Samantha Thavasa x Kitty bag from my addiction (#cryptic) minimaos!
Angel berry cover from Eric! I’ve been looking for a goofy looking case like this forever and he ordered it specially for me cos he personally hates it fhl.
Polka dot pink suitcase from Taiwan! Bobo (she reads my blog and now we’re friends!) was in Taiwan recently and she helped me buy this T________T
Ok too bad my editing skills suck so neither photos show the true color of the suitcase -_- The real color is somewhere in between the two pictures. Use your imagination it prevents Alzheimers.
And…a book I got while waiting for Tze to get her ass down to Pavilion one day.
Which is what I’m going to snuggle in bed with now, which is why you’re stuck with this worthless entry today! Haha!
The scariest shit happened to me the other day.
I was standing at the makeup table removing my makeup when Wombeh who’d just finished his shower and was still holding his towel said “oh I got something for you.”
He rummaged around in his backpack for a while and came back.
He beamed at me and said “nah.”
I said “what” and went on patting my eye with cotton pads wtf.
He said “look!”
I looked. And couldn’t focus on what he was holding. I thought I saw something small and gold.
Me: “What’s that? A ring ah?”
Wombeh: “yes”.
Me: “Did you get it from the machine that when you put in 20 cents it pops out the capsule with a toy in it” WTF.
Wombeh: “No I got it for you and I’m giving it to you!”
Me: “For what? Why you wanna give me a ring?” (still not taking it)
Wombeh: (holding it with both hands) “….er do I need to get down my knees…”
Wombeh: “It’s for you la!”
Wombeh: “You don’t like yellow gold meh? I thought it was your favorite that’s why I got yellow gold” (Who in the world wants a yellow gold ring!!!!)
Me: “I DON’T BELIEVE IT’S REAL!” (grabs ring from him and puts it in mouth to test if it’s real gold)
(My teeth hurt so yea it was some sort of metal for sure)
Me: “oh yea it feels quite real. BUT WHY ARE YOU GIVING THIS TO ME?? MEANS WHAT??”
Wombeh: “It’s ok…I know your answer now.” (puts ring on table and goes to sit on the bed WTF)
Me: (chasing after him) WHAT? WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?”
Turns out it was his mom’s ring -_______-
And she gave it to him to give to me because it was small and she thought it would fit me. (thank you auntie!)
And that ladies and gents was the scariest moment of the year for me.
One ring to rule them all wtf.
Disclaimer: I think it wasn’t clear for some T.T but Wombeh and I are NOT engaged. The ring is his mother’s and it’s not an engagement ring. She wanted to give it to me cos she thought it would fit me and Wombeh was only passing it to me but he decided to take the chance to scare the shit out of me by pretending to propose. =.= So in conclusion we are not getting married wtf.
Ok (for readers since my Moho days) you’ll have realized that in the past 2 years post-graduation, there’s been a dearth of cute pictures in my blog wtf. I rarely post fucking annoying cute pictures anymore!!!!
Because Angela my soulmate and picture loving partner is not around to take with me and by myself I can’t be bothered wtf.
But now there’s Ringo T___________T
Her love for all things cute and for taking photos far surpass mine! (actually about same level as Angela wtf)
We’ve known each other for years but dunno why we never thought of an Aud X Cheesie koraburo before!
So here’s what we do on a boring Saturday afternoon.
Should have known nobody else would wanna take these kind of pictures with us anyway wtf.
Most satisfying yet expense-free activity ever!
Both our tops from minimaos!
With Duffy & Shellie May also from minimaos!
I know! Duck face!!! …but Ringo looks nice.
Listening to Walkmans WTF.
I was actually balancing on one foot and was in midfall hence the laughter.
Cosplay WTF. I told Ringo to download Meitu Xiuxiu and she went a bit crazy with it -_-
Just now was Liz Lisa style now is Ranzuki (apparently wtf)
(ok my face makes me wanna bap myself)
Ok I tell you a secret!
When I was younger (much younger) my ambition was to join Morning Musume (a Japanese girl group more popular in the 90s fml) and sing and dance and wear matchy outfits with other girls and partake in cute photo shoots.
