
on top of the line wtf

I am online!I suffered withdrawal systems the whole of yesterday because my internet connection was cut off by stupid Mt Holyoke.

This is because I exceeded the daily bandwidth limit by, oh 7 GBs?

The daily limit is 1.GB a day.

I was downloading Kamisama mou sukoshi dake. Can’t I have some entertainment in this place?

So, as I was saying. Withdrawal symptoms.

I played minesweeper obsessively.
My mouse kept automatically clicking on my Firefox icon before realizing I DON’T HAVE CONNECTION DAMMIT.
I drank so much water that I had to go pee at twice my normal rate.
Watched some movie called “Shopgirl”

But now that I have my connection yang best back, the world is good again.

When you’re in a women’s college in a hickhole the middle of nowhere, the simple things in life make you happy.

I realized that I am now easily satisfied by tiny things.

Honey ham strips in the salad bar
Shrimp anywhere
A freshly cleaned toilet with the nice smelling thing they put in the water so it turns blue
Extra paper that you can steal in the comp lab

I’m aware that 3 out of 5 has to do with food but so?! Don’t eat can die wan you know!

AudDisgusting AudRubbish

Off to Never Never Land

I’m hungry.This is because I spent nearly two hours in the toilet tonight, doing what I do best.

On the bright side, my stomach has lost its bloated whale look.

On the downside, I can feel gastricitis setting in.

Jia Min told me something very disturbing the other day.

No, not that!

She said Subang Parade is being renovated. Is it true ar?

Pardon me while I sink to my knees and tear my hair out,

How can?! Subang Parade has all my childhood memories and now you’re going to change its essence!

Things are changing and I DON’T like it. Everything in Malaysia
is changing, my parents’ car got splashed with acid and red paint (damn
those loan sharks), Brother Ooi is coming to the US, everyone else is
going to crappy Melbourne, Malaysian girls for some unfathomable reason
are becoming obsessed with mature ethnic type clothing which I hate
(yes I will look stupid in it), and new places are popping out

I still haven’t been to Zouk, The Curve, or Ikano. I dunno what I was doing the whole of last summer.

And now Subang Parade is a-changing!

It was:

1. The first mall I had permission to go to with friends only.
Me, Hsin-Ee Tan and Davina Chan and Elaine Kan would troop over to
MacDonald’s there to buy french fries to dip into our sundae cones,
before going home to sleepover, where I would regularly scare Hsin into
thinking I was smiling at her in the middle of the night (those were
the days of buck teeth and before braces)

2. The first place where I got attacked by ah bengs.
Weirdly enough, metal specs, metal teeth, twigs for arms and a
washboard for a chest held some charm.

3. The ONLY place I dare to go without makeup and washed hair,
and wearing pasar malam shorts (ok la maybe Giant is another)

4. The first place I could drive to on my own when I first got my
license. The epitome of cool, driving to Subang Parade in my
pasar malam shorts, with Jia Min/Hsin in the passenger seat, slurping
on slurpee.

5. The only place where Hsin managed to park in TWO parking
spaces AND honk herself, and then wonder who dared to honk her in the
parking lot. HAHAHAHHA

Can I not grow up ar?


Oh my fahn-ess

I am damn fahn now. And if this goes on any longer, my hair will turn white.Actually, come to think of it, quite cool right if your hair is
white. People will think you purposely dyed it and the best part
is, it won’t even change to some yucky kam color.

But that is not my point here. My point here is to talk about the
thousand uncertainties in my life and how fahn I am over them.

Before I go into that, let me yammer on first about my study abroad interview. Important points to be noted:

– Interviewer is world’s meanest woman who seems to think that smiling is a sin
– Interviewer wore a tweed suit and what looks like a bear skin
– Less than half of the interview was conducted in Japanese – why my Japanese not good enough ar??
She was damn bitchy la I tell you. See, she asked me what
impression I had of Japanese people. So off the top of my head, I
said they’re polite and welldressed. She said, “Oh, but you’re
welldressed too….eh no you’re not.”

I stared at her with my smile frozen in place. Then uttered the fakest laugh in the world.

Hello! I’m not one of those people who like to walk around in
their pajama pants and sweatshirts ok! Fine, I was only wearing
jeans, a tshirt and a grey sweater but still! It was -10C that
day, do you expect me to wear my prom dress to see you?

