… that big black glasses come in handy when you have no makeup on because makeup provides your face with the contrast that your face needs to look attractive (red lips, dark eyes, etc) and the big glasses does the same 😀
(with Kim, Yuenny and Jessica at the Merry Guinness media launch)
… that Ahjummas in Korea don’t necessarily like to be called Ahjummas because they shout at you in Korean until you call them “Unni”.
… and that street vendors in Korea willingly take back a snack that you changed your mind about because they will then take a used tissue from their trash and wipe the snack clean before selling it off again T_____________T
… that no amont of spicy food eaten can keep you warm sitting outside in the middle of a 1C night.
… and that running indoors too late will give you a runny nose for the next week or so.
… that sometimes roommates can have the same taste in luggage.
… and that it’s can be a relief to stay with someone who’s as messy as you are 😀
… that fashion psychic sense and connection really exists.
… and you need to be really amazing to achieve this wtf.
Fringed boots are from Shibuya 109 – anyone who wants them has to fly to Tokyo sorry T3T, Oxford sling bags are from minimaos tho, pink camera bag is from Coach, plastic bags are from Dongdaemun, cute girls are from Osaka HAHAHA #insidejoke
… that I apparently look like Ponyo -_- (according to Angela & Cheesie)
same expression over a bowl of food wtf
(also she’s half goldfish or something and I have the eyes and the memory of a goldfish)
… that I’m allergic to Etude House Collagen Eye Patch (pictured below) niasing wtf.
I got it in Seoul for like RM3 per pair or something ridiculous like that and it was very moisturizing la but after that I developed like tiny acne like bumps around my eye area T______T
Itches a bit and stings when I put on my usual eye cream (which I am very fastidious about because I have a horrible fear of my goldfish eyes getting wrinkles) T_______T So ya whoever has sensitive skin you might wanna stay away from Etude House Eye Patches. Or anything that costs RM3.
Thankfully doesn’t show up in pictures.
Although it’s also why I put on more eyeliner on my lower lid than usual. I slanted it away from my eye to create more drama and distract from my allergy and it actually looks better than my usual style 😀 So silver lining on the cloud.
One of the nicest places I went to in Korea was Nami Island!
Also known as the filming location for Winter Sonata.
There that’s me and Wombeh WTF.
Ok fine I just wanna look like her that’s all. Except I would cut bangs. And dye my hair back to brown.
Nami Island is basically this pretty, recreational-type place where people go to um recreate wtf. And where lovers come to dunno fall in love or something.
This is Celestine.
With me! We were at the port (?) waiting to get on the ferry to get across some body of water to the island.
Don’t ask me anything about the island. Too cold to pay attention to tour guide T_T I was freezing although I already had on every single winter type item on – coat, scarf, boots, gloves, ear muffs.
A bit warmer. That’s Wafu on the boat.
I’m on a boat!
We get down and I spot an ostrich! Wanted to take a photo but a bit nervous because I’ve seen Donald Duck cartoons and the ostrich always seems to eat everything.
Then stupid ostrich ran away! I was determined to get my photo so I ran after him shouting “Matthewmatthewmatthewtakepicturepicturefaster”
So. That was my picture with the ostrich.
Got random funny statues around so I posed with one.
Then Desmond got his wings so we had to take a picture too. I am a cherub! And I iz in his picture, destroying his peace of mind wtf.
Group photo <3
Then lunch! Yummy yakiniku.
Fat face 🙁
I’m on a bike!
Got bicycles we could rent to cycle around the island!
Quite apprehensive because ummmm Idunnohowtorideabike.
But they had tandem bikes! So Desmond drove me around. (and me and him got same smile FOL)
And Mookie and Wafu took another bike together! Mookie doesn’t know how to cycle either ngehehe.
Damn funny we were racing to the edge of the island to see the water and Desmond was cycling damn fast so we were way ahead.
Then turned out that Wafu behind us didn’t wanna go down to the edge because it was a slope. But then she saw how pretty the water was so she decided to go down.
But then she couldn’t brake WTF.
So they skidded down the slope and she fell off her bike HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sorry but damn funny hahaahahahahah her ear broke her fall WTF.
She wasn’t hurt la but Edmund who was cycling near her and Mookie saw her fall and shouted to HB and Eileen who were ahead, “Huai Bin!!!! Wafu fell!!!!”
And Huai Bin shouted back “YEAAA!!!!” and cycled off HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DUNNO WHY ALSO.
But super worth it ok the water’s edge was so pretty! Actually the whole island was pretty and the bike ride was so fun (maybe because Desmond was doing all the work) dunno why I never learned how to bike!