Ok I just wanted to do the photoshoots!
Never mind that I was like probably 10 years past the mean age. -_-
Like this. Although let me assure you I would not wear any outfits (matching or not) that resemble any of these wtf.
Anyway my point is now I’m probably 20 years past their mean age now but I can haz matchy outfit pictures leave me alone Imma still do this while I have relatively no wrinkles.
Matchy Nordic scarfs also from minimaos.
Poring over magazines why so serious wtf.
Favorite picture! Most 幸せな感じwan.
Photos courtesy of Laineylashes <3
Photoshop and clothes courtesy of Ringo or minimaos
Faces courtesy of God WTF.
Recently I’ve been hearing about a lot of negativity about people. They might be people I’m close to, or people I might meet on a regular basis.
Ordinarily while I’m not perfect, I like to think I’m a pretty optimistic person. Because if you can’t go through life thinking the best of people around you, how sad would your life be?
So I prefer to think well of people. And even if they make mistakes, if they apologize or repent, I forgive and forget. Because I make mistakes too. And you never know when you’ll be the one making a mistake and you need the people around you to forgive you and let you start over.
But lately all I’ve been hearing are horrible horrible stories about people around me. They could be people I like, people I don’t know personally, or people I don’t like but they all have one thing in common.
Their behavior is low, immoral and probably even illegal.
I’m perfectly aware of my own faults. I gossip too much, I sometimes judge people by their covers, I don’t think enough about my loved ones. But at least I have principles and I stick to them.
I don’t lie to save myself, I don’t cheat, I definitely don’t steal. I don’t spread lies about others just to get what I want. I don’t change my colors depending on who I’m with.
And let me say it again, I don’t lie or cheat.
From what I see, you, on the other hand, have no integrity or morals. You lie (or spread lies) just to achieve what you want, even if that means destroying someone else’s reputation. You convince yourself that it is okay to do this because your wellbeing or means of advancement is at stake.
You rob people of their well-deserved earnings, or their earnest expectations of you just because you think you deserve it more.
And the miserable thing is, that’s what humans are like. It is a basic human ability to get used to anything in the world, even murder. Remember all those Japanese and Nazi soldiers who committed mass murders but didn’t feel any guilt because they had gotten used to it and they weren’t perceiving themselves as taking away human lives anymore?
So even if you knew deep down, based on moral values instilled by your parents, that it was wrong but you saw all your friends doing it, it becomes a societal norm for you. You start to think “hey maybe it’s not so bad.” And then you do the same bad thing. And then you think “yea I was right it’s not that bad.”
And that’s how you turn into a disgusting horrible person with no regard for anyone but yourself and who sacrifices others to get ahead.
All because you didn’t even have the fucking integrity or decency realize what’s wrong and what’s right and to stick to your moral values.
If I did it, I’ll fucking say I did it. Because that’s integrity and that’s what I have a shitload of and what you have none of.
And if you have no integrity or no moral values, what differentiates you from a slug or some shit-eating prawn at the bottom of the ocean? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
And don’t give me shit about doing this for your survival because unless we’re at (a real) war and you have to kill or be killed because we’re not and you just sound like a self-serving asshole wtf.
I believe in karma. And I know karma will get you so bad you’ll never be able to recover. And when that happens I might feel sorry for you but I might also enjoy it.
The only thing is if karma doesn’t get you soon enough for me.
I’m so tired of all these shit people getting away with the horrible things they’re doing just because nobody knows.
So maybe I’ll help karma along a bit. One day when I’m out of this, I will write about all I’ve seen wrong because I think people need to know about the sins you’ve been committing and your victims need to know the truth.
There’s a Chinese saying that goes “God has eyes”. Don’t worry, not just God, people do too.
(Today Imma go all lecture theater on you)
The Original Sin, according to a doctrine in Christian theology, is humanity’s state of sin resulting from the Fall of Man.
And the Fall of Man refers to the transition of the first humans (Adam and Eve) from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience.
Because of the damn sumptuous apple, that’s why.
Look at it in all its red shiny juiciness.
No wonder Eve couldn’t resist taking a bite.
The apple was the Temptation Du Jour of the ancient times.
Today it’s ice cream!
