
Photos are done!

Pre-wedding photos up! First post on the whole process here.

This post is just a lazy post with all the professionally shot and edited photos nia!



Set up of the first shoot.  We (actually I wtf) wanted something rustic and vintage.

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Found this picture funny! Kim from One Way Ticket fixing hair for me fixing tie for Fatty.

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Typical sweet romantic wedding photo pose.

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Fatty looks nice!  I am out of focus *grim

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Fatty has this thing about patting me on my head all the time hahaha.  His dad calls me his Barbie doll wtf.

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A little bit of Up!

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2nd shoot which was our favorite by far.

Styling all done by One Way Ticket.

The triangle flags actually say Tim & Aud but cannot see 🙁

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HAHAHAHAH jump damn high.

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His turn to not let me reach the balloons wtf.

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In awe wtf.

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This picture is perfect for a desktop wallpaper right!!

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This shot was inspired from the scene in Up where Mr and Mrs Frederikson lie on a picnic mat and imagine the clouds in the sky to be of different shapes.  The last shape the clouds turn into is a baby *blush wtf

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Makeshift tent from a quilted blanket also comes from Up!  The scene when they are still kids and Carl breaks his arm and is stuck in his room so Ellie sneaks into his room at midnight and they camp under a blanket and go through her Adventure Book.

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Where would we be without blogging?

We indirectly met through blogging btw 🙂

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Third and final shoot was at night!  We did a 1940s Shanghai theme (just because I wanted to do it in Petaling Street/Chinatown wtf)

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This corridor damn gross la ok!  Looks picturesque but in reality it stank like stale pee wtf -___-  I think we were holding our breaths hahahaha.

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And it was after 11pm in Chinatown (i.e VAIRY DANJERES) so we were quite terrified.  Our photographer some more clutched her camera damn tightly to her chest the entire time she wasn’t shooting hahahaha.

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Candid shot but came out nice!

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And of course what would a 1940s theme be without a black and white shot?

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My most most favorite picture in the entire shoot 😀

P/S: I don’t know how many people I’m reaching, but Nuffnang is starting an office in San Fransisco.  Dunno how many readers I have in San Fran (maybe nearly zero wtf) but if you live in the area and would like a career in social media, apply here  (remember to specify that this is for San Fran if you email wtf) OR email uscareers [at]


Ok time for proper update on what I’ve been doing and wedding planning!

*cracks knuckles

I quit my job end of May.  While I did quite a lot of wedding prep in June, it wasn’t until it hit 1 July that it hit me (ohoho) and my balls shrank (if I had them) and I started freaking out.

I remember when we first got engaged and set the wedding date it seemed like forever away.  But right now it’s in… *counts* 16 days!!!!!! Shah had to remind me today which shrank my balls further thanks Shah.

It’s not that I hadn’t got anything done or was behind schedule!  But I’m super disorganized plus I’ve never thought much about what goes into a wedding, and we’re having two events (ROM and wedding reception — well, three if you count my parents’ reception in KL) so I dealt with all the big ticket things (hire a planner, hire a band, hire a photographer, get my dress, send out invitations) then I thought I was done wtf.  But when July hit I realized there were more and more small things that needed to be done that hadn’t occurred to me before.  It was time to get down and dirty with all the nitty gritty details wtf.  Stuff like…

1. RSVPs

This involved creating Google documents to share with Rina who was handling the Nuffies and Fats’ business partners.  And harried messaging people on Facebook or calling them to confirm their attendance.  Thankfully Rina was there to share the burden thank you Rina you are gold T___T

2. Wedding cake


The hotel only provides a mock cake, with a slice for cutting and it looks like this.  Er very adequate but definitely not in accordance to the theme!  And not for eating either seeing as it’s probably made of styrofoam.

So Fatty’s mom had to rush around and look for a vendor who can provide little wrapped pieces of wedding cake to be placed on the tables for the guests.  I wasn’t too bothered about this because I didn’t ever remember seeing cake at weddings except for Weng’s and I thought that was the door gift wtf.  And I’d already found door gifts so I thought we were good.  But apparently we do wtf and Fatty’s mom managed to secure a vendor.  People really eat wedding cake wan ah!?

And the cake’s ugliness was saved by an angel called Amanda.  She sells macarons at her shop Nineteen Ninety Seven (god I really hope 1997 is not her birth year or I’d feel ancient wtf) and she contacted me because she wanted to give us macarons for the wedding!  At first I was hesitant and didn’t reply her messages wtf because I didn’t know where to serve her macarons.  Takkan she make enough to feed hundreds of people!? Plus dessert is just a small part of weddings and I know she’d put in a lot of effort and I wasn’t sure if she would get any exposure at all on it.

But then I remembered seeing these pictures.

So her macarons are going to be put to good use to decorate the plain white wedding cake 😀 Thank you Amanda!

Su from Bisou also contacted me and offered their cakes for our ROM.  She and her partner Debbie came up with a combination of cupcakes and a proper cake enough to feed all the guests 😀

Not sure what it’s gonna look like.  All I know is it will be rainbow themed 😀 Thank you Bisou!

