I guess my posts are going to be more wordy from now because instead of coming up with polished pretty entries full of pictures I’m going to try to verbally vomit from now on wtf.
I decided that I want my blog to be somewhere I can come back in ten years and remember how things were like when I was twenty or twenty five because my memory is atrocious like that. Besides if I wanted to look at pictures of myself I can just open my album wtf.
Anyway tomorrow Fat Her is going for a medical checkup.
On Sunday while having an extended family dinner we all got a bit of a shock when we noticed that Fat Her’s palms were a bit darker than usual.
I’m not sure if we’re all just trying to find a way to detect symptoms of heart attacks before they happen so we can prevent them but my family had already noticed that my uncle’s complexion seemed a bit dark in pictures taken a month before he died.
We shouted at him oi why are your hands so black and he hurriedly went off to wash them and returned with his hands gleaming with water but pinker.
And we all concluded that it must be his Chinese New Year black pants that had stained his palms and by the end of the night when he took them off his legs would probably look like an African’s WTF (ya my family is just politically incorrect like that)
But then later they looked darker again.
And over the last few days his face looked dark too and he says he’s been experiencing hot flushes wtf…….
So tomorrow he’s going to go to the doctor and try to find out what this is.
Gluck daddy. Please please be okay. Even though I frequently get angry with you I don’t know what we’ll do without you.
Jammie told me she met a friend who gave concrete proof that my ex, a very big shit stirrer with a very big nose (in other people’s business) was, if not cheating, definitely lying to me.
It was years ago but I am vindicated and totally justified in my loathing for him.
Funny how life turns out.
Some time back I read an article off Super Kawaii Mama’s blog written by a woman who thought that Disney princesses were inappropriate role models because there is no such thing in the real world as “happily ever after”.
And I was outraged because I thought what was the problem with little girls being optimistic and believing in happily ever after? Doesn’t that just give them something good to look forward to in their futures? I believe in happily ever afters and I turned out perfectly okay (open to interpretation wtf)
But how can we say there are happy endings when there are divorces and deaths galore wtf. Men cheat on their partners all the time, and apparently so do women. Or you grow old and your husband dies and your kids put you in a nursing home. Is that your happy ending?
How do you know where you need to go to make sure you get your happy ending? Who should I marry? Are we going to stay married? (hopefully) Am I going to be able to have kids? (hopefully, and maintain a well-shaped vagina) Am I going to die before them? (yes please)
And not just that, how do you know you’re on the job that’s right for you? That’s been bugging me for two days now wtf. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job (to whoever who asks, I will tell you that it is true, I am an international spy with the CIA) but how do I know if I’m MEANT to be in this career?
Some people have a calling or a vocation and they know right away when they grow up what they’re going to be and go away and be a great success. It’s easier if you have a specific talent.
Like, if I had perfect pitch and big lungs, I’d audition for Broadway. Or Glee! Or if I were taller I could be a model WTF.
(but I could never give up my night vision that comes with being a midget)*
The problem with life is, you can say it’s like a box of chocolates yadda yadda but the fact of the matter is you never know what’s coming next. Or if you made the right decision. So wouldn’t it be great if we all had a roadmap to our lives?
Like turn right and you’ll meet the guy whom you’ll fall head over heels for but who will eventually turn abusive. Continue along this road and embark on your award winning career as an author but never get married. Or go downhill and overdose on pills.
Some tech dependent people will probably ask for a GPS instead but I don’t think that would work as well. A GPS doesn’t get it right all the time — it will tell you you’re on the wrong road but by looking at the GPS at a junction, you wouldn’t be able to tell where each road would lead you to.
It should be clear by now that I don’t like surprises (unless they come in a shopping bag!) if only everyone was born with like a life roadmap tattooed to their ass wtf.
I was looking at the section of the latest Mount Holyoke Alumnae Quarterly where they publish updates of what MHC alums are doing, all the way back to class of 1930 and I thought I wish I could read what it says about me when I’m dead WTF before realizing how macabre a thought it was.
So hello to my 26th 25th 26th year (what year is it for you when you turn 25!?). I’ll still be praying for a roadmap (fruitlessly)
(done by the very amazing Miao of Akiraceo.com)
Okay this is the salon where I do my hair.
