Feel so deja vu when I type this but it’s been an yet another (emotionally, physically and mentally) exhausting week.
Lazy to emo already the Miss Trunchbulls of the world are not worth it.
Anyway, Imma be lazy and just do a week(s) in pictures cos I realized I haven’t put up daily photos for some time.
Sorry pictures of my face first wtf.
Had some time some time back (wtf) so I decided to try out one of the looks from some Popteen issue (a lot of bottom eyeliner). Looked okay la but I chose the wrong time to put on so much makeup (morning fml) and spent the rest of the day looking like tranny.
Some other day don’t even remember when already.
Woke up with flying hair and still thought it was nice WTF.
Either I am too vain or have terrible taste.
Ok la haih I admit it I got weird taste I used to wear a Mickey Mouse keychain on my jeans thinking it was damn cute wtf. And matched pink socks with turquoise sneakers GOD WHY. And purposely put mismatched shoelaces through the turquoise sneakers T_T *nauseous
And Sanny (whom we met in Hong Kong Disneyland last year) came down to KL for the weekend!
I drove!
I don’t drive very often so every time is a momentous occasion and (if I am wearing makeup) I make sure my passenger captures the fleeting memory on camera wtf.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
(my Tshirt says TO ARTHUR! damn cute right!)
I have no nose.
These were Polaroids btw but I fucked up the color so badly I had to make everything black and white or sepia -___-”
Guinness St Patrick’s Festival last Friday which was a very fawesome event!
Unfortunately I was working so I couldn’t go around or take as many pictures as I wanted T_T
Above photo is stolen from Wombeh.
They had an amazing amount of stuff going on. I think they were going for a parade slash festival feel and I think they did very well! There were mimes, clowns, guys on unicycles, people in crazy St Paddy costumes, caricature artists and COMEDIANS! (@kuahjenhan that is you) And a lot of Guinness and food.
And best part they even had an Irish dance performance! Damn cute dancers all dressed in quirky green outfits doing the Irish jig!
This is my picture *crappy
I don’t feel like my BB camera is good at all! Why everyone says the camera damn chun (for a phone one) ah all my pictures come up like shit. Or like there’s a piece of plastic over the lens blurring everything.
But the point of the picture was the very cute Guinness pint made of balloons!
Bali princess goes Irish.
End with fireworks some more I love love fireworks *stupid smile
Wombeh with Saint Patrick WTF.
The other day I discovered Wombeh only had one pillow case, one bolster case and one bedsheet which he kept washing and drying and putting it back on his bed every week WTF so we went sheet shopping *adult
So much more fun than groceries who cares about food when you can sleep on pretty shits sheets wtf.
Present from Ringo T__________T Very touching ok she pulled me to one side the other day and said she had something for me and it was this T_______________T She said cos she knows I like Dolly Wink too why is she so sweet I was so touched thank you bali princess T____________T
After a tiring week it’s nice to stay at home with nothing to do but read or go yamcha in shorts and flipflops *bliss
Went to three Old Town White Coffee outlets or variations of it in one day FOL.
By the 3rd coffee shop we were all ordering air suam WTF next time just bring our own water tumbler there and borrow cups from them wtf.
Time to read myself to sleep now 🙂
結論的にI can only hopeこの甘い経験や苦いものによって、どのように良い人になることを学ぶことができる
ok this is too hard. at least half the grammar is off and my brain is totally fried : (
Hokay! It is confirmed!
I will be making a two week trip to the US in May!
(which basically leaves me with no more leave days for the rest of the year)
We’re all going for Ooib’s graduation in May anyway so I decided that it would be a waste to spend a like a decade on the plane just to get there and not to stay longer.
So! I will be going to San Francisco for a week to visit Angela who’s at Stanford. Then move east to Indiana for Ooib’s commencement. Then fly to New York to meet Wombeh and spend another week there before going home.
It’s gonna take like a bajillion years of traveling (not to mention a bazillion dollars) but how often do I get to back to the US anyway!
Answer: never wtf. Should have hidden out and been an illegal immigrant.
