
Hippy Street and the Golden Gate Bridge

Angela brought me to this street in San Fransisco called “Hippy Street”.

Ok I made that up WTF cos she kept referring to it as the hippy street and I don’t remember her ever telling me what it’s really called. Any help?

It’s a street filled with quirky things and bursting murals on the sides of the shops.

The inside of a novelty store.

I love novelty stores! Nobody does gags and useless funny crap as good as the Americans.

I got Desmond a box of Hangover Pills (on the box: “for curing hangovers so you can keep drinking and driving” WTF). Hahaha they’re actually just candy made to look like medicine. And I got Huai Bin an air freshener which is supposed to smell like marijuana WTF.

Smiling Indian storekeeper behind. Indian can also be American ok wtf.

You know in some Chinese temples you get a tin full of sticks inside and you pray and shake it until a stick falls out and that’s your fortune?

There was one in the store!  Filled with funny English fortunes of course.

Angela’s was “Your love affairs are wrong and soon will be right” which filled her with trepidation because why are they wrong in the first place wtf but I was optimistic because it says they will be RIGHT. So whatever it is it can only go up from here right?

Mine was “Take care or you will lose a close friend” WTF which is so true because I kept asking David sensitive questions about his life wtf and I also told Angela that the song “Picture” by Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow reminded me of her and her love for bad boys wtf without realizing that the song was a breakup song WTF.

We also got fortune teller fish.

You take out the fish and place it on your palm. And depending on how the fish folds or rolls, that’s supposed to describe the state of you.

I think mine was passionate or something wtf and Angela’s was I dunno broken hearted or something HAHAHAHA.

See what I said about pretty mural-ed walls?

Wah my pose damn cool lor wtf.

Angela copyyyyy

Even the signs were so colorful <3

And there was a picture of a god I dunno why.

Angela said pose like the god and she posed damn gracefully! I did it and looked like a robot doing Thai dance so it’s not gonna be up here wtf.

I just realized hahahaha the wrap (cos it’s Mexican?) says hola and the French fries say bonjour hahahaah damn cute. They should have some sushi too…and er General Tso’s chicken wtf.

I wanted to bring this sign home with me.

Another peep into kitschy shops..

This store was so cute I tried so hard to find something to buy WTF.

But it’s all mostly tshirts and while they were cute they were too expensive (about USD 30 a piece)

Then we found a stencil of Albert Einstein in Nikes WTF on a wall.

(It’s not actually called stencil there’s an actual word for a picture like this imprinted on a wall I just can’t remember what)

Since Einstein is smoking a doobie, we thought it’d be funny to imitate him. Angela did it quite realistically! (from real life experience I guess since Ben smokes)

I on the other hand look like I’m taking a dump fml.

Then.. the Golden Gate Bridge!

You can’t tell in this photo but it was freezing cold up there!

And you can’t tell also but my shirt was so thin it’s actually see through *slutty

So I was dying there but I’m just very skilled in posing for photos like nothing matters in the world (actually come to think of it so are all my other girl friends wtf)

We paid for 15 minutes worth of parking but we took so fast with the photos cos it was so cold that by the time we ran back into the car there was still 15 minutes left on the meter WTF.

So rushed so this was the only photo of Angie and me at the bridge.

And I look like I have a combover T_________T

And I forgot to draw my eyebrows that day T___________T

So I pasted on eyebrows myself and now we’re Elphaba and Glinda WTF.

AudRubbish AudTourist

An interruption to your regular programming

I’m in Singapore now stuck for a overnight transit *dark

The problem with United (which is usually the cheapest flight Mummy Ooi can find) is that they don’t fly to KL so I always have to overnight in Changi’s transit hotel by myself wuwuw T____T

But at least this time I got the transit hotel room with the connecting toilet wtf last time I was too cheapskate so I got the most inexpensive room and I had to walk like 5 minutes to the bathroom to shower wtf.

Ok going to look for the hotel now.  Just logged in because I missed my blog *caresses


All airlines should seat all families with young children and babies together and install some kind of soundproof glass casing there lor! And then charge less for the unfortunate passengers sitting near them!

I took 3 flights to get to Singapore and every single time I was sitting in front of some bawling brat!

Blood pressure so high I wanted so badly to turn around and sock them one wtf.

