
8 years and counting

I’ve never really talked about this before.

I’d always been  very reluctant to refer to myself as a blogger.  Like I don’t go around introducing myself as “Hi I’m Fourfeetnine” or “Hi I have a blog” wtf cos I don’t know I just think it sounds gross and presumpteous.

Like how embarrassing is it if I say “Hi I’m a blogger” cos it sounds like I expect people to know me and it’s most likely they won’t wtf.  I think only people like Xiaxue and Cheesie can say this and not sound like douchebags.

Also, bloggers get a bad rep in Malaysia leh.  They even made a Youtube video called “Shit Malaysian bloggers say”

People who don’t blog tend to view bloggers as kiasu, greedy, pampered and arrogant.  And as much as I hate to admit it, a lot of the stuff in the video is true.  I’m guilty of some of those things also wtf.  But that’s a story for another day.

The point is, I don’t like referring to myself as a blogger.  If I had to, I’d say I blog, or I have a blog.

But then the other day I was thinking.

On Formspring I get a lot of comments, some asking me why I’m so lucky and why my life seems so perfect, and others saying they want to start blogging too how to get higher traffic yadda yadda.

Obviously my life is not perfect la shit.  Did you not read that entry about me crying due to pressure wtf.

But I do realize that I’m very lucky in most things!!! And that my life is actually really good!  Don’t count stupid random suay things like car door always bang on my leg or vehicles always break down wtf la those small problems make way for the greater good of my life wtf.

Like I was thinking about my bridesmaids.  Here’s how I met all of them.  (Someone also asked me to blog about them so here it is!)

1. Angela

Met at Mount Holyoke.  Add water and get instant soulmates wtf.  Did everything together including studying abroad in Japan and remained soulmates.  Separated for nearly four years now but we’ve both evolved and grew up in the same way and we still complement each other perfectly.  She even has her own category on my blog called AngieEntry wtf.  And now she’s my maid of honor.

2. Suet


Met her because she was dating Ooib.  Didn’t like her at first WTF.  I thought she was rude.  Actually she was just awkward and uncomfortable wtf.  Only got closer after Ooib left for the States because she was so used to coming over to my house that she still came over to hang out after he was gone.  Also probably because she missed him and we look alike WTF.  She later applied to Mount Holyoke because I was there.  Bonded because of (among other things) blogging.  She also introduced me to Nuffnang.  Our friendship survived through graduation, moving back to Malaysia, the SuetBaz breakup, to today.

3. Tze Ching

The fake story: We met through our ex-boyfriends.  Real story: We met because the three of us (me, Suet, Tze) read each other’s blogs and Tze at that time had the best permed hair out of anyone I know up till today wtf. Suet met Tze first and later introduced us.  We made up the fake story cos we thought it was very lame to meet people through the internet HAHAHAHA. We clicked instantly.  And somehow although both of us are the most selfish people we know, we’ve managed to be close friends for years and through long distance (she lived in the UK for a few years) without fighting wtf.

4. Jammie

Met through Tze whom I met through blogs.  Do you see a pattern here wtf.  Jammie is two years younger but she started work early so she became my confidante when it came to work, office stuff and money matters.  Tze and Suet were out of the country so it was Aud and Jam forevertogether for a time… until she moved to Melbourne.  She missed us so much she came back like a year later and we’ve stuck around ever since.

5. Hui Wen

Also met her through blogging wtf.  We read each other’s blogs, and when I went to Melbourne to visit my then boyfriend, I met up with her and there were instant sparks wtf.  So much so that we laughed the entire time we were touring the Melbourne Gaol (not very funny place actually) and all the way till nighttime into a club and up a podium where we danced so vigorously we forced everyone else off WTF.

6. Cheesie

Met her because I was meeting Kenny Sia (ALSO A BLOGGER) and she happened to be with Kenny.  I should add that Hui Wen and Tze were at the same gathering.  And that Kenny was the one who bought me my domain <3 Cheesie’s the only one of my friends whom I didn’t instantly click with…for two years wtf.  We’d meet each other at events and be friendly and take pictures together but we never kept up the friendship beyond blog events.  I thought she didn’t like me and she thought I wouldn’t want to be friends since I already had Tze, Suet and Jam.

We were talking about this and couldn’t figure out when we made the jump from acquaintances to #addictions and I think it was one time Fatty and Ming went to Tokyo with Cheesie and Xiaxue for work.  I couldn’t go because I had no days off -___- so Xiaxue and Cheesie very very kindly bought ALL the cute stuff for Fatty to bring back home for me ^^ And that was the turning point of our friendship wtf.