Us girls by the river.
And lily pond.
All of us at the tiny wooden bridge that crossed the lily pads.
Edmund and his bicycle bike wtf.
Desmond so competitive cycle so fast all the time!
My kiasu streak came out so we raced up to Eileen and HB on their bike, I shouted “Hi! Bye!” and faster cycled off wtf.
But then later we got blocked by something in our path so they cycled past us and shouted the same thing fml.
This picture damn cool right! HB looks like he’s cryptically burning up.
Or being eaten alive by leaves.
Or caught in a leaf tornado.
But the picture is very cool.
Behind the scenes is not so cool HAHAHAHAHAHA.
That’s how we achieved the effect for HB. Slaves at the side throwing leaves at him hahahaahaha.
But look at how pretty the fall scenes are! Liz Lisa Autumn Foruchizu for realz.
And now Wafu is the tree wtf.
Huge stack of books to tell you to take up reading.
First kiss! Think this could be where Mr and Ms Winter Sonata filmed the kiss scene.
People blow trumpet Desmond drink tea -_-
Me and Edmund.
Oh then we went to this Korean folk village museum. I’m milling grain!
In olden Korea apparently they built huts to keep kimchi warm in the winter.
By burying kimchi underground where apparently the temperature doesn’t change.
Then at the souvenir store we found this hook thing whose use we couldn’t figure out.
So we decided it’s to facilitate the owner in asking questions. Like say you ask “is my kimchi warm?” then you put up this hook as a question mark WTF.
Or or (as contributed by Chezzet here), “do you wanna hook up?” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA why he so witty!
Oh then at night I sneak out and rendezvous with Cheesie but I post our lovey dovey pictures another day <3
Goodness I just got back from South Korea and now the North and South are opening fire on each other what is this T_T
But quite morbidly cool because while we were in Korea (South obviously), we visited the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and learned a lot about its history and why it’s even there in the first place. So now I really understand the seriousness of the situation and how any incident between the North and South can explode so quickly.
Before we went, I’d had a look at our itinerary and this was I thought by far the coolest place we were going to. No wonder Cheesie keeps calling me Asian Studies nerd wtf.
For those not in the know (and too lazy to Wiki it), the Korean DMZ is a strip of land running across the Korean Peninsula that serves as a buffer zone between North and South Korea and is the most heavily militarized border in the world.
Let me show you! *tour guide
The DMZ!
Deceptively cheerful wtf. This was actually in front of the museum they had there.
Look at HB like swimsuit model!
Sorry picture of me first. The DMZ was actually the first place we went to right after we touched down at Incheon. This is the only half decent picture of me cos the whole trip was actually damn tiring and I look like shit every day.
With Mookie and Wafu at Incheon! I dunno why everyone has nicknames -_-
At work, this person doesn’t know my name so he calls me Blogger FML. Just so you know, I’m not owned by Google wtf wtf.
This is it! Entering the DMZ.
Very strict wan. A soldier got onto our bus and demanded to see everyone’s passports first before they would let us through.
I think this spells Dee Em Zee.
With Desmond and Yvonne. Ok no nicknames.
Group photo! That’s Chezzet, Mosquito wtf, Super Pig, and YK.
Behind us is a whole row of binoculars to look out at the DMZ.
No pictures cos we couldn’t take photos beyond a certain line. But when I looked through the binoculars all I could see was flat barren land with scattered bald trees around. I saw a bunch of squat ugly buildings too but not sure if that’s already North Korea or the Joint Security Area. Quite spooky cos I imagined defectors running across the area FTL.
Oh ya our tour guide was damn stupid! Threatened us that if we didn’t get back to the meeting point by a certain time, the bus would leave without us and we would be considered defectors WTF.
Ok I show you the DMZ WTF.
Hahahahahah no la just a model of the area in the museum. (yesss spell check tells me I can spell “museum” right now wtf)
Some of the weapons used.
Cute soldier!!!!
I thick skinnedly approached him to ask if he would take a picture with me and he said no cos he was on duty 🙁
But then he asked me where I was from (in English!) and I said Malaysia and he said he was born in Malaysia! Then he asked me where in Malaysia I was from and I said KL. He asked which part of KL and I said “er just KL” cos I thought he wouldn’t know anyway. And he said he was from Ampang!!
Our paths could have crossed without us knowing it *dreamy
But I was so surprised that I tried to think of something else to say so I asked him “so why are you here then?”
Then he looked at me incredulously and said “Because I’m Korean?” FML.
I bet under all that camouflage he looks like this wtf.
