AngieEntry AudShopping AudTourist

Bangkok Day 1


First post on Bangkok!

This is me after lot of makeup wtf.  I did not look like this on the plane.

I took a flight from KL while Angela flew in from Kunming where her parents are.  And we met in Bangkok!


Say hello Aud’s soulmate!

Our friendship is the epitome of awesomeness cos whenever we meet it doesn’t feel like we haven’t seen each other for a year!  It’s always like I just saw her last week and everything’s the same 😀 😀


Topping up my Hotlink prepaid data roaming.

Oh ya if you haven’t realized, I’m switching to Iphone!  Not that I don’t like Blackberry anymore… but I won an iPhone when I won the Hotlink Now You Can contest!

And sorry ah BB but iPhone’s apps are just too seductive.  I can read news nicely and play Angry Birds when I pangsai!

So yea iPhone for now.  Might switch back to BB eventually but who knows.


Time to talk about outfit!  I don’t usually list down all the things I wear like other girls (and I damn admire them for it) cos if I like something I always end up wearing it!  Sometimes 3 days in a row WTF shhhh (just make sure I don’t meet the same people)

But since this trip I brought different outfits so yay can list down items like a real fashionista.

Black semi see through top – Azorias
Lace shorts – Minimaos
Flip flops – Havanaiaiaia (dunno how to spell)


Getting ready picture!  We have tons of these where we both stand in front of a mirror, one of us holds a curler or a makeup brush and the other takes a picture wtf.


Our hotel lobby.  We stayed in a hotel called Le Fenix and it’s a very modern looking boutique hotel.


Me making a call cos I didn’t know how to top up my prepaid *shifty eyed.  Actually it’s damn easy just a matter of scratching out the code and dialing it in I just never used prepaid before!!


First stop in Bangkok – MBK.

We went there cos I wanted to get screen protectors and cute case for my iphone!  A reader told me it’s damn good for cell phone stuff so I dragged Angela there.


Tadah look what we got.  Matching (fake) Kate Spade covers.

I actually bought two of these -_-  the first one I got is actually paler pink (which I like more) but the sides of it were clear plastic and the one above (darker pink) had the silicon sides which I feel safer with wtf (cos I always drop my phone)


Angela and her new Korean boyfriend hahahaha her face looks damn big until dunno what right!

I think when you can’t see the end of your face it looks like it goes on for eternity wtf.

Oh I also think Thailand loves Korea we saw Korean stuff all over.


Mission Live Like Queens commences.


WTF face cos I dunno why the lady draped a towel over me while nobody else got a towel over their boobs then walked off!

But it’s ok cos she made up for it by coming back and massaging my leg super hard HAHAHA see how intense her face is!!

*queenly wave


Saw this dude creating amazing pictures of babies.  So realistic!


Waiting for Her Majesties’ cab wtf.


If you realize, in all my Bangkok pictures I’ll be holding a phone.  Cos I was tweeting so incessantly about my trip!  Sorry ah if anyone got bored and decided to unfollow me.


First task of the trip!

The thing about this trip is people who voted for me to go also voted for stuff I should do in Bangkok.  So my whole trip actually consisted of a whole schedule of places I had to visit and tasks to complete while I was there!

So my first task was to visit this Japanese restaurant called Hajime Robot Restaurant.


Why it’s special is because you don’t get served by boring old human waiters…. your server is a robot dressed as a samurai!

Seriously, this really ups my queenliness a notch.


At first when I saw the samurai outfit I was a bit freaked out.  I saw a samurai costume at the Met before and they had a bushy mustache on the mannequin and everything and I thought it was so scary! It looked like it’d come alive and slay you with his katana wtf.

But this robot is cute cos they made his eyes so big and blinky.


The restaurant is buffet style shabu shabu or yakiniku.  So you order your food from a computer screen and the robot brings you your dishes.

So clever he even knows to take away empty bowls!

