I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long (breaking my blog at least every 2 days rule) but I have been very busy!
I have 3 interviews this week and also met up with my dad’s friend who does research ala ASLI to talk to him about what he does.
And I also have assignments to complete as part of my job applications! Why companies these days like to give us assignments to do as part of our evaluation! New trend ar wtf.
Anyway I am feeling much better about things :))))))
Thank you so much for all your comments, every single one made me feel so much happier and supported:) Sorry I didn’t have time to reply:( and I’m sorry about the people who went through the same thing or worse:(((((
As for making a police report, I am not going to do it because it will be a hard case to prove for lack of evidence:( I am however going to inform the management (even though he basically RULES the whole management) of his behavior and explain this is why I am going to reject the job.
I really want to tell people what university it was and who the guy is, but I can’t do it on a public space like a blog later get accused of defamation like Raja Petra wtf. Never mind let me do it like how they do viral marketing wtf. Word of mouth Imma tell everyone I come across and work from there wtf.
Anyway the Oois went on a family photo shoot the other day!
Suet and Ooib won this at the Made of Honor premiere the other day and they let the family use so nice /boo
They even did free makeup but for mothers only daughters don’t get *sour
See, daughter-in-law also have to put own makeup wtf.
Ooib and the Amazing Technicolor Socks wtf.
Fat Her and his phone as usual. Even when wanna take pictures he was on the phone what is this where is your family spirit Fat Her.
Me in my graduation gown and a prop teddy. Haih Mummy Ooi brought like 3 outfits and I was forced to wear my gown and maybe just one dress *sulks
No other pictures will get more from Suet later I think.
Then today was a very dramamama day!
Went to Bangsar with Tze and Jac today for lunch and shopping.
Take pic and cut myself off.
Jac was so sweet and ladylike me and Tze felt like cattle next to her wtf. And I like her pink extensions Imma go get some too I miss mine T_T
There can see my face clearer *obsessive
I think me and Tze are meant to be we both showed up wearing cleavage-y white tops, cardigans on top (to keep from the sun wtf), shorts and white heels Oh ya and bronzy pink eyeshadow and big iris contacts
Without planning!
And then drama occurred!
Tze was complaining about having cramps and while we were in Mooie and I was in the dressing room, I heard her say “Aud, I think I’m going to faint.”
I said very nonchalantly, “oh really ar?” and continued trying on clothes WTF.
Cos Tze is prone to exaggeration okay I thought it was just her cramps!
Then I came out of the dressing room to show them my dress and I saw Tze slumped on the couch pale as paper and I got the shock of my life wtf.
Jac ran to get her painkillers and I got even more scared cos I touched her hands and her face and they were all cold and clammy!
So I found a tissue paper in my bag (I dunno if it’s used WTF sorry Tze) and blotted her face and fanned her wtf. All while Hui Wen’s sister and friend were trying on clothes around us wtf.
Then Jac came back with Ponstan and gave it to Tze who felt better after a bit. Then Jac had to go so I propped Tze over to the clinic wtf.
Gloomy Tze at the clinic.
Where she did a blood test to check for anemia T______________T
She’s fine now phewww.
But deja vu because when I did my piercing she was there to hold my hand through the process and now I held her hand while the doctor drew blood from her dunno why I was so touched about it
Ok interview tomorrow babai.
Note: I took nearly a day to decide whether or not to put this post up. I spoke to a few people about it, and while some reacted with sympathy, others laughed or brushed it off. I don’t think I could take more disparagement. If I change my mind later, I will take this post down.
The good news is that yesterday I received a whole bunch of calls and emails to schedule interviews for next week. =)
The bad news is that I went for an interview today…
Some people might know which university it is that I interviewed with.
I am not saying names for privacy’s and propriety’s sake.
But it is a private institution, and this was my 2nd interview there.
I met with one of the directors, who offered me a position, complete with pretty decent pay for a fresh graduate. Taking the job would mean that I had the chance to get to where I want to be in my life.
But then he started doing very inappropriate things to me.
We were in the reception area and he said we should head to his office to talk more. Then he put out his hand to me so I took it, thinking he wanted to shake my hand.
But he held on to my hand and pulled me with him to the elevator.
He tried to hold my hand again in his office.
He also caressed my cheek and stroked my hair a few times.
When we were leaving his office he extended one arm to me for like a one-armed hug so I just cordially patted his shoulder.
