AudSocialButterfly AudTourist Audvertorial

HK Disneyland 2

Sorry I  haven’t been answering comments! *guilt

I’ve been busy trying to catch up with ordinary life.  Cos lately so many things to do!  Go Phuket, go HK Disneyland, going to Penang tomorrow for my cousin’s wedding… oh and guess what!  The other day I took an exam called the Google Advertising Professional exam which is to certify your proficiency in Google and search engine marketing and I passed!!!!  Sorry maybe no big deal to you but I thought I was going to fail so I’m very happy!  Can put on my resume that I am a Google (Fundamentals) Expert!

Here come another batch of photos to blind you!  Actually I’m quite sad cos I went through my photos and realized that I don’t really have a lot of photos that show you how beautiful and magical Disneyland really was 🙁

All I have are a lot of pictures of myself & Ringo / myself & Redmummy / myself & Wendy / lovey dovey pictures with Tim.

Ah who cares!  We all had  a lot of fun ok!  All the better cos all of us were obsessed with self shots and being pretty -_-.  Estee was maybe the only one who carried  herself very maturedly and elegantly  as Wendy said *shifty eyes

But actually seriously life sucks lor.  The morning we were supposed to leave for HK, I woke up with a cough.  Which turned into full blown flu the next day.

But whatever don’t care!  Tim was worried and said if I don’t feel well I can just stay in the room but it’s not everyday I come to Disneyland!

I couldn’t miss the citizens of Disney coming to greet us during breakfast!

Our breakfast place was called Enchanted Forest <3 Here’s me and Wombeh carousing among the flowers.

We all decided to be a Disney character for the day!  I already had the Minnie ears headband so I wanted to try something different (and cheaper)

Ringo was Minnie this time!  Our ears this time were all clipped on to our hair instead of a headband and Ringo’s Minnie ears were so cute and small!  Hahaha I think she looks more like a sunbear than Minnie!

Wendy is Pooh Bear!  Hahahaha hers actually fit her the best cos she was in yellow!  Exact same shade of yellow too plus her hair is blond = yellow too.

Wendy helping me fix on my ears…

Because I’m Stitch!  I was choosing between Stitch and Marie from Aristocats but Marie seemed too cute and sweet.

Ming said Stitch totally matches me!  Maybe because weird and noisy 🙁

Animal pose.  Well 2 animals and 1 alien.

I’m pretending to be Stitch the whole day!  Wendy’s Pooh ears match her hair so nicely!  maybe I should dye my hair blue -_-.

*nom noms Ringo

Still being Stitch.  Hahaha see what I mean about Ringo looking like a little bear!

*tries to nom nom my wombeh

Iz me!!!!

We saw this vehicle trundling down Main Street and I ran up to take a photo with it!  I’m actually hopping beside it as it moves along.

Right after I took this picture I got scolded by the driver to get out of the way 🙁

Tomorrowland!  Wombeh’s favorite land.

Mirror!  My favorite item.  Cannot resist taking photos even in bathroom!  Redmummy damn clever at posing look at her hahahaha.  That’s Wendy’s super bling priceless camera.

Redmummy didn’t get ears! 🙁  She got a Minnie headband the day before but dunno why she forgot to bring it out!!!

Stitch is my favorite character EVER.  Even King Julien from Madagascar cannot beat him.  He’s just so quirky and cute <3  This is a Dancing Stitch.  I was trying to give him a kiss but he wouldn’t stop moving SIGH

HAHAHA Ming is a female Stitch!  Suits his shirt too!  I guess being Stitch makes him a bit less scary…

God why are we so cute.

While waiting in line for Space Mountain!

Estee got something so much better than ears.  Marie paws!  They are the softest and warmest thing ever and damn cute to boot.  Not to mention useful.

We’re trying to be Maneki Neko!  (the cat that sits at the front of the store to welcome you)

Wombeh: “nyehehehe I have an evil plan..”

With Ming and Estee!

Awwwwwwww look at Stitch!  Getting choked by me.  Haha I think we were camwhoring and Tim took a photo from the side.

Watching the Philharmagic show which is a 3D orchestra show by Mickey but of course Donald ruins the whole thing as usual.  One of my favorite things to do in Disneyland!

This was a Buzz Lightyear ride.  Dunno what I was doing.

In Adventureland, they had these artists dressed as janitors who would carry around brooms and dustpans filled with water.  They used the brooms and water to make drawings on the ground.  Damn nice right!



Me with Lilo’s doll.

On the raft.. apparently I think I’m on the train and I’m pulling the whistle choo choo. Hahaha Ringo behind damn cute!

Our raft.  To Tarzan’s Treehouse!

