((((((((
Hate Firefly forever.
More on Jam’s, Suet’s and Tze’s blogs.
P/S: Does anyone know how to make my entry show up first on Google when I type Firefly / Fireflyz? People need to read this and not get conned wtf.
Since this post was written, Fireflyz has since refunded us in the form of free one-way tickets to any destination in Malaysia (where they fly to of course). Many people have spoken up and said that they have had no problem flying Firefly so it’s unfortunate that we did. However, I am going to leave this post up to present a fairer view of what problems flying with budget airlines (not just Firefly) might pose.
I have never in my life deleted negative comments on my blog.
I always thought that if someone didn’t like me enough to leave a comment on my blog, he/she might have a good reason for doing so. Why should they not have the right to express their opinions in a reasonable manner, supported by proper arguments?
Besides, if freedom of speech is not allowed in Malaysia, I will try to provide some sense of it here on my blog.
But not if you insult my friends.
I am deleting all negative comments by judgmental, insensitive people who look at a picture and think they know the whole story.
Thank you for saying that I’m awesome and that it is not me you are talking about. But you forgot that the person you are making snide, stereotyped, untrue remarks about is my best friend, and I will not stand for any shit on her.
Only I would get my flight times mixed up and thus wake up at 5.15 am for nothing.
The Club is off to Redang!
P/S: Have no time to join in dispute two entries down will come back and see what everyone says.
Sorry about this Hsin 🙁 *hugs tight tight
The other day I found a stack of old CDs that I’d burned the last time I’d reformatted my computer.(Which explains why these days people on my msn keep seeing me listen to songs that were popular 4 years ago wtf)
These were songs I’d listened to avidly to while I was a firstie at Mount Holyoke and you know how music affects you and brings you back to times before!
First year seems like a lifetime away!
I lived in a teensy single room converted into a double with my roommate Beth.
And I was so homesick you don’t even know. Even when I had like an hour between classes, I would rush back to my room and log on to MSN to talk to everyone because that was the time everyone in Malaysia would be online. L
And god the amount of food I ate. Every dinner I’d have two full plates of chicken/fish and pasta/rice AND a bowl of salad AND sometimes another bowl of cereal!
AND THEN I would come back and eat more snacks. = =
I think part of it was homesickness, part of it was boredom, part of it was my body attempting to pile on the fat to keep warm, and part of it was because I had the freedom away from Mummy Ooi to buy whatever I liked.
And this was my favorite after-dinner, before-dinner, breakfast, after lunch food:
Sinful delight wtf.
I bought huge boxes of Oreos (oh the wonders of living in the US) and would eat it all in two or three sittings. (One box was probably 5 of these rolls put together)
I think my above dietary habits were what caused me to gain 7 kg within 3 months wtf. But I desperately needed it ok because I was 32 kg before I went to the US (32!)
But they were so good! They were my source of energy on blustery blizzardy days when it was too cold to even leave the building to grab food.
They were my comfort food when I cooped up in my room watching sad Korean movies on my laptop.
Or they were what got me through the nights I stayed up writing papers.
Those were the days.
Since then, things have changed.
Firstly, I used to look like this:
And Lolo looked like this:
(With duct tape stuck on his head wtf)
And now, I look like this:
And Lolo looks like this:
“Hi guys.” Wtf. (He’s wearing the skirt I made in Kemahiran Hidup in Form 1 wtf)
And I’ve graduated from college!
But I still love Oreos.
And I don’t even like sweet stuff! I hate cakes of any kind, pastries, mousse, most cookies cos I find most desserts too jelak.
But Oreos are different Oreos are made of chocolate Chocolate is god
And so is the white sugar stuffing inside
I swear to god the people at the Oreo factory put a drug/magic charm into those cookies.
My Oreo and me.
“Why should YOU get to eat all the Oreos!”
“Take that!” *tucks Oreos into skirt
“Si pai kia are you playing with fire” wtf.
But we’ve made our peace now! Share and share alike <3
I’m writing this now because come the real day, I won’t be around to blog.