3. VIP parking

Didn’t think of this did you? Had to call the hotel to make sure they have enough parking spaces in front for our entourage.

4. Counting cars for the entourage

Fatty’s job, this.  Since he and his best men are going to be riding the cars to pick me up, he has to make sure he gets all the cars!  Beg, borrow or steal wtf.

5. Car decorations

My job again fts.

I found some gorgeous inspirations from Pinterest!  Don’t want the usual teddy bear or flowers shit that Malaysian bridal cars always seem to have.

But the problem is, these designs only look good if the car is a little vintage one.  Fatty’s dad has a tiny antique car but we don’t trust it enough to not break down halfway and leave the whole wedding party stranded WTF.  The car will probably be a normal sedan and it will look fucking awkward with cutesy decorations right!  Like Giant wearing Shizuka’s dress wtf.  So oh well.  Waiting for the florist to come up with a cute yet dignified design hahahaha I am the worst client ever at letting the vendors know what I want. When they asked me I said “cute  but not that cute” FTL.

6. Flower girls

I didn’t plan on having any, but Fatty’s mom decided it would be cute and befitting the theme to have little flower girls walk in front of us down the aisle.  She contacted their relatives and secured two nieces for flower girls.

So yesterday I went to look at dresses.



I can safely say that I want something pink hahaha.

Actually all the dresses were adorable!  Nearly made me want to have a baby and dress her.  Nearly.

7. Search for emcees

Jammie volunteered to be emcee but that would mean she’d have to be on her feet the entire time and not join in the fun or toasting or anything!  And Fatty’s UK friend Alex was supposed to emcee with her but he couldn’t make it in the end.  But Fatty got that sorted out also with two people who are quite experienced in hosting events and speaking publicly :3

8. Bouquets

God just thought of this.  Have to call the florist tomorrow wtf.

9. Program and coordination

This was the thing that gave me the biggest headache.  Our planner (who’s also called Audrey hahaha) was originally engaged to do only decoration and not planning which is why I was managing and planning everything myself.  If you engage a planner to do full planning, they’ll even do your RSVPs and seating arrangements for you.  In a way I’m glad I did most everything myself because I have more time now anyway and it’s been quite fun sourcing for things and talking to friends for recommendations and then deciding myself!

But the downside to this is that I needed to ask Angela to do the program and coordination on the day itself!  Our parents don’t think it’s necessary to have a coordinator because they think everything will magically sort themselves out and appear on schedule without anyone telling them to *secretly bitter wtf* but I (and my married friends) know better.  You need someone to ensure the band has all their cues, the kitchen is on standby to serve the food at a certain time simultaneously, and with a certain lighting and music etc etc.  So Angela (who has some experience in wedding coordination) was going to take that role.  Meaning she’ll be maid of honor AND wedding coordinator and work the entire time.

But I’m extremely thankful to Audrey who’s from Focal Concepts for swooping in and taking the on-the-day coordination off our hands!!!!! After she told me this, I relaxed.  And now I am super chill hahahaha.  Thanks Audrey!  I make sure you get a lot of business after this ok wtf.

Also thanks to Angela who came up with a detailed program and timeline of the wedding day(s) worthy of her Stanford degree wtf. She says she’s the best soulmate in the world and I agree hahahahahaha.

10. Figure out how I want to look

Hikky from 76style is going to do my hair and makeup!  So I’ve been in discussion with her as to how I want to look.  I have sort of an idea… but one thing I’m quite sure about is that I want my hair down!  Cos… I don’t really like my shoulders wtf.  Next week I need to visit her to redo my colour and put on new extensions 😀

Video montage

The reason why I can haz photos like these to post!



How did this little fella grow up to be someone so important in my life?





And then there’s me.


I liked books ever since I was born wtf.



And duck face was always in my genes hahahahah.

My older friends told me to expect a point in wedding planning that I’d break down or want to cancel the wedding or something.  I have 16 days more to go so maybe I’m jinxing it wtf later tomorrow some shit hits the fan.  Like the hotel collapses or something WTF choi.  But I think my wedding planning process has been exceptionally smooth!  I’ve been worried or stumped at times of course, and the toughest part was probably trying to make sure both our families are happy but nothing major!

I think I owe it to a very flexible Fatty who gives input when asked but still goes with what I want in the end hahaha, and who helps out when I ask him to do something, the best bridesmaids and maid of honor who keep asking me if I need help and are all chipping in to do stuff.  And Fatty has the best PA Rina who helped me so so so much and took a lot of tedious work off my hands.  Plus Audrey my planner who’s helping to bring everything together 😀

Oh and also cos of my wonderful personality la WTF.  Because I am very chin chai and easy going, I make decisions pretty easily and if something goes wrong or someone objects to a certain decision, I’m fine changing it as long as the end effect is nice or suits what I wanted.  So no real bridezilla moments so far!

That’s about it.


P/S: Just completed our seating chart in two hours!!!! I am godlike.