Here’s a video of him doing a dance WTF.  There’s intervals where the robot has to take a break from serving us to do a dance and entertain us hahahahaha damn busy ah.

Totally could use a robot like him in my house!  Except I’d make him take off his samurai clothes *kinky WTF.

No la I don’t really like the samurai outfit that much (shiver) I think he’s cuter if he’s just a regular robot.  Or if he looked like Doraemon!

Oh food was ok.  Not fantastic but not bad either.  I think the restaurant is really more about the novelty factor.  That and the all you can eat buffet yum.

Last picture of the night!  Showing all our different gadget casings for iphones, BB and ipad. (BB casing can get from Haus of BB)


Hello from Bangkok!

Test blogging from my phone! My laptop got no connection so I’m trying to update through my wordpress app.

Follow me on twitter at @fourfeetnineaud for live updates from Bangkok!!



Oh Angela says hi!

AudRubbish AudTourist


I have two things to say.

Number one.

I’m going to Bangkok!!!

This is my thank you message:

Thank you to everyone who voted for me!!! I would not have won without your support and for that I am very grateful.

edit: a few people have asked – bow cardigan is from Azorias!

Now on to item Number Two.

I feel a bit guilty about winning to be honest.  I said I’d do five videos and so far I’ve only done two (some more one was filmed two years ago wtf).

You guys voted for me cos I said I was bribing you with videos but I failed to make five T_______T

Why this happened is because a lot of stuff occurred recently and I ended up doing a lot of work at home at night which left me no time 🙁 Plus Fatty took his Mac (where the webcam was) to Bangkok with him, and I lost my camera charger, leaving me with no filming device.  I tried using Ooib’s webcam but the quality was shit and the sound was screwed.

Anyway those are as much excuses as they are reasons.  I sorry I failed you *hangs head

But I will still finish making those videos I promised even though they’re a bit late.  That is if you still wanna see them *draws circles in corner

Here’s a video of me doing something I’m damn pro at.


Thank you again for all you’ve done!!! And I’m so sorry if I disappointed any of you 🙁

P/S: Will force Angela to take videos with me in Bangkok!!!!


July 9

This post should have been written last week but I got caught up with other things.

I believe in justice.  I get super angry if things are unfair.  Fatty calls me a feminist but I think I’m more of an equalist because I don’t like it either when people say men should do or not do certain things just because they were born with penises wtf.  And I believe in the right to exercise my constitutional rights (wow that was a mouthful wtf)

But I’m ashamed to say that I wasn’t a part of Bersih 2.0.  I wanted to go, true – and I’d made plans with Celestine and Su Ann and planned routes but when it came down to it, my parents were too scared to let me go and I was more scared of my parents than tear gas wtf.

So I didn’t go.  I sat at Chatime with Jammie and Suet and none of us said much as we all scrolled through #bersih tweets on our respective Blackberries, feeling like Class A jerks.

From Wikipedia:

The Bersih 2.0 rally (also called the Walk for Democracy) was a demonstration in Kuala Lumpurheld on 9 July 2011 as a follow-up to the 2007 Bersih rally.

The rally, organised by the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) was deemed illegal by the government.

Bersih were pushing the Election Commission of Malaysia (EC) to ensure free and fair elections in Malaysia. It demanded that the EC:

  • Clean the electoral roll
  • Reform postal ballot
  • Use of indelible ink
  • Minimum 21 days campaign period
  • Free and fair access to media
  • Strengthen public institutions
  • Stop corruption
  • Stop dirty politics

The police vowed to stop any rallies from taking place on the planned date on the grounds that all public gatherings without police permits are illegal. And Bersih was refused a permit.  Having originally planned to march through the streets of Kuala Lumpur, Bersih decided to hold its rally at Merdeka Stadium after consultations with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Malaysia’s head of state.

The rally was supposed to be a peace walk and it should be remarked that the protestors remained amazingly non-violent and relatively calm despite being teargassed by members of the police.

