
Maxwell’s Silver Scissors

*stares blankly into space*I can’t believe I did this to myself.

I was blowing my hair after a nice shower.
Trying to get more volume into my botak head.

And then the hairdryer fan ate my hair.

I had to take a scissors to it.

Now, one side shorter, one side longer.


AudAtMoho/USA AudNerd AudSocialButterfly

Of pink bulu pens

“In 18th century China, women were thought of as a commodity. Wives were not so much a life partner, but someone who took care of one’s household and needs. Ironically, even though a wife naturally had a much higher status in the family than a maid, their duties were similar. Both ran the household, and many maids performed “wifely duties to their masters…”

I was saying to Jia Min how smart I felt writing this paper analysing 18th century Chinese society.

She said knowledgably, “It’s cos you watch so many Chinese serials so you can roughly put your mind in the situation.”

I laughed and said, “That’s why! I know a lot that dumb ang mohs don’t!” (Excuse me for this racist and stereotypical comment)

Jia Min said, “Obviously! You read all the books also what. All they know is their own culture!”

But actually that’s not true. I said, “No lah, actually those ang mohs taking this class memang interested in Asian culture wan.”

She said, “Really ar? Then they read those books written by other ang mohs wan is it? I somehow imagine bimbos in blond hair with pink stuffs…pink bulu pens and pencils … taking Chinese culture cos it sounds pretty… hahaah I’m watching too much TV la!”

I had no choice but to answer like this, “Eh no la! These people take Chinese classes wan ok! And shadup la! The one with the pink furry pen is me!”


“Everyone else is damn serious wan la… wear like grey or dark blue hoodies and carry Eastpak backpacks stuffed with books.”

Jia Min said, “HAHAHAH!!! And you carry a pink polka dot bag!! With pink bulu everything!”

“That’s why la! All my clothes are pink and on my bag got the pink furry ball that Ruth got for me that has bells on it so I jingle when I walk.” =.=

Jia Min said wisely, “Turns out the bigger bimbo is the Asian.”

Maybe I should clean up my image a little.

note: “ang moh” – literally “red hair” in hokkien, used to refer to caucasians.
“bulu” – fur in malay.


I finally got pics for the carnival last weekend. Carnival konon, don’t even have ferris wheel! Anyway, some pics.

::Jeannie and Mild trying to topple each other. HAHAHAHAH!!::

::The usual camwhorish pic::

::Me waiting for my turn to get my caricature done.::

::Ang, me, Karmen and Jeannie with our pics::

::Me and Angela’s caricatures.::

::Let’s zoom in, shall we? The artist captured my BIG mouth perfectly, damn him. He said this is one of the best cartoons he’s ever drawn. Of course la my face like cartoon only no wonder easy to draw la!::

::Life imitating art::

Okay that’s all for now, because after that I got worried that I would get dark and months of winter would be wasted so I went back in.::



*grumbles*People complained that I should update.

So, nah, this is an update for you!

Thanks to pressure, this is going to be a crappy update.

Thanks to nothing happening in my life, this is going to be a crappier update.

Okay, give me something to blog about!

AudCamwhore AudRubbish

Que sara sara, whatever will be, will be.

Somebody was too free and decided to picture what I would look like 50 years from now.

::This is me, 2055::

::This is what I would look like if I were ang moh. -_-“::

::This is me if I was black. Whaddup ho.::

::This is me if I were Filipino.::

::This is what I would look like if I were an anime character. Hentai mau?::

::And this is the advertising poster child for Planet of the Apes.::

::I got down on my knees and thanked god that I am a normal 20 year old Chinese girl.::



Just a quick blog.


For those who are too apathetic to click on it, I’m putting up an excerpt from the site.

Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Whenever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must- at that moment, become the center of the world.丒br>
Elie Wiesel

North Korea today has a 23 million strong population.

More than 200,000 thousand prisoners [and by some estimates up to one million] are being held in just 5 of the 15 prison camps in the nation.

North Korea’s State Security Agency maintains 12 political prisons and about 30 forced labor and reeducation camps.

At least two of these camps are larger in area than the District of Columbia. One camp, Camp Huaong, is three times the size of Washington, D.C.

[MSNBC, Death, terror in N. Korea gulag.丒January 15, 2004]

In the last three decades more than 400,000 are believed to have perished in the gulag. [US News and World Report, Gulag Nation.丒June 23, 2003]

Since 1994, an estimated 4 to 7 million have died of starvation, despite the fact that North Korea receives more food aid than any other nation in the entire world. [WORLD magazine, View from the Axis.丒March 9, 2002]

Between 1995 and 1998, North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Il has starved to death two million of his own people. [US Department of State, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,丒2000. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices.]