I’m so excited! San Fransisco! Actually I’ve been there a couple times already so mainly it’s to see Angela!!!! Soulmate time after 2 years T____T Shopping and eating and camwhoring T________T And sitting in on her classes this will be the closest I will ever get to a Masters *sad. And can see David! And Trey if he ever gets to come down. I know it’s evil so I won’t pray that they’ll still be unemployed then so we can all hang out together wtf wtf. Kyoto reunion /boo
Then Indiana! I’ve never been to the Midwest before so I’m quite looking forward to it. And of course see my little brother get his diploma and step into the real world *weeps
And then New York!!! Wombeh has never been to New York so I can’t wait to go around with him and show him all the sights! Actually fml a lot of things I haven’t seen in New York either because either they were too expensive to me as a student (ie Broadway) or I kept thinking still got a lot of time next time only come and see la (ie the Met) aih f myself.
But issokay Wombeh and the Dwarf will conquer the Big Apple this time! We will be so cultured!
*prays that Empire State of Mind will be out of fashion by then because Imma go crazy if I hear that song again
I actually planned the trip this way (SF – Indiana – NYC) well not only cos it makes sense to fly in one direction than jump from location to location but also cos when I leave Angie I’ll be all down but seeing my brother’s commencement and Wombeh in New York would make me feel a lot better!
Ok so excited cannot talk about anything else so just post stupid pictures from the other day.
Was playing with Wombeh’s webcam.
And my Meitu Xiuxiu!
I read somewhere that your right side and left side of your face are different so when you put two same sides together you can end up looking really different.
I think I still look quite the same..
But Wombeh doesn’t hahahahahahahahahaahah
I think it was because he leaned a little bit too much to the side so he looks a lot wider than usual and his smile became damn goofy I dunno why ahahahahahahahahahahah
I made him do it again.
And after much pondering I finally realized who I thought he looked like.
Agent Pleakley hahahahahahahahahaha
My face here reminds me of some other character but I can’t pinpoint it yet..
BEST SHOT EVER HAHAHAHAHAHA If this is what our love child will look like I’d rather not go down that road wtf.
..no not for Tim!
and not for Ooib!!
It’s for my Wafu’s beloved pet, Footie.
This is Footie.
He is a mix between a maltese and a lhasa apso.
He is eight years old.
And a certified bachelor.
He really really needs a wife!
Or at least a one night stand. If not he will die a 40 year old virgin.
How can you say no to this face?
Let me give you a bit of background to Footie (as told by Wafu)
1. He snores when he sleeps – prospective wife must be tolerant
2. A few days ago when Wafu was sleeping, Footie suddenly jumped on her bed. Wafu woke up and said “yes dear?”. The next second he just fell flat on her bed and started snoring HAHAHAHAAHHAAH
I was like why is he like this! Wafu said he probably wasn’t awake at all and just jumped onto her bed and continued sleeping maybe because the airconditioning was too cold hahahaaha.
3. He hates cats. Not because of some ingrained canine disposition but because his family keeps telling him cats always eat food meant for him WTF.
4. I think he’s very clingy to his family as well. If they don’t tell him where they’re going or how long they’re going to take, he’ll avenge himself by peeing all over the house -_______-
And when they come home, he’ll run up to them to say hi before quickly running into the bathroom before anyone can scold him hahahahahaha.
5. In the pictures he looks small but in reality he’s actually about 8kg of squirmy white fluff!
But very adorable squirmy white fluff T_________T
Ok seriously we are really looking for a wife or a mate for him.
He’s already 8 years old (although as Wafu tells me, still very fit and capable WTF) and Wafu is always worrying about if someday something happens to him. I think she would feel better if there were little Footie Jrs. for her to care for.
And also she said I could have one Footie Jr. of my own if I can help her find a wife!!!
So if anyone has a girl dog or anyone knows anyone with a girl dog who might think Footie is handsome who is interested to breed, please leave a comment!
Thank you minna maji 39!!!
I might be going on a very exciting trip this May! Don’t wanna jinx it so I probably shouldn’t say anything yet..
Ok fine it’s the US for Ooib’s graduation wtf.
I’ve only recently started looking at flights and stuff so nothing’s confirmed yet but if everything is, I can tell you I will be looking at a bank account that has nothing but a couple of flying moths in it.
*cricket sound
If you’re like me – broke but still hoping for a free ride some time, good news there is a free ride!
And it’s in Western Australia.
I read Ringo’s entry here about how she wanted to visit WA and how Tourism Western Australia is offering a very very unusual chance to you (and your companion) to go on an extraordinary taxi ride from the whitest beach in Australia at Lucky Bay in Esperance to the tiger striped Bungle Bungle Range in World Heritage Listed Purnululu National Park in the Kimberley.
They were looking for passengers. And apparently the cabbie too wtf.
I scoured the website (can be found here) and found the map for the Taxi Ride route:
Which startled me a bit because, let’ be honest – that is a lot of land to cover.
