Today was supposed to be the first day of my “No carbs after 5pm” diet because I read that your ratio of carbs for breakfast:lunch:dinner should be 1:1/2:0 and more veggies and protein should be consumed.
But then Tim suggested Japanese food for dinner. So soba, also known as buckwheat noodles also known as my favorite food in the world turned into a protein wtf.
I am serious ok healthy diet starts tomorrow wtf.
Speaking of which, we saw a shirt that said “Diet starts tomorrow” at Chic Pop in Zouk today.
Very very happy with all my buys! One seller even gave me, Jam and Lee Fen mystery gifts after we each bought one trinket from her (3 for RM20 wtf).
Lee Fen opened her package and it was a tiny violet handbag charm! Jam got a very cute pink butterfly and suddenly I had a bad omen wtf cos I remembered I NEVER have good luck with surprise gifts and things like this.
And true enough, my mystery gift was a black panty charm WTF.
The felt flower headband was something I got today! And guess what else is new!!! ^____^ wtf
Then followed Tim to pick up his new tux. For Nuffnang Awards!!
Haih I haven’t been blogging as much as I would like. Not that I was that busy with work cos work was pretty okay this week. But I was busy with other stuff! Stuff that other human beings do. Like watch DVDs, pluck armpit hair (one day Imma laser it all off dammit), celebrate Fat Her’s birthday..
Ya it’s Fat Her’s birthday! Happy birthday Fat Her tomorrow I post pictures of your cake and present Five Fat Her Fun Facts wtf.
I’m sitting on the arm of the couch with my laptop on my knees. Tim is crawling over from the fat cushy stool he was sitting on to see what I’m doing. I just got home from a celebratory dinner and everyone is giddy with joy that the campaign was a success and drunk on Guinness. Tim is watching Lost and I’m trying to look at both TV and computer screen. I wish I had more time to do more things.
I wish that people wouldn’t be hurt. I wish nothing would change. And that I had an invisible shield to block from negative vibes.
I iz back from Singapore!
It’s been a crazy hectic few days. Been running around a lot, went worked for Arthur’s Day (sadly I wasn’t there to just have fun although I did have fun) then went down to Singapore the next day for Beyonce under the F1 Rocks Singapore concert. But I wait until I get photos from Cindy to blog abaddit.
Last episode of mine on Project Alpha! Was contemplating not putting it up since it’s been so long and we’re all now firmly entrenched in Nicole’s episodes but ah whatever la since I’ve already put up the rest anyway. Enjoy!
*drums fingers on table
What else to update ah.
Shit nothing happened in my life lately! Besides the two events above!
All I’ve been doing besides work is edit photos *Loser (with capital L)
Actually I’m sure I’ve been doing other things but for the life of me I can’t remember right now I have the memory of a goldfish T_T Like I always remember that I was mad at this person or that but I usually can’t remember what we fought about.
So because I have nothing much to say until I collect BEP photos and Beyonce photos, I’m going to annoy everybody by posting edited pictures and calling it a day wtf.
Tadah! Fake lashes and fake blusher wtf. And fake er beige color.
I posted up this photo before but I just found out the guy in the photo is Khalil Fong -_- And people thought I am his fan which clearly I am not because although I have heard he’s an amazing singer the only time I’ve heard of him was at the T Music Festival. (WHich I have not blogged about yet yesss something to write about now!) The picture is templated and I just inserted my own photo in it. I thought he was some random not-very-goodlooking male model wtf.
Am I getting better at this or what! (I mean the eyelashes and the blusher) I look nothing like this in real life especially when I’ve just gotten home from a shit day.
Er not edited. This is what I really look like! wtf. I was trying to show my um agility which was not a success because:
a) my legs are bent (think real agile people can put their legs up straight with no problems)
b) arms not long enough to show the whole length of me
Oh all right, a preview of Beyonce!!!
I was pretty far away from the stage T3T so this is like one of the best shots I could get… and pretty angry cos EVERY FUCKING BODY in the world was trampling on me and rubbing my nose into their sweaty armpits and separating me from Cindy T____T
When we were together. Good times good times wtf. More later when I get complete set of nice photos!
Black Eyed Peas were awesome!!!
Now going to bed cos I’m going to Singapore tomorrow to catch Beyonce in concert!!!
As always, Eps 4, 5 & 6.
One more and we’re done! And it’s on to… Nicole I think!
This is going to be a short post because we just wasted 2 hours of our lives watching a movie called Casino Job.
(oh btw did I mention that we went to Batu Feringghi and got 66 DVDs!!!!!!66)
Anway Casino Job is the worst movie I have ever seen! The guy who made the movie is called Christopher Robin Hood wtf already by the name I should have seen it coming.
And he was credited with writing, producing, directing and editing so I guess it’s a one man show wtf.
