Quick update on Project 365!
#62: 14 April 2009
Someone left this link in my comments asking me to play this game.
You’re supposed to think of a person whether fictional or not and the genie will guess who it is.
So that’s how I spent half my night — trying to defeat a virtual genie in a guessing game -_____-
But I did defeat him! He guessed my answer as Calvin of Calvin & Hobbes…. but my answer was Spaceman Spiff! Different okay! *insistent
#63: 15 April 2009
He stole my Project 365 picture again T_____T Mine was supposed to be this and his was of him drinking yogurt but it was so fascinating that he took mine and used it so now everyone thinks I’m the copycat T_____T
#64: 16 April 2009
Um I forgot to take a picture today but I saw this picture of us on Cindy’s blog and I thought it was very nice!
#65: 17 April 2009
I know the whole world probably knows about Susan Boyle by now but whateverrrr this is my blog and I want to say that every time I watch this video I cry.
And I’ve watched this like 6-8 times!
Even in the opis! I teared and hoped Desmond wouldn’t look up and see me weeping wtf.
People are saying that it’s the victory of the underdog that everyone is faling in love with and it’s true! The moment she opened her mouth and Simon froze was priceless better than Mastercard T_____T
(doesn’t help that I am pmsing right now)
Seriously if I could have one talent in the world it would be to stun people! With one warble of my voice wtf.
But I am not blessed like that 🙁
Once my friend called me and I picked up the phone and said “Hello”, he went “oh sorry I think I got the wrong number” and hung up WTF.
Cos my voice so man T________T
Another time Hsin told her mom she would be out with me then we went out to yamcha or something. Halfway through, her mom called her and heard me talking in the background.
She got real mad and said “Are you lying to me? You said you were going out with Audrey but how come I hear a guy’s voice behind?” WTF FML
To the best Office Buddy (TM) in the world,
Who makes me laugh until I cry nearly every time we meet… (so much so that we always forget to take out our cameras when it’s just the both of us)
For always being there and who crazily supports me in everything I do or say even though sometimes I may not deserve it..
Of whom people say we look like sisters…
You are 22 today!
Happy Birthday and best frenz 4eva WTF (true ok not like we have any other friends besides each other these days WTF)
Have a great one and remember that you are always loved:)
So it was a long day.
Something went wrong quite terribly and it scared the shit out of me SIGH
I got quite mentally exhausted cos I was so worried over it and didn’t really have the mood to do anything besides sit quietly at my place and stare at the computer.
Anyway by the time I got off work I was so hungry I was feeling a bit faint and got gastricitis a bit 🙁
And then a stupid Moto Moto had to interfere with my life and make me angry!
I was second in line at Macdonalds waiting to place my order when this big fat woman with a child in tow came and planted herself next to me.
I shot her a look but I was on the phone so I didn’t say anything.
Then the woman in front of me got her order and left.
And the stupid fat woman smoothly slipped in front of me and opened her mouth to place her order.
I threw my phone away forgetting to say bye to Tim (luckily good aim and landed inside my bag) and shook her shoulder and said “HELLO SAYA DI SINI DULU PERGI BELAKANG LA” (HELLO I WAS HERE FIRST PLS GO TO THE BACK LA)
She had the grace to look shamefaced and said “sorry sorry” but instead of going to the back of the line, she stood next to the woman behind me!
How is she teaching her kid like this!
And because of that the woman behind me got very scared and stood like glue to my back and infringed upon my personal space!
I looked behind and got a rude shock to see a woman’s face 5 cm away looking back at me glassily wtf.
#60: 13 April 2009
And this is the culprit!
I was still fuming about it after I walked away so I took this pic.
The nerve! Nobody crosses Audrey!
Is your kid starving? No. Are you disabled? No. Do you need more fried chicken? No. Is Audrey hungry? YES. Most importantly, did you come here first or did I? Of course me la then who! *swats woman’s head
Cos I was okay! I was tired and hungry and had gastric and all I wanted to do was eat my dinner and go home. And this bloody woman had to come and make the entire line of people angry >((((
And then after that I dropped by Tim’s place for a while.
And got stuck on the wall again FML.
#56: 10 April 2009 (a)
Package arrived for me! For a top I bought online.
But the better pic would be…
#57: 10 April 2009 (b)
I snuck up holding the Hello Kitty charm on my camera to stop it from jingling but she heard my camera zoom dammit!
So she tried to cover her face with her hands. And put up her leg to stop me from coming near.
But she dunno meh camera can take pictures from any angle okay!