But then I googled pictures of famous sights in WA..
Ningaloo Reef . According to the website, one of the world’s largest fringing reefs, reached by the world’s shortest swim.
Short swim huh I could do that.
I’ve never really been a very adventurous outdoorsy kinda person but I’ll be damned if I can rest easy not visiting all these beautiful natural sights before I die.
Staircase to the Moon.
God why does it have such a cool name.
Between March and October each year, when conditions are just right, visitors to Broome in the North West region are treated to a natural spectacle – the Staircase to the Moon.
The natural phenomenon of the Staircase to the Moon occurs when the full moon rises over the exposed mudflats of Roebuck Bay at extremely low tide creating the optical illusion of a staircase reaching for the moon.
But sucks cos I think the contest has closed 🙁
But you can still play the games on the site to win Perth holiday packages!
Solve a jigsaw puzzle in the fastest time, answer a quiz and fill in some blanks correctly and 20 people could win..
1st and 2nd prize – Best of Perth Only in Australia land package for 2
3rd – 20th prize – Shopping vouchers worth hundreds of AUD!
(AUD = Australian Dollar, not Aud Fourfeetnine wtf)
Scroll down for hints on how to win!
Just read up on all info on WA you can get. For example, the journey legs etc in www.bethepassenger.com and westernaustralia.com. Lot of fun facts and figures to learn! Oh and also make sure you familiarize yourself with the map cos they might test you on that.
Contest closes 11 April!
Some random updates cos I’m sleepy.
Fat Her spent the whole of Sunday lugging around a plastic bottle and peeing into it whenever the need arose (hahahahahaha) He carted the whole bottle back to the hospital but not without spilling some much to the nurse’s horror hahahaha. He’s awaiting the results now..
Tim and I were so bored the other day so we made these! Oreo truffles which basically consist of nothing but mashed up Oreos and cream cheese mixed together and dipped into chocolate.
Very sinful and looks like rabbit poop / pieces of tar but they actually tasted quite nice!
Jen Han asked us to go for Comedy Thursday at Zouk cos it was his first year anniversary performing there so we dragged the Parents Ooi along and it was damn funny ok!! Every month TimeOutKL holds Comedy Thursdays to showcase like up and coming talents in comedy IF I GOT IT RIGHT wtf.
There were some funnier than others but generally they were all amazing! Especially the guy above forgot his name let’s just call him Steve wtf. I think I like political and racist jokes better than sex ones though I am just a prude 🙁
Parents Ooi loved it too — when we were younger Fat Her used to take us to watch Comedy Court and Instant Cafe Theater and all that so it was right up their alley. Dunno why we stopped though either they stopped performing or they got too expensive wtf.
(me and Tim in the corner laughing up a storm at Kavin, one of the comedians) – stolen off Kavin’s Facebook
The older I get, the more people I realize I don’t like 🙁 I don’t agree with a lot of things that other people do or say or the principles they live their lives by. When I was younger if I didn’t like a person I would mount an all out campaign to villianify them and stay away because I didn’t want to compromise my own beliefs. But recently I think it’s becoming easier to keep quiet and just bystep them.
edit: Only Dreamer, bluehaven23 [at] gmail.com hasn’t gotten back to me. Dreamer, do you want the tickets? If we don’t hear from you we will just assume you don’t want them and pass them on to someone else 🙂
Sorry I took so long to post up the winners of the S.H.E. contest!
It was incredibly hard to decide who the tickets should go to because so many of you had really touching and creative entries.
I’m reallysorry that I can’t offer everyone a ticket T______T — if I could I would but I think I don’t even have tickets for myself now wtf.
I hope everyone else still finds some way to attend the concert though — good luck 🙂
Congratulations to the 15 winners below!
Mich_sim, nicegal16 [at] hotmail.com
Mingster, engming.lim [at] gmail.com
Angie, taurus_ann [at] hotmail.com
Sam, funky2death [at] hotmail.com
Jienell, ellone.c [at] gmail.com
Liyen, liyen.lim [at ] gmail.com
Karmun, caramelsecrets [at] gmail.com
Aurelia, ailynn4ever [at] gmail.com
J.Jin, terrierpuff2003 [at] hotmail.com
Dreamer, bluehaven23 [at] gmail.com
Aubrey, simplyaubrey [at] gmail.com
Jennifer Chai – jenniferchaify [at] gmail.com
Jillian, jillian-cat [at] hotmail.com
Rebecca, the.colourful.secret [at] hotmail.com
Seline, selinebaby [at] gmail.com
I will be passing your names to Nuffnang so you can collect your tickets from their office. Either Robb or I will email you with the collection arrangements. 🙂 At first I thought it would be nice to pass the tickets to you guys myself at the concert but like I said I think there’s no more tickets left for me wtf so have fun!
