Guess what I’m doing now!!!
It’s called watching TV lolol.
Astro’s newest service is called Astro On-The-Go! The name is self-explanatory – with Astro On-The-Go, you can watch Astro anytime, anywhere, on your laptop, phone or tablet!
You are now the master of your TV programs wtf.
That is, as long as you have your mobile devices with you. Laptop, iPad and iPhone to start with. I’m pretty sure they’ll release an Android version soon too. Since, you know, all the hipsters are on Android. Lolol.
Astro is having a party to celebrate this and to show everyone exactly how AOTG works! It’s happening at The Pool, Ampang next Saturday 23 June at 6.30pm!
I will be there yo.
Last Astro event was for Halloween and I last minute didn’t have costume so anyhow just donned a yukata.
This time it’s EURO season and the party is EURO themed so break out your football jerseys please!! Luckily Fatty bought a lot of MU jerseys at Old Trafford last year so I can steal.
As with all Nuffnang-Astro events, there will be a best dressed contest. Winner wins a new iPad.
Don’t know what to wear yet though. Maybe wear black and white and come as a football WTF. Or all green and come as the football pitch hahahah.
For invites to the EURO party, go to the Nuffnang website here and comment to win passes!
Besides the EURO party, where do you wanna go with your Astro-On-The-Go?
Join the On The Go movement by sharing a photo of yourself of where you wanna watch your Astro!
To qualify, submit a pic of yourself holding either a laptop, smartphone or tablet showcasing the “Astro On-The-Go” logo at the funniest/most interesting/most creative location you can think of. Most creative entries will be rewarded too!
Astro will form the longest ad in the world powered by all our pictures. The ad will grow featuring all your photo entries continuously starting from 23rd June onwards. You can choose to submit your entry via Astro’s website or tweet the photo using the hashtag #AstroOnTheGo or during the pool party!!
This is the AOTG logo image:
This is my submission wtf.
Not very creative I admit but it’s totally true considering the amount of time I spend in the toilet diarrhea-ing.
Here’s where I gain a bazillion wife points!!!
It’s always been a running joke between Fatty and me that he’s always the more romantic, thoughtful one of us. So every time I do something uncharacteristically sweet or thoughtful for him, I feel the need to say “WIFE POINTS!” to remind him that I’m racking up good wife points doing something nice hahahahaha.
(this includes buying indomie at the supermarket wtf)
This month is his birthday month!
Every year when his birthday rolls around, my anus shrinks WTF cos I always get very stressed thinking of what to get him hahahaha. He loves presents but he also loves shopping wtf. Every time he needs or wants something, he buys it himself like within two minutes -_-
So the window of getting him something he wants is very very short -_- Also, every time he buys an item, he’ll make sure it’s the biggest, best item of the range. Considering that his spending power is way more than mine, it gets even harder to find him something.
But this year genius struck wtf.
The key is to buy him something that he wants, but would never get for himself. Or something that he doesn’t know he wants!
So on the morning of his birthday, I woke him up and got him out of the house. I didn’t wanna tell him where we were going to avoid the surprise so I insisted I drive. Luckily I sort of knew the way if not have to use GPS super fail hahahaha.
I drove us to… Subang Airport.
Where we met a pilot!!!!
Ok Fatty’s birthday present was a chance to be Pilot for a Day. The pilot would meet him, brief him, explain the basics of flying and the plane parts. Then Fatty would get to sit in the cockpit with the pilot and watch him fly. And if things are stable, the pilot would hand the reins over and Fatty would fly the plane!
WIFE POINTS!!! *pumps fist
But very safe wan la cos the cockpit has two controls. So if Fatty screws up the pilot can easily take over.
Fatty is normally very careful and plans for the future a lot (unlike me who rarely thinks too much -_-) so he was quite apprehensive at first. He asked the pilot, “what happens if you have a heart attack halfway?” FHL curse his life hahahahhaha.
The pilot said nothing to worry about because the control tower or whoever would guide him how to land the plane safely.
In the hangar! At this point I wished I got him a Helicopter Pilot for the Day deal instead. Looks a billion times cooler leh!
Fatty and the pilot walking ahead to the plane.
At this point when I saw how tiny the plane really was I got nervous hahaha. Clearly I didn’t think it through and didn’t realize what the plane would look like.
The cockpit.
It’s a Cessna something so Fatty and the pilot sat in front while I sat behind.
And wore this stupid hat with camera on it wtf.
I got this Pilot experience package from Redribbondays and they wanted to document it so they gave Fatty the hat to wear so the camera could record his view and experience. But he didn’t like it and asked me to wear it instead wtf.
Bird’s eye view of KL! We flew from Subang to KL city center.
That’s KL tower!
And the Petronas Twin Towers
Flew over lotsa terrace houses! I guess this was PJ.
The houses looked like little boxes! Then it reminded me of Walk Off The Earth’s Little Boxes which I am addicted to and is really about suburban living wtf.
Curve and Damansara area! Rush hour jam hasn’t kicked in yet wtf.
