You know what would be good? If we all had nine lives.
One life to live in Malaysia with Fatty and the Oois (sounds like a new band wtf) and my friends – those who are here anyway, doing the job I’m doing now.
One to do the job I’m doing right now, but in New York. Or San Fransisco. I actually spent half the night looking at job openings in America.
One to live in Japan, doing absolutely nothing but be a waste of sperm and go shopping. And maybe teach English.
One life to um go somewhere and work with AIDS babies wtf. If die also never mind still got eight more lives left.
Then I’d have all the memories and experiences from each life. And I wouldn’t feel like I haven’t done enough in my life.
There’s so many things I wanna do! I just don’t know how to get to them without sacrificing something else.
Zomggg I’m nearly dead of exhaustion.
Like I said in my previous entry, my parents are conducting extensive renovation on the house. So for the past couple of weeks, we’ve been crazy trying to clear out the house and pack up all our worldly possessions. Well I try to do what I can when I’m not at work wtf.
But I managed to clear out my room and pack all my belongings into five cardboard boxes (and threw out a lot of shit) in just three nights! #winning. Which explains why I’m asleep on my feet now.
But that’s not the point. The point is, while the house is being given a big facelift, we are homeless!!!!!!!! #losing
We’ve been trying to look for a place for months but nobody wants to rent out short term cos we only need a place for 3 or 4 months.
We’ve been staying in a construction site!!!! Like refugees man we should just go apply for asylum wtf.
There’s a layer of dust everywhere no matter how much you mop, there’s dried cement on the floor, we have to wear shoes inside the house. I even wore slippers to go shower just like I was back in the communal bathroom at Mount Holyoke wtf.
It’s in no condition for any human to stay basically. So we’re desperate! (but desperate doesn’t mean you can take advantage charge us more wtf)
If anyone who’s reading this knows of any house or apartment around Subang Jaya or Sunway (big enough for 3-4 people) that’s available for rent for the next 3-4 months, please leave a comment and let me know how I should contact you!!!! Or email me at fourfeetnine[at]gmail[dot]com.
Thank you I really hope social media works T______T If not blogging and tweeting is a waste of time wtf.
Ok random picture time. All taken from Facebook cos I’m lazy like that.
With Lainey, Misheru, Nic Gan and Fatty at Eric Soong’s birthday party! Birthday boy nowhere in sight probably off getting drunk somewhere in the house wtf.
With Jammie and some other friends at Edmund’s wedding. And my extensions of course!
Bobo dragged me out clubbing with her friends. I seem to get dragged out to Zouk quite a lot these days *narrows eyes at friends wtf
With Zoe. See ah my extensions quite weird looking dunno why I wore them wtf. Cos they were so long that there was a huge discrepancy between my real hair and the fake! But posting this photos anyway cos my face is nice WTF.
With Bobo and Zoe.
And Bobo’s friend whose name I forgot but I think is damn hot.
With Tze another night at Zouk.
And Jammie! She damn photogenic here. Tze looks damn sneaky hahaha.
Finally got my extensions cut! My stylist beh tahan couldn’t take it anymore seeing pictures of me on Facebook with weird length hair and insisted I come in and let him fix it -_-
Got him to cut off quite a lot but it’s still quite long at the back!
Obviously my real length is at my shoulders – like in the pics with Jam and Tze.
Looks like real right 😀 Blends perfectly into my real hair and color too.
Color is alot lighter in real life. Lemme post picture taken with an unshitty camera.
Side view.
If you’re looking for a hair stylist (or if you want my hair color wtf) go to Shawn Cutler at Damansara Heights and ask for Raymond Chew.
39G, Medan Setia 1, Plaza Damansara,
Bukit Damansara,
50490, KL
He told me a lot of people apparently already went to see him and asked for my color?! Hahahaha so flattering but actually he deserves all the credit for mixing the shade.
So. Two things to take out of this post. One is let me know if you know of any place to rent!!!! Two is call Raymond if you like my hair wtf.
My parents are renovating the house so the past few weeks have been about cleaning up the house and throwing away twenty years’ worth of junk.
