Every time I hear or talk about this I get angry. I’m just going to vent here because there’s no place else I can go.
Mount Holyoke (which is where I went to school) typically gives out a lot of financial aid to students, especially international students. This is because Mount Holyoke believes in making good education as accessible as possible to people of all walks of life, regardless of whether they have enough money to afford it or not. And this, I’m sure, applies not only to MHC but to a lot of other good schools in the US (don’t know much about universities in other countries so I’m not going to comment on them)
There are a lot of incredibly smart and gifted women all over the world who deserve the chance to go to a good school, but they might not have the money too either because they are not rich, or also partly because their currency might not match up to the dollar, making it very expensive to study in the US. So as I mentioned earlier, Mount Holyoke is very generous with its aid to international students so that they have an equal chance with their wealthier peers.
I was one of the lucky recipients! They gave me a very nice financial aid package, which meant that I only paid a quarter of the tuition every semester. Although financial aid doesn’t mean full on grants because it is not a scholarship per se, but a compilation of grants, loans and work study, it took a huge burden off my parents who are not rich.
I’m writing this because I have no more contact with the girls I’m going to talk about anymore.
There are a few girls from China at Mount Holyoke who are paying next to nothing to attend school there. When I say next to nothing, I mean maybe ten percent or less of the entire amount owed.
But when I went to their rooms, I saw Gucci paper bags and blue Tiffany boxes on their wardrobe, next to their Dior cosmetics.
WTF IS THIS? If you can afford Tiffany’s and Dior, why aren’t you paying more for tuition?
I pay maybe ten times more than you and I can’t afford a Gucci even now that I’m working. How can you live with your conscience that you’re taking all this money that you don’t even really need in place of someone else that might need it more?
The problem is that when you apply for aid, you are required to show proof that you are unable to afford the school unless you are on aid. Things like bank statements and house deeds and stuff. So if you’re from China and the financial aid people are in the US, it makes it possibly easier to fake poverty because the school would not be familiar with your local situation and the way things work there. (taking into account exchange rates, costs of living and plain cheating, i.e. submitting bank statements with less money)
I have no proof but I’m pretty sure this is what happened! Btw, I’m not saying girls from China are all lying cheaters wtf but in my experience those people whom I’ve come across just happen to be Chinese.
Suet recently applied from MHC for funding for an internship and requested for $800. The maximum is $2,500 but she didn’t ask for that because she thought she didn’t need it and it would be better used for someone else.
Then she overhead a few girls (from China AGAIN) saying that they’d each applied and gotten the maximum amount ($2,500) and chuckling about how little money they were going to need in reality because they were all renting together for the summer anyway and rent would be really cheap etc.
How can you do this! How can you take money from your own school which trusts that you are telling the truth? How can you live with yourself knowing that you might be depriving someone else of money for her education?
Do you think that you are very smart because you got the better of the institution and that you won, not even considering the consequences of your actions?
And have you ever thought that even if that money is not used for another student, it could have been used for the betterment of the school (YOUR school) and its facilities?
I am so angry! I am in Malaysia, thousands of miles away from the US. If I wanted to, I could easily just not answer any bills, pretend I’ve disappeared and not pay my loan. They wouldn’t know how to track me down either.
But that would be a terrible thing to do – I could be depriving some other bright girl of her education.
Even if they are doing it because like their mother is in the hospital and they’re secretly saving up money for her operation wtf I don’t care! It’s not your money to take anyway! Selfish, sneaky, gloating…thieves wtf.
Ok la to add some cheer:
My very own personal Santa!
With a very early anniversary present for me! T_________T (5 months early wtf)
Thank you baby!
LG Icecream!
I always wanted this phone! I was heartbroken when I wasn’t chosen to write an advertorial for it and I didn’t have a reason to buy it cos Fat Her got me the infamous pink fake China iphone!
But now I do! (dropped fake iphone on coffee shop floor and cracked the touch screen, rendering it unusable)
Just that no money wtf. So Tim felt sorry for me (and also he read an article about how fake phones from China tend to explode WTF. He kept telling me “eh don’t put your phone on your bed when you charge ar!” wtf)
Mike from LG kindly helped Tim to get it for me so thank you Mike!
