
Payback time

Tze blogged a very thought-provoking and accurate entry wtf here inspired by something that happened to me today.

I don’t usually blog about people I know or friends/acquaintances who do weird or annoying things because what goes around comes around.

But I must talk about this!

I have a friend, X.

(To be specific, X is someone from my high school and I’ve known who he is for years. X and I didn’t hang out at all in school because he was an athlete and gangster WTF (ohhh join gang ohhh damn cool ohhhh wtf) and I was a bespectacled dwarf in the Science stream. After high school I somehow bumped into X and he asked me out but I didn’t like him because he got too emo and clingy and a bit boring wtf.)

So you can conclude that I have zero interest in X.

X found out that I am back and he kept calling me and messaging me to go out.

And I kept turning him down because really I was busy or he called too last minute or something. And I also canceled out on him once (because I thought my hair didn’t look good that day WTF)

Anyway today I finally agreed to go out with him for dinner.

He took me to a Western restaurant (not my first choice actually not even my last choice ever since I went to the US I hate all American food)

The bill came.

He took it and paid.

He said, “you still owe me a drink.” (cos when I canceled on him I said I’d buy him a drink as an apology)

I said, “I know!”

He said, “and a dinner.”

I thought he was joking and I said, “I didn’t say I’ll buy you dinner!”

He said, “Neither did I.”



I always offer to pay for my portion but this time he just took the bill and paid! I was going to wait until after the waiter left (cos some guys want face make themselves look like they pay for the girl’s meal wtf) but he fast fast say like that even before I could offer to pay!

Seriously damn annoying!

This is not an equal world (yet) where men and women have equal rights! Women continue to face glass ceilings in the workplace and are discriminated by gender what, so why should we not expect door-holding and other basic courtesies from men?

I really don’t expect guys to pay for me especially if they’re close friends and we hang out all the time. If a guy pays for me I will offer to pay for them the next time (up to them whether they want to take me up on it or not la)

But guys who go out with me for the first time usually pay or offer to pay and don’t grab my money when I give it to them wtf. This is the first time I’ve gone out with this guy in two or three years and he was the one who asked me out! And brought me to a place where he knows I hate the cuisine and ASKED ME TO PAY HIM BACK IN A BLATANT WAY.

After that dare to ask me if I want to watch movie some more! As if I want to sure I have to pay for my own movie also.

(Also he talked too soft and I wanted to ask him to speak up wtf. And he didn’t seem to get a lot of my jokes I feel so unvalidated.)

Am I wrong in being annoyed about this! I try not to assume that the guy will pay for me (but I am used to it, Malaysian guys are quite chivalrous – the ang mohs I have encountered: not so wtf) but why this guy can ask to pay him back wan!

I talked to my girl friends and most of them say the guy will pay, especially if it’s on the first date. Even if it’s not a date, just like hanging out one on one, the guy will usually pay or offer to!

So faster I want comments please am I wrong for being annoyed about this!


USA for students

Yesterday was the US education fair!

The night before we sat down in Ooib’s room and made posters and collages to decorate our booth. Cos we are kiasu like that plus not many Malaysians know about liberal arts so we need to attract more attention ok wtf.

Looking busy.

And then there’s Ooib looking like a tool hahahaha

On the day of the fair, I woke up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

And then I couldn’t even finish brushing my teeth before feeling like I really had to vomit so I finished brushing in 10 seconds and ran to the toilet bowl T____________T

I think it’s my stupid birth control pills again la! Cos when I woke up already I felt hungry to the point of starvation and I think the nausea was due to the air in my empty stomach.

The nausea passed so I got up again and faster got some bread and jam to eat while doing my hair and makeup.

But right after I finished curling my hair I felt like I was going to vomit again so I went downstairs and took Chinese medicine and then I felt better cos some air came up.

But then right before I got into the car I had to puke again so I had to squat down by the drain damn pathetic ok to wait for the pang to pass T________T

Then I got into the car with a plastic bucket and a plastic bag WTF.

And spent most of the journey on the edge of my seat with a plastic bag below my chin staring miserably out of the window.

