
Of pink and salons

Because this blog needs some pink goodness:

Look what I got in the mail!

(writing so damn ugly who else could it be T_____T)

Care package from my soulmate T_______T <3333333

Hello Kitty nail dryer, Hello Kitty earrings, Juicy Couture perfume (!), Hello Kitty lipgloss and USB port (can you believe the flower pot is a USB port multiplier!!), a leopard print teddy strap and an Audrey bracelet!

Happy!  Thanks babie slash boo. Yours should arrive soon! 😀

And an extra pink picture of myself!  Spent RM7 on a pink fedora type hat just because it matched perfectly with my pink shirt, pink rose earrings and Jammie’s pink sunglasses!


You know how I’m always fickle and indecisive about what I wanna do with my hair!

Well for once I am extremely happy with it!

I never thought I would be so happy with short hair cos I always look like a boring nerd when I have my hair short but I really really like this cut!

Raymond (my stylist) has really outdone himself!

I like this cut cos if I don’t style it it looks damn proper and see mun but if I curl it looks damn bouncy and cute lor WTF *shameless

At first I thought when this cut grows out Imma get blunt bangs and curl it at my shoulders and look absolutely 70s but I think Imma stick to this cut for a while more! 😀

I’m planning to visit my salon again within the next week or so because it’s going to be Chinese New Year!!!
Cannot not have freshly done hair before CNY!

And I know everyone’s always been asking about what salon I go to and who’s my stylist…so ya go there and take pics of the signboard to show you wtf.

Anyway since Imma stick to this cut I’ll probably just color my hair or something.

Ok big question is. Should I stick to this color? I cannot decide! If i stick to this color I can just touch up roots and save my hair health wtf.

But the color irl is quite orange lor! Not like the pics above ok more like…

This but oranger wtf cos I think I adjusted the color already.

So keep this color or change to brown? Or blonder? Decisions! *tears hair out

Ok no Raymond I’m kidding *sayangs hair wtf


Why I like it longer

Because it’s sexier!!!
(and I look older fml)

Because it’s as tall as me!

Because 1.40 m is not enough.
(1.46 m is better and also equals to four feet nine inches)

Because if not I wouldn’t be able to hug myself!

Because it took me four years (as opposed to the usual 3 year BA from UK or Australia) but what I learned from Mount Holyoke is insurpassable.

Because… why would you not like it lon
The new LG Chocolate is precisely that – its 4 inch wide screen and 21:9 ratio HD LCD makes it so that there’s no need for side-scrolling while 7.2 HSDPA provides speedier internet and makes it easier to check emails and view videos.

The phone is touch screen and its glass surface means that it’s scratch resistant (perfect for klutzes like me)

The new LG Chocolate also has Dual Screen UI which splits the screen into two and shows email subject and contents in one view. Instead of searching the email subject then open a new window to view contents, subjects and contents can be quickly cross checked simultaneously. (sorry for small image stole it off the website)

Oh and you know there’s always a chance to win this phone. Just write a blog entry about “Why I like it longer” which is sorta what I’m doing now except everyone else will probably do a lot better!

Top 3 most creative posts will win an LG Chocolate phone each! Can write about anything but obviously must be relevant to the title. You can go to the Nuffnang blog post for more info.

Oh and remember to attach the below image at the bottom of your post and send your permalink to by 14th of February 2010. (Valentine’s! CNY!)

Hmph this beats Blackberry and Iphone flat!! I’ve been wanting a smartphone for some time and I never really like Iphone while Blackberry is just plain ugleh! *cue for BB evangelists to massacre me

And I’ve always been an LG fan anyway 😀

Time to get longer maybe? From an LG Ice cream to a Chocolate ☺ GEDDIT GEDDIT!

Cos my phone strap on my LG Icecream is a chocolate bar now ma /shy /shy
For more info on LG Chocolate, just click here



Just got back from a very rib-cracking dinner with Jammie, Leroy and Sei Shaun! wtf.

We laughed so much and so loudly until three groups of people moved tables to get away from us WTF.

Like this video wtf.

Aiya don’t think anyone will find this video very funny except us la.  Aih niche humor what to do wtf.  Laugh at it for five years already and it still never gets old wtf.