I’d defect for him *hamsap face but covers Wombeh’s eyes and ears first
Me and Super Pig. I’m wearing glasses to fit in with Korean society wtf.
No la actually the reason is even lamer. I brought along fake glasses (super cheap that Xiaxue took me to buy!) to cover my eyes cos we’d spent the whole night on the plane in restless sleep and I feared for my eyebags.
But I must say my nose is fucking nice here.
Also if you’re not in the know, 4 tunnels along the border have been discovered — dug by the North to infiltrate the South damn sneaky!
Some more every time the South found a tunnel, the North would deny it was theirs and blame the South for digging those tunnels WTF. Even though the orientation of the digging clearly shows that it came from the North stupid lie also dunno how to lie properly.
Visitors can go into the third tunnel though!
Me and Yvie at the entrance of the tunnel.
Photography is not allowed once you go under so no pictures again. But the tunnel had a downward incline of 11 degrees and was horrible to walk through.
Yvie and I are slightly claustrophobic so once the tunnel started getting smaller and wetter we turned around and fled back up the tunnel T______T
11 degrees sounds like nothing but when you’re running from a tunnel behind you that increasingly gets smaller, and the tunnel is like 200m long or something, and you have no stamina whatsoever, it’s pretty terrible.
Some more weather so cold by the time I got out I was wheezing for my life T_T
Then it was time to head back to Seoul!
Another group picture 😀
Every time someone talks about traveling (or spontaneity. Or danger -_-) Fat Her likes to fondly – I use the word “fondly” loosely – recall the time I traveled home to KL from Boston (i.e. halfway round the world) with only 40 dollars in my wallet.
In my defense, I was only a poor student, and since my flights were all paid for, I figured I wouldn’t have to fork out any more money en route. And anyway I had my (dad-given) credit card with me.
At this point my dad would turn purple in the face while patiently pointing out that while a credit card was all very fine and dandy, it was no replacement for the security of cold hard cash in hand.
To be honest, he is right. And to be more honest, I always wait until the very last minute and usually end up forgetting to go to the ATM. Then I’m stuck somewhere with no money and have to borrow money from my parents or Wombeh or kind friends. I’m just thankful that they all love me enough to put up with this -_-
But if you’re like me, you can now let go your worries because if you can find a 7-11, you can find an AmBank ATM.
So interesting right! I’m pretty sure AmBank is the only bank with ATMs in 7-11s.
So if there’s an AmBank ATM, there’s MONEY! Ahem.
And if there’s money…ok you get the idea.
But there’s something else that you can get from the AmBank ATM.
Here’s me… and Desmond in front of a 7 Eleven -_- he ruined my photo opp!
Here better.
I’m wearing glasses and a um hat because I’m pretending to be an inspector! Inspector Aud 001.
Because this is called the AmBank Inspector ATM contest.
Anyway do like what I did. Which is locate any AmBank ATM at 7 Eleven.
Perform an ATM transaction and keep the receipt.
Then take a picture with the ATM.
Like so.
Then log on to the AmBank Facebook page …
…install the application, key in your ATM code, upload your photo, play 3 allotted games for your ATM code and you’re done!
You rack up points:
Each time a photo is uploaded during each ATM code registration or/and
Each time your photo is voted by others
Each time you vote for your friends’ photos
Each time you score in a game
Prizes include iPad, iPhone 4, Sony Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, Samsung Netbooks, Canon Ixus cameras, HTC Wildfire phones, a DSLR Camera (Canon EOS 1000d) and 7-Eleven vouchers.
Contest ends 26 December. For more info, go here
Oh and for Christmas, Ambank has an early Xmas present up for grabs! From Week 3 till Week 8, they’ll be giving out additional cash prizes. The Grand Prize winner gets an additional cash prize of RM1,000 and Weekly Prize winners get RM600. Also, the Weekly Voter winners get an additional RM150. All you need to do …is to open an AmBank Current/Savings account and stand a chance to win the Christmas Bonus!
Super busy omg! Flying off to Seoul tonight so I’m rushing to finish tons of work before I leave.
And I just realized I forgot to bring thermal underwear FML.
Yesterday another suay thing had to happen. Fat Her and I came home (Mumsy’s in Penang for the week) and found that the electricity had tripped probably because of the rain storm -_-
So because I have the smallest hands, I had to crawl on the ground and dig under my automatic gate to unlock it -_-
(oh yea those are my gel nails wtf)
And this is the result of my efforts. A shitload of shit on my arm T_T
I developed an allergy reaction to it some more FML my skin super sensitive wan! The other day when I went to do threading with Cheesie and Lainey, both of them had minimal redness on their brows while I looked like I was half drunk.