That’s Tarzan HAHAHA.

Outside Sleeping Beauty’s castle?  Thank you to my reader who corrected me!  I thought it was Cinderella 😀

Haha candid shot.

Group photo!  Pooh Bear and her balloon hahahaha which for some unknown reason kept whacking strangers in the head.  And Ming hahahahaha.

Like Rin said, we die die must take full body shots to prove we were that hero.  Damn cold ok that day do you see that snowman person behind in the pink ski jacket and beanie!

We met Pooh!  (the real one Wendy is pirated HAHA <3)

I love Pooh too!

He tried to make Ringo swing a tennis racket or something.

And he kissed Redmummy!!! *jealous

I tell Reddaddy Pooh!

Then at night we were damn gung ho and went out at 8pm after dinner to find Suet!  Damn hard to find her in Lui Yan Kai in Mongkok cos it was so crowded and the roads were so complicated!



Breast on forehead

But before I go into that, I have a very crucial picture to show you.

When we were in Hong Kong, I was in Rin and Redmummy’s room and we saw this fucking stupid ad on tv!

It was an ad for some breast enlarging technology or something and it was fucking ridiculous!

They showed this mother who was worried about her daughter because the daughter had a flat chest and nobody was interested in her WTF.

Then the mother found the cream and made her daughter use it and the daughter grew a pair wtf and she got a date and the mother was relieved WTF.

Then got another story!  This housewife cooked eggs for her husband (which looked quite unappetizing anyway) and brought it to the table and asked him to eat.

But he ignored her and went on reading his newspaper (ungrateful man) so she went and used the breast cream and got amazing bouncing cleavage and suddenly the husband came from behind and hugged her while she gleefully talked about her successful marriage WTF.

HAHAHAHAHAH HOW CAN RIGHT!!! One small step forward for technology, one giant step back for feminism wtf.

AudTourist Audvertorial

HK Disneyland Day 1!

(shit just uploaded everything on Flickr and realized I have 60 files.  From Day 1.)


Ok HK Disneyland!

It was very very fun! It was a very great group of people that went and all the better that we were all so excited to be there and that we all had similar interests!

(girls = cheap shopping + self pictures, guys = scenery pictures and er dessert eating)

(very useful cos you add the girls photos with the guys, and you get a complete set of pictures that totally described our trip!)

The weather was a bit cold for Hong Kong cos I was only hoping to wear like a light jacket or something.  But Tim and Ming and everyone else seemed to love the weather.  And Ringo and I die die wanted to wear shorts and boots out anyway so don’t care just wear only.


This is the hotel from inside!

And this is the outside.

I think Hotel Disneyland might be my favoritest hotel ever.

Checked into our rooms., met up with the Singaporean side.

Took lotsa photos of Disney themed stuff around the hotel!

Our flight was at 6am that morning so we had some time to go back to our rooms to nap, freshen up whatever.

I spent it curled up in bed…

watching Aladdin.

Got up and got dressed.


Hi-tea! (and Wendy)

Sumptuous spread!

With Redmummy <3

Group photo!

We also got pairs of amazing holograph glasses!  Depending on the pair, when you wore them and looked at lights, you either got heart shapes, snowmen or snowflakes!  This photo was taken with the glasses in front of my camera.

Waiting for the bus which would take us to Disneyland!

HAHAHAHA Redmummy’s pose damn kungfu HAHAHAHAHAH she’s damn cute!

Hello Walt!

We tried to take cute photos walking in front but I guess even Tim’s Lumix LX3 can’t save this 🙁

Passes for 2 days in Disneyland!  All the girls were clamoring for Minnie or Daisy tickets but FML I got Donald and Goofy 🙁  Ok actually Donald is my favorite character but Minnie or Daisy would be nice cos the tickets would be pink(ish)!

Graduates going to take photos in Disneyland how I wish I could have done that too *wistful

Blue glowstick!

And Ringo!

And camwhore fail!

Ringo and Wendy again.  Redmummy was always MIA!  She’s like super crazy shopaholic number 1 every time she disappeared she would be at a shop or a counter paying for stuff.

I love Disneyland cos they let us take all manner of photos ANYWHERE.  Even can pose with their merchandise!

Ringo told me to take a random thing to wear to take photos with it and she picked this damn cute pink female Stitch (think her name is Angel?)  And I picked a Minnie hat that looks like Sherlock Holmes -___-

But this was a cute hat-scarf thing!  Damn soft and warm and I was super in love with it but it was expensive and I didn’t know if I wanted to be wearing Minnie around on my scarf the entire time 🙁

When it got dark, they lit up Cinderella’s castle which was breathtaking 🙂


What’s Disney and Christmas without Xmas trees?  If you wore the glasses and looked at the tree you’d see it filled up with little hearts 🙂

I should be the one leeching on him!

