Today is Mountain Day.
Now, Mountain Day is a very weird annual tradition at Mount Holyoke College. It happens once a year every fall, but nobody knows what day it will be on.
On the morning of Mountain Day (which is only known to the President of MHC), the church bells are rung at 8am to tell people it’s Mountain Day. Classes are cancelled and we are all supposed to go climb Mount Holyoke.
Yes, that’s right.
Naturally this morning, when I woke up, went to the bathroom and was told it was Mountain Day, I did the only smart thing and jumped right back into bed.
I slept for 3 more hours and woke up at 11 cos Elise called me up and said we’re all going to Amherst for Chinese food!
So off we went.
::On the bus. L-R: Elise, Jeannie, Angela, AUDREY.::
::Us looking for the Chinese restaurant. But obviously its not in the alley::
::We’re stilll looking for the restaurant. Wow am I good at pan cute or what?::
::Found it, thank goodness. L-R: Elise, Mild, Carmen::
::Dammit. We did NOT know they were taking our pic. Sneaks!::
::After lunch. It was too hot for Audrey, hence the coat draped tudung-like over her head::
::Ditto. Today was 26C okay!!::
::Why don’t we get street names like this in Malaysia?::
::OMG this is a damn fugly shot. Bored and tired waiting for the bus. Angela is not trying to be breastfed, for your info::
::Why are the big ones sitting on the small? Apparently we’re still bored::
Oh ya, the Chinese food. If we were in Malaysia I would have whined and bitched then puked. Then asked for my money back. No lah, not that bad, it was nothing great. But I was so happy to eat it that even the yucky green vegetables also I sapu.
“I’m Ryan. Call me a boy. Don’t call me Mr Berman. That’s my father,” Berman, the Mount Holyoke junior lounged back in the green lawn chair and smiled. There was Ryan Berman: Mount Holyoke student; theatre major; transgendered dude.
Growing up in New Jersey and attending a Catholic high school, Ryan was involved in theatre and musical performance. These passions led him to apply to several colleges, including Drew, Douglas, Clark and Mount Holyoke.
“Mount Holyoke was my first choice. I got off the bus and saw someone wearing cow-print pajama pants in the afternoon and knew this is where I wanted to go.”
And attend Mount Holyoke he did. Since arriving, Ryan has made his mark on the theatre department and the illustrious M&C’s a capella group. Most importantly, Ryan learned the meaning of a very powerful word: “transgender”.
“I had no clue about trans-anything when I met Miles Goff [’04] my first year. I was at a party and was corrected about his pronouns and was like ‘Whoa…’ I didn’t sleep at all that night.”
What Ryan learned that night about transgenderism is this: “transgendered” refers to a person who feels the gender assigned to him or her at birth does not quite fit their self-definition or identification.
Some transgendered people choose to undergo hormonal therapy, surgeries and name changes in order to completely transition into another social gender. Miles changed his name legally and started hormone therapy (regular injections of testosterone) before graduating. Only time would show Ryan a similar path.
After much research and soul-searching, Ryan tested out what it would be like to live as a male.
“That March I started going by Taylor, then Ryan. Right around then, I hated the fact that I was female, but then I realised how cool it is to be someone’s boyfriend and know what it’s like to have a period, walk down a dark street alone at night with fear, or have guys stare at your breasts when you talk to them.”
While professors’ and friends’ understanding and support have never been a problem for him, Ryan experienced a lot of resistance to his decision at home.
“My mom was like ‘But you don’t even like sports!’ She also said, ‘I’m never going to call you a boy,’ ‘You’ll always be my daughter’ and ‘Why can’t you just be gay?’ This summer she had to call me her son, though, just not to look like a fool. People looked at her weird when she called me her daughter.
“Nobody in my family wants me to take T [testosterone], They’re worried that I’m impulsive, but I’ve been out for a year and a half. Looking back, I’ve always been a guy. I’ve always been uncomfortable with my breasts, so even if I decide not to transition completely, I still want my breasts gone.
“I’ve always imagined having a penis… I’ve never felt sexual as a woman. And I don’t identify penis with male, but rather penis with ego. I don’t need a penis to be a guy.”