AudEveryday AudWedding

Wedding preparations again

The usual update post!

Ok get pictures out of the way first wtf.


Me and Fats at Vivy’s wedding dinner.  I read somewhere that suits to women are what push up bras are to men.  So true. Hahahahaha.

(yet another sign of growing up.  When I was a kid I used to think checkered shirts layered over a tshirt was the epitome of men’s suaveness ಠ_ಠ)



Me and Pang in the toilet wtf.



With Redmummy who is also a new mummy!


It was Mumsy Ooi’s birthday!  She is uhhh 25 years old.  Yea she developed early wtf.



Family photo! And Sherlyn who is pseudo-family now wtf.


Wearing: EMODA top which makes me look pregnant T____T


Another family photo!  Taken with Mumsy’s new phone which was her birthday present *counts coins



Went tiara shopping with Bobo and Ringo.  This one nicer but cost RM150 cos the crystals are Swarovski.



This one was RM40 from Sinma wtf.

But in the end I bought another one la hahaha.



Rifled through our old childhood photos for our wedding video montage and found this.  This face could have sold a million diapers if only my parents thought to put me in ads *touches own face delicately WTF

Hahahaha next post Imma post our pre-wedding shots and our baby photos!


Best men bowties!  Fatty got these made in Bangkok so I’m very happy he got these out of the way for me!  The ties are supposed to match the bridesmaid dresses so I guess you can imagine what our entourage is going to look like 😀

Got a lot of other updates wan but no time to do them today!  Maybe tomorrow I’ll update this post wtf.

Now need to go call the planner!  And the band.  Aghhhhhhhh




Why we’re called #addiction

I think I got tell this story before but whatever I’m considered old in the blogosphere I have the right to re-tell how many stories I want wtf.

We haven’t been #addiction for that long – I think about two years or so only – but the #addiction thing started because we’d talk on MSN so much every day (unless one of us has to go out) that we said jokingly that we got withdrawal symptoms if we didn’t talk to each other.

To be honest, besides our love for Japan, everything else about us is quite different. She’s quiet when you first meet her but if I first meet someone and they are quiet, I end up talking even more to compensate wtf. She’s extremely good at languages and knows like 7 languages or something while it’s all I can do to hold on to my Japanese wtf. She’s very impulsive and everything rush forward while i’m always like eh wait wait let’s think about this more first wtf. And then I procrastinate. I don’t think she does at all. So I don’t know how our #addiction came about.

#Addiction-ship extends to our taste in nearly everything though. We have so many similar possessions it’s not even funny.

Same YSL compact.

Same ringo juice lolol. When people give us presents they always give us the same thing x2.

Same lip balm and mamori thing.

In Osaka in January, they got us same everything. Same roses, identical stuffed toys, same toiletries lol.

And every time we go somewhere (where we’re not known as Fourfeetnine and Cheesie), people always think we’re sisters! She’ll be oneesan while I’m imoto wtf. Apparently we look alike!?

In Guangzhou we took a picture of all our same beauty products hahaha.

Same eye cream, same black makeup compact, same eyebrow mascara. Same loose powder and same concealer also, but to be fair, she recommended me the loose powder wan, and the concealer I bought an extra one for her.

And same Olay Regenerist!

The truth is, I’m very happy to have an #addiction who’s in the same phase of life as me. Obviously I love my other friends as much but they’re all slightly younger than me and in slightly different phases of life.

Me and Cheesie started blogging the same year – 2004. I was 19 and she was 20. And now we’re like the veterans of the Malaysian blogosphere!! So many younger, cuter, prettier bloggers out there now hmph.

When I was younger, I valued youth and thought this would bother me but surprisingly it doesn’t hahahah.

It’s called aging gracefully!! We’re older (and wiser I hope wtf) and we’re growing into our late 20s now and even getting married! And we get to talk about weddings and (future) husbands and plans for future and families together and it’s awesome 😀

(Luckily we don’t have same taste in guys only. Lolol. Once we met two guys but we couldn’t remember their names and we both agreed that one of them was better looking than the other. But it turned out we were talking about different guys hahahahaha.)

Aging gracefully doesn’t mean you leave your skin to the brutal forces of nature (e.g. dust on roadside of Guangzhou fts) but doing the best you can to take care of your skin and health while being comfortable in it

No make picture of us! Ok la not too bad right hahaha.

Okla maybe this one is a bit bad wtf. Taken right after shower.



It’s been three weeks since we both started using Olay Regenerist and so far it’s been working well to reduce the fine lines around my eyes!

After applying my usual moisturizer, I tap on Olay Regenerist gently with my ring finger around my eye area and let it settle. Then I apply my usual eyecream on top. Works like a charm 😀

Then makeup as usual!

So that’s our skincare routine.

What’s yours?


How to make an egg white mask

I mentioned this once on Formspring and got a deluge of questions asking me over and over again for the recipe ._____.

So to make it easier for everyone, I’m blogging it!

How to make your own egg white mask.