And then finally I threw up in the car into the plastic bag T________________T


I was puking my guts out in the car and wishing someone would pat my back to make me feel better but no such luck (suchaluck mild boonipat wtf)

I looked at Ooib who was sitting next to me and he had his eyes shut and his fingers stuffed into his ears WTF DAMN WEAK OK WHY AM I BLESSED WITH SUCH A BROTHER

I have a good mind to refer to him as Ah Weak from now wtf.

After I threw up I felt a bit better and Mummy Ooi was stuck carrying my puke while looking for a trash can wtf.

Me and Suet and Emily (incoming firstie at Mount Holyoke!) at our booth.

I was still feeling quite sick and nauseous but thank god it passed and then to make up for it I ate two Macdonald lunches wtf.

At first there weren’t many people at the fair and even less people who came to our booth, but it picked up later.

But I was under the mindset that not many people came to talk to us so I kept disappearing to talk to other colleges about their grad programs.

Ooib and Fat Her said I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) because I couldn’t stay in one place for long and had to keep running around looking for new things to do and new people to talk to.

Truth be told, they are not the first people who have mentioned that I might have ADD because I get distracted very easily/ cannot focus for long and lose interest in things super fast which pisses people like Ooib off a lot so maybe I should get myself checked out wtf.

All pictures are of Suet and Emily talking to prospective students.

But I was busy networking okay! I got a few namecards which I can contact to talk about employment. And I also went up to the diplomats at the US embassy booth and asked them for a job wtf I am that thick skinned.

But they were very nice! They said I shouldn’t have a problem getting work with a Mt Holyoke degree now if only all HR personnel in Malaysia thought the same way wtf.

Dunno la maybe they were amused that I was thick skinned enough to go up and chat with them and insist that they figure out if there were places available at the embassy wtf. T3T

And I got to catch up with a lot of friends too! It was so fun to see them all again: Wai Kin (the guy who gave me his Cornell shirt and whom I owe a MHC shirt but forgot) and Shah from Cornell, Naim from UB, Emily from Bates, Hui Hsing from Smith, Shiyee from NYU, Mi Shan from Colby, the two ah peks Wei Jian from MIT and Chern Han from Princeton who called to me in Chinese (what makes him think I know Chinese wtf) to which I whined very pathetically in Hokkien “I dunno how to speak” T_T

And hello to everyone who came by our booth / I met there! It was very nice meeting so many new people and I hope we (ok mostly Suet and Emily) managed to answer everyone’s questions satisfactorily and you have all now decided to apply to Mount Holyoke wtf.


Happy Birthday Angie!

To my soulmate and twin,

This year we happily dreamed that we might be in the same place so I could celebrate your birthday with you.

But due to unforeseen circumstances wtf I had to leave for KL and you went back to Vancouver.

After our Commencement ceremony we and our families went back to our room to finish packing because we had to move out of the dorms and into our respective hotels the day itself.

Halfway through packing we started thinking about leaving each other and we both started crying. We had to run to the bathroom to avoid our families staring at us.

We sat on the bench in one of the shower stalls wiping our eyes with toilet paper wtf. We talked about the future and how it would be – we would take holidays together once a year and start up our own blog. We would fly over weeks before the other got married so we could do all the wedding arrangements for each other.

Then we started comparing our toes and splaying them against the bathroom wall wtf until Mrs Luo came in to check on us.

We cried again after we loaded all her stuff into Kelvin’s car.

I hugged her and cried but at the same time I couldn’t believe nobody would call us AudreyandAngela, AngelaandAudrey, the twins anymore.

And then she drove off while I went back up to my room to finish packing.

We have a habit of turning off the lights and lying on our beds and talking before we went to sleep, and a few weeks before we’d talked about what we’d be in the future.

I would go to grad school in Japan while she studied in the States.

Then she would come and visit me and I would pick her up from Narita with my Japanese boyfriend (even though I’ve never been attracted to one before wtf) and bring her to go eat in tiny delicious places that only locals would know wtf.

I would buy clothes and makeup from Japan and send it to her in America.

And then I could buy in bulk and send it to her and have her sell it at extorbitant prices and start a business like that wtf.

Then we would expand and have our own international clothing label and then we’d get interviewed on talk shows together /boo

At this point we had a small debate over whether we should wear Chanel suits or our own creations on the show WTF.

