
Of wedding invitations

Just a quick post about our wedding invites!

Actually I got something else I really wanna blog about but I’m embargoed… until Monday :X

So Monday wait for it ok!

So Fats and I wanted a silly looking wedding invitation.

Traditionally Malaysian Chinese wedding invitations look something like this:

A lot of red and gold, that Chinese character that looks like a mirror image of itself, maybe some peonies and dragons.

But more creative and Westernized couples in recent times have come up with more Western-style elegant looking invitations that look like this.

(not to say Chinese cards not elegant la)

But since our theme is so atypical, our cards have to match too right! (themed weddings are apparently not that common here yet; most people pick colors and create the whole wedding around the colors)

So we contacted Chee Ching (blogged about her before!) to do our invites.

These were the first few versions of it (pictures stolen from her blog)

I couldn’t decide on the eyes so we did a few tests hahaha.

Other options for the back of the card.

Then we sent it for printing.

When we got it back, this was how it looked (eh sorry ah heavily filtered)

Cute but it nagged at me that it looked too much like a kid’s birthday card rather than  a wedding invitation, even though I didn’t WANT it to look like a typical wedding invitation.

Women. *shakes head wtf

So back to the drawing board.

Actually back to the Pinterest board lolol.

Because there were no good inspirations for UP or Disney invites, I searched for ‘adventure’ themed wedding invites instead.

Source: via Audrey on Pinterest


Found this!

An invite that looks like a map!  I thought it was awesome until I realized it could potentially be quite messy-looking.  And people cannot fit it back into the envelope or something wtf you know in movies people always end up being unable to fold back the map and it becomes a big papery mess.


Then I remembered this scene from UP! 😀

When Mr Frederickson realizes that years have passed and he and his wife haven’t made it to Paradise Falls yet.  He goes and buys plane tickets there to surprise her but then she dies wtf.

So that’s where the inspiration for our wedding invites v2.o came from 😀


I did a search and found quite a lot of people have done this idea too 😀

To us, plane tickets represent an adventure ahead of us, and that’s what marriage is too. A lifetime adventure!

Some troll said that it’s a bad omen referencing UP because the old lady dies and they never have kids.  HAHAHA wtf. He’s missing the point completely because the old lady died after a long happy married life together DESPITE the fact that they couldn’t have kids.

Not being able to bear children could very well be a problem for me but that’s not what I’m taking out of the story.  What I get is that every couple will face problems big or small in their marriage and being able to overcome them and grow old together is what counts.

And ya cos our wedding is in Penang a lot of people have to board planes to get there also hahahaha so it’s apt.

To add to the slightly cartoony, vintage-y vibe, instead of regular envelopes, we’re putting the invites in airmail envelopes 😀

We also got a stamp made DAMN CUTE HOR.  To make it look like what the postal service stamps letters with before it arrives at your doorstep 😀

Can use for the rest of our lives HAHAHA. Every document I come across Imma stamp it wtf.


Fatty having the time of his life stamping.

His childhood ambition was to be a postman -___- So he’s living the dream wtf.



AudAtMoho/USA Audvertorial

My favorite teacher

Have you seen this video yet?

ya sure everyone has la who hasn’t ever watched a Jinnyboy video.

(actually me, this was the first video of his I ever properly watched :X)

It’s a collaboration between Jinnyboy and INTI International University & Colleges

But lately I’ve been thinking about Mount Holyoke a lot (because I was reading the monthly alumnae newsletter wtf) and it made me miss my school days and teachers so much.

No teachers at primary and high school made such an impact on me as…..

To give him some privacy, I’ll just call him Lipman.  (cos that’s his name wtf)

He was my teacher advisor at Mount Holyoke and I was also in one of his classes my very first semester – History of Intellectuals in 20th century China.

Ya and he’s part of the reason why I declared Asian Studies as my major.

I trolled my archives looking for blog posts I wrote on Lipman, trying to find pictures of him but…. Not. A. single. One.

He breaks my heart really T__________T During graduation, I rushed after the ceremony to look for him to take a picture and to give him a thank you present… but he’d already left to attend a wedding </3 </3

And then!  I was talking to a friend at Mount Holyoke who also knows Lipman recently.  She told me that she told Lipman about our meme proposal and Lipman asked if Fatty was a good man *touched

Do you not see the love that is blooming between us! (on a purely teacher student basis of course)

So four years after graduation, I plucked up the courage to invite him to the wedding.  He’s a professor of Asian Studies and I don’t think he’d ever been to Malaysia so I asked him and his wife to come!