I usually hate spring cleaning but no choice cos if don’t clear out the house, cannot renovate. But this time I found so many small things from the past that brought up so many memories!
I took pictures of them to blog about it but as luck would have it most of them came out blurry Never trust an iPod camera I tell you.
Whatevs posting anyway!
Namecard from a young dude who wore a very nice suit and carried a briefcase, who approached me on the street in Kyoto and asked me if I had a アルバイト (part time job). I’m always broke and desperate for money (T_T) so I said I have one already but what jobs do you have? Then he asked me to be a キャバ嬢 or a club hostess FMLLLLL.
I got scared and said no I can’t cos I’m an exchange student. Then he said it’s ok don’t need to talk at all your look is enough WTF.
Then when I got home and told my お母さん she said luckily I didn’t take it or I would have been deported WTF scare me even more T_____T Didn’t realize I kept his card until now! Good times wtf. Or maybe I secretly wanna be a hostess wtf.
The last journal I had before writing on paper and time flew out of the window and I devoted all energy to my blog.
Kinda miss writing in a private space though 🙁 There’s so many things I don’t say in my blog cos there’s too many people reading. The other day someone scolded me for writing about my past some more wtf.
Me at age 18. My ID card for Taylor’s College. *grimace
Bu two years before I looked like this wtf.
Baby photo I found stashed away at the back of my bookshelf. I remember why it was there! Cos my friends came over and they were looking at my baby photos and I realized this picture of me can see my pepet WTF.
So I faster snatched it out before they could see it and tossed it into my bookshelf behind my books hahahaah I think this was at least ten years ago only found it today now you know how often I clean my room -_-
My childhood love Lee Brennan! I found stacks and stacks of folders filled with magazine cutouts and posters of 911 and Lee Brennan who was the love of my life wtf.
I still think he’s damn cute though! When I flipped through my posters, my heart skipped a beat WTF. He has a very nice nose ok and my weakness until now is still nice noses on guys wtf.
Used to doodle a lot back when I thought I had talent. Until I took Drawing 101 in college and got a B+ and realized I actually suck at art #shattereddreams
My 携帯 from Japan! I think the cellphone was one of the major factors in improving my Japanese cos the whole phone was configured in Japanese so everytime I wanted to do something on it I had to read all the kanji.
Goldfish I won from some goldfish scooping game at a festival in Japan.
Every navel stud I have bought in my life is pink, heartshaped and glittery -____- Didn’t realize my very obvious taste and my waste of money until I tidied up my accessories.
Love letter from Fatty / Kitty chan! Blogged about it before here.
Dance fan from my 日本舞踊 class (traditional Japanese dance) also when I was in Kyoto. God how I hated that class. We joined it cos we thought it would be really cool to dress up in yukata every week and learn how to dance with fans like a geisha wtf.
But every week we had to take a train to the outskirts of the city, then walk like fifteen minutes to the dance studio (which also looks like the teacher’s house wtf) and then tie on the yukata then dance for like an hour.
Yukata part cool. Wearing the tabi (traditional Japanese socks) cool. Dancing for hours a week for a few months and still not being able to remember the steps not cool.
Hate every physical class I take. Every class also I’d be the worst most incompetent one and the teacher will have to pay special attention to me and offer me extra coaching FTS. And after all her efforts, I’d still be unable to do a single thing with my body.
The only cool part.
I actually taught English for a short while as a part time job. I went to a kindergarten’s Christmas party too like a guest of honor and all the kids made me a huge Christmas booklet <3 <3
Submitted a paper with a missing conclusion and still got an A minus #likeaboss
Stupid art folio that I had to do in high school. The topic was painting so we had to pick some famous painting to copy -_-
I randomly chose this painting from the back of a Reader’s Digest. Now only I look back and realize it was van Gogh WTF.
Stupid wan ask us to recreate the picture 4 times to show step by step. Who does that!?!
Homework sheet.
Comics for art class again.
My best friend in school was way more talented! This was a comic she drew for me cos apparently I dragged her to school on a Saturday morning hahahaha.
Old fashion magazines back when super layered orange hair and platform boots were in.
My favorite magazine when I was a kid. I had unusual tastes wtf.