Anyway this is the sort of thing we talk about when we’re alone. -_-

Happy Birthday my soulmate babie T3T

When we first met, we were spelling ‘bitch’ as ‘biatch’ and we added zzzz to the end of every other word T________T I think if we met ourselves 4 years ago now we would vomit wtf.
And look where we are now, all mature and sophisticated wtf.

I’m sorry I can’t celebrate your birthday with you but I hope Baby is keeping you company T3T

But no matter what happens, you will always be my twin and we will always be AudreyandAngela, AngelaandAudrey.



P/S: I tried to call you just now but I got the wrong number!  I woke some random girl up and wished her happy birthday T_________T Stupid Jerry gave me the wrong number Imma kill him T___________T

AudAngry AudRubbish

Happy Birthday Mild!

You are practically middle aged now!

(ie. same age as me wtf wtf)

At your joint birthday party this year with Shanshan, Angela and Jeannie (all the summer babies) where there were only five guests in attendance wtf.

I know you had a birthday which wasn’t exactly about you wtf -__- and you didn’t even get a birthday present on the day itself cos you got your Cybershot as an early birthday gift wtf but that’s okay because rest assured thousands of kilometers down under (in Kuala Lumpur) I am missing you a lot and if I were with you I would throw you a birthday party. Ok la maybe take you out to eat wtf.

Even though you said you would bunk with me in New York but then retracted your promise 5 minutes later wtf. (here’s me beaming in happiness at having you for my roommate and Angela being jealous WTF)

So happy birthday Mild!

You know I love you! And I know you love me despite you being all macho and unwilling to declare your love wtf.

So hurry the fuck up and look for a job in Singapore so we can be roommates for real.


Okay more Laurel parade pictures I told you I wasn’t going to stop wtf.

No la it’s cos Mild sent me hers and I just remembered I have them.

Right before the parade. It was 10 Celcius and there we were in summer dresses. Angela had just cut her foot on her shoe and we had to run into the Alumnae office to get bandaids.

With the Laurel branches. As you can see from my tiny pink bag, I don’t own any purses. Because that is actually my pencil case WTF why am I like this Tze is going to disown me.

With an alum from 1933 can you imagine she’s *counts for a long time* graduated for 75 years!


Speaking of American education, this Saturday there is a US education fair at Wisma MCA *click for details*

Must go ar everybody who intends to go study in the States! I will be there supporting Mount Holyoke!


I’ve noticed it for some time now but I’ve had misgivings about blogging about it.

But wah the word wtf has really taken over the blogging world hasn’t it wtf.

I remember when I first started using it in my blog and a lot of people yelled at me for being obscene wtf T_____T

But then now every other blog I stumble on sure got at least one wtf used in this context and form.

And a lot of people have posted up disclaimers about their usage of wtf too, much like the one I have on top of the page.

And people who blog with wtfs! Can I ask you, do use it in real life too? Or is it just an online phenomenon? Cos sometimes it gets so chronic that I can hold wtf marathons with most notably Jam, Tze and Eeflin (ie. say a random word/phrase followed by wtf, other person says another random word followed by wtf and then it goes on complete with hand and shoulder motions GOD AM I MAKING US SOUND SO WEIRD)

To be honest, I am kind of overwhelmed by this. Cos some of the other phrases or expressions I use, I made up but I have seen them used in exactly the same form in a lot of places.

But then again, I pick things up unconsciously a lot too! Like I got ya allah from Suet, boohoo from Jam, thufffff from Leroy, why are you like this! from Tze wtf.

I am terrified of sounding arrogant or irrational, but it is overwhelming sometimes.  Sometimes I read a blog and then I realize that it could have been written by me the blog I never knew I had wtf wtf. But then again, I myself pick up speech habits here and there and that’s perfectly normal and unintentional (unless you plagiarize my entries la magecibai I will be so angry until I cry ok wtf and incidentally I have seen whole segments of my blog copied and pasted in someone else’s before and she made it look like she’d written it.  When I left her a message telling her to take it off, she did and then locked her blog WTF)

So are bloggers that influential ar. The amazing power of communication wtf.