P/S: Can the winners also email me at fourfeetnine [at] gmail.com so that I know you know you’ve won? If I don’t get an email from you I will assume you don’t want the tickets and pass them on to someone else. Thank you!
Setting back feminism by a hundred years!!!!
Hello everyone!
Thanks for the amazing response to the SHE contest.
I will close submissions by 5pm today (Saturday Feb 27) and winners will be announced tomorrow!
(not sure what time depends on when the judge can make a decision)
Thank you again 🙂
The first time David mentioned uKimono to me, I thought wah they’re giving me a kimono! followed by hope in my eyes wtf.
Actually uKimono doesn’t mean kimono ok I misunderstood -_-
The OSIM uKimono is a new massage belt that helps to break down fatty tissue in the tummy, butt and thighs, and tone your muscles to give you a slimmer figure.
(no need to go for Suanie’s bootcamp)
The uKimono’s program is developed by a Japanese Shiatsu Massage expert. I’ve never actually had the chance to try out Shiatsu but I believe ok look at the ninjas last time damn deadly ok.
The uKimono targets both sides of the body, to relieve muscle aches and fatigue, particularly in the lumbar area.
All you have to do is strap it on and let it work it’s magic!
At first I thought this could be the answer to my sedentary lifestyle! Ever since I started working I’ve been getting fat in the middle but still refuse to take any action to save myself (besides doing 5 situps every night before I go to sleep) so this is damn good for me! Can lose abdomen lard while watching TV or blogging. But better not take my word for it – I’m sure the uKimono works best complementing any exercise program and healthy eating.
Appropriately, the ambassadors of the OSIM uKimono massage belt are
S.H.E. !!
And Selina, Hebe and Ella will be in KL this March 6 2010, 8pm at National Stadium (Outdoor) Bukit Jalil for their “S.H.E is the One, Live in Kuala Lumpur” Concert!
To refresh your memory or in case you need to be hastily educated, SHE gave us hits like these..
I am giving out 15 pairs of tickets worth RM198 each (30 tickets in total) to 15 Fourfeetnine readers who can comment and answer correctly and the most creatively the following three questions:
- What are the 3 colors available for uKimono?
- uKimono can knock out fats for tummy, butt and thighs. TRUE or FALSE?
- Why do you wanna go to the S.H.E concert?
However, if you don’t manage to win tickets here, there is an alternative to my blog *sobs wtf
OSIM has VIP S.H.E tickets worth RM800 and RM600 (but my RM198 ones are still wonderful nonetheless) and a whole lot of OSIM merchandise and cash vouchers to give away.
For your chance to win VIP tickets (with these tickets, you’ll be able to see their sweat droplets, kinky fellas), follow these simple steps:
1) Become a fan on the OSIM Facebook page.
2) Send an email to osimwebshop@osim.com.my with your full name, contact number and IC number, and Facebook identity name, latest by 8pm, this Friday, 26 February 2010.
3) OSIM will be in touch with the first 30 participants to do so, and invite them to come to the ‘OSIM Trim and Healthy Competition’ that will be held this Sunday, 28 February 2010, at the LG Blue Concourse, Sunway Pyramid.
4) The invited participants will then go through three VERY EASY obstacles:
- do twenty squats
- answer a question on uKimono or uKimono mini
- hula hoop for twenty times wearing the uKimono or uKimono mini.
Participants will be judged on the FASTEST TIMES to complete all three obstacles.
(I will never win)
But for the rest of you: Winning has never been so EASY!
What can you win?
- 1st place – Two VIP S.H.E tickets worth RM 800 each AND an OSIM uKimono mini
- 2nd place – Two VIP S.H.E tickets worth RM 600 each AND an OSIM uKimono mini
- 3rd place to 5th place – Two S.H.E tickets worth RM 198 each AND a RM100 OSIM cash voucher.
- 6th place to 15th place – RM50 OSIM cash voucher
*Disclaimer: Contest is open to all Malaysian residents and those residing anywhere else (if you can take the next flight out to Malaysia, that is!). You have to be over 18 years of age to take part in this contest.
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