A lot of gender theorists would agree with Ryan. As Susan Parsons writes in “The Ethics of Gender”, “Is the amtter of bodies some preexisting stuff onto which cultural definitions and categories write, or do bodies themselves come to matter through our knowing and understanding of them?” In other words, do our biological bodies define themselves or is it society and culture that label them for us? Ryan would rather overlook the question altogether and shoot straight for the point.
“I don’t believe in all that theory. I just know I feel comfortable when people call me ‘he’ or ‘sir’.”
So far, Ryan has met little trouble garnering acceptance from students at Mount Holyoke.
“I’ve never had a problem with students here. They always apologise for asking questions about me and transgenderism, but I want them to ask questions; how else will they ever know? I’d rather them ask than assume.”
Ryan plans on continuing work with his local therapist and has almost enough money saved for his “top surgery” (double masectomy or complete breast removal).
He hopes to soon change his name legally to Ryan but is in no hurrt to start taking testosterone, as the vocal changes might ruin his career as an M&C. His friends, professors and employers know and respect his transition and he hopes to find the same with incoming students and the generations to come.
“This is a very liberal and accepting collehe and it’s the best place to transition, but it’ll be so hard to go in for a job and have an all-women’s college on my resume because I’ll look like a guy.”
“In the meantime, firsties don’t know we exist yet, but they will. Yes, we do go to an all-women’s school. SOme of us don’t identify as women. Some of us don’t identify as anything. Some of us identify as everything. So, don’t assume. You just can’t.”
By: Milo Primeaux ’07
Mount Holyoke News September 16, 2004 page 7
Part One: Finally, a man on campus
(T ___ T)
Watch out, Malaysia.
I promise I will update soon. But here’s a little something that I’m not satisfied about.
I’m getting quite irritated with the nature here.
The squirrels keep throwing nuts at me.
This happens every time I stand under a tree.
It is quite annoying, really.
And I know the nuts aren’t just falling by themselves because they are ripe, because they are still GREEN.
Also, the nuts are hitting me with more force than gravity is expected if they were to fall from a tree.
This happens to no one else.
::Devil spawn::
This is possibly by far the weirdest movie plot I’ve ever heard of.
I don’t even know the title. But my roommate Beth, who is to be pitied indeed was forced to watch this movie for her Spanish class today.
Obviously the movie is Spanish.
The story goes like this:
Boy A is obsessed with Girl A who is in a coma so he takes care of her everyday in the hospital.
Boy B is not obsessed with Girl B who is also in a coma and used to be a FEMALE BULLFIGHTER, but he comes to see her everyday too (noone is sure why) and does his bit of taking caring for her etc.
I think the FEMALE BULLFIGHTER dies at some point in the movie.
Boy A and Boy B become good friends because they meet everyday at the hospital.
Oh ya, Boy A was obsessed with Girl A even before she got into a coma and did all kinds of scary stuff like make an appointment to see her dad who’s a psychiatrist just so he could get close to her. And at one point he sneaks into her room and steals a hair clip. *shiver*
And out of nowhere there appears Boy C. This is where it gets weird.
Boy C drinks a potion from Girl C (who is his ex i think) and it is a magic potion. SO HE SHRINKS.
I am not talking about his lower pride and joy shrinking or whatever ok! This is not the antidote for Viagra.
He shrinks in body size.
I don’t know why Girl C did that. He probably dumped her badly haha. Watch out men.
Anyway he’s this shrunken small little human now. And one night they end up in bed.
Yes, Girl C and the elf.
And then she’s taking her top off.
And then (THIS IS TOO STRANGE TO BE MISSED) SHRUNKEN MAN starts rolling around on her breasts. Cos he is just too small so he takes her boobs as playthings (then again, which man doesn’t?) and rolls around on them, possibly thinking he is on a slide.
And THEN, the camera suddenly swings around and focuses on her genital area. (Apparently there is no such thing as censorship in Spain)
Boy C stands at her area and puts his whole torso in. I am not kidding.
Then he takes it out. Then he puts it in again.
In. Out.
In. Out.
You get the idea.
Then later Boy C tells about the whole sexcapade to drooling Boy A.
Boy A gets so inspired that he goes to the hospital and has sex with Girl A (who is still in a coma)
Girl A gets pregnant (still in a coma) and gives birth (still in a coma)
Baby somehow dies.
Boy A gets caught for pseudo-necrophilia and goes to jail.
Boy B after the death of his beloved Girl B, meets Girl A (woken up from coma), realises who she is and they fall in love.