But then he has another wedding to attend in Oregon </3</3 rejected for another wedding again </3</3

Shit him play with my heart like this wtf.

But it’s ok because two years ago I heard he spoke to another student at Mount Holyoke and he referred to me and my honors thesis and called me remarkable T________T

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: you don’t live until your favourite teacher calls you remarkable.

Anyway, that picture above was taken what looks like twenty years ago and when I was at Moho, he looked like Santa Claus wtf.

When I took that first class with him, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.  Chinese intellectuals is honestly one of the driest classes ever… and he made that interesting.

He’s extremely extremely smart, I think he went to Harvard, then got his doctorate at Stanford.  (actually I know for sure cos I stalked his profile.) His Mandarin is flawless, with a Beijing accent.  I think he used to find it very interesting that I am ethnically and culturally Chinese yet don’t speak the language.  And whenever he spoke on a subject I was spellbound wtf.

I revered him so much that I used to refer to him as my first love WTF *crazy

It wasn’t that he was smart. It was that he was a wonderful teacher.  I loved his classes and soliloquys so much that I tried to make sure I scheduled a class with him every semester.

I rarely get close to my teachers because they’re just…teachers to me.  But with Lipman, I felt that he thought I was better, smarter than what everyone else (including me) thought.  Ok maybe with the exception of my parents haha.

He made me believe I could do whatever I wanted, go teach English in Japan, go to grad school, be a professor or researcher… anything.

At school everyone laughed cos I’d carry fluffy pink pens to class and hang bells off my cell phone wtf.  And my own friends who aren’t  from my school didn’t even believe I got all A’s in SPM fml.  People who didn’t know me well liked me like how you’d like a kid wtf and treated me with affection.  I never minded this honestly but Lipman treated me like a peer.

He forced me to think. He challenged me and asked me questions and made me consider possibilities I’d never did before.  He told me I could write an honors thesis in my sophomore year and I pffft-ed him.  I did end up writing an honors thesis in my senior year.

Lipman is a big part of what I miss about Mount Holyoke.

Lipman, if you’re reading this, Happy Teacher’s Day!!!

(actually no I hope you’re not reading this because I’ve already written numerous blog posts about you and I think I might be bordering on creepy now FML)

But Happy Teacher’s Day to you and to every other teacher who’s inspired students the way you have 🙂

AudCamwhore AudWedding

Gloriously High

So you all know I can’t really dance.

I have this theory that if you can’t dance, you’re not likely to model either.

But people like Cheesie and Qiuqiu proved me wrong 

I guess it’s just me then wtf.

Anyway, yesterday was the first time ever that I had to model for commercial purposes! *shiver

There should be a law passed for me to not model wtf.  As a model you’re supposed to look all desirable and an object of unattainable perfection whom guys want to be with and girls want to be.  If not then how you sell the product!

Then everyone keeps saying I’m very relatable as a blogger which is true la cos I think I’m quite ordinary.  But ordinary cannot sell la! Some more ordinary with klutz tendencies wtf.  Yesterday while shooting also tripped already wtf.  Then at night I went with Fatty for a Heineken UEFA final football viewing party and fell asleep there WTF.  Then when at half time, the organizers asked everyone to come up for a picture, I vaguely remembered them saying through my sleep “hey that lady is sleeping” and everyone turned around to stare WTF.  I only hope I was dreaming wtf.

But I was doing it as a favor to Gilbert, my dress designer.  He’s launching a new shoe collection called Gloriously High (everyday shoes, not wedding shoes) and he asked me and Cheesie to model for them!  I wanted to help him because he’s done a lot for me so I said sure I’d do it! I actually thought he would take pictures of my feet and call it a day but it was more than that dammit.

Here are the picturesssss.

(btw Gloriously High is not launched yet.  To be launched by June I think I update you all!  Cos the shoes are really quite gorgeous)


Me with hair done and no makeup, Cheesie with makeup and no hair. Lolol sounds like she’s bald


Because Gilbert is originally a wedding dress designer (at Weddinspired) and me and Cheesie are both getting married, we decided on a wedding theme for the first look, but done casually!

Actually Jillbird very chinchai wan everything also we decided on our own wtf.  So it was jeans with casual tops paired with short veils and elbow gloves.




