
AZORIAS X Fourfeetnine winner!

So sorry I took so long on this!  But I was in Japan and when I came back, Hui Wen from Azorias was away so we didn’t get to discuss this until now.

It was sooo difficult choosing a winner cos you guys submitted such awesome entries!

Every time I saw a comment coming in, my heart sank a bit WTF cos seriously they were all so good and I knew we’d have a tough time choosing T___T

Really wish we can give more people, but after a lot of thought and serious discussion, we decided the winner for the contest would be…

Erika Toh @ Lady Kaka!!!!

She wrote a poem O___O Actually we received more than 1 poem which made it even harder.

A.fter Christmas comes the New Year,
Z.esty and kawaii Santa Audrey spreads some cheer,
O.mighty Santa Audrey, I wish to thee,
R.uched tulle toga dress with floral petals strap is the one for me,
I.ngeniously designed, it’s excellent for both work and play,
A.ccessorising it creatively takes it effortlessly from night to day,
S.imple yet elegant, eye candy yet subtle, that’s the way to live – my perfect gift. :)

She even wrote a blog post on it!

Thanks everyone for joining! Maybe if you guys make enough noise, Azorias will be moved to have more contests here 😛

Erika, Azorias will contact you directly via the email you left in my comment section!

AudShopping AudTourist

Hep 5 and Umeda

Ok I got 40+ photos here from our second day in Osaka so all the best with your eyesight guys wtf.

Sweater from EMODA fukubukuro! White lace shorts from minimaos, (fake) Juicy Couture iPhone case from HausofBiB.


Took the subway to Umeda.  Schedule for the day is to go to all the malls in Umeda for shopping and filming with the production crew!

Again felt so natsukashii with the train stations. But Kyoto’s is still prettier, sorry Osaka #justsaying


While waiting for the film crew at the bus stop.

Shit all over my eyebags T____T




Yes no eyebags here WTF.



First stop is Hep 5. It has a ferris wheel on top!  Angela and I used to go to Hep 5 all the time to shop

Legend has it that if you sit on that ferris wheel with your koibito, you will break up wtf.

Dunno if it’s true but the only time I went up on that ferris wheel was with this Japanese guy who I wasn’t even dating who turned out to be a complete asshole and told everyone fake stories about how I have one night stands FML.  Reason why he did that was cos he liked this girl who was dating a close friend of mine and he was trying to break them up FTS.



The thing about Japan is that everyone is well dressed!  Their outfits are put together as outfits, not just finding a top, a bottom and shoes and tadah.



We simply lifted the camera and took random pictures of people on the street also everyone in the photo looks nice!



Had McDonald’s breakfast!  I had the exact same thing at the airport the day before while waiting for our flight wtf.

God I love McDonald’s.  Must eat in every country I go.

Had breakfast in McDs cos the malls weren’t open yet.  Because it’s the New Year and all the stores had crazy sales and fukubukuros, Japanese shopping spirit reared its head.


See the throngs of people lining up just to get INTO the mall.



We joined them *gung ho



Took a lot of photos while waiting.



As Japan would have it, everyone was neatly lined up in rows of four people.



Ngahahaha Disney store in Japan also way cuter than other Disney stores!  Stitch my love T______T

Maybe for wedding I’ll have a Stitch and Hello Kitty theme WTF.



Addiction’s favorite is Pooh.



HAHAHAHA a Stitch in time saves nine wtf.

Don’t know why all of them are in comas but they’re too cute!



Got this super cute blinged bow earphone pierce!


Ah WC <3



Came out with all our shopping lolol.



Next stop was a mall next door called EST.  Hep 5 is actually more for high school and college students and EST is for the more mature gyaru (ahem)  No wonder we felt so old when we lined up for Hep 5.


Lolling around on the street.  That’s Ishihara san with his head cut off hahaha.  He was the camera man but he insisted he carry all our shopping the whole day T_______T



Ooi, Ishihara and Tan.  We were waiting for Imai-san at a cafe but he was nowhere to be found.



Me and my new hat! Which I’ll never wear.

Found Imai-san!  Who took us to a ramen shop <3  Apparently quite famous a lot of people line up for it.



Fcking love ramen! Especially on cold days.


You sit on bar stools so there’s no place to put your 荷物.  So they give you hangers on the wall to hang your coats and stuff!