Worst part was I could totally tell one or two of them were just crying for fuck’s sake! Just to get attention or what cos you can tell by their tone la that they weren’t really unhappy they were just wailing for no reason!  Some more can wail one time then pause cos I think the mother successfully distracted them for 2 seconds then when they get bored, resume wailing.

If my kid is like that I will abandon it wtf.

(serious ok last time if me or Ooib dared throw tantrum in public Fat Her would just walk away. It sure scared us into submission wtf)

AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

You can always go downtown

Ok Wombeh’s rushing me to sleep but must blog now cos I don’t think I have time tomorrow because we are going to watch American Idiot on Broadway!

Ok but let’s put your mind back to San Fransisco first wtf.

Some spring roll that we had for dinner.

And pho I love pho! I also can’t pronounce it I say “foe” all the time wtf.

Had to be menial labor for Angela again but this time more skilled profession cos I colored and cut her hair!

Not to say major difference la but her stylist not very good so her hair came out in two tones so I just redid it to make it look more even.

Stylist and customer (wtf I was going to type patient)

So tempted to learn photoshop just to save my face here.

Please don’t judge me okay I actually look like this (in public)

Professional in action. Action jackson wtf.

My soulmate seriously has so much trust in me to do her hair /boo /boo

There was this picture of this very funny looking dude in Japantown — I think he works there? Or maybe he’s the mayor of Japantown I dunno but damn cute his face so I had to take a picture.

Downtown San Fransisco!

Inside a mall where apparently one of my readers said she saw us! <3

There was this very pretty 3 storey Forever 21 there so I had to take a picture pointing to the store! (see the details on the wall?)

Then Santa Claus had to come and block my picture -_-

So I try again.

And man with tuba? trombone comes and destroys my picture!!!!

Seriously! What are the odds of a person and a brass instrument coming in and ruining your photo opp!

3rd attempt: black ghost’s turn to intrude WTF.

All I want in my life is to point to the Forever 21 to show how pretty it is but every single time some peculiar person will come in and position themselves right at my finger!!!

Gave up in the end.

Finally go in to the store.

Btw I visited 3 outlets in SF and 1 in New York and I can safely say there is nothing that I want from there now wtf.

In the heart of San Fransisco wtf.

If you crop out the edges it really looks like we’re standing at the bridge WTF.

Pretty San Fran roads.

Seriously the city is soooo pretty! And although it was a bit chilly (for malaysian standards) it doesn’t get extreme like Boston so it’s perfect!

If I could live in an American city it would be San Fran 🙂

Hopped on to a stationary cable car to take picture.

Was quite scared it’d drive off with me still on it!

I’m holding a pizza which is our takeaway dinner cos we were late to watch Wicked by then.

With Angie who totally looks like a rich woman with her bag and coat!

AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

Museum day!

Am in New York now!

But I’m so backdated with updates I dunno what to do! *runs around in circles

Nehmind in effort to prove to myself (in 10 years with failing memory) that I did do touristy stuff in San Fran, this is the day we went to not one but TWO museums!

(thank buddha i can finally spell museum right)

In the car on the way there.

I got that big bow I was wearing at Forever 21 and Angela was also wearing a pink bow of her own.

When we stepped into the museum the doorman asked me if we were the performers for the dance show happening later FOL.

With David, Angry White Man #3.  Although now I think he should be Angry White Man #1 cos Trey and Neal have toned down considerably and he was damn grumpy at the museums!

This is the Asian Art Museum of San Fransisco.

This is the most WTF piece of art ever!  It’s a piece carved from ivory and features a man struggling with a giant octopus FHL.

Seriously please don’t tell me this is not a waste of some poor elephant’s tusk.

Another carved ivory piece — batshit insane man folds himself into obscure yoga position.

Friendship dolls!

These were sent from Japan to the US to form diplomatic bonds between the two countries.


The dolls were treated like Japanese ambassadors and they came with their own passports and trunk full of belongings!

The outside of the museum.

It was damn windy lor.

That’s City Hall behind us!

Damn touristy okayyy.

In the car heading to the Legion of Honor Musuem! (of fine art)

The Legion of Honor, a three-quarter scale adaptation of the 18th-century Palais de la Legion d’Honneur in Paris, and is supposed to be San Francisco’s most beautiful museum!