Wah and I also noticed a lot of bright blue patches when we flew over PJ/Damansara. All swimming pools! Damansara in particular, every house had a pool wah so many rich people in this world wtf.
The pilot passed the controls to Fatty who instantly made the plane dive WTF. But after a while he got the hang of it and he was quite good!
But after a while sitting in the back I started to feel a bit airsick. The plane doesn’t come with aircon so for ventilation we had to open the windows. But sometimes we had to close it and lack of air makes people sitting in the back nauseous. Plus I was hungry wtf.
So we flew back to Subang and landed safely yay! I used The Secret to keep us safe lolol.
Pilot Fatty and Licensed Pilot.
Since it was his experience, Fatty really explains it a lot better. For his view, see his post here.
Then at night I outdid myself and got all Fatty’s friends and the Nuffies together for a surprise dinner!
No la hahaha the Nuffies did most of the organizing – Rina, Angeline, Mimi, Pinky, Linda, thank you all!!!!!! *plants kisses
College friends… who didn’t know what to get a guy who has everything wtf so they bought him flowers hahaha.
Nuffies! Michelle, Pinky, Lydia, Jestina, Yuen.
More Nuffies wtf. Fresh, Karen, Mimi, Fatty, Angeline, Rina, Linda, Nic, Tim 2.
Check out how long the table was hahaha.
It was also Munster’s birthday hahaha.
Check out Fatty’s shirt btw. That was the Nuffie’s birthday present for him. Tim-ception wtf.
He said it was the best birthday surprise I ever gave him!
Shit me now I dunno how to compete with this next year.
Within the last couple of days, three people have already asked me if I’m going on a “bridal diet.” -_-
I was mildly offended because if you ask any woman if she’s planning to go on a diet, it can only mean one thing wtf.
Like how if you buy someone deodorant for Christmas, it can only mean one thing hahahahah.
But then I remembered a colleague last year who went on a crash gym regimen a couple of months before her wedding even tho she was quite skinny already.
It’s part of the whole gearing up to look your best for most important day of your life thing.
Anyway a month or so back, Aesthetics Marketing Asia contacted me. They are a major supplier in Malaysia for beauty solutions and treatments for face and body(non-invasive, meaning no surgery involved) Companies like Marie France get all their supplies from them! Other clients are Slimming Sanctuary, Cenosis, etc.
Aesthetics said they wanted to give me and Fatty a wedding present – treatments to target whatever problems we have.
Fatty shuddered and said no wtf. He doesn’t like staying still to have things slathered on him wtf.
But I thought it’d be quite interesting and went ahead to meet the Beauty Trainer.
This is her. Her name is Christy!
At first she looked at me and said ‘not much fat areas to improve’.
Boy was she wrong wtf.
She asked me which areas of my body that I wasn’t happy with.
So I told her my eyebags! :3 And I don’t like that my tummy and thighs are quite flabby. And I have cellulite on my legs *breaks down and cries
Being skinny doesn’t mean you don’t have cellulite ok *rages
Anyway first she hooked me up to this machine which takes special photos of my face and analyzes it.
And oh lawdy this is the most depressing information ever.
Cannot believe I spend so much time and money on my face and my skin still sucks.
It checks for a bunch of different things – skin type, moisture, elasticity, pores, sebum, pigmentation,
I failed every single one T_________T except suppleness I think. Suppleness I was in the normal range. But she told me that this is an overall global scale and Asians are supposed to have higher suppleness levels compared to Caucasians.
So for an Asian I still fail T_______T
Asian Dad would not be happy.
MCB depressing ok. I always knew my skin is dry wan. But the results showed that cos my skin is dry, it tries to compensate by upping the production of oil. So that’s why I end up having oily T zone fts.
Then wrinkles no need to say la *even more depressed
Then pigmentation cos I have some freckles too.
And pores are also enlarged. FTS. Plus got sebum deposits around T zone area.
Come on universe, what else can you throw at me wtf.
Then next was body check up.
I take even less care of my body than I do face so I was quite terrified.
A lot of gyms these days have one of these things!
Basically I stood on it and gripped those two handle things and the machine could analyze my body mass, fat, etc.
Ok la these are things I already know wtf. Weight is underweight and so is BMI.
Body type low weight. Means my weight is low but I’m not thaaat fat yet. But Christy warned me against gaining any more fat -______- She said that for my weight I’m actually borderline fat WTF. If you look at the 2 photos above at PBF assessment, it stands for Percentage Body Fat. And my PBF is 27% which is a lot considering that my weight and BMI are under optimal levels.
Shit me. So i’m skinny but fat wtf.
Weirdly enough, it turns out that my fat is not at my legs and tummy as I thought, but my arms D:
The black semi circles represent fat mass, and red is muscle mass. So if you see left arm & right arm (top two circles) I got over abundance of fat and not enough muscle fts.
Surprisingly for torso, I got Under for fat and Optimal for muscle!!!!! All the laughing I do is worth it cos I can’t think of anything else I do that tightens stomach muscles lolol.