I could barely reach fml.





Oh ya picture first.

Hahahah this place is so not halal :X But cute photos of pigs <3




that’s me tearing out of joy!!! It’s so yummy I can’t even begin to explain what it tasted like.

Probably heaven wtf.



Don’t particularly like gyoza but it was so yummy too!




Itadakimasu :3


Saw a lot of people whose sole job is to hold up signs or direct people.  A job is a job la but felt so sorry for some of them!  Especially this man cos it was so bloody cold and windy and he had to stand there and hold the sign.

Can see him trying to shrink his head into his clothes to keep warm T_______T And he wasn’t moving at all WTF.

Seriously. I was struggling to stay warm myself.

And I think it was so cold my finger shrunk and my ring fell off WTF NO JOKE.  Luckily it fell into my pocket cos that was where my hand was.


Lucua, another mall.  It’s connected to Osaka Station.



Osaka Station!



I think they renovated it recently so it’s all cool and modern now.


My shop! minus 9 inches.


Angela and I used to take photos at this fountain (with our friend Christine)!


Took this photo for her.


Cheesie introduced me to Don Quijote.  All the time I was wondering what stupid name is ドン・キホーテ (Don Ki Ho Te) Like what kind of store calls itself Donkey.

Now I know. A magical store wtf.  Sells all kinds of things wan!  From makeup to socks to seriously every single thing you can think of.  I got Fatty a portable iPhone charger there.



Yakiniku for dinner!



Lard for ossum taste.




Meat pieces as big as my hand D:



Then after the meat there was this special pot of curry where you dump in all sorts of vegetables and eat even more D: D:P1017872




I was dying by then from all that amount of food.

Ishihara-san, Imai-san, addiction and me.




Then came back and felt suicidal looking at all the stuff we bought.

We both bought a fukuburo which cost something ridiculous like 700 yen (RM30 roughly) and it came with so many things!  There were ugg-type boots WTF, two hats, mittens, socks, stockings, scarves and a billion other things.  Most worth it purchase ever.



Got back to the hotel and found a very very sweet package from Hama-san all the way from Tokyo T_______T

He sent it to our hotel in Osaka so we would have something to greet us upon arrival T__________T



Box full of goodies.



Cookies from his sweet shop in Tokyo.



Ringo juice for Ringo wtf.



And mentaiko!  Obviously you know who this package was meant for (starts with NOT and ends with ME wtf) but he was so thoughtful to include double everything in it for me too T________T

Ok long post done!




I was there!

So this was my first view of the crowd waiting for Maxis’s iPhone 4S launch at KLCC last week.

Coincidentally, this was my view of the Maxis crowd last year at Gardens hahahaa.

Again I got invited to attend the Maxis iPhone 4S launch this year *self importance launches through roof


Got into special VIP area.


While crazy lines snaked outside!  Super admire the dedication of these people!

Maxis took up like most of the KL Convention Center to stage their launch so space was massive. No cramped or organizational issues too all very orderly and calm.

I really really want a (white) iPhone 4S too but I think I’m too lazy to do anything like this so these people have got amazing focus and determination.

Huai Bin asked me what I would line up for.  I thought and said if the world was ending and the only way to survive is to line up/fight way through crowds to get on a spaceship that will leave Earth to a safer planet wtf.  I’d win too cos my self-preservation level is damn high apocalypse sap sap sui.


Another view of the VIP area.

I heard that Maxis had the best organized launch so yay them!  We had a comfy VIP room with dinner to chill in to wait for the launch.


But inside also got people clambering to sign up to register to get their iPhones.


Me and Huai Bin!


Went outside to check out the crowd again.  Aih now wish a bit I’d lined up too to get a phone.

Stupid iPhone cult is damn good at convincing me that I need to get a 4S even though I have a 4 and it’s still quite new.  Luckily I have no money anyway wtf.


VIP entertainment room with a great live band and free flow drinks.


Me and Shin Yee (taken with my 4)


Elaine Daly and Henry Golding (not in view, probably busy being mobbed by girls) emcee-ed.


Loved this band and their song selection and energy!  Dunno why nobody else seemed to respond much lo -_- Unresponsive Malaysians are unresponsive.


With Steph and HB.

Then they announced that the iPhone was gonna be launched in a few minutes!!


Faster went outside and saw this.