Me!  I told the makeup artist I wanted super pink blusher super high up on my cheeks like my usual Momoko style.  Then she put it on for me and I kept saying not enough and ended up taking the brush from her and applying myself.

She was suitably horrified.


Concept was twin wedding!  Focus is on the shoes.  I love the blue pair I was wearing but my favorite was Cheesie’s coral shoes cos they have a little flap that goes up at the heel very cute!

I usually prefer shoes with platforms on the front so they’re more comfy! Plus all Gloriously High shoes come with tons of sponge and padding they’re like feet cushions.


Horrendously bad at posing.  But the shoe shape very nice right wtf.


These are some of our favorite shots.


Only works if I do stupid faces.


Some other shots taken with iphone (where everything looks better)


Another range of shoes. I posted the polka dot ones on Instagram before.


Tweeting on a break hahaha.


This is Gilbert! (pronounced Jillbird) (actually not really but you can call him that)


Sorry ah another picture of me :X

White top from Forever21, jeans from minimaos last time.  Gloves and veil from Jillbird.


Then next scene we did denim plus frothy skirt.

Actually this one Cheesie decided wan then I had to rush to find items that matched.  Her outfit super nice right!


In the end anyhow choose this.  Jacket from Topshop, leopard print skorts from Shake Shake.


Pearl neko ears!



Actually I had a lot of problems with this look.  I think it was because the photographer asked me to do stand up poses with no props -_- Before that the shots were with Cheesie so I had someone to interact with.  This time I didn’t know where to put my limbs cos I’m that awkward especially when attention is on me -_________-

I think the photographer kind of gave up FHL.  Then after that he got back pains some more T_________T


Then third look was… black wtf.


While Cheesie did her shots, I got restless and played around with the video camera.  Looks like a machine gun leh.




Cheesie is super good at posing!!! D: D: I can’t even fathom how she comes with so many poses and how she knows they will look nice wan leh!


In the end, photographer had to resort to bluffing me WTF.  He said he’s only taking pictures of my shoes so I relaxed and looked around but actually he was taking me as well.  In the end come out not too bad lolol.


Another one.


See Cheesie damn model-esque right! Got doll feel some more hahaha.




Reviewing pictures.


Cheesie’s entire outfit from MURUA.  Mine wore before on my blog bustier is Topshop, skirt is MURUA.


VIVI feel hahahaha.


AudRubbish AudWedding

Two more months


The other day, Fat Her was plopped down next to me, crafting copy for our dinner invitation cards.

He wrote, “….daughter Audrey Ooi, husband Timothy Tiah…”

I said, “WAH HUSBAND” and my hair stood up on end wtf.

Time waits for no man wtf.

In just two months I will be married!!! 2012 is a year of change lo so many friends getting married! Mookie, Kimcun, Cheesie, Bobo, Qiuqiu :D:D:D

In two months, it will be a whole new adventure.  Adventure is out there!

I will be a wife 

Fatty will be a husband 

We will both have two families now 

He might not be my only child now wtf 



Ok I talking rubbish.  Good night all!



AudCamwhore AudWedding

We got the whole world in our hands

So on Saturday we had our pre-wedding photoshoot.

This is the extremely long winded story of how we ended up doing what we did *clears throat

When we first started wedding planning, a lot of people already asked us what we were going to do about pre-wedding shots.

At that point I was so overwhelmed by all the other more urgent wedding stuff (like think what kind of dress I want wtf) that pre-wedding shots seemed so unnecessary and not time-sensitive.

Also, my friends like Bobo were all going for bridal house photography packages.  Fatty and I didn’t feel like doing that because:

1) I’m not a fan of the commercialization of bridal houses

2) the dresses sure cannot fit me and would have to be heavily altered.  Even so, they would not do the hems and I foresaw myself (a) standing on phonebooks (b) hitching up my skirts every 5 seconds

3) we didn’t want to have to do dramatic shots with lightning striking in the background or whatever that seems so typical of wedding photography

I thought if we did a shoot, it’d be something more fun and casual and subtle and totally not dramatic.  Cos our wedding theme is aready Up, if we were gonna do a shoot, I wanted an Up themed photo shoot!

Then don’t know how people kept sending me links to photo albums and photographers.  And I came across a wedding photography company called One Way Ticket.  They offer not just photography but also photo styling (including props and outfits) which was very appealing!!!!