Old organizers! God I was so organized. And cute wtf.
My birthday must write bigger! Period that time must draw a sanitary pad HAHAHAAH. For Chinese New Year, I was sour cos I couldn’t be home to spend it with the Oois.
Trey made sure I would never ever forget his birthday wtf.
Marked a date to go Christmas shopping! But then apparently I fell sick wtf.
HAHAHAH this one damn funny! I told David once that I had never gotten any flowers from anyone before. So for my birthday he very sweetly got me flowers!
But to save money (cos he’s frugal like that) he bought me a flowerpot with some flowering plant inside instead of a bouquet WTF. And he secretly left it in my college mailbox to surprise me.
But unbeknownst to him, I never check my mailbox. So when I opened it three months later I found a flowerpot with a dead plant in it WTF. Thought someone was trying to put a curse on me wtf.
Ok memories over babai wtf.
Krabi post!!!
Super duper long post ahead lalala.
Thought of cutting it under an Insert More tag…but then too lazy to. Hahahahaha.
Anyway we had a lot of fun in Krabi! I thought Krabi was an island and vaguely wondered why wasn’t it called Koh Krabi but now I know it’s part of the Thai mainland *shamefaced.
Scenery pics first!
Even though it’s not an island, our hotel was built into a very secluded part of Krabi! The hotel is on a tiny strip of beach surrounded by mountains. So the only way to get to it was by boat. Or climb over the mountain.
(which we did #heroface)
View from far. Can see the villas at the bottom of the mountains.
Villas set among the cliffs.
View from our villa!
Roberto the hotel pianist. I think he’s damn cute! He’s all smiley and his head is a bit big for his body WTF. Every song that he played made me wanna sing along *big shiny eyes. Fatty said he should be a a Lite FM DJ wtf.
Some Sebastian statue in the hotel.
Weirdly, one of Fatty’s favorite parts of the trip was this floating bridge -_- It’s made of plastic and floats on the water so boats can anchor on it and we walk on this bridge up to the shore.
Every time a wave came, the bridge floated up and scared the bejesus out of me. I swear if it was one square smaller I’d have fallen in to the sea FTS. But Fatty loved it though probably thought it was some fun rollercoaster wtf.
Me and trembly smile on the blasted bridge.
The whole place is damn quiet and relaxing so that’s what we did! Went to the beach…
Relaxed in a hammock.
Sat in the waves and emo-ed wtf. Actually that was just Fatty. I was lolling around in the hammock.
Went for a gazillion spas and massages! I ran out of things to massage and dragged Fatty to his first ever pedicure HAHAHA. I think he secretly likes it cos he kept looking at his toenails afterward but don’t want to admit!!!!
Slept wtf. Damn tired until can sleep with another pillow on top of my head wtf.
Cos Fatty made me do the Hike of Death. Remember I said there’s only two ways off that beach? By boat or by a climb through hell wtf. There was this trail that went up the mountain called Monkey Trail and right at the start of it there was a wooden sign telling people the hotel is not responsible for anything that happens to you after that point FYL.
But Fatty was dying to go to town and we missed the boat so he kept cajoling me! No choice but to go cos it was his birthday wtf.
Seriously look at this I’m not exaggerating.
There were these two Australian women behind us who helped us take this picture. They were very friendly but too bad I had to use all my concentration to climb down that dastardly trail cannot talk to them.
Face upon arrival.
But then got yummy Tomyam and coconut! (although I’m allergic to tomyam wtf but still so delicious I’ll eat it and take the allergy)
Happy again.
On the tuktuk which is my favorite mode of land transport now.
So cosy! Makes me feel like I can bring my whole house on the tuktuk!
My new pet cow went on the tuktuk too. He also likes it a lot.
Got tired of holding my hat so I put it on Fatty’s head somehow he looks like a scarecrow hahahahaha.
Get to sit boat back to hotel don’t need Monkey Trail! Tried to hijack the boat hahahaha. Actually I just wanted to look like I’m steering the boat so I waited until the driver turned away then faster put my hand on the wheel ahahahahah.
View of the sea from our resort.