Teacup ride which I hate.  I tried holding on to the steering wheel to stop the teacup from spinning but it was too strong for me boohoo.

For some weird reason I didn’t even get seasick one bit on the Phuket cruise and here I was feeling dizzy from a teacup ride -___-

It’s Ming’s favorite ride though hahaha he wanted to ride it again.

This is my favorite ride!

It’s A Small World!

It’s a boat ride that takes you through the entire world!  Little dolls dressed to suit each country with matching backgrounds and scenery!  Maybe cos I like looking at museum exhibits that’s why.

But so pretty ok I took like 30 photos on this ride alone.  These are some of them!

Hawaii!  (with Stitch hahaha)

France!  See the Marie Antoinette wigs on the dolls?  If you look closely you see they have little beauty marks on their cheeks too.

Eiffel Tower! (still France)

Ireland!  Hahahaha this was damn cute!  Filled with shamrocks and leprechauns and a huge Guinness harp!

Africa was too colorful!

Not sure about this.  Some South American country?

Korea!  Bo go ship da.

And I’m not sure what this was but it was a really beautiful section filled with snowflakes and shades of white, beige, pink and lavender!  Dolls from all over the world were all collected here — ohh ok I guess this could be a special Christmas section *stupid

I have so many photos from just Day 1 that I still wanna put up!  Maybe I’ll do a Day 1 part 2.

But for now sleep T_T We got home at like 230 last night and I’m dying.

More tomorrow!


Okaeri from Phuket

Okaeri! I iz back from Phuket.

With a fully recovered pepet to boot!

Got back home at 2am last night and had to go to work today!

Cruise was okay…. but a lot of people including Jam got seasick 🙁

What I didn’t like though was the knowledge that everything is on just this one ship and we were stuck in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.  Felt so scary!  The concept of being alone in a huge open space.

What was also scary was the tiny cabins!  I don’t take up a lot of space but for some reason I don’t like cramped spaces!  Like I can’t even go through the SMART tunnel without wanting to scream, open the door of the car and jump out (while it’s still moving)

But still good experience though cos I’ve never been on a cruise before!

And of course the people I went with made the whole trip <3

I laik this picture cos it looks like a sitcom poster! Clockwise from Jam: Wafu, Pafu, June, Yvonne, Eileen, See Yin and Jerry.

(akiraceo – my friend Leefen and I are so big fans of you that we’re now Wafu & Pafu)

No time for full entry now.  Better and longer entry tomorrow, promise.

Because on Friday we will be going to Hong Kong!  For Disneyland! Two whole days!  My favorite place in the world!

Hello I am coming soon! (with the same coat too cos I haven’t bought any new winter jackets since)

But for now, my uh operating system needs rebooting.


AudAngry AudSuay

Black balloon

Ok guess why I have not been tweeting or blogging regularly.

Actually I think people on Twitter already know.

It’s because I have a bladder infection T______T

It’s actually a UTI but I think it was extra serious because it reached my bladder T_______T

Got it on Monday, drank lots of water and by night it seemed to have cleared!  But on Tuesday while I was at a meeting it came back with a vengeance T_T

So I took the day off and went to see the doctor.  Doctor gave me a 5 day antibiotics course which I took glumly.

Wednesday first half of the day was better.  But then suddenly in the evening when I was still at work I started feeling feverish and cold at the same time and even Guat Ching asked me why was my face so red T_____T Then when I went to pee holy bejesus I could have sworn there was a knife up my pepet T_____T

Got even more terrified when I saw blood in the toilet bowl *weeps

By then it was so painful that I was going to cry and I nearly did when Desmond talked to me T______T

Tim picked me up and I got into the car and started crying cos I was in so much pain.  We tried looking for a doctor near my office but couldn’t find any 24 hour clinics 🙁  I was in too much discomfort to keep moving around looking for a doctor so we went home.

After that the constant pain started to ease up a bit but when I went to pee it still hurt like a muthafucking bitch 🙁  I called the doctor I’d seen and asked him why the medicine wasn’t working and he said he had a funny feeling I had a kidney stone WTF and said I should come in for an xray T_______T

My fever went on and off so I had to take another sick day on Thursday.

On Friday it still hurt whenever I peed!  Couldn’t take it anymore went to see a panel doctor for my office.  I showed her the antibiotics I’d been taking and she told me they’re the cheapest antibiotics ever FML T______T

She asked me how much I paid for them and when I told her she chortled seriously FML.