Then can anybody communicate to other people that I want a job wtf. (Chong Su-yin Imma email you wtf. )

AudRubbish AudSocialButterfly

The lion sleeps tonight

Met up the other day with Tze, Hui Wen and Su Ann in Bangsar to have lunch and shop.  But we ended up sitting there for hours and chatting and gossiping didn’t go shop also.  Not that I have money to anyway (note: always broke)

No pictures because Tze and Hui Wen have already put them up.

And then poof out of nowhere appeared Kennysia (ok la no more boycotting wtf) and Cheesie and Timothy and Wong Wen Qi wah is a blog meet gao gao my blog meet virginity taken just like that wtf.

There was this other woman there too and I had no idea who she was because nobody introduced her to us!  Not like I know all the bloggers out there okay I didn’t dare to ask who she was in case she was very famous and I was supposed to know who she was then damn embarrassing ok T_______T

Then I stayed over at Tze’s house and slept at 11pm what is wrong with us T___________T Are we that old!  Plus her mom had to come in and wake us up to let us drink barley wtf wtf I shouldn’t even be revealing such details here.

And we woke up at 9 WTF and watched Sepet and old Friends episodes the whole day what happened to deep heart to heart talks and doing facials!

Anyway, the main purpose of this entry is to gain entrance to Nuffnang’s Wildlife Party. Who else is going!  I don’t really know any bloggers and I am quite apprehensive about submerging myself in blogger activities but I am going there to network and beg people for a job WTF. (is anybody from advertising or publishing going to be there wtf)

And like everyone else I have no idea what to dress up as.

My favorite animal is panda…

Nomnomnomnom hahahahaahahha

…but how to dress up as panda!

I’ve seen someone do it before and it wasn’t pretty wtf.

Incidentally, I swear to god I saw the SAME GUY wearing the SAME COSTUME later at a festival at Heian Shrine promoting fried pancakes or something -______-

I don’t wanna be a leopard or cheetah even though I have a complete costume for it with mittens and a tail and everything!  Cos damn common la I swear at least 5 other people will wear that.


And Trey lost my bunny ears in the previous picture.  So that’s ruled out too.

Halfway thinking I got fed up and said “aiya I’ll just be a cockroach la” WTF wear all brown and glue two extra legs to my sides wtf.  And spend 20 minutes in a public toilet before going for the party wtf.

Actually I have an idea for a costume!  But I don’t know if it will be allowed because it’s not exactly an animal or bird or bug.

Let me go shop around for it first and see!

P/S: Is Stitch from Lilo and Stitch considered an animal wtf.  Alien what.


There’s water in my nose

I spent a good chunk of my day waiting at the phone store for the technician to unlock my phone and he still hasn’t successfully unlocked it until now I swear it’s my luck to not have a proper phone to use and be stuck with my antique Panasonic Jay Chou phone for the rest of my life T_______T

I whiled away the time bickering with Sze Jiann who I swear to god is as annoying or even more than Ooib sometimes wtf.

First of all he tried to use my leg as a headrest wtf because the wall was too dirty for him to lean on PAY MONEY LA YOU THINK FREE AR wtf.

Then he asked me a whole series of damn annoying questions which culminated in me asking him to shut the fuck up wtf and then we started fighting over who had to hold my bag/the receipt and whose fault it was we were stuck there etc etc.

And then at night I spent a good chunk of my time organizing Fat Her’s receipts for tax purposes now my back hurts from poring over them T_T

But tomorrow is a outing with Tze and Hui Wen wheee so at least I have something to make up for a fandousei day.

And then next week Imma get my stuff sorted and focus on finding companies, applying for jobs etc. So no time to play Imma be an adult *dun dun dun wtf.

Before she left MHC for the summer, Elaine, a junior, came to my room and gave me this tiny bouquet of plastic flowers she’d made herself!

I was so touched! We are just hi bye friends but when she arrived at MHC as a firstie, I was her orientation officer and apparently I was very nice to her and helped her get settled in and layaned her parents asking me dumb questions and I even took her to the bank to open her account.