Some sources say about 50,000 people gathered on the streets of KL despite the roadblocks and “lockdown” of the city, although officially the number is supposed to be about 6,000.

And then after it was over, certain parties denied certain things from ever happening – denied that the police shot tear gas into a hospital and said it must have been the wind which blew the gas in WTF.

Below is one video out of many that were produced from footage taken by people who were present and circulated.


For two weeks, Malaysians (especially the ones with internet connections wtf) have been relieving Bersih through Twitter (via hashtags #bersih and #bersihstories), Facebook, blogs, and videos such as these.

And for two weeks, Malaysians have been weeping with outrage that the people in power really take us for stupid, weeping with joy and overwhelming pride in our fellow countrymen and our nation (and let me tell you Malaysians – or most of the people I know anyway – are not a really patriotic bunch…at least until now), tearing because people who took part in the rally remained peaceful and strong despite whatever was thrown their way, and weeping because there is hope.

If you have time, watch this too.

I wrote this entry because I think I have some readers who are not Malaysian.  And I thought it was important that more people out of our country know what’s going on here.

To all who went, I have nothing but the utmost gratitude and pride in you.

For firsthand accounts of Bersih, please read KYSpeaks, SuanieTim, Xes.


Thai dance!

Someone asked for a video of me doing Thai dance.

At first I was like FTS again wtf.

But then hor!  I’m going to give you a video of me doing Thai dance!

Although actually cheat wan cos it was filmed three years ago m(_ _)m

But it was taken off Youtube cos I think it violated some music copyright -_-  And anyway I figured a lot of you here might not have been reading me three years back so this is practically new.  Correct or not!!!

Three years ago I persuaded Mild to buy me a Thai outfit and teach me how to dance.  So she did much to her regret wtf.  We performed at the Festival of Diversity at Mount Holyoke some more!  Read full story here

So this is the Thai dance! (I’m the stiff one in white on the right)

Untitled from Audrey Ooi on Vimeo.

Entire video courtesy of Mild!

As always (although I feel a bit pai seh, this not being a new video) please vote for me for Hotlink’s Bloggers without Borders project! Can vote more than once ahem #justsaying

P/S: Originally wanted to do a video of self singing the Thai elephant song but totally cannot get my tongue around it T_T

AudRubbish AudTourist

World’s worst magic trick

Maximum regret for saying I’d make five videos to bribe you all.

And more than maximum regret cos all the suggestions you gave seem like you want to kill me hahahahaha T______T

Someone suggested I do magic tricks dark face

Bad enough that I don’t know any magic tricks.  But someone else suggested I do a video of myself shuffling T_______T

So I hurriedly googled magic tricks.

Here comes the world’s most pathetic magic performance.

Hate you all.

This video is so bad that I’m keeping it unlisted on Youtube.   I’m trying to also find a way to not make this post Google searchable.

To give you a clue how bad, Fatty who’s usually my biggest fan just stared at me in dumb shock when he saw this video FML.

Even though this is the world’s worst magic performance and you’ll have lost 2 minutes of your life you’ll never get back, I’m thick skinnedly asking you to do three things now:

1. Give me better Youtube video suggestions

2. Vote for me HERE to go to Bangkok under the Hotlink Bloggers Without Borders project!!! Even if you have voted, please vote again!!! (can wan I think) *bats lashes

3. While you’re on the site, suggest some things for me to do while in Bangkok.  I notice nobody has suggested going to Platinum Mall yet *frowns.  Unless Pratunam Market = Platinum Mall?

Kop kun kha!!

AudTourist Audvertorial

Now I can haz Bangkok?

Imma be seeing my soulmate soon!!

When we graduated we thought we’d never see each other again *dramatic

But we’ve been lucky! Last year I went back to the US for Ooib’s graduation and spent a week in San Fran with Angela. Then like a month later she came to KL to visit me!

So we try to make it a yearly thing. The Annual Soulmate Reunion wtf. This year we’re planning a trip to Bangkok!!!