7. Wendy

Obviously meet Wendy through blogging la wtf.  The first time I met her was at NAPBAS and I was super star struck and honored wtf.  Then pretend to act very cool and relaxed when she said she reads my blog WTF.  I don’t know her as well or as long as my other bridesmaids but she was so awesome and helpful about wedding stuff (and buying me presents from Tokyo) even though she doesn’t need to do any of that.  Plus we clicked cos we are both damn gossipy and shared mutual love for pink.  (She hates me and Cheesie now for going mode)

8. Bobo


Also through blogging!!!! She read my blog and replied me on Twitter so I followed her back because I thought she was pretty and I liked her clothes #shallow.  Then one day she tweeted a photo of a pink polka dot suitcase and I was all “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT YOU HAVE TO TELL ME” and she told me Taiwan, and proceeded to buy another one for me and lug it all the way back to Malaysia T_____T And thus friendship blossomed wtf.  I remember her first question to me was “do you speak Mandarin”.  I said no and thought it wasn’t going to work out wtf but of course it did hahaha.  She and her fiance Jo are Fatty and my double-date couple friends.

DO YOU SEE WHERE I’M GOING HERE.  Blogging to me is not just about the freebies and sponsorships and fun opportunities (although they are undeniably awesome).  It’s beyond the journal that it is to me too, although the memories in here are invaluable.

It’s about all the people I’ve met through my blog T___________T If I didn’t blog I’d never have met so many of the people who are so important to me now.

God I might not even have gotten my job WTF because my bosses knew I was a blogger and thought I might have a fresh perspective on social media and advertising.

I’m so glad I started up that blogdrive blog eight years ago.  Who knows what my life would be like right now if I didn’t?

Which brings me to …

9. Fatty

Met him the same time I met Cheesie.  Complete story here.  I’M GOING TO MARRY HIM.  HE IS STUCK WITH ME FOR FIFTY YEARS OR SO.

Need I say more?

Happy 8th Birthday,!


Up and away

Today was a very productive day for wedding prep!  Actually wedding preparations have been going quite well, so much so that I’m thinking you don’t actually need a year like everyone says to plan a nice good sized wedding.

(say only later choi tai ka lai si some shit happens and I go into hyperventilate mode)

1.  Theme

Fixed our theme!  Actually we already decided on our theme a long time ago.  But I kiasu didn’t want to tell anyone about it in case they steal our idea WTF.  But now I realize it’s a better strategy to announce my idea here first so if anyone does it, they read my blog and copied me *bridezilla.

Anyway, our theme is… UP!  As in the Disney/Pixar movie. Is that awesome or is that awesome?

We didn’t want anything very elegant or romantic because we’re totally not like that at all.  We wanted it to be fun, cheerful,very colorful, and a little bit quirky and cute!  Plus UP is like my all time favorite movie wtf.

So most things in our wedding will allude to the theme and its elements!

2. Wedding Planner

With theme sorted, wedding planner also kautim.  Our planner is only doing the decor because we didn’t need them for everything.  We found most things ourselves – venue, dresses, photographers, videographers, etc.  So our planner’s job is really to transform the ballroom and translate Up into a wedding dinner.

3. Invitations

Work in progress wtf.  Working with the very talented Cheechingy on this so I guess from her blog you can tell what the invites are gonna look like.

4. Bridesmaid dresses

HAIYO this one fan dou sei I tell you.  Initially Hui Wen’s manufacturer in Korea was supposed to produce eight bridesmaid dresses for us.  Because the theme is colorful, each bridesmaid is supposed to have a dress in the same design but different colors, all colors of the rainbow.  Then now he come and tell us he cannot do it, each dress would cost us USD300 WTF CRAZY.

So now I’m kind of at a loss T_T The easiest thing would be to buy dresses from a blogshop of Forever 21 or something.  But it’s nearly impossible to find eight colors of the same dress ANYWHERE. So yalor this is my dilemma now.

5. My wedding dress

Went for a first fitting with Gilbert today!  It was too tight WTF.

I could put it on but I couldn’t breathe in it fml.  Going to send it in for alteration and a bit more detailing and that’s it! Besides that, it’s absolutely gorgeous and I’m so tempted to post pictures here but bridegrooms are not supposed to see the bride in the dress before the wedding day right!?

I keep taking out my phone and looking at the pictures *crazy.  Then using my hand to block the screen so Fatty won’t see wtf.

6. Wedding shoes


Gilbert is also launching a shoe collection soon (besides his usual wedding shoes)!  Help him pimp a bit ok.

I tried on the above sample pair (pink and black polka dots are my weakness) and now I super want a pair!  Thinking if I can wear this with a short dress for registration of marriage or something…

He’s already designed a pair for me to go with the white dress though.  Still in production.

7. Evening gown

Settled on a design so it’s going to start production soon.

8. Booked a Kuah for tea ceremony

I was trying to decide if I should wear a Chinese kuah for the tea ceremony.  It seemed quite expensive event to rent, and besides most of the kuah in stores were quite big and I look like someone shone a shrinking ray on me and I shrank but my clothes didn’t wtf.

But Mummy Ooi found a shop in SS2 that specialized in wedding paraphernalia including kuahs.

