I really should blog more, After all, I’m only in Toronto for a month and I dunno if I’ll ever be back here again. Today I wanted to talk about my crappy flight to Toronto because as you all know, I’m very prone to crappy flights.
However, I have just realised that the photos from the flight are all
in Mrs Law (Darren’s mum)’s comp and her computer just crashed so I
have to get Angela to send them to me again.
Also, haven’t
been taking many pics here because (a) forgot to recharge camera
batteries (b) forgot to bring battery charger (c) forgot to bring cable
to connect computer and camera.
Incidentally, also forgot to
bring battery for laptop = =. Lugged stupidly heavy laptop here
in my pink polka dot bag all the way here for nothing.
Anyway. Toronto is not much different from Massachusetts. The only differences I can discern are:
(a) the buildings are a lot shinier than those in Boston
(b) Canadian people speak with a harder to understand accent than Bostonians
(c) It is freaking colder here! I never imagined a more terrible
place than South Hadley but this is infinitely worse! Neared
frostbite several times, no thanks to boyfriend who seems to love
evening walks in the snow.
Okay, that’s all now. You
have to put up with this freaking boring entry because I am going
to sleep because tomorrow we have to wake up early because we have to
go to Auntie Emelee Law’s restaurant to put up decorations for New
Oh for the Malaysians: Happy New Year’s!
(Do you say Happy New Year’s? Or Happy New Year? Suddenly both don’t sound right) -__________-“
Guess whose big day it is?
::Happy birthday to Darren Tan! I love you babykins 😀 ::
::mmm…this pic is only up because he likes it. Please ignore my running eyeliner, messy hair and lansi face::
::Me and Michelle (Darren’s stepsis) with the Xmas tree we decorated::
::Me, Michelle and Titi wtf::
::The Tan brothers. Leroy’s face is like that probably cos
he just farted and is regretting not putting his hand on his ass and
then waving it in front of my face. Thanks a lot Titi.wtf. ::
::Darren and Michelle blowing out the candles on their joint birthday cake::
Happy birthday again, babe. Love you lots and lots. <3
Coming up next: Flight to Toronto omfg.
Hohoho I’m done with finals AND packing!Which means, goodbye Mount Holyoke and hello Niagara Falls and WTFs.
Don’t miss me while I’m gone!
Which I’m sure you won’t since I’ll probably go online as soon as I get there.
Yesterday, to take a break from all that horrible art history, I turned on the tv.
Stern’s show was on. For those that dunno (including me before I
watched this stupid show), Howard Stern is this really foul-mouthed DJ
with his own TV show that really politically incorrect things happen
on, mostly with a lot of big-breasted women in bras and panties
Anyway, yesterday in conjunction with the Super Bowl,
Howard Stern’s show was having this special thing they called the
Stupid Bowl. = = In it, two women (who I think were aspiring porn
stars) had to compete with each other in a series of challenges to win
a prize.
And of course they had to do it in bras and panties also.
turned on the tv halfway so I already missed the first few
challenges. The one that I saw, the women had to compete to see WHO COULD PICK UP MORE COINS BETWEEN THEIR BUTT CHEEKS, RUN OVER TO A BUCKET, AND DROP THE COINS IN.
The winner would be the one who got the most coins in the bucket in the set amount of time.
Here are some pictures.
Rated 18SX let me warn first.
::Uhh here is one of the women releasing the coins::
::Here is she kepiting the coins between her ass cheeks = =::
::Here they are, running to the bucket = =::
that, they had another challenge, who could use their mouths to get the
most number of mini sausages from a toilet bowl in the set amount of
time would win.
::She’s getting ready to dive::
Oh yea, the prize for winning the Stupid Bowl is $100 and a chance to give a self-promo speech at the end of the show.
Please remind me why I’m getting my education in this country again.
It snowed! A lot! The snow was at least a foot high!
On Friday after lunch I went out and purposely fell down on the snow.
My concerned friends all came running out from inside yelling, “Oh my god, Audrey! Are you all right?”
Cannot tell that I just wanna play with snow ar? =.=
Then we all lay down and made snow angels. Mine didn’t turn out very well because I forgot to put my head down so my angel was headless and due to my lack of height, my ass was somewhere where Yen’s angel’s chest was, so all in all it looked more like some kind of deformed demon.