Then for legs, left leg is Under for fat and Well for muscle! Right leg is Optimal for fat and Under for muscle.
True actually Fat Her always tells me my left leg is bigger than my right and I always get irritated thinking he’s just being annoying. But yea I tend to favor my left leg and lean on it more.
Then also got a lecture from the machine fts.
Of course exercise is what’s most necessary for me now.
But cos I lazy the Aesthetics people said I can try another of their technologies first – a fat zapper which emits radiowaves to zap fat cell membranes and dissolve the fat D:
No pain or any feeling wan.
Treatment starts this week so I’m crossing my fatty fingers.
Yesterday was the most stressful day of our wedding planning history.
We rushed back to Penang for a snappy two days just to kau tim wedding stuff we are so hero. Couldn’t stay longer cos Fatty had other commitments back in KL. Obviously I’m not the one with commitments since I’m jobless #loser
Anyway we had to fit a whole bunch of things to do into one full day. A lot of things to do actually! Go check out the venue again, meet up with planner, meet up with wedding band, meet up with photographer, do food tasting…. and apply for marriage license.
In the end we didn’t even have time to meet up with the band or the photographer.
I am now the expert in applying for marriage licenses in Malaysia wtf. Anyone getting married, feel free to ask me anything. Money back guarantee wtf.
To register for marriage, you’re supposed to apply for it first. After you apply, it’s considered a sort of declaration that you’re getting married. We have to have up a notice in the registrar announcing our impending nuptials for 21 days… maybe in case if any of us is already married, it gives the spouse ample time to come out and object wtf. If no objections, then you can legally get married.
So we rushed to the Jabatan Pendaftaran early in the morning with our forms and identity cards and individual identification photos.
Waited for our turn only to find out that – the details are unclear to me cos it was rounds and rounds of it but – because we wanted to register the marriage outside the registration office, we needed…. our birth certificates. And copies of ICs (identity cards) of two people who would witness our marriage. -_-
My birth cert is in a safe somewhere in KL and Fatty’s was somewhere in Penang but probably equally obscure so luckily at the same office we could apply to issue our birth certs. So off we went to the birth/death section wtf and filled out forms to apply for our birth certs.
Mine happened to be in the system so they issued it to me right away. But as luck would have it, Fatty’s was apparently not in the system and we had to wait two hours before they could update and get it -____-
So we went to have lunch while waiting wtf. And we got someone to send us photocopies of his parents’ ICs to use as witnesses. When we came back, we again took a number, waited then got his birth cert.
Then we went back to the marriage department.
Because our addresses on our ICs are in different states (mine says Selangor while Fatty’s is Penang) we would basically have to apply for marriage TWICE, in both states. At this point Fatty was a bit agitated wtf he said he would rather pay more than redo this entire process all over again when we came back to KL.
The registrar said “Can! Then you apply for a Special Marriage License and you don’t need to reapply in KL.”
Special Marriage License means we have to pay RM100 more wtf. And because it actually dispenses with the Declaration and 21 days’ notice, we would need to submit our application to the dunno what Director -_____- And before we submit, we would have to fill out another form, this time to apply to only apply for marriage in one state. God that was a mouthful wtf. Then we needed to get verification and stamp from a Commissioner for Oaths. -_______-
Fill up forms until I have words coming out of my ears wtf.
So off we went again T_____T The registrar directed us to a commissoner ten minutes away but the fella went out for late lunch FOL.
So in the car I had to hastily google for another Commissioner for Oaths. I cleverly called them up first while we were on the way to make sure she was still there and thank goodness I did! Cos she said “luckily you called me I was just going out to the bank” WTF these commissioners damn chill ah their lives.
I actually thought from the sound of their titles that they’d be a bit more grand. Or wear white wigs or something. But hers was just like a normal shoplot. With no aircon wtf.
But she saved us! We paid her RM12 and got our stamps of approval.
edit: omg the commissioner for oaths commented!!! hello auntie please don’t take offense that I said your office no aircon I simply say without meaning harm wan T__T no aircon never mind, important thing is you really helped us and we are so grateful!!!!
Then rush back to the marriage registry.
Then to top it all off, I had to write a formal letter on the spot asking for permission to get married outside the office MA FAN DOU SEI. Since I obviously didn’t have my laptop there with me, I handwrote the entire thing. Don’t think I’ve written this much in one go since Form 5 SPM!!!!
Now just have to wait for them to call us to collect the license or whatever. At this point I zoned out cos I couldn’t take it anymore wtf so I wasn’t really listening. >.>
We also dropped by the hotel since they offer a complimentary food tasting session for us to check out the menu we ordered, and make any changes if we didn’t like it.
Quite fun! They gave us a feedback form to write our comments on each dish like a real food critic!
My comments wtf. To not hurt the chef’s feelings, I ended up drawing little hearts all after the good comments so he’ll feel motivated to cook better for us HAHAHAH.
Now thinking if I overdid it what if he thinks I’m writing him love letter wtf.