Mommy Ooi used to do this for me when I was a mere teenager, battling the rage of puberty.  It’s a recipe passed down from her mother, and god knows where my poh poh got it from.  Maybe from her mother too wtf.

It works as an extraction method – to clear your face of blackheads, whiteheads and whatever clogged pores.  Strength-wise, maybe it’s not as potent as say a commercially manufactured pore pack, or a facial, but it’s cheap (costs the same as an egg wtf), relatively easy to do, and natural so it definitely won’t harm your skin.

Anyway I doubt we’re the only people in the world who do this mask, but so far I haven’t met anyone else who does.  So lemme know if you do it too ok!



Step 1: get an egg.  and a small saucer.  The kind you put soya sauce in is perfect.  Make sure the saucer is clean!



Step 2: Hold the egg tight and using a spoon, tap the egg firmly on its pointy end to crack a small hole in it.



Step 3: Like so.  This is Mumsy Ooi’s hand btw.  You want only a small hole because we only need the egg white and not the yolk.



Step 4: Carefully pour out the egg white into the saucer, leaving the yolk inside the shell.  Yolk is of no use to you here.  Unless you’re hungry wtf.



Step 5: Now get ready your cotton pads.  Make sure they’re the soft fluffy kind, not the expensive ones which are seamed off around the edges.



Step 6: This is the tricky part.  Carefully separate the cotton pad into at least 4 sheer pieces.  Make sure the pieces are as even as you can get them.  I find 4 is just nice cos the pieces are thin enough without breaking off.

Important: you have to make sure the pieces are thin enough.  Too thick and they won’t stick on your face well.



Step 7: Dip your fingers into the egg white and smear them on your face, area by area.Untitled


Step 8: place a cotton piece on top of the egg white.



Step 9: Dab more egg white on top of the cotton until it’s full soaked and see through.



Step 10: Repeat for all over your face.  Make sure you don’t put over your eyebrows ok!  I haven’t done this mask in a long time and I forgot and put it over the edges my eyebrows WTF.

I had a teary time later I can assure you wtf.

If some pieces overlap, just tear them off rather than folding them in or laying them over each other.  If you lay them over, they get too thick and may not work as well.



Step 11: Wait until the mask is dry.



Step 12: And peel it off!  Peel it off from your chin/jaw upwards so you don’t pull your skin down and cause sagging

Then joy of joy, time to look at the whiteheads and sebum and rubbish collected on the cotton!

I didn’t take a picture because my iphone cannot take the ugliness of it.  No la my phone cannot take it full stop not visible on phone camera.


Then rinse your face with water and pat dry and continue your usual skincare routine!

P/S: actually took this picture to compare if my face got smaller.  It did!!!!!!! Super happy!  Bring it on, wedding photographers!!!



How to get a Kindle

For those who’s always asking me how to buy a Kindle, this is how.

Three years ago there was a VPOST party in Singapore. Theme was anything starting with the letters VPOST so I went as a Virgin bride WTF.

I won best dressed ok!!! (I think Fats went as Popstar lolol)

Basically VPOST is a service which lets people buy stuff online from overseas websites which don’t ship to your country!

So basically if you’ve got problems like wanting to buy something but it’s not available in Malaysia, or it’s available here but more expensive than online, or they don’t ship internationally, or shipping charges are super expensive, then you can try VPOST!


VPOST will set up a personalized shipping address for you in US, Europe or Japan so you can order from any of those coutnries.

Just as simple as this wtf.

Some reasons to use vPOST – lower shipping fees, no tax, and repackaging service to reduce weight and cost.

As far as I know, Amazon doesn’t ship to Malaysia yet, so this is how you do it.

Sign up with VPOST, and they’ll set up a shipping address for you in US. Order your Kindle from Amazon and send it to the address and VPOST will send it over to you for a certain fee.

i thought of Mummy Ooi. Mummy Ooi is obsessed with American pharmacies and spent like all her shopping time in Walgreen’s the last time she was there.

So I thought better ask her if she wanted stuff from US since she’s always asking me to buy back vitamins for her when i was there *dark

Sure enough she found something.

This is called the Clarisonic Plus Skin Care set which comes with a device to exfoliate and massage your skin for softer, smoother and firmer skin on face and body.

This is actually available at Sephora in Malaysia! (but costs RM800+)

I found the same thing for much cheaper on Amazon (USD30+) #winning

Then for myself I think Imma get this:


Cos my speakers now got high pitched whinging sound very annoying.

Cannot wait for items to arrive!

For all Fourfeetnine readers, key in this promo code 126Y3NX in the vPOST website and get 40% off your first shipment! Promotion ends 31 Aug 2012.

There goes my night surfing for stuff to buy from US now. D:


Guangzhou I don’t even.

This is probably the first time ever I’m blogging pictures of…. food.

Do you realize! I very rarely ever post pictures of food.  I like food and all but it’s not really of big interest to me.  You eat it then it all comes out looking the same what wtf.

Cheesie said she doesn’t even feel like blogging these pictures cos they’re so ugly make her blog ugly lolol.