It was between Bangkok and Taipei (both of which we’ve visited before) but Bangkok won cos …. cheaper shopping!!!

Also when we went before we only spent like a full day there before heading to Koh Samui and the only place we went to is Chatuchak…


and a temple which name I forgot wtf.


So ya Bangkok it is! Cheap shopping, yummy food, temples and floating markets to visit….and lots of spas and massages!

This trip, the keyword is “To Live Like Queens”.

But a bit hard to do so when I’m broke (again what’s new) T_______T Spent all my money on loan now don’t think I got money to buy car anytime soon.

So! My solution to get to Bangkok is….

Get Hotlink to send me there!

Hotlink has come up with Prepaid Data Roaming which means you can travel overseas and still have data access (at a decent price)! Which is awesome because no internet is the only thing I hate about going on holiday.


Sawadeeka! I will not count my chickens before they’re hatched.

Anyway Hotlink will be sending 3 bloggers to different countries to try out their prepaid data roaming as part of the Bloggers without Borders project.

I need to win the trip to Bangkok! If not Angela will be stuck there alone, not speaking Thai. And Mild (the only person we know in Bangkok) is not answering my messages telling her we’re coming to Bangkok FOL.

So I need your help 🙂 In my entire blogging career i don’t think I’ve ever asked any of my blog readers for help so this is the first.

Please help me by voting for me to go to Bangkok!!! Please go here to vote.

This is the video I’m submitting to get everyone to vote for me.

To bribe you all, I promise to make 5 videos for you all to see (and laugh at) until the contest ends. You can just comment on this post on what you wanna see in the video! No perverted or impossible stuff please.

Although if you ask me to lick my elbow I will try!

Also since you guys so nice vote for me, you also have the freedom to suggest things that I should see or do in Bangkok! Like…go to Platinum Mall (:D) or eat a bug (D: ) I will then do it because I love you like that.
Since I’ll have roaming there I’ll be completing all the tasks and then updating my blog with videos or twitpics for you guys!

So yea. Sorry for the long entry but please vote for me ok!!! And please get your friends to vote for me wtf. I would be very grateful T_T Voting ends 20 July.

Actually don’t worry about forgetting cos I’ll be doing those 5 videos every few days just to remind you. And i’ll be all over you like ugly on a baboon to vote hahahah so thank you!!!

Remember to click here to vote!!!!!



Last week, I did a great service to the world *ahem

I was chosen by Maybelline to be their Hypersharp Liner blogger ambassador! (actually this name I give myself wan to feel self-important #loser)

But what it means is that *I*, armed with with my trusty Maybelline Hypersharp Liner, was tasked to go around for a full day and give eye makeovers to people!

There was even a camera man following me around so I dunno if people thought I was creepy (T-T) . And I was so nervous before cos I thought who would let some vertically challenged stranger near their eyes but it turned out really fun!


Me in Watsons. I was at the branches in Sunway Pyramid and Midvalley.

Never have I been more thankful for shopping baskets T_______T Cos without them I would never have been able to reach people’s eyes I think Maybelline gave me too much height credit.


Honestly what do people eat these days.

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Like I said, I was so worried that nobody would come up and let me line their eyes with the Hypersharp Liner cos obviously I’m not a real makeup artist. But so many did!!! Super happy!

(see the camera man poking the camera in hahaha)

After I did their eyes for them, lot of girls also realized that it is super easy to line your eyes using the Hypersharp Liner! Can see so many of them were pleasantly surprised by the difference eyeliner makes when they looked in the mirror *super touched

And quite a few of them actually went and bought the eyeliner after that! Selling for RM23.90 only anyway very affordable.


A lot of my readers came to look for me and let me do their eyes too so touched T_____T

Picture above from Kai Lu 😀

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I didn’t expect it but I learned so much that weekend.

First I found out that what’s good for my eyes may not work for other people’s eyes.