Ok fine it’s not just ice cream.
But ice cream is definitely one of the more fun and innocent and harmless temptations!
(although maybe your hips might beg to differ)
For a good dose of Temptation, come to 7atenine at The Ascott, KL for Encore’s Temptation party!
From 9 pm – 12 am on 27 October, you’ll be tempted (ngehehe) with 4 Encore signature cocktails – you get to mix your own cocktails too! – entertainment and live acts, and of course lotsa ice cream!
I have 20 invites to give away to 10 readers (a pair each) who wanna come join me, Wombeh and Cheesie party with ice cream at Temptations! Just leave a comment with your full names to say you want passes and you can collect your passes at the door when you register under my list.
Like the Encore HSE Facebook page here for more info
Resistance is futile.
Wow I’m really getting up in the world wtf.
Mummy Ooi was very diligent when I was growing up in making sure I took indisputably good care of my skin. She introduced me to the world of cleansers, toners, moisturizer, serums, eye creams…
And to the world of my aunt who’s 60 now but looks 40 thanks to the care (and money) she lavishes on her face wtf.
So yes I think I’m quite well versed in skincare.
But I’ve never done a facial in my 25 years of life *ashamed
Actually no la but my skin has always been quite ok – no acne breakouts no oily face enough to fry eggs on wtf.
So I’ve never looked closely at what a facial is about also. I always thought it’s about removing blackheads and you get smooth skin after wtf but my skin is dry and I’ll probably develop fine lines soon. But there’s more to it than that!
Skin 11 at Berjaya Times Square! The venue of my coming of age wtf. Mizuage wtf.
I was here to do a review of Skin 11’s skincare programs 😀
The interior.
Warm lighting with classy silver shelves and products on display.
Quite excited about my first facial! But also apprehensive cos I heard they could be painful..
(but got tea some more! I love it when I get free tea WTF)
But the beautician in charge of me was very nice and professional! Her name is Janet and when you first go in they’ll sit you down for a skin consultation first to gauge what your skin issues are.
Anyway at first she greeted me in Mandarin. I replied her in Cantonese (whatever I know of it anyway) and when she sat me down for her consultation she started explaining in Cantonese also FML!
After some confusion on her part that I actually don’t speak Cantonese (*fails as Chinese) she switched to English and Hokkien wtf damn linguistically capable lor.
Anyway she proposed to put me on the Skin 11 Meso Channel Bio Treatment.
In layman terms (cos my head was spinning around trying to turn around the concepts) our skin has several layers which make up the epidermis and dermis.
When we moisturize, the moisture only reaches the top layers of the skin and doesn’t penetrate deep inside.
See? Wtf. 0.03-1% absorption only.
So this is where the Meso Channel treatment comes in.
Meso uses a micro needle therapy to create sort of passageways through your skin so nutrients can penetrate through giving your skin the moisture and goodness it needs.
Also, the microneedles simulate “injuries” that awaken the skin’s natural immune functions and boost collagen production and new cell generation.
After the microneedle session, serums are applied on your skin for them to absorb thoroughly in. These were the serums they applied.
To end it all they slap this masque on you containing all sorts of good things wtf.
Totally what I need cos my skin is dry. All you oily skin girls don’t know how good you have it wtf because you’ll always look young!
Anyway this was my room! For a few hours that is.
Soft lighting, very soothing instrumental music…very comfy bed and covers!! I think I drifted in and out of consciousness wtf.
Made me change into this robe cos they were going to do neck and shoulder massage too.
See ah this is my skin before. And this is with foundation ok! And taken 1-2 years ago SIGH so it’s probably worse now. See the fine lines around my eyes and mouth T____T I totally lied when I said I’ll develop fine lines soon actually I already have them T_______T
Bloody hate this photo (no ugly women only lazy ones!!!) but this is the only way to show you the after treatment.
You really can’t tell in the photo la but when I put up the lights and peered into a mirror my face did look more chubby bouncy supple and when I smiled, the lines weren’t as defined either! Actually bouncy is the word – it looked bouncy. Like you could bounce a penny off my face wtf.