Went to have a look today.


This was my favorite design actually. The red is a bit deeper and I like the colors of the embroidery.  But it was a little big at the shoulders 🙁


Liked this one on the mannequin but it looked so garish when I put it on!


Hated this one on first sight cos of all the gold thread but when I put it on it was the nicest!!! D: Don’t judge a kuah by it’s mannequin wtf.

This also fit the best and it was quite inexpensive to rent!

So I’m wearing a kuah 😀

Mother said my blond hair makes me look like an ang moh wearing Chinese dress -_-

9. Said no to buying chamber pots

It’s tradition for the parents to give the daughter a chamber pot wtf but this is where I draw the line.  Where am I going to keep a potty -_-

Parents stocked up on red umbrellas though.  Apparently when the groom goes to pick up the bride from her house, she has to be sheltered with a red umbrella when she’s walking from her house to the car.  The umbrella is supposed to block the view of jealous goddesses who might be jealous of the bride HAHAHAHA.

I’d take having special powers over being a normal human bride any day wtf.

10. Went to wedding dinners

Practice makes perfect wtf.



Fats and I at Weng’s wedding.


Me and Bobo!




Just as I moaned and groaned about my stressful life, things suddenly started looking up!

If you read Xiaxue and Bongqiuqiu, they’ve both talked about the power of self-affirmation to getting what you want in life.  I believe in it cos once Wendy and Mike were in KL staying at our place and their car broke down just as they were going to leave for Singapore FTL.

Mike was trying all sorts of things to figure out the problem/fix the car/whatever but it didn’t seem to be working.  Then Wendy asked for a piece of paper and she wrote down like twenty times for their car to work and to get home safely and the car suddenly started up and they left and made it back to Singapore safe :O :O

So ever since then I believed it.  I’ve never practiced it consciously though but I can’t help wondering if I do it on a subconscious level cos I always believe everything will turn out fine in the end.  And so far (touch wood), things always have 🙂

I think the period just passed and I’ve never been so relieved T____T


Last week I was asked to speak on professional etiquette at Monash University!  Why me? I also don’t know wtf.  I also asked the organizers this wtf.

But I was asked to speak about makeup in the workplace so it made sense!  I have a full time job and I like makeup so I guess that makes me an expert ahahhah.


SOme of the attendees!  Later on more people came to fill up the space.  That’s Fatty who came to support me wtf.


With Hui Wen! We did the ‘workshop’ together.  I talked about makeup and hair, while Hui Wen, coming from Azorias, spoke about dressing.  Actually not really workshop la we say until damn good wtf.  It was just a talk given by two girls who have corporate experience and vain experience wtf.


With Amanda, my student model 😀  I did a makeup demonstration on her.

I put super super light makeup on her only! (as befitting someone in the corporate environment)  I slapped on some BB cream and concealer on her, then defined her brows a bit with pencil, dabbed on light eyeshadow, lined her eyes and mascara and brushed blusher across her cheeks.

And got the shock of my life cos she transformed utterly under my brushes WTF.  Seriously I was quite taken aback at the change such little cosmetics made.  Ah the power of youth wtf.

I swear to god I have to use double that amount of makeup to look like how I do on my blog.  FML.  And she’s only like… six years younger than me… Maybe the need for makeup increases exponentially each year you age.


Us and the team behind the workshop.

Do you see my cape top? Look like Momoko Ogihara’s one ornot!

Mine is a super accurate inspired version from Azorias 😀

Can wear it three ways –  as long sleeves, as a cape, and as a sleeveless top.

Another picture with Amanda!  Forgot what’s her surname.  Should be Young. Lolol.


Photo from a couple months back. Company had a charity run.  Please look at the effort it takes for me to smile at this point.

Every year we take a day to do something for charity and this year FML we had to collect donations and run a marathon.  All donations go to charity.

This concept baffles me completely.  We used to have these runs in school too where we’d have to collect money, then run and proceeds would go to school renovation or something.

Why must I not only go around asking people for money but then kill myself running after that? Why would anyone give money in exchange for me running?  Why – if you want to be kind and charitable – would you then be unkind by expecting other people to run for the money wtf.  It just doesn’t make sense to me.  But then that’s what everyone does.

As it turned out, I donated money to myself wtf.  So essentially I paid money to run.

We gathered in the middle of the night for the run.  If you think I’m exaggerating, it was 5am.  So there wtf.

See my tulan face hahahahaha.

Broke out my running shoes for the first time ever.

Also broke out my trusty baobei umbrella HAHAHA.  I think the organizers wanted to kill themselves looking at me and Bobo running with umbrellas.

What! Wedding in a few months ok cannot afford to look like a laborer on wedding day.

The umbrella must have slowed me down a bit because uhhh… Bobo and I came in last WTF.  I think Bobo wouldn’t have been last but she stayed behind to accompany me and give me motivation wtf.

