Guess where we’re walking to!
Not USJ in Subang ok Universal Studios Japan a lot of people asked if it’s Subang >_>
More photos after the jump.
Ohai! I am on leave from work today so leaving a quick blog post cos today is a special day!!
New iPhone!!! Actually the main reason why I wanted an iphone 4S is so that I can have it in white #shallow #spendthrift
But Eric Soong solved it for me! He changed my existing phone screen to white and the quality is exactly like the original! The back of my phone is white too but a little bit glittery and very pretty.
He got other colors too. When I was at his place I saw him changing someone’s iphone to purple and it was gorgeous! If you wanna revamp your iphone, go see him at his shop in Bangsar. Or his website here.
Got it from Jipaban cos I never had a tamagotchi before T3T Me and Ooib shared one but it wasn’t an original one it was some dinosaur one wtf.
Damn nice tamagotchis nowadays! Got color screen, and he turns into loads of different characters depending on how you take care of him. This one is imported from Japan so it’s only in Japanese though.
I kept forgetting to take care of mine so he turned into a ninja who was really annoying WTF. He had a big head and wore all black except for his eyes. And he wouldn’t eat rice and only wanted candy WTF. And he said “オードリーおしゃれになりたいでござる~” which translates to “Audrey, I want to be fashionable” WTF so I had to buy him a flower to put on his ninja head -______-
Then he ran away WTF T______T but not without leaving me some emotional blackmail in the form of a goodbye note which said “next time if we can meet again I hope we get to spend more time together” T________T #badmother
But I reset it and got a second chance at motherhood! New tamagotchi is a girl so I hope we get along better.
Another piece from Jipaban! You don’t know what’s inside it (like a fukubukuro) but it’s minature Hello Kitty snacks and super cute.
Dinner with Ayumi and Saori! Japanese community in KL is super small and we found out we had mutual friends. Saori even has the same hairstylist as me, Hikky-chan <3
Wah Fatty and I have the same spongebob squareface T_T
Keychain/strap/accessory thing from Universal Studios Osaka! Iphone charger from Vogue Maison.
Remember the other day I posted the backless wedding dress? It got onto Popular on Instagram *touched T_____________T My first time ever ok lemme be happy.
More dress tryouts.
When I put on this dress I was like “holy shit I look like I’m from the Jetsons” wtf. Cos it looks very futuristic hahaha. But on pictures it’s better leh I think it’s meant for like catwalk and magazines. And I like the bigness of the skirt. The boob part looks funny cos it’s actually a one strap dress but the strap is covered by my hair.
A local up and coming designer contacted me to design my wedding dress T________T so touched. I’m still keeping fingers crossed but will update on the whole process! His work was quite amazing btw totally different from any dresses I’d seen before.
I’ll reveal his identity when we iron out the details!
Oh and today is special cos it’s my birthday.
I am uh turning twenty one.
A bunch of us at work are all born in February so some work partners got us a cake! (excuse for shitty work face)
Hahahahahahaha. Details all damn nice hahahaha.
Ok going out!
This is a very long blog post. I made the font bigger for your easy reading *considerate. Because you need to read ALL the words!!!!
But if you’ve read Fatty’s blog post on this, this is probably a rehash.
Kechara Soup Kitchen is a soup kitchen we found out about sometime last year when I came across the founder, a Buddhist lama and the founder of Kechara Buddhist Association (I wrote about his blog last year here).
We’ve only gone twice so far, and last weekend was the second time we’ve been but I wanted to write about it cos it’s impacted me and Fatty a lot.
KSK is a soup kitchen so basically it feeds and supports the homeless, or those who live under the poverty line. They have a shop lot in Imbi where anyone who cannot afford it can go in and have a meal, take a shower, wash their clothes etc.
Not talking about you forgot to bring out your wallet so you get to go eat there for free ok wtf. They register the homeless of KL so they know who they’re feeding. Theirs so far is the most comprehensive database of homeless people in the city and there are estimated about 1,000 homeless people or so in KL.
And on weekends, there’s a team of volunteers that gather at KSK to pack food and drive out and deliver them to areas where needy people congregate so they can get access to a meal without coming over to KSK (or for those who don’t know about KSK)
This is usually done late at night (after 10pm) cos that’s when most people have gone home, shops have closed, and the homeless people can come out and lay down their mats on the road sides to sleep 🙁
This is the front of KSK.