I forgot to bring tissue and my sinus was acting up so I had to run and buy this in Forever 21!

Too cute to use and not comfy either cos it’s made of the same paper that paper napkins are.


With Angry White Man #3

The Thinkers

The architecture is gorgeous!

(and so are we WTF)

Great weather for sight seeing too!

The underside of the arch.

Stupid David refuse to take picture and only wanted to stand at the wall and gaze at the scenery.

Another view of the outside.

Soulmate shadows <3

Japanese food for dinner. I suck la come to America and eat Chinese and Japanese food only.

But what food is American anyway! Pizza and burgers but pizza isn’t technically American either.

David using the Mickey pen Redmummy gave me hahahaha his face damn angry!

He also said that I kept bringing up bad memories!

Cos we haven’t seen each other for two years ma and while we’d kept updated on each other’s lives we never got to know the details.

So I’d ask him stuff like “hey how come your host family in Japan didn’t like you again” or “why did you lose your job” WTF or “so how come you and your ex broke up” WTF hahahahaahah I didn’t realize ok I really was just asking to be a friend!!

But it’s all good ok cos he has a new girlfriend now and he’s going to teach English in Shanghai in August so all’s good on the career front too!

Then had to go home be menial labor and help Angela set up her new tv in exchange for a place to stay wtf.


Just can’t wait to be King

I am in Crawfordsville, Indiana now! Ooib just graduated today but that’s a story for another day <3

Last week as you all know, I was in San Fransisco! And we visited Fisherman’s Wharf!

But before I talk about that I have to tell about another fish experience I had the night before I left KL. A bunch of us were at Pizza Hut to try out their new pizza flavor – Fish King Pizza 😀

Fish King Pizza.

*skeptical about Fish King beating my alltime favorite Hawaiian flavor

Sadly for Hawaiian, it did.

Importantly because the pizza has 8 fish fingers made of a fish called Alaskan Pollock on top AND crabsticks!
(I loves crabsticks)

Plus Mozarella cheese, capsicums, pineapple and a very yummy mayo sauce!

Om nom nom nom.

KY kept taking pickchurs of me I like /shy

Huai Bin doing his share of om nom nom-ing.

We also got to watch the tv commercial for it which was quite cheesy (pun not intended) and funny.

Us luckeh people: Pink Stilettos, Citygal (Kampungboy not around), Proudduck (who is damn pretty lor I couldn’t take my eyes off her wtf), KY (without whom no food review would be complete) and HB!

Tempura shrimp and onion rings to keep us company !

Pizza Hut literally piled us with food! They also gave us 2-3 different kinds of pasta besides, 2 types of chicken tenders and plates of chicken wings and free flow of drinks!

Some more we kept pausing halfway to take photos of the food/each other etc so we got full fairly quickly 
Luckily I was wearing stretchy leggings and a loose top wtf. KY cheat wan he’s a food blogger but I ate two and a half times more than him ok!

Another group picture! Wombeh busy behind networking wtf.

Onion rings had multiple uses that night! Here they double as night vision goggles which midgets can’t leave home without wtf.

Me and my Assam Boi which is Pizza Hut’s signature drink!

Prettiest pregnant lady ever!

Wei Zhi whose sweetness I’ll never forget cos she gave me a bow necklace just cos she heard I was looking for one <3

Proudduck *still cannot get over how pretty she is

Posing with Fish King pizza. KY cheat wan!

He took the real pizza from me and labeled me Fish King ! :O

So I ma be Fish King lor wtf.

Since Fish King is a new pizza flavor, if you write a blog post called “Big Fish Moment with Pizza Hut” and share your Fish King experience whether at a Pizza Hut outlet or by delivery (pictures are always a good bonus!) you might win RM2,000 cash from Pizza Hut!

Contest runs 6 May 2010 to 30 May 2010.

For more details go to the Nuffnang blog post or Pizza Hut .


Mrs Potatohead

Angela and I were going through possible interview questions from a book because she’s going for an interview tomorrow and I had already exhausted my (limited) knowledge of what interviewers ask.

But some of the questions damn lame ok!

One possible question was: Tell me a story.