We were so slow that the organizers were rolling their bikes behind us cos it was too slow to ride hahahaha.

And when we finally reached the finish line, the people there were just standing by waiting to close the gate after us hahahaha.

I was hoping for a standing ovation or something when we finished — cos last but it’s no mean feat ok! Like maybe people would applaud us for not giving up even though we sucked so much and completing the race.

But no.  When we reached everyone else (like 200+ people wtf) were chilling and eating and the gatekeeper looked bored and annoyed with us.

Never mind!  We got certificates proclaiming we’d finished 6 kilometers!!! And biscuits yum.


Moving forward! With Tze at the Topshop personal shopper launch today.  Forgot to take photos of the launch -_-


Cos I was too busy getting my nails done!  It was a blessing man.  My nails look like shit cos I haven’t done them since my birthday so I jumped at the chance to paint them with Topshop nail polish.


Mine was turquoise and Tze did coral.  So spring/summer right!


Really wanted this sheer tunic top!  But thought it was too expensive so didn’t get it T_T I’m trying to get rid of my spendthrift reputation ok wtf.


No need to read also can

…cos all pictures only.  Geddit geddit.

Another picture update courtesy of my iPhone.


Ooi siblings trying on Ooib’s new hipster glasses.  Who wore it better? wtf.

Aih my astigmatism is so bad now I’m considering making an extra pair of glasses so I can wear them while I drive or look at the computer.  So I’d be wearing contacts AND glasses.  Shit me.


Did a mini photoshoot with Azorias the other day.  Suetpants is just kepoh-ing.


Since took so many photos must post cannot waste.


My lower lashes fake wan hahaha.


Without makeup!  Ok actually I realized got eyebrow pencil.  But surprisingly looked better than expected…so post!!Untitled

Belated birthday present from Hui Wen!  Collar necklace 😀


Cheesie’s birthday recently so this is for her hohoho.


Gave a self-presentation makeup talk the other day at Monash!  Talked about makeup in the workplace.  I think they asked me cos I have a job wtf.

Top from Azorias, necklace from Emoda, pants from Murua. Fucking nice right the pants T___T tumpang Cheesie to buy for me in Tokyo.


Macarons and tea at Marina Bay Sands when we went to Singapore recently.

I actually hate macarons but it seems like an expected girly thing to do (taking pictures of macarons)  Fatty gobbled them all.


Visited an art gallery and fell in love with an artist called Cuplo.  All his pieces are like this – bright contrasting colors, cartoony roundish shapes and filled with optimism <3

I’ve been trying to google him and CANNOT find him anywhere.  But when I’m rich I’ll fill our house with all his pictures lol.


We were in Singapore to attend Darren and Sophia’s wedding.  Didn’t feel overdressed at all cos everyone there was decked out like they were headed to the Oscars.


Fatty! Quite hemsem in suit huh ^_^


With Lay See.  You know how everyone says I look like Hamasaki Ayumi? I think SHE looks like Ayu more!!! She seriously very stunning.  And doesn’t need makeup >___>



Their wedding was the most grand thing I’ve ever been to.  So grand until they bought flowers to rip them to pieces and cover the carpet with purple rose petals.  (theme is purple obviously)

There was a gorgeously detailed miniature carousel where we could write our best wishes for the happy couple on silver cutouts of horses and pin it to the carousel.

Feel damn competitive when I went WTF.  Cos their wedding was so elegant and romantic and luxurious I can assure you knowing me and Fatty, ours will not be any of the above wtf.

But super happy for the newlyweds – congrats again Darren & Sophia and may you live happily ever after!

Last picture with Lay See and Pieere.  Haih why this Pieere move now he looks like he’s wobbling hahahahaha.

AudEmo Audvertorial

Cos I had a bad day

If you’ve been reading my Formspring, I’d actually mentioned that I’m currently going through a bad period.

Iz true.

I work really long hours at my job. I don’t usually like to talk about work that much; maybe in the future I will but not right now.

Anyway for the past four years, I’ve been juggling a crazy worklife and blogging. A lot of people have asked how I handle two things that take up so much time each together. A full time job is a full time job, and blogging can be a full time job too.

I never really had a problem juggling these two things. I didn’t really get what was so hard about it because if there were blog events during working hours, I’d just make it a point not to go because work was a priority. But events outside of working hours were okay, and it was just a matter of making time to blog or write advertorials in my free time. As a result in the past four years I don’t really have a lot of free time but I don’t mind.

But when wedding planning came along, that’s when disaster struck wtf. I don’t even think I’ve done that much for our wedding yet and it’s in 4 months T____T but I found myself worrying about things that I needed to do during working hours and trying to juggle wedding planning AND blogging AND work. Add that to the fact that work got a lot more crazy recently….