One of the people behind it is Kim from Kiminpink.  I’d seen her blog on and off over the years and I knew her as someone with awesome taste (in clothes and decor) so I had full faith in her wtf.  Also, One Way Ticket is a very new company and while they probably didn’t have as much experience in wedding photography as say, the average bridal house, I chose them cos I thought they would really go all out to personalize our shoot and achieve whatever we had in mind.

And they did lo seriously.  From what I know (although I could be wrong) for other pre-wedding shoots you’d get to choose your location and your outfit and that would be it.  With One Way Ticket, they sat down with us to figure out the people we were and customized the shoots according to our ideas and preferences.

Haven’t seen the  finished products yet but super happy with their professionalism and effort and artistic sense!  And mostly their effort leh they really gave like 250%.

A lot of behind the scene pictures coming up!


They can do makeup too but I prefer to do my own 🙂  That’s Kim doing up my hair for the first theme.  We had three in total!


The setup for the theme.

I only wanted one theme with a long white dress and since my real dress is all princessy and poofy, I wanted to wear a simpler, more elegant gown for the shoot.  I told them to match, I wanted something very simple, a little bit antique-y and rustic.  We decided on brown flooring and green and white setting.


That’s Shu, the photographer.


Check out the old bottle crates!

This dress is also from Weddinspired!  One of his rental pieces.  Actually it’s all pinned up at the back -_______- I was gonna borrow another dress from him wan but last minute I thought I looked fat in it WTF so I took this other dress but no time to alter so everything was pinned behind.  I even had a paper clip behind me WTF.


Part of the photo styling they had 🙂


With Kim <3  Flower in hair was from her, necklace is mine super old dunno dig out from where wtf.  Luckily it matched the dress.


With Fats.



Then second theme was the Up inspired one!  Kim sourced both our outfits!  Everything in pastel shades.

Fatty’s shirt and shorts are by Gallo by Thian.  Kim handmade the bowtie for him and found the brown suspenders somewhere.  Based on the colors of Fatty’s outfit (pink + purple shirt, yellow shorts), she got someone to tailor my dress (yellow bustier, pink skirt with a purple collar accessory)


My makeup!  Actually same makeup as the morning shoot except my lipgloss was nude.


A close up of the setting 🙂


I think I was instagram-ming #efficient

Oh I paired the dress with ankle socks and fake Miumiu shoes wtf.


Another idea Kim had was that since we both blog, she printed out cutouts of our blogs and had us write messages in the middle to each other.  That’s what I mean by customized 😀




This is what 30 balloons look like wtf.


Thank goodness they didn’t ask me to do anything too over the top!  But the team did ask me to manja to Fats and I responded by attempting to throw him a punch -_- #cold #unaffectionate


Then at night shoot!  The theme was Shanghai hahahahah.

Fatty’s outfit is fawesome haahahahha.

Actually it was because I knew we had to do one shoot at night and I thought I wanted to do it somewhere bright with lots of neon lights.  I thought of Petaling Street (Chinatown) immediately so we decided might as well go the whole hog and do a whole early 20th century Shanghai theme.

According to TVB dramas (ahem), at that period, women were still wearing qipaos (the traditional dress) but men had graduated to wearing shirts and slacks with suspenders like in the West.

So like that lo hahahaha.  even had a scarf to stick in his shirt collar.  I wasn’t too sure about the hat cos it looks like Hard Gay to me wtf but the whole look gelled hahahaha.


Kim put my hair up and made me wear (fake) pearl earrings to fit hahaha.


And applied red lipstick wtf.  I’ve never worn red lipstick in my life!  I rarely wear anything on my lips also to tell you the truth and I worried I might look like a vampire after a meal wtf but ok la wasn’t too bad.

From what I saw in the camera, the night pictures looked the best even though I didn’t really put that much thought into it!  We’ll receive them in a week cannot wait 😀


We got the whole world in our hands wtf.


AudRubbish AudWedding

Bang for a buck

More wedding updates (and some others)!

Lately when people see me all they do is ask me “how’s wedding preparation” and I have to tell them BRB while I go tear my hair out wtf.

It gives me chills everytime I hear someone ask me that T____T

Because I don’t think I’ve done that much leh.  I’m not even that stressed actually.  I’m not panicky at all yet wait until last minute then I die.  I merely get chills because I hate people reminding me what I have to do hahahaha.

My parents and Fatty’s mom also keep chasing me on the wedding invitations eeeaaaaghhhhhhh

Ok talk about chillax things like my hair first wtf.