WTF if anyone is so suay to get that question they’re fucked! Tell what story! Sleeping Beauty ah wtf.

Under this list of “Unusual Questions”: If you could be a fruit, what would you be?


I tried to be helpful and said: “I think you should say you’re a strawberry.”

Angie: “Because a strawberry is cute is it?”

Me: “Ya… let me think what I would be ah. I don’t think I’m a strawberry ..I think I’m a grape—

(cos it’s a small fruit but it’s still quite a nice color)

Angie: No I think you’re a potato.


Small, round and dusty WTF.

Because my hair color apparently resembles a potato fml T____________T

edit: eh everyone you think so easy ah! what fruit or vegetable do you think you would be then?

AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

You’re gonna be Popular

I just got back from Wicked and I absolutely loved it!

Sorry there might be spoilers below but I don’t know how to turn my font white and am too lazy to find out anyway so skip the whole section if you’re going to be watching Wicked and don’t wanna know how it goes!

Anyway I think I am turning into my grandma! She’s the kind of person when watching Tamil movies and the good guy and the bad guy fight it out, she yells at the good guy to look behind him cos the bad guy is coming up with a chainsaw or something wtf.

And I am like a super junior (pun not intended) version of her cos I’d gasp and sit on the edge of my seat when something unexpected happened and cry buckets when Elphaba and Glinda sang “For Good” T________T

But iz all good cos when I looked over at Angela she had tears glimmering in her eyes too.

Plus I really liked how everything in Wicked tied up to the Wizard of Oz and they explained how a lot of things came to be.

I exited the theater feeling all warm and emo at the same time I also dunno why!  Ok spoiler alert but it was a  happy ending and Elphaba didn’t die in the end also but I don’t know why I’m still so emo!

I think I’m just a compassionate person lor seriously.  Or maybe I identify with Elphaba because I was ridiculed at school for being short and having no boobs fml.

Anyway I’m so so glad I watched it! We were in the 6th row in the orchestra section which is so amazing cos we were so near the stage.

But fml in Act II these two Mexican women clutching alcohol in paper cups came and sat in the empty seats next to me *narrows eyes

The alcohol smell damn strong okay so distracting! Angela said it was just red wine but so strong ok I still think it was vodka and coke or something wtf.

Actually at the end of the first act I thought it was over already and was very shocked when people started moving out of their seats.  But luckily it was only half time or recess or whatever it’s called.

Wicked is showing now in San Fransisco at the Orpheum!

I love all these old buildings around the city!  So well preserved and brings so much character to San Fran 🙂

Posing with the poster outside.

They said no photography but Angela managed to sneak in a couple of photos. This is what the stage looked like before the curtain went up.

Actually she didn’t sneak she blatantly put her camera up and snapped this -_- With the guy holding the No Photography sign standing right in front of her!  Always like this wan she’s damn lucky while every time I try to sneak photos I sure get caught.  Even worse when it’s in Universal Studios and I’m surrounded by gleefully staring kids *gloom

The sides of the stage which was also used as part of the show.  Damn pretty right!

Um flying bird slash dragon slash I don’t know.

Wicked playbill!


AudAtMoho/USA AudShopping AudTourist

San Fran Day 2 – Westfield

Sorry to everyone who have been asking me to take more pictures of the city because they miss it  because I have been spending all my time inside malls*shifty eyed

Aih what to do! Before coming I told Wombeh don’t bother bringing a lot of money because shopping in the US is not that good.

Well I totally lied wtf.

Not lie la I just forgot how good Forever 21 and Bebe is!

On the way to Westfield Mall!  Still damn jetlagged when Angela woke me up I felt like it was the middle of the night even though I had 9 hours already and I couldn’t talk for most of the car ride fml.

Best store in the world /boo

(ie F21)

Btw is it just me or is fashion these days very controversial wtf. Usually looking at a piece right away I know whether it’s nice or not.  But nowadays I feel like there are a lot of clothes out there that I can’t decide are cute or not! Hence the controversy wtf.

Likewise with the above denim shirt.  On one hand it looks damn cowboy-ish.  On the other, the light denim and studs combo is quite cute.  But on the other, it looks like a boy’s shirt…

Didn’t get it in the end.  Angela convinced us that when this season passes we’ll have no more use for the shirt.

