Last weekend was Jammie and Tze time! That’s right Jammie is back from Melbourne for a two week break which has come and gone like the wind T___T
And that’s right, person who asked me if Jammie and I are still friends, this is picture proof that we are wtf. Why would you think we’re not friends anymore *heart breaks
Also proof that Tze and I are still best friends! Only nobody asked WTF HAHAHAH there there Tze you’ll always be in my heart wtf.
Another with Jammie! No other pictures with Tze cos I look shitty.
Made full use of my weekend with Jammie and Tze! Also Latat and Eric Soong. And I made sure I ate Japanese food the whole day WTF cos Wombeh was in Tokyo for work with Boss Ming, Elaynne, Pinky, Xiaxue and Cheesie T___________T
And I couldn’t go because I *ahem* have a career wtf. In other words, I took too much leave when I went to the US and didn’t want to take additional T____________T
But Tokyo! My favorite place in the world lor. I’d go every year if money and time permitted. Who wants to sponsor me? Stay in love hotel also never mind WTF (cos they’re quite cheap) Actually Japan in general la and thankfully they weren’t going to Kyoto because I’d just go sit in the corner and commit harakiri T_T
But all is good because Wombeh, Xiaxue and Cheesie were all so nice to pick, buy and transport omiyage back for me *big shiny eyes
ooooOOOOOoooo Toy Story green aliens! Haven’t tried it out yet but it says Rocket Panic so I’m assuming the aliens spin and fly out of the barrel wtf.
Stitch! This Stitch is supposed to be able move and act like a pet or something but I’ve looked at the pictures and read the manual AND I CANNOT FIGURE OUT HOW. No battery, no moving parts, nothing but a soft squishy toy with springs inside that don’t spring 🙁
Wombeh said Cheesie & Xiaxue said can move wan but pray tell me how?!?!?!
Never mind super lovable still.
(sorry went a bit crazy with the color editing)
Look at Stitch behind!
Peas in a pod also from Toy Story!!! Can totally imagine them gossiping inside when they’re all zipped up and nobody’s watching wtf.
Damn cute girl!!! WTF.
No la pai seh just liked how my skin looked here.
Ok moving on *clears throat
Lego like organizer for next year! So I can look more mature (no more Disney organizers) since you know I’m promoted and all hahahaaha wtf
Totally useless but adorable neko mimi that light up! Can’t wait for the next themed party so I can wear these ears and have them light up in the dark 😀
Hello Kitty key cover 😀
Super love this! Gold stars and feathers with suede braided strap cos I told Wendy I wanted a cute phone strap!
Which somehow totally matches the last buy…
Suede fringed boots <3333 *orgasm
Cheesie and Xiaxue got a pair each and they thought I’d like a pair too <3 Xiaxue bbm-ed me and described the boots to me and I said ok buy without even seeing a picture. But I trust their taste! And it cinched it for me when I asked her if everyone is wearing them right now and she said yes god I am such a sheep wtf.
Thanks darlings <3
Totally worth it because the only pair of boots that I have which are comfy and versatile enough to be worn everywhere are my cowboy boots and they’ve seen better days so I needed a new pair anyway and these are super cute and comfy too!
And thanks The Transporter hehehe geddit geddit
(cos he transported all my stuff back hoho <3)
I was at the Arthur’s Day media launch last week so we were the first to hear which artistes would be in KL for Arthur’s Day!
(stolen from Wombeh’s blog . With Joyce, Adam with sketchy hair and Wombeh!)
(you know I kinda think Joyce is around my height!!! *hope blazing in eyes wtf)
Thass right brudders, Arthur’s Day is back in KL this year with another round of amazing acts!
Flo Rida!
Ah memories of dancing in Boston clubs with Angela and Mild and Jeannie to Low <3
Sean Kingston!
Mizz Nina!
Oh yea. Hey Wombeh wtf.
And other regional acts such as Pop Shuvit and Thaitanium round up the lineup.
Arthur’s Day details:
Where: Sunway Lagoon
When: Friday, 24 September
Time: 8pm
Dress Code: Black party chic
Where to get tickets: Arthur’s Day website, or
What if I have no money/ What if I love free things: There’s a contest called the Man of Vision contest running here.
Remember when we were kids and we used to play Where’s Wally where you had to spot Wally among a truckload of tiny figures and objects?
(or am I from another generation T3T)
Well, Where’s Audrey??