My bangs are now really long! They reach the bottom of my nose wtf.  But lately I’ve been contemplating cutting them short again because our pre-wedding photoshoot is this Saturday…. and I feel like I’d look nicer with bangs #shallow

When I say out it doesn’t make sense la but I see most brides somehow don’t have bangs wan so I wanna be special and have bangs WTF.



Popped over to 76style just now to do it!






Big thanks to Hikky for always giving me perfect hair <3  Come I give her hickey WTF.



I also redid my extensions (supposed to touch up a few loose ones only) but she said my back ones were terrible too wtf.  And my hair is so short now!  Before it used to touch my waist but right now it’s at my boobs.

When I was there, there were a couple of candidates being interviewed for stylist positions at 76style!  Hikky told me that before she moved to KL to work, 76style in Tokyo put her through multiple tests to make sure she’s fully qualified (and more) to do hairstyling even though she had already graduated from beauty school and was experienced D: D:  And even up till now they still have regular exams for the staff to take to make sure everyone is improving all the time, or at least maintaining the standard.

When I heard that I wanted to tell her to shave my head WTF so skillful shave also sure nice wan.  So if you’re worried about the quality, seriously don’t.  You’ll be in probably the best hands in Malaysia 🙂

In other news….



Kitty-chan pooping on Fatty’s head :X

Ahahahahahah damn stupid we were watching a movie on the bed when I turned around and saw this -____________- Don’t know what was going on in (or more accurately, on) his head when he did this hahahaah.



Wedding invites are done!  This is a heavily filtered image.

Design by the immensely talented Chee Ching.Untitled


This is the real color.  Front and back.

We wanted something silly and cartoony and Up and Chee Ching is the perfect person for the job.  But then now I’m fretting whether it looks too much like a birthday card rather than a wedding invite.



Oh ya then went with #addiction to Weddinspired to try on my dress.  It’s done!!!!!!!!!  But cannot show you ahem.

Cheesie is also getting married btw! That’s her behind cos we were  playing dress up with Gilbert’s dresses.



Gilbert Ng, the guy behind Weddinspired is also launching a shoe range soon!!!  Everytime I go to his shop I end up playing with all his shoes *wipes saliva with sleeve

His shoe brand is called Gloriously High.  Website still under production wtf.  When released imma update again!


See, playing with shoes.  Super comfortable also.  I think next time I go I wait for him go toilet and steal this black pair wtf.



One of his other dresses.

I liked the picture a lot! But when I went to try I looked extremely fat fml.  I think it was too big for me also but still 


Part of my dress!!!!!!!!! Don’t look so shocked that it’s pink. Have you seen my blog? 😀



Things I want to do when I’m free

  1. update my blog layout
  2. restart Japanese classes so I don’t forget
  3. learn Photoshop
  4. take up some form of regular exercise (any kind!!!!)
  5. learn how to cook more dishes
  6. be a neater person – this one excuses only I think I’ll probably be messy my entire life T_T
  8. organize my iTunes
  9. redecorate our room!!!!
  10. frame and hang up all those postcards we bought in New York
  11. blog more
  12. draw a bubble bath and submerge myself in it for an hour
  13. play Bejeweled continuously
  14. change my hair color
I thought there were more!
But this is more like a wishful list than a wishlist la wtf.  Imma count the days till I can start ticking things off this list. *wistful


Duckface is duckfaced.




The day I quit Formspring

Title like so drama like that lolol.

Here’s my formspring story.

Bobo for one or two years already had been asking me to join Formspring cos she’s always been quite active on it apparently.

I always said don’t want la cos I was like why would I want to go there and answer people’s questions like very free like that.  Probably the same thing my mom says about Twitter – “who’s so free to go and write about what they’re doing in 140 characters or less” hahaha.

Then one day I realized people like Sophie, QQ and Wendy all were talking about it.  I was like eh isn’t that the site Bobo is always talking about why so much interest let me go check it out like any good blogger wtf.

So I created an account, tested it out…  Not bad wor, I thought.

A big reason why I blog is because I like making jokes and be entertaining.  And formspring seemed like a nice alternative to have because it took up less time than creating a blog entry, and I already had a topic to answer to, no need to think of what to write about.  I also thought it was easier to be funny on fs just because what I wrote had to be bite sized.

So for a couple of weeks I played formspring lo.  Also let’s be honest, formspring lets you talk about yourself unabashedly and who doesn’t like that?