Oh more relaxing spa pictures.
Nihon ryori for dinner.
Cos it’s Fatty’s birthday! The hotel surprised him with a cake 😀
Making his birthday wish.
Um picture of me eating.
Awesomely cute rice!
Me again.
Shooting range. I shot a 9 milimeter. I shot 4 bullets before bowing down to the fear that I would blow my hand off and passing the gun to Fatty T________T
Besides not like my bullets went anywhere near the target also
Fatty did damn well though *sulk. All his video game playing paid off. He shot with some machine gun though.
Fatty and my underwater camera! He forgot to remove the film on the goggles which said “please remove this before use” wtf HAHAHAHA.
He took a picture of the sky from underwater.
And of me!
Fatty said no relaxing experience is complete without food beside the pool so I ordered food.
Fatty doing what he does best (being an eating monster)
And me again.
The end.
First it was Mummy Ooi.
Now it’s Fat Her’s turn.
This is what I’m giving him for Fat Her’s Day.
My mom is the World’s Most Awesome Mom and my dad is the World’s Most Awesome Dad so verily they belong together wtf.
I think it’s safe to say that Fat Her is the most recognized father in the Malaysian blogosphere. Seriously he’s gone out and had people come up to him asking him if he’s Fat Her Ooi ok hahahaahha.
A lot of my friends don’t really have very close relationships with their dads. The typical Asian dad has a stiff upper lip, may not talk much to his kids and shows his love by providing well for the family.
Not Fat Her. Not the bit about providing for family la obviously!!!
But Fat Her was the Fun Parent. Fat Her let me and Ooib hang bags on him and pretended he was a Christmas tree, prompting us to throw even more things on him to decorate.
Fat Her is the one who gives hugs liberally and tells us he loves us all the time. Ironically I’m less affectionate and will act all macho when he goes into his sappy mood. =.=
Fat Her was the one who, when Ooib and I drew comics all over his precious books and ruined them, he just laughed it off and kept them as memories.
Fat Her was the one who, every time I got scolded by Mummy Ooi for forgetting something or doing something silly, got dragged into the scolding inadvertently, because she said he gave me the forgetful gene.
Fat Her also gave me my height and my eyes. And he gave Ooib the Ooi nose, which will only enlarge with time WTF.
And Fat Her gave me my name. He named me Audrey after Audrey Hepburn who is his all time favorite actress.
Fat Her was the one we made jokes of, took funny photos of, and yet never ever got mad at us. Fat Her was the one who taught me to laugh at myself.
That’s not to say Fat Her didn’t get angry. Sometimes we took advantage of him too much or went overboard doing something or other, and he’d explode. Then we’d run back to Mummy Ooi.
Like this Mad magazine I found a week ago while I was spring cleaning hahahaha.
Fat Her took me and Ooib to buy magazines once, and being brats, neither of us wanted to hold the bag the magazines came in, even though they were OUR magazines. We walked and whined and quarreled and tried to palm the paper bag off each other until Fat Her finally lost his patience, turned around and tore this magazine into two HAHAHAHAHA. Then he walked off.
Damn strong ok tell me which dad can tear a magazine in half in one try HAHAHAHAHAHA. Both of us finally got scared and picked up the torn magazine pieces and ran after him hahahahaha.
I think when we got home we sat down together and taped the magazine back page by page so we could read it. Maybe Fat Her was being clever make us cooperate like this wtf.
Fat Her was the one who, when it was time to apply for college, sat down with me and Ooib for months at a time each and helped us sift through colleges, prepare application essays, obtain teacher testimonials until we got into good schools.
When I decided to major in Asian Studies he nudged me on when other parents would have balked or told me to do something useful. When I was thinking of writing an honors thesis, he excitedly helped me do research for it and bought books for me so I could have sources to refer to.
When Ooib was sitting for GMAT, Fat Her called him in Boston every night and coached him through the exam.
When we graduated, Fat Her cried along with Mummy Ooi.
Then he sat down with both of us individually and mapped out our interests and corresponding career options.