But he pulled me to him and hugged me and pressed his cheek against mine. (I dunno if he was aiming for my lips and got my cheek instead)
What happened to me cannot be compared to the ordeals of rape or molest victims of course.
But I think this is sexual harrassment, even before I start work wtf.
Even though he didn’t touch me anywhere intimate, I felt violated and shamed enough.
And I was a bundle of raw nerves being alone in his office and elevator with him.
I don’t really understand why I felt so bad. I told my mom and I wanted to tell my dad and brother myself, but I struggled with coming out and saying it because I kept feeling so ashamed even though I know it’s not my fault.
Instead I spent the whole day being silent and finding it difficult to laugh at funny things. I didn’t even feel like talking to anyone, which is already very chronic for me.
Fuck perverted old, short, dark men with oily long hair. Make me feel like shit for no reason!
I went out with Hsin, Mitch, Dennis, Shaun and Jill earlier and laughed a lot. So I feel much better right now, which is why I am blogging about this.
If what I have heard is true, and their management culture is really one that not only does not discourage leering and other forms of sexual harassment and discrimination, but may even indirectly abet it, taking it as some macho power game, then I swear to god I am going to bring this corporation down. This is going to be a lifetime vendetta wtf.
Where is the justice in this world if people who are in power get away with shit just because of who they are? And are people (and students) like me just expected to shut up and put up with it because we are not in a position to do anything about it?
Fuck you assholes.
P/S: If you’re going to leave a comment, please do not mention the university name if you think you know it. All comments with such names will be deleted. If you want to verify it, just think of the worst private university you know, and you are probably right.
Oh what to blog about ar.
The job search continues.
Haih I am damn fan about this seriously I can’t even decide which field I want to enter. I think I have a split personality seriously Fat Her said I am very weird because on one hand I care about social issues and want to contribute, but on the other hand I am super flighty and shallow and judge people based on their looks all the time and would probably never last in a serious work environment:(((((
And my days just melt into each other! Wake up, do makeup if going out, if not eat lunch at home, go online, prepare a few cover letters, print hard copies if needed, research more company sites, call operator if I need to, talk on MSN, wait for Fat Her to come home so I can be scolded about not looking hard enough WTF *sour
Aiya just put up pictures from Mum’s birthday la wtf.
Family portrait! We are going for a family photo shoot soon because Fat Her wants pictures of me wearing my graduation gown and cap wtf. But I want to wear my own dresses okay how can I just wear somber black robes and take pictures!
Already have bad memories because I stepped over the flower pot while wearing the gown sigh.
Family portrait gone wrong wtf. Obviously I was posing for it!
With sister in law wtf.
I was showing my parents how to take a picture of your reflection.
They are very amazed at my skills. = =
They are also very enthralled by the fact that I can fit all of us in the picture just by estimating. Look at Fat Her’s expression of wonderment.
All Generation Y-ers know this okay! It’s in our veins wtf. Sigh baby boomers I tell you wtf.
Look at Ooib and Suet posing like models! And yalah don’t say I know my outfit very ah lian wtf.
Stupid Fat Her! He asked me to turn around and positioned his foot right on my face and snapped this picture T_T
I think I am getting used to life back in Malaysia.
The weather doesn’t bother me anymore (just stay in the aircon)
I look forward to every meal and plan what to eat every day (something I never do in the US)
I love all the restaurants and outlets and bars and clubs we have here. I think Asian interior design beats the ang moh countries flat – KL and Taipei clubs are a hundred times prettier than Boston’s and Vancouver’s (sorry Angie)
Now if only Malaysia had no rempits or Najib wtf.
P/S: Tze and I were rating ourselves ya we damn free. And I am very realistic ok I think seriously without my contact lenses, makeup and curler I am nothing. Ok not nothing but I rate myself 3.5 over 10 without any er outside assistance wtf. Serious ok last night after showering, with curlers stuck on my head and after taking off my contacts I got a shock because I didn’t recognize myself damn different I swear to god wtf. I think mostly because of the iris enlarging contacts la it makes such a big difference you don’t even know. Ok that’s all I wanted to say.