And finally, got to go check out the hall again and meet up with the planner.
All in all, very productive couple of days! But quite tired of the wedding already, everyone I talk to nowadays has nothing to say/ask except about wedding prep T_____T
My wedding planner, whose name is also Audrey and who’s also getting married hahaha, told me (jokingly I think wtf) that she wants to elope. I told her to do it.
… the fake kind that is!
Since I’m so free now, this is my introduction to cooking hahahaha.
1. Buy a fake food kit like this. I got mine at Shojikiya. I originally wanted the sushi making set cos the fish roe looks adorable but they were out of it 🙁
So I settled for donuts wtf.
The entire thing is edible actually! Everything is made of some kind of sugar and all you have to do is add water.
2. Take the packet out of the box wtf.
You’re supposed to cut out the front of it and turn it into some sort of coaster for your donuts.
3. Lay out all your utensils. A good chef always knows where his tools are wtf.
Everything in the picture came from the box. Except the scissors. If scissors came with it sure sold out wan wtf so worth it.
This is one of the mini containers included. Thoughtful Japanese even marked out what each compartment is for!
4. First pick a dough. There’s caramel and chocolate to choose from! The ‘dough’ comes in sachets of powder.
5. Add the powder to some water in the container and mix well.
While there’s a marking in the container that says where you should fill up water until, it doesn’t say anywhere how much powder to dump in -_-
So I anyhow add powder and mash it up until it looks like the right doughy consistency. God I’m artistic following my gut feel wtf.
6. Then when you’ve mixed the dough, smush it into these little moulds and leave it for a few minutes.
Ya looks a bit gross right!
This is the second batch I made. The dough is a lot finer and smoother. Practice makes perfect!
7. Gracefully with your spatula, pry the donuts out of the mould. Looks quite nice now right!
Except the middle one broke up wtf so I simply arranged it back together. Can pretend they’re mini mini-donuts wtf.
8. Now for the glazing/topping!
There’s two kinds – vanilla and strawberry. This one’s vanilla.
Sorry then I Alzheimer’s dunno why take picture of vanilla sachet but actually did strawberry hahaha. Same thing, just dump water and powder and mix together. Make it thicker rather than watery because if it’s too watery it will just drip off the donuts >:(
9. Using the spatula, scoop the glazing up and pour it over the donuts!
10. Then add sprinkles! There’s also another packet with chocolate sauce in it which you can then put in a tiny icing bag and ice your donuts!!! Super cool right.
But I was too lazy to do that wtf.
I can never be a Japanese chef cos my presentation sucks T_T
Incidentally my Powerpoint-presentation making skills also suck lolol.
11. Put on plate and serve to friends!
12. Jam was on leave so she came by and I made her eat a donut. This is her reaction hahaahah.
13. Then Fatty came home so he had to eat one too. His reaction is quite similar hahahahaha.
14. They both grumbled at me cos I wouldn’t try eating cos I hate sweet food ma. So I gave in.
Holy mother it’s disgusting.
Recently everyone’s been going nuts about ombre hair huh. While even while I was at Number76 a couple of days ago, there was a girl who reads my blog there who just did pink ombre hair too!!!
But someone on Formspring just commented and said she thinks I’m quite hipster for taking Asian Studies in college.
I definitely didn’t decide on Asian Studies to be different la hahahaha but when she said it, it occurred to me that I do have a streak of hipster in me -_-
Not in the usual emo glasses checkered shirt rolled up skinny jeans sense but a perverse side of me will dislike something or refuse to do something just because everyone else is raving about it.
Like last time I refused to read Kennysia’s blog just because everyone was in love with him lolol. And right now I will not do ombre hair because everyone’s getting their hair ombre-d hahahah.
But I felt like a slight change because I’ve had this blond-brown color for ages. My extensions are ashy but every time I went to do my hair, I just touched up the roots to match with the rest of my hair.
And my hair from ashy had changed to some weird brassy color reminiscent of bile wtf.
While I know the face is cute, please focus on the hair lolol.
This isn’t even very representative of the brassiness.
But see how the top of my hair is quite a different color from my extensions (the long pieces around my shoulders) which are very ashy and have no hint of yellow or orange in them?
This picture shows the brassiness a lot better! Check out my hair at the top of my head. I look like a trumpet for god’s sake wtf.
So it was off to Number76.
I told Hikky that my hair was too yellow and she instantly got it wtf.
She told me that to dye my hair the ashy/greyish color of my extensions my hair might dry out. I asked her if we could just touch up the roots, then highlight bits of my hair white blond to tone down the yellow and so we did it.
Every time I dye hair I transform into an alien temporarily.
But this time I transformed into an alien nearly permanently WTF.
When my hair was done, it was this color:
(Btw no offense to this man ah I don’t know who he is I googled ‘ugly blond’ and got his picture hahahahaah he needs Hikky’s services big time ok hahahahahaah)
The platinum blond did nothing to tone down the yellow! In fact because the color was light, it made the yellow look about a billion times brighter HAHAHAHHA.