Sure very easy to spot due to my nonexistent photo editing skills T_T Actually Huai Bin’s cos he helped me do this wtf.
Anyway now that we’re all grown up now, these games shouldn’t be beneath us. And they aren’t!
Take a good look at the picture. (don’t worry it doesn’t have me in it anymore)
Arthur Guinness was a Man of Vision. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t have taken a 9,000 year lease on the St James Gate Brewery in Dublin!
If you fancy yourself a visionary too, try to spot 40 Guinness or Arthur’s Day related items in this image and you’re well on your way to winning a trip to Dublin to visit the St James Gate Brewery and the Guinness Storehouse!
(i have a feeling that the James Bond standing next to the gate = St James Gate WTF)
The fastest person to email in to every week with the most number of correct answers also wins mosh pit tickets worth RM350 each to Arthur’s Day!
If the Sherlock gene is missing in your pool and you’d rather be creative, there’s another contest that might appeal to you: the Man of Action contest.
Just upload a video of yourself being musical – singing a song, playing an instrument, dancing, even re-enacting a whole music video, post a link of it on and you’ll immediately win tickets to Arthur’s Day! See the Facebook link for more info.
Arthur’s Day 2010: Love The Way You Lie from Poh Huai Bin on Vimeo.
This is Cindy and Huai Bin’s video effort!
Whichever method it is – join contest or pay for tickets wtf I will be going! Are you?
Not especially grumpy but encountered too many irritants today T_T
1. Didn’t sleep well because my snot flooded my entire nasal cavity and I felt like I was drowning the whole night T_T
2. Early morning while getting ready to go to work, I received a call from an unknown number. I picked up the phone and said “hello”
Caller: “HELLO IS THIS AUDREY OOI” (in that tone)
Me: “…ya who is this?”
Me (no idea who I’m talking to): “Sorry who is this?”
Me (getting agitated): “No! Who is this!?”
Caller: “(sigh) This is …………….. laaaaa”
Turned out it was someone I knew from high school -_- And the reason she was calling me was to ask if my company did sponsorships for publications….? But I have no idea why she called and yelled at me so early in the morning and refused to tell me her name at first T_________T
3. I’m still getting comments on my Fireflyz post written two years ago. In response to it, this self important idiot commented today:
Fucking annoying la!
What is a moroon? The love child of a moron and a macaroon? wtf.
Omg please get the sand out of your vagina la I already said the matter has been settled between us and Firefly, if you bothered to dig the eye shit out of your eyes to read.
And yes I said “flight from Redang” in my post because I meant it generally, like you know how someone might say “flight from KL” when KLIA is not actually in KL???????
But any idiot would know that Firefly flies to Kuala Terengganu where you can then take a boat over to Redang WHICH IS WHAT I SAID IN MY POST AGAIN IF YOU BOTHERED TO BE A BIT MORE ALERT.
Anyway thanks (for not being a liar, like me) for putting your real name and email there, now so we all know your name is Affnan and while I shall not reveal your email address or full name, I also now know where you work, your hobbies and your blog. God.
One day I will start a club called the Beat Stupid People Club wtf. People will get paid for beating up stupid people who deserve it.
1 black eye = RM50
1 slap in the head = RM10
1 elbow in the stomach = RM40 (cos you have to do it surreptitiously wtf)
But then stupidity is subjective so I might get beaten up too wtf.
*GROUCHY (and coughing badly)
But then Yuenny sent me this undecipherable pink thing that made me laugh! So all is good ^_^
Also, I got to use the phrase “sand in vagina” which I have been dying to use forever so that also helped ^^
And and I got news that Wombeh has bought me cute things from Tokyo and Cheesie and Xiaxue have helped me buy pretty boots so ok I end my day happy ^^
I’ve lost it.
If you would be so kind to leave me a comment and suggest a topic that I may write on, your effort would be most appreciated.
I would like to think that at age 25, I know what love is.
I’ve been loved unconditionally by my family, fallen in love, had my heart broken, found love again, made great friends, fell out with friends, and remained close with other friends.
But let’s talk about the love that occurs between friends.
When I was younger, friends consumed a huge part of my life. At all times, I had to have a fixed group of girlfriends to hang out with, to listen to each other talk about crushes, and be there whenever I needed a friend. Even in college, there was a pretty set group of us – Angela, Mild, Elise, Jeannie, Suet, Shan Shan.