I read about one man who called his wife from an airport pay phone. When he had used up all his coins, the operator interrupted to say he had one minute left. The man hurriedly tried to finish his conversation with his wife, but before they could tell each other good-bye, the line went dead. With a sigh, the man hung up the phone and started to leave the little telephone cubicle. Just then the phone rang. Thinking it was the operator wanting more money, the man almost didn’t answer. But something told him to pick up the phone. And sure enough, it was the operator. But she didn’t want more money. Instead she had a message for him.
“After you hung up, your wife said she loved you,” the operator said. “I thought you’d want to know.”
– Barbara Johnson, from We Brake for Joy!
The other night when I was searching my bookshelf for something to read to sleep, I came across a small book my aunt gave me 4 years ago before I left for the US. It was full of feel-good short stories, a bit like Chicken Soup for the Soul la.
So I read it. And cried at every story WTF I am made of wimp. But then I also started feeling better in general about life and people. When did I stop looking in my purse for change and start avoiding beggars I see on the street 🙁
My July 6th resolution is therefore to perform one random act of kindness everyday!
(Giving people makeovers count too)
Anyway the other night at Luna Bar!
KL Tower! If you look properly, you can see Najib skulking around behind it WTF.
Chun Meng, Tze, me and Don’t Sked wtf. Why do I look as though I have no torso.
My love and I:)
Tze and Chun Meng I wonder how KK took this shot why so high up wan! And er that is not my deformed looking leg in the corner wtf.
A view of Luna Bar from above by KK. The lengths DSLR people will go to to take pictures.
Me and Don’t Sked hahahhahahah. Look at his face you tell me you scared or not wtf. Kevin is referred to as such because when we were playing Big Fish Small Fish, instead of the loser having to drink, we decided that the loser would either be kissed or slapped by the people sitting next to him. And Kwo Kuang and Tze got very panicked because they were sitting next to Kevin (clearly dying to be kissed) and he said in frustration “Eh fuck la don’t sked” hahahahahaahahaha
Ya go bar also must order chocolate I love chocolate mmmmmmmmm. Some more my drink was so worth it, same price as the others but so big have to hold it with two hands wtf.
DSLRs take such pretty photos! I would get one too, if not for the fact that I would probably be the one TAKING the pictures and noone would take any of me.
Us and the DSLR owner who himself is damn emo about nobody taking any shots of him but when I tried to take his photo every picture came out blurry.
Okay all these pictures were taken two days after my haircut and a day after my struggle with the fan wtf. So my hair looks pretty shitty.
But now it has settled and I can style it beautifully again!
Usually I don’t have the urge to take pictures of myself but I don’t know why suddenly the love of my own physical appearance has been reignited wtf so sorry you have to bear with this wtf.
THE BEFORE PIC: In pajamas (ie boxers and souvenir tshirt from parents’ trip to DC) and messy hair.
Ok I confess! I had makeup on in these pictures as though I will ever be so brave (and stupid) to take pictures of myself without makeup.
AFTER: Perfect hair *teary eyed.
Because my hair’s more layered now, I can style it so much better! *mutters prayer of thanks wtf. I dunno what took me so long to get a haircut. (oh ya because i was broke wtf) The layers on top are really short so when I curl it it bounces more and the ringlets on the bottom look much neater.
On our way out of the house, we saw two birds (I think they are husband and wife!) taking baths in our lotus dulang wtf dunno what to call it.
Damn cute okay they dip their feathers into the water and then shake themselves dry!
I think they are building a nest in one of my mother’s hanging plants too, and once when Fat Her tried to take a peek at their nest, the husband bird got angry and flew around him in a flutter of wings and chirps.
(Thank god Fat Her didn’t get shocked and fall off the bench)
Another shot of perfect hair in the car.
Me and Ooib.
Happy Birthday Mummy Ooi I love you! Were you touched!
I think I will try to get my GREs out of the way first because the GRE has 5 years to expire anyway, so there’s time for me to think properly what I wanna study.
And I checked with Princeton Review and GRE classes are going for RM2,000 crazy I don’t even have RM20 to my name ok wtf.
So I guess Imma try to study on my own, so whoever has any idea where I can get my hands on used copies (brand new ones are selling for RM100+) please leave a comment! Or email me at afooi@mtholyoke.edu wtf.
I hate the media la ok sigh. Thanks to it no girl is totally insusceptible to feeling fat. I weigh all of 36 kg and I know I am too skinny but sometimes I look at photos of myself and cringe at how fat my arms look or how big my face is or how chunky my calves are. This is insanity ok if I were to see pictures of someone else my size I would say very excitedly “eh why this girl so thin wan is she anorexic” wtf.