David (who works at Kechara), Huai Bin, me and Fatty.
We’re wearing special KSK tshirts so the homeless can identify us and not be defensive. Also so the police can recognize us and not arrest us for simply stopping anywhere and jumping out with boxes wtf.
Volunteers get divided into teams which tackle different areas. So far we’ve been in Team Chow Kit.
Some of the food given out. Usually each person receives a hot meal (rice or pasta) with a loaf of bread or buns, bottle of water, maybe some biscuits and crackers.
All the food is sponsored, so if you have any contacts or ability to donate, feel free to contact them here!
Hot meals. We discovered most people don’t like pasta and prefer rice D: maybe they’re not used to eating non-Asian food.
Food packed into vans and ready to go.
KSK van.
Last weekend we had fruit to give out! Two guys gave a personal donation to buy the fruit that night 🙂
A corporate sponsor also donated tshirts which they over-printed so we had those to give out too 🙂
Getting our briefing before we go out on the streets.
Ok so the experience. The first time I did it I was frankly very nervous and glad to have Fats around wtf.
The team leader will do orientation for first-timers and he told us a lot of precautions. Like don’t give them money, be respectful and polite, approach them from the front since they may be startled if you jump at them from behind wtf.
They also explained how you could tell the difference between a person who’s newly homeless and someone who’s been out on the streets for some time. A person who’s recently homeless will sleep hugging their bag or belongings tightly because they’re afraid to lose what they have left. And a person who’s stayed on the streets for some time will usually just lie there maybe with arms spread wide because they have nothing else to lose. Haih.
They also warned that some of them would not be able to look at us in the eye because they could be embarrassed about being in such a position that they had to accept charity from strangers. Haihhhhh.
When doing our rounds, we get people to line up, ladies first some more if not we cannot give out the food. Like if everyone just crowded around not waiting their turn there could be riots and a danger to everyone.
I realized that most homeless people do not look homeless. (Except for those who are mentally unstable maybe) Their clothes may be a little shabby or worn, but for the most part they look normal. Like your average Ah Ma on her way to pasar malam to buy vegetables. And apparently that’s what they intend – to look like everyone else. That’s why they only come out when everyone else has gone home. Who on earth would want to advertise the fact that they live on the street very proud thing isit. Some people apparently bash soup kitchens for feeding the poor because “that will encourage people to be lazy cos they can get food without working”.
Seriously, wtf!?!? Do you seriously think getting a free meal is worth losing your dignity, sleeping on the street, going to public toilets to wash up, and not being sure where your next meal is gonna come from?
The very sad thing is, there were so many old people standing in line to receive food. I asked what was the most common reason a person would be homeless and this is what I found out. A lot of old people get kicked out or abandoned by their kids (WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TAKING CARE OF THEM JESUS WHO RAISED YOU ASSHOLES); or old people get cheated out of their life savings by con artists, are unable to support themselves any longer, and get on the streets; or young people who left their hometowns/villages looking for a better life in the city, get cheated or cannot find jobs, then don’t dare to go home to shame, and just live outside in KL.
It was a very humbling experience T____T
We arranged ourselves in a kind of factory line to give out the food items. And I felt we got more thanks than we deserve T_______T All the Chinese aunties and uncles exclaimed loudly their thanks and one uncle even said he was so lucky to have pretty girls give him food T______T And all the young Malay guys smiled at us, and ducked their heads and whispered their thanks.
Seriously what we did is nothing compared to what they do on a daily basis. All we had to do is show up, pick up packaged food and pass it out to them leh. We maybe took three hours out of our lives which would have been spent in Zouk or something (and the thanks and smiles we got totally made it worth it) These people have to stay brave and tough every single day.
Interestingly, we also gave out food packs to a couple of Iranians who I think came to Malaysia for a better life probably but are down on their luck.
Some interesting characters we met that really affected me:
1. The Uncle with the Cap
A Chinese uncle who sleeps outside a Chinese temple. He wears a cap and our team leader (who’s clearly known him for some time) asked him to tell us his story. The uncle took off his cap and underneath, half his head was sunken in. I mean the entire right side of his head had caved in, and skin had regrown over it. It’s like when you peel a hard boiled egg and some of the egg comes off with the shell. 20 years ago, he used to be a skilled lift technician. Then one day he got into a pub brawl and got his head bashed in. Because of the pain, he eventually got addicted to drugs, lost his job and everything else, and ended up on the streets.