If you don’t recognize it, it’s on the Boulevard at Midvalley between Megamall and Gardens (same row as the mamak wtf)
The door wtf.
I actually once followed CJ in to Shunji before a few years back to get his hair cut but I never did mine here cos it was really expensive and I was a broke student.
I used to go to another salon but my when my staple hairstylist Raymond moved and took over to Shunji Matsuo I dutifully followed wtf because I am anal over who touches my hair -____-
Ya I dunno why I am psycho anal like that! Once I was due to fly back to the US the next day so I showed up at my stylist’s house WTF and begged him to color my hair for me why am I like that T__________T
No wonder the next time I came back and called him I could never get through again WTF.
I used to switch hairstylists a lot too cos something that I didn’t like would pop up halfway so I’d look for someone else.
But I’ve been with Raymond for a couple of years now and I can safely say this is a stable relationship wtf wtf ^_^
The inside wtf.
My hair before. I didn’t do much different do it this time — just trimmed it a bit and recolored. For Chinese New Year!
This time I came they had manicure services which they didn’t before! So I decided to try it out.
Mainly because I broke the nail off my index finger and it was quite painful T3T My virgin experience with acrylics ^^ But just one nail la to cover the tear.
Next to me was this little old lady who I think was brought in by her daughter to get her hair done before the New Year too.
At first I was a little offended because the stylists were talking and pacifying her like she was a child. But then I realized that her mind is that of a child’s now and I realized that the stylists were much better people than I am. They were damn patient and kind to her, down to wiping away her drool and putting her feet back into her shoes..
Chinese New Year resolution #4859 don’t jump to conclusions wtf. 🙁
New hair! Ok not much difference from my previous cut wtf.
That’s Raymond on my phone behind! He’s giving instructions to my mother telling her which store it is hahahahaha.
So ok that’s my hair secret if you wanted to know! If you want their number, this is their email wtf: enquiry@shunjimidvalley.com. They have a Facebook page here too (very social media savvy ok wtf)
I brought Suet here too when she wanted to cut her hair short !
Their rates are ok quite reasonable and the best part is that he’s very patient with me and sits with me while I flip magazines / scroll through pictures in my laptop to show him what I want wtf. Some stylists just nod and then give you whatever they think you want but he actually does come through with the exact style I want.
At first when I colored it I thought it was damn blond! But I think I’m used to it now 🙂
Oh that was my first day of CNY dress!
This dress is damn nice lor! I didn’t even try it before I got it cos I got it online no time to shop. Let me consider if I wanna tell the store name first later people fight with me over clothes how!
(took this picture to show the ruched sides but all this photo does is show that I have no womanly curves whatsoever I am actually arching my back like nobody’s business fml)
Another look at the hair.
Ok just wanted to admire my eye makeup WTF.
Sorry ok when you’re my age every single photo that you look young nice in can cheer you up to no end wtf. I was talking to Angela and we both agreed that it takes a lot more effort (and makeup) now to look cute than before and even now we’re not as cute haih such is life la harh wtf.
So the solution is… take more pictures with people older than you WTF WTF
Hahahaha no la these are my Chik Kongs and Chim Pohs that I see annually at CNY.
Wombeh! Apparently clients are calling him Wombeh now too FHL.
Funnily it’s always around CNY that I miss Ooib the most cos there’s nobody to grumble with / be bored with / sing doowap numbers with.
CNY was just okay for me this year cos I spent it (a) sick (b) perpetually angry at the weather (c) perpetually grumpy at my mother who was late for everything including her own high school reunion.
Ooi family luck ok I tell you we packed the car and piled into it and started our journey to Penang for maybe 15 minutes when the car aircon broke down WTF.
We had to circle Rawang looking for a mechanic, found no willing ones and had to drive back home to change cars -_-
By then the car had turned into a sort of greenhouse and trapped all the heat inside and I was turning terrifying shades of red in the backseat.
Parents didn’t notice and I thought it weak to say anything since Grandma Ooi had low blood sugar and broke out in cold sweat wtf.
By the time we got home I had found sweat can be an adhesive when I had trouble taking off my pants.