Think you need to really know Japanese culture T_T and maybe you need to get deadpan humor hahahaha T_T

Ok enough wtf.

I’ve been thinking of getting a car slash boo.

I’ve never had a car in my life.  And it’s no secret I fucking hate driving wtf.

I hate the stress of being behind the wheel when I could be asleep in the passenger seat wtf.

And my parents are paranoidly afraid that something will happen to me on the road so if I cannot get a ride from anyone else (friends, Wombeh, etc) they would rather drive me here and there and drop me off at doorsteps.

But how can like that I just don’t drive my entire life right!  It’s so dangerous these days but that doesn’t make me more susceptible to danger than my mother, or Jam or any other girl.

*visions of being driven around by 70 year old Fat Her

I must assert my independence! (and stop being a burden to others wtf)

So that’s why Imma invest in a car.

I know a lot of people I know are starting to save up for houses and shit but right now I need a car more than a house (since the Parents Ooi haven’t kicked me out of theirs yet wtf)

If I really wanted I could take one of my parents’ cars but that would leave my mother with no transport and I guess I would learn more responsibility with a car that was my own.

But all this is gonna take time of course.  I’m still struggling with good ol Mount Holyoke payments so it will definitely be after my next review (and hopefully pay increase) before I seriously think about taking on another loan 🙁

Not to mention all the gas and parking and car repairs that come along with it…

And so many ??????? !

What car make?

New or secondhand?

[btw just thought of this joke. What’s a used radio called? Secondhand Serenade WTF WTF HAHAHA. eh laugh la]

What color? Ok not going to pretend I already know it’s going to be pink.

I had some fun looking at cars online with Wombeh.  The cheaper the better.

And I am so convinced that I want to get an antique Beetle and spray it pink and do it up myself!!!

This one here costs something like RM13,000. (pic stolen from

If I do it up and install an auto transmission, put in an aircon wtf and power steering would that be more than a new Myvi or a 2nd hand Honda City?

It will be my pet project! I will be one of those cool people who can repair cars at a moment’s notice wtf.

But Wombeh and my parents are vehemently against it saying that I’ll spend shitloads of money later trying to maintain it and it’ll be impossible to find spare parts for it too 🙁

So then it goes back to…new or secondhand again? wtf

Anyway I still have a lot of time to think.  This is just the first stage of contemplation!

Any ideas?  Smaller cars preferable.  And the cheaper the better (max 50k?) And if you know anyone who wants to sell off their cars give me their emails! Kthxbai wtf.

(just realized there’s no AudCategory for cars. or gadgets. or anythning like this)



I got this off my friend’s Facebook Notes and I’m stealing it and putting it here!  Thanks Anna although we basically never talk wtf.

The BBC believes most people will have read only 6 of the 100 books here. How do your reading habits stack up?

Instructions: Look at the list and put an ‘x’ after those you have read. Tag other book nerds.

1 Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen X
2 The Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien – I think I read one page out of the prologue..
3 Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
4 Harry Potter series – JK Rowling X
5 To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee X
6 The Bible – I will some day…together with the Quran
7 Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
8 Nineteen Eighty Four – George Orwell
9 His Dark Materials – Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations – Charles Dickens X
11 Little Women – Louisa M Alcott X
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 – Joseph Heller – midway before I gave it up too.  It was Ooib’s copy
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare – crazy ah?!?!
15 Rebecca – Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien
17 Birdsong – Sebastian Faulk
18 Catcher in the Rye – JD Salinger
19 The Time Traveler’s Wife – Audrey Niffenegger X
20 Middlemarch – George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell X
22 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House – Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams
27 Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy – I know Angela read this wtf
32 David Copperfield – Charles Dickens X
33 Chronicles of Narnia – CS Lewis
34 Emma – Jane Austen
35 Persuasion – Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini X
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin – Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden X
40 Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne – I never thought about Winnie the Pooh having a book!
41 Animal Farm – George Orwell X
42 The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown – maybe ten pages before giving up
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
44 A Prayer for Owen Meaney – John Irving
45 The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables – LM Montgomery X
47 Far From The Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy
48 The Handmaid’s Tale – Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies – William Golding
50 Atonement – Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi – Yann Martel X
52 Dune – Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility – Jane Austen X
55 A Suitable Boy – Vikram Seth
56 The Shadow of the Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities – Charles Dickens X
58 Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night – Mark Haddon X
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera – Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
62 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov X
63 The Secret History – Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones – Alice Sebold X
65 Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road – Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary – Helen Fielding X
69 Midnight’s Children – Salman Rushdie
70 Moby Dick – Herman Melville
71 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
72 Dracula – Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson Burnett X
74 Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
75 Ulysses – James Joyce
76 The Inferno – Dante
77 Swallows and Amazons – Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal – Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession – AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens – I watched the Disney cartoon wtf
82 Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell
83 The Color Purple – Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day – Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert X – got it off Fat Her’s shelf.  Found it damn hard to read but struggled to the end because I’d heard it was about sordid marital affairs wtf
86 A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte’s Web – EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven – Mitch Albom  X
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle –
90 The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton X – yes this is my favorite magic Enid Blyton series!!!
91 Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery X (boring as shit. wtf? unless I read some pirated version)
93 The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
94 Watership Down – Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice – Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers – Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet – William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl X
100 Les Miserables – Victor Hugo