Fat Her was the one with whom I had multiple fights over curfew growing up. Actually that’s the only thing we ever fight about – my safety. Until now he and Mummy Ooi are convinced I’ll be hacked to death by an axe murderer sometime if I’m driving out by myself.
I think it’s because to him I will always be his little girl. Also because I really am little.
Dunno what I’ll do if anything happens to Fat Her or Mummy Ooi. Kill myself wtf.
Come see me and my famous Fat Her at the Oreo Daddy Dunk event that’s happening at 1Utama on 19 June! (in addition to a nice dinner la ok)
Just register with the Oreo Daddy Dunk app on Facebook to join the event.
When you register, you can also pick a tshirt for your dad (mine is the one on top that says “Most Awesome Dad” and collect it at the event.
(you need proof of purchase for this though but you can easily pick up an Oreo pack at the event)
You can also create a T-card and send it to your Fat Her with it 🙂
There mine.
Happy Fat Her’s Day, Fat Her! Love, your little girl.
It was a dark and stormy night…
Auntie Aud is going to tell you ghost stories today so go take a pee and sit down.
You’ve heard of taxi drivers who drive around late at night and encounter all sorts of spooky stuff right?
The other day I talked to someone who used to work as a taxi driver. Let’s call him Sekar.
This is a true story I assure you! I was as spooked out as you when I heard it. Some more I heard it at night. You’re not reading this at night too are you?!
Anyway when Sekar was a cab driver, he had a few regular customers whom he’d drive up to Genting Highlands on the weekends to hit the tables. They were so regular that they had his number and everything. They would call him up whenever they wanted to go up at night, and off they’d go.
So one night Sekar drove one of his customers up to Genting as usual. He was making his way down the winding road from Genting when he saw a girl standing at the side of the road waiting for a ride. I asked him what she looked like and he said “pretty girl. With long hair.”
(this is where everyone mutters under their breath “idiot” wtf)
But Sekar didn’t think about that. All he thought was “wah even coming down also got customer” and stopped his taxi for the girl to get in.
The girl was very quiet the whole time, didn’t say a word also. Sekar just kept driving.
As you know, the road from Genting is winding so Sekar looked into his rear view mirror.
There was nobody in the backseat.
Shocked, he quickly turned around to check. The girl wasn’t in the backseat. But she was sitting on the boot of the car, OUTSIDE the car, looking at him.
Sekar was so scared he crashed his car wtf.
So scary right!!!! If that happened to me I’d be chanting Sanskrit right now and sleeping with my lights on.
But as you know, everything is a joke to me wtf. So I got to thinking: what if one of the factors in the story was changed? How would it have turned out?
To help you along in your imagination a bit, I helpfully recreated a video of the story for you. Helpfully assisted by Fat Her and Mummy Ooi HAHAHAHA.
When making it I was so scared it’d turn out lame -_- But it was quite fun doing it with my parents hahaha I love them for being so sporting about it even though we were shooting at 12 midnight any Mummy Ooi was so scared a real ghost would show up WTF.
Actually when I was searching for the music for the video I scared myself too wtf.
Some behind the scene photos..
With Camera Woman Mumsy.
Taxi Driver Fat Her. Note the eyeliner mustache HAHAHA. And the two pairs of spectacles he’s actually wearing HAHAHAHAHA.
Put him in this getup then realized Fat Her suddenly resembled Tunku Abdul Rahman HAHAHAHAHA (our first prime minister). So we added on a sarong to make it more authentic. Too bad no songkok only.
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! WTF Hahahahahahahha
Mummy Ooi wasn’t too keen on getting kissed by TAR / Chua Jui Meng wtf.
P/S: if you couldn’t tell this was actually another idea for a similar themed video I did recently 😛 I decided to submit the other video for the contest but thought since I had this ghost video also might as well put it up.
P/P/S: Going to Krabi tomorrow! Wish me luck on coming back the same color wtf. Bought two bottles of sunblock #prepared
Perodua has launched their Facebook page !
Perodua is asking Malaysians to submit their version of Perodua Lagi Best in video. Can be anything – funny, touching or quirky. Doesn’t need to have a Perodua car in it either – just be creative! Can be a song or a spoof or anything as long as it has“Perodua Lagi Best” in it. Go here to see.