I broke down yesterday T____T

I’d already been stressed the past couple of weeks and I’d find myself blinking back tears at work or wiping away the stray teardrop in the car on the way home wtf. But yesterday there was a meeting where I felt so frustrated – some coworkers were giving me well-intentioned feedback but I felt like my efforts were going unrecognized and even worse people were picking on me for things I didn’t feel I should be responsible for – that I uh kinda shouted in the meeting and shocked everyone WTF.

Then I abruptly said I had to leave and I walked out. T________T I had to go for a blog event right after that so I drove there and cried the whole way while driving WTF. AIh blog this also feel so pathetic wtf. Like Ben Stiller at the end of There’s Something About Mary.

Sure the people next to me in traffic lights think I’m crazy wan wtf.

Anyway I feel slightly better today. And the blog event I was heading to was a blogger gathering with Pizza Hut. At that point I didn’t even want to go because I was feeling so bad and I had no time to do makeup so I was also looking bad wtf.

Pizza Hut’s Yusof welcoming us.

When I arrived everyone was like wtf happened to your face WTF cos I looked so horrid.

I thought it was going to be a long evening…

All my initial pictures looked like this hahahaha.

KY and Cheesie laugh until siao fml.

But after a while I was glad I went. Pizza Hut outings are one of the blog things I really look forward to cos we always get to sit down with friends we don’t get to meet normally and catch up over yummy food T____T

Seeing all of them I calmed down a bit. And with everyone’s smiling faces and KY’s stupid jokes, I made myself smile, and then I was laughing for real. And then I was okay.

That’s me and Redmummy with Pizza Hut Triple Chicken Pizza (new flavor!)

Triple chicken cos it’s three types of chicken (chicken floss, chicken ham and chicken salami with lots of mayo.

Chicken wraps! Eat ALL the fries!

With Kampungboycitygal and our Triple Chicken pizzas.

Chicken wings my favorite


They showed us the new Triple Chicken commercial. It comes in thin and crispy and thick crust. I usually prefer thin and crispy wan.

All of us! KY, Cheesie, RM’s friends, Pinkstilettos, Beautifulnara and Ciknara, Proudduck, Hanis, RM, badfaced girl, and Kampungboycitygal.

Another picture. Cheesie’s makeup was super different cos she did a photoshoot that day. I kept telling her dunno who she looks like now I know.

Looks like Courtney Cox or not!

My trick is if I’m not wearing makeup, to make stupid faces in every photo. That way people cannot tell if your expression is ugly, or your own face is ugly nyehehehehe.

Helps if you also pull your face down a bit with your hands.

We were actually all watching the commercial haha.

Fehmes Vivy, Nazuwan and Mira.

With Rachel of Nuffnang.

Getting happier and happier as the night wears on.

Pizza Hut gave us a stuffed popcorn zomg best part of the evening.

#notsureif good or bad thing wtf.

I thought the timing was terrible but I was wrong. Thank you Pizza Hut for making my day. ^^

For more info on Pizza Hut Triple Chicken pizza, go here.

Oh and lastly, to make YOUR day, I’m giving out 5 Pizza Hut vouchers to 5 winners who can tell me “What’s your favorite Pizza Hut topping and why?”

Answer in comments (leave your email too) and I’ll pick 5 best answers to win!


My favorite iPhone apps

Sorry Android lovers aren’t gonna like this.

I wouldn’t say I’m an Apple evangelist cos I rarely feel strongly enough about anything to evangelize.

But I’ve been using the iPhone for 8 months now and I think my life has changed a lot cos of it. Mostly cos of the apps but the apps are everything!

I even suspect that overusage of iPhone is the reason for my increasing astigmatism -_-

*ignores this

Anyway the smartphone is a very personal part of our lives now so I thought I’d show you what I have on my phone! These are all besides the usual apps like Facebook, Twitter, news apps cos all those are a given.

Bejeweled WTF. I actually paid for the full app so I can play to my heart’s content don’t need to settle for Blitz only (the free version)

Seriously damn addicted to it la cannot stop playing! Even at work if I go for toilet break I’ll play it WTF.

The app I use most frequently to edit pictures. It’s called Camera360 and the really good thing about it is the skin filters. It’s also good for editing out the yellow/orangey shade that comes if you snap photos under yellow lighting.

Super recommend!

This is Alien Blue, the best app to read Reddit on phone. Reddit is a social news website where users submit content for other people to vote on. Highest voted posts make it to the front page and it’s freaking addictive also! My favourite reddit subthreads are nosleep (where people submit scary stories) and AskReddit (where users pose questions/problems/dilemmas to other users)

Instagram! Love the filters but depend son mood wan. Cos if I whole day at work sit at desk only obviously I don’t have anything nice to snap pictures of. What more I’ll usually be in glasses and no makeup and I’d rather not immortalize that look in pictures wtf.