And you wonder why I’m so funny wtf. Because of genes like hers and Fat Her’s!
#58: 11 April 2009
Very productive shopping at Sungei Wang with Jammie!
Although she got mad at this shop for not letting her exchange a dress she bought like 5 seconds after she paid cos she saw a nicer one wtf.
But I still bought another dress from there anyway wtf sigh I’m sorry Jammie I’m a traitor wtf.
btw I am getting quite used to my hair! It’s outgrown its newly cut slap-bowl-on-head-and shear look and it doesn’t look so bad now! But I am still getting extensions nobody talk me out of this!
#59: 12 April 2009
Instead of walking the long way from the car to the elevator, I decided to emulate what Tim usually does which is hop over the wall. (I thought it’s quite cool how he does it! Hop over the wall with such ease and looks very macho. So I thought I would be cool too.)
But I got stuck. FML T__________T
I shouted for help from him. He went HAHAHA, took the camera I was holding (I thought to help me) but instead opened it and took this photo T_________T
Then only he deigned to help me off the wall. Some more did it so casually he just carried me under his arm like a log boohoo.
edit: is it just me or does everyone have their anniversaries this time of the month? like on 10, 11 or 12. cos the 10th belongs to audtim & eeflinjs, 11th is kymell, 12th is bazsuet. who else has their special date now! ?
Tell us about the first time you met and your first impression of him/her:
A bit fat and not a very nice shirt WTF.
I was in Bangsar with Hui Wen, Tze and Su Ann and Su Ann asked me if I wanted to meet Kenny and I said okay! Because I was supposed to meet Kenny 4 years ago but I ffked him to go do my hair instead WTF.
Then a whole bunch of people appeared with Kenny and he was one of them.
And it turned out it was his birthday! And we um …kind of gatecrashed it unknowingly awkward turtle wtf.
Wasn’t very sure who he was but he talked so much I figured he must be Suet’s old boss. I was looking for a job then and he offered to send my resume in to a couple of companies he knew.
What’s a weird habit or quirk that s/he has?:
Saying the phrase “you know”. Sometimes when I’m irritable I feel like beating the side of his head and shouting “you know your head la you know!” wtf. Oh he also is obsessive-compulsive over washing his hands and drinking water – washes his hands like twenty times a day and drinks like 8 liters of water.
What makes him/her sad?:
the thought that he might fail or not make it. The thought that I will cheat on him wtf.
What makes him/her angry?:
My exes wtf. Having to wait. People cancelling out on him last minute god I can still remember the fury the first time I did that wtf.
What excites him/her?
Possible new ventures. Stories of people who start off poor or downtrodden but who make it big in the end (haih so nerdy). Ice-cream. Steak. Gadget stores. Memememe wtf.
Tell us something funny about him/her:
I’ll tell you what’s not funny! The amount of gas he has in his system! And he clearly needs to eat more vegetables and fruits! Every time he farts I feel like I’m going to go crazy but to him it’s the best entertainment ever to hug me and make me stay there to smell his fart T__________T
What’s s/he like at home?:
Quite the same as outside except that he’ll change into a ratty old tshirt and shorts and play xbox the whole day (if he could)
What’s s/he like at work/school?:
Um from what I know, very efficient and productive. Good at scolding people I think he can be headmaster.
Describe his/her room:
About ten times the size of mine. And ten times as neat! Double bed, dark wooden closet doors, dark wooden desk, swivel chair… and a bookshelf filled with all his rags-to-riches books.
What’s his/her best friend like?:
He’s undecided between two to be best men for his wedding! One is short, chubby and the loudest person i’ve ever met. The other one is an ex-army guy and scares the shit out of me and everyone else T_T
Do you know who s/he hates the most?:
Of course i do! But not appropriate to say here.
Have you met his/her exes?:
Do his/her parents like you?:
i think they think i’m stupid WTF.
What’s the first thing s/he would do or say if s/he fell down and scraped their knee:
Fuck this shit!
what would s/he do in an emergency situation with other people involved?:
he would get all efficient and organize everything and order everyone about. And nobody would dare not to listen to him because he’s scary like that.
Which shop would s/he spend the most time at in a shopping mall?:
The xbox shop woe is me. Second is the bookstore. Third is New Zealand natural.
what would s/he have for a typical breakfast?:
Oats! Because my mother told him oats reduce cholesterol and he’s been eating it religiously every morning ever since.
Where would s/he want to go for dinner?:
Jarrod & Rawlins. Or San Fransisco Steakhouse.