::View of the outdoor auditorium::
::As usual my mouth has to be twice the size of everyone else’s::
::Uhh.. a bridge::
::Dunno why my face is faded out also::
::Our window view::
::Don’t look at the bad hair, stupid facial expression and striped pajamas. I was going to sleep okay. I said don’t look already la!::
Let me show you a picture of this humongous Pocky I bought and kena cheated for. Until I went to pay for it, I didn’t know that this fcuking box of Pocky cos USD11!!!
How can so expensive wan! I didn’t know until I checked the receipt some more. Cheat people wan I tell you! I too happy to see it that I forgot to check the price. Anyway, how expensive can chocolate covered biscuits be? Kena con gao gao.
And guess where I bought it? At the asian supermarket in Boston. Yes, the same one where I got the Yan Yan from which gave me food poisoning and a good stab up the ass. Dunno what I owed them in my past life.
I’ve just finished sobbing to episode 8 of this Japanese drama called “1 Litre of Tears” so I’m going to do some promo for it. It’s a true story based on the life of a 15 year old girl who gets Spinocerebellar Degenerative Disease (and how she copes with it), which is a nervous diesase that basically stops all your nerves from working and you slowly become unable to do things like eat, walk or see. And then you die in the end.
Anyway, it’s much better than stupid Korean dramas where people’s favorite past times are losing their memory and/or getting adopted by other families while falling in love with their childhood best friend.
So I just finished sobbing. Then I got this email from a friend that I’ve been talking to on Skype (For Japanese class, we have to each talk to a student from Tokyo on SKype to improve our Nihongo).
Before this I’d asked her if she watched that drama.
I know the dorama which called “”1 little of tears”. When the dorama is on TV, I have a part time job as a tutor for a junior high school student every week. So I always watch it only the last seen sadly. However, even if it is only last seen, I also cry cry cry ; ; But I was suprised to hear that you also be able to watch Japanese drama in America. Is it usual? Is it famous? Is it on TV or can you rental videos from video shop or something like that? Is it translated into English?
Actually, I have ever been in hospital some times since when I was a child. Two years ago, I had been hospitalized for a year because of canser. So the drama reminds me of the time. I seem to have a genetic factor to be canser even if I’m young. When I took a lot of hard medicine, although it was very hard for me to endure them, thanks to many friends encouraged me or visited the hospital, I could overcome the disease I think. Now, I am so happy because I can live and eat and go to somewhere I want to. Being able to living is wonderful I think!!
Also, actually I have no sight now. Due to the canser, I lost my sight when I was 3 years old. Sorry to surprise you suddenly. However, I wanted to talk about myself with detail because I was glad to make friend with you.
I think that we can’t chose sickness or health sadly. However, we have to live as ourselves and we have to accept ourselves. So, I don’t care my ill or visually disability. So, please don’t care about my disability too!!
Talking to her on the phone I never suspected anything about her disability.
I think she might be my new hero.
I also dunno why I’m writing this entry. Maybe because I feel proud of her in a weird way even though I’ve never even met her.
I guess this entry is just to applaud her bravery.
Christmas is coming Christmas is coming!
Nice or not my new layout? This is courtesy of Shaun Chong.
Let’s put a picture of him, shall we?
::Da Man (in an apron). Eh eh Shaun cannot scold ar! Your beloved gf said can put wan!:D ::
For some reason, I’m in a damn Xmassy mood this year. Maybe cos for the first time in my life, I’m going to have a white Christmas! Yup, I’m not going back to Malaysia for winter and going to Toronto instead. I know la I know la I don’t even celebrate Christmas, but I think I shall now!
::Thanksgiving turkey! It has Christmassy colors:D::
The only thing bad about white Christmases is the cold.
I am fucking freezing here! That may be because it is snowing outside now but so?! No heater wan ar?
Precisely, the freaking heaters in the building don’t seem to be working. When I put my hand near it, I can feel some heat but other than that the rest of the room is at Antartic temperature.
That’s why right now I’m wrapped up in this fugly blanket I stole from United Airlines, wearing wool socks, fleece pajama pants, and 2 layers of pajama tops. And that’s also why right now my right leg seems to be having rheumatism. (Or maybe that’s because I wore a skirt out yesterday at 0 C temperature cos I was under the delusion that my new shoes looked too good with a skirt to not wear one)
What I Want For Xmas:
1) World Peace (and a beauty pageant title while we’re at it) – First wish must be an unselfish one – I want US army officials to stop torturing people in the Middle East. And for the US to stop giving so much money to hurricane survivors and divert some of it other places with disasters.
2) A new haircut 😀 Wait till Toronto la.