But recently Instagram as my favourite application dropped position. Lost to…

Formspring app! I’ve seen so many horrible people using Formspring as a way to insult SG bloggers like Xiaxue, Qiuqiu and Sophie but so far the people on mine are still ok. Got a lot of weird questions like “do you poop everyday?” or “how much do you earn a month?” wtf but the majority are not that malicious for Formspring to lose its entertainment value for me yet.

Some other games I play. I have an extremely short attention span so I hate games like Smurfs and Farmville which requires what seems like a too-high level of commitment to me. Need to log in everyday to do this do that buy this buy that wtf. I prefer games featuring funny looking cartoon characters and low level of IQ wtf.

Favorite games are Tiny Wings, Angry Birds and Cut the Rope (although Cut the Rope got too hard and timing-based wtf). Gesundheit is also not bad although you have to watch out for the monster eating your pig and usually I don’t like games like this. Unleashes too much stress wtf.

Bobo asked me to download this! It’s the Vera Wang wedding planning app. It’s very useful cos you key in all your dates and preparations and it will remind you what’s due and give you ideas for decoration and outfits!

But when I logged in to mine, it told me I’m behind schedule for everything WTF so I’d rather not see and closed it hahahahaha.

This photo decorating app is super cute. It’s called 楽が(Rakuga) and it’s supposed to purikura-ify your photos but seriously I think I’m a bit too old to decorate like that and not run the risk of getting stoned by nauseous people wtf.

Rage Faces app! Hahahahaha I love that it’s quite complete but it’s a bit mafan to use cos you have to manually copy the images to use in your messages.

Flickr! Very normal only but essential for transferring my iphone photos straight to Flickr so I can blog Fatty asked me if I had to give up my Kindle or iPhone which would it be. Sorry Kindle, but the iphone wins on account of being able to do so much T_T

For those who want an iPhone, check Maxis’s plans out!

25-03-2012 4-56-48 PM
25-03-2012 4-59-48 PM
In addition to it’s existing iValue plans which range from RM100 to RM375), Maxis recently introduced new iPhone 4S plans.

25-03-2012 5-00-55 PM
Depending on your budget and usage, you can pick a plan that suits you! Link here.


Pictures of me wtf

Laziest blog post ever.

Cos I have to be up in eight hours, Imma just post up some blog stuff I did recently.

Fatty and I did a shoot for Jipaban!

Had to choose our favorite products from the Jipaban store.  Different photos to represent the different items available at Jipaban.



This was the gift section wtf.  Got my tamagotchi from there.  We’re holding a door stopper, a speaker radio that looks like a VW van, a Hello Kitty CD case and tamagotchi.

DSC00795 masked

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Favorite DVDs.My face like that cos besides UP, every other movie I picked was horror hahahaha.



Us and books <3 I love this photo actually.

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Another cute Hello Kitty thing.  It was actually a miniature ocha set.

Then a few weeks ago Cheesie and I had guest spots on a TV show on Astro called Football Overload.

Ya when I got the invite I was like “are they sure!?!?!?! Do they know sports is my enemy?” wtf but actually while the theme of the show is football, the show itself is very entertainment/lifestyle skewed and we just played games the whole time.

The theme of the episode must be SUPER CUTE BLOGGERS lo *thickskinned

With the hosts of the show and the kid is an actual football fan wtf.

Ok the end.

AudShopping AudSuay AudVerbalDiarrhea AudWedding

Of choosing dates and dresses

25-03-2012 12-47-44 AM

Ok so here’s the drama.

Earlier this week, while I was at work sweating over my laptop, my mom texted me…. and said “WEDDING DATE MAY HAVE TO BE CHANGED. FORTUNE TELLER MADE MISTAKE.”

My world came crashing down wtf.

My first thought was “WHY!!! JULY WEDDING SOUNDS SO NICE”

Second thought was “But ok ah if postpone it got more time to plan.”


Emotional rollercoaster man.

For the non-Malaysians/Chinese, what happens is usually before a Chinese wedding family takes place, the families consult a fortune teller to read the fortunes of the couple, see whether their horoscopes/destinies or whatever you call it match or not, and then pick a wedding date suitable for the couple and their families.

We have to tell the fortune teller our (Fatty and mine) birth dates and exact time of birth.  The fortune teller also needs to know the birth dates of our parents, and some extra superstitious families will even throw in the birthdates of grandparents wtf.  This is supposedly to make sure that nobody involved in the marriage of two families will clash with anyone else and cause any potential problems later on.

Ya super superstitious (HAHA) and traditional wan but that’s what a lot of people believe in.

The Chinese also believe there’s good and bad months to get married in.  For example, the seventh month of the lunar year is considered bad because it’s the Hungry Ghost Month and people believe that the gates of Hell open this month to let spirits out.  Sorta like their annual vacation wtf.

Anyway our date (which is in July) was supposed to be the best date for us and our families and supposedly very good for the future of my womb WTF.