What kind of movie would s/he choose at the cinema?:
Anything with Vin Diesel -___________- Or comedies also. But never horror and I love horror movies how 🙁
Describe his/her taste in music:
We listen to all the same Chinese songs! And most pop ones too! He likes RnB alot more than me though and his last favourite song is the Cookie Jar one.
If s/he wasn’t going out with you, who would s/he be going out with?:
I know! Someone taller wtf.
What item in his/her wardrobe would you like to burn:
OHHH lemme make a list. First, all his striped polo tees. Then I’ll move on to all his collared shirts! Actually I’ll burn everything not bought in the year AD (Audrey Domini wtf). Seriously baby, seriously. No la I’ll leave a few too! Like his Boss Stewie shirt and one more dark blue polo tee cos the cutting is quite nice.
What is s/he good at?:
Typing! He types so fast! Good at lecturing me, very good at talking and expressing himself in general, good at manja-ing, good at waking up in the middle of the night to drag me to him (I need my space ok!), very good at navigating and directions.
What is s/he totally horrible at?:
Drawing la I don’t even know how he passed his art class. Or handwriting tests wtf. He also sucks at letting go of grudges Oh bad at remembering things I say hmph.
What’s something about him/her that is annoying/infuriating?:
That he forgets what I say to him sometimes. And his fart trick la after so long already can still laugh so much about farting in my face HA HA so funny.
What’s something that you two fundamentally disagree on?:
Grocery shopping. Forgiveness – I always forget how people hurt me and he remembers them for life. I want to adopt 1 kid and call it a day while he wants 4 (FOUR!!!) CHILDREN. From my birth canal! Wtf.
What’s something that you two agree whole-heartedly on?:
That Disneyland is the best place on earth. That i’m cute WTF.
Is s/he possessive?:
Yes very.
Why would s/he succeed in life?:
Because he’s very determined. And he’s very clear on what he wants from life and what he wants to achieve. And once he gets an idea into his head he drives at it incessantly until he gets what he wants.
what is the coolest gift that s/he has ever given you?:
5 letters he wrote and had delivered to my house – he went to Shanghai for a 5 day business trip but before he went he sat down and wrote 5 letters for me. Then he arranged to have one delivered each day he was gone so I wouldn’t miss him too much. 🙂
What does s/he avoid at all costs?:
He’s quite easy going! He even follows me to do my hair, lashes and shopping ok. Horror movies. Me plucking his eyebrow hair HAHA well actually once he let me do it but i’m pretty sure he avoids it at all costs now.
What does s/he spend the most money on?:
Describe his/her typical sunday:
He’ll always wake up earlier than me no matter what time it is! Then first thing he’ll go turn on his computer. If he could he would go for Klang bak kut the wtf. And then either go BUY GROCERIES DAMMIT or PLAY MORE XBOX god. Basically just bum around cos that’s the only day of the week he can.
Why would s/he be dangerous?:
cos his voice is loud enough to bust anyone’s ear drums wtf.
Once when we were both in Penang and after some family dinner he picked me up from my grandparents’ house and he was wearing a really nice shirt.
What’s something about him/her that would surprise all of his/her friends?:
Actually I think what really did surprise his friends (and me wtf) was how clingy and manja he can be! But everyone’s used to it now anyways and if he ever indulges in pda in front of the nuffies they just roll their eyes and move to the next room WTF
What do you love most about him/her?:
That he’s very smart (even though sometimes I tell him he can be too cocky)
That he’s very thoughtful – because I’m not 🙁 and I admire that in him
That he makes me feel very safe and secure. Like I know that if I’m ever in trouble I just have to wait for him and he’ll be there.
His laugh. When I first met him he didn’t laugh as much I dunno why! But now he does and I have a lot of fun saying something funny and waiting for him to burst into laughter. He laughs like it’s surprised out of him a lot.
The biggest lesson you have learnt from loving your soulmate:
I’m still learning to think of him and of others as much as he thinks of me.
This post was written because today we are 6 months old.
Happy 6 months baby!
click here to see Tim’s version
#52: 6 April 2009
My gifts from company dinner!
The blender (not useful) and CD player (even more not useful)
#53: 7 April 2009
O hai! Iz me! Without makeup or contact lenses wtf.
Damn stupid ok! I took off my contact lenses and couldn’t find my glasses! And I am nearly blind without my glasses.
So as a last resort, I put on Darren’s lensless frames to see if it could psychologically improve my eyesight WTF.
