… that big black glasses come in handy when you have no makeup on because makeup provides your face with…
Category / AudVanity
Wow I’m really getting up in the world wtf. Mummy Ooi was very diligent when I was growing up in…
Once upon a time there lived a girl. A very cute girl WTF. Ok I lie. You know the saying,…
I think it was a couple of months back when I was in Bangsar with Minami and I saw this:…
Because this blog needs some pink goodness: Look what I got in the mail! (writing so damn ugly who else…
Hello from Japan! I mean konnichiwa! wtf I have totally not forgotten how to speak Japanese! *jumps around Truth be…
Felt like writing a whole long wordy post today! (plus I have no photos to post wtf) I like making…
Diet Day 1 SUCCESS! Half a success anyway. I had nasi lemak for lunch today WTF. But I left off…
Ok here comes the vomit. No crafting my sentences so they’re all all beautiful. Not going to care about paragraphing…
The Club plus ones (except Latat cos he’s taking the picture wtf) Tze + Zhen Jammie + Latat Suet +…