I love my new phone! Unfortunately I’m too busy right now to fully revel in it yet 🙁
I picked up this makeup remover at Watson’s the other day just cos it was a huge bottle and it cost less than RM35.
It’s so good okay! It’s water-based so it just evaporates on your skin and it gets rid of mascara and eye makeup and foundation so well.
After I washed my face I patted it with toner and there was no makeup residue on it at all!
No need to buy RM260 Shu Uemura makeup remover anymore! (not that I ever bought it la wtf so expensive)
Best Surprise Purchase ever <3
Suet, Kenny, Tim and I met up at Pavilion for lunch! Don’t think Kenny’s over my height yet. And I have no arms wtf.
With baby:)
Wah damn macho wtf.
Suet damn stupid asked me “errr can I put my hand on his shoulder” WTF
Moved on to Delicious in Bangsar with Jammie…
Jammie’s dress is so cute right! Suet got it for her from the US.
Me with Tze WTF. Here not in body but in spirit wtf.
Suet feeding Tze some edamame wtf.
Dunno what I was laughing about but I like this picture /shy
Our edamame. We ate two, TWO big bowls of it damn addictive! Eat already cannot stop like when I have one in my mouth I’m already reaching out for my second bean wtf.
Jam is equally as addicted to it.
Jammie and Suet while shopping.
Dinner with Lay See and Pierre, the tall, goodlooking, adult couple wtf. Tim and I always feel very kiddy next to them cos they’re like er perfect and grownup. And they’re also getting married soon!
New books! *bliss
These days I’m into books about child abuse WTF. I am not depraved ok *hastily. These are books on incredible tales of abuse and survival (according to the back of one of them) and I like reading how victims of child abuse overcome their experiences usually very touching!
Ten minutes after I got home with my stash, Tim managed to sit on one of my books and bent the cover T____________T
Took my revenge on his Time magazine
Now I feel bad. Poor magazine 🙁 And poor Tim ok I promise never to bully him again 🙁
Btw I had a really really weird dream the other night!
I dreamed I had 5 black warts on my vajayjay WTF.
I went to the doctor and the doctor told me!
The warts were arranged into how a 5 looks like on a dice wtf.
And instead of giving me medicine, the doctor handed me a scalpel for me to scrape the warts off myself WTF.
Then I was ushered into a very nice room with lace curtains and white painted wooden furniture where I had to scrape my warts T________T
Then Tim’s mother appeared (deng deng deng) and she let me choose a dress from her closet to wear when I did my wart scraping operation. She was very nice to me but what a weird dream T______________T
(no better title)
Ok I am here to bring you a community service message!
A friend of mine, See Wei,went to the True Fitness gym at Jaya 33 on Labour Day (1 May 09) at around 6pm for a good invigorating workout wtf.
After working out, he got into the shower for about 10-15 minutes and when he came out, he discovered that the padlock on his locker (number 347) AND his entire gym bag (which contained his cell phone and his wallet) were missing.
He made a report to the gym management and also to the police. Police told him that this is not the first theft case reported from that particular fitness center.
Although it’s stated in their contract that the management will not be held liable and that usage of lockers are at the members’ own risk, See Wei is very upset (and rightfully so) because he doesn’t think that the management has done enough to discharge their responsibilities:
1. They failed to inform/alert the members on the theft incidents;
2. They failed to provide minimal security to the members’ belongings; ie. cannot expect the members to run with their laptop, wallet and cell phone. Or expect them to carry these items to shower;
3. Despite numerous incidents, they failed to improve their security level.
4. They were negligent and irresponsible despite the fees charged – See We and his wife paid about RM10k for the membership fees and trainer.
In total, See Wei lost:
a) Phone and contacts
b) IC
c) Driver’s license
d) Bank cards and credit cards
e) More than RM1,000 in cash (!!!!!)