Wah I suddenly realized how different everyone’s eyes are! For my eyes I usually just line it very thinly cos if I draw it too thick, I look like I got into a fist fight and got punched in the face T_T

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But if I drew it too thinly for people with single eyelids, I realized that the eyeliner couldn’t be seen at all when they opened their eyes! Then I’d have to go “eh sorry sorry cannot see let me draw again” pai seh.

Or if someone had droopy eyes, I drew a wing at the side so the eyes would appear bigger and brighter!

And Indian girls have the prettiest eyes! All the Indian ladies whose eyes I lined had such wide defined eyes already that the littlest bit crooked I went with the eyeliner would show up so clearly on their eyes and spoil the whole look.

I also found out that this phrase I’m fond of saying – “there are no ugly women, only lazy ones” is not exactly true.

A lot of women I met that day weren’t barefaced cos they were lazy or complacent. Actually a lot of them were very interested in learning how to put on makeup but they never got the chance to. Or they thought of it as something too insurmountable and were too nervous to try applying makeup themselves, especially when it came to liquid eyeliner.

I also noticed that a lot of girls put on eyeshadow and mascara but not eyeliner which I think is the makeup item that really defines your eyes! If I woke up late and had to pick one I’d pick eyeliner over any other makeup (sunblock not counted)

A lot of girls I met, I asked if they wanted to try on the eyeliner themselves – cos if it were me I’d have grabbed the pen and done it on my own eyes rather than trust a stranger wtf cos I’d think I know my own eyes best. But they preferred me to do it for them cos I think they were unsure.

One mom even asked me to teach her how to put on eyeliner on her 10 year old daughter so she could do it for her the next time she had a school concert hahaha.

Btw, Maybelline has created a whole bunch of videos to teach people how to draw eyeliner to fix different eye imperfections and for different effects. Click here to see the videos on Maybelline’s Facebook page.

And really it’s very very easy tho especially with the Hypersharp Liner.

Because it is *ahem* hypersharp, the tip of it is super fine and depending on the thickness you want, you can adjust by the way you press down the pen. The tip of it is only 0.05 mm (half a milimeter) leh!


The Hypersharp Liner is also a lot blacker and thicker in consistency than other liquid eyeliner pens I’ve tried.


Lasting power also awesome. (this drawing has stayed on for two days. And not cos I’m dirty!) Other pen liquid liners I’ve used tend to be a little bit watery so by the end of the day I have no eyeliner and only grey smudges around my eyes FML. For Hypersharp, after a whole day out, I can just take it and touch up a bit the wings at the corners of my eyes then tadah can go clubbing already.




After picture. Extended the bottom eyeliner to make eyes bigger.


I did my entire eye makeup in 5 minutes -_- so I think I could have shaded and played with it more but just to show you the eyeliner la ok!


Hypersharp is available nationwide!

P/S: if you were one of the people who let me loose on your eyes with my Hypersharp, thank you! Video of all the eye makeovers will be posted up on the Maybelline Facebook page sometime in July so you can see yourself there!

Photo credits to Jammie, Wilson, Karen Mayer and Kai Lu.


Don’t need to read also can

Ahhhh no time to blog! #badblogger

So I went to test drive a few cars today.

Test drove the Honda City, Kia Forte, and Ford Fiesta.  Went to see Mazda also but need to book test drive wan so I didn’t get to drive it.


The City was the first car I went to see.

I was quite nervous about driving that doesn’t belong to my parents (see previous entry) so I casually told the salesman (who was sitting shotgun), “eh just to let you know, my driving is not very good.”  Then I laughed to show him it’s not that serious.

He stared ahead at the road unamused FML.

Learned my lesson not to say this again to other car salesmen.


Ford Fiesta!  Fatty loves this it was his favorite car of the day.

I thought it was okay…

Vanity shot.  Wearing pants that Xiaxue bought in HK without trying on then gave to me.  Wendy if you’re reading this, it fits!!!

Ok la so ends the world’s suckiest blog post.