2. The KTV hostess
An auntie probably in her 50s or 60s who we also met at the same temple. In her youth, she used to work in a KTV, pouring drinks for men, earning RM1k+ a month. She said she could have gotten more if she prostituted herself but he told us she never did ity; if she did she would have gotten HIV by now wtf. But either ways, her liver is ruined cos of all the drinking she had to do at work.
3. The man with perfect English
This is a story we heard from our team leader. He met an old Indian man who spoke to him in perfect British-accented English. His story was that he used to be a civil servant. He had a good job and a family with two daughters. He earned enough to send them both to school in the UK. But after he retired, maybe he got bored and he started drinking. One thing led to another, and his wife and kids kicked him out on the street.
4. The HIV victim
Last weekend we gave out tshirts which delighted a lot of people. At one of our stops, a small skinny Malay girl in a tudung rushed up to us as though she was missing a sample sale wtf. She grabbed a tshirt and started chattering to us because I think she knew some of the other volunteers. I later found out that that girl (who looks around my age or just a bit older) had HIV and her family kicked her out because of that. She got it from her husband who got it from shooting up drugs -_____- Both of them are HIV positive so their family kicked them out. She said her husband was somewhere out on the street too but he didn’t come over. Despite her situation, she was so cheerful and happy about getting free shirts T____T I can’t imagine being as strong as her if that were me.
5. The Flasher
At another stop, we noticed an Indian man lurking behind a car in a corner looking at us. When we asked him to come over and eat, he’d smile and wave it away and say “later, later.” We thought he was shy but then later the team leader said “ok let’s go. I know why he’s standing there already” Turns out he was a flasher WTF dunno if he was targeting girls or guys hahahaha. I sneaked a peek and true enough, his pants were unbuckled fml. But I didn’t feel scared la maybe cos there were so many of us together. And also it seemed kind of funny wtf.
Anyway I wrote this because people need to realize that there are others who are in dire need who live right beside us without us knowing. Before this if a beggar came up to me, I might give him some money. But if I just saw someone ragged on the street and they didn’t approach me, I wouldn’t even register them, maybe cos we’re so used to tuning out unpleasant sights. We were combing the streets looking for people whom we missed and the other team members would spot them sleeping at a bus stop or something, and I WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO SEE THEM. Because my brain was so used to not registering the sight 🙁
What soup kitchens like KSK do is not just give out food but support and help to people who are down. Food is the immediate concern but I think it boosts them because they know that they’re not necessarily alone, and there are people out there who are willing to do what they can, even if it’s just handing out fried rice.
And poverty and homelessness can happen to anyone. Not everyone there was born like that, just that a bad decision or situation happened to them.
Anyway this post is already damn long sorry I so long winded. If you want to help, simple things will do! Like when Fatty goes on business trips, he takes the shampoo, toothbrushes etc to give to KSK. It’s much appreciated cos they can be distributed to people for them to keep clean.
If you wanna volunteer or help in any way, call Kok Wai at +603 2141 6046.
Went wedding dress shopping with Tze the other day!
What do you think!!!!!!
People say once you see THE dress, you’ll know. I haven’t seen mine yet D:
I.e. Momoko Ogihara.
When Cheesie and I were in Japan we saw and bought so many mode-kei brands!
We still melted when we saw the Liz Lisa store and I still contemplated buying Liz Lisa pajamas but sadly, I think it would be useless to argue that we are still at the age suitable to wear Liz Lisa FOL.
I don’t feel I can pull off cutesy gyaru stuff anymore — even if you think I can, I don’t think I should. I think I’m quite different three years ago and now and I’m definitely in a different phase of life getting married and all.
So now I’m graduating to mode!
Easiest way to describe mode is…. to google and use someone else’s definition!
mohdo (mode)モード – The Japanese term for “high fashion” — with the emphasis on challenging designer brands and not casual wear or traditional. From the French “mode.”
My own description is that mode style is more grown up, more monochromatic, a lot of neutral colors… and tends to look expensive or designer, but still edgy. For example, Maiko and Lie from Tokyo Kawaii were both mode.
At risk of sounding like aschool girl with an unhealthy obsession (school girl part not true, obsession is) this is what Momoko Ogihara (from my previous blog post) looks like (right now I mean cos she changes styles sometimes although she’s always MODE)
She’s one of the top fashion icons for mode style and producer of MURUA (mode brand)
I was so enamoured with her makeup that recently I decided to try see how it looks like on me! 😀
Dunno if this even counts as a makeup tute but here eet ees.