Anyway the sudden changes in temperatures caused me a runny nose (which disappeared the day after we got back from Penang)
But this made my week / kept me occupied! Finding an Audrey appropriate theme for my phone ^^
Whoops forgot to say Happy Chinese New Year!
So I am 25 now ZOMGZ!
25% of the way completed in my quest to be a 100 year old woman wtf.
I actually didn’t do anything to celebrate my birthday.
I figure if I pretend it never happened, I’ll still be 24 WTF.
No la kidding hahahahah truth is, I didn’t feel like celebrating my birthday… yet.
My birthday was on a Wednesday and I didn’t take the day off so I didn’t feel like going out for dinner tired and looking like crap wtf.
But doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything ok! Birthdays are the best days of the year cos you’re queen of the day and get to choose what you wanna eat over everyone else wtf.
Saving up my birthday rights so I can still use at a later point. Maybe after Chinese New Year…
Anyway I don’t have much time to blog but random pictures first!
Wombeh’s present to me! Totally didn’t expect it I loves it!!!
Now I am a classy woman instead of a childish child wtf.
That’s what Tim says anyway cos my previous wallet is from Samantha Thavasa and bright shiny pink.
Picture doesn’t do justice to it cos it’s actually dusty pink / very fucking pale purple
Cupcakes! From my Wafu, Dafu and Tofu (they know who they are) <3
Glitters voucher from See-Ann and the Ihubbies HAHAHAHA (that’s what Wafu called him anyway)
Can’t decide if I should use it for manicure or lash extensions!
Refillable Hello Kitty notebook (and card holder) from @chenjoanne!
And then…
a surprise from Fat Her while I was at work one day.
Now you know where I get my impeccable sense of humor from.
Jammie hates this picture but I think it’s damn cute!
Dear Jammie,
A few days late but issokay you still read my blog right? wtf.
We all miss you very much 🙁 I would like to say I miss you the mostest but I will let Latat have the honor.
I hope you do well in Melbourne, whether it’s having a smashing career or a coming back with a Masters that will make all of us so proud 🙂
That said, yes we are all expecting you to come back when you’re done and resume your place in our lives. But whatever it is, you can count on always having a place in our hearts 🙂
Take good care there, talk on MSN, BBM, Twitter, FB, Skype wtf and remember there’s lots of people all over the world who love you.
Ok this is my longest post everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
50+ photos!
all illustrating the entire weekend filming Project Alpha!
It was damn fun lor I was dreading it to be honest cos I saw the word GYM in the itinerary and that just scared the shit out of me wtf.
But it turned out to be a very gun trip! Ok let the pictures do the walking talking wtf.
Day 1 started off with as always makeup ^____^ Favorite part of shooting ^______^
With my stylist of the day Wayne. Who’s also from Penang!
Red Mummy doing her hair. She looks so happy in the pic maybe cos she also has people dolling her up ^______^ wtf
Can’t remember what I was laughing at.
With I love foosball Nara. Not true it’s actually his brother’s shirt wtf.
Head stylist.
His hair was getting too long so I think they stylist felt very frustrated like “sigh wtf can I do to make this mop better” and just decided to curl it and set with hairspray hahaahahahahahahahahahah
We went to Nur Salam which is a center for children. Sorry had to blur out their faces to protect their privacy. But fts the pictures look even worse like they’re criminals or something T_____T
Wan / Nara was a big hit with the kids! He was very good at like getting them to put all their energies into games with him and organizing all of them.
Oh ya we were supposed to break up into little groups and we were supposed to teach them something to present to everyone else and all my kids ran away to join Wan’s group cos his group looked more fun FML.
Doesn’t help that I’m quite awkward around kids. Felt like the Titanic ok everyone abandoned ship wtf.
One kid stayed though! And we presented… ULTRAMAN POSES!!
But FML again cos instead of me teaching him he had to teach me how to do them.
Me and HB with some of the kids!
See HB looks very peaceful but minutes earlier he had 3 children climbing on his head hahahahahaahah and then after they climbed down they all lifted up his shirt and stuck their heads under it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Kelvin being attacked by kids hahahahaha.