I barely remember this but she said I had made her feel so at home and I think I really touched her life T___________T

In one extreme moment of boredom when it was just me and Ooib in Mount Holyoke, he stuck glowsticks around my glasses, turned off the lights and took this picture T___________T

In a moment of realization that I had about a million things in the same shade of pink. That’s not even my favorite shade of pink my favorite is Nintendo DS pink wtf. I forced Ooib and Suet to hold up my pink stuff for a picture =.=

Hello Darlie toothpaste! WTF my face is damn ugly here I just realized! But my hair very perfect how ar how ar.

Btw I am so in love with my hair now! All of a sudden, the longest ends reach to my waist and I can do so many things with it! No need extensions anymore can tie up, can bun, can braid, can curl, can leave straight (although I don’t often do this because it just looks unfinished)


WTF I hate Coke

I drank it at dinner and then me and Tze were laughing at stupid things while stuck in a petrol jam and then I got a stomach full of wind and it’s giving me discomfort until now T3T


Went out with Suet and Tze (who’s back too!) today to Kim Gary in Midvalley which is the birthing place of the Club wtf.

We took a grand total of two pictures because Tze said her face was bloated from traveling while I was struck with horror at what my hair looked like T_______T I hate stupid Malaysian humidity now I know what everyone means when they say that their curls don’t stay.

In America I had the option of curling my hair into doll-like ringlets or loose waves and have it stay that way the whole day. But in Malaysia I can only curl my hair tightly so by the end of the day it subsides into loose waves. If I start off with loose waves I end up with straight hair wtf.

I am seriously considering carrying a curler around with me just that I don’t know if I can find plug points around wtf.

Also an umbrella because I can feel myself getting darker by the day T_________T

Someone stole my umbrella in Mt Holyoke! I left it outside my door to dry and it just disappeared curse the thief who stole it to hell wtf.

Ok really cannot tahan need to pang sai bye wtf.



I know I’m not keeping to the blog every alternate day thing but you have to forgive me okay!

My jet lag is unbearable yesterday I woke up at 6.3o am and cooked maggi prawn mee flavor for myself WTF I never wake up voluntarily before 12 ok and I never eat breakfast wtf.

Then I cleaned my room and unpacked and then couldn’t take it anymore and fell on the bed at 6pm.  When Fat Her came in to wake me up for dinner I said 5 more minutes!  and yelled at him when he still tried to wake me up because he was infringing upon my 5 minutes of sleep wtf.

Then he gave up and after that sent Ooib to wake me up instead.  I mumbled incoherently into the pillow and when Ooib said “what?” I said “I DON’T WANNA GO JUST TAPAU FOOD FOR ME” and then fell back into unconsciousness wtf.

Then when my mom woke me up at 11.30pm I finally deigned to get up and eat wtf.  And then went back to sleep 4 hours later.

And today I got sleepy at 5.30 pm again and started yawning in Midvalley!  But must tahan because if I keep giving in to the temptation to sleep I will never get my body clock back to normal.

Other than sleeping I’ve been furiously cleaning my room.  Now I’m not one for organization and tidiness wtf but I dunno what got into me maybe Angela’s spirit wtf.  I cleaned out ALL my drawers and cabinets (except my desk haven’t gotten to it yet), scrubbed down all the surfaces, made my bed, stuffed more unwanted clothes into cardboard boxes and refolded and rehung everything in my closet.

And now everything is so neat omg!  I keep opening my closet doors to look at the neatness of it all (obsessive)

Oh ya I also cleaned out my makeup drawers and FOUND A SILVER LIPSTICK WHY WOULD I EVER NEED A SILVER LIPSTICK!

And organized all my accessories!

I am so turning over a new leaf maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and I’ll be my mom WTF.

But maybe not just yet because yesterday I broke a plug adaptor, an extension cord box thing (I pulled it out by its screws wtf) and  a glass ornament (I don’t know my own strength ok I was holding it in my hand and it snapped and when I stared at incredulously it broke again wtf and then I stepped on the glass and cut my foot wtf)

I also threw out my old Barbie dolls BOOHOO damn heart pain when I took them out (but not as painful as if I were to throw out any of my teddy bears they’re all still in my cupboard)

What else have I done lately?

Oh I went to look at books for GRE and GMAT and realized that I will fail it wtf.  If I did these tests right after SPM I would totally ace it ok the math is like Add Math only.