Again please excuse the rubbish makeup techniques T___T I know some of you think I’m being modest but seriously I don’t really know what I’m doing wan! My makeup technique very standard and during NAPBAS I had to ask Cheesie to teach me how to apply eyeshadow WTF.
1. Ok empty face. But first do the foundation/BB cream/concealer application all first! This one no need to teach la right.
2. Sketch your eyebrows out (if necessary) with eyebrow pencil. Mine is super blond cos my hair is so light. Then put on eyebrow mascara so brow hairs look match your hair color (if your hair is dyed. If not still put on anyway to look neater and more defined)
Momoko’s look is that her eyebrows are very light yet defined. I think she uses some heavy duty lightening brow mascara to get her eyebrows that light.
3. Whip out the eyeshadow. Colors should be bronze or brown shades only.
4. Oh ya, if you must, put on the double eyelid tape first before you apply any eyeshadow.
I must. wtf.
5. Er what I did was I plastered my whole eyelid with light bronze shadow then dabbed on the darkest brown nearer to the far corners of my eyes.
Actually you simply anyhow do also doesn’t matter I think cos the shades are so neutral not very obvious if you mess it up also.
6. Then eyeliner. I prefer liquid ones cos more definition and sharper.
7. Draw a wing at the back!
8. Then fake lashes. I don’t bother with mascara on the upper lashes cos this look requires super thick lashes anyway! And if you’re gonna put on fake lashes, don’t need to mascara anymore no difference.
Diamond Lash is my favorite brand way better than Dolly Wink I think :X I got these in Japan.
Fake lashes make the most difference leh.
9. Whack out the eyeshadow again. For my lids I used my fingers to apply. But this time if you can get an eyeshadow brush it’s better cos you need more control and definition.
10. Line the bottom of your eyes with dark brown eyeshadow.
11. Like this.
12. Load on the mascara on bottom lashes! If you have fake lower lashes, can use them also. They’ll make your eyes look damn huge. Momoko’s eyes already so big make her look like an attractive alien wtf.
I didn’t use lower lashes though cos I was lazy.
13. Crucial part! The key to Momoko’s makeup is that she puts her blush on really high up her cheekbones.
I started right at the inner corners of my eyes next to my nose and brushed blusher all the way under my eyes to the sides of my cheeks. I think this is a good way to hide eyebags too wtf *sticks to this makeup style forever
14. Then powder up to set makeup.
15. Pull hair back and tadah!
I didn’t do lips cos… I hate having stuff on my mouth #failedmakeupguru
But I’ve seen Momoko do several different lip colors – darkish red, orangey and nude.
Stuff I used:
1. BB cream – Maybelline
2. Makeup base & sunblock – Shu Uemura
3. Loose powder – Candy Doll
4. Lashes – Diamond Lash
5. Blusher (pink) – Clinique
6. Double eyelid tape – from Japan
7. Eyebrow mascara – Heavy Rotation
8. Liquid eyeliner – Maybelline
9. Concealer – MAC
10. Eyeshadow – Canmake
11. Eyebrow pencil – Lancome
12. Mascara – Maybelline Falsies
The end! Have fun trying it out 😀
Time for another Instagram picture post!
Also known as no-time-to-post post.
Also known as a-lot-of-bigass-photos-of-myself post -__-”
But first! A bigass picture of me AND FATTY *ahem (feel free to go punch a kitten if this is too sentimental for you)
In case anyone wants to know, the app I’m using is called Multilens.
In other news that nobody really gives a shit about, I’m taking away my bangs for a change. I’ve had bangs my whole life – if you click on the first ever post on my blog, I had bangs there – cos I have the forehead of a flowerhorn fish.
But I’ve found if I slap on a bucketload of makeup, it takes away some of the forehead’s glory. So yay for a change! Also, it goes very well with the mode-style (モード kei)me and Cheesie are influenced by now anyway 😀
Redid my hair for Chinese New Year courtesy of Number76style! Nothing much Hikkey just touched up my roots and refixed some of my extensions but my hair feels loved every time I go <3 I go to the branch in Midvalley.
Another picture of my Chinese New Year first day outfit.
Just Grandma and me <3 Someone on Facebook said Fat Her looks exactly like her hahahaha I think he does. And apparently I look like Fat Her so this will be me in my later years wtf.