This Jammie who was with me some more can lie to me and say she thinks it looks nice WTF HAHAHAHAHHA
But Hikky really saved the day lo!!! When she saw the color she remained poker faced but she gently suggested lowlighting with an ashy shade (a cross between green, grey and blue which sounds gross but turned out awesome)
My hair was saved and I turned human once again.
Btw here I was trying on a very vintage-style, 50s-type swimsuit sent to me by Tricia Gosingtian from her Ilovekoi swimwear line. Not gonna post photos of me wearing it yet since I have the body of a fat ten year old but’s it’s gorgeous! Modest yet pretty and not boring.
Better picture of my hair under proper light!
No more trumpet head!
it’s still blond-brown but with ashy green streaks running through! It looks a lot thicker and more dimensional now too.
I love you Hikky!!!! hahahaha.
Hikky went back to Japan recently and got me presents what did I do to deserve such love T____T
A Control Bear phone pierce. Hahahahah he looks damn stupid lifting up his own head I love him. Maybe Imma start collecting Control Bear merchandise too.
In other daily news….
Currevt favorite top! Lace shirt from Azorias. Hairband is from Emoda <3
Only because I had fabulous hair the other day.
Wedding shoes are done!!! I wanted something very flamboyang and striking so Jillbird came up with a bright pink shoe studded with a flower and Swarovski crystals. Hahahah I love em take that boring ivory wedding shoes! #hipster
But dunno how if I wanna rewear these shoes next time. Wear to tango class wtf if I ever sign up for lessons.
Our wedding gift from Boss Ming. Our very own Coplu T____T
This picture is called ‘Almost There’. So apt because we’re nearly there, on the cusp of marriage. Also, the couple in the painting are working hard together to reach a goal, and I hope that’s how me and Fatty will be for the rest of our lives *philosophical
Thank you, Ming!!! Now can you faster get married so we can return the favor wtf.
Went to a condo penthouse showroom viewing the other day and they served this. Mushroom soup 😀 😀 So cute even the spoon is miniature! They said the flower is edible so I chomped it up like a cow wtf. No taste wan.
Big Foot WTF. HAHAHAHHAAH that’s Ooib’s feet. He got bitten by a weird bug and his left foot swelled up to twice it’s size literally hahahahahaa. He sent me this picture and I couldn’t stop laughing cos he’s wearing his shoes with difficulty hahahahahaha. And his ankle bone is missing hahahahaahahah. He said sadly that he expected me to laugh and generally be unhelpful cos that’s what Ooi siblings do. True ok I’d be surprised if my foot swelled up and he didn’t laugh wtf.
His foot went back to normal already though. Kinda miss it WTF.
Got our rings back from engraving! Can see the words on Fatty’s ring? It says Aud <3 Tim followed by our wedding date 😀 No excuse to either of us for forgetting dates now wtf.
…behind this rose.
Wah so dramatic hahahaha.
Today Christina Perri was in KL!
Yes she of Jar of Hearts and A Thousand Years fame.
I promise the rose is relevant to this story hahahaha
Shorty and Fatty.
With Mimi!
Celcom / Xpax gave us free tickets to watch Christina Perri as well as passes to a meet & greet session which is why we were there! I think they thought it was very significant cos of the meme proposal wtf.
Anyway, Mimi got it into her head that when she saw Christina Perri, she was going to ask her to do a shoutout to us and film it and play it at our wedding -___- hahahahaha. She is damn thick skinned lo hahahahaha but I was very touched cos she was willing to embarrass herself just to do this for us as a wedding present. Thank you Mimi!!!!!! <3<3
Lining up to meet her. Tian Chad helped to take these photos!
God her nose is beautiful wtf.
At first she didn’t recognize us! I knew she wouldn’t cos you don’t go around everyday thinking you’ll meet someone you saw on the Interwebz ma. Plus Asians all look the same anyway LOL.
Then when we were walking away this Mimi ran up to her (‘looking like an auntie’, she said) and said “DO YOU REMEMBER THE MEME PROPOSAL?”
Christina was like YES. And Mimi screamed “well that’s my boss!!!!” and pointed at Fatty’s retreating back WTF.
And that’s the story of how we met Christina Perri wtf.
She got super excited hahahaha and went “COME BACK COME BACK” so we went back for another round of hugs and pictures wtf.
She told us she loved the video 😀 😀
She is absolutely gorgeous in person! Everyone is photoshopped in pictures so that’s not a fair gauge but she was stunning in real life. I super want her nose wtf.
And she was so sweet and friendly! No diva attitude just a very sweet warm person.
She asked us if we’d like to do something at her show later…
Which was to go up on stage with her when she was performing A Thousand Years *hyperventilates
At first we were a bit hesitant cos… damn shy la!!! But she and this other girl with her were like “do you want to? Do you want to?” and all excited so we said okay!
Mimi’s picture of us on stage listening to her wtf.
Video taken by Mimi. Thank you Mimipie love you max!! And thank you Celcom!