But now that I’m working, it’s a little different. My friends are all over the place – Angela is in SF, Tze is in London, Jammie is in Melbourne, Suet is in South Hadley, Hsin is in Perth.
And for a while I felt lost. I’d log on to Facebook and look at pictures of groups of girls and be emo because I didn’t have that WTF.
But I think I’ve more or less come to terms that your best friends don’t have to be physically there to be your best friends. They don’t all need to come from the same group of friends either. When I was on Facebook one day (not emoing ok wtf), I came across this quote on a friend’s profile: “True friendship isn’t being inseparable, it’s being separated and nothing changes.”
So clichéd but so true! People change over time and that’s only natural but true friendships are the ones that change with you. When I was younger, I used to get really upset whenever a friend changed, or maybe I changed and we fell out.
But now, if they change they change la what are you going to do. Sit on their face and ask them to change back ah wtf. It’s just life’s way of weeding out the friends that you don’t fit anymore so you have time for those you do.
That said, I’m so thankful for the friends I have that have evolved with me over the years and grown to be such important parts of my life 🙂 It’s not as obvious with The Club cos we see each other so regularly over the years and we all have BBM to keep us in constant touch 😛
But with people like Hsin and Angela, it holds so true. I met Hsin way back in Standard 5 (5th grade for you non Malaysians). We were two skinny kids in the school band, we both liked Nick Carter and Lee Brennan (fml) and tadah, an amazing friendship that has lasted (*counts) 14 years and counting, was born.
Hsin’s sister was also born when we were both 14 and I’ve seen her grow up from a newborn to the 11 year old she is now (the same age we were when Hsin and I met!) I don’t see her as often now as before though because she has moved to Perth and is living there happily, with her boyfriend, Ang Moh. WTF.
This is the latest picture I have of her – browsing the racks of Asian Avenue, halfway through her supremely short trip home to fix her passport -_-
I see her about once a year or every two years but every time we meet up, nothing changes T_____T and I am so thankful for that. Neither of us likes Nick Carter or Lee Brennan anymore but I like Rod Stewart and the Beatles and she likes..I dunno cool bands WTF.
She thinks I have the fashion sense of a sei ah lian wtf although I think our tastes have been converging a bit of late 😛 We’re totally different but we’re also the same. We still laugh hysterically at the same things, poke fun at each other, watch and support each other through good relationship and bad, and nothing changes 😀
And then there’s Angela. I talk about her all the time but whatevs wtf. Inseparable for 4 years in South Hadley, Massachusetts, moved to Japan together for a year, and then finally separated at graduation. Two years passed before we finally met each other for realz and not through MSN. I was nervous because two years is a long time to spend away from someone whom I’ve lived with every day for 4 years.
The magic of our friendship is that we have exactly the same tastes and preferences (except when it comes to guys thank lord wtf) and the exact same thoughts and moral values. So what if one of us had changed, what would happen to our friendship?
(I was so prepared for things to be different that before I went to SF, I told her “eh actually I’ve changed a lot now I’m very serious and don’t really laugh at stupid things anymore I just laugh at adult jokes” WTF. Adult jokes = jokes that adults make ok not hamsap jokes wtf)
(but she said I’m damn annoying for lying to her about that because I’m actually exactly the same if not stupider WTF so all is good ^^)
Us in San Fran.
Actually both of us had changed. We were two years older, more mature, had been exposed to different experiences within the two years.. but when we met, everything clicked back into place. We discovered we still thought the same way and liked the same things – we even bought the same clothes without knowing it /boo
So what is time to love is that Time refines Love. It may break some but it also strengthens others. And those friendships that have stood the test of time are those that you’ll probably still have years from now 🙂
Anyway, got purpose wan ok I write such a super long and meaningful entry. If you share your perspectives on love on the Solvil et Titus Share and Win forum here you might just walk away with a Solvil et Titus watch and let “time speak for love” (awwww)
The video is super tear inducing also:
Time is love so I got a beautiful Solvil et Titus watch to test!
A box with my name on it ^^
So pretty right! It’s silver and a very pale pink – my favorite kind of pink 😀
The pale pink Solvil et Titus watch in all its pinkish glory (and lots of stars because it’s magical like that)
I’ve never had a proper “adult” watch before! Before all my watches were like Super Mario Sailormoon and even the gold Casio watch I bought recently is fake Casio fml. And it keeps slowing down for no reason 🙁
This watch is just so pretty *melts. It has a big face but it’s delicate at the same time!
