People always assume that Fatty and I have the fairy tale marriage – that we’re always lovey dovey and we…
Category / AudBirthdays
Yay another picture heavy post! Like I’d mentioned the last time, I was sick (and still am) on my birthday…
Here’s where I gain a bazillion wife points!!! It’s always been a running joke between Fatty and me that he’s…
So I am 25 now ZOMGZ! 25% of the way completed in my quest to be a 100 year old…
I wanted to post this yesterday but I couldn’t cos I had an advertorial up 🙁 But better late than…
Diet Day 1 SUCCESS! Half a success anyway. I had nasi lemak for lunch today WTF. But I left off…
As always, Eps 4, 5 & 6. One more and we’re done! And it’s on to… Nicole I think! This…
I am back from Phuket! (sorry Mild I know you’re gonna kill me T_T But Phuket is so far from…
So Tim‘s birthday was an epic fail T___________T Supposed to be a surprise for him but … 1) He kept…
One party down, one more to go. Happy Birthday, baby! Waiting for Suet and Jammie to come over to get…