P/S: oh the rose was given by Christina Perri to us!
Title funny or not hahahaha.
Two years ago when I went to Korea I got cheated into buying this -_-
We were on a tour bus and the bus stopped at some supposedly famous store which sold skincare and cosmetics.
This was touted as “natural botox” and if I used up two boxes of this, I’d have wrinkle-free skin for two years wtf.
I tried it and at first it seemed like magic. I have lines around my eyes from my huge eyebags and the lines appear when I smile.
After years and years, the lines remained even when I wasn’t smiling -____- Too ingrained already fml.
And while the Odbo looked like it worked at first, I realized that it was very superficial -_- When the serum dried on my face, it pulled my skin taut which is why it looked like my fine lines disappeared!
After a few hours, my lines reappeared. Felt so cheated -___-
So when I got this bottle to test I was a bit skeptical la :X
Olay Regenerist Wrinkle Relaxing Cream.
Lemme show you my skin without any makeup.
Photo a bit hard to capture, but if you look properly, right under my dark circles there’s a wrinkle line
Another picture. The line is right above the dotted pink line T___T
To be honest hor, these photos were taken after I’d tried the Regenerist cream a few times.
And the wrinkles were already a bit reduced even after 12 hours D:
Until I was a bit worried how am I going to show the effect wtf.
Anyway, you pull off the red cap, and this is what it looks like. I only need the cream for my eye area (thank god) so just a teeny push on the dispenser will do.
Pat it gently on my eye area like regular eye creams.
I am so #bersih hahahaha.
I let it sit for a few minutes…
Tilted my face to the light so the line will be more visible.
But no lines!!!!!
Seriously you can see all my dark eye circles and skin blemishes and freckles but cannot see the lines.
With makeup.
The cream works in two ways – it has certain ingredients in it that manipulate the reflection of light so that the wrinkles are not visible anymore
Then it also has powerful moisturizing ingredients of course to keep the skin moisturized cos dry skin will develop wrinkles much faster.
I have to continue using it for another week or so because the regimen is supposed to take 14 days, but so far it’s quite promising la *big shiny eyes
I mean.. *big shiny eyes with no lines
Sorry after that camera ran out of battery -_-
My eyebag lines will never go away la as long as I have eyebags 🙁
But oh well as long as not smiling don’t have eye lines!
Not bad ah Olay!
*cracks knuckles
So this is what it feels like to be jobless.
Quite fun so far! Although I don’t know if I’d like a permanent lifestyle like this.
On the first day, Fatty took a day off work so I wouldn’t be bored/lonely. Bless him wtf <3
So here’s a bunch of things I’ve been doing in the past three days.
1. Went to pick up our wedding bands!
A bit surprised by the box. My first thought was “wah lau you think we’re a Tudor king and queen ah” wtf. It seemed really quite old fashioned to me!
Two rings to rule them both wtf.
My ring can actually fit into his -_-
We were so lucky with the rings! This range is called the Love Ring and I’d wanted it as a wedding ring for the longest time.
When we were in Singapore we went to check out Cartier there. And the sales person told us that my finger is too small to fit any of their sizes and I’d have to custom make.
He said it would cost 30% more to custom make. -___________-
Make sense or not you tell me! For my size, you’re probably using like 30% less gold to make the ring so how can it cost 30% more!?!?
I was quite angry at the nerve of it and resigned myself to having random rings from any jeweller’s.
Then the other day I was at KLCC and decided to go to Cartier to have a look at the ring again.
And the very nice sales assistant told me that my size was really the smallest and they didn’t have any pieces left in my size 🙁
But! She said they could custom make it and it would come at no extra cost.
This is more like it! What’s up with you, Cartier at Marina Bay Sands!
The only problem was that it would take 2-3 months to custom make it and it’d be too late for the wedding.
I considered getting cheap temporary rings for the wedding. Like weave rings out of grass or something WTF quite fitting the theme also what hahahaha.
But right after I left the store, the sales assistant called me up and said they found one last piece in their warehouse in my exact size and color I wanted!!!!!!!!
I must have done some good shit in my past life.
Sales assistant was super nice also. When she passed me the card to fill out my details so they could contact me about customization, she said “please fill this out, Ms Ooi.”
And I had a twilight zone moment where I did a double take and asked, “did I tell you my last name?”
She said, “no but I read your blog.” Hahahahahah.
Then free engraving on the ring! This is what we’re gonna put on it. They said we have to make it short and snappy cos my ring is small not enough letters to fit wtf.
So excited can’t wait to get it back from engraving!!!
2. Watch Korean dramas wtf.
Watching Secret Garden now. How do you say no to a nose like that wtf.
3. Went to go buy my own dowry WTF.
Traditionally, the groom’s family is supposed to come to the bride’s house on a certain day bearing gifts which is supposed to be part of the dowry. Stuff like fruits, certain biscuits and brandy. And red packets I think. Each item and the amount signifies something I think. But because Fatty’s parents are in Penang, Fatty’s mom and my mom asked me to go Petaling Street (Chinatown) and help me buy the stuff hahahaha
So the bride has to help her future mother in law buy to give to her own mother *brain combusts. Why are we doing this again hahahahahaha.