Then suddenly my mother realized that July was the sixth month of lunar year, although the fortune teller told us it was the fifth month.  So meaning he miscalculated.  And 6th month is apparently no good  because it’s in the middle of the year and supposedly represents the relationship breaking in half (!?!?!)  Yea it didn’t make sense to me either.

She further checked the calendar and found that that particular date was supposed to clash with her birth year too and would apparently bring disharmony/misfortune/dunno what to any of us T__________T

So basically both our families were thrown into a tizzy.  We were scrambling calling up the hotel and asking for alternative dates. Fatty’s mom was calling up the fortune teller and berating him for miscalculating the dates.  I was on the phone to my mom demanding to know what was so bad about the date and could we just overlook it.

I’m not a religious person so I didn’t really believe that getting married on the wrong date could mean a shitty life for us or problems with family members.  But then my parents seemed to really believe that something like this mattered.

So while I didn’t believe exactly, I didn’t really want to take any chances either although I was tempted to.  I don’t believe now but what happens if sometime down the road, something bad happens to us?  Say something extremely negative that’s unavoidable — like one of us getting into a fatal accident, or us not being able to have kids.  With no one to blame, would I end up remembering that we got married on a day that was supposedly bad, and blame myself?  Who knows what could happen and if I’d end up regretting…

(and bad things may very well happen.  To the hater who left an anonymous comment saying he/she hoped Fatty and I will be infertile, your wish may well come true.  I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.  It’s a very common disorder that happens to 10% of women but it means that I may have difficulty getting pregnant.  So I hope you’re happy.)

So in addition to the very rough week I was having at work and decoration issues, I now had to deal with this problem.  No more Saturdays were available at our venue for the rest of the year (besides in Hungry Ghost Month FOL), there were only Fridays and Sundays and even then we were on waiting list only.  But if the dinner were to be on Friday or Sunday, it’d mean our guests from KL and overseas (most of them) would have to take leave just to attend our wedding in Penang.  Changing venue was not an option as this was the only suitable one for us.

The tea ceremony (considered the official wedding day in the eyes of Chinese gods) was the ceremony really crucial to have on a good date. I considered keeping the dinner date and having the tea ceremony on another better day but that would mean the guests would have to come down to Penang TWICE. T_______T

For 1-2 days I hovered on the edge of tears wtf.

After a lot of headaches and fretting, finally we decided to not rely on this fortune teller and my mom went back to Penang to consult my grandfather (who also does these things) to check if July 28 was really bad for us.  And if it was, could we do anything to counter the bad fortune.  Like do some feng shui stuff or prayers or arrange things in a certain way.

And turns out the date is ok after all. -___________-

All that trouble and panic for nothing. -_______________-

So July it is! 😀

In other wedding related updates…


Fats and I went for the YouTube Malaysia launch!  They featured Meme Proposal :D:D Apparently it’s the biggest Malaysian-made video ever yay Crazy Monkey Studio.


Dress sketch and design done so went for dress and shoe measurements with Gilbert from Weddinspired.  Right now he’s only doing dresses but he’s introducing a new shoe range soon as well!

I always knew I had a shitty body shape and this confirms it wtf.  My measurements are 25-24-32 WTF.

This is me in a nutshell.  Nobody believe me when I say that my waist is extraordinarily big for my size lo now you all know.  My waist isn’t even actually 24 it’s 24.75 WTF.  So I’m essentially 25-25-32. FML.


Some pretty silver lace that he had laid out.  Which brings me to eveningwear…. What do people usually wear for wedding dinner ah!?!?

Not much chance to wear a qipao (or even buy one that fits me) so if I’m getting a dress made, I thought it should be a qipao!  Plus it seems quite appropriate to wear a qipao for wedding.  On the other hand, maybe it’s just me but the people I know seem to be wearing qipao more and more for their weddings.  I don’t like conforming wtf.


I was thinking of something like this except it would probably be less sheer wtf.

Gilbert showed me this Elie Saab dress and asked what I thought about something like this.  I love this too especially the skirt!!!!!

But since my white dress is going to have a sweetheart neckline, I thought of having the top for the evening gown look something like this.  Match or not ah.

I want feedback!!! Qipao, or mixture of the the two dresses? And what color….

AudRubbish AudVerbalDiarrhea

Being short

One of the things I notice people are always asking on Formspring is whether I feel insecure or unhappy with my height.

Which is a very good question which is why I decided to turn it into a blog post. (god Formspring is so useful)

To start off, I think you can guess that I’m totally not ashamed of my height due to the fact that I named my blog after it wtf.  Note to haters: please think of something else to diss me about because calling me a midget doesn’t work.

I’ve been short all my life.  My earliest memory of primary school is having to stand at the front of the class line at assembly.  Whenever we had to line up, it was always according to height and I was always at the front wtf.  Maybe not first in front but second or third.  As a kid, this didn’t bother me because I got to be first for everything LOL.