Ok more than 6.  But aih what’s the use when Great Expectations, David Copperfield and The Tale of Two Cities were all abridged versions WTF.

And most of the other books (except for maybe Kite Runner and Time Traveler’s Wife) were all read growing up!  Means I’m really dumbing down now fts.

I will read all the books in the list before I’m 30.  Which will mean by then I will be cultured and possess the right to look down on anyone WTF.  Or at least attempt to read so I know why I refuse to finish them.

(thank you god for not putting Twilight on this list)

Ok since this reminded me of a meme (or is it?) Imma do another one now!

1. Who was your FIRST prom date?
My first boyfriend.  But we broke up a week before prom or something but still had to go together cos we already bought the tickets FML.

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

3. What was your FIRST job?
Working in the Luxury Reservations department or something at Amex as a temp.  I had to swipe in every morning, key in a code to unlock my phone and relock it at lunch, swipe out at lunch and after work.  If more than 1 minute late, FYL your pay gets chopped.  Made me never ever wanna work at a bank or finance company.

4. What was your FIRST car?
I never had one *sad

5. Who was the FIRST person to text you today?
Aza because I called her and she didn’t pick up.

6. Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?
I don’t remember!

7. Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Puan Juliana hahaha is my memory good or what!

8. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
I don’t know.  To Penang/KL or something wtf.

9. Who was your FIRST kiss?
First boyfriend.  Totally cheated out of it.

10. Where was your FIRST sleepover?
At Hsin’s!  We were so excited we came over with all our nail polish and Smash Hits and all our homemade video tapes of Backstreet Boys and 911.  And then we fell asleep with my leg over Hsin’s neck HAHAHAHAH.

11. Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?

12. Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?
My auntie’s!  I was a flower girl and about four.

13. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Sat up in bed then fell backwards on to the bed and back to sleep again.

14. What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
911!  My hero ok.  Hsin and I managed to convince her mom to take us to the concert but then there was a stampede and her mother lost her shoe so we skulked outside the hall and sulked hahahahaa haih.  But I think we managed to get through in the end to watch it though!

15. FIRST tattoo?

16. First piercing?
My ears.  I was 16 because Fat Her wouldn’t let me pierce my ears before even though I cried and begged him.  But then I finally got to pierce because my brother pierced his WTF THE INJUSTICE.

17. First foreign country you’ve been to?
Um probably Singapore.

18. FIRST movie you remember seeing in the theater?
Power Rangers?

19. When was your FIRST detention?
Not applicable wtf.

20. What was the first state you lived in?
Selangor WTF.

21. Who was your FIRST roommate?
Beth Hankes!  She liked being cold so she’d sit by the open window in winter while thankfully my desk was next to the heater wtf.  We both procrastinated our homework 7 hours a day so we were a terrible influence on each other.

22. If you had one wish, what would it be?
To fly!  (not in a plane)  To have a chair that will fly me anywhere I want to go.  (like the Enid Blyton one!)