So today I got all dressed up in sexy pajama shorts, baggy tee and glasses to go to Petaling Street and prepare to haggle. Didn’t help that I’m a banana and couldn’t tell the lady what I wanted. End up calling my mom and passing the lady the phone so my mom can order the stuff WTF.
4. Address wedding invitation cards
That’s my current workplace! At home.
Where there is a dearth of human interaction wtf.
Today I kept wanting to call Fatty at work to ask him stuff but stopped myself. Later he think I turn into one of those women who are clingy and keep calling the husband and asking what time they’re coming home wtf.
5. Found myself with a lot of time to get dressed up and made up nicely before going out *cries
No more going to events looking like shit T________T
*shudder. Me at Pizza Hut a few months back.
There’s a filter on this picture but I feel like making my hair blonder like this leh!!!! What you think!
6. Oh yea and in my free time, get followed by Momoko Ogihara T_______________T
Cheesie is in Tokyo right now and she had lunch with Momoko *stifles scream
Ok la Cheesie is on like first name basis with her already lolol.
She’s damn famous already lo until MURUA and EMODA are calling her up and inviting her for events!!!
Then she told Momoko about me and that I love her and…. she followed me on Instagram <3<3<3 Asami Kotake is also someone from MURUA!!
Then Momoko asked Cheesie (and apparently me but maybe Cheesie forced her to wtf) to go for Murua event but we cannot make go over too last minute </3</3
It’s ok! Use Secret to get to go to next Murua event :3 :3
My day is made.
So you all wanna know what my job is right?
Today I tell you.
(this is a long post so go grab a coffee wtf. I’m squeezing four years of what I’ve been wanting to say about work into one post hahaha.)
For four years, I’ve refused to talk about my job for a couple of reasons:
1) we’re made to sign a social media non disclosure agreement lolol. Actually I’m not sure if we actually signed anything la wtf but we’ve been warned repeatedly to not talk about (this includes complaining) about work on social media. I think they specially meant disclosing client information or anything that could be sensitive/confidential la. But I made the decision on my own to just not talk about anything specific that happens at work which could identify what company I’m working at
2) I worry about conflict of interest – I also get income from blogging so it’s also a job
3) I like keeping my work life and blogging personality separate. Although this doesn’t happen all the time FML. I don’t like being judged on being a blogger by a client because let’s face it – public perception of bloggers in Malaysia isn’t very nice – freeloaders, vain, attention-seeking, etc. Clients might not take me seriously.
Ok so… *drumroll
I work in advertising.
I think some people already guessed based on the pictures I’ve posted at work which have me wearing extremely casual clothing. I don’t dress like this all the time ok! If I have a meeting I’ll put on some heels wtf.
How it all began
I majored in Asian Studies which isn’t really a viable option if you work and live in Asia and are Asian wtf. So during two of my summers at college, Fat Her (probably dying to get me out of the house) suggested I try for internships in advertising agencies, which he thought I might like. I ended up doing two. One in a media agency called Zenith, another in a creative agency called Dentsu. Dentsu (a Japanese ad agency) was right after I got back from Japan so I thought it was quite suitable wtf.
Then I headed back to the States for my senior year where I wrote and researched my honors thesis. I quite liked that too!
So when it was time for me to think of my career, I narrowed it down to two major options – advertising and research. Vastly different right!? I think I applied for an oil and gas company to do research some more wtf.
Anyway, I wrote cover letters and went for interviews and everything. I considered other jobs but in the end I took up my position with my agency because I liked the people who interviewed me and also they hired me on the spot. Years later my boss was saying some people have to interview a couple of times or wait a while before they get an offer, so I was quite smug about it and asked “wah so then why did you give me a job on the spot?” She said they were desperate WTF.
I started as a media planner. In advertising, it’s not all just about designing ads, but someone’s gotta figure out where to place these ads so to best reach the target audience. For example, if you’re selling cooking oil, you might want to consider putting your ads during say, HK dramas when the housewives are watching lolol. Basically identifying the right medium (TV, newspaper, internet, etc) and when to hit them (during which program, what page of the paper, what website etc)
So I was a digital media planner. Which means I planned ad campaigns for digital media, including the ads you see on Yahoo, MSN, Facebook.
This was when I experienced the most discrimination because of my size and appearance wtf. Okay maybe discrimination is a harsh word, but as a young inexperienced planner, I faced a lot of trouble getting people to take what I said seriously.
After a while I got sick of planning. It’s a lot of numbers and details and being organized (none of which I’m very good at). But because of my blog (and my addiction to the Internet) I knew one thing very well – social media.
That was when social media marketing really came in a big way so most marketing companies were starting social media divisions. My boss started it for our company and I was the first member lolol.