Swear to god he is a porn director trying to make a legit film but clearly still reverting to his roots cos the whole film was filled with corny leads up to sex scenes wtf.
And all the actresses had flat boobs WTF. Like they had boobs but everything lay flat on their chests dunno how to say.
The picture was grainy, the actors sounded like they were all speaking through microphones and the dialogue was atrocious porn-movie dialogue.
It was sooo bad. So bad that it was good so we watched it to the end HAHA.
Oh Hsin sent me something from Perth <333333333
Box of goodies!
I actually got it like a week ago but only realized there was a message written on the underside of the lid ten minutes ago WTF.
(She also got me a Hello Kitty tshirt – not in photo – because I already wore it and it’s in the wash!)
Smiggle (?) pencil holder!
Softy curly wurly pencil! (no idea how to use this) And green tea in the yellow box!
Thank you Hsin I love love love these! All going to be so useful in the opis *big shiny eyes. Your birthday present will be coming soon too *delayed reaction wtf
Speaking of birthdays, it’s Suet’s birthday! Well in 13 minutes anyway wtf.
Well what can I say that hasn’t been said before.
Felt like punching her more than once, and got so annoyed that we didn’t feel like talking to each other even, but that’s what sisters do okay, fight but still get on like a house on fire *cue for cheesy sigh
If I ever had a real sister, it would be Suet. Once I even wrote in her comment box for her email list my name as: “Your sister (not Suet Teng)” WTF and my name is in her gmail like that for ever since.
Happy birthday babe! Have lotsa fun in HK, DON’T come back in October and relish every moment of study abroad because your life just goes downhill from there WTF kidding *hastily
(and did you notice I edited your picture!)
(am not over Xiuxiu yet)
Suet tweeted about the Club recently and I found this video we took over a year ago when we were stuck at the Kuala Terengganu airport after our Redang trip! (remember our Fuck Fireflyz fiasco?)
We were fucking bored at the airport cos we were waiting for a plane that would not come. So we had trolley races!
Suet had Ooib to push her, and Jam had Latat but me and Tze were there with no significant other / significant other who was present wtf.
And because both of us are incredibly self centered preserving, we both wanted to be pushed and refused to push the other.
In a move of amazing compromise, we both sat on the trolley, Tze put her hand behind to let the brake go and off we went! Quite fast ok if there were a trolley race we would win wtf.
Here we were practicing first wtf.
Hello! I am in Penang now! Got stuck in the North South Highway jam yesterday T____T
Tim superbly annoyed me because he was playing Airline Tycoon the whole time. And I forgot to turn off my DS Lite from the night before so it konked out on me like 3 hours into the ride wtf . Jealous of Tim wtf T____T
Then I had to resort to staring out of the window at the rain and stationary cars and listening to my mp3 player wtf. Then my mp3 player died too wtf.
Lesson learned: always charge your gadgets wtf.
Had a really busy week following Arthur Guinness around!
Arthur and his 2 lovely daughters! hahahahaahhaahha check out Arthur’s flaring nostrils hahahaha
(did you know he fathered 21 children in his life? But only like 7 or something made it into adulthood)
Arthur Guinness went round to different bars and pubs to mingle and drink with his fans!
If people answered 5 questions correctly about himself and Guinness, they would win mosh pit tickets to Arthur’s Day happening on 25 Sept in Sunway Lagoon.
To get in touch with Arthur, follow him at or be his fan at wtf.
And if you wanna get your tickets to Arthur’s Day and party with the Black Eyed Peas you can buy them from here
Um Kenny Arthur Guinness and Susan Boyle gone wrong WTF.
Episodes 2 & 3 from Project Alpha are out o|~\_ *fall down wtf
Episode 2!
I bring Jojo to my room (and thankfully the camera doesn’t pan around much) Jojo asks me about my blog and stuff and I answer her manfully wtf. She threatens to bring me to the gym (WUWUW) maybe she thinks I didn’t answer her questions well enough 🙁
Episode 3.
She does bring me to the gym! I suffer there and wish I’d never been born.
Enjoy! (But still can’t stand myself in videos.)
Ok going out for icecream now and to my cousin’s housewarming party later!
Hello every buddy,
For everyone who’s been asking, here’s the first episode of my segment on Project Alpha
(link also leads you to the trailer and other bloggers’ episodes!)
Watching myself gives me goosebumps and a disgusting feeling wtf. I’m just not cut out for tv T______T
But Tim is very funny! And Jojo is as always very pretty and in her element!
And they made my house look very nice! (Mother Ooi will be proud)
Ok I go now.
(I’m on a list-making kick)
1. Explaining Facebook and Twitter to Fat Her
More difficult than you think! How do you explain the concept of a network with all your friends on it? What do you say when someone asks “what’s the point of telling people even when you go take a crap?” wtf. Or when he asks “if you have to go to Facebook to update yourself with your friends, doesn’t it take a lot of time? Now I read the news online also not enough time already” wtf.