But this week, Cheesie and I took an impromptu trip to Guangzhou cos both of us have never been there.

And we hated it.

So much that we booked a flight to come back two days earlier than scheduled WTF.

I’ve heard a lot about China but nothing prepared me for this T______T

First of all, the weather was as hot as Malaysia but twice as humid.  The minute we stepped out of our hotel, we started sweating.  Never mind.

Fatty warned me that it would be very polluted and I wouldn’t be able to see blue sky wtf.  I didn’t notice these things but I noticed that Cheesie sneezed non-stop and her nose ran so much she cannot catch it wtf.  And I kept feeling like got dust in my throat.  Never mind.

Then when we were sitting on the bus, this old man sitting near us cleared his throat and spat on the floor. Of the bus T________T

And when we were in a mall (indoor) we saw a woman lift her baby over a trashcan so the baby could poop in it T___________T Bobo was like don’t look don’t look but it’s like watching a horror movie.  Or a car accident wtf.  You just cannot take your eyes off it even though you know what’s coming.

Oh I also nearly threw up when I had no choice but to go into a public bathroom T____T I tahan until nearly get UTI already so I was forced to go.  To my horror instead of a bin with a cover for disposal of tampons/sanitary pads, there was just a wastebasket in the toilet stall.  Uncovered.  With used pads stained red in it T___________T  This is when I nearly puked.  Don’t know whether to put my head near the toilet bowl, or my ass.  FTS.

When we were walking around, instead of looking around at the scenery (wait, what scenery) I spent the entire time looking down at the ground and avoiding patches of spit.

Chinese rudeness is legendary and I got to see it with my own eyes.  On the bus to the hotel from the airport, the conductor shoved my ticket and my change into my elbow for me to take it T_____T  Then Bobo’s sister Gin who came to pick us up, told us we had to watch our baggage every time the bus stopped to make sure nobody steals our bags WTF.

Then on the second day, we stood by the side of the road for at least twenty minutes, trying to flag down a cab to go back to the hotel.  All while cab drivers whizzed by at the rate of 1 cab/second.  Sorry, they didn’t whiz by.  They stopped to ask where we wanted to go, and when they heard our answer, all of them just drove off WTF.

I swear we flagged down like fifty cabs at least.

In the end, we were so desperate we got into an unmarked taxi T_______T  Which is basically a normal car belonging to an enterprising civilian who just wants to make extra money by acting like a taxi and driving people around.  I was so prepared to clobber him on the head from behind if he tried anything funny wtf.

By the time we got back to the hotel, my white leather loafers had grey lines of dust collected in the grooves of the leather.

And I got a shock when I looked in the mirror cos why I became so dark did I get tanned while waiting for taxi!!!!!  Then after I washed my face I became fair again WTF it was just all the dust that landed on my face 

Literally .

In the cab me and Cheesie looked at each other and she was like “do you wanna go home early?” and I immediately opened my Air Asia mobile app to book our asses out of there wtf.

The two more days we had left in Guangzhou loomed over us like the valley of death ok we felt sick even thinking that we had two more days to go!!!

So we paid extra for an earlier flight.  And when we got onto the plane, I never felt so happy to see Malaysians and hear Malaysian accents T_____T  I nearly cried when we touched down in KL true story.

So this is the reason why for the first time ever, on an overseas trip, all I have to show are mostly food photos.

Cos that was actually the best thing about Guangzhou – the food.



Peanut sauce noodles with roast pork!


Goose intestines.  It’s all crunchy and the sauce on it was delicious!



Wasabi prawns.  At first I was like meh cos I don’t really like shrimp unless they’re in salad but these were fantastic!  I think they were cooked in wasabi so the taste was just wonderful.



Bobo’s sister Gin checking my pulse.

Gin studied traditional Chinese medicine in Guangzhou cool leh!  For 8 years some more.  Since my PCOS cannot be healed by western medicine even after ten fucking years of taking the pill, I’m exploring alternative medicine yo.

She’s my age so she said a lot of older folks don’t trust her due to her youth but I think she’s amazing already!  She took my pulse and stared at my ear (she majored in ear gazing lolol) and pronounced that I’m very “leng” (cold; Chinese medicine believes that sicknesses are caused by your body being imbalanced, too ‘cold’ or too ‘heaty’) which is what other Chinese doctors have said about me also!

So because my body is too cool, it affects my period and my body finds it hard to regulate my cycle… something like that wtf.

She also looked at my ear and said “you get gastric a lot right” omg so accurate wan!!!! And she also correctly asked me if I have any pain in my shoulders or arm which I got all the time!!! I thought it was because of my long hours working at the computer but she said it’s actually cos my body is imbalanced.  Which is the same thing another Chinese doctor I visited in Penang said last time, but I didn’t believe him wtf I still thought it was computer strain.  So now I think it’s true la.

I cannot take cooling foods like green tea (which I drink everyday wtf) and need to drink like red date tea which is more heaty to balance out the coolness.

I’m so cool. Hahahahahah.