This picture looks so summery right! With the big straw hat and cotton bow. Neither of which we got wtf.

Stores should never come up with wooden hangers.  Seriously okay I was carrying a bunch of clothes and hangers and by the time I exited Forever 21 my left arm was sprained WTF.

Day after that damn painful it even hurt to lift it up T_T

We’ve been looking all over SF for cancan hats and it’s impossible to find T3T

Closest we can find to it.  Angie bought that big flower though!

Dinner at Panda Express T________T

Seriously Audrey seriously.  Come all the way to San Fransisco to eat Americanized Chinese food *low maintenance

I happen to love Chinese food in America and so does Angie I don’t know why! Something yummy about it must be all the MSG wtf.

Um camwhoring at Sephora.  Angela just dyed her hair before I came but she thought the color looked uneven so she wanted me to do it for her again so we were in Sephora buying hair care products wtf.

Sales assistant left us alone for 5 minutes *shifty eyed

Buying something from Aldo! (not for me)

Everyone crowding around Apple store for the Ipad.  Dad beside me thinks he’s the center of the universe (in addition to center of the photo wtf)

Waiting for Angie to see a bag she liked.

In Nordstrom, I saw this Miu Miu shoe.  Damn ugly until dunno what!  How can they make such nice bags but such badshaped shoes! Or is this some controversial fashion again that I am not in tune to!

Went to Nordstrom just so Angie could get her beloved sandals.


the best shoes in the world !!! <3

Pictures do not do it justice!

Oh ya and the rest of these pictures are purchase pictures nyehehe

L-R:  Ali Baba, Angela wtf.

Does this picture look like a beach too! Like sunglasses check. 50s style polka dot scarf check. Bikini lookalike bra strap check WTF. Errr vaguely blue background check wtf.

Bought a couple of these bow-scarf things too!

Think we overdid things a bit? But half or less only are mine ok! *defensive

AudAtMoho/USA AudShopping AudTourist

San Fran Day 1

I am in San Fransisco!

Angela came to pick me up from the airport but before that I was quite nervous lor!

Cos we haven’t seen each other for two years what if when we meet we feel like we cannot click anymore or we have nothing in common!

Nervous until I wrote my name wrong on my immigration card WTF.

Transited at Narita and got onigiri, sunblock SPF 50++ wtf and June’s Vivi.

Finally met up with Angie T_________________T

All my fears were unfounded! Wombeh said it’s supposed to be like that with old friends but not true with me lor I think some of my old friends after we haven’t seen each other for some time it becomes awkward already.

But not with Angie /boo We’re both still exactly the same! I mean I think both of us grew up and our thinking changed but somehow we still think the same different way and even though fashion has changed wtf and so has our tastes but we still like the same different things!

Above is the first photo we took!  At Sanrio wtf I don’t know what that towel Hello Kitty thing is on my head think it’s for keeping you warm after your shower?

Japantown! I scratch Angie’s cheek wtf.

At this quaint Japanese restaurant that reminded us of our favorite restaurant in Kyoto called Saizeriya. It serves Japanese style pasta and omelettes and stuff I like Japanese style Western food!

(I also like Americanized Chinese takeaway)

Say hi to Angie!


With our pasta <3

As always we need to take useless photos of nothing in particular ^^

Purikura! I haven’t taken purikura in forever but we decided to take it for old time’s sake /boo

But aih no practice damn suck already all my purikura poses T____T

They had props for us to play around with too!

*wants to ask why are we so cute but doesn’t dare WTF

Still in Japantown which is full of Japanese restaurants and stores selling cute stuff.

And then Angela bought a wig WTF.

Hahahahaha it’s just some mysterious mural on the wall of some store. Looks like Mona Lisa’s hair but short right!

Then we saw this very exciting scene with a firetruck and police cars and I tried very hard to see what was happening but failed 🙁

At Pier 39 (where Fisherman’s Wharf is)

By then I was dying of jetlag! Cos I’d just arrived in the morning and San Fran is 15 hours behind KL T3T

Seriously okay I was walking around on automatic mode but my breathing was slowing down WTF and I found it very hard to think fast.

But sill have to take touristy shots!

And this is where I look like a grandma in pajamas and Angela looks like a Bird Woman wtf.