They live happily ever after.
What a great romantic movie.
First time ever.
I happily linked arms with Angela (also a no-brainer at laundry science) and together we dragged our baskets down to the laundrette.
In the basement. Amongst the boilers, bicycles (?), rubbish and whatnot.
Some inconsiderate idiots had left their already washed and wet clothes in the washing machines, taking up precious washing machine space.
We got irritated, so it was time to take some action. Deciding to shift the wet garments over to the one of the dryers so we could put our own stuff in, we had to act fast in case they came back.
Angela grabbed an armful of wet fabric. So did I, but I realised something.
“Angela, you bitch! You left me to carry all the underwear!”
I was holding someone’s dripping wet crumpled white/grey/skin-colored panties.
In her haste, Angela dropped a black bra on the floor.
In my haste, I stepped on it.
You deserve it for leaving your stuff in the machine even though its done. Don’t mess with us.
We swiped our cards, pushed our underwear and jeans into the gaping mouths of the washing machines and pressed COLORS.
And waited.
And it came out fine, to my relief!
No colors had miraculously transformed into others.
I popped them all into the dryer next.
When they were done, I pulled them out and started folding them.
They had shrunk.
My gray spaghetti straps now reaches above my navel and has turned into a midriff.
My yellow tank top which was supposed to be a long top to begin with now ends at normal tshirt level.
By the way, I’m getting really addicted to online shopping.
You don’t even have to walk around. All you do is click on something they have to sell, and email them or call them up.
I’ve already bought my Calc textbook like that!
I think I’m going to start expanding to ebay.
Beth the roommate is already tired of me asking her if she wants to get a rug, desk lamp, TV or Johnny Depp poster.
She is terrified that she’ll come home one day to seven microwaves sitting on our floor.
I have given up reading about what happened in China on May 10, 1919.
I have given up trying to memorise Hiragana.
As of now, I will be painting my nails. Then I’m going to bed.
I’ve been only 5 days here and I CANNOT stand life without guys.
I’m turning into some boy-crazy madwoman!
Everytime I see a male on campus, I go, “LOOK! A GUY!”
Like I’ve never seen one before.
But really, I don’t really notice that everyone I see around me (except some faculty members) are all female. But once in a while it hits me that its been a long time since I’ve ever set eyes on a guy.
This is so so sad.
Yesterday me and Angela were walking around campus. I turned to the side, and spied a couple of Asian guys sitting on the curb.
I grabbed Angela’s arm in a visor-like hold and shrieked, “LOOK! TWO GUYS!!”
What I got was for all my effort was a tight slap on the hand administering the visor grip and a hiss, “Shut up! Don’t be so obvious!”
Those people weren’t even cute. They had Ah Beng-like growing-out dyed hair, piggy slit eyes and acne scars. I HATE HATE HATE pockmarks.
They were staring at us. Angela said it was probably becos I was shouting at the top of my lungs when I saw them.
I prefer to think its because they thought we’re cute.
Anway, I heard in pure fear and horror the other day from a senior that 90% of all girls at Mt Holyoke at least once have lesbianic thoughts cross their mind because “the opportunity for erm same-sex r’ships are just there in front of them”. God help me.
Okay pictures time becos I’m such a cam whore.
::Me and Carmen (the photo is blurry cos I decided I look better if I off the flash)::
::Me and Angela (after eating 2 burgers each at lunch. Sei la sure fat wan).::
::Self-explanotory. The pan cute queens decided to spend our time this way while waiting at the academic fair::
::Erm this is from Angela’s camera so ignore the ME there. L-R: the REAL me:P, Angela, Ning, 3 Korean girls that I dunno how to spell the names of, Xue, Jeannie and Chloe::
Enough of self portraits. Now to show you pictures of the place that is causing me to develop even more muscles in my already bulging calves.
::This is Porter Hall, place of residence of Audrey Ooi. I have to fcuking climb up 3 flights stairs everyday to get home. Brings back nightmares of Taylor’s::
::General view of the campus. This is to show you how big it is and to rest your eyes. Check out all the green. ::
::This is the chapel? cathedral? on campus. Or is it the library?::
::The entrance of Mount Holyoke. That’s the clock tower over there::
::Erm, these are the resident ducks in the lake. These are also the culprits who wake people up at 3am every morning cos of their quacking::
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