23. What is something you would learn if you had the chance?
I would learn how to ballroom dance.  Properly!  I never paid much attention in ballroom dance classes cos you can pass just by attending 🙁  Only remember the waltz, tango and chacha and I suck at all of them anyway.


I forget how much I like doing memes 😀

AudCamwhore AudEveryday AudSocialButterfly AudSuay

Patience is a virtue

Ok la since I’m trying to blog like .. whatever I’m thinking about I’ll write about.

So let me talk about this girl I know.

She was from my high school and I think she was from my primary school as well.

She was really really tall for a girl (when I say really, I mean fucking) and was in one of the Arts classes and I’d always see her walking around school by herself.

Sometimes I’d feel sorry for her cos I thought maybe the cooler than thou Arts students wouldn’t talk to her because she was awkward and uncool.  So I’d try to strike up conversations with her.  But she’d always act unfriendly, like answer one word and scowl at me wtf so I’d always be a bit offended and think aiya that’s why she has no friends wtf and walk away.

But recently she’s been SMSing me and messaging me on Facebook!

And ok honestly this is what I think:

1. She has no social skills whatsoever

2. She has no social experience whatsoever

3. She’s either still studying or just finished her diploma which makes her a little slower than everyone in our year who have all either graduated and working for some years now or doing / finished grad school or something.

3. She is trying very hard to project that she’s on par or better than all of us, whether it comes to having money, or career aspirations or relationships wtf.

I feel really bad for her cos I can sense her trying so hard!  In other words, she’s trying very hard to act happening which is something all of us grew out of years ago.

Like one Sunday at 1145pm she messaged me: “Hey Audrey… just got back from happy hour or still on?”

I think I took about 5 minutes to realize that maybe she assumed I was out drinking at happy hour WTF because she thinks that’s what “cool” people do?

I regret to say that she’s also one of the most exasperating people I’ve ever spoken to T_______T

I don’t know if that’s just how she is, or she just has no experience talking to people or what but she’s damn frustrating to talk to!

Ok her full message to me was:

“hey audrey..juz got bck frm happy hour or stil on? headin 4 hong kong tis 20th january…hehe btw wil d weather b cold as gentin highlands or cameron by then?enable 2 shop 4 autumn n summers clothes 2?wil u b there?hope 2 hear frm u soon. Tq. hugs”

ok fuck now I feel even worse about being annoyed by her after typing out her message FML.

I explain why.  While all the questions she’s asked me are easily google-able, fine I understand that maybe she might not have so many people to ask (or she’s not superbly internet literate) so she comes to me for answers.

But I was annoyed cos she’s been asking me about Hong Kong for months now now.  That’s not the problem.

The problem is if I don’t reply her messages fast enough she gets pissed at me WTF!!!!!!!

If I don’t answer within like 1 minute or something on Facebook or SMS (BECAUSE MOST OF THE TIME IM AT WORK DUH), she’ll send me pissy messages like “never mind” or “forget it. thanks for your help anyway”

WTF!!! DAMN TULAN LOR! People taking time out to answer your mundane questions already some more she say so sarcastically thanks for my help!!!

Do one time neh mind!  Maybe she’s rushing trying to book her hotel or flights or whatever.

But multiple times ok! Some more most of the time it’s during office hours you think I’m so free waiting for Facebook to beep so I can reply you 4.5966 seconds after you ask isit!

If everyone was like that the Malaysian workforce would be damn efficient already lor.

You know what her questions are like or not!

I give you multiple scenarios.

Ok it starts like this.

“have u been to hong kong b4?”
“yup! you’re going too?”
“yea thinking of it. how many times u went to hong kong b4?”
“er about 3 times I think..”
“for work or holiday?”
“haha just for holidays”
“where should i stay?”
“um it depends on your budget I guess”
“money is not an issue. im going with family ma. so where?”
“er if money is not an issue then stay at the westin la” (getting annoyed. don’t even know if there is a Westin in HK)
“how big is HK island?”
“huh? you mean geographically? i’m not sure but i think you can google it…”
“you think I can finish exploring the whole island in 3 days?”
(didn’t reply her for 3 minutes cos I didn’t know how to answer her)
“forget it. thx for ur time anyway” (and don’t reply me already)

And then maybe 10 minutes later she messaged me to ask about Singapore WTF.