These kids were so cute! They’re not like the average spoiled kids around who sulk and are reluctant to greet you and only wanna watch tv / play DS but they were so loving and eager to make friends and to hug and get physical touch 🙂
If you wanna help whether by donating or volunteering, you can go to www.ruumz.com or www.chowkids.org for more info 🙂
This was my favorite little boy. He was quiet and sat in the corner but he was so sweet my heart melted when I saw him smile at me T______T
Hahaha one of the kids grabbed my camera and tried to take a photo of me.
Oh this other adorable little boy asked me if I was an actress WTF. I said no I’m a normal person and he said really? I think I’ve seen you on tv wtf. I played along and said oh what channel? and he said very confidently Astro hahahahaah damn cute.
With Redmummy and TONY always intruding into pictures!!
Then off to the airport. With purty purty Jojo.
I stole this picture off her Twitter! She’s all cool and fehmes looking with her bigass glasses.
Everyone has to be hooked up with hidden mics for filming. Usually they put it at your waist behind you but cos I was wearing a dress they had to strap it to my leg.
Like an FBI agent! wtf
Or Superman!
Flew MAS to Kuching (ahhhhh such a comfy flight! *bliss) , arrived and checked into 360 Hotel!
*looks at namelist
Oh the pressure is intense.
Then next day we had to go to Kenny’s fehmes Level Up fitness center!!!! *heart in throat
They even had a sign to welcome us!
OK admit it.
Gym was a lot more fun than I expected!
First of all there were no treadmills in sight. (ok there were but we didn’t go near them)
We joined an aerobics class!
At first I couldn’t get any of the steps right and felt like an asshole prancing around the room but then after a while I got the hang of it and it didn’t really matter if I was doing the steps right cos it was fun anyways!
They even made us exercise to the Doraemon theme song <33333333
With Redmummy who made the trip so much fun.
Then after exercise we get makeup done again ^______^
The crew is filming Nicole in the locker room. Photo is blurry cos I took it fast with shaking hands. It’s the women’s locker room (emphasis) ok sacred ground wtf.
With the big boss. (pun not intended wtf)
Wombeh’s look of lethargy! This is what he gets for not joining in the aerobics hmph. But awww he looks like a schoolboy with his backpack I am such a pedophile wtf. But issokay cos the makeup artist thought I was 18 so I guess Wombeh’s one too.
(just occured to me that typing the P word up there is going to make me get all kinds of crap spam on the subject of p***philia T_T Last time I titled one of my posts “Shemale” and I’ve never stopped getting tranny porn links since)
Then we went to the Waterfront to film. We walked around while Jojo asked us what we thought of the Season 2 bloggers nyehehehe should have warned everyone earlier so they can all be nicer to me wtf.
The crew. Bulat is crazy!
Paul Frank monkey and his identical twin!
Ah Yau, RM and me. I tried taking over Ah Yau’s camera for a while and my arm fairly turned black and died. Damn heavy ok Ah Yau & Tony are gods.
Then on Day 3 they made everybody wake up at an ungodly hour so we could go visit the orangutan reserve in Semenggong.
Here’s me refusing to wake up even after the bus has stopped.
(At this point, Wombeh has gone back to KL to prepare for his flight to London 🙁 )
Still grumpy.
By and by I snap out of stupor and manage to pose with the other bloggers in front of a stoned looking orangutan AHAHAHAH stoned I am so witty!!!!
Huai Bin jumped in.
(can you believe I wore sneakers the entire trip)
That’s Rose our very wise tour guide. Nara kept calling her auntie hahahahaha.
Did you know orangutans slept in trees and that they make a new bed in a new location every night to sleep in?
We were all looking up appreciating the orangutan’s nest masterpiece on top of the tree when Jojo looked up too far and her sunglasses slid off her head and fell to the ground.
So she picked them up and put them on again and we all resumed talking to Rose the guide and all round being interested in nature.
Then after like 10 minutes or so, suddenly Michael the director shouted CUT CUT we can’t continue like this look at Jojo’s glasses!
(we didn’t get to see any orangutans cos they were all self sufficient because it was fruiting season)
Oh then after that we went to visit this Bidayuh longhouse which was bloody interesting.