At least I didn’t go into the forest to slaughter some grizzly to wear.

Anyway, this is why I’m worrying about my acceptance into this study
abroad program. Also because she said there are only 40 places
but 62 applicants.T_T

Also, don’t know if I should apply for another study abroad program at
Sophia University in Tokyo because the application fee is a whopping
$370, and what with me being at near poverty level now. But if
don’t apply, and if I don’t get into the Kyoto one either, will I have
to be stuck here in South Hadley next year? I’ll commit suicide.

Number two, worrying about internships. Who wants to offer me an
internship in Melbourne raise their hand! It’s freaking hard to
even locate a suitable internship for over the summer, much less apply
for it. Then I have to think about the work permit, air ticket
and dunno what shit somore. Just kill me la.

Jobs I’m willing to do:
– Media
– Advertising
– Publishing
– Enjo kosai HAHAHA
– Pulling out Leroy’s boil (most satisfying option)

Number three, worrying about where I’m going to be during spring
break. Thinking of heading to Vancouver, but problem is, I can’t
synchronise flights with Angela. When I say can’t synchronise, I
mean if I do go, I’ll arrive in Vancouver, then on the way back,
Bradley, a good 12 hours before her. Then what am I going to

Also since I’m at poverty level, there’s a good chance I won’t have
money to spend there. Intensely high possibility of choking on
own drool as I salivate over other people’s shopping bags.

*funeral march music*

AudDisgusting AudVanity


Your favorite blogger is down with a bladder infection.YES. YOU HEARD RIGHT.

The doctor said it was a matter of bacteria getting inside me.

And no, it’s not because I failed to wipe myself properly. I’m
the number one user of toilet paper in Ham hall okay because I use a
few meters of paper everytime I go to the toilet.

Moving on, because I am a closet geek, we shall talk about academics today.

Actually the geek has only been hidden in the closet since
about 3 years ago and had to be put away because she has metal-framed
specs, greasy bangs, an overbite and elbows sharp enough to carve a

But I’m digressing.

Tomorrow I am going for an interview that will determine where I will be for the next academic year.

I have to go for this interview because I am applying to study abroad in Kyoto next year.

I am so looking forward to this! Think of the wonders of Japanese makeup and fashion! *angels singing loudly*

Therefore, if I don’t get in and Angela and Yen do, meaning I’ll be
stuck here in South Hadley for 2 more years in a row, I’m going to take
medical leave for a year.

Wish me luck!

AudCamwhore AudSocialButterfly AudTourist

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to

Okay, so let me just get down on my knees and thank god that I didn’t have to resort to drinking my birthday away.21 is my favorite birthday ever!

Let me list down my presents!

1. A gold key on a necklace from Mummy and Daddy Ooi (sent by Special Delivery) Iloveitloveitloveitloveit
2. Silver bracelet with pink teddybear charm from Jia Min Chung
3. Pink and grey tube top, lotsa nail art stuff and the best eyebrow shaver in the world from Angela
4. Pink Snoopy bedroom slippers and a plastic tiara and sceptre/wand from Monet -_-”

::Because I am, apparently, Princess of the Day::

::A beautiful birthday card from the Ooi parents. That’s me on the front (duh)::

::Me as a baby. Who would have guessed I would grow up to look…::

::…like this.::

::Yes, like this. It’s a wonder I had any friends. In case
it’s not clear, I am wearing huge red metal glasses and buck
teeth. You don’t get any clearer pictures because I am done
embarrassing myself.::

5. My birthday present to myself. Pink water bottle.

Let me tell you the story of my birthday. (Btw, it was on Friday, Feb 10)

On Thursday evening, Angela made me go with her to the mall to get some
stuff (and our water bottles because we have droughts in our
room). Even though I am at chronic poverty level, I went with
her, only to get depressed by the sight of so many pretty clothes and
nothing to pay for them with.

Then coming back, she told me not to remove my makeup yet because she
wanted to take pictures sempena my birthday. This being not an
unusual thing for us camwhores, I thought nothing of it.

Then later on, she told me it was because Elise and Jeannie were coming
over with a surprise birthday cake and she didn’t want me to look
shitty when they came.