Seriously I swear most of us have anorexic tendencies inside due to the media’s warped perception of beauty la. Like I really really do know that I am small and skinny but I don’t know why sometimes I just think I look fat or it occurs to me that I shouldn’t eat so much carbs lest it catches up with me (not that I ever act on this thought ok wtf). Haih fuck the media la wtf.
Night market with Hsin, Mitchy, Dennis and Karen!
I haven’t been to the pasar malam for ages, my childhood memories of the night market consist of heat, trash on the ground, a lot of old women with Phua Chu Kang perms, dragging my heels around, dawdling waiting for my mom to buying vegetables/kuih/haggling with the stall keeper, hoping to see the dyed blue and pink chicks, and having my mother buy me sets of tshirts and shorts with a yellow-faced Mickey Mouse on them wtf.
In other words, I hated the night market.
But because Ang Moh is here and Hsin wants to take him on a tour of all things Malaysian, we set off for the pasar malam in Connaught (apparently the mother of all night markets wtf)
(BTW! Let me tell you about this Hsin she damn bad ok! Once she and Ang Moh were in a bubble tea cafe or something I forgot what it was and then I happened to be outside the store looking at snacks or something. I was wearing a green tshirt dress with a yellow belt and pink flats I think. And cos her eyesight very bad she saw me and nudged Ang Moh and said “Eh bad color combination coming our way” WTF IS THIS IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL MY BEST FRIEND
Then Ang Moh turned around and said “That’s Audrey” haih what is this even her boyfriend can recognize me and she can’t.)
Ok anyway back to night market!
It was very interesting! So many cute things to buy these days I was enthralled. And so many cheap shoes but they also look cheap wtf.
Mitchy looking at Lesportsac *cough cough
The cutest kuih!
Doraemon, Kitty chan, Pikachu, My Melody (melody song wtf), er whats this one called Kero Keroppi ar, and Tare Panda.
The uncle pouring the batter to make the kuih.
Er Dennis, if you’ve killed Doraemon I’d like his doko de mo doa please.
Ang Moh ecstatic about satay.
Using my newly bought fan to cool off the ban chang kueh.
Night market was hotter than I remembered!
Or maybe I have just forgotten how much I hate heat.
Then I spied a stall selling battery-operated mini fans!
The fans are at the bottom of the picture. So cute okay they had Hello Kitty fans too but they were kind of ugly.
I picked this dark pink one, it was so cute it was painted to look like it was a little person dressed in a strawberry outfit <3 The Club <333 WTF.
Dennis using a light pink fan to cool Karen down.
I walked away from the stall perfectly satisfied with my purchase. Observe how it moves with such speed and precision! wtf.
This was about when the blades picked up the ends of my hair and knotted it around the fan T_______________T
Damn scary ok I could feel my hair getting pulled further and further into the fan and I screamed “MY HAIR MY HAIR” and dodged around Dennis and Karen to Hsin for help T____________T
By then I had the sense to turn off the fan but it was too late my hair already looked like dreadlocks by then T__________T
I was laughing but I was also near tears T3T
And then to top things off, because I screamed so loud people stopped and stared at pointed at me T____________T Like kelefeh only okay! And then a crowd materialized causing a human traffic jam because everyone stopped to look at me just kill me la T_______________T
And then right because Dennis was trying to entangle my hair while Hsin and Mitchy went in search for scissors (!!), this stupid stall woman yelled at me okay magecibai my hair already like that she had to add insult to injury eat shit la I hope she didn’t have business that night wtf.
She yelled in Cantonese “if you wanna cut your hair please stand to the side don’t stand in front of my stall and block my business” WTF
I was already very pissed so I shouted back (in English sigh if there is a reason I should learn Cantonese it’s that I can yell back at mean people) “My hair like that you think I want ar! I wanna stand here why I cannot stand here!” while Dennis ushered me to the side muttering “okok don’t fight don’t fight” wtf.
Anyway, Hsin came back with scissors borrowed from another stall and snipped off my hair that was stuck to the fan T3T
And I spent the rest of the night in quiet gloom. While everyone gallivanted happily buying food and things, I followed them silently and tried to detangle my dreadlocks wtf.
Finally my hair got detangled! Albeit it being all kinky and quite gross.