Forgot where it was… actually I never knew where it was cos I was asleep when the guide announced it.
Kelvin from the crew who was so sweet in getting us water all the time we were thirsty. I called him the Water Bearer but he’s actually an angel.
Me and RM eating rambutan.
Distracted by camera AGAIN. (Lady in Bidayuh costume behind)
They greeted us with shot glasses filled with traditional Bidayuh wine.
Huai Bin lives up to his reputation and buys a whole bottle for himself.
Intruding into people’s personal social time for a picture -_-
God this was the most interesting part.
This is the inside of the headhunter’s house. In the past, the headhunters would go out and kill as many people as they could and bring back their heads as proof of their skill. I think also to show other tribes that they were powerful and couldn’t be defeated.
Didn’t matter if the heads belonged to men, women or children. If the victim was weaker, then they would just be easier to kill.
Fuck if I lived here back then I think I die first.
Fear on my face -_-
Close up of the skulls……
Sure sign of globalization.
I saw this outside one of the houses hahahahahahaah homemade dumbbell!
For people who can’t read malay, “Sukan untuk kuat” means sports to make you strong literally hahahahahahaah.
Met up with Kenny again for Sarawak laksa / beef noodle
Then it was time to head home to KL! (with Water Bearer)
At the airport (David, RM, Huai Bin and me)
I took this picture cos I thought our shoes were so representative of our personalities!
Flipflops for David cos he’s all chill and laidback. Red wedges for Redmummy who’s very glam and made up, pink Converse sneakers for me cos um I like pink wtf and unrecognizable black shoes for Huai Bin… who really needs a girl to teach him how to dress 😛
For more info, go to sixthseal.com wtf.
Home! With (part of) the crew and RM.
I didn’t get to see as much of Kuching as i would have liked but I thought it was really interesting so hopefully I get to go again sometime soon 🙂
Thanks to Project Alpha for bringing us all on the trip and thank you everyone who made the trip so much fun:))))))))))
and thank you MAS who sponsored our flights!
whew long post done!
Less than 2 weeks to Year of the Tiger!
But I realize that a lot of people are trying to avoid getting married in the Year of the Tiger. Why ah? Last weekend alone I counted 6 weddings that people around me were attending!
But what do they know. Good ok Year of the Tiger.
Because Tiger Beer is the official beer of the Year of the Tiger and as the official beer, they have um.. a big responsibility to the public to grant our wishes worth RM8,888!
(No not really their responsibility they’re just being nice people)
So Tiger is teaming up with Nuffnang (for the 2nd time! Remember the Stand Out party?) for the Tiger-Nuffnang Run where you have to run towards the Year of the Tiger and towards your dreams (worth RM8,888)
The three people who finish the Run fastest will get to fulfil their RM8,888 dreams, while there will be an additional RM1,888 for the Grand Prize winner. Can go here for more details or the Tiger Beer Facebook page to be a fan. If you wanna join, you need to be a fan as that will be one of the tasks of the Tiger Run.
To qualify for the Run, all you have to do is write your blog post “My Dream In the Year of the Tiger” (like what I am going to do now) and then email your full names and permalinks in to fulfillmywish.tiger@nuffnang.com.
So here is my dream.
I just realized that off the top of my head, I couldn’t think of anything I wanted bad enough!
Wombeh says it’s because I’m too pampered by him but I like to think that I’ve reached Nirvana and have no more use for worldly goods WTF.
But ok I thought of something! Something I’ve been thinking would be nice to have but would never fork out my own money to buy…
Chanel stud earrings! Ya totally not my thing and I’m not that desperate for designer goods but I think it’s damn classy lor!
Tze has had them forever but I never really coveted it until recently when I was thinking what i’d want worth RM8,888 and I started thinking about it.
(don’t think it costs all of RM8,888)
But honestly, what I think my RM8,888 should go to if I win is,
A down payment for a car.
No big surprise there since I actually already talked about this a few entries ago.
By George this car is gorgeous T3T
Obviously I can’t get a car like this, but a girl can dream.
I don’t wanna ask my parents for anything since I’m working now and technically financially independent. So the money would go really handy in paying some of it off and lightening a lot of the loan repayments.