Same format of questions — how often have I been to Singapore, for work or for holiday, how many hours is it by car, how many hours is it by plane WTF. Then when I took too long to answer her again, she said “never mind. i already got it without ur reply. thx anyway”


She also messaged me another day and said “hey. should i work or take a phd?”

I think I’m her Magic 8 Ball.

(btw she asked that when I wasn’t in. When I came back I read that message and there were subsequent ones again telling me not to bother answering -_____-)

Hsin says she thinks I’m being too nice that’s why I have to put up with all this.

And it’s true la everytime I talk to her my blood pressure spikes.

Super combo ok irritation + guilt for being irritated + feeling sorry for her.  Aih god just strike me down la wtf.

And she never asks me anything about me!  Everything she says is about stuff for herself and oh once she asked me for someone else’s phone number wtf.

But what if I’m the only one replying her at all!  What if I’m her only way to develop any form of social interaction skills at all so I cannot blame her for trying?  I feel damn guilty and sorry for her but at the same time I can’t stand her rude messages and I don’t think she’ll see that she’s being rude or sarcastic.

And also I don’t know if I should even be feeling sorry for her.  Cos I felt sorry for her in high school and she snubbed me anyway wtf.  Maybe she doesn’t need my pity and would be offended.

But haih maybe I shouldn’t be whining cos I’m still talking to her willingly -_- I know I will  still continue to answer her messages because I don’t have the heart not to and consequently develop high blood pressure fml. The End wtf.

Ok pictures to calm myself down *fans

Mild came to visit!!!

She has this super cool iphone app that takes multiple shots in a row 😀

Oh how I have missed camwhoring with her and Angela!  Of all my friends they’re the most pro at taking pictures!

We used to take pictures together and change poses in split seconds and take 40-5o pictures at a time WTF.

But I’m rusty now and Mild was shocked that I’ve lost the ability to come up with new poses now 🙁

Then we dragged Tim in!  See the 3rd picture he’s asking sorry what’s happening? hahahahahaha

Oh and a picture of me with a shitload of makeup /shy /shy

With Jammie!  And Latat! (behind the camera)  Our favorite activity in the world 🙂

And Wombeh!  We’re in shades of white do we look like we’re angels WTF.

If I was an angel I would be Michelangelo because he painted the Sist

Ok just Wikied it and apparently the archangel’s name is Michael not Michelangelo WTF *general knowledge fail

Went to the Digi treasure hunt and saw my Redmummy!  I look good in every picture I take with her!

Think it’s her blurry BB camera fml.

With Tzia and Adele and Shin Yee and Shin Yee’s boyfriend forgot his name sorry T.T Damn cute right they all! Ah to be young and pretty again wtf.

I like stores that sell random cute things!

(Fine, took this picture cos my shoes were super high and made my legs look longer than normal so must commemorate)

Bought all this at the store told you I like random crap stores! L-R: velcro type of hair band, eyelid tape just to try cos it was RM2 and face masques (sic) for Wombeh and me!  Black/white for him, pink for me.

Digression: never used eyelid tape before!  Obviously because I already have double eyelids wtf.  But one of them is thinner than the other and sometimes when I wake up the crease is weird so I bought some to try.  Angela told me if you put them on long enough your eyes will follow the crease you make so here’s hoping for symmetrical eyelids wtf.

Masked Crusaders!

I forced Tim to try with me much to his immense reluctance.

Thought my mask worked quite well!

But apparently not Tim’s.  Hours after he took off the mask he shook me awake in the middle of the night and said there was something wrong with his face and when I stumbled to the bathroom to see in the light his face was bright red FHL T_______________T

And he walked around with hives on his face for the next 2 days sorry Wombeh I will never force you to put on a mask again T.T



Argh ok Imma blog about our trip to Hakone now before I get too lazy and forget / don’t feel like blogging about it anymore but actually I’m too lazy to blog about it now also wtf.

Neh mind!  Trip in pictures like what I always do when I’m lazy (ya so now you know wtf)


that was going to take us to Hakone!  The line we took was the Shin Osaka one.