Half cos only the top half of my face was red T_T Luckily I didn’t drive or else I would get arrested wtf.
Anyway some 秋 (aki / fall /autumn) photos while I’m off enjoying the real 秋 in Korea!
But I heard it’s going to be very cold T_T I used to be so hero can wear miniskirt out with bare legs during 0 C weather but I think I’ve weakened considerably damn you Malaysian weather.
Ok must remind myself to pack jeans WTF because I forgot. I guess I still think I’m a hero wtf.
Aki with Cheesie!
Cheesie: Camel blazer (I have one too!), Arizona tank, suspender pants
Me: Chiffon white bow blouse, checked blazer, Liz Lisa shorts all also from minimaos
These coats also!
Super love this picture looks so magazine like <3
I got a very frustrating phone call halfway and was telling Cheesie about it hahaaha.
Return of the Liz Lisa ponchos! Bringing to Seoul but dunno if can wear T_T
Love this pic too <3
I look like shit but Cheesie damn pretty here.
See you when I see you!
Just to let you know, the tidal wave of stupidity hasn’t abated yet because I am encountering stupid people by the throngs!
And one of them is myself because just yesterday my skirt got caught in my undies TWICE OH GOD JUST LET ME DIE. And three (3!) different people had to call out to tell me that my skirt was tucked in my undies T__________T
And then later in the evening I was waiting for some friends (whom I haven’t seen for years) with Fat Her and Fat Her pointed to a couple who just walked in – I dunno why since he’s never in his life seen my friends before!!!
And I dunno why I waved those strangers over to my table while they glared at me in suspicion haih.
Anyway I’m glad I still have friends in spite of all this wtf.
Tze got back from Beijing and promptly returned to England a week later. Our last meetup at Delicious before she left T_T
Speaking of Delicious, I’ve been there three times this week and I always order the same thing so I feel kind of sick now *regurgitates spicy seafood spaghettini and frosty lychee tea
Wombeh had meetings in Singapore last weekend so I thick skinnedly tagged along and went shopping with Wendy who introduced me to the joys of gel nails why have I not tried gel nails before!!!
Oh ya because they’re expensive wtf.
Then I grew out my hair! WTF.
And then cut it again wtf so I can do more koraburo with Cheesie. Notice how Cheesie’s eyes and hat are the exact same color!
And she can pull off red lips!
I still cannot figure out what is it that you must have to be able to pull off red lips! Whenever I do red lips I look like someone punched me in the mouth. And whenever I do smoky eyes I look like I lost a boxing match fml. Just not meant to have dramatic makeup.
Every time I take pictures with friends — you know, camwhore shots like these where the whole photo is taken up by us — Fat Her says he can’t tell the difference between me and Cheesie/Angela/insert friend name WTF honestly you would think I’m not really the fruit of his loins wtf.
This isn’t really duck face…
I can tell why Cheesie likes this photo again.
Thank you come again wtf.
..that I’m going to Seoul next week?
Might as well start dressing like a Wonder Girl now wtf.
(actually no, the above outfit is still all from minimaos which has nihonpoi tendencies. Blazer from here and white blouse from here)
A little apprehensive cos I think this is actually the first time I’m going to a country where I don’t speak the language. Ok fine except maybe Hong Kong. And Thailand.
What should I know before I go! Do Koreans speak English? Japanese? And most importantly, how’s the shopping?
If you think my blog entries have been a bit distracted of late, here’s why:
I’ve been immersing myself in personal experiences which will all go into a self help book (my first ever!) I’m working on.
It’s going to be called “When Stupid Idiots Happen to Good People”
And this is the first draft:
When Stupid Idiots Happen To Good People
Being a Non-Dummy for Dummies
By Audrey Ooi
I dedicate this book to my nervous system, my blood pressure, and the various wooden pencils I break in times of extreme stress
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Instructions? What Instructions?Chapter 2 : Overcoming your ADD to read the whole article/email/blog comment/forum posting before you say something
Chapter 3 : Inbreeding – What it means for the future of humankind and idiocy, and learning how to say no if she has the same surname as you
Chapter 4 : Google is your best friend
Chapter 5 : Looking after your health – Switch your daily exercise from jumping to conclusions to exercising your sense of reason
Chapter 6: The Art of Listening and Learning – God gave you ears for a reasonChapter 7: Silence is golden (and a blessing to those around you)
This is as far as I’ve gotten so far HAHAHAHA. Fresh contributed the title of the first chapter so I guess she deserves a foreword wtf.