First to brush my teeth when the dentist and nurses came with their annual school dental checkup.

First to collect Milo when the Milo van rolled around.

As I grew up a little, when other girls around me were hitting puberty and shooting up, I waited patiently for my growth spurt.

Sure, boobs came a little slower (better late than never, better small than none) but they came in the end (By the end I mean at 19 fml).  But the growth spurt never did.

It still somehow didn’t bother me.

But then again, I looked like this from age 12-15 and that didn’t faze me!  In fact, I now realize that I was the most thickskinned teenager in the world.

I delusionally thought I was still quite pretty WTF.  And like I was telling Tze the other day and she laughed until nearly fell off her chair, I thought a lot of boys liked me WTF and if getting down from the bus, a boy accidentally put his hand on mine on the bus pole, I would believe that he likes me HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Of course no boy liked me wtf.  But I guess my misplaced confidence helped me cos I think I did have a lot of friends, even if all of us were nerds wtf.

Anyway, digression.

The only time I ever felt upset about being short was when I was seventeen and I overheard a boy I liked telling his friends that he would never like me because I was too short (and flat).  I hated my height for a while.  Then my misplaced confidence and optimism helped me forget about it wtf.

Since then, I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything negative for my height.  Maybe because I have the least depressive personality of anyone I know.  I’m also unnaturally optimistic.

To all the short girls out there who are insecure about your height: WHY!?!

1. First of all, you’re a girl and girls are not expected to be tall anyway.  It could be worse; you could have been a guy.  Do you know how hard short guys have it! (see, this is how you be optimistic)

(To short guys: sorry I don’t know how you feel.  But if you feel bad, look at it this way.  At least you’re a guy!  You don’t have glass ceilings at work places and gender discrimination!  You will also never be susceptible to vaginal mutilation.  And less likely to contract HIV I think)

2. Second of all, being short is an ice-breaker.  Seriously.  I suspect people have greater propensity to feel kindly towards shorter girls.  Say, if I make a joke about my height, it always gets a laugh, and people may add on to it and people bond over that (making jokes, not over my height)  And if they get closer to me, I realize that people tease me for being short affectionately, not in a bullying way.  I don’t see how is that a bad thing.

3. Shorter girls tend to be cute.

4. Everyone (male and female alike) feels protective over small girls.  They’ll let you squeeze to the front of a crowd without glaring at you too much cos you won’t block their view.  They’ll help you open your canned drinks wtf.

5. You will always look young.  Cannot think of a better reason than this.

6. People remember you.  Would you rather be remembered for being short (and cute) or forgotten?  Once a bouncer at a club in Miami didn’t believe I was over 21 although I had ID.  He told me I had to jump up and touch the sign before he’d let me in WTF so I did.  The key is to not take yourself so seriously and you’ll be fine.  The bouncer loved it!  He laughed and let me in, and looked out for me afterwards to say bye. 🙂

Its not all awesome all the time though.  A few years ago, my height was an obstacle to me.  Not my height per se, but the whole fact that I look very young.

I’d been working for one or two years at that time so I wasn’t an inexperienced noob.  I knew my stuff at work and my bosses knew it.  But to my clients, they couldn’t accept recommendations or advice from a tiny girl with blond/brown hair.  They were all in their 30s (some married, some with kids) and I think they couldn’t get it in their heads that someone who looked like this would have anything important to add.

That was something I really struggled with.  Maybe it didn’t help that I’d waltz in to meeting rooms with my pink Hello Kitty thermos and fluffy pens HAHAHA.  But yea, it was so bad that my bosses had to sit me down and tell me they knew I was capable but nobody else could see that.  I had to do something about it, or else no clients would have any confidence in me and I’d never progress in my career.

I was quite crushed actually cos that was the first time I realized my height was a disadvantage to me.  Every time I made a recommendation in a meeting, they’d nod and all but then they’d go and DO OPPOSITE OF WHAT I SAID.  Frustrating or not leh!  Then when my boss came in and said the same exact thing, they absorbed it and followed his advice to a T.

What did I do in the end?

Height cannot change what.  But everything else can.  I started putting my hair into ponytails instead of curls.  (doubly effective cos I stopped playing with my hair at meetings too).  Whenever got meeting, I’d make sure I wear heels.  And I spoke louder at meetings and acted like everyone was an imbecile. HAHAHAHAH.

No la not really!  But I kept reminding myself that in the whole room I have the most experience and knowledge about what I specialize in already and I could talk rubbish and still people would believe me because I’m the expert.

It worked leh.  The people who used to feedback that they thought I was childish (and hence irresponsible) said I totally changed their minds 😀 Got one fella even said I look taller now LOLOL.

Lessons learned:

I can’t help being short.  But there’s no reason why it should bother me unless I let it.  I love being this height!  I would never change it (not like I can anyway)

P/S: one more reason why it’s good to be short!  Closer to the ground, fall also not so painful wtf.