When I think about it, the only Perodua I know are Myvi and Kancil #fail
But then I met up with Mimi Pie and her car is a Perodua Viva *widens horizons
This is Mimi’s first car and she bought it with the money she saved up working in the UK. I always get very impressed with people who buy cars with their own hard earned money. Cos I will have to buy my own car too. So I impress myself HAHA.
I think Perodua is everyone’s first car lo! If I had a first car it’d be most likely a Perodua too. Just cos it’s so affordable. And that it’s small and nippy and with my atrocious parking skillz I’d still be able to park this car with relative ease.
So I played around with Mimi’s car…
And aged 50 years. 70 year old Aud!
And this is my video for the contest.
Ahahaha uh please laugh.
Like to see the rest of the videos! Judging is based solely on creativity, originality, completeness and relevance of the video clips and title of the contest. Best video wins RM10,000 (could really do with that)(can pay off my loan AND put down payment for a car HAHA) and consolation prizes of 5 iPads!
*grabs grand prize
Should blog but lazy. Tomorrow is another day!
*continues nuah-ing on bed
P/S: Tokyo Kawaii was shown on NHK in Japan today! Suddenly got Japanese Twitterers following me and Cheesie. Didn’t expect it cos I think the show is more focused on Cheesie (she being the more gyaru of us too) so quite happy! If you followed me on Twitter or came here cos of the show, thank you 😀
Some things that make life a little bit more difficult
1. Having to push open a heavy glass door when your arms are full of things
2. Running through the rain in suede stilettos
3. Someone inviting you to a party and you have no plans but all you wanna do is nuah at home so you desperately try to think of an excuse on the spot *destined to be
Something that makes life that little bit more easier
An iPhone app that takes away the hassle of ever having to take your place in snaking lines of people to buy movie tickets, then getting to the counter and finding the movie you wanted is sold out.
Well yeah, ten years ago maybe.
But totally possible today. And it’s about time someone did this too.
I mean if you have apps to shoot green pigs with some birds, why not a more functional app on your phone!
And who other than GSC?
I’m not gonna explain what Golden Screen Cinemas is because I think every Malaysian knows them. If you’re Malaysian and don’t know I refuse to talk to you wtf.
With Rachel and Suresh at GSC’s iPhone app launch at GSC Signature in Gardens.
I’m Press! Accurate cos I’m flat as a board HAHAHA.
Representatives from GSC, Maybank and Paypal officially launching the app.
Bumped into my aunty Gaik Lian there too!
The GSC Mobile App (iPhone) is quite straightforward.
Already told Wombeh to download it. Every time we think of watching a movie he gets all overly kan cheong and rushes us to the cinema just to buy tickets and then we have to hang around for a few hours until the movie starts or we go home and come out again -_-
But this app cuts out all the time wasting waiting!
Anyway the app works for all iOS devices version 4.0 and above so you can use it for iPhone, iPod touch and iPads too. Just search for GSC under App Store and download it for free!
Tap on it and you’ll see this. The first tab is Promotions where you can see all the latest GSC or movie’s promotions.
Next tab is Cinemas! You can purchase tickets from all GSC cinemas with E-Payment facility with the GSC Mobile App (iPhone). See here for a complete list!
Ok this here’s the best part.
To buy movie tickets, just go to the Cinemas’s tab or the FasTicket tab. I started at the FasTicket tab cos it’s easier. Can just select which cinema, what date and what movie at one shot.
Then pick a time. It’ll tell you what hall here too.
Then you have to fill in your details. (you know my email address now! Fan mail is totally welcome)
Here you also have to indicate whether you’re gonna be paying by or PayPal which are the two payment options available for now.
Ah shucks even iPhone apps think I look young.
Ok yes they will tell you if the movie is rated 18 plus.
Then select how many seats you wanna buy. Maximum per transaction is 6 tickets. But you can conduct however many transactions you want as long as you have enough money in your PayPal/ m2u account.
Then choose where you wanna sit! Very crucial if you don’t want a crick in your neck two hours later. This is subject to availability of seats upon point of purchase of course. Red means not available already.