*rolls eyes* Of course I knew they would come over with
something! That’s what they’ve been planning all along when they
spoke Mandarin among each other in hushed whispers.

At 11.30pm, Monet came over with her presents for me. After being
stupid with the tiara for a while, she left. At that time, I was
talking to Mummy Ooi on the phone and she asked me if I had already
receieved her gold necklace.

“Haven’t get wor.”
“I sent it by Special Delivery. You should get it tomorrow la.”

But then, Angela started acting uncharacteristically bossy and told me
to hang up the phone because Elise and Jeannie were on the way here.

Then she proceeded to blindfold me with a red cloth napkin that I
accidentally stole from one of the dining halls (that’s a story for
another day) and made me sit on the bed.

I could hear Monet’s voice outside saying she left her cell phone and
felt quite stupid for sitting there like an idiot with a napkin aroung
my head.

Then a whole bunch of people clatters in and the bed sinks down next to me. Sei Elise ar sitting down here for what what are they planning omfg

And then Angela pulls off my blindfold and I see the Eveready
Supper Maker/Special Delivery Guy sitting next to me holding roses in
one hand and a muffin with a candle in the other.

So what if I cried!!! Very touching and emo ok!

Sei Shaun you don’t mock me! See if Jia Min does it for you see if you cry until you vomit! wtf.

::Me being in shock which explains the badshapedness of this picture::

And then I got to skip school on Friday and go to New York!

::Ignore those thugs::

::Busy busy New York. Ask me to live there, I’ll die of stress and asthma::

::Me at the subway. Which reminds me!::

::On the way back to MA, we had the suayness to be in the same carriage
as this NoseDigger. In fact, he’s by far the most chronic
NoseDigger I have ever seen, because not only does he use two fingers
to dig his nose simultaneously, he also eats his “pei si” after that
(for almost an hour)::

::After we got back, we got to go to a party. Yalah this is the same bathroom we always take pics in

::Elise, Angela, Yen, me, Mild, Jeannie::

::Eh fei chai thanks for making the time and money to come here <3:D::

Thanks to everyone who wished me! Didn’t think so many people would remember T________T

And I especially love (in no particular order):
Mummy and Daddy Ooi, Brother Ooi, Jia Min Chung, Hsin-Ee Tan, Angela
Luo, Yen Chiang, Elise Wong, Monet Kim and the Special Delivery Boy.


Ashhh Shippal

When I’m all grown up (funny how I don’t think I’m grown up even though
I’m almost 21) and rich, I shall collect national costumes.
::I already have the cheongsam/qipao… ehhh stop looking at the chubby legs!::

::The yukata…::

::Is the slutty ganguro outfit counted?::

::And now the outfit of a Qing dynasty concubine = =::

Okay la, so I don’t really own it, this was just for the fashion show
for China Nite. If I can’t own the costumes, at least I get to
have pictures of the outfit to keep.

This is the headgear that is as heavy as it looks and chokes me when I tie it on.

::Aiyak cannot see Angela’s face::

::There you go::

::My hair which Angela did for me…the sanggul thing is actually my fluffy necklace::

Since I was running around for most of it, I didn’t really get to take that many pictures of everyone else. Oh well.

Going back to the sentence at the top…omfg I cannot believe I’m going
to be 21! At 21, I’m supposed to be tall and fair and look like
Vivian Cheung! But I’m still short, dark and don’t look anything
like said lady

This goes to show that you should never have any illusions about
yourself. If you’re overweight, have a permanent itch in your
crotch and like hentai, you’re probably going to stay that way.

Actually I don’t know what I’m talking about.

TO BE THE MOST IMPORTANT is going to be spent away from family, close
friends and Eveready Supper-maker.

Not fair! My 21st birthday is going to be spent like any other
birthday! In South Hadley! In freezing weather! How
can! Got such thing as postponing then going back to Malaysia to
celebrate ar? Means I’m still 20 until I go back.

Things I can do for my 21st birthday:
1. Do homework HAHAHA
2. Do part-time job of cleaning local Japanese social club HAHAHA
3. Buy alcohol legally and drink until my birthday is over.
4. Go to a club. (But might have to do so alone as friends are still
underaged. Also, might have to WALK to club as have no car.)

Drinking seems like the best option.