Me and Fatty and the nicest shirt in the world. I got it for him in Osaka and I would have gotten one for myself too (cos its unisex)… that is if I had any more money left wtf
Later take photo of it post here.
Continuing to do the no bangs thing.
Received a care package from an online shop called Vogue Maison.
Iphone case and bow stud from them!
They also sent me Hello Kitty glasses but when I pulled em out of the package I yanked too hard and the bow came off fml.
Chanel inspired temporary tattoos and bracelet 😀 Go here to access Vogue Maison.
My new idol Momoko Ogihara I rarely pay attention to celebrities or models but SHE IS DIFFERENT!!! She is more like a beautiful alien actually wtf *gibberish.
Anyway I got inspired to do her makeup style (even though my makeup skills are normally atrocious). Nice or not nice or not *backs away slowly wtf.
Imma post a makeup tutorial soon!
Oh ya if you like reading the same things/seeing the same pictures, can also follow me on Twitter or Instagram, both at @fourfeetnine.
On this day, we left Osaka at some ungodly hour (like 8am) to drive down to Kyoto. We were supposed to do a kimono shoot where we were gonna wear kimono then go to Yasaka Shrine to pray for new year! But I was extremely grumpy (the earlier the grumpier) and tired because of all the filming that we had been doing so I was sullen and sleeping in the car wtf.
But when I opened my eyes I saw we were cruising down some street in Kyoto and all my memories came flooding back! And I immediately regretted being untalkative to Imai-san T_______T
If you’ve been to Kyoto you may realize that everything in Kyoto is meant to look as authentic and traditional as possible. I think it’s even the law there that no neon lights or brightly colored buildings are allowed. Even Mcdonald’s there is brown and yellow instead of red and yellow!
I love onigiri! Even looking at the picture makes my mouth water. Some more so cheap like 100 yen.
Kyoto is usually colder than Osaka so I came fully prepared. Wore like 9 items in total. 10 if you count the hipster specs. Simply wear as many things as I couldonly but in the end the outfit turned out quite cute!
It was really cold that day actually! There were steam puffs coming out of our mouths when we talked so we tried to take a photo. Fail end up look like leeches hahahaha.
Another view of a Kyoto sidestreet.
Salon where we did our hair! If you’re ever in Kyoto and wanna do mori hair, you know where to go now wtf.
First glimpse of my suki na hito (person I like) WTF. And Cheesie’s suki na hito who is no fight pfffft *hand wave
Actually they’re our hairstylists hahahaha.
I swear to god my suki na hito bears a striking resemblance to Hideaki Takizawa leh! Who used to be my husband before er I annulled our marriage so I can marry Fatty WTF.
Check out the pins yo. Alot of them went into our hair. And I mean a lot.
Doing hair! My suki na hito clipping my hair *swoons wtf
Hair done! My suki na hito cute ornot! Seriously in real life he is a billion times cuter than Cheesie‘s one plus a lot more talkative. And we have something in common already! Which is… our age WTF.
But dunno why leh when Cheesie’s suki na hito took photo come out like a god WTF. In real life I thought his features were way too sharp but freaking photogenic leh. It also helps that he wears foundation and eyebrow pencil :X
Then next stop…
kimono wearing! Picked out our kimono, obi and collar. Cheesie picked a turquoise kimono and a gold obi which looked amazing D: Because I’m mode-obsessed I chose a black & red kimono -__- but pink obi Xiaxue would be proud wtf.
Pile of all our clothing items.
First is like a white cotton robe (not pictured)
Then a silk one on top chosen for the collar! The collar will peek out from under the kimono wan. My collar was red to match the flowers on my kimono.
Shit me to be honest I don’t think I looked very nice in traditional getup -_- Somehow I look short and fat leh in kimono! And mori hair makes my face rounder fml. Cheesie looked damn cute though!
Luckily I live in contemporary times wtf.
Putting on the kimono.
Then the obi (on top of lotsa other sashes and towel and padding to make my body shape as tubular as possible. i.e. traditional Japanese ideal of beauty.
Come to think of it, if I lived in ancient times I would so win at this ideal body shape thing wtf.
She pulled until I nearly couldn’t breathe! And it was so tight my posture suddenly became damn perfect for the entire day.
My obi was folded into a rose shape 😀
Cheesie putting on hers!
Intense concentration cos I was trying to learn how to tie an obi hehehe.
All done! Told you she looked gorgeous.