It didn’t 🙁 In fact it made my eyesight seem worse cos I expected my sight to improve cos I had a pair of glasses perched on my nose so when it of course didn’t it seemed like I was blinder than ever 🙁
#54: 8 April 2009
*tears of happiness
Bonnie bought my CD player from me! For RM200 I don’t think I’m a very good bargainer but whateverrrrrrr
#55: 9 April 2009
(this picture looks like I have an arm growing out of my head wtf)
Work has been piling up recently and I think it’s going to get ten times worse next week:(
thank god the weekend is coming so i can be a vegetable T.T
This entry is so short:( But issokay tomorrow Tim and I will write a couple meme in conjuction with… a special occasion *deng deng deng
Clubbing with Suanie, Latat, Jammie, Ringo, KY and Huai Bin!
(sometimes I hate dating a blogger cos he always beats me to writing posts about the same event and then nobody wants to hear my version anymore wtf)
(and sometimes I hate how short I am look at Jammie and Ringo’s legs and then mine!)
The bunch of us. This girl came up to introduce herself to all of us and missed Latat cos he blended into the walls WTF hahahahahaha
I think the theme of the night was Lollipop or something so they gave candy out -_-
Haha so many candid shots of the night! Look at Ringo and Cindy so cute hahahah
Only Jammie got the right camera! So pretty /shy
Shots that tasted like mixed fruit juice -______- Luckily we didn’t pay for them!
Ginny and I wore nearly the same thing! But why is Ginny’s arm snaking like a spiral of smoke!
Yat hahahahahaahha
I like this picture even though I look all sweaty.
Fug doing his thing wtf and Ky who is very good at doing the chest-popping Rain dance hahahahaha one day imma take a video of him.
At mamak after hours.
O hai! I am always at the mirror and Tim is always at the computer.
Anyway now that the pictures are over with, I wanna talk about something.
There was this girl there who i think was trying to hit on Tim WTF.
I am not 100% sure but I had an uneasy feeling! (although I could be wrong I really am not 100% sure)
But we were all dancing in a group with Tim opposite facing me. And as usual I have the grace of a penguin on land wtf so I think I was striking Saturday Night Fever poses and putting peace signs in front of my eyes sigh.
Then this girl (we met her earlier) came up to join us and danced beside Tim.
I didn’t think of anything so I didn’t really pay attention.
I dunno if she started getting nearer to him or not but then her body language got a bit weird!
She was like dancing with her back/shoulder facing him and like shimmying up to him wtf. And she looked over her shoulder at him but with her eyes downcast focused somewhere between his chest and crotch WTF.
You understand how ar!
Quite suspicious right! So I quickly pulled him away wtf. But to his credit, he said he moved away too.
Maybe she didn’t actually mean anything. But let’s say hypothetically there is a girl who does.
Hypothetically, if a boy and girl are dancing together and smiling at each other, the girl should not be barging her way through and then trying to rub her sweaty shoulder on the guy!
Especially if she knows they’re a couple. What gets me is not the jealousy cos it’s not like I think I will lose my boyfriend to a girl who comes up and tries to dance with him but just…the lack of respect.
No respect for the girlfriend’s presence, no respect for girlfriend’s feelings..
Ok I’m sure there are a lot of very liberal and forgiving women out there but I just think it’s disrespectful unless you know the girl is totally fine with it. Like if you’ve known each other for years and are close and just dancing together as friends for fun. And the girlfriend is aware and okay with this.
And no need to say la for the guy who goes and dances with other girls when his own girlfriend is there I hope you like my fist cos it’ll be the last thing you see wtf.
I had an ex like that once! Who when we went clubbing, asked me to take care and have fun myself but later when I went to look for him he was hanging out/dancing with other girls -___________-
Maybe one day I’ll write about the horrors of my exes! Best selling horror novel wtf.
#49: 3 April 2009
Malay style meal at company annual dinner. They made us sit on the floor and eat. Bad idea becuse Lee Fen spilled her water, Desmond spilled his gravy, and I dropped curry on an unsuspecting woman’s handbag wtf.
But I got a blender! (door gift) and a mp3 CD player! (lucky draw) and motor oil! WTF (another lucky draw)
#50: 4 April 2009
Across the Universe! One of my mostest favoritest movies in the world! I had it downloaded in my laptop ready to turn on so I could listen to the songs anytime I wanted. But then remember my stupid computer crashed and I lost it boohoo.
And Tim found a copy for me! <3333333
#51: 5 April 2009
40 minutes of Sungei Wang shopping before Tim got bored and hustled me off T_T
Okay why was I covering my face with the CD?