(Actually if can I’d ask for the money to go toward my student loan but you can’t ask for cash. Although hopefully going to the car doesn’t count cos it’s still a CAR)
So really that’s my dream in the year of the Tiger 😀
Actually… I don’t wanna write this post wan.
To prevent more people from joining Milo contests.
More people join I got less chance of winning!!!
Okok here I go reluctantly
TWO contests to announce to everyone.
First one’s called the MILO® FUZE® FACEBOOK CONTEST – “Pile-up the MILO FUZE sticks”
Very easy, just log on to www.facebook.com/milofuze and take part in the Contest by playing the Milo Fuze Jam Packed game.
What you have to do is to pack as many MILO® FUZE® sachets into the “bowls” at the bottom of the screen, Tetris style.
(This screenshot was taken during my 3rd round fml I was so bad at it.)
Don’t think it’s easy ok in reality very challenging only the good will persevere wtf.
After you’re done you submit your score and answer one true or false question about MILO® FUZE® products then tah dah done.
Person with the highest score at the end of the contest period (26 Apr 2010!) will be selected as the winner.
Kay then 2nd contest!
MILO® FUZE® PHOTO CONTEST – Snap your “Jam-Packed” day
Very easy to guess how it works! Just take a photo of your jam-packed day and caption it.
40 finalists with the most unique photo and best title caption will be put up for voting by the public.
The TOP 5 Finalists with the highest votes each win an iPhone 3GS 32GB, RM1000 in cash and a MILO® hamper worth RM100
Then the other 35 finalists will each win (whoo everybody’s a winner) a PANASONIC LUMIX digital camera worth RM500, RM500 in cash and a MILO hamper worth RM100.
So basically all finalists win in the end!
Voters also got prizes!
3 voters win an ipod shuffle each, and a Milo hamper worth RM100.
Anyway to submit your photo sign up for the Jam-Packed contest at www.milo.com.my/fuze or facebook.com/milofuze
Then remember to caption your photo (max 5 words) and answer the slogan “How does Milo Fuze Jam-Packed your day?” and that’s it!
Ok ok are you ready for my photo!
Ok ok bluff you all. Scroll down for the real one please.
My caption would totally be “Jam-packed with Jam”!
Why am I so funny!!!
Tell me I can win!
But oh god this is the ugliest picture in the world you can close this page if you want god be with you wtf.
But get it Jam packed! Me and Jam ran to the glass door today and got someone to take our photo and by god did she look uncomfortable wtf.
Hahahahahah damn funny lor me and Jam laughed until got phlegm wtf.
But don’t follow me ok the contest is the Milo Fuze Snap Your Jam-Packed Day so make sure you feature a packet of Milo Fuze in it!
Both contests end 26 April 2009.
Sorry couldn’t end with such disturbing picture so nah here’s a nice one to end the day with.
Us with Suet.
Remember! Milo Fuze!
Letter #1:
Kuah Jenhan of the MACC (wah why they email me! *scared wtf) has shamelessly asked me to promote the MACC CNY Edition show (with 20% new jokes!) running from 27-31 January at PJ Live Arts @ Jaya One.
So nah give you face as Chinese friends wtf.
Btw MACC stands for Malaysian Association of Chinese Comedians ok not the other scareh MACC.
Went with Wombeh, Desmond, HB and the Nuffies last night to watch it and it was fucking funny!! As they said, 20% new jokes but the other 80% is even better second time around!
So please don’t miss this show cos you will not regret it! Malaysian comedians are amazing ok don’t look down 😀
Letter #2:
If you’d be willing to discuss, please let me know how you best prefer to chat. Thank you!!!
My first out-of-the-ordinary fan mail !
Ahahahaha I didn’t think it was that bad although my mother was certainly horrified wtf.