Me wtf. On top of the kimono we could choose to wear a haori (an outer jacket kinda thing) or a shawl. Wanted to wear haori but couldn’t find any nice ones so shawl it was.
Then off we went to Yasaka Shrine!
A lot of people there cos it was the new year. There was a lot of food and prayer memento stalls set up.
Had to learn the proper way to pray which involves tossing in a coin, clapping twice and bowing somewhere but I forgot the sequence already -_-
Every time I see myself standing full length beside someone else I scare myself cos like “wah you really damn short ah” WTF.
View of the camera 🙂
Wandered around and looked at some of the wishes..
Some damn funny! This primary school student wished that he can be on good terms with everyone sounds a bit #foreveralone to be honest hahahahaha
This one wished that Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Selena Gomez will come to Japan WTF. At first when I saw the JB LOVE I was like huh why Johor Bahru lolol.
#addiction picture
Then after that walk all through Gion and downtown Kyoto and nearly froze to death. The kimono is actually super warm! All those layers of silk really insulated us lo even though so thin not cold at all. But my hands were freezing cos I didn’t have any gloves and it was cold enough that it snowed!
We also had an unfortunate encounter with a China tourist who quite rudely planted herself in front of us and started snapping pictures without asking or even looking at us in the face. All the while she was shouting to her friend in Mandarin (not knowing that Cheesie understands) that must be we paid people to take videos of us WTF who so rich and free to do that.
We saw a lot of other girls dressed up in kimono at the shrine too but cos we had cameras around people thought we were models and mumbled to each other “moderu san dayo” *big shiny eyes
Although I dunno what I can model for besides children’s clothes fml.
All in all it was such an awesome experience! I’ve worn a kimono before for my study abroad program graduation ceremony but I don’t remmeber much of the process besides a lot of obasans fussing and tying stuff around me. And this time we got to do our hair and everything! Feel super lucky we got this chance thanks to Bailin Productions <3<3
And the reason why we had cameras with us – the trailer of LOVE JAPAN, a new online program by Bailin Production. It’s about Cheesie (and me I guess cos I was there wtf)’s trip to Kansai!
As usual I looked bloody awkward in front of camera. Luckily I didn’t talk much hahahaha.
P/S: i have a whole blog category called AudinKyoto (created to document my life in Kyoto last time) and now I can add this entry to that category again!!!
Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
How has your CNY been? I am a #cnygrinch so no comment on mine wtf.
But I guess you can tell from the fact that I’m blogging from my WordPress app wtf.
Just gonna post some photos cos I think nobody’s reading anyway >_>
Actually my blog post is a repeat of my tweets -_-
Saw a rainbow otw back to Penang! Wanted to make a joke about it being an omen for a happy and gay new year :X but will refrain to avoid being bashed up.
With Ooib!
What is CNY without a lion dance? Shit me one of my relatives said my lashes look like lion dance AHAHHAAH.
And new clothes! White lace shirt from EMODA, red shorts from Lip Service, hair bow from Diva.
And family! The Oois and Ooib.
One more with Fat Her and Ooib. Mother Ooi took too long to get ready what’s new wtf so she missed the photo session
Another outfit! All from MURUA.
Thass all folks!
This is gonna sound awfully dry but you should know this.
It’s about RHB (yea the bank) and their new online game called Race to Win a Ducati.
I’m sorry to say I had to google what a Ducati is.
But when I saw this damn hot ok!
If I was riding this bike, I’d totally do myself. HAHAHAHAH.
Anyway game is super simple.
You ride your Ducati on a race track (I noticed all the signboards at the side are all real brands very clever ah!) and pick up the red diamonds which are treasure points while avoiding sticky tar on the road, spikes and random boxy obstacles and boulders some cleaner probably forgot to pick up.
To win, you need to pick up as much treasure as you can and cover as much distance within the time span.
I got 40 thousand #notsureif good or bad.
To be eligible to win, you have to be a customer of RHB and have an account registered with RHB Now Internet & Mobile Banking
Game is available on and on iPhone/iPad and Android!
Bank is also available on iphone/ipad lolol. Mobile and internet banking to be exact.
I’ve only recently started using internet banking because although I blog and tweet and am below 30 years old, I’m quite ancient when it comes to internet banking -___- I am super paranoid and if can I’d feel safest hoarding my money in the form of gold nuggets under the bed.