I asked her if it was possible that I had a kidney stone and she said not really because I don’t have a backache (which I’m supposed to if I have a stone)

Stupid doctor la seriously!!! Try to earn more money by giving me stupid cheap medicine!!!

Already he knows I cannot take muthafucking big pills!!!  Some more prescribe me such shit big pills for FIVE freaking days when normally antibiotics are for 3!

(when I was six or seven I got hospitalized for bronchitis/pneumonia and had to take cups of pills after every meal and that time I hadn’t learned how to swallow them yet.  Remember the nurse/mother scolding me whenever I couldn’t swallow the pills very traumatic and since then I developed a phobia for all pills and tablets and if they’re too big I would rather mash them up and drink them *coward)

Should have known!  He’s my family doctor and we’ve always gone to him but when I was going to see him, I told Mummy Ooi that I don’t like going to his clinic cos it makes me feel sicker than I am.  The seats in his waiting room are like wooden benches and it’s always full of sick looking people.  Plus he doesn’t have lights WTF and relies on light from the doorway.

My mother said “last time used to be very bright wan.  I think he turned off the lights to save money” WTF SHOULD HAVE KNOWN WANNA SAVE MONEY NO WONDER IF HE GIVES ME CHEAP DRUGS

Anyway I’ve started on new antibiotics today so hopefully they work T____T I hate being in pain every time I have to go to the toilet T_____T At its worst I would moan cos it was so painful which sounds so wrong if you’re in a public toilet wtf.

It better work 🙁  Cos I’m supposed to go on a cruise to Phuket tomorrow so if it doesn’t… I’ll die in the middle of the sea 🙁


My No Compromise Experience

This is by far the most -___- / WTF / HAHAHHAHA advertorial I have ever been asked to write.

Actually also one of the most challenging but quirkiest and most interesting.

And this is why.

Mister Potato is committed to making sure there is No Compromise on chip quality. Every chip has to be tasty, crunchy and all round good to eat. Their potatoes are 100% quality imported Atlantic, Dakota Pearl and Hermes Potatoes.

Well if it’s called Hermes it has to be good wtf.

Mister Potato is offering RM10,000 worth of cash prizes to be won.
• 1st Prize – RM5,000
• 2nd Prize – RM3,000
• 3rd Prize – RM2,000

But with a cost!

You have to work your way up the Mister Potato empire from a lowly potato peeler to the #1 man in the organization *serious
By playing a series of minigames on their site.

First you have to start off doing lowly menial tasks. Like differentiating the good potatoes and the bad potatoes wtf. But then as you complete each task you learn more and more about how Mister Potato produces their world class chips and how seriously they take their work, hence it being called the “No Compromise Game” *solemn

So anyway this was my favorite level of the game.

Level 3. Chopping potatoes wtf.

Nearly exactly like Cooking Mama! Which is what I play when I’m on a break from Diner Dash.

Perfect! Just as skilled as Mama Mister Potato!

If you suck at it, this bloody annoying character pops up in the middle of your screen glares at you and makes this skin crawling sound as he slides his hand across his throat hahahahaha annoying like what.
I feel like I lose to this ugly guy if I don’t win so I had to keep playing -_____-

And if you win, you get three amigos singing La Cucaracha to you hahahahaha with customized Mister Potato lyrics.

Told you it was WTF / HAHAHAHAHAH!

Anyway if you complete all 8 levels you’ll stand a chance to not only win the cash but also tickets to the Mister Potato Fiesta on 19 December where the dress code is Mexican / South American hahahahaha -_-

But before that you also have to submit a photo of yourself looking like Mister Potato!

Seriously people seriously.

I googled Mister Potato to have a better inkling of what he looks like.


This is the right Mister Potato.

Sombrero check. Bow tie check.

Coat check.

(HAHA coat check geddit geddit)

But my coat’s not red 🙁

Oh well nothing a little photo editing can’t handle.
Key item: mustache.

Whoops wrong set wtf.

Behold, Missus Potato!

(Mister Potato, Tim is watching you)

And so are the Mormons wtf.

Btw the pack I’m holding is Hot & Spicy which is my favorite flavor next to Original! No Original flavor because I uh.. Tim finished it.

The “Tasty, Crunchy and Nice” Potato Crisps come in pack sizes of 160g.

So if you think you have what it takes to be the #1 Mister Potato, we strongly suggest you head on to right now!