Fat Her: So how many people in Malaysia are on Facebook?
Me: About 3 million.
Fat Her: WAH so many ar *awe
Me: Ya now only you know you’re the minority huh.
Fat Her: Never mind, Ah Ma (grandmother) is not on it either *cheering up WTF
2. Listening to incredible stories about relationships that make everyone feel better about themselves wtf
Went for lunch with Su-yin and Jam today and heard a story that made us all very appreciative about our lives and relationships wtf. [story deleted to protect the privacy of the suffering wtf]
3. Trying to convince Xpax to give me a Blackberry
My plea in Strawberry and their reply in Icecream.
Didn’t work. Cold, that’s just cold. 🙁 (pun not intended wtf)
4. Staring enviously at girls with brown hair because I hate my own hair
I promise by all that is holy to get rid of my extensions and find a better color than shitty black (should be easy, this) for my hair as soon as possible amitabha.
Speaking of holy…
Ok ok. So going to hell *resigned. Well, if it exists. (and I don’t get reincarnated as a … cockroach wtf please god don’t let me be a cockroach if I ever turn into one I’ll shoot myself with Ridsect)
5. Reading!
After years of wanting this I finally remembered to go buy a copy! This and the DS have been occupying all my time and I get quite agitated trying to decide which to do.
6. Shit for the life of me I can’t remember what I did yesterday. All above points are things I did today. (or continuously for days now)
7. Playing DS all day all night all my life wtf
Seriously, DS and newly bought R4 are taking over my life it’s not even funny. I even play it while standing at the roadside waiting to cross the road WTF. So many important decisions in life! Play DS or read Lolita? Ok play DS. Which game? Cooking Mama, Diner Dash, Bust a Bubble, or Spongebob Squarepants? Possibilities are endless.
The only reason why I’m even blogging now is because my console is charging wtf.
Oh and for Shaun Chong who says my blog sucks now because nothing stupid happens to me these days, it may console you to know that today while crossing the street, I walked into a stationary taxi and hit my stomach. wtf. And then at night, my laptop adaptor exploded with a loud noise and emitted smoke wtf. Then I couldn’t sleep until late cos I had to air my room wtf.
Last Saturday a bunch of us went for the Adidas Action 3 roadshow in Midvalley.
Adidas is the main sponsor of Project Alpha (season 1 anyway) so when they invited us to go, we cheerfully went.
The whole setup.
Ok I admit it! I stole a lot of these pictures! They are all from Huai Bin and his big techy camera (so smart it’s nearly a child wtf)
Lawd forgive me I forgot to take any pictures myself! So I begged some from Huai Bin I’m sorry it’s my fault if you see the same photos in his blog wtf. Thanks HB! *blink blink
Uncle practising how to show a red card wtf.
Everyone mingling wtf.
Adidas girl showcasing some of their products which include shower gel, deodorant and other personal care products.
(WAH was that line professional or what! Sounds like it came from The Star wtf)
All of us! (without Kenny). Beautifulnara and his girlfriend, Redmummy, Sixth Seal, Nicole and Budiey.
THEN! We found out that they’d arranged for us to have a foosball tournament WTF.
O|~\_ *fall down
And they put me with Redmummy!!!
Now I love Redmummy and all – she’s one of the bubbliest cutest people I know. But me and Redmummy as partners for a foosball match I don’t think so T____T Especially when we’re up against Huai Bin and Budiey.
Thankfully they listen to our begging and let us draw lots again. I partner Huai Bin.
And from a 5-1 lead, we lost 5-6 WTF.
NOOOOOOOOOOO O|~\_ *fall down
Kenny and Jojo won the big prize! (look at them behind I think they’re having a fight HAHA) Me and HB got consolation prizes so woohoo still feel like a winner ^___^V
Met up with Jac there!
And because there’s no picture of the Dinosaur Keeper here he is! (stolen from Jac!) With Nicole, Casey and Redmummy.
He was super busy that day cos he was talking to the client about some serious stuff wtf.
I feel bad cos I kinda got too excited about being in a foosball match that I flung my bag at him and forced him to hold it (while he was still in serious business discussion wtf). And he looked super stressed out.
o|~\_ *fall down again
One more picture of us! Seriously where is Kenny. And oh I am never standing next to Nicole again.
Then they showed the trailer to the show.
Which I guess was amusing looking at our faces.
Or maybe we were just too caught up in our own narcissism /shy
Then clients brought us to dinner at Alexis! Tim is eating dessert right now so he should be happy ^_^
A lot of interesting people there – some of the client’s side flew down from Jakarta or Singapore cos they were interested to see how blogging here has evolved so it was very fun to talk to them!
With Redmummy.