Tour guide extraordinaire!  Very heavy responsibility ok to make sure everyone gets to destination safe.

My bento bought at the eki (station) and consumed on the train.  I love Japanese style prepared beef 😀

I was trying to take a picture to show how fast the train was moving.  Damn fast okay we got to Hakone from Tokyo Station in  like 30 minutes.

But Hakone is a big place and we were actually headed to this little village called Gora so we had to keep transferring trains to get there.  The scenery got more and more rural the further we went and the trains also got older and older wtf.

After some trekking around we found our hotel!

This is us at the entrance.

There was a little river / ditch thing at the side.  Where got drain so nice wan!

I think it’s for cleansing purposes I learned before but forgot f my teacher’s life T_T

Cats outside our hotel! Hahhahahah damn fucking cute they were lying on top of each other on top of a steam vent for warmth!  I went so close to them also didn’t move must be in some post-lunch stupor wtf.

Random obachan’s garden outside her shop.

Ok this is the lobby of the hotel.

It’s a traditional type of hotel so it had lots of Japanese style landscaping around the buildings.

The corridor to our room.

Every room has a name.  That’s my name in Chinese!  Maple!!

Unfortunately that’s not our room wtf.

Sneak peek into our room.  This is the sitting area and at night if there are not enough beds they just clear away the table and chairs and put down futons.

Our bedroom!


There was this bamboo contraption on the patio that we decided must be for balancing game purposes.

Dunno true or not but it entertained us for quite long!  We competed to see who could balance on it the longest and I WON!!! 11 SECONDS MAMA!!  Out of 4 people ok Tim’s brother and sister also not just Tim where got fun if beat only 1 person wtf.

Wombeh in hotel yukata!  Complete with padded jacket, split toe socks and zori (slippers)

And me!  Women’s yukata is purple men’s is duck shit green.

We were supposed to put on yukata around the hotel and when we go to the onsen (hot spring bath)

My 2nd time to onsen!

First time was in Kanazawa with all the other AKP students and I steadfastly refused to step foot into the onsen.

But my friends forced me to go because they said I could not come to Japan and not go to onsen so I had to drink alot of alcohol first before I could make myself go fml.

Looking back it might not have been such a good idea to get drunk before going in wtf.

The shower area!  You’re supposed to shower clean clean first before stepping in to the onsen so you don’t leave bodily crap around for other people to soak in.

The onsen!  This is a private one which you can book for yourself.

I went private because I don’t think Tim’s mother and I are that close that I wanna see her (or vice versa) how she was the day she was born wtf.

edit: oh forgot to say that the onsen was actually outdoors wtf!!

You can imagine how cold it was!! Temperature outside was hovering around 0 C and I had to strip inside a little hut first before going outside to the shower and onsen!

Confession: I actually jumped into the onsen first to warm up cos it was so cold!! Then after I was warmed up only I got out to shower f the hotel guests’ lives.

And because it was outdoors it was surrounded by trees and once there was this rumbling noise and I looked up to see a train passing above us WTF.

Then hotel provided dinner which was traditional Japanese course meal!  But I usually don’t like banquet style food aih just give me udon anytime.

And then the next morning we all woke up damn early to go back to Tokyo wtf.

Cos it was the last day before we left and we all desperately wanted to shopping *uncultivated

(when we reached Tokyo I straight away took the JR to Harajuku)

This is Gora!  Taken in front of  the train station.

Then it started snowing!  But no pictures because I hate snow and ran inside quickly.

Back to Tokyo!

Wombeh!  This was off the side of the station I dunno why.  Either wombat or warthog I think.

And then babai Hakone! (and Japan)

p/s: shit forgot haven’t blogged about Tokyo Disney yet.



Because of my recurring UTI, the doctor made me come back today to take a pee test for them to send to the lab to see if the bacteria is totally gone.

And I hate peeing in a cup lor!


Most of the time I miss it totally.  How I know how to angle the cup!  So for sure it will all slosh over my hand.

And secondly even if I get the angle and position of the cup right, I dunno if I have a big bladder or the cup is too small or what but I always ALWAYS fill the cup in like 2 seconds and then for the next ten the rest of the pee will be sloshing over my hand again FML.