If you miss out on the Mister Potato challenge, you still have another chance to win tickets to the Mister Potato fiesta. Just write an entry entitled “No Compromise for Mister Potato Fiesta 2009” on your blog before 21 November 2009 (more details here)

Good luck folks!


happy birthday to brother ooi

I wanted to post this yesterday but I couldn’t cos I had an advertorial up 🙁

But better late than never T____T

Happy Birthday Ooib / Brother Ooi / Bra wtf

(I call him “Barry-ah” in a very Chinese way and over the years it evolved into Bra wtf)

(He also once thought he was grown up already and tried calling me Audrey WTF instead of Cheh-cheh but I refused to answer him so he reluctantly had to revert to “Cheh-cheh”)

You’re 23!!!

You’re probably asleep now, after a night of seaweed, vinegar and rice, and hopefully a hard night of partying? wtf

Since it’s your birthday I was going to write a post reminiscing about all the touching sentimental moments we had as siblings.

But none come to mind WTF.

What I remember is… you used to read my diary!  Asshole!  Well if it balances things out a bit, I tried looking for yours too WTF.  But you were too smart for me, had it under lock and key all the time.

We’re only a year apart so we did everything together growing up!  Mum would dress us up in identical clothing except mine was pink and yours blue and I had a skirt while you had pants so we looked like twins.

Our voices sounded exactly the same (before you hit puberty anyway) Even our parents had a hard time telling who was picking up the phone, and once this very funny thing happened!  Ooib called his best friend Kenneth on the cordless phone, and unbeknownst to him, I used the phone after that to call Hsin.  Then Ooib took the phone and pressed redial and Hsin picked up wtf.  She was asleep so she didn’t really hear when Ooib said “Kenneth?” but she heard his voice and thought he was me and said “ya?” and Ooib said “Kenneth what happened to your voice?” to which Hsin promptly hung up hahahahaahah.

Some of our fights were quite terrible!  I remember once chasing him around the house catching him and swinging him around by his arm wtf then releasing him and hitting his head with a hard cover children’s encyclopedia WTF I’m sorry Baz T______T

But then there was also this time I remember we had Chinese class after school (not that it did me any good wtf) and Barry was sitting with his friend whose name is Lee Koon Seng wtf.  I walked by their desks and for some reason Lee Koon Seng (who btw is now married and a DVD seller wtf) said “Barry, why your sister look like alien wan” to which Barry (in the dumbness of youth) dutifully laughed “huh huh huh”.  *heart breaks.  And so I called Lee Koon Seng an “asshole” and he slapped me and I slapped him back.  Then I went home and told my parents and Barry got the shelling of his life for not sticking up for me wtf.

But because we were so close in age and it was just the two of us, we also got along like a house on fire.  We had huge imaginative games where we’d take up half the house with our setups.  Our favorite games as kids were “Babyland” and “Turtle Maze” wtf.

Babyland featured Lolo as the mayor of a country called Babyland and all our other stuffed toys were citizens.  We’d build houses for them all over our rooms and the living room sofas and stuff.

Turtle Maze was back in the time where CDs didn’t exist yet (yes people there is such an era don’t look so shocked wtf) and people used VCRs and video tapes.  We’d line up all our video tapes on the floor to form a maze and then put our pet terrapins at the start of the maze for them to find their way out.  The terrapins would be scared they’d pee and shit all over the floor and our poor maid was stuck cleaning turtle poo wtf.

Btw my terrapin was called Alfie from Roald Dahl’s “Esio Trot” and Barry’s was Paddington cos he liked Paddington Bear wtf.  Then our cousins also gave us their terrapins because they didn’t want them anymore so we called theirs Jonathan, Alexandra and Alyssa after them WTF.

But Paddington died one day 🙁 We were on our way out for tuition when we realized Paddington had his eyes closed and he was all bloated so that his head and legs and tail were all sticking out at angles 🙁

We buried him in the patch outside our house.  And Mum grumbled about us spoiling her garden wtf.

Anyway when we grew up of course we stopped fighting as much.  Because we are so close in age and also maybe because I’m more than a head shorter than him wtf he took it as his responsibility to eye all my boyfriends with suspicion and dislike them upon first glance hahahahaha.

We don’t see each other as much cos we studied at different schools in the US and he’s still there right now finishing up his final year and contemplating grad school *proud

But every time we come home we both get a little teary when we hug albeit awkwardly wtf and we hang out more as adults than as kids although we still bicker and I still sometimes get tired of him wtf.

Last year when classes were all over and I was just waiting for my graduation ceremony, Suet and Shanshan had gone back to Asia, Angela, Mild and Jeannie were touring the US with their families, and my parents were touring too but by themselves FML my brother came over to Moho and we kept each other company just like when we were kids.  Replaying old Beatles songs and singing out loud, watching movies, going down to the Odyssey for whole afternoons so we could read for free wtf, challenging each other to terrible quality foosball games on rundown tables at the student center.