So everybody, please be VERY VERY CAREFUL when you go to the gym/fitness center to work out. Especially this particular branch since the Seapark station police have said this is not the first incident.
They suspect that this is an inside job since the whole padlock was gone, although nothing has been proven.
But just be very careful of your belongings! Leave unnecessary valuables at home and bring as little cash as you can.
– Brought to you by Fourfeetnine wtf.
I think I’m getting over my emo depressive state!
Workload has still been going strong wtf but right now I feel better equipped to handle it — maybe it was just PMS!
Ally, Jammie and Chapfanzhai came to visit me at work the other day.
Ally said “do stupid faces!” but out of the corner of my eye, they both looked like they didn’t change poses at all so I just smiled nicely. You can be sure they berated me properly for that wtf.
Btw Chapfanzhai is Latat hahahaahaha. His favorite food is chap fan (mixed rice) and every time they come visit me he always hopes we go for chap fan hahahaha. And if we do, he takes forever to get out of the buffet and to pay wtf.
Oh and Ooib and Suet are back from Germany and the US respectively! Ooib, with a tiny cuckoo clock with a pendulum that looks like a penis wtf from Freiburg (where he studied) and Suet with Stila makeup for me!
My skin is getting so good these days! It’s all brighter and more even and my pores are less visible!
My mother says it must be the vegetable juice that she’s making the whole family drink these days because even Fat Her of the enlarged pores and pigmentation says his skin is brighter and fairer now!
Hi Dad!
But I think my mother just dumps any random vegetable/fruit into the blender. I usually hate vegetable juice but the one she made yesterday tasted okay.
So I said to her “eh this one’s okay. What did you put in this time?”
She said “banana.. tomato… broccoli… purple cabbage….”
WTF. I didn’t feel like drinking it anymore 🙁
So either it’s the juice…or my new Dior Whitening Repair Essence wtf.
My new favorite game wtf. It’s the square-arranging puzzle to make a proper picture and it’s on my fake China iphone (as you can see, I didn’t get a free iPhone from Maxis wtf) I got hooked on it while waiting for Tim to pick me up one day. I’ve mastered levels Easy and Medium and now I’m all set to conquer Level Difficult! *hero music
Btw, I dropped my pink fake China iphone on the floor on a coffeeshop and the screen cracked. It’s a touch screen so I can’t use it anymore. But I’m using my mother’s white one now so it’s okay. MLIA wtf.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAH has anyone seen the sequel to fmylife.com?? It’s mylifeisaverage.com WTF and it’s even sadder and more loser-ish than fml hahahahaha my new favorite site.
The power of morning sunlight! And enough sleep! And BB cream! And vegetable juice wtf.
Internetz at home is down!
So many things to say and no outlet for them!
Using office internet to blog this now *looks around furtively. But issokay it’s lunch time now!
Hopefully I can blog properly tonight if Fat Her has fixed the modem!
P/S: I’ve been wanting to say this for ages – I have twitter! Please follow me @fourfeetnineaud wtf. Fourfeetnine was taken *wails. By a girl called Keymonaya from the US. She’s not even really active on it! Her last twit was “trying to find out how to use this site” WTF. I really have a good mind to message her and ask her if she wants to give me her name T_______T (Fourfeetnine, not Keymonaya)
P/P/S: Not to sound cocky or anything, but I have scores of people I don’t know at all adding me on Facebook and I always reject because I don’t know them! So if you’re adding me because you read my blog (thankew for that wtf) pls leave me a line to tell me or I will delete you forever wtf.
At first I decided to do a quick survey of my friends.
Audrey: Er why do I stand out?
“Cos you’re short.”
“You’re four feet nine.”
“Cos short la.”
Enough la enough! Being short isn’t standing out in life! Being short is more like… needing to stand up in life hoho so funny.
So I tried again. This time telling people “besides the fact that I’m short.”
E e f l i n says:
cos u like fart jokes but at the same time u’re damn girlish ?
dammit that’s true!