For those still in doubt, obviously this book or draft is not real, it started out as a joke between me and Fresh – ok when I say joke, I mean defense mechanism against the hordes of idiots that all of us bravely face every single day of our lives.
Be it anonymous internet trolls, rumor mongers, teachers who don’t listen to you, friends who ask you stupid questions cos they can’t be bothered to find out for themselves, buffoons who talk on the phone and hit your car from behind, they all deserve a copy of this book wtf.
P/S: Nothing I said above should be taken seriously at all 😀
PP/S: You’ll never know how therapeutic writing this post was. Contribute a chapter or two of your own if only for your own peace of mind (or sanity) against idiots!
Aud x Cheesie koraburo is back! Or Foruchizu as Cheesie calls it wtf.
I’m in Singapore now so this is gonna be a no effort post full of self love pics of us!
It’s fall in the northern hemisphere now so what does it matter that we’re smack right on the equator…
Both brown and white Liz Lisa ponchos from minimaos.
To complement all our fall/autumn clothing with us we went to a place where there was autumn *lies
<3 this cos our legs look so long!
This is so Autumn Sonata.
This is my favorite pic!
Oh everything we’re wearing is from minimaos. Camel blazer, monster tail, furry leg warmers all. Except shoes which are *AHEM* model’s own HAHAHA *delusional. And the grey thigh high socks.
Bless our photographer slash box carrier slash all round good person for all these pretty shots!
Ok fine if you didn’t know, this is I-City. The trees all come out amazing in photos!
Our looks totally go with our hair! Because my hair is short I went for the manly look (which is the style I wanna be now anyways no more cute look ok *determined) and Cheesie’s purty long curls means she must wear lace dress and sexy wrap.
But this is the best picture cos our faces are up close wtf.
Sorry for the lack of inspiration in captions because I am distracted and I need to finish this soon so I can watch How I Met Your Mother with Wombeh T_T
But whatevs a picture spells a thousand words.
And here’s a thousand words to wish you Happy Deepavali (and long weekend) from me and Cheesie! <3
My greatest fear is hunger. (Let’s leave that for another day)
My 2nd greatest fear is lack of sleep.
I take after Fat Her so I really am the luckiest person in the world (next to Fat Her) when it comes to sleep.
No problems falling asleep at all!
I’ve fallen asleep standing up. While on a moving train wtf.
I’ve fallen asleep right when I was falling back on my bed so when my head hit the pillow, I woke myself up WTF.
Once a thief climbed into my backyard and the burglar alarm went off and the entire house woke up except me wtf.
Well no problems that is until now *thunder claps
In the past few months I’ve had a couple of weird incidents where I wasn’t able to fall asleep for hours.
And not because my mind was overactive and I was thinking too much. Because believe it or not wtf for all my ease sleeping I’ve had those nights before and I know what they feel like.
In both weird incidents I was horribly tired and sleepy. And there was nothing much on my mind either.
Nothing except …an incredibly irresistible urge. To kick my legs T________T
It was the fucking weirdest feeling ever! I felt like when I kept still, a strange electrical current (that’s the closest description to what it really felt like) would build up in my legs and I couldn’t stand it! The only way I could release that energy in my legs was by moving my legs and kicking it out T_______T
I even got up in the middle of the night to jump up and down hoping to fulfill some kind of leg moving quota so I could get to sleep T________T
And it really wasn’t because my mind was overworking!
Another time I got it I actually had the flu. So I was drugged up on cough syrup.
I was so groggy that I fell asleep right away …. but I kept waking up because I still had to move my legs. And I was so groggy that when I sat up in bed to try to rearrange my legs somehow, the room spun T____T
So I googled my symptoms.
And found there really is a disease! It’s called Restless Legs Syndrome WTF.
- There is a compelling urge to move the legs, usually accompanied or caused by uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs.
- The symptoms are partially or completely relieved by movement, as long as the movement continues.
- The urge to move is irresistible, and the only way to stop or partially relieve the sensations is to move around. However, the relief is not always complete and ends when the activity ends.
- The symptoms begin or worsen during periods of rest or inactivity, such as lying or sitting.
- The symptoms are worse or only occur in the evening and at night.
I have every single fucking symptom!!!
Exact cause unknown fml.
Although apparently it gets worse the older you get I love my life.
Anyway it’s happened twice, about a month between the incidents and from then it’s been more than a month and it hasn’t been happening since. So that’s optimistic.
But if it does I guess I’ll have to go see a doctor…
Or kill myself.
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