Crowd getting all excited for the launch!  Event was super well organized they thought of everything!  They even had radio DJs there to entertain and hype up the crowd.



All swarming in to get their phones.


Maxis was really sooo organized about the launch!

They had booths set up around the entire hall.  People just went to one booth (according to alphabetical order) and got their number then went to another booth to collect their phone and pay then done!  Very efficient.


Just to show I was there!  Just me and my iphone.

(shit me always look damn sloppy)

So the iPhone 4S (in black…and white sigh) is available now at all Maxis centers worldwide.  See Maxis website for prices and contract rates and renewals.

AudShopping AudTourist

First view of Osaka

Wanted to blog faster about our Kansai trip first in case I forget!

Like my London trip 

Wanted to blog about shopping at first but I haven’t even unpacked so that can wait -_-

To be honest I didn’t use to like Osaka. I was very used to Kyoto and all its quaint tradition so the first time I went to Osaka and saw its concrete walls and jarring neon lights, I hated it.  I thought it was brash and industrial-looking and had none of the culture of Kyoto or even Kobe, or the metropolitan identity of Tokyo.

But this trip changed it all!  Kansai people are awesome!  They’re damn funny and silly and warm and I met so many amazing people this trip with #addiction.  We both always preferred Kansai to Kanto region (Tokyo) but this trip sealed it wtf.

The brashness and garishness of Osaka changed to fun and humor and warmth wtf.  What I used to think was ugly about Osaka changed to iconic and unique.  God I’m so disgustingly poetic wtf.

We were in Osaka because Cheesie had filming to do (famous person that she is) and I shamelessly tagged along and was a leech wtf.


Imai-san and Jasman picked us up from the airport! This was our first view of Osaka.


SO pretty!  Christmas illumination not totally taken down yet.


Think it said one for all all for one.


Had to take picture with illumination!  The area is Midousuji hence the wording 🙂



Dunno why my face so constipated.


Pretty leh.



HHAHAHAHAH so funny had to repost!



First meal in Japan! *thumbs nose at plane food



1oo yen sushi!  Every plate of sushi cost 100 yen only and it was so good!!!!

So good we teared out of joy WTF.



Before crying wtf.  Shitty plane hair.






Fatty’s favorite sushi.




Best shit ever.  Forgot what it’s called though.  It’s ebi with fresh onion slices on top super yummy.


THEN! Shopping commences.  There was an OPA (which is a gyaru mall and can be found all over Japan) near our hotel so while waiting for dinner, we quickly hopped in to have a look.

And came out with 3 fukubukuros between us -____-  We both got an EMODA bag each and first of all the bag itself is damn nice already.



Secondly, the stuff inside all damn awesome!  I got two tops, a hat, a necklace and a winter jacket inside mine *frothes at mouth.  Super worth it, I think the value is already at least 3-4 times more than what we paid.  And all in-season stuff some more!

Ok la that’s all for first day cos we arrived in the evening.  More coming up!


Sukiyanen Kansai

Kiasu blogging!

(since free-er, and not at work must take chance to blog in keeping with new year resolutions)


Er me.  Damn cold actually especially today when it snowed a bit in Kobe! But nothing compared to South Hadley.

My eyebags big enough to bring back as luggage to KL leh.

WC store in Hep 5, this mall in Osaka.  Super nostalgic cos Angela and I used to take the Hankyu train all the way from Kyoto to shop last time T3T

And I thought I swear a lot wtf.  In Japan it seems to be a cool word leh!  Today we heard some rap song featuring “f**king” something in the chorus hahahaha -____-

#addiction’s reader, Aki-san has a nail salon in Kobe and she offered to do our nails for us!!!!!!!!!!!  These are gel nails.  She wants to open a nail salon in KL everyone please ask her to come!

Kobe Chinatown

Shit us dunno how to pack.  That’s Cheesie huddled up looking pitiful.

Off to Kyoto tomorrow to wear kimono and go to shrines and make a wish for the new year! We got so many fun stuff scheduled for us. Actually Cheesie is here to do a shoot for an online program and I’m just tagging along and being a leech wtf.

AudSappy AudVerbalDiarrhea

Babai 2011 Haro 2012

Each year I dread getting older…

But each year gets better and better!!!

I die die wanted to post something about the end of 2011 and the start of 2012 so here I am.