I expected trolls but there weren’t that many actually!

Got some dumb questions here and there and repeated questions which I’d have to answer more than once but issokay.  Fatty and Ooib and Kehrole started playing it too (and Strawberry WTF) and we all formed a nice funny formspring community.

Then the horrors had to come into play wtf.

I saw this on Ooib’s fs one day.


Snake what snake what!  Seriously she thinks I’m stupid in the first place is it get “snaked” by people to be best friends??

I was so angry because firstly, who is this person to comment on the breakdown of a relationship that happened between two people she does not know and has never met in her life?

Secondly, what right again does she have to say that Suet “snaked” me into being friends again?  Again she knows neither of us! With that one line, she implied that:

1. Suet is a snake wtf

2. I’m stupid enough to believe a “snake’s” lies and that after that I or Suet (can’t tell who she means) are pretending nothing happened

3. I’m not close enough to Ooib to talk to him about what happened in their relationship.  Even if I did talk to him, I’m still stupid because I was still eaten by Suet the snake (or whatever metaphor she has in mind)

THEN.  I saw this in my formspring inbox.



WTF!!! Talk about snakes lo!

I cannot believe this person has the audacity to leave identical questions in both our formsprings to get our reactions? As though create trouble on one front is not enough, she had to come  to my formspring to try to incite there as well.

Like I said before, how can she presume to know what exactly happened between the three of us?  Was she a fly on a wall?  Did she install cameras in our house wtf.

Just because none of us spoke out publicly about this does not mean nothing happened.  Suet and Ooib went back and forth for a year or so, trying to figure themselves and their relationship, and of course it was a painful process.

It was also very painful for me because I was caught in the middle between my younger brother whom I guess I’m quite protective over, and my best friend. I was angry and upset at Suet and for a year or so we fought continuously — I was angry and sad, she was sad and dealing with guilt and the prospect of losing my friendship in addition to her relationship.

But this was none of anybody’s business except ours so of course we never mentioned it.  Until this fucker came along.

Then the fella further replied with this…


Serious dafug??? Was she part of the relationship? So clever to say that she knows why Suet and Ooib broke up? Her stupid alleged reason wasn’t even true!!!

Some more she dare say I should not abuse her because she did not do anything to me.  Trying to create trouble between me, Ooib and Suet is not doing anything to me!? And what of her abusing Suet anonymously, in public?  If she can do that, why can’t Ooib or I abuse her back?




These were the comments left by Carol and Suet in response.  Suet was particularly upset because she doesn’t have my rhino skin and not used to disgusting subhuman specimens lurking around wtf.

And then there were all these anonymous questions left abusing Wendy also.  When I responded to them and told them off, I got further anonymous comments saying that I should not have published those.  What? I like to publish so I can scold them cannot? Urgh cannot win.

Then last night I got this.



Seriously -_________-

This one I really got angry and answered with expletives wtf which I kind of regret.

Cos this idiot sounded so presumpteous and smug! What’s with the “can we conclude” WTF?

And who is “everyone”? How can she conclude this when everyone I know sends in job applications through their contacts!?



Stop kidding yourself la.  I don’t know if he/she is lying la, possibly not but then how would I know?  Didn’t even leave a name it could be anyone for all I know, and I would never know if what this idiot is saying is true.

I don’t get the logic at all! Then what if you send resumes through jobstreet or jobsdb? Are those not connections too?  Or headhunters?  What on earth is supposed to be bad about sending in resumes through people you know!?

There are even companies who reward employees who pass on their friends’ resumes and their friends get hired.  Then what are they doing? Bribery isit?

Her logic numbs the mind wtf.

And seriously so what if he/she got their job by themselves? How does that make them better than everyone else?  Does that prove that you’re more capable, more honest, a better team player, a kinder person? No it doesn’t.

Then someone else said this..



So I replied the above.

Then I got the below.



This makes me lose faith in humanity a bit wtf.

I always thought people were inherently nice or relatively intelligent that they can be reasoned with. Formspring proved me wrong wtf.

Although there have been tons of nice and insightful comments (sometimes unwarranted cos I think they view me in a better light than what I really am), I didn’t realize there were also so many judgmental souls in the world.  People who are so quick to jump to negative conclusions about others, so eager to think badly of other people.  And people ever so ready to leave an anonymous sentence or two to try to anger or hurt others.