It was fun! Because I was so familiar with how people acted on social media (really, it’s no different than how they act in real life, just on social platforms) that it was easy for me to tell if an idea would work on social or not. In media planning I struggled to remember how many people read Star Online every day wtf but I knew exactly how many people were on Facebook in Malaysia, which blogger had the highest traffic, what their readers were like, and so on.
Because it was something that really interested me, I think I blossomed *big shiny eyes. Before I was hesitant, worrying that I’d answer wrongly if the client asked me something. But now I was confident that no other media planner or client knew as much as I did about social media, especially when it came to bloggers and other online influencers. Even if I wasn’t sure about something I knew I could bullshit and nobody would know.
KIDDING LA KIDDING OF COURSE I DIDN’T BLUFF ANYONE HAHAHA. But knowing that I could if I wanted to really gave me confidence and lent me authority.
So knowing your stuff and being confident is very important wtf.
It was exciting! We tried to outdo ourselves with new ideas for every new project and client. We submitted ad campaigns for awards and though I hated the process of crafting awards submissions, when we won it made everything worth it. And the people I worked with – I couldn’t have a better bunch of colleagues and bosses. I didn’t expect to stay as long as I did but I think a big part of the reason was the people I saw everyday at work. Most of us are young so everyone was friends and there were no office politics. None that I felt anyway wtf.
I learned so much from work ethics to organization skills to selling to presentation to managing people and clients. I learned so much about marketing and advertising. My company is the biggest in the industry so our clients were mostly huge multinational corporations which were a (good) challenge to work for, and a dream to learn from. I also got to hone my negotiation and convince-people-on-the-spot skills big time. They say that working in an ad agency will give you the steepest learning curve because you have to pick up the most things in the shortest amount of time. I’ve never worked in other industries but I feel like it’s true!
But they also say that working in advertising, especially in ad agencies is crazy. The hours got to me. I started to resent having very little work-life balance and free time. On weekends I worried about what else I had to do. And the pace of work kills. We’ve had people from other industries join us for a change and most of them leave after a while because they’re not used to the pace we work.
And I grew older. Crazy working hours are fine when you’re young but was this the life I wanted in ten years? I started falling sick more frequently. My astigmatism and myopia shot up and I developed pains in my shoulder and arms from always working at the computer.
And maybe I had a quarter life crisis wtf. I started wondering, was this all there was to life? I love what I do but I also want to explore so many other things but I never had the time to because I was juggling work and blogging. I want to do things when I’m young and not wait until my kids are grown! wtf.
Then wedding planning hit. And I had a meltdown wtf.
I really sat down and thought about it. For 1-2 months. And it was a very tough decision 🙁 But I was exhausted and burnt out… it stopped being fun.
So here I am today.
Right now I don’t know what I want to do yet after this. Actually I have some ideas wtf but nothing set. I just know I’m going to take a break, plan the wedding and survive on blogging for now. Then after the wedding only think about what to do next. But for sure not gonna be housewife ok!!! I don’t think I can do that.
I don’t regret the last four years though. In fact, I’m so so so glad I joined this industry and this company. This company made me awesome friends, taught me so much (seriously before this I used to be quite terrible at life, only know how to study, now become more street smart). gave me amazing mentors to learn from, and gave me invaluable skills which I will carry throughout the rest of my life and career. To you know who you are, thank you 🙂
Not gonna mention company name but some of you know already anyway. If you’re considering joining, DO IT. Especially the digital team cos it’s even more awesome hahahaha. *stops laughing and bawls* What have I done wtf.
Some pictures from my last day!
The place I had to clean up 🙁
Yea Guinness was one of my clients.
Robb tweeted this picture of my workstation with the caption: ‘I feel less guilty for having a messy table when@fourfeetnine‘s table looks like this’
Asshole lolol.
Under the table -____- The social media team (which was us) had a tendency incredibly messy (and careless and disorganized) We all sat together and this is the view under our table wtf. *shifty eyed
Really lo they’re all very smart and creative. But super careless. When training my team members, it got so that I forced them to pay money every time they made careless mistakes or typos. We even had a collection cup *reminisces
Four years packed up.
Me giving a speech at my farewell lunch -____-
Farewell present <3 They know me so well *sobs
With Izzah, the person who donated the most money wtf. Actually no, that was Bobo. Yes Bobo was my colleague hahaha which is how we got close.
And Naddy who cried when I told her I was leaving T_____T Totally different reaction from Izzah who called me a bitch WTF. But lovingly of course lolol.
With Mookie wtf.
Here I was actually tearing from reading the card they got for me T______T They predicted I’d cry reading it and they were right wtf.
It’s been an amazing four year journey!!!
But hello new era of life! And hello temporary joblessness!!! Quite scary also :X
P/S: every time I see the word ‘jobless’ I think of my friend Masato whom I once asked who are the men who act in porn, specifically Japanese porn wtf since he’s Japanese. He said ‘jobless men’ LOLOL make them sound very loser-ish. But loser-ish also get to have sex with pretty Japanese girls very #winning to be jobless like that!
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