Before I came I kept asking her if San Fran is cold and she kept telling me no it’s very hot and she even wears tank top and shorts in her room. I believed her because I can usually take cold more than her but she totally lied when I got here I wanted to die T___________T

Partly because it is really colder than previous days and partly because I came from a tropical country and have no more tolerance towards cold weather.

Anyway yea la all my clothes for here offer totally no protection towards low temperatures so I had to borrow her sweater which doesn’t match my outfit and look like dungu.

Angela with Spongebob Squarepants!

Totally irrelevant but the other day I wore pink linen pants to work which apparently looked like pajama pants and Jerry said I looked like a banana because bananas wear pajamas WTF.

Then someone else said so if she wears square pants will she be Spongebob WTF.

How ironic that my outfit again looks like pajamas and I am holding hands with Spongebob -_-

Angie and my haul from Sanrio and Japantown!

Purikura <3

And polaroids!

Btw I am very thirsty every day here and Angela says it’s because SF is very dry because of its close proximity to the desert and everyone who visits will sure get thirsty fast! Is it true? It’s my third time here but this is the first time I’ve noticed the thirst.  Anyone else have this experience?

Ok going to sleep cos tomorrow we are going to visit museums!  (Which Wombeh refuses to go most of the time but he’s going to the Met with me when we hit New York because it is the Met <3)



There are a lot of things I don’t talk about in my blog.

I don’t talk about my job (international spy)

I don’t talk much about my relationships

I don’t take pictures of my clothes or say where I buy them although maybe I should from now.

I don’t talk much about partying and drinking which I do do although not a lot but even less frequently now I gotta admit.

I always feel like those aren’t my blog niche cos everyone else has got all those covered now.

If you wanna read about jobs you can always go to Wombeh’s blog since he has a lot of people working jobs under him wtf.

Relationships go read Suet and her stories with Ooib wtf.

Clothes .. Cheesie who else.

For partying, go see Joyce.

I mostly find something silly or fun to write about in my blog and I like that my blog is about being funny.

But I am normal ok! I don’t write about the above topics doesn’t mean I don’t have a job or don’t go shopping (shocker!!) or don’t go out at night.

If you’ve noticed my slowdown in blogging it’s because work and some clients has been a bitch lately and although I try to overcome my exhaustion at the end of the day to blog, I simply don’t have the time and I would never give up my sleeping time. Cos I’d rather sleep okay if you want me to die just don’t let me sleep wtf. (btw I need at least 8 hours of sleep a day to not turn into the Grinch the next day)

When some clients turn into Miss Trunchbull I get very stressed cos I tend to take it personally and have on more than one occasion felt near to tears at work 🙁


(image for illustrative purposes only)

So this is where the Encore series of parties come in. What makes a good party?

(To Angie: ah shit I forgot to check how Jeannie looks again hahahahaahah)

Yes you alcoholics will say the drinks wtf. And you, waving your head in the corner will say it’s the music.

Correct and correct. But besides these two, the best element is the DRESSING UP!!!


Encore is a series of 3 THEMED parties coming up soon which are all designed to let everyone distress and have fun after a tough day of work!

First Encore party coming up is called Wonderland!

Damn cool right the theme! I would love to go to a Wonderland themed party.

This was the only vaguely wonderland-ish picture I could find. Angela looks quite like it right! (back in the day before I pierced my navel…and my stomach was still flat BOOHOO)

Wonderland comes with lotsa costume and dance shows and cocktails! Heard you can mix your own some more 😀

Second party is Eurobeat.

As if the name isn’t clear enough, Eurobeat will be like very modern and contemporary with trance music and stuff.

There will be a light show as well I tried looking for a photo to illustrate

And this is the only light show photo I could find WTF god I’m cool.

They don’t show in the picture but I am even wearing someone’s uncle’s Asadi slippers!

Totally not a fashionista which ironically is what the third party is themed.

This’d appeal to most people right. To come dressed ur edgiest, funkiest and see everyone have a great time 🙂

This is my fashionista picture sigh. Picked only because this was a cultural fashion show wtf actually no connection to me having innate sense of fashion.
Anyway the Encore parties are coming up really soon… not sure if I get to go cos I might be in the US. But still! You can go to the Encore Page on Facebook and be a fan to find out more details!