Because I cut my hair boohoohoo
My mother said I look like I’m 4 years old and i think she could have overestimated it by a bit T_________T
(especially with the Hello Kitty shirt *kicks at sand moodily)
Why la why! Every single time I cut my hair I regret it. But no I never learn!
Actually I tell you a secret la.
It was because I feared I was going bald T____T
So I thought better cut off all my hair first before I lose all of it wtf.
Then when I chopped it off I realized that I wasn’t balding after all *dark
I just badly needed to layer my hair that was all *dark
I am a boy in girl’s clothes *gloom
This means that I cannot wear tshirts anymore! Look what tshirts do to me! Minus my age (and IQ) by so many points!
Or any more casual or childish clothes for that matter. Must wear lots of pearls and slacks and specs chains from now on wtf.
How long do you think it’ll take me to regrow my hair. A year? Ten years?
I’m just praying it’s long enough to get extensions T_____T
(although I don’t think Tim will like them because when I got my lashes done he asked me timidly “so actually whose eyelashes are those?” WTF)
I have found my new love.
Isn’t it the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen? *caresses the air
I just stumbled on it accidentally!
I like shoes a lot more than bags. I have a lot of shoes and maybe 4 bags.
Bag #1 is gold and from Petaling Street.
Bag #2 is the leopard one from Sungei Wang.
Bag#3 is a tiny Ferragamo dinner one that I took from my mother (so not really my bag)
Bag #4 is a huge Aldo one for office.
So what I do is I only carry the small one for clubbing.
And then I carry one of the others every day of the week for months wtf.
Bag #1 is shedding its gold layer and inside it is orange WTF. So now my bag is dual toned.
Bag #2’s strap broke last Saturday *kicks at gravel moodily
Because I never placed much importance on bags being an accessory to your outfit
(more like a necessity to carry your things)
(more like very mafan because I used to hate bringing around anything with me)
I never got any proper sturdy bags to carry.
But now I think I will!
I am going to invest in a good (more expensive than RM50) bag!
Tze said to start from the basics and get a Speedy. But everybody has a Speedy! And a Neverfull! So common don’t want.
Bag above is from Miu Miu and it’s gorgeous! All white and gold — my favorite colors! Actually I like most colors. Except maybe grey? Wait I like grey too. Ok I don’t like duck shit green and diarrhea brown.
But very expensive. So if I plan on getting a nice bag I have to construct a saving plan to manage my cash properly.
(mum if you’re reading this I can save too ok! but what did i really spend on since i started working nothing that’s what it is nothing! and i can’t live a life forever saving and repaying loans and nothing else)
So pretty………………….. *sayangs. If by the time I save up enough money they stop producing it wtf, Imma …. kill some small animals wtf.
Ok Project 365 time!
#44: 29 March 2009
Grocery shopping I bloody hate grocery shopping when I grow up I’m going to employ an immigrant to do my shopping for me.
Yoshinoya come to Mama!
I love Yoshinoya it reminds me of all the tiny restaurants in Japan where you order through a machine and collect your order at the counter mmmm beef and rice orgasmic
Actually I forgot what day this was taken.
So let me just say it was #45: 30 March 2009 wtf.
#46: 31 March 2009
Before the Fast & Furious 4 screening. Minutes earlier, I was mad at Tim cos he said I’m not pretty without makeup.
(which is actually true but god gave us a mouth to lie ok wtf)
#47: 1 April 2009 – no picture because uhhhh I bluffed myself there’s no need to take a picture WTF.
#48: 2 April 2009
Meeting at TTDI so fun get to get out of office and clients’ offices for a while! My sinus was acting up which explains the tissue paper and hot green tea.
grumpy cos i can’t log onto msn
grumpy cos i can’t upload pictures
grumpy cos i’ve been terrible this week about project 365
grumpy cos i wanted to touch up my lashes today and they were fully booked
grumpy cos i think i’m balding
grumpy cos my dad said i’ve aged and i look in my late 20s now
grumpy cos i’ve got ugly knees
i walked into a rolling bin of boiled rice and banged one knee. then i scratched my other on the underside of the table
grumpy cos my hair suxxxx
grumpy because nobody seems to care after i changed blogs and everybody has stopped commenting now
i know sometimes i’m bad at replying comments but it’s cos at night i’m too tired to do much on the computer besides update a little and i don’t wanna use office time to reply comments
but i read every single comment and they always make me smile!
i always said i think a blogger is worth the comments they get instead of their traffic. some people have lots of readers but nobody comments and that probably means they wanna see what the blogger is up to but don’t particularly like them
i guess this means i’ve turned into one of them now
*unloved and LOA wtf
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