Then I turned on my fan again AND GOT MY HAIR CAUGHT IN IT AGAIN.
But this time I quickly turned off the fan so only a small dreadlock was produced wtf.
This could only happen to me, can’t you see, can’t you see? – The Beatles, “I should have known better” wtf wtf.
When in gloom, go do your hair!
I am not spinning any lies! This is what has made me get over countless exes wtf.
Waiting for my love to come pick me up now!
Will update later, if not nice then Imma shut down this blog WTF.
Ok so it was a much needed day of girly pampering with Tze T3T
I got my hair cut while she had her nails and eyebrows done.
The guy plucked her eyebrows until she cried and lost her double eyelid hahahahaha and spent the rest of the day trying to force one back out wtf.
And then we sat down in Starbucks to talk about life and finding soulmates wtf (I’ve already found my Angie T3T but not my male soulmate wtf) I’ve always believed that there is a soulmate for every person but you just have to find that person.
And I always like to dream about who my soulmate might be, whether I’ve already met him but not know it, or if he’s still somewhere out there waiting to find me. 🙂
Yalah I’m a romantic of the worst kind.
We also spent a lot of time in Topshop trying to get Tze in and out of the tightest dress in the world wtf. At one point she was encased in it like it was a piece of toilet paper cardboard hahahaahahha.
Yalah my hair not much difference also I came back and nobody noticed anything different T_T Except maybe its an inch shorter and more layered but just one inch makes such a difference ok I feel like it’s damn short now.
Imma keep quiet and wait for someone from my family to notice wtf.
My hair before haircut.
Hui Wen, Tze and me during one of our Bangsar outings.
Anyway, to dispel the gloom of the last post a bit, here are a bunch of things that make me laugh:
Pictures from icanhascheezburger.com!
As though it’s not obvious that I am a sucker for panda pictures! DAMN DAMN CUTE why all of them crawling over each other T_______T
HAHAHAHA i don’t even like cats but the cats here are all damn stupid looking!
It’s me and Ooib’s pasttime to look at icanhascheezburger together and I think Suet’s getting addicted too wtf.
Oh and for those who read Tze and know about our conversation on nasi kangkang:
(for non-Malaysians, nasi = rice, kangkang = open legs, nasi kangkang = legs-open rice wtf)
*princess aud ❤: | YA WHY AR |
(2:32 PM) *princess aud ❤: | she fed him period blood isit wtf |
(2:32 PM) tzeching.: | YA SEROIUSLY i cannot understand! |
(2:33 PM) tzeching.: | why! |
(2:33 PM) tzeching.: | WTF |
(2:33 PM) tzeching.: | HOW |
(2:33 PM) *princess aud ❤: | WTF |
(2:33 PM) *princess aud ❤: | or nasi kangkang wtf |
(2:33 PM) tzeching.: | WTF WHAT IS THAT |
(2:33 PM) *princess aud ❤: | u put the bowl or rice on the floor n stand over it |
(2:33 PM) *princess aud ❤: | with ur pants off WTF |
(2:33 PM) tzeching.: | WTF |
(2:33 PM) *princess aud ❤: | then let the steam condense on ur petpet WTF |
(2:33 PM) *princess aud ❤: | n let it drip back into the rice WTF |
(2:34 PM) *princess aud ❤: | YA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA |
Then we were still laughing about this today wtf.So we googled it and I found this forum talking about nasi kangkang damn sohai ok!
This guy called Mask of Zorro said:
Tapi tidak mengapa, jika muka puan jernih, kemanjaan, mulut terpelihara, pandai mengambil hati suami serta memberi layanan mesra, suami akan dekat kepada puan.
Mulut semacam ‘Lazer’, kuat main ‘Kipas Besar’ atau suka mengampu orang kata, perangai brutal serta gelojoh dan macam-macam ada………. sekalipun dikangkang dan diludah nasi……….
……….suami (sekalipun gorilla) akan lari juga!.
[Translation: it doesn’t matter, if your face is clear wtf, are manja / sa jiao / amaeru wtf, are good at making your husband happy as well as give affectionate treatment, your husband will come near.