But recently tried it out and it’s super convenient! Everything at the tip of my fingers literally (esp on the iPhone) and don’t have to make unnecessary trips to a bank.
Go try or download their app on the Apple app store!
Prizes as below…
- Grand Prize – Ducati Monster 795 + Leather Jacket
- 1st Runner Up – Ducati Monster 795 + Sweat Jacket
- 2nd Runner Up – Ducati Monster 795 + Ducati T-shirt
- 4th consolation – RM7, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- 5th consolation – RM6, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- 6th consolation – RM5, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- 7th consolation – RM4, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- 8th consolation – RM3, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- 9th consolation – RM2, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- 10th consolation – RM1, 000.00 only + 1 Ducati cap
- Weekly prizes – 10 units x RM200.00 only worth of prizes x 8 weeks
Shit me I actually think it’s very very hot to have a super bike like this! Can wear leather jacket and tie high ponytail with aviator sunglasses
Something like this ahahah.
Contest runs from 19 January – 14 March 2012!
But no we did not eat Kobe beef.
On the third day of Christmas of Kansai trip 2012, we took a day trip to Kobe to meet Cheesie’s reader Akiko. She’s the one with the nail salon and she so sweetly did our nails for free T_____T
Yay nice nails for Chinese New Year (and once in my life cos I super rough every time do manicure sure chip within a day even if it’s gelish)
Our footwear. On the right are my extremely trendy yet painful rabbit fur boots which nearly crippled me for life.
Suddenly I think hats do so much to complete an outfit! Imma wear a hat everyday now wtf.
The Hankyu train.
Foruchizu on the train!
Kuman-san! So called cos he looks like a bear (くま) hahahaa
Then half of Foruchizu promptly falls asleep.
My friends used to think I have some sleeping disorder cos can fall asleep anywhere anytime -_-
Arrive in Kobe and meet Akiko!
That’s the camera crew setting up at the restaurant we were having lunch.
Akiko is like the epitome of Japanese femininity. She speaks super softly and gently and covers her mouth when laughing/eating/breathing and does everything sooooo slowly!
Including eat pasta! In the time she takes to pick up her fork and spoon, twirl her pasta into a neat loop on her spoon, I’ve already finished one and a half mouthfuls of pasta. And I don’t even eat fast!
If she wasn’t so nice I would have hated her for making me feel like a bear.
Yamada-san, Akiko-chan, #addiction and me.
Went back together to Akiko’s mansion (small apartments are called mansion in Japan) where her nail salon also is.
Even her apartment is the epitome of Japanese grace and femininity cos it’s really small yet neat and decorated beautifully.
Brb while I go kick my clothes under the bed.
Her display of nail colors. They’re gorgeous! They have so many shades that I have never seen in Malaysia! Or Bangkok for that matter sigh.
Woohoo nail doing time! Akiko did Cheesie’s nails while her friend and colleague Yamada-san did me <3
See see see.
Chose a red and gold design for Chinese New Year. No la I wanted something a bit more mature than my usual cutesy bows and shit.
Alternate red with gold lettering and pastel leopard prints! Got my initials some more AO hahahaha.
I might be biased but I think they’re world standard wtf.
Coat from SLY, Lena fur boots from minimaos, hat from EMODA.
Cheesie’s outfit! Cannot remember her outfit from where sorry!
Super happy cos Ogihara Momoko got similar type jacket lololol I am so trendy *idolizes
Saw this sign in a Chinese grocery store in Kobe which I thought was quite cute hahahaha. They extended the characters from the top word (おみやげ) which means souvenir to make a whole phrase about asking you to buy bak kwa hahaha.
Why have I not discovered the joy of hipster glasses earlier. Don’t wear a lot of makeup also look nice! And for some reason it makes your face look ten times smaller.
Hello film crew! Higuchi-san, Kuma san 2, Imai-san and Kuma-san 1. Then we filmed a bit in downtown Kobe.
By we filmed I mean they filmed Cheesie and I acted as a prop *accomplished
Kobe city is actually pretty beautiful at night!
For some reason the buildings in Kobe are super not Japanese. They look European actually, not sure where the inflluence came from.
By then freaking cold and I nearly died and was going to start resenting Imai-san for making us film repeated shots wtf.
But worth it la now cos the pictures of the buildings (and us WTF) are quite nice wtf.
TOok the JR back to Shinsaibashi.
Ahaha artistic shot.
And back to our hell hole of overshopping wtf.
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