3) A pintu suka hati
4) More MAC eyeliner
5) Bigger boobs
6) Brother Ooi to come to US
7) Mummy to eat and not get fat 😀
8) Daddy to grow taller. wtf.
9) Darren Tan to visit me at Mt Holyoke
10) More heat in this room
11) Sungei Wang to be brought over here
12) To go to Kyoto for junior year
13) The girl down the hall’s feet to stop smelling. It’s so bad until the whole hallway stinks and somebody had to spray airfreshener throughout the corridor.
It’s been a long day.At 4+ am this morning, I woke up feeling nauseous. Fearing that I would puke on my bed, I rushed to the bathroom.
Manatau there were 2 black girls there still chatting away and gossiping about dunno who’s boyfriend.
Somehow I couldn’t puke when other people were around so I just knelt at the toilet bowl and waited for them to leave.
After about a few years, one of the girls finally left and the other one started brushing her teeth. To my dismay I realised she was the one who had gum problems and had to brush her teeth for 20 minutes a time.
After 20 minutes she finally left and I was free to vomit.
I went back to sleep and woke up again an hour later wanting to throw up again. This time I tak sempat run to the bathroom so I had to throw up into my dustbin. T________T
It went on like this for another 2 more times before I finally gave up and called the Health Center. A van came and picked me up, but not without some hassle first of me getting locked out of my own building then kena nagged at by the driver who said he couldn’t find me and had to go upstairs to my room to look for me. *does equals sign face*
Got admitted into the Health Center ward, puked there one more time and received a jab on the ass (cos I would rather take injections than swallow pills) and some apple juice. Good thing they gave me a nice bed also cos I was so exhausted from running back and forth between my room and the bathroom and vomiting that I fell asleep for damn long.
They said it’s either a virus or something I ate, which I suspect was my beloved Yan Yan. There you know the biscuit sticks that you dip into chocolate and eat wan? Red packaged cup with a compartment for the chocolate wan. Fucking Yan Yan.
Now I’m back home with greasy ponytailed hair (so I don’t get vomit on it), a sore ass and my weight 1 kg lighter.
So. I was doing my laundry just now. The washer had finished with my load, and I started shifting all my wet clothes to the dryer.
Then suddenly I saw in a little corner next to my washing machine, my pale yellow underwear with the pan cute ribbons at the side.
Shit la. Must have dropped on the floor. Means dirty already la.
I picked it up.
And it’s not my panties at all!!!!
It’s somebody else’s skin colored underwear WITH A FUCKING DRIED PERIOD STAIN ON IT!!!
Did the bitch just suddenly get a cramp in the laundry room and just open her pants there and then to check and then realising that yes indeed her period has come, she just decide to take off her underwear and dump it in the fucking corner?!
Got a bloody big garbage can there for you to throw la for god’s sake! Don’t tell me your aim is off by a few feet so siong ar?!
Mad wan what were you thinking?!?
I some more had to pick it up using not two, but FIVE FREAKING FINGERS!
I screamed like a girl (which is a impressive feat for someone who has a male voice) and went to scrub my hands.
And since I just dropped the thing there and left, I’m sure by now the laundry room is haunted by a toyol.
In the depths of jealousy and left-outness, I have decided I should belong in Brother Ooi’s birthday picture.
That’s me on the right, next to Mummy Ooi.
People have asked why didn’t I just insert a photo of myself there.
That’s a good question.
Moving on, Darren Tan has gotten his U.S. visa at last!
FInally, they have decided that he is not going to hijack a plane or send anthrax to anyone or take off and hide in a Chinese restaurant, furiously washing the dishes by the drains.
So now, the next step is he has to sit in a bus for a day and a half before he can make it to good ol’ Mount Holyoke….and wash my clothes for me.
No la, with my luck he won’t come and I’ll have to lug my laundry bag to the basement myself.
On a totally different note, am going to reperm my hair again, as have realilsed that I know look like 849209402 other girls with this hair.
Some more more and more people are joining the bangs brigade. wtf.
Tak Boleh!
Therefore, I am either going to reperm OR straighten my hair. Let me show you.
Damn fuxxing pretty right?! I want I want!
Another option is the straightened hair at the back. The bangs don’t really want em like that kua.
And this is if by the time I go do my hair its still to short to do the perm or straightening, I’ll cut it and dye it like this.
If anyone takes any of these pics and runs off to their hairdresser with it, I swear I’ll send you anthrax.
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