The wristband.
The girl with the pearl earring pink Solvil watch wtf.
I always like huge faced watches! But when I saw the price tag I got a shock at how valuable it was wtf.
SO pretty I loves it.
So what’s your “Time is Love” story? Tell me! *kepohs. Or tell it here and you could win gorgeous “Time is Love” watches like mine!
I think I’ve said it before but when Angela came, I fretted over where to take her …
Because she said she didn’t want to go shopping HAIH.
Luckily she came to her senses.
How could anyone not like shopping in Malaysia!
Our street markets offer yummy food, cute clothes, all sorts of household goods – all at inexpensive prices – and yes you can partake in the joy of bargaining. And you don’t have to leave a tip (take that America).
And our shopping malls beat the ones in US flat when it comes to aesthetics and availability of amenities.
Made all the more better with this year’s Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival!
Mega Sale runs from 24 July – 16 September so you have lots of opportunities to catch bargains on all sorts of merchandise from local products, designer goods, Vivi funky fashions, latest gadgets, and yummy dining experiences!
Making your shopping experience even more worthwhile is the fact that many of the retail goods are tax exempted or duty free. From glitzy high-end malls to bustling street markets, you will be spoilt for choice with the endless spread of goods with attractive price tags.
The Mega Sale carnival focuses on fashion this time around *big shiny eyes
There will even be a Best Window Display contest and Shopping Center Awards will be given out to malls and stores that best dress up their premises the fashion theme. I really really wanna see what they can do with it /boo
My favourite place to shop in KL – or the whole of Malaysia wtf – is if you don’t know already Sungei Wang. *bigger shiny eyes
When I was younger a lot of people I knew didn’t seem to like shopping at Sungei Wang cos they thought it was too lala and only Ah Bengs shopped there. I was even called sei lala mui for a few years by my friends dangit.
But luckily more and more people have realized what they’re missing because Sungei Wang is just chock full of very very cute fashionable clothes at amazing prices!
Ya if you wonder where I got some of my stuff from if it’s not from overseas, it’s probably from Sungei Wang ngehe.
Sungei Wang is my favourite place to shop but Pavilion is my favourite place to hang out 😀 Think I’m there most weekends (matching bow tops from Sungei Wang)
It’s the prettiest mall in Malaysia! That I can’t afford anything from a lot of the shops there doesn’t matter I will get there someday *fire of determination buring
But to be honest, besides high end brands, Pavilion has a lot of affordable stuff too and nearly everything I need can be actually be bought there.
And if you’re looking for good bargains and street markets with lots of noise and color, just head over to Petaling Street where there’s Chinatown, Little India in Brickfields, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman or Masjid India!
Us acting very touristy in Petaling Street.
So that’s that. I’m saving up my money (or what’s left of it after my loan) for the Mega Sale yo.
If you’re broke too but really really really wanna shop, you can join the Mega Sale Mega Win contest!
All you have to do is create a video consisting of a performance or a skit or other similar executions
with the theme of the contest representing “I Love To Shop In Malaysia.” The skit can be in the form of role play (i.e. action, drama,comedy), either a re-enactment of scenes or an original storyline. It can even be an advertisement promoting the Malaysian Mega Sale Carnival 2010. Up to you as long as the video is fun to watch ^^
(Video entry should be no longer than three minutes)
Then upload the video on YouTube, make sure it’s open for public viewing, and submit your entry via online form at
Only fans of shopmalaysia at are eligible to join so make sure to join first!
Contest ends 30th September!
Ok I have to tell a very tragic story.
Thought for very long if I should say or not because it’s fucking embarrassing ok! And the pictures I took to illustrate turned out like shit also there goes my reputation wtf.
Actually whatevs la my image is not sexy or hot anyway nothing much to lose wtf. And actually I work at keeping my image asexual so this will do wonders for it wtf.
Ok so the story is…
On Friday I wore a tank top under a cardigan to work. Very normal, nothing out of the ordinary.
Except that my top had teeny little metal chains on the front for design.
And metal is heavy. Heavy metal wtf.
So the metal dragged down the front of my top.
And before I knew it, I was sitting in a meeting with my bra showing FML T_____________T
Anyway after realizing it I thought I cannot go through the whole day with a faulty top that keeps dropping T_______T
So I devised what I thought was an ingenious plan! At first I thought of tying the straps of my top to my bra straps wtf but not enough grip wtf.