AudAngry AudCamwhore AudSocialButterfly AudTourist

Back In The US of A

Happy Chinese New Year and all that. Mine was not that happy because I spent it struggling with luggage and uncooperative airport officers who refused to help me even after seeing my arm sprain and stretch trying to lift my suitcase on this conveyer belt and that counter, and then spending it on another jet plane back to fuxxing South Hadley.

Dahlah this is the second year I don’t get to spend CNY with the Oois and Leongs ( last year I spent it eating Chinese food at this miniscule restaurant that had the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack on repeat), I also don’t get to spend it with Tan Jin-Fei and Tan Jin-Shern.

Since I didn’t make any New Year Resolutions, I shall make some CNY ones instead. (proper ones)

This year, I resolve to:
(a) grow taller
(b) grow breasts
(This both achieved by taking up swimming – no chlorine-ruined kam mou will stop me)
(c) stop procrastinating
(d) be nicer and more considerate to people

Ok la enough la you think I’m God ar make resolution berlambak-lambak?

To mourn (celebrate?) my leaving, we took lots of pictures.

*Warning: Camwhore alert* wtf HAHAHHAHAHAHA

::Me, Yeff and Michelle in the uh, bathroom::

::Yes, his head is really that big::

;;Me with my leech impression. I guess I can add that to my list of skills (see profile)::

::I could put up a caption about how we’re being fobs but I won’t::

::I like this picture despite the water stains::

::I miss my daddy doing this::

::But I don’t miss Titi doing this: very annoying habit of rubbing my bald spot::

::Me with the people whom I fight with every night over MY computer because they have taken it over and installed their stupid DOS games on it::

::At the lake. Dunno what it’s called. We went picnicking when it was 1C with 53kmph wind =.= Dumb Asians. wtf::

::View of said lake::

::Eatin’ at Eaton Place with Jean HAHAHA GEDDIT::

::I miss Julius too::

::Go ahead, make jokes about smelling armpits::

::My favorite boyband::



Thursday was January 19th 2006.

It was also my 8th month anniversary.

The first monthly anniversary that we finally get to celebrate together.

And I forgot about it!!

No, I didn’t forget about it. I miscounted the days and thought the 19th was on Friday. And a few days ago I cleverly quizzed him in a speedy and loud tone, “What Day is Friday?”

Oh well. Maybe no fate to celebrate anniversaries on time. Anyway, only yearly anniversaries are real ones, right? Right?

A long time ago, Darren Tan had requested that I dedicate a whole post to him.

Oh, very well.

Today we shall talk about his bad habits.

(This one’s for you, babe)

1. Likes to eat lots of bananas which cause wind and make him fart at random moments.
2. Likes to grab me right as he lets one rip, and force me to smell it, saying “If you love me you’ll smell my fart”. Fuxxing sadist.
3. Doesn’t wash his jeans for two years.
4. DotA freak omfg.
5. SHowers with his specs on.

But then he also puts up with MY bad habits:

1. Keep slashing my own fingers and still never learning, while peeling mangoes.
2. Tripping over nothing.
3. Dropping things on a daily basis (yes Yennie, I have Spinocerebullar Degenerative Disease, thanks)

I only have THREE compared to his FIVE okay!

Anyway, noone should get this much attention on this blog except ME so this post is over. Thanks,

(And I still <3 you babe)

AudSocialButterfly AudTourist

Audrey’s Day of Fun in the Snow

For New Year’s Day, we went to Niagara Falls.
::Ta-dah! Niagara Falls is split into 2 sides: the US one and the
Canada one, since it’s right on the border. The Canada one seems
a lot prettier. Damn. wtf. ::

:Look like postcard or not? I am wearing my stupid jacket that makes me
look like a frozen bao, because it is supposed to be waterproof, but
the mist absorbed into it anyway and turned me into a very heavy sack.::

::This is me and the American side of Niagara because I am after all, American in essence already. WTF. ::

::Uhh me and a frozen tree::

After that, we went home and with amazing semangat, managed to build a snowman AND a snow penguin.

::Me, Cheryl, Michelle and Monica with Darren’s scarf::

::Us and our penguin::

::Me without makeup. Shaddup.:

Happy New Year, everybody. Okay, goodnight. wtf.