Wendy and Qiuqiu always talk about The Secret, which bases its theory on the law of attraction.  Law of attraction states that if you surround yourself with positivity (think positive, do positive, be happy for others, etc) positivity comes back to you, and vice versa.

Of course I don’t know if it’s true but I like to believe it is.  It can’t be healthy thinking and doing negative pessimistic things what, even if bad things don’t necessarily happen to you.

But if the law of attraction is true, f all the people above’s lives wtf cos they’re just screwing themselves.

I really don’t need to listen to all this and get irritated by hypocritical cowards lo 🙁 Already not much free time want to spend it on this unpleasant shit ah!

So Imma quit it.  At least for now.  Babai!

AudCamwhore AudRubbish AudShopping


Another lazy-mazy picture post!



Finally reorganized my accessories box.



Did eye mask!  The lengths I’ll go to nowadays to preserve youth 🙁

Tried  to slap one on Fatty but he refused >___>



Photo of me that doesn’t look like me.



Went a bit crazy at the Topshop Personal Shopper launch the other day :X They gave us vouchers so I went mad wtf.

Bustier and denim jacket from Topshop, leather shorts from Azorias.




When I wasn’t looking, Fatty took my phone and changed his own name to this WTF.  Then he called me at work.

I took my revenge! When he was showering, I took his phone and changed a bunch of names HAHAHAHA.

My name became Throbbing Penis (HAHAHAHHA), Nicholas from Nuffnang had two contacts and I didn’t know which was the right one so he became Buttock Hair and Man Boobs HAHAHAHAHAH.  And Michelle (sorry Michelle) became Mama Mia Santa Maria because I heard Fatty coming out of the shower and panicked and simply keyed that in hahahahahaha.


Super love this EMODA hairband!


Same jacket! Bought few months ago but found myself wearing it repeatedly recently only!  Shorts from Bangkok, white tank top from Forever21 I think.



See jacket again.

Saved best for last!

No harm showing this la hahahaha.

A few months ago, Chloe from Queen Chloset contacted me and asked me if I had anything planned to wear for my registration of marriage (signing paper to be legally married, not real wedding) and I said no.

She sells corsets so she suggested putting together one of her white corsets with a skirt to mimic a short wedding dress.

I was worried about corsets looking too slutty but she asked me to try one of hers on.  The above picture (on the left) is a close up of it.  Quite sweet demure and not cleavage-y at all!

She let me try on a skirt she created herself which she thought would match me.  She is fucking talented and handmade the entire thing out of tulle!

It was very frothy and ballerina-ish!  I thought it was awesome but Mummy Ooi had her concerns about looking like a swan wtf.

So Chloe revised her design.


Tadah! I put it on and I was stunned.  Entire skirt is handmade!!!  It matched the corset totally it looks like a dress! I couldn’t believe it and kept asking her how she made it and what did she study was it retail wtf but she said marketing wor.

Where got people so talented!  I wouldn’t know what to do I’d just cut two pieces of cloth and sew them around my own pepet if it came down to it wtf.

This is still not the final version cos she has minor stuff to tweak but it’s like 95% there.

So now I have this pretty doll=like dress to wear to sign ‘I do’ to Fatty thanks to Chloe and Queen ChlosetThanks Chloe you’re amazing!!!  Check out her site for corsets all very good quality and pretty! I was thinking if I should get another one for uhh…wedding night. HAHAHA.



AudMeme AudRubbish

What’s in my bag 2012

About a billion years ago I wrote a “What’s in my bag” post.

I swear I wrote it but now I can’t find it even after intense googling….

Ok I found it. Couldn’t find it at first because stupid me titled it “tag heuer wtf” WTF.  Here it is.

So I’m updating what’s in my bag, 2012 edition.

Read my old post for reflection purposes and god I must say there was so much pink wtf.  And I was so different I hated wearing black.  How times have changed wtf.

Ok here goes.


My bag!  Stupid Fatty behind hahahaha I was laughing cos I saw him.


Loose white tank top – Forever21, denim jacket – Topshop, ripped denim shorts – Bangkok

Super love denim now it’s like my leopard print obsession last year when I kept buying all items in leopard print.  Then become very hard to wear together wtf.


Love this bag!  Addiction helped me buy it from EMODA the last time she was in Tokyo.