Now we’re both old and I have a job in KL while he’s slogging away at final year at Wabash we don’t have the chance to hang out like that anymore but please take care of yourself ok Bra.

Remember that I love you a lot even though we don’t say things like this.  I’ll always be there for you and I’ll always have your back.

Have a wonderful year and I’ll see you when you come back.




Funny Foto

On Saturday I woke up earlier than normal. Saturday!

I planned to wake up after 12 which has always been my normal wake up time.

But I opened my eyes at 1030!!!! Sacrilege! On Saturday!

Think it’s because I wake up early every day to go to work and this disgusting habit has now seeped into my weekends.

So I thought I’d make full use of my morning.

Which I spent testing out the entire range of Follow Me Oil Control products bequeath me by Follow Me (and Nuffnang)

Wah good PR or what! I got love letter from them too.

Also got “Hear Ye Hear Ye” announcement about Follow Me Contest.

Contest is super easy! Don’t know if it’s true for this Follow Me one, but I heard from a friend that not many people join consumer contests cos they think aiya sure won’t win one or that the contest is too hard anyway, so actually the chance of winning is higher than we think.

And this one is too easy.

First, buy RM20 and above of Follow Me Oil Control products (for noobs, later I show you what they look like)

Then strike a funny and creative pose with any of the products and take the picture.

Scan or take a picture of your receipt and send it together with your photo either through email or MMS to, or mail in to:

FOLLOW ME, Funny Foto Model Search
10 Jln TP2, Taman Perindustrian UEP
Subang Jaya, 47620 Subang Jaya

Whole range includes cleanser, toner, pimple gel, moisturizer, and *jeng jeng jeng… the product I am most excited about – blackhead remover!!

Read the instructions and find I’m supposed to use the blackhead remover first before even the cleanser.

This is what it looks like. (like wax for your braces HAHA)

I’ve never used anything like this before! I know there are pore packs and stuff but not anything gel-like.

I cover my entire T zone with it. Then I’m not sure what to do next.


Anyway after waiting a few minutes I rinsed it off. And you know what! I think my blackheads just dropped off or something WTF cos when I was slapping water onto my face I felt like tiny tiny micro-crap coming off my face!

Don’t see a difference when I look in the mirror cos my blackheads are really small anyway but my nose does feel smoother.

Then Cleanser.

Supremely difficult to wash face and hold camera at the same time. Cleanser left my face squeaky clean as it rightfully should.

Tone and moisturize.

Ok my honest opinion?

Cleanser and toner worked great! Blackhead remover was very fascinating and my T zone feels smoother but I think I need to use it a few more times to figure out if it makes any difference to my face.

Moisturizer wasn’t moisturizing enough for me 

I generally have pretty dry skin, not just on my face but my whole body so my face still felt a little tight after moisturizing. Plus I am not in puberty anymore wtf.

For those who are though, or for those who have oily skin I think the moisturizer (and entire Oil Free range) should work wonderfully for you seeing as it’s really not oily and it did absorb into my skin pretty well 🙂

Tadah! All scrubbed and toned and moisturized and blackheads annihilated.

(also all under half a pound of makeup)

Wanted to submit this photo for the Funny Foto contest.

But I realized it doesn’t have any product in it.

This is the only one that does FML.

(In case you’re wondering I was wondering how the blackhead remover worked)

1st Prize is to be the Cover Girl for Follow Me and get featured in their press ad plus as Campus Plus magazine cover model. You also win a Samsung Delphi Mobile Phone worth RM699 & a 1 year supply of Follow Me products.
2nd Prize (x 4) is the Samsung Delphi and a Follow Me hamper worth RM100, while 10 consolation prize winners get a RM100 hamper each.

Contest ends 30 Nov.

You think I can submit that photo ah?


Of lists

I think every blog post from now on will be a List.

Do you wanna know what my new favorite site is?

I promise this is related.

I always have one site or another that I go crazy over!

First, it was WTF.

Then it was Lolcats !

Then FML .. then Mylifeisaverage although that only lasted a mere 3 days because the people writing in were just too sad wtf.

Then My Dad is a Fob hahahahaha because every dad in there reminds me of Fat Her but with worse English wtf.  My Mom is a Fob isn’t as funny I think because moms / women? wtf in general are smarter than men? HAHAHA

Oh yea and who could forget about My Milk Toof !!

But right now (and it’s been my favorite site for quite long now) my favorite site is….




One of my readers recommended it to me because she said it was full of random quirky facts that I would love and I do love it!