Ok my annual reflections!!! Why am I so sheeplike everyone do I also must do T___T

When I was younger I assumed life stopped after university.  You got stuck in jobs that suck your life away, you have to worry about bills, your collagen production slows down, etc.

But thankfully I was wrong.

Sure you get all the stuff above.  But what I didn’t think of was the freedom to decide and handle your own life.  The independence to manage your own income (and buy whatever you want… or not).  The ability to take your own future into your hands and make it happen.

Or maybe that’s the optimism of your twenties speaking?

I don’t know but I had an amazing 2011.  I’m pretty sure bad things happened this year of course but my selective memory fails me -_____- I could be wrong but maybe that’s how we should live life?


I made some wonderful new friends and strengthened bonds with my existing ones.  My only wish was that I had had more time with friends this year 🙁

I learned not to care so much.  I felt ready to give up relationships that I felt were one sided or destructive and felt so much happier for it.  Oh and 2011 was the year haters stopped bothering me!  They still try la wtf but I don’t know why finally this year whatever they said didn’t make me upset anymore compared to previous years.  I think it’s cos I finally got it that they didn’t really know me and their opinions don’t matter.  And also most of what they said didn’t make sense cos they probably just wanna try to upset me. Like shoot in the dark hoping they’ll hit me like that.  So yay it doesn’t bother me anymore! Most of the time they just seem a bit pathetic D:

My family stayed healthy and happy and awesome and extremely supportive as usual.  Ah Oois I love you.

My job leveled up in awesomeness +840983535.  I got the chance to specialize in something I love and I also got to head up my own team at work!  My team is also made up of the nicest people to work with so ya. *fist bumps god.  I only wish I could have done more with what I had.  Next year will be different!

I got engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111 Seriously never thought this would happen to me WTF.  Before Fatty, I was always the #foreveralone one with all my friends.  Like go on trips also I have to be the one who sleeps on mattress outside cos all the couples took the rooms wtf.


So Fatty, say hello to the rest of our lives together! You have to see this face for at least 50 more years ok.

Next Year resolutions:

I never make them seriously but this year I actually thought of a few I want to keep.

1. Blog more.  For real. I’ve missed blogging what I think and not just photos of things I do so hopefully I will get to do more of this this year.

2. Change my blog layout -______- Current layout is 4 years old and my “Why am I so cute” section is so outdated so much of it is not even true anymore.

3. Get more time.  The reason why I don’t blog as often is cos I have no time.  A lot of people have asked how do I juggle my full time job and boyfriend and blogging and family/friends and the answer is: by not resting a single moment wtf.  No la got rest la but I have very very little free time to just do nothing or to watch TV or lazy stuff like that.  This year, I am going to change that!  I don’t know how but I will have a more balanced life.

4.  Take up creative writing again? A bit scared.

5.  Plan my wedding nice nice.  Fatty said he did the proposal and he got an A+ for it so now my turn.  Challenge accepted.

6. Not die during end of the world. Be sole survivor and repopulate Earth.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Hope your 2012 is even better than my 2011 was!


Lazy Song

Today I want to talk about makeup!

No, no more useless makeup tutorials.

But I once used this quote “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones”

The quote is attributed to Helena Rubinstein who surprise surprise was a beauty magnate and the eponym of Helena Rubinstein Inc.

And i got a very interesting comment.

I am confused by your recent realization that this statement is not exactly or at all true. Many women are comfortable in their own skin, and do not care for makeup. Many women as you mentioned, have little experience in it, or are scared as first time makeup explorers. My question is why would it take you, a well cultured and open minded person, so long to realize such a simple fact?

Encouraging such a vane and utterly insulting statement speaks badly of you and your character. It makes your bio in the ‘why am I so cute’ section seem uglier and more superficial. Plainly, what gives you the right to have such a heavy assumption on other women who don’t wear makeup? That they are just lazy because they go bare faced?

Some may have the exact opposite view towards you who wears makeup all the time, or at least in all the pictures you show on your blog, sans the ‘before’ makeup pix. Many would call you insecure and fake.

Would that be ok? To have such an antithesis saying as “there are no ugly women, only insecure ones who hide behind makeup”?

Not trying to start a fight of any sort, just sharing my own opinions on your saying as someone who goes natural and barely uses makeup.