Does this happen to anyone else!

Guys have it good cos they have aiming equipment.

What’s more, today I discovered that when you collect pee, you’re supposed to collect only the “middle” pee ?!?!

They don’t want the pee when you first start, and they don’t want the pee when you’re finishing.

Very pressure lor!

How to know when the beginning ends and when the last part begins!

Obviously with this kind of restriction, more pee sloshed on my hand before and after.

And because I underestimated, I only collected like 5mm of pee fml.

And then when I finished, I saw…


Anyway pee sent to lab and just waiting for results now.  Can we all hold hands and pray that I am bacteria free wtf.

AudEmo AudRubbish

2010 resolutions (not really 2010 just the year)

Happy New Year everyone!

I was going to do my New Year’s resolutions (not that I keep any of them anyway but at least it’s a step in the right direction wtf).

I usually don’t like new years! Every year seems to be zipping by faster and faster and I always feel immensely underachieved (is that a word wtf) mianly because I don’t keep my resolutions wtf or didn’t do the things I wanted to do.

2009 was…. not bad but not fantastic either.

Ok fantastic because I got to go to so many places!

Manila, Melbourne, Phuket (twice!), Tokyo + Hakone…

Can’t remember if I missed anything out… oh Singapore doesn’t count cos it’s practically Malaysia wtf. [aih Singaporeans don’t get insulted! I’m not trying to say Singapore is part of Malaysia wtf but that it’s too close to count as visiting a foreign country]

But I dunno.  2009 was just different.

In 2009, I lost my spontaneity.  I don’t think all of it, but some.  My whole life has been based on “think when I get there”and it’s served me well (if not wisely) for the past 23 years.  I hate making reservations and I don’t even like calling someone beforehand to tell them where we’re going or what we’re going to do WTF.  I always think no point, just tell them when we get there.

Maybe not so much when it comes to schoolwork but even so, I do all my work last minute and I don’t plan more than two days ahead.  For the past 4 years I’ve bought organizers but they always end the year fresh and unscribbled in.

I don’t even like wearing seatbelts because they’re too restrictive (not just physically but because that would mean I was thinking of the consequences ahead) -_- I always think I’m invincible and even if something happens, nothing can be that bad.

And that’s how I work.  Every time I lose something, forget an important task, I think of the worst scenario that could happen and somehow it always seems bearable to me.

And so I go through life not worrying.  If I lose my credit card, I can just cancel it.  If I lose my whole wallet and maybe there’s an irreplaceable love note in it, it’s okay because it was an old note anyway.  If I forget to do my assignment, there’s always lunch time and the whole night before to work.  I was smart enough and had a quick enough memory to get through these things.

But that’s not possible all the time in the working world.  If you forget to do something, So in 2009, I learned how to worry.

And I don’t like that!  Worrying is not Audrey T___T So

#1 resolution of the year, I resolve to be more spontaneous!


I’ve always been very careful about people’s feelings — things like I don’t want them to feel excluded or ganged up on or insulted – unless they know it’s a joke and my jokes with people close to me can be really bad sometimes.

But I also have a very frustrating impulse to say things on the spot without thinking.  Sometimes I don’t think and I say it, but other times I consider it briefly but still say it because it sounds funny to myself wtf.

So the other day Suet sent me a blog which belongs to a girl who I thought was very pretty and articulate.  But then I watched a video she made and didn’t like it because she reminded me of Dawn Yang there wtf.

And my knee jerk reaction was to tweet about it (shit is this being spontaneous then I ma die T___T)

And then the girl happened to see it T_______T And I felt fucking terrible because how would I like it if someone tweeted about me like that.


#2 I will think twice before I say something hurtful or mean again (ah who cares if it clashes with spontaneity this one more important)

#3 I will be more careful.  Because in the past 5 minutes I just realized I can’t find my phone fuck this shit.

#4 I will seriously reconsider blogging.

Ok this is not so much a resolution but more of an inevitability.  [wah it is a real word! i just typed it hoping it would be and it is!]

People have probably noticed cos I know I have.  My blog fucking sucks now wtf.