It’s a site full of lists of facts that are totally random and obscure.  I especially like the history ones 😀

Now when I need a break or I’m at home chillingz like Mild wtf, I read a list or two!  And I learned so much random info *glee

See this is why I like lists.


In 1835, John Batman settled in what was to eventually become Melbourne, Australia. He named it “Batmania”. Two years later it was renamed Melbourne in honor of the Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne.



While most male birds do not have “external genitalia”, some ducks have penises up to 14 inches long!!!! They commonly rape the females who have adapted by developing a vagina with three paths, two of which are “dead ends”. They have the ability to close off the true vaginal canal and send a rapist’s sperm into a dead end at will. If the rapists sperm does make it into the true vaginal canal, it is shaped like a coil and can be compressed to turn away unwanted insemination.

Duck genitals – 92450924852, Condoms – 0

And the other day I was talking to Hui Wen about Roaccutane and she told me that Roaccutane which is used to cure severe acne is not an antibiotic but is chock full of Vitamin A.

I’ve heard that Roaccutane has some side effects like dry skin and lips though because it’s a very strong dosage.

And then the next day I logged into Listverse and saw an article called “10 More Incredibly Bizarre Mental Disorders”

I copy and paste for you.



Piblokto, Pibloktoq or Arctic hysteria is a condition exclusively appearing in Eskimo societies living within the Arctic Circle. Appearing most prevalently in winter, it is considered to be a form of a culture-bound syndrome which is a disorder (usually both mental and physical) which occurs in a specific culture or community. Symptoms can include intense hysteria (screaming, uncontrolled wild behavior), depression, coprophagia (poo eating), insensitivity to extreme cold (such as running around in the snow naked), echolalia (senseless repetition of overheard words) and more. This condition is most often seen in Eskimo women. This syndrome is possibly linked to vitamin A toxicity because the native Eskimo diet provides rich sources of vitamin A. Similar symptoms have been seen in Westerners with vitamin A toxicity.



Yesterday there was this damn interesting article too!  Top 10 Modern Human Addictions.

Many people consider that an addiction must be physiological, but it has become very common these days to see the term used for anything which becomes obsessive. Thus one can become addicted to pornography, gaming, and all manner of unrelated (and definitely not physiological) things. This list looks at ten of the most common addictions of modern man.

One of the addictions they mentioned was “Sitting” wtf.  It explained that most of our modern jobs and daily lives require us to sit down – sit down at work/school, sit in the car, sitting down to eat, etc.

This addiction however can be very subtle, and can be a surprise to those under it’s influence. If you are sitting while reading this, consider how often you seek a seat. Do you stand at the bar or sit? When visiting friends, do you instantly target the sofa? While on holiday, do you explore your location or sit in the sun?. Do you prefer outdoor games or video games? Extreme lengths of time spent sitting can also lead to the lazinessaddiction featured at #10 as it can be much harder to get up and be motivated for work once you’ve comfortably sat down.

I think I have this addiction!!!  Every single time I go somewhere I find a place to sit down even if I’m not tired!  Go into a shop, nothing nice to see but my friends are browsing, I’ll inadvertently look for a couch to sit on.  If meeting people at a restaurant or something I’ll always be the first one to plop into a chair, preferably the booth kind with cushion wtf.  And I get very upset when other people have seats but I don’t :(((

Number 7 was addiction to trivia WTF.

Most of us love to learn and understand things, but how often do we absorb tiny little bits of inconsequential trivia? More often than you may think! Tv advertisements and billboards coax us with facts and figures, magazines deliver tantalizing tit-bits of scandal and gossip, and the internet fills our minds with thousands of facts – some of which are completely wrong. How many of us read the daily newspapers today only for it to become ‘yesterdays news’ tomorrow. The world is full of trivia. A trivia addict is often someone who’s main pleasure in life is to memorize random facts and spout them off to onlookers in an attempt to make themselves look good, and who often dreams of winning the pub quiz or a game show for a huge cash prize. Trivia buffs often wallow in small-talk, gossip, and rumor and sometimes aggrandize subjects the rest of us care little about – such as Latin names for plants and points scored in sports games from 30 years ago.

FML clearly I am this one too.  But I don’t dream of winning a game show la cos my luck sucks like that wtf.  But it’s not my main pleasure in life ok I assure you T___T I just think it’s fun T_____T

Number 4 on the list is addiction to sex WTF.  Number 3 was addiction to being Cool.