Happy Birthday Hsin!
It’s been 2 years since the last time we saw each other, but when you came home this time, it was like we’d only seen each other last week!
Mitchell was relegated to merely ‘Ang Moh’, while we delved into our shared childhoods and pains of being ugly growing up wtf.
(She dug up old photo albums of us aged 10-12 and showed them to Ang Moh, who muttered consolingly, “at least you looked kind of cute” WTF SO IM NOT LA T_T
We grew up together with slumber parties, using highlighters to color our nails wtf, through obsessions with the Backstreet Boys and 911.
She was there when I wanted to run away from home for not doing well in my BM paper WTF.
She still slept next to me even though I would throw my leg over her in the middle of the night and smile at her with my buck teeth while asleep WTF.
When you were back, we terrorized everyone else in the car by making jokes nobody else bothered to get and then shrieking with laughter, very proud of ourselves for being so funny wtf.
We made jokes in Penang Hokkien or Malay and amuse ourselves because we think it’s funnier in another language.
She was there for me when I found out one of the worst things I had ever heard. And she made long distance calls for me because I was in the US to help me clarify.
She is the most unjudgmental person I know. And the only person able to support me fully without taking sides.
So happy birthday woman:) You know how much I love you.
Pics from Hsin’s birthday at Jarrod and Rawlins and Wabisabi.
Birthday girl and um birthday boyfriend wtf.
Me and my Coke.
Them and their very cool drinks (except Shaun who is drinking Coke too)
And Dennis with the most unstylist drink in the world HAHAHAAH hot chocolate wtf.
This Jill la! Said I make her head look big so she forced me to the front and I dunno why i came up with this face wtf.
Me, Shaun and Serious Man HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE HAHAHAAHAAH LIKE SAMURAI HAHAHAHAAHHAAH Dennis is Jam’s idol! I will show you video evidence in a bit.
Aud, Jillie, Hsin.
Hsin and Ang Moh comparing arm lengths. Hsin nearly won, which is an incredible feat for someone who is 5’4 against someone who’s more than 6 feet tall.
The Thinker hahahahahahahaahah
I can’t remember why we started having a very hiao pillow fight. Look at my face! But nothing beats Dennis’s again hahahaahahah
Dennis is the world’s best impersonator.
I told him he should join Actors Studio wtf.
I dunno if it’s as funny online as it is in real life, but I will try must tell people!
He said last year he went to a football game in KL. The match was Malaysia-Singapore.
When he got to the stadium, there were no cars around it all. All motorbikes circling the stadium wtf. If you push one, all will fall wtf.
So anyway, according to Dennis, watching a football game in Malaysia is like listening to a song. Cos a song has 3 parts – verse, chorus and bridge.
Apparently, rempits are the football team’s strongest supporters as well as fiercest critics.
So throughout the whole match, the rempits will be shouting at the players, telling them where to bring the ball, and shouting that even their grandmother nenek moyang wtf can play better than them wtf.
So that’s the verse.
Then every 5 or 10 minutes the drums will sound “dun dun dun dun” then everybody will stop screaming at the players and shout in unison “MALAYSIA” WTF HAHAHAHAHHA repeat 10x wtf
Then when the cheers die down, somehow there will be isolated cries in the stadium like “……bodoh…..” and “…..jinjang…” wtf.
That’s the chorus.
And the bridge is when a girl walks past wtf.
Dennis said once a Singaporean player got hurt, so the Singaporean physiotherapist came onto the field.
The rempits started shouting: “Awek ohhhh awek… eh eh….boleh tengok coli dia wei” HAHAHAHAHAH WHY LIKE THIS and “ah moi ah moi periksa kaki ke periksa bola? ngek ngek ngek” HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
Please don’t think this is racist, because I dont see this as railing against a particular ethnic group, but more of amusement at a particular Malaysian social group. Plus, I think rempits are the one of the best people in the world to come up with creative insults and swear words wtf.
Dennis’s rempit video!
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