I haven’t even said which car I liked of all today yet right hahaha. Just have to find out when (if) I actually get it.

Will blog more tomorrow!  (might be lying WTF)


Car-ry me home

So as you know, my house is under renovation so ’tis a terrible place to stay.

(btw a very big thank you to my blog reader Adeline who hooked me up with her mom who’s a real estate agent so now we have a place to stay!! Moving in tomorrow!)

In the meantime, I was staying at Fatty’s place cos my parents had moved into my room and cos all the dust in the house was making me feel like I was underwater every night T_______T

(felt like there was water running up and down my nose making it damn painful and forcing me to sleep sitting up wtf)

But as luck would have it, Fatty went out of the country this whole week for work.

Stranded in his house and left to fend for myself wtf.

So…. I drove his car to work *heart beating fast

Damn scary la ok!!! His car is an SUV so I was so scared I’d underestimate the size and beat it up along the dividers or something.

Before entering the car, I’d send a prayer up first.

Then before I park, I’d pray again huhuhu cos parking is my Achille’s heel.  Got only like 75% accuracy when doing the normal 90 degree turn parking don’t need to talk about reverse or parallel parking.

And I was so paranoid about the car!!! It’s not my car so I was so scared something bad would happen to it *knocks on expansive (sic) wood #privatejoke

So every few hours or so I’d go out and walk all the way across the very huge parking lot just to check to see if the car was still there WTF.  Check the locks to see if it’s still on then walk all the way back.  And if I couldn’t see it at first my heart would start hammering and I would start composing in my head what last words to say to Fatty before he chopped me to death.

Anyway all went well until yesterday *thunderclap

I was supposed to meet Cheesie at Gardens for lunch and I didn’t wanna take the car out anymore cos it was just too much stress.  But I couldn’t get a cab T__________T

Then coincidentally Fatty called me and I told him and he said just take the car.

So I did.  And all was ok until when I was leaving Gardens and I tried to reverse out of the parking space.

When I was backing out, I noticed to my horror that I was too close to the pillar at the side.  And the side view mirror was hurtling towards the pillar at what seemed like an unnerving speed (even though I was going like 500m/hour)

God that was a terrible time.  I’m awful at telling the difference between right and left ALL the time so it’s to be expected that I’m also ridiculously bad at calculating where to turn the steering wheel whenever I have to reverse out of a spot.

Turned left.  Turned right.  Reversed.  Drove forward.  Reversed again.  Repeat sixty thousand times or so.

I contemplated asking the security guard for help.  I contemplated using my hand to cover the mirror so the pillar would crush my hand and not the mirror.

But finally hallelujah Buddha be thanked I finally made it out of the blasted spot!

By then I was intensely sweating and no amount of blasting airconditioning could cool me down.  Also worried to death that the parking ticket I had already paid for would have expired by then wtf.

But I made it back safely yay applause thank you thank you.

Anyway the point of this post is not just to highlight my atrocious driving skills but also to say that by the end of this year I think I may be able to pay off my entire student loan!

Yay applause thank you thank you.

Actually no, don’t.  I think I may be able to do it, but it’s not totally paid off right now anyway so don’t jinx it!

But very happy!  I had ten years to pay it off but I’m doing it in three 😀 😀

Obviously I’m saving a lot on interest by paying it off faster.  And if I didn’t have my blogging income, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve this.  All my Nuffnang earnings basically went to paying off the loan.  So thank you Nuffnang!!!

So now that I can see the end of my loan, it’s time to consider finally buying a car!! No more relying on Fatty/the Oois/Ooib/friends

(I know most people have already bought their first cars or houses much younger.  But I didn’t want to service two loans at the same time which leads me to where I am now. )

So the question is: what car to buy! (budget – as cheap as possible wtf)  Preferably a small car to minimize banging things at the side.

Cars are so expensive here! 🙁 Damn you Proton and the government wtf.


Scary picture for fun.