Thank you whoever you are for the sentiment, but I think I’ll stick to buying my own hose 🙂
Letter 3:
(ok not letter it was a comment. but it really made me think)
hey babe, i am ur big fan of urs ever since u started to blog. ur blog really inspiring like kennysia started to blog because of u…eventhough i have stopped blogging quite some time. recently…i started to feel like ur blog is less interesting as the way u blog dont match ur age. i mean i dont see transformation of u from a cute & carefree college to a young woman…u still blog like u r 18 or something…i am same age as u, but i dont see stuff u r blogging about interests me anymore. because i feel ur blog nvr grow…so it makes me feel like i am reading some young college chick’s blog but not audreyooi that i always read. maybe u should blogging about more grown-up stuff like career, r/ship (not puppy love), life etc instead of posting some cutesy pics of urs in pink or something else which is way too cute for this age. and i find ur entries also less ‘meaningful’…like just some random stuff happened to u. just my two cents. hope u dont feel offended.
hi michelle!
thank you for your blog comment, it was actually really nice to hear some honest feedback! so much so that I felt like I needed to email you wtf.
you said you’ve been reading me for a long time so i’m sure you remember the post i wrote about new year resolutions. in it i wrote that i don’t really like my blog anymore either and i’ve been considering shutting it down or at least drastically changing its direction.
the funny thing is, my blog used to be my most precious possession. but i agree with you – i think my blog has changed – less interesting, that’s for sure. but while you think that it’s become less interesting because i haven’t changed much as i grew up, it’s actually the opposite. because i’ve grown up, there are more and more things that i can’t blog about.
im in a serious rship now but im afraid to blog about it because i’m afraid of people judging us — if i blog about us a lot and we break up, it’s going to be too difficult to face my readers who will naturally be asking what happened. plus i’ve also received many hate comments saying that we will break up soon and stuff so it’s too hurtful to put my relationship in the spotlight right now.
blogging about work: i’m bound by contract to not ever mention my job, plus i feel more comfortable keeping my blog and work separate so that’s a no go too.
i did grow up. alot until sometimes i feel i don’t recognize myself anymore. i’m still in the process of getting used to who i am now and that reflects in my blog i guess. there’s a whole new serious side to me now that was never there at all before and i’m finding it hard as well to relate to it in reference to me and my blog before. i don’t know if i’m explaining it well.
while i might be more serious and all that now, i still like pink. i still like dressing up and taking pictures (although not as much as before either) and that is the side of me that i feel really safe blogging about now.
so yeah that will be fourfeetnine for a while. at least until i get settled with who i am now and the person i wanna become.
i know i don’t owe you an explanation and you definitely weren’t asking for one. but i was moved enough to reply. thanks for your comment because it made me think and possibly cleared up a lot about what i was feeling about my blog. thank you:)
Hokay sorry men Female Monologues again today.
Let’s take a survey. What do you feel like today?
Fishnet stockings?
Or comfy cotton socks?
I say it again.
Or comfy cotton?
Or both?
Fine fine. Stop looking! Kotex Luxe is a lot more attractive than my picture and its new Fusion Technology clearly makes a lot more sense too.
Kotex Luxe’s new Fusion Technology combines the netting that we always associate with dryness with soft cotton like covers that has always been my personal life saviour!
Cos I tell you lor my skin is nearly as sensitive as my Wombeh’s and one time I bought dry netting type of pads instead of normal cotton cover ones.
And I tell you! After a few hours, pain until I cannot cross my legs WTF.
Cotton covers always work best for me. But sometimes they fail also especially on 1st or 2nd days.
So Kotex Luxe is bringing us the dryness and safety of netted pads combined with the comfort of cotton-like covers! Also comes with longer wings (YESSSSS) and anti leak channels all around the pad.
Packaging cute or not?
Back of the box.
I cute or not? WTF.
Kotex Luxe is available at all Jusco outlets. Oh ya and for a limited time only, you can buy a limited edition Kotex Luxe box now for RM3.90!
Kotex Luxe is also offering a chance to win day and night Melinda Looi dresses worth RM6,000 in total! There are 7 prizes up for grabs so that’s a total of RM42,000 to be won.
(Dresses are designed in pink and black keeping with Kotex Luxe colors!)
Just purchase any Kotex Luxe product, download the entry form here, and answer a simple question about Kotex .
Then complete your entry form and either drop it off at any Jusco redemption counter or mail it to:
Kotex Luxe No Compromise Contest
10th Floor, Tower 2, Brem Tower
Jln SS7/15 (Jln Stadium)
47301, Kelana Jaya
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
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