On the other hand, if mouth like laser WTF, talk cock or like to kiss people’s ass WTF, brutal behavior WTF or rough, even if you stand over the rice or spit in the rice, even if your husband is a gorilla he will run away]
And then another person posted:
aku penah nampak depan mata aku nasi kangkang ni..masa aku makan kat kedai..mamak yg antar nasi kat kita org telangar kucing kat tepi meja..mamak tu jatuh tekangkang..aku rasa sbb tu kot nama nasi kangkang ni timbol.
[Translation: I have seen in front of my eyes, this nasi kangkang. At that time I was eating in a restaurant. The mamak that sent us our food banged into a cat at the side of the table… the mamak fell down with his legs open. I think it should be because of that that the name “nasi kangkang” originated.]
And then someone else asked “What do you eat nasi kangkang with?”
Someone answered him “I think you eat it with Hainanese chicken” WTF HAHAHHA I WILL NEVER LOOK AT CHICKEN RICE THE SAME WAY AGAIN
Ok la enough I just realized I haven’t showered wtf because when they cut my hair today they also washed it and I felt my hair very clean and so forgot to bathe WTF.
Go bathe now babai.
それで、 好きな子は彼氏がいっても、それも大丈夫だ。「結婚してないなら、まだ機会がある」っていう考えは男の中にたくさんある。
I went shopping today for office wear.
I got gloomier and gloomier as the day went on because every piece of clothing I looked at was black, grey or brown.
I tried on black blazer after black blazer until I felt like I was going to melt into a faceless corporate pool of white collar serfs wtf.
I know there is usually a lot of leeway especially in Malaysia, when it comes to women’s office clothes.
There are pants and skirts, shirts and blouses and blazers, colors and fabrics to play with, pastels, charcoal greys, bright whites, basic beiges. Mix and match with tweed and cotton, silk and satin and lace and you have limitless options to choose from.
But I have been offered a position where I have to put on the most conservative outfits day after day.
The company rules say NO TRENDY CLOTHING WTF. And no skirts above the knee.
But this is a place where I have wanted to work in for the longest time.
And at the same time, I can’t imagine stifling myself in starched shirts and sensible pumps everyday.
I mean I love clothes and all, but I never imagined I would be so badly hit by the realization that this is could be my life for at least a while. (well obviously, it’s not really about the clothes but the fact that I would be restricted and so similar to everyone else.)
And to top it off, I don’t know for sure if I’m taking this position yet, I don’t know where else I should go if this job doesn’t come through. I don’t know anything in my life and it’s killing me. And sometimes – not often, but sometimes – I don’t know who the people I thought I knew are.
Written by a very confused and unhappy Aud.
Hsin is back! My darling beloved Hsin whom I haven’t seen in two years which is very long considering we have been best friends since we were 11 because we were too ugly to be friends with anyone else wtf.
So yesterday Tourguide Aud and Tourguide Hsin took Tourist Ang Moh out for a quick run around KL!
Ie. to Pasar Seni for him to buy souvenirs for family wtf.
We had a lot of fun! It’s been a long time since I went to places just to take pictures with props.
Actually not that long ago it just feels long ago because I miss Angela and Mild T_____________T
Mr and Mrs Tourist Ang Moh sharing a delicate moment somewhere in KL Central wtf.
Tourguide Aud sharing a sweet moment with some turtles wtf. Taken in conjunction with Hsin finding out I mistook a plastic tortoise for a real one when I went to the Butterfly Farm =.=
Lobsters in a pet shop =.= Honestly, who is going to buy lobsters for their pet!
In the LRT station.
15 inches taller than me T___________T
Then we saw this old man sleeping sitting up with his mouth open hahahaha I pretended to take a photo of Hsin but really cleverly snapped a shot of him instead. But then I felt sorry for him because his family didn’t seem to care about him and just walked off while he stayed behind gathering things up before hurrying after them T_________T
Tourguide Hsin having an affair on the job WTF. Supposed to take people around but fall in love instead wtf wtf.
And then Ang Moh took stupid random pictures of us.
I think this is either called Lorong Melayu or Chinese Strait or something.
I actually really love Pasar Seni / Central Market! There’s so many interesting things to look at and you can always bargain like an auntie then when you finally buy something here you feel so smug wtf.
So many hairbands! I was trying to find the price tags but couldn’t so I didn’t buy wtf. Ya I’m broke what else is new wtf.
So sweet the tiny clogs! I wanted to buy but I always want to buy these clogs and then I come home and toss them aside wtf.