Most foreign aid donations have been diverted to Pyongyang’s elite and military. Médicins Sans Frontiéres, Oxfam, and other NGOs have pulled out of North Korea due to the lack of monitoring of aid distribution and the lack of access to the most vulnerable provinces. [Amnesty International, DPRK 丒Persecuting the Starving, December 2000]

North Korea is the worst human rights violating state in the world today. [Newsweek International, July 9, 2001]

In July 2001, seven members of the Jang family successfully escaped from N. Korea after seeking asylum in S. Korea at a UN office in Beijing. The media attention of this event was enormous. In revealing contrast, one year ago, another group of seven had sought asylum in S. Korea at a Russian embassy in China. News coverage was sparse. They were promptly deported back to N. Korea where they have endured imprisonment.

The more the world realizes just how bad the people are suffering in N. Korea, the world’s governments will be less inclined to tolerate a regime that causes such suffering. The media plays a vital role of increasing this realization in the world.丒br>
[Chosun Journal,]

They showed a preview of Seoul Train, a documentary project by LiNK during Korea Night.

It was the images of the children that got to me.

It’s always the children.


Songs from the South

Today was nice and hot.62 Fahrenheit. According to my online Fahrenheit to Celcius converter, this is 16.666666.. Celcius.

At a time when everybody is shedding layers and playing frisbee, I am still wearing my pink winter jacket.

Because I scared get dark.

I was holding a blank CD that Angela gave me.
And trying to block the sun from my face with it.
I thought I was being clever by facing the reflective side of the CD to the sun so it would reflect the rays.

Wendy walked past and I waved hi.
She stared at me and asked me what I was doing.

“It’s too hot. I’m trying to block the sun from my face.”

“Oh, I see.”

She thought I was trying to LISTEN to the CD.



It ain’t over till the fat lady sings

Today is a day of grievious sins.Me and Angela had donuts for lunch.
And then pasta.

And then for dinner, another donut.
And ramen.
And 2 huge pieces of garlic bread each.
And then we finished the rest of the box of 12 donuts. =.=

Twelve freaking sugar glazed Krispy Kremes in a day.


Tomorrow, only salad.

::My motivation::


fucking donuts gave me indigestion. i spent the whole night feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

and i just spent the last half hour in the loo.

my ass is on fire.



Another earthquake. :(Is South (East) Asia cursed or what? So far no news of a tsunami, let’s hope it stays that way.

I was talking to someone online and he said “the signs are here that the end of the world is coming.”

*tries not to roll eyes*

He went on to tell me that “I should convert to Christianity now so if anything happens, I can go to Heaven.”

Now, I am not bothered about whatever you believe in, be it Christianity or Wicca. Go ahead la, whatever makes you happy.

But I draw the line when you try to preach about your religion to me. I have had enough of people trying to take me to church camp, trying to make me say grace, smashing flyers into my face and babbling about Jesus/Kuan Yin at the top of their lungs.

I believe there is a Heaven or Nirvana. But what I don’t believe in is that Heaven is exclusively for people who believe in Jesus.

What if you commit a murder yet you are a Christian? Do you get to go to Heaven?
What about if you are leading a damn pious life but have never heard of Christianity because it just never reached your tribe? Are you doomed to eternity in hell?

I just really want to know about that. I’m not kutuking Christianity, which I happen to think is a very beautiful religion. Any Christians out there who can enlighten me?

But I just HATEHATEHATE it when people come up to me and tell me Christianity is the true religion and nonbelievers will never get into Heaven.

For god’s sake (oh no, blasphemy), I don’t even believe in Heaven! I don’t believe that God made the world and universe in 7 days. If there is and end of the world, I don’t believe that it is God’s punishment for us sinning humans. Much like I don’t believe that if you are damn good in your life (or something, the details evade me), you will get 7 virgins when you go to Heaven. So the whole point of you being good is not because it is the right thing to do but so you get to have sex with 7 virgins after you die?

Is there really a true religion? Are religions and their ideologies even real?

Myself, I believe in Buddhism and its belief in reincarnation, karma and Nirvana. It just makes the most sense for me. The world was made because of events that occured in the universe. Humans exist because we evolved from unicellular sea creatures over millions of years.

But I don’t know for sure if what Buddhism says is the truth either. How do we know? Has anyone ever been to Heaven and back and can vouch for it with concrete proof?

I think religions came about to give people hope. To give them faith that someone out there is looking out for them. To give them something to hold on to when they are suffering. To lessen their fear about death and afterlife.

So everyone to their own.
Don’t try to convert me to yours.
How do you know you are right?