Anyway she’s giving me a prescription for traditional Chinese medicine so see how it goes!  If this works to fix my problem, I swear Imma stop going to western doctors.



She told Cheesie to press on the sides of her nose to relieve her blocked nose and it worked!!!



The angle doesn’t show but the durian was actually twice the size of my head.



#addiction outfits



Our breakfast wtf.  Hotel was very no frills and this was the hotel breakfast.  Three baos and a peach and an egg.  A bowl of refillable porridge with yummy salted vegetable also came with it and only RMB7 leh!  Plus me and Cheesie split the breakfast so basically it cost RM1.75 each wtf.  Some more we kept the egg and peach to eat later as a snack super worth it hahahaha.



Old school Pepsi.



Ja jang mien.  Ok sorry dunno how to spell it. This was RM9 (with the Pepsi included) and the portion was huge!  Can feed two people.  Very yummy also and noodle texture also very nice wtf.

After we booked our flight back for the next day, I wanted to end the trip on a nice(r) note so we went for foot massage.

It was probably the best part of the trip T_____T



Got free water!  And lemon tea!  And watermelon slices wtf.



Foot massage in China is quite different from say Bangkok or KL.  I chose the “get rid of tiredness” package and they brought out this wooden tub and dumped some smelly medicinal powder in the water for me to soak my feet in.

Only RMB68 (RM34) for 70 minutes of massage!  They threw in shoulder, back and arm massage too wtf.

edit: have to say that the masseuses were very friendly and had mad massage skills wtf



All of us looking exhausted.  Shitty until none of us bothered putting on makeup.  Or dressing up.  Cos it was so dirty, I wore the same denim shirt everyday to protect my whole body from the dirt. -_-

Then the next day, home!

But not before China screwed us one more time.


This very average fried rice at the airport cost RMB78.  Or RM39.

And no other food around to eat -_________________-


Fed up faces hahahah.

So that was Guangzhou for us.  At least it gave me blog fodder.

Thank you to Gin though for being so helpful and for bringing us around and generally taking very good care of us!!!!  And thank you Cheesie and Bobo without whom I’d never have gotten around at all cos they translated everything for me <333333


Quest for smaller face

My inner Bridezilla hasn’t made an appearance yet wtf but I’m getting very stressed about not looking stressed on our wedding day which in turn makes me stressed….

Vicious cycle wtf.

Even Mumsy Ooi – when I was still working – told me not to stress out too much or I’d be an ugly bride FML.

But I met Ginny today and she told me my skin looks smoother and softer!!! She had classes near my office before so she’d come over to have lunch with me occasionally and she said I used to be all pale and strained looking but now I look glowy lolol. Some more today I only had sunblock on and no makeup.

Everyone I met after I resigned keeps telling me the same thing but I didn’t believe it cos I think it’s a psychological thing. I myself don’t see anything lo.

But Ginny is not the kind to praise me unnecessarily WTF so maybe it’s true *allows self to hope

Aesthetics is taking care of my skin already hoho but there are a few areas that I’m not happy with.

Everyone thinks for me it’d be my height wtf but no! Damn mafan have to change my blog name ok wtf. Two things I wanna fix for very long already. One is my Spongeaud Squareface.

I realized with a shock just how Squareface I am when I saw our proposal photos T____T

My face is actually quite small in itself but I hate that the jaw is so angular 🙁 Cannot see in photos cos I’m an angling genius but if you take candid shots I’d look like this!!!

And these are taken by professional photographers leh! On wedding day it’d be same thing so Fatty would be marrying Mrs Squareface fts.

Second is my eyebag.

At its best (in dim conditions and blurry camera) it’s like this.

Under bright light, if I smile it’s like this. The bigger I smile, the more prominent the eyebags.

Apparently Koreans find this kind of thing endearing and actually have surgery to create “eye-pouches” D:

This is eye pouch.

This is eyebag.

Basically eye pouches are little deposits of fat under the eye and only appear when you smile. Eyebags are the bag or line that’s lower and closer to your nose and are present even if the person is not smiling. F Boa’s life.

I have no idea what are mine cos they look a bit like the eye pouch but they’re so big it’s ridiculous. I can understand why Koreans find it cute if it’s a little bit but mine are huge and make me look like a tired goldfish T____T

Eyebags and square jaw have really been bothering me for a long time so when Cheesie blogged about The Sloane Clinic and said good things, I thought ok fine imma make appointment for consultation with them.

Pouring out my heart and soul (and eye baggage hahaha) to Dr Kee wtf.

This is what he told me. He said what I have are eye pouches and some girls like having it. But under my left eye, under the eye pouch, I’d developed an eyebag T_T

Can see the difference? It happens because of aging T____T As we get older, the muscles under the eyes weaken and cause the fat to slide downwards T________T I think it’s hereditary also cos Fat Her has massive eyebags *shakes fist at Fat Her

I asked if can do the same Revitalift eye treatment (microinjections of hyaluronic acid at the undereye area, the same substance used in a filler)  as Cheesie cos Cheesie told me her dark eye circles really improved after the treatment.