Cool is everywhere, and can mean anything from ‘being in with the in crowd’ to being completely unique in ones self. Similarly, anything can be used to promote ‘cool’ and to receive that ego kick and a boost to the self-esteem by recognizing it. Thosea ddicted to ‘cool’ buy the right toothpaste, wear the right cloths, have the right hairstyle, buy the right car, the right fashion accessories, and the right furniture. A serious addict will seek out ‘cool’ jobs (such as a theme park attendant, a volunteer, or a web site designer), a ‘cool’ place to live – and a ‘cool’ building to live within (such as a studio or flat), even going so far as to choose a deliberately ‘cool’ holiday destination (e.g. Amsterdam, Venice, or the Grand Canyon). Cool addicts are sometimes quite shallowpeople, sometimes with a strong need for social acceptance.

I actually know people like this!!! I wondered why they never said or did silly wacky things, or followed the trends so closely they could be arrested for tailgating wtf.  Or they would get offended if I laughed at them even if it was just a joke.  If this was a true addiction, it’s fascinating to think that there are people like that who have this*boggle eyed

Oh yea and the Number 1 addiction was the Internet  who isn’t a Net junkie these days anyway boringz kinda expected that.

Ok I will stop being a geek now.

Sorry la I’m addicted to trivia okay Listverse says so! wtf.


Coco Cocoon.

Say it ten times fast! Hahaha sounds like you have a stutter doesn’t it but I guess Coco is for Coco Chanel and Cocoon just makes you think of snugness and comfort.

And there’s the point right there. Coco = luxury and all things atas, Cocoon = comfort. Coco Cocoon is a new range that Chanel have come up with which is all about “luxury sportswear”.

Lily Allen is the face of Coco Cocoon!

Karl Lagerfeld (who designed the bags) loves her apparently cos she looks like Coco and she’s a big Chanel fan.

(I am a big Chanel fan too, Karl! With oversized sunglasses and the right tiara I could look like Coco and Lily too!)


The real Lily Allen.

The bootlegged copy.

Here’s Lily pictured with the Coco Cocoon Black Nylon Trolley

Another view of it.

Quilted like a classic Chanel but still looks hardy enough for wear and tear. You can pull it with you onto your business class flight, and even if you spill Merlot on it it’s not going to stain hohoho.

Ironically it also looks soft enough to sleep on!

This is the Small Tote in Dark Brown Leather. Also comes in nylon actually for a possibly more understated feel but I like leather.

Honestly on first glance I was a bit unsure about the design of the bag. Cos it looks damn simple and I am not a simple tshirt and jeans girl! (actually cannot wear jeans cos too short)

But she made it look so glam.. (that’s Frieda Pinto)

And here’s regular tiara-less Lily Allen.

Fancy tiara-ed Lily Allen carrying the bag above.

This is the bag in Ivory White.

I love love love it! But much like my Miumiu, I swear if I had it I’d get it dirty in like two hours T____T

It’s also reversible! When turned inside out it reveals the famous Chanel quilting so you can pretend you have 2 bags >_> Prefer the smooth outer skin one though.

Again, casual and simple enough but one glance at it would still tell you it’s a Chanel.

It’s a garment bag but whatever I’d carry around my laptop in it! Red Mummy yelled at me when I said her Prada was big enough to put her laptop in but I like my bags big enough to put the whole world and the sun in them!

I actually did a lot of reading on Coco Chanel because I’m a geek for random trivia. /geek mode on

Coco Chanel opened her first store in Paris in 1913 and developed a line of practical sportswear.

Most of her clothing was made of jersey, which was unusual then since it was more commonly used for men’s underwear (!!!) but the fabric draped well and suited her designs which were practical and inspired by uniforms when WW1 broke out.

Coco Cocoon actually reminds me of uniforms a little bit .. if this is the direction Lagerfeld wants to take with Coco Cocoon – unusual material but still the epitome of practicality and luxury – then he is FTW ^_^

I also read that Coco Chanel was born into poverty and orphaned when her mother died and her father abandoned them. But then she climbed out of her circumstances (with the help of rich admirers HAHA feminist ok she’s using whatever resources she could get at that time) and turned into the biggest most renowned name in the fashion world.

That will be my dream. Right now I am poor and in debt and my car’s gear box is broken so it doesn’t reverse. >_>
But I will persevere! I will survive and make my way up and I will buy her bags! *hands on hips eyes full of stars

(actually am a bit closer to my dream since Coco Cocoon is more affordable than regular Chanels)

The Coco Cocoon bags are out in stores now! Check out Chanel for more info.

They come in black, beige, chocolate, burgundy, taupe, blue, grey, gold, and red (not in pictures).
Apparently, after she did her shoot, Lily Allen who’s known for combining luxury with comfort, femininity with funk, wanted to take one home with her.

I, too, asked if I could have one to keep for my own.

I’m guessing Lily Allen would have better luck T_T

One last try.