I want to buy new glasses! I don’t know why my current ones and these are nearly the same, dark plastic rectangular frames but I think these look so much better. The grass is always greener on the other side wtf.
These are damn cool! I woulda gotten the white ones but they were too big for my face (like nearly every other pair of shades)Ya just look at me wearing two pairs of sunglasses at once wtf at least Hsin had the good sense to take hers off her head first.
Hsin’s caption for this on facebook was: “one too short, one too tall” WTF and I found it damn hilarious I dunno why my sense of humor makes people want to faint T_T
Like I have a joke for you!
What is the largest city in Malaysia? (only for Malaysians)
And why is a pirate a pirate?
Ok anyway.
This sign was up on a tshirt stall hahahaha damn funny!
The fine print says: “and to the person who stole our last sign – we wish for you a lifetime of diarrhoea and for passing jumbo jets to regularly empty their toilet holds on your head.” HAHAHAHAH WHY SO VENGEFUL
Chairman Mao inspired shirts! Mickey Maos and Mighty Maos hahahahaha I wanted to buy one but they already said they don’t have the margin to bargin wtf.
hahahahaahahha yea right as though China will ever have elections. And as though Bush can ever have erections WTFWTF I’m talking rubbish wtf.
Malaysian English wtf. If it’s anything to feel better about, Manglish is VERY infectious and most of my non-Malaysian close friends have picked it up to some extent.
Papparazzi shot!
(Actually we forced Ang Moh to run across the road first so he could take pictures of us walking why are we like this T_T)
The end.
Japan alone on one side, or Redang and Phuket with loved ones on the other?
I hate life decisions.
A conversation with Tze where we tried to figure out which Forbes billionaire we should aim for WTF.
tzeching. says:
my new target
single wtf and relatively young
*princess aud ❤ says:
ya just 10 yrs younger than ur dad wtf
russian is not a good nationality *frets
tzeching. says:
ya but look at the amount of money he has!!!
*princess aud ❤ says:
with just a bachelors degree/boo [because I always want to get a graduate degree]
tzeching. says:
u can do it!
(what did he do to earn that much though wtf)
*princess aud ❤ says:
wtf the kwok brothers [from Hong Kong]
all damn ugly
wah a mexican in 2nd place not bad wtf [2nd in Forbes list of world’s richest men]
tzeching. says:
ya hahahaha the kwok brothers
*princess aud ❤ says:
whos the first msian on the list?
tzeching. says:
but kena kick out of the board because of a woman
robert kuok
*princess aud ❤ says:
eh i mean at number what?
tzeching. says:
88 or sthg wtf
*princess aud ❤ says:
li ka shing high school dropout/boo
eh his son [richard li] is a billionaire in his own right
tzeching. says:
ya so is lim goh tongs
but if u see properly u can see wealth: inherited wtf
*princess aud ❤ says:
why arent u looking at billionaire bachelors instead wtf
tzeching. says:
*princess aud ❤ says:
but in his own right means he made it himself!
tzeching. says:
i was looking at malaysia’s richest ppl
then got bored of figuring out if i knew their sons wtf
*princess aud ❤ says:
Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis, Germany
Net worth: $2.3 billion
Age 24. Single.
but hes balding at 24 wtf
*princess aud ❤ says:
the facebook guy is my age
or maybe a yr older la
eh this guy not bad uk wan
i think u should consider him wtf
tzeching. says:
eh ya not bad hor
david ross hmm easy name to remember
oooh stays at london!
*princess aud ❤ says:
sigh richard li canot hope la so ugly
tzeching. says:
eh but [david ross] got child must reconsider
*princess aud ❤ says:
u can ship it off to boarding school wtf
oh cheh the top guys on the list werent even that rich la
4 billion or so only wtf
tzeching. says:
ya la 2.3 billion cheh wtf
WTF talk like a billion is a drop in the bucket and as though billionaire hunting is possible wtf.
Anyway I was in Penang for a day last weekend.
When we departed for it, I was damn enthusiastic about taking pictures to commemorate the trip (dunno for what also since I was born in Penang and have been back 4095309303505 times)
I realize ever since I’m not with Angie and Mild anymore I hardly take pics! And Mild says the same thing too why ar is it some special chemistry we have that makes us take thousands of pics at a time.
Is a lansi face wtf. While waiting in the car for Ooib to finish shitting damn fan ok slow all of us down wtf.