But Dr Kee said that surgery to remove the bags is a better option for my case but I’m not ready to think about surgery yet! Maybe in a few more years….

Then he asked me to bite down while he felt my jaw muscles. Square jaw comes from 2 things – having a square facial bone structure and having strong and prominent jaw muscles.

My jaw muscles quite big fml dunno why whole body no muscle except jaw.

Dr Kee recommended that I do botox injection for this! Botox relaxes the jaw muscles to make my face less angular and smaller. Info here


Then he said I can also do microbotox on my lower face, which is tiny botox doses injected into the skin to give a mild lifting effect for a more V-shape facial contour. to lift and firm my face, especially around the jaw area. He also said that fine wrinkles will be reduced, pores and skin texture will be more refined.   For those with oily skin, MicroBotox can be done on full face to control oil production for a matte look. Info here.

So I took the plunge! Literally wtf.  They asked me if I wanted to do it there and then so I said why not!


First they made me take before photos so I can see the difference later.

They positioned my face in front of the camera. Right as the camera snapped, my eye suddenly felt dry and I don’t know why instead of blinking, I tried closing my left eye only.

Picture came out like this much to the frustration of the nurse HAHAHAHAHAHAH.


Then the nurse cleansed my face and applied numbing cream.

I like the numbing cream leh! Didn’t think they would do that cos nobody puts numbing cream for tetanus shots also which are a thousand times worse.


Then inject! At this point I was a bit nervous but it was quite painless! it helped that Dr Kee was super quick and gentle, and that the nurse placed a small vibrator thing on my cheek. I was distracted by the vibrating and didn’t even feel the needle!
When he was done I didn’t even know wtf.


It took like ten minutes.


Totally no downtime wan! Right after can continue taking pictures of self already.

(and mind you face looks small here cos camera is tilted)

Results are most optimal in about 4 weeks  so hopefully we’ll see my “After”in a month’s time hopefully all is ok!!!!!


On Aging

Today’s topic is something that has been plaguing me and my friends wtf.

Actually more so me la. Ever since I was 23 I’ve been terrified of aging before my years T____T

(Everyone says I’m damn lucky for being short and looking young but it’s nonsense. For now fine la, but what happens when I get old? Tall people have the advantage of growing old gracefully and elegantly but all I’ll be is a geriatric who shrinks even more due to bone density issues wtf.)

I think it comes from having a vain mother too wtf.

Mummy Ooi got me started on washing my face with a proper facial wash MEANT for face at age 12.

I was hitting puberty so my skin had turned oily and I was starting to break out. She probably thought that the only thing worse than having a daughter who looks like this is a daughter who looks like this plus acne wtf.

I don’t remember what I used to wash my face before that. Actually I don’t remember ever washing my face before that WTF.

So Mummy Ooi put me on a careful skincare regimen of facial wash and bedak sejuk wtf.

For the non-Asians, bedak sejuk literally means ‘cold powder’ in Malay. It’s made of soaked rice water and is believed to be good for controlling oily skin and dry up pimples.

Credit to

This served me well all through secondary school man.

Before I went to the US for college, my mom dragged me off to Parkson to stock up on toner and moisturizer in anticipation of the harsh New England winters.

Man I feel like a woman wtf.

Thank god she did cos when I was in Malaysia the bedak sejuk helped to counter my skin’s oiliness and the humid tropical climate. But once I stepped foot in the US, my skin did a 360 fml. The air was dry so my skin turned taut and dried out. I got on my knees and thanked Buddha for the day moisturizers and night creams my mother bought me wtf.

So now my skincare routine consisted of facial cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Then somewhere along the way, in my lifelong quest for fair skin, I added on sunblock.

College me.

So that routine went on until I graduated from college.

Then I had a life revelation…. And started worrying about aging wtf.

I switched from buying whitening products to anti-aging skincare.

I’ve always had a problem with eyebags even as a kid T_____T this photo is five years old ok.


Today I look like this. Okla I think it’s cos the five year old photo was taken during finals HAHAHA didn’t sleep eyebags worse. And today’s picture was taken after ten hours of sleep and makeup lolol.

The point is, I hate my eyebags, not only because when I smile, they ruin my eyes but because like I mentioned in a previous post, my eyebags create a crease on my upper cheeks.

And I realized even if I don’t smile, you can see the faintest hint of eyebag under my eyes T______________________T

Which is why this is the latest addition to my skincare family.

Last week I blogged about starting use of it so it’s been two weeks now.

I’m not gonna lie and say it’s miraculously done away with my eye creases la wtf. But I can honestly tell you that this cream does work hard to smooth over wrinkles – to give the appearance of smooth skin because of its light reflecting properties and to moisturize my skin.

Because of its texture (when it dries it becomes super smooth) I use it as a primer too. When I don’t need to wear makeup now I just pat this on my skin after moisturizing, slap on some sunblock and tadah all done.