Damn, she writes quite well wtf.

Most of what the commenter said is true actually.

TRUE: I  think I can be extremely shallow.  I frequently judge people based on how they look and I tend to think better of people with nice noses or shoes.

TRUE: The quote is inaccurate.  Obviously there are many reasons why a woman may not wear makeup.

However, how I think Helena Rubinstein meant it, and how I certainly saw it, is that every woman can be beautiful if she takes care of her appearance (and health).  I say it all the time because I believe in the power of makeup.

But recently I was involved in a project with Maybelline and I met a lot of women who were too afraid to wear makeup because they didn’t know how to and they were glad I could teach them. So yea I guess I’ve been using that quote in the shallowest sense.

I’m also narrow minded FML.

I believe there are definitely women out there who are comfortable in their own skin and are okay going out barefaced.  But I also believe that no woman would say no to looking even better than she normally does.  And no man either.  It’s human vanity what.

So why let fear stop you!!!!!!!!!!! What are you afraid of?  The mascara wand poking your eye?  If I asked you to draw on eyeliner with your big toe, then go out to give a speech, you’d be terrified and rightly so.

But why be afraid of learning how to put on makeup?  If you get it wrong, rub it off and try again.  You don’t even have to leave the house if you don’t like how it looks.  That’s how I learned.  And probably every other girl who wears makeup. Everyone learns by making mistakes and practicing.

If you’re gonna be scared I’d rather you be scared about driving for the first time than putting on makeup.  At least your life is not at risk!

But on the other hand I’ve also met so many women who don’t wear makeup who’d peer interestedly at my face and ask me how long I took to get ready every morning.  Or how I put on my fake lashes.

Btw I can get ready in 15 minutes ok! #successkid.jpg #9gaggirlfriend

Then they’d say they don’t have the time or can’t be bothered to do it every morning.

So if you say you can’t be bothered, wouldn’t it be safe to say that you’re too lazy to put on makeup?

Same like how I’m too lazy to exercise.  Or too lazy to get up to get a drink of water so I’d get dehydrated wtf.

My laziness does overwhelm my vanity sometimes and that’s when I’ll go to work with no makeup and glasses and look like a demon.  It goes back to priorities.  Your desire to look good versus the desire to have an extra ten minutes in bed.

How strong your priorities rank is a different thing. Like maybe your urge to look beautiful is stronger than say your fear of pain so you go for plastic surgery.  But that’s not what we’re talking about now la.

For me, I don’t think it’s about insecurity.  If I was insecure I wouldn’t post ugly or barefaced photos of myself here.

I think it’s just about that I like looking pretty.  And I think it’s also a sign of respect to the people I meet that they matter enough for me to take an extra effort before I see them.

If you think you’re ugly and makeup and clothes are not worth it, you’re wrong!  I’ve seen many women who may be called unattractive by superficial media standards take care to style themselves to their advantage and I respect them all the more for it.

I don’t mind being called insecure.  I’d rather look pretty and be called insecure than look like a chicken backside and be applauded for my confidence.

And there are studies that indicate that people who look good lead easier lives.  Why would you not want that!?!

Handsome men earn, on average, 5 percent more than their less-attractive counterparts (good-looking women earn 4 percent more) (source)

Fifty-seven percent of hiring managers told NEWSWEEK that qualified but unattractive candidates are likely to have a harder time landing a job, while more than half advised spending as much time and money on “making sure they look attractive” as on perfecting a résumé. (source)

One explanation for attractive people achieving more in life is that we automatically categorize others before having an opportunity to evaluate their personalities, based on cultural stereotypes which say attractive people must be intrinsically good, and ugly people must be inherently bad. (source)

I’m just doing myself a favor wtf.

That said, attractive women may also be stereotyped as dumb, materialistic, snobbish or vain.  Or insecure, as commenter said.

Some narrow minded villager also tweeted recently that Timothy Tiah’s fiancee wears fake lashes and enlarging lenses, and has Bambi-like features therefore she must be high maintenance.

I told him that was narrow minded of him and unfair to every girl who wears makeup.  He replied the world is unfair wtf and he likes being narrow minded hahahaha so I left the frog in the well.  Aih the suffering of the good looking WTF WTF.

But true ah the world is unfair.  And superficial.