Then you’re done! The app will bring you to either the m2u or PayPal page (whichever you’re going with). You will need to login to your account to make the purchase.
After that you should receive a 2D barcode ticket!
Should look something like this. Like the code you scan to add people on BBM. Don’t simply scan this code ok I googled imaged it wtf.
You won’t need a paper ticket anymore. Environmentally friendly leh. Just show the code to the GSC staff to scan at the cinema checkpoint when you go for your movie! Last I heard, they are progressively rolling out the barcode scanners nationwide in GSC cinemas for the 2D barcode ticket and the GSC SelfPrint tickets introduced recently.
Oh ya – if you always collect your tickets from GSC’s box office counters with the confirmation ID from your online GSC E-Payment purchases and would like to continue doing so, you can still use the confirmation ID displayed on your 2D Barcode Ticket page to collect your tickets from the box office counters!
If you can’t find your 2D Barcode ticket, just click on the History tab – it will be saved there after your movie ticket purchase.
Damn useful! No more wasting time in lines! Also I get to look cool when I flash my phone to get in HAHAHAHA.
They’re also planning to come up with an Android version later this year. Oh and if you are a m2u mobile user – you can get your booking fee waived for the first 100,000 tickets purchased till 10 July or whichever comes first on the GSC Mobile App (iPhone). Go to your App Store now! For more info, go to Or you can ask me! I’m an expert now wtf.
Super quick photo update because I got another case of the runs from eating chilli pan mee -_-
#1 Mother’s Day dinner!
#2 Finally got my act together and got proper storage for all my accessories! I used to dump everything into a plastic pouch (which explains why I’ve lost a lot of accessories over the years >:( but now everything’s so neat and organized <3
#3 Nuffies had a joint birthday party where the theme was Bombshells & Aviators. Damn hard ok I have no idea what bombshell means. I kept thinking bomb shelter wtf.
#4 So I went with aviators.
#5 Fatty went with “wear a vest” wtf. Someone told him “Burlesque/Godfather” but I made him wear the Mickey tie! He didn’t go with the hat in the end.
#6 Aviator/pilot outfit. Weirdly I had everything in my wardrobe already.
#7 Went to Eric Soong (Sai Kit)’s the Blackberry guy‘s place for a phone makeover. If you got an iPhone (or an iPad) can go see him too cos he’s got a of new stock for iphones now too.
#8 Bunny iPhone & BB cases!
#9 Slipper Blackberry case -_-
#10 You can tell I love the Bunneh. Got one for my ipod touch too.
#11 More iphone cases. Got Angry Birds hahahaha.
Eh btw do you see the skyscraper banner on the right of my blog?
Different from the usual blog banner leh!
For one, it’s a lot longer. And it comes with a social element at the bottom now.
It’s called the Nuffnang Grapevine and it’s a new advertising method from Nuffnang (good job Fatty and Nuffies)
Basically it’s for times when you see an ad on a blog that you like or you think your friends will like and you wanna share it with them. You can’t right click on it and take the link (like how you would usually do when you wanna show your friends FB photos).
But now you can in a way. You pick whichever way you wanna share the ad with your friends – Twitter, Facebook, email or MSN status and just follow the next steps to share it on your profile.
If you (absurdly) don’t have any of the platforms above you can still click “Share” to copy the link and share it anywhere else like forums or wherever else.
Then obviously as a thank you from the advertiser, you get rewarded for sharing the ad.
Remember to fill in your email in “Step 2” on the Grapevine banner. You’ll receive a notification email which will tell you how to redeem your earnings. You get paid for every click you get when you share! 😀 But don’t go commit click fraud and click repeatedly on the banner ok the internet police will find out and keel you.
So this is the blog version of Air Asia “now everyone can fly” wtf. Now everyone can share wtf. Anyone who reads a Nuffnang blog and is interested to tell their friends about a particular ad can now do it with Grapevine on any social media platform they’re active in 🙂 You don’t need to own a blog or be a Nuffnang member either! Although you will need to register on Churp Churp to claim your earnings of course.
If anyone asks, you heard it thru the grapevine wtf.
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