And two very lovely French men. They’re from the client’s side but one is based in Singapore and the other is in Geneva. I forgot their names if they see this they are going to kill me!!
I am so bad with names. Everyone should have necklaces with their names on it like mine. I am accommodating that way.
Ok now I remember. This is Fourfeetnine, Fivefeetnine and Sixfeetnine WTF hahahahahaha I swear to god those are their real heights!
(So cool right when Sixfeetnine told me his height i thought he was joking and laughed it off but he shook me by the shoulder and looked me in the eye and said he’s really six feet nine.)
I’ve been thinking of doing this for some time now but I haven’t had time!
This is a list of my favorite buys. Most people will probably think they are all useless and wastes of money wtf but the items below are probably my most used, appreciated things wtf.
Off the top of my head and in no particular order:
#1 My Hello Kitty earrings
I don’t even know why but I love love this pair of earrings! Just simple stud earrings in the shape of Charmmy Kitty’s head but I like them so much I wear them everyday and tell myself from far they look like pearl earrings anyways WTF. I got them at Presents4them in 1u for like RM10-20 months back and I haven’t taken them off since.
Well, not until a few days ago when I developed an allergic reaction to them FML.
#2 Majolica Majorca
Started off with the Lash Expander mascara and expanded (HAHA) my collection to their eyeshadow palette and liquid eyeliner. While the mascara works really well to lengthen lashes it’s actually not what I need =.= My lashes are naturally long but fine (like my head hair wtf) so what I need is a volumizing mascara, not lenghtening. I’m just waiting to finish this one and then try out their volume ones!
I like the palette because I love all-in-one sets plus the eyeshadow colors are very vivid! Got white base, green shadow, black shadow for lining the eyes, and bronze shimmer to sweep over all.
All very nice la but I have no idea what sets them above other makeup brands. Think I’m just a sucker for good packaging.
#3 Ice-cream phone strap
Most useful shit ever. I’m always dropping or fumbling and breaking things dunno why my hand-eye coordination sucks. Or maybe I have Spinocerebellar Degeneration WTF no la kidding. I dropped my fake China iphone which is why it broke so this phone strap is extremely useful for me to catch my phone by when I drop it (which is nearly everyday)
#4 Anna Sui foundation
Ok I didn’t really buy this one cos I got it for an advertorial. But seriously it’s the best foundation I’ve ever used! Coverage looks super natural but still more even than BB cream although BB cream is still more convenient for work. When this bottle finishes I might buy the same one again.
#5 1 Day Acuvue Define contact lenses
This is my life saviour ok wtf. When I had my eye infection a few months back, the doctor told me it was cos my (monthly enlarging) contacts weren’t clean — maybe I didn’t clean them enough or something but sometimes it happens. So I decided to switch to daily lenses because they’d always be clean and fresh!
Acuvue is the only brand that sells dailies with color/iris enlarging lenses btw so I’m very happy with them! But this doesn’t mean you don’t need to take care of your eyes ok, contact lens people! wtf. Try to take them off as soon as you come home, and wear glasses at least one day of the week to let your eyes rest.
#6 R4 for DS
Actually I have no idea what this is called. When I asked the guy in the store for it, I said “the thing you put into your DS and you can download a lot of games into it” wtf.
And actually I haven’t tried it out yet WTF. I just got it today! And I lent my DS Lite to my mom so I can’t wait to get it back from her and try out my 60+ new games! Got this for only RM100.
#7 Dark pink checked boyfriend shirt
My most comfy wake-up-late-and-don’t-know-what-to-wear shirt. For days when I need to save time wtf.
#8 Strawberry sponge hair rollers
I always put on rollers when I go sleep for extra volume. When you have hair as little as mine you have to go the extra length ok wtf. I used to use the conventional plastic-velcro rollers but the sponge ones are so much more comfortable and don’t hurt your head when you toss in your sleep.
The only issue is sometimes they tend to slip off, having less grip than the velcro rollers but nothing a little curling iron can’t save.
#9 Benefit Big Beautiful Eyes Palette
Ya another makeup palette. This one’s from Benefit and is great because it has shit for your whole eye area wtf. Concealer, 2 eyeshadows and brow powder/eyeliner all squeezed into one handy box.
Especially good when I’m traveling or staying over somewhere cos I don’t need to lug all my stuff. Plus the neutral colors are also good for work!
#10 Winnie the Pooh Kleenex
Mini-sized tissue boxes for my office desk! My nose always runs so I better go catch it WTF.
Actually I have sinus problems and am very allergic to dust, fur or whatever shit so I’m always sneezing. The minitissue box is great cos it saves space on my desk, and is small enough to bring to the toilet when I need to shit WTF.
Plus it’s Pooh Bear!
#11 Tim wtf
Didn’t pay anything for him. But value: priceless wtf.
What are your favorite buys? 😀
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