Like I said I’m just doing myself a favor 😛 What do you think?

edit: thank you everyone for so many deep and insightful comments 😀 

however, i think it needs to be clarified that i’ve mostly referred to the quote in the context of makeup but i think again i’m looking at it froma very narrow perspective.   it’s actually more than that – it’s about taking care of yourself on a physical (and emotional level) so you look and function at your best.

that being said, the reasons i’ve mentioned about about why a woman may not groom herself reflect her inner motivations. i’m not talking about other unavoidable factors like health, religious reasons if any wtf, or husband is crazy and doesn’t let her put on makeup, etc. thanks!


Run Forrest run

This post is such a lie.

Everyone knows I detest exercise.

Some more I am surrounded by bad influence!!! I told #addiction I wanted to go swimming yesterday she said her condolences to my hair!!!!!!!

So I may be a hypocrite to say this.  But a hypocrite that who means well!


Or in nicer terms, please exercise in order to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling life ^^

I don’t exercise regularly number 1 because I’m lazy, and number two because I’m (still relatively) young and don’t see the effects that lack of exercise is taking on my body yet.

But slowly but surely it’s starting.

Walk up two flights of stairs also tired already.

Cannot talk while walking fast because I’ll get out of breath 

Developing a fat stomach from sitting around DOING NOTHING.

Doctor also told me that if I don’t exercise now, when I’m older I’ll be at higher risk of developing osteoporosis and a whole bunch of other diseases.  Apparently too skinny and no exercise can also cause bad health T_T

That’s why I’m not there yet but I’m trying to take the first steps to an active lifestyle.


First steps, GEDDIT GEDDIT?  Never owned a proper pair of sneakers since my school shoes so I bought a pair for jogging/running/walking.

That’s why I ended up buying Speedo the Blue Papan Apung too 

I actually over the years attempted to start a number of activities to be healthy…


Like learn how to cycle.

Never succeeded fml.


Go swimming.

End up just stand at the side and take photos.

bon odori

Take up all sorts of gym and dance classes.  This was actually my favorite dance class in college cos it was a Bon Odori class!  They taught us all sorts of Japanese folk dances and amazingly I still remember some of it.

Took up a hiphop class even which was my worst nightmare -________-

We had to perform this hiphop song after the course ended FOL.  Now when I watch the video also I can feel myself turning red and goosebumps standing -__________- Luckily I’m partially hidden.

But all these activities ended cos I never pursued them beyond class and cos I was too lazy to make time.

It’s not about finding time to go to the gym or whatever.  Cos if you have to find time, you’ll never ever do it.  For me it works like that.

Maybe we should find ways to be active instead of finding time.

Like take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Saujana Sillies 046

Going outside and doing something physical instead of sitting indoors watching TV 😀

And doing it with friends or family cos that will be more motivation.

When I was in Japan I think I was actually at my fittest cos I had to run/walk everywhere to catch buses and trains or to go shopping or karaoke or whatever.

I also lost a lot of weight cos of all the exercise but that’s a different story.

Point is, it didn’t feel like exercise cos it was part of my life but I definitely was stronger, fitter and had more stamina then.

Maybe I should try walking more again.

Tune in to 1 Sihat Malaysia to get health tips on eating habits and healthy living, hosted by Fahrin Ahmad and features stories from the local celebrities.  Visit MOH for more info (

AudRubbish AudSappy


Finally had time to sit down and blog today so yay I give myself a pat on the back wtf.

It’s been a crazy few days zomg.  Never in our lives did we think people would react to the proposal like they did.

Fatty outlines everything much clearer in his blog here but besides I’m too lazy to blog about everything that happened in chronological order.

Just posting some screenshots stolen from Fatty here for future bragging purposes.

On the day we posted, we saw the views climbing but didn’t think too much of it.   We assumed it was our blog readers passing it around.

Then the next morning it was all over Facebook.

Screen shot 2011-12-23 at 8.52.03 AM

Screen shot 2011-12-23 at 9.27.57 AM

Then holy mama Ryan Seacrest! Ok probably his writers but this was the first “celeb” mention and we were dumbfounded.

Screen shot 2011-12-24 at 9.15.36 PM9gag 3rd time9gag meme

Then 9gag three times WTFFFFFF.