Me and Fat Her in Bidor.
As you can see I was terribly bored. Since when do I take pictures of processed food!
Suet and Ooib engaged in the process of eating.
So was Fat Her wtf.
My nails! Part of my costume for Nuffnang’s Wild Live thingy.
Petai man! wtf.
Then Fat Her bought some bread (to eat with curry) what is this dish called.
With the shop uncle wtf.
A few months ago I wrote this about our family trips to Penang.
“We always drove by this lime or quartz hill that was shaped like a monkey’s head because miners had been extracting stone from it. I don’t know how it ended up looking like a monkey, but in my head I always called it Sun Wugong. In the past few years though, the hill’s getting more and more eroded and looks nothing like Sun Wugong now.”
The mountain in the picture above is the monkey’s head. Can you imagine the greenery on top as the monkey’s fur and the sand and stone where his face used to be?
My outfit for Wild Live! I was a bee! That’s where my nails came in, bees and flowers go together ma! But I am not sure if I want to blog about it because everyone else did and I looked like shit in most of the pictures it’s the Big Event Syndrome I tell you where in a big event where it’s so important you look good you will inadvertently look like crap. T___________T
I applied for two different jobs and they are as different as can be!
One is obviously in a field where I get to meet a lot of people and brainstorm and speak to different types of people (and hopefully travel).
The other is doing a lot of research and academic work and being very exact and serious about detail.
Both so conflicting but I really want to try doing both! Split personality wtf.
I was thinking how nice if I could hold two jobs at the same time wtf.
The second job could turn out to be really restrictive, like today I was in the office and everyone was so quiet! And serious and focused and there I was babbling to the people near me and then trying to shush myself when I realized I was being too noisy wtf.
But after doing my thesis, I realized that I really like research and being meticulous and I feel such a strong sense of accomplishment doing something that I am not accustomed to, ie. paying lots of attention to detail, actually seeing a project through to the end wtf, and working to produce a perfect piece.
(usually I quickly and carelessly do an okay job and then stop without trying to improve it any further. Like in SPM also I would faster finish everything then sit back and draw on the back of my paper WTF. No wonder all my mistakes in Add Math were careless mistakes in calculation. And even my drawings which started out damn detailed would peter out into rough sketches as I lost interest.)
So I dunno la the first job is something I always thought I would end up doing. The second is something I NEVER thought i would do but for once I want to challenge myself and see how much I can achieve by doing something I am not so used to.
Aiya why am I talking so much not like any of them offered me a job yet also wtf.
Anyway today me and Ooib and Suet and Fat Her were at WIP in Bangsar for a late dinner.
The bar was open and people were having dinner/drinks.
Then got this woman!
Quite plump, not very pretty, boring haircut, wearing a tshirt under her floral spaghetti strap dress (worst combination ever)
She started making out with this boring-looking wavy hair but middle parting guy at the bar.
We were damn disgusted ok! Old people should never behave like that!
I said to Suet, “so this is what old people partying looks like” wtf.
But damn disgusting ok that woman I think she must not have had a childhood or something.
Because she was sitting on one guy’s lap while holding hands with the other and both men (who are obviously problematic too) were lapping it up.
Then she started hopping around and pouting god save me.
Then she (I dunno real or not) stumbled across the floor because she was drunk and one of the guys caught hold of her eagerly wtf.
And then she started whining in a voice much higher than Angela’s that sounded like “nininininininini” wtf.
Goddamn annoying la okay. Seriously so old already still act like she’s in Maison wtf.
Ok la not that old I think she’s about 30 or so but at that age wouldn’t you know when your drinking limit is! And know not to degrade yourself like that in public. Seriously please grow up la I felt sad for all womankind wtf.
Oh yea and apparently this happened to Fat Her’s friend’s friend so please be careful wtf.
Fat Her told me that most guys take off their pants when they’re pooping in public toilets is this true!
he said something about guys legs not being able to bend well wtf.
Anyway the friend hung his pants on the door and sat down to shit.
Suddenly someone threw water under the door at his legs WTF.
In his surprise and panic to avoid the water, he didn’t notice that the person reached above the door and stole his pants WTF.
And he was left with no pants or underwear so he had to come out of the toilet bottomless to look for his pants wtf.
I think he found them in a nearby dustbin but without his wallet and phone.
I think Imma hug my bag to my chest while I pee now T3T
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