Fridge Magnet says:
*because u have so much personality
*and because no girl in my life has ever made me fall so much in love before
awwwwww! but that only makes me special to him not to everyone else..
des says:
*ok i think i know
*coz u look very japanese
but if I was in Japan I wouldn’t stand out….
jammie says:
*cos ur pretty end of story
awwwwww but so are ten billion other girls.. (wait, only 6 billion people in the world right wtf)
(@)!xobiscuit^ says:
*you are allergic to like a hundred different things
*but yet still live to see 24 wtf.
*eh maybe something about you jinxing people’s cars
true, true. i used to be allergic to eggs, but i am still allergic to tom yam, actually any watery curries, cocoa butter lip balm, sun block, contact lenses now apparently FML, American dairy products (too milky, gives me diarrhea)
about cars, also true. an inordinately large amount of cars i’ve sat in have broken down. as in everybody needs to get out and push, or wait for police/AAM. actually trains too. and buses. but that shouldn’t deter anyone from offering me a ride, people!
Fat Her says:
You see things from different perspective…
Me (thinking): wah so deep, good answer.
Fat Her says:
Because from where you are, you see people’s chins and beards
Mother says:
Cos you make fun of yourself. You laugh at all your weaknesses and turn them into jokes.
only because I laugh at everything.
the little fat blob has her license 🙂 says:
*well u’re a person who is smart but not conceited, sometimes u dont seem to realize that u arent stupid (which i feel a lot of people might assume so, since u like fashion and all..)
*basically people often judge u based on ur looks but forget or dont want to look deeper
awwwwww so insightful!
Ok honestly, I don’t think I’m a standout in life… yet.
Not in the conventional sense of the word anyway. I haven’t made loads of money or broken any world records (actually my ambition is to enter the Guinness Book of Records for being the oldest woman in the world)
So maybe right now I stand out because…. I’m a bundle of contradictions? Not that everyone else isn’t, but I like to think I’m a unique set of contradictions.
Why I stand out:
1. Um physically I stand out because not many people are less than five feet tall. Once a bouncer told me if I could reach up and touch the sign, he would let me into the club T____T
2. I’m unbelievably vain and obsessed with my appearance to the point that some people might find annoying. But on the other hand, I have no inhibitions about losing all face to make people laugh
Specimen (A)
Specimen (B)
3. I’m horrible at organizing and being neat and remembering important deadlines. I also miss a lot of information sometimes. Ie. terrible at work wtf. But I also really believe that when you do something you have to get right into it and make sure you learn something. And you can’t try to avoid something or stay in your comfort zone all the time or you’ll never improve. That’s why I took weird classes like Drawing (SIGH) — to move out of my comfort zone — and got shitty grades wtf.
4. I care or at least I try to. But then I get cheated countless times by fake monks and people selling handicrafts made by disabled people wtf.
5. oh um I wrote a 100 page honors thesis on May 13 and Ketuanan Melayu! Although that is old news hohum.
6. I’m the most cheerful person a lot of people know! I don’t get angry that often (good for you Jerry! wtf) and everything makes me laugh wtf.
Ok why I’m writing out this very painful list of my unique characteristics is because as people probably know by now, Tiger and Nuffnang are teaming up to throw the Standout Party.
Date : 6th of June 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 7pm till late
Venue : HQnine, TTDI Plaza, KL
Dress Code : Standout
To gain access to this party, simply write a post (like me!) about what a standout you are in your life and title it ‘I’m a Standout in Life’. Once you’re done, send an email to standout@nuffnang.com with the permalink (URL) of your blog post along with your full name. Click here for more details.
Come dressed your best to stand out and you might win some great prizes (amongst which a HP laptop, a Coach bag, Nintendo DS Lites, an Xbox and more!)
P/S: Haven’t decided what I’ll be going as yet but probably something cute because that’s all I know how to be *SIGH. But see you there! <3
Today, I was drinking a glass of fruit juice. A fly flew and landed on the side of the cup. I shrieked and tried to wave it away. It flew off the side and dived into my juice. FML.
It was trying to crawl it’s way out how disgusting T_____________T
This is what happens when your mother makes juice so thick that even flies can’t fly out of it wtf.