Then! A great idea came to me. I pat myself on the back for being so smart.
I went to the toilet, unhooked my bra, pulled the straps up above the sides of my top, and hooked it again, BEHIND my top WTF.
Worst picture ever T____T
But this actually worked very well in keeping my top up!
Except then I couldn’t take my cardigan off the whole day because people would know and so I suffered in hot silence wtf.
Ok enough of stupid things! (even though I really thought I was damn smart for thinking out of the box wtf)
Wombeh and Dumbi Kuah after the MACC Internal Affairs show!
Me! Looking sick because I am, yet again 🙁 Only Jenhan layan us take pictures lor 🙁
But lotsa fun! Brought Mummy and Fat Her with us too to watch too and they laughed so much! They especially liked Patreehk Teoh’s video segment same generation ma wtf.
From hereafter, you can probably see the difference between the 19 year old fourfeetnine and the 25 year old fourfeetnine
/start hysteria
Pierre & Lay See’s baby’s full moon party.
Homaigatt I cannot believe I have friends who have babies!
(Colleagues don’t count cos they’re usually older anyway)
But friends!!!! Actually Pierre and Lay See are not my only parent friends because Chris and Shandy had theirs a few months back but I missed their full moon so it didn’t hit me wtf.
I am at the age where people are having babies!!!!
Getting married I can still accept wtf. Get to be the prettiest girl of the day, have everyone’s eyes on you, throw bouquet, hope to live happily ever after with your soulmate (yes I know what the divorce stats are like wtf but whatevs)
But babies are a whole new ball game! Goodbye flat stomach, goodbye life, and hello sleepless nights and baby drool.
I guess it’s pretty obvious I’m not a baby person. Or a kid person for that matter.
I’m quite terrified of babies. They’re quite cute (Lay See’s baby was dressed all in pink and a teeny flower headband) but I live in fear that some time someone will say “Hey Aud wanna hold the baby?” and I’ll attempt to and break its neck in the process wtf.
And I can’t relate to kids at all! I talk to them like they’re adults and should understand my reasoning when everyone else talks to them with the right combination of gentle authority. No wonder no kids listen to me.
And no wonder they pick on me -_- The latest example was at the full moon party when this 3 year old girl slapped my foot for no reason wtf. Then refused to apologize when her dad tried to make her. Probably because I was simpering like a fool “ahh no need la it’s ok heheheeh” wtf.
Anyway I’ve always been grateful that the baby years are still far ahead in my future. So since when have they snuck up on my friends when my back was turned?!?
This freaks me out to no end T_T At the risk of sounding fucking selfish and shallow (but whatevs, I know I am), what if I resent my baby for destroying my stomach WTF. Or for making me lose sleep. What if I don’t get along with my baby. What if the baby gets sick. Seeing Lay See so blissful with her baby makes me smile but what if I turn out to be a horrible person and don’t feel happy with my kid -_-
But then I meet a baby like this.
This is Joanne’s baby and he looks like a miniature laughing Buddha T________________T
Hahahahahahaha the first baby ever that I’ve wanted to carry T___T
edit: yes I know mothers will tell me don’t worry it’ll all be different when you’re holding your own child wtf and because I am a social sheep wtf it will probably be like that but this is for me to put down so next time if I do have children, I can look back on this entry and laugh at the stupidity of 25 year old me.
Here’s a photo recap of all the things that happened in July.
(ie. all the photos I took but never got around to posting)
Nuffnang LG Cookie party with pretty Hui Wen, Elise and Raine *hamsap face
Lainey and me in matching maxi dresses! Maybe we are meant to be <3
With Redmummy ILF (WTF) and the two best looking monsters in the house.
With June and Eileen at Zouk.
Trying to dress up more appropriately for work! My default work outfit is a long top and leggings and flats which I guess is not very confidence inducing -_-
Peplum skirt from thepoplook!
With Mumsy!
And Popsicle!
(for those in the know, I can haz Glinda ^^)
And the biggest event of July…the arrival of baby Pang!
Homaigatt I cannot believe I am at the age where MY FRIENDS ARE HAVING KIDS! Why, Wombeh still calls me “baby” and I am still Fat Her’s little girl how can I even fathom having a baby myself! *hyperventilates
Ok more hyperventilating baby talk later because when this entry is published, me and Wombeh are in Malacca for Baby Pang’s full moon!
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