Someone even created a rage comic about us lol (but not funny wan)

Screen shot 2011-12-22 at 9.47.25 AM

People started telling us that comments on the official YouTube video for Christina Perri’s A Thousand Years (the song used in our video) were all about #memeproposal!

THEN WAIT FOR IT. *prepares pillow to faint

Screen shot 2011-12-23 at 5.04.48 PM


Dude.  Our 6 degrees of separation circle just expanded exponentially.

Actually already expanded with Ryan Seacrest.  I can say I was tweeted by Ryan Seacrest who knows Simon Cowell who probably knows everyone in Hollywood. So now we are just 3 degrees away from everyone in Hollywood!!!! *delusional

Then Guy Kawasaki.

chris brogan

And Chris Brogan.

So they both open up my 6 degrees to say Silicone Valley, Socialmedialand, and Geekdom.

Screen shot 2011-12-24 at 9.15.15 PM


Screen shot 2011-12-25 at 11.47.53 PM

Mashable *stuffs pillow into mouth

huffington post

Huffington Post.


The Star (Malaysian newspaper)!  I hate to say this but The Star got trolled by a fake Katy Perry account tweeting about wanting a meme proposal too FTL.

Actually I got trolled too and was so excited about it that I tweeted about Katy Perry too and lied to everyone on my Twitter and Facebook sorry guys hahahaha.


Then Reddit.  All time favorite site!

How I felt about it?

At first I was overwhelmed.  When Fatty showed me the rising views I was bemused… and a bit wary to be honest.  Fatty is way stronger than me when it comes to online trolls and I was expecting an influx of mean statements then I would be sad and not want to watch the video again wtf.

Fatty was neutral about it but I did not want to post it up at first.  But Crazy Monkey Studios knew they did an amazing job and they wanted to put it up so our friends and family and readers could see.  So we finally agreed and oh mama this happened.

I think the singular best part for us that is not that so many people have watched the video.  But that 99% of the comments were so so positive and supportive T________T

I’ve been having an awesome time reading comments coming in from all over the world!!  People left comments on my blog signing off which country they were from and there are so many!!! From Brazil, Argentina, China, Poland, Canada, India and I forgot where else.  There were even comments written in Spanish or Portuguese I can’t tell need to use Google Translate later wtf.

And every time there was a 1% hater comment, (e.g. “i hope they both die” and “i hope their kids turn out retarded”) there’d be a gazilion comments in reply defending the video.


Wtf what have my unborn kids ever done to you!?!?!

To be honest, we’ve been asking ourselves what’s so good about our video WTF.  I mean we like watching it and all but of course — it’s our own *narcissistic. Seriously don’t lie if you have a video of yourself sure you keep rewatching it wan WTF.

There are a lot of more creative, more elaborate proposal videos out there and they were no less touching or sweet.  Ours was just inspired by Love Actually and some geek hobby wtf.  Maybe it was the fact that Fatty used memes, I dunno.

But it was quite fun while it lasted!  Now everyone will go back to their lives…until the next Internet thing comes up.

Mostly, thank you all for making our proposal and our first step toward the new phase in our lives so special.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

– from Fatty & Shorty



AudRubbish Audvertorial

Stupid Siri

SO since the iPhone 4S is finally out in Malaysia, everyone around me has been buying up a storm and getting Siri on their phones.

And I am secretly (ok not so secretly) jealous because I want a 4S too! I don’t normally crave material items especially gadgets but stupid iPhone cult’s gotten to me.


Everyone’s been raving about Siri so the other day I grabbed Bobo’s iPhone to talk to Siri.

Come to think of it Siri’s probably good for Forever Alone-rs.

And I tell you this Siri!!!!!!!!!

More than half the time she gets it wrong! Sometimes quite smart but mostly… Either she cannot understand me and my Malaysian accent…

Or she’s the world’s biggest troll.

Took this video of us playing with the phone.

The only useful thing that came out of Siri was….


Cute car discovery! For when I finally save up enough to buy my car.

If baby pink even better!

Used Siri to send this car to Fatty and he said no cos I cannot drive this color around forever -_-

But then I did a search and found out that it’s quite good leh this car! Optima 5 only gonna be released in Malaysia on Dec 27. Siri why you so efficient.

Anyway it’s quite cool what from the reviews I saw! Probably coolest part is the back view camera that appears in your rear view mirror when you shift into reverse.

So to get or not?