Like I’ve said many times before, there are so many things I would like to say about people I meet or things that happen but due to privacy and professional issues I can’t.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have time.  I used to think that I’m not as dumb as I was before and dumb things stopped happening to me because I’ve grown up and started working.  But I think that’s not the case.  Before if anything stupid or funny happened, I’d quickly just log on to wordpress and type a random funny entry.  But right now when something funny or worthwhile sharing happens, I’m at work most of the time so I can’t do that.  And when I’m at home sometimes I feel like just watching a DVD or plucking my armpit hair or something rather than look at my blog.

So maybe blogging has served its purpose for me?  It was a great outlet for me for more than five years to whine about crazy dorm neighbors and moron classmates but right now I don’t feel the need to say so much anymore.

On the other hand,  it’s become automatic for me.  I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t blog!

A very good reason for me to not stop blogging (besides the money because you can never have enough money wtf) is that in the last (almost) 6 years I’ve built a legacy out of my blog — ok la legacy is stretching it by a lot wtf.  But I’ve built something tangible which without I wouldn’t have met some of my best friends, wouldn’t have reached out and touched a lot of people and have them touch my life in return.  I would have missed out on a lot of financial, tourist(ial?) and material opportunities too.

I used to spend hours rereading my archives (ok so maybe it was also because I didn’t wanna study wtf) but I don’t for the newer entries cos they’re not worth it wtf.

So maybe now it’s time to think if I wanna keep on writing.  Or at least rethink my blog direction.

Ok Bai!

P/S: Found my phone! It was in Latat’s car savior!!!!

AudCamwhore AudSuay

Meri Kurisumasu few days late

Thank you everyone for all your wishes 🙂

My uncle’s wake was today.

My mother went home to help out but me and Fat Her are stuck here cos of work.  So I guess we’ll have to wait for the weekend before we can go back.

But thank you again everyone 🙂  Imma show the comments to my auntie and cousin cos I think they’d really appreciate it too.

A bit late and maybe too festive but Merry Christmas everybody 🙂

Ours was a very relaxing Christmas weekend very nice change from all the traveling we’ve been doing lately!

Random pictures from our Christmas weekend!

When I say relaxing I mean relaxing wtf.

Green tea and a new book:)  My taste in subjects always seem to evolve =.=

Right now it moved from East Asia to Afghanistan wtf.  But this book is about the plight of Afghan women so it’s not too far away from my usual interests (ie suffering and feminism wtf)

Speaking of green, hello KY’s Heineken Christmas party!  Sponsored by Heineken so got all kinds of green foamy fun shit.  For the full er battalion of pictures go here.

Instead of going out and spending a gazillion bucks on Christmas dinner, we went to Cold Storage and made dinner!

I made carbonara!  The only thing I know how to make! wtf.  My family doesn’t really celebrate Christmas so it doesn’t matter if the food was unorthodox 😀

P/S: This is the same carbonara recipe that gave me chronic food poisoning and shaved off about 5 kg from Tim’s weight *serious

Very scary if I fucked up the recipe again cos besides my parents, the carbonara fed Jam and Latat too who came with amazing mashed potatoes (I pushed my pasta aside and gobbled all their potato instead wtf) and wine *gronwup

But all was safe!  With beautiful Jammie …and Latat WTF.

Wore tshirt and shorts for Christmas dinner which totally ruined the whole festive atmosphere (see how nice Jam and mother looked) so I decided to make up for it next day with white fluffy earrings and a red dress!

Dimsum with Tim’s uncle and family!

Was going to do my new year’s resolutions here …but I’m down with UTI and diarrhea again fuck this shit.

Doctor thinks it could be some mutant strain of bacteria that doesn’t totally go down even with antibiotics so Imma need to go for another checkup next week haih and diarrhea apparently can cause or aggravate UTI so life sucks wtf.




This was going to be my Meri Kurisumasu post.  But something else happened.

What do you say when a relative passes away?  FML has become too dangerously ingrained in us cos when I was typing this out, my first instinct was to add FML.  But that’s wrong cos it’s not my life.  And FHL is worse.

Ok sorry I’m terrible at this.  If only everything could be turned back to normal with a joke.

RIP and goodbye Uncle Papa.