Speaking of EMODA and Addiction (and Qiuqiu) they both have a very awesome offer that will take them to Tokyo soon!!!!!! Don’t know if I can say this wtf so no details.  But very happy for them!  If we weren’t friends I’d be bitter wtf.


There my bag items!  These are the usual things I carry with me at all times.  Actually I lie.  The packet of tissue on the bottom left is not something I usually carry with me.  I just thought I should pretend to be more of a woman than I really am.


First up, wallet.  Wallet is obviously a must have because what else would you use to bribe policemen? HAHAHA I keed. Or am I?

Wallet was a birthday present from Fatty three years ago <3 It’s getting a little bit scuffed up now but I loves it a lot.


Makeup pouch! Addiction and I were buying YSL makeup (acting rich) at Kansai airport and we got free stuff!  One was this makeup pouch and the other was eye serum I think so we split the goodies.

It’s a very jarring black against the rest of my things wtf.


What’s in my makeup bag which is in my handbag. Bagception wtf.

Quite standard stuff.From left to right: Heavy Rotation lip gloss and Canmake lipstick.  I only look good in nude lip colors so all the ones I own are same color wtf.

Then a Charmmy Kitty mirror from my host sister.

Eye makeup corrector cotton buds – my eye makeup is always running so these are good to fix my eyes halfway through the day.  They come loaded with makeup remover and what I have to do is break off one end to use. So convenient!  Got it from Sasa.

Above that is liquid eyeliner from Urban Decay in case I need to touch up makeup (usually if I’m going somewhere after work)

Then a Hello Kitty pendrive from Akihabara.  I love it! Until now I think it’s the prettiest pendrive I’ve ever seen.  It cost like 2000 yen.

Then Hello Kitty bandaid case with HK bandaids.  From a Sanrio store in San Francisco.

Below is a bottle of eyelash glue I bought in a hurry outside Platinum Mall in Bangkok cos my lash fell off wtf.

Then Loccitane lip balm from Cheesie’s kareshi :3 He super nice wan la when he was going after her he bought her stuff, but because I was with her (must think I’m damn irritating wtf), he also bought the same stuff for me WTF?? Where got people so considerate wan!


My office tag (I slotted it into the pink card holder).  Card holder was also from Tokyo.  I like attaching lots of things together so the bigger it is, the harder it is to lose.  Carebear was a present from another friend, blue bird thing is actually another pendrive from Churp Churp, and that black device is what I use to log in to Internet banking (it’s a security device)


My camera and its pouch!  It was originally my makeup pouch but it fit my camera so well so I put them both together happily ever after.

I just got the camera recently! Thought very long if I should get it (because I was surviving with my iPhone) but the last straw was when I went for a food advertorial and my iPhone couldn’t take any nice pictures of the food #failblogger


Keys. Again, notice the trend of attaching things together.  Hello Kitty key cover was a souvenir from Cheesie and Wendy when they went to Tokyo (again Tokyo wtf).  Domokun is from when NHK came to film Tokyo Kawaii in KL.  Key chain is also Hello Kitty from Universal Studios in Osaka when me and Cheesie went recently.  Also super pretty.


My Kindle <3 From Amazon.  I’m getting a bit tired of answering people repeatedly about where I got my Kindle.  I got it from Amazon!  It’s an Amazon product so that’s the only place you can buy it.

I also bought the leopard print decal from Amazon to decorate it cos it’s default color is an ugly dark grey.  The pink bow on the corner was part of a old hair elastic.


Sunglasses.  Just bought from Aldo very cheap RM30 wtf.  I don’t usually like wearing sunglasses but recently I don’t know if I’m getting old or what but whenever I go out in the daytime I feel like the sun is so bright T__________T

Bright until I cannot see properly and it hurts.  *prays this is not a cataract

Aih I hope it’s not astigmatism either.  But for now sunglasses make my eyes feel better.


Random pen bought from Curve flea market in case I need to fill anything out / or go meeting forget to bring stuff.


Ipod touch.  Started using it again because I cannot stand the battery of my iphone anymore -____- Each iOS update I download decreases battery life more and more kns.

I play a lot of games so the ipod touch is useful.  For everything else that requires a connection just use back iphone lo.


Phone itself.  Just changed from my black and white MURUA case to a pastel pink one.


This is the back.  So cute right <3 Got it from my supplier Eric Soong.

I actually thought I had more black than this.  Now I scroll through this whole post everything is still pink -___-  Nothing changed from 5 years ago actually.  Older but not wiser wtf.