Damn fly! Not like I really want to drink my juice (actually I didn’t because there were carrots in it and I hate carrots) but still! I was just going to put the glass to my lips when this fat black buzzing thing flew up from nowhere and landed on my glass T__________T
Fly: “Hello Aud.” wtf *legs wriggling
I jumped up and screamed for like five seconds while my dad shouted at me because he was on the phone. Then I ran outside to the porch where my mom was yelling “Mummymummymummy got fly got fly in my cup”
And she told me calmly to pour the juice down the sink with the fly in it *deflated
The End wtf.
So dengue is over and done with.
Thanks to papaya leaf juice! *hero music
Apparently it’s horrible. According to Hsin whose mom fed it to her when she had dengue (and whose mom taught my mom about this), your tongue feels like it’s been to hell and back wtf. It’s also sticky which makes it cling to your throat and stay there for like a year.
When I asked if it was worse than bile (cos I heard that bile is the bitterest substance in the world), she said “yes because bile is your own. This is the bile of the papaya tree.” hahahahaahahha
Tim screamed for about ten seconds. I thought he was kidding but luckily my mom knew better and stuffed some candy into his mouth.
Then he quietened down and retired to the couch to sit and stare into space wtf.
I was furious last night, which prompted me to stab out the protected entry two posts back. I don’t think I’ve ever despised anyone or held anyone in contempt before as much as I do right now.
I only regret that when he told me to fuck off, I was so mad the only thing I could think of to say back was “you fuck off first!” WTF.
I watched Bride Wars today and cried. I miss Angela because we’re each other’s Emma and Liv. I miss Tze because she is the epitome of Liv wtf. I miss Suet because Emma ended up marrying Liv’s brother. If Jammie went away I think I would just shrivel up and die. I miss having girlfriends.
It’s that time of the month again. wtf
I really really really really really really really really really need a break. From everything.
Don’t think I’ll be giving out the password right now.
Thanks for understanding!
Hello just a quick update while he’s asleep.
If you don’t already know, Tim is down with dengue 🙁
He came down with fever last Wednesday which wouldn’t go away. The doctor told him it could just be a viral infection but by Monday when he was still having fever, I finally made him take a blood test.
It was a viral infection all right! Dengue is caused by a virus ma wtf.
But funny thing was, on Monday they couldn’t detect the virus. But they did however find that his platlet count was unusually low (but not at a very dangerous level yet)
So it’s been a worrying two days, wondering if he really had dengue and then what he was going to do. Which hospital to admit himself into, whether it should even be in KL, whether to fly back to Penang, etc.
Today they finally detected the virus. But amazingly, his platlet count had gone up. And his fever was gone. The doctor said it looks like he’s getting better so yay no hospital for him!
He’s still feeling tired most of the time and his skin is all red and splotchy (cos of the broken capillaries) but GETTING BETTER! NO HOSPITALIZATION!
I think Fat Her and Mummy Ooi should get a big amount of the credit. <3
Yesterday when we feared it could be dengue, my mother sent Fat Her out to look for papaya leaves WTF.
Because she heard that drinking the juice from papaya leaves would cure dengue.
So Fat Her skulked around our neighborhood, rang a few doorbells, and when nobody answered, he broke a leaf off some neighbor’s papaya tree for himself hahahahahahha
But then he panicked! Cos the leaf was really fibrous and it wouldn’t break off! He had to frantically claw at the leaf while looking around for witnesses before he could get it off hahahahaahha
No wonder when I got home I saw this huge frond in the corner of the kitchen hahahaha
Mummy Ooi also boiled up some herbs from the Chinese medicine store meant to cure dengue and made Tim drink it.
He said it was really bitter so she went “if you finish drinking I’ll give you a sweet!”
And Tim ran to me and said “your mother says if I finish my soup she’s going to give me a sweet yay!” hahahahahah true story ok wtf.
So I don’t know if it was the soup or the papaya juice (oh wait he hasn’t drunk that yet) but today he’s better wheeee
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