See never smile also can see a hint of line under my eye T_________T

After using some smoothening app hahahaha. HOW TO GET EYES LIKE THIS TELL ME HOW

Acting twelve.

Actually why I’m writing this is cos today I went to see a doctor and he told me that there is mild sagging around my jaw area T____________T He said this is and premature wrinkles are totally normal but still T__________T

Time, I will not give up without a fight wtf.

Anyway if you’re my age and are exploring anti-aging, wrinkle prevention options, give this Olay Regenerist Wrinkle Relaxing cream a try. If you do, come back and lemme know if it worked for you!


Realizations of the unemployed

So it’s been nearly a month that I’ve been jobless.

And I gotta say, while living without stress is pretty damn blissful, the lack of… a purpose is starting to irk me a little.

Here’s what I do every day.

Wake up (not that late surprisingly), have breakfast, decide whether or not to put on makeup and contacts depending on the day’s non-schedule.

Go online, reply emails, check on wedding stuff here and there.

I’ve actually picked up some part-time work to do!  Same industry but the difference is the work is very very manageable and I get to work from home!  At least I got something to do and get to earn a little bit of money for myself and not be a kept woman for Fatty wtf.  So if there’s stuff to do, I’ll do that.

If not, I’ll go run some errands.  Grocery shopping has become like the big thing of my days FML.  I hate grocery shopping hahahaha.  But since I’m the one who’s not working, I’m also the one with the most time to go out and shop for food.  But shitty part of running errands is the amount of time I have to spend stuck in traffic as a consequence -____- I never realized this cos normally I’d be indoors at the office, or at client’s office.  So now that I have to go here and there to do stuff or even meet friends, the jam is killing me -_____- Especially when you just have to run out to buy one item or drop off something and you spend twenty minutes stuck in the car D:

That said, because I’m by myself during the day, I drive myself a lot more now!  I promise I uh, don’t scratch the car on the pavements or anything wtf.  But my parking still sucks so I use The Secret to find good easy parking spaces LOLOL.  And I just found out Cheesie does the same thing hahahahahaha.

Other things I realized is that if I’m not working, I spend a lot more money T_______T  Once I was waiting for Ooib to finish work at Gardens so we could go home together.  I walked into Topshop and walked out poorer fts.  Then another time I was waiting for Fatty and I already had a book in hand to entertain me, but I still went to the bookstore and bought another two books -____-  Or if I go out to a mall for lunch, I’ll sure get distracted by Watsons or Sasa and go home with new makeup/skincare. D: D:

This will stop now!!! *bangs table

When I was working, I had very little free time.  So because of that, I’d make sure that my every minute was spent productively.  Sure I’d procrastinate and read a few tweets or blogs here and there but for the most part I had a checklist in my head of things to do and I actively planned out each day what I was going to do.  For instance, after work, have dinner and write a blogpost, and leave an hour for watching half a movie with Fatty before I go to sleep.

But the truth is, I am an awful procrastinator.   If I have the luxury of time, that is.  I’m so bad that I can procrastinate doing things I actually like, by doing other things I like.  Like I can watch Korean drama halfway, pause it, pick up the book next to me and read a few pages, then resume the drama. HAHAHAH.

So now that I don’t need to pack my entire day with tasks because I have more time, I procrastinate so much ZOMG.  If left to my own devices, I can spend the whole day procrastinating watching drama by reading book, then delaying reading by playing Bejeweled wtf. God seriously.  So now I’ve taken to writing down every single thing I need to do and scaring myself I have a lot of tasks to achieve to ensure that I get things done.

I even wrote down reminder to brush teeth to make the list look more impressive. HAHAHAHAHAH.

So yeah I admit it.  Being jobless isn’t that great.  The best part is getting enough sleep la wtf.  And possibly looking less stressed and more energized.  But even then, my body isn’t used to having so much sleep D:  I’d been sleeping like nine hours a night then one night I couldn’t sleep at all T________T  I think I some more stressed myself out because I couldn’t sleep so my heart beat very fast WTF.  I lay there until the sun rose literally fts then I just got up and brushed my teeth T_T

I need a routine!!!!

P/S: Weekends have also lost their joy for me wtf


I forgot I have two announcements to make!

First is Azorias! I always kena asked where I shop online, so this is like the only online store I buy from wtf.  Azorias is dedicated to premium stylish workwear but their stuff is versatile enough to suit jobless folks like me too.  You’ll get a RM25 voucher when you sign up with them!

It’s their 1st year anniversary and in conjunction, for the month of June they’re giving away a detachable collar a day if you answer correctly a question.  Go here to join.

Live collarfully

Secondly, I get a lot of emails and questions on Formspring about studying in the US.  To answer all your questions, there will be a USAPPS workshop happening in July.  USAPPS is a non profit organization meant to educate students about study options in the US 😀

So if you wanna go to Mount Holyoke like me wtf (or any other school in US), check out their website or register here.  Their FB page is here. I feel like going to the 7 July workshop (since the other 2 day workshop is happening on our wedding weekend wtf) so lemme know if any of you are going too!