But now I can’t even calculate how much to tip waiters how to take the GMAT T_T

Oh and does anybody know where I can find out about scholarships for post grad study!

Ok bye off to diarrhea which is what I’ve been doing twice a day ever since I got back TT



I know other universities call the graduation ceremony Convocation but in Mount Holyoke (and possibly other American schools) call it Commencement.

And the ceremony at the start of the school year is called Convocation.

This is because Convocation actually means ‘gathering’ so it’s like everyone is gathering to begin the new academic year.

And Commencement is called such because it is the commencement of our lives T_T (apparently our lives before didn’t count wtf)

So the pictures in the last post were of the Laurel Parade (not Commencement)

These are the real Commencement pics!

Angela and Mild swore that I would do something to screw up like fall down when I went to get my diploma wtf.

And I really felt like I would trip!

Angela already has doubts about me being her maid of honor because she said a maid of honor is supposed to help the bride organize and arrange everything, and that would not be possible with me wtf.

I promised fervently to write everything down in a notebook just please don’t take away my maid of honor-ship wtf.

She said she can just imagine herself picking me up from the airport for her wedding and my first words to her when I get into her car will be “Eh Angela how ar I lost my notebook la” wtf.

So anyway sure enough I screwed up on stage as will be shown later wtf.

But first more pictures from Laurel!

My hair on the first day was so red I seriously thought I looked like the Wicked Witch of the West or some trampy prostitute who gets killed by Jack the Ripper wtf.

Ya it’s just only occured to me that it’s not good to step on someone’s grave. But I think Mary Lyon wasn’t really buried there I think it’s just a symbolic resting place!

I love candid shots! But none of us look that good here.

With Kerning, Yen and Li Duan wtf (I have no idea which is her last name and which is her first)

And Monet!

The Harry Potter library. It even has banners of phoenixes and lions and centaurs (our class mascots?) 2008 is the lion yo Gryffindor wtf.

Me and Mom inside the library.

Then on to the Art Musuem in which Fat Her decided to take photos of nearly every exhibit there I think it’s his dream to go to a proper university T_T

Outside Clapp. Honestly what is with our names. First Hooker now Clapp wtf.

And then we went to the President’s backyard for a picnic. This is where Fat Her became too greedy and took too many cheese and crackers so a bird shat on his head HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA he was so calm ok he just said in a strained voice “aiya bird shit” and tried to use a napkin to wipe his head hahahahahahahahah.

Real graduation pictures! I still have curlers in my hair and Angela is zipping up my dress for me oh my lord I seriously miss her so much how ar how ar T________________________T

All the graduating seniors assembling.

Spot me! Obviously the shortest one by far. My parents said luckily my hair is so red or they would never have spotted me in the crowd. -_-

And then sitting down.

The sun was terrible that day! The whole week it was drizzly and miserable and on Commencement the sun shone and shone and everybody nearly died of heat stroke.

Due to my intense fear of the sun and tanning and melanin spots I spent the entire ceremony with my head under the itinerary like a roof T3T (pictured like the guy above wtf)

And then the faculty assembled and I nearly cried here T3T everyone was cheering them on and they all looked so clever (with their different robes and honors from their respective universities) and kind and not human like gods WTF.

And then here comes my diploma acceptance!

Waiting for my name to be called. (still normal)

Name gets called! Cap starts falling off. Have to walk out holding my head T________T

Take hand off hat long enough to accept diploma from Jojo (President)

Instead of walking past the podium to the other side of the stage before getting off it, I veer towards the stairs IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAGE where THERE IS A POTTED PLANT IN FRONT OF IT because NOBODY IS SUPPOSED TO WALK THERE and HITCH UP MY SKIRTS TO STEP OVER THE PLANT in full view of thousands of people honestly why am I like this I really hate myself at times T______________T

Every other normal person of course walked to the other end of the stage where there was a photographer waiting to take pictures of them with their diplomas so I missed that photo opp too T____________T

I am so angry! I am going to take another degree just so I can get my graduation right you just watch me wtf.

After the ceremony! (With flowers I chose myself the day before wtf where is the fun in that you tell me!)

With Yamashita Sensei, who is my 2nd favorite teacher after Lipman.

Speaking of Lipman I am so angry omg. I was waiting for him after the ceremony so I can accost him and take one last photo with him and give him a thank you present wtf but he had left immediately to attend a wedding!!

How can he do this to me! I will never ever see him again *disillusioned over first love WTF

Fat Her says Yamashita looks like Woody Allen wtf.

With Angela and our diplomas wheeeeee. Damn cool okay the entire certificate is written in Latin so instead of a regular Bachelor of Arts I now possess a Baccalaureate of Artibus wtf.

Fat Her also wants to graduate (which he already did ok just not from a proper campus like MHC) Argh look at my hat hair.

Us with Patricia and parents mingling around.

And Lisa-chan the sweetest girl ever!

With Beth again!

Yen and her family.

Still haven’t gotten other pictures from Mild and Angie yet:( Must put more pictures of the biggest day of my life when I walked down the wrong steps T________T


Bread and Roses

My life has been a major turmoil these days.

Right after Commencement on Sunday I realized that I should be moved out of the dorm like that day itself wtf.  So in a matter of hours, the Oois and I managed to pack MY WHOLE ROOM UP and moved to the hotel.

(but not without throwing away a lot of beloved items.  Like my Hello Kitty comforter T________T)

(But we are lugging back my Hello Kitty humidifier to use in a country that’s humid enough wtf)

I am going home this Thursday!

I am still putting off blogging properly about graduation weekend because I haven’t received pictures from Angela and Mild yet (both who are back in Vancouver and Bangkok respectively)

But Imma post up some pictures from the Laurel Parade which is held the day before Commencement.

The Laurel Parade is an age old tradition with Mount Holyoke where returning alumnae and graduating seniors all wear white and walk carrying laurel branches as a symbol of the women’s suffrage movement.

Ya it’s obvious that Moho is clearly a very feminist institution.

And I am a big feminist too!  If any male tries to patronize me so help me god I will stab his eye out with my mascara wand wtf.

Anyway the Laurel Parade was fun because we got to see everyone dress up in white dresses and look so pretty.  I heard this woman comment “you never think that there would be 5oo different variations of white dresses in one place” but it’s so true ok!

Us with the laurel!  That’s Trisha/Treisha/Trenoige behind dunno how to spell her name wtf.

I was already in tears by then.  Just by taking part in one of the last Moho traditions I’ll ever join in again as a student, and by being cheered on by alumnae from the classes of 2006, 2003, 1988, 1958 and 1933 who were clapping for us by the sides of the parade T___________T

Serenaded by bagpipes!  How much more traditional can you get?

Cannot resize cos must show you the signs damn cute!  The alumnae fro different classes made signs to show us what it was like during their time at school.  This is the class of 1988. 20 years ago can you imagine.

And these are signs from the class of 1958.  M & C’s are another Moho tradition – it stands for Milk and Cookies and every weeknight from 9.30 pm students can go downstairs in their dorms where “milk and cookies” will be waiting for them.  Of course there are other things like muffins and juice or whatever but these days people are trying to be healthy so a lot of the time we get baby carrots instead of cookies wtf.

Then we walk to the grave of Mary Lyon (the founder of Mount Holyoke) and sing “Bread and Roses” which is a song about the feminist movement wtf.

We had to learn the song in like 5 minutes the day before during rehearsal!  As a result none of us knew the melody very well so everyone kind of warbled through it at different tones wtf and everybody sang the “bread and roses” part damn enthusiastically since it was the only part we were sure of wtf.

The four of us with all our families!  We realized that all of us have brothers but no sisters.  I have Ooib, Jeannie has an older brother, Mild has two younger ones, and Angela has her cousin wtf but they grew up together so he’s more like her brother too.

See how red my hair is! *shudder

In front of Hooker Auditorium, the bane of my existence wtf.  Cos people call it Hooker Aud. for short.  Therefore I am a hooker wtf.

I miss them both so much already T______T

And my Beth!

At the final resting place of Mary Lyon.

In front of the library.

Ok that’s all for now I cannot take this stupid hotel wireless connection anymore slow like cibai wtf.

Will blog more thoroughly when I get a stable connection and all the pictures and videos imma keep blogging about this until nobody visits my blog ever again for fear of boredom and repetition wtf.