After pictures! I upped the sharpness on this one on purpose so you can see my skin properly -_-
To be honest there is still a smile line around my mouth/nose. I like to think its because I laugh a lot wtf. But it is quite reduced, as well as the lines around my eyes!
I walked around Times Square patting my face cos it was so firm and supple WTF.
Should have taken picture with Janet cos she was so helpful and obliging! She explained every single thing to me (cos I noob), even the difference between this Meso Channel treatment and regular facials.
She told me that my skin is really quite dry lo. And that I have fine lines (basically everything I said before was learned from her)
Then when she did the facial for me she explained every step and what she was applying all very friendly and nice!
She was very gentle to me too. The microneedle therapy can be a teeny bit painful (if you have low pain tolerance like me) but it was still less painful than blackhead extraction and she was so good that I fell asleep during the needle part of it WTF.
And she also made me two cups of tea ok wtf.
Skin 11 (that’s eleven to you) is actually offering FREE customized facial treatments right now! Click here to sign up for the free facial.
You can also get the free facial by commenting on my post on the Skin 11 Facebook page HERE !! But limited to the first 50 people who comment only 😀
Every time I want to type “October” I type “Oktober” now!
Just like in Malay wtf.
Anyway last Friday, I was at Laundry at the Curve for the GAB Oktoberfest celebration.
To be like you know a responsible writer (wtf) I googled Oktoberfest.
Oktoberfest is a 16-18 day festival held each year in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, running from late September to the first weekend in October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany and the world’s largest fair, with more than 5 million people attending every year. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations, modelled after the Munich event.
Visitors eat huge amounts of traditional hearty fare such as a lot of meat, sausages and sauerkraut, among others.
Got one damn funny line in Wikipedia! “There are many problems every year with young people who overestimate their ability to handle large amounts of alcohol. Many forget that beer has 5.8 to 6.3% alcohol, and they pass out due to drunkenness. These drunk patrons are often called “Bierleichen” (German for “beer corpses”).”
Setup of the place. I got there quite early so it was still quite light and people were still coming in.
Very nice right! The tables all so quaint and the staff were all dressed up in cute German costumes!
Including me and Fresh the wench AHAHAH
Dammit why am I always the man.
Yuenny’s attempt at using the panaromic function on my camera. Damn fail cos everyone came out damn distorted!
Me and my Tiger.
What is Oktoberfest without the beer!
A lot of promos were going on – you could get a RM50 mug of 1 liter Tiger beer AND bring home the mug! (it was hugeass)
Or if you spent more than RM200 on your food bill, you’d get a free bucket of 5 Tiger Beer pints.
And a free Oktoberfest hat (which I really really wantedddd) if you buy 12-can beer packs at participating hypermarkets.
Bumped into Aaron who looked all sweaty and gross hahaha.
Fresh and Jestina being very fascinated with my phone -_-
Stilt walkers! I loves em.
Because EVERYONE looks short next to them HAHA.
Yuenny and Fresh.
Me and Muenny!
A bunch of us were engaged in a competition – since this was a GAB event, we were all divided into 3 teams – Tiger, Heineken and Guinness. We were supposed to bring as many people as we could to the event.
I was Team Heineken with Daphkisses and Jasonmumbles! Team Tiger who was also there were Tziaaa and Chuckei.
Not sure who won though cos after that we all got damn happy and non competitive already wtf.
Me and Daphkisses who’s very sweet, ladylike and incredibly skinny ahh envy don’t turn me purple.
And and look at this! First thing Jane said when she saw me was “you’re so short!!” FML.
Not me who’s short lor it’s she who’s tall *denial
Aih stuck between two young and pretty girls wtf.
When I found out I was gonna be at the same event as them and Tziaaa I told Ringo “aih I better remember to put on more makeup” WTF.
With Gareth (who helps even out the mean age a bit WTF) and purty Tziaaa.
And a shiny head HAHAHAHA not me who did this ah it was Fresh!!!
Well at least I beat someone in height.
With Wombeh, Tziaaa, Shinyee and Adele.
Carlos (from Nuffnang PH) looking like a right player.
And I got momo cheeks but Cheesie not there to have momo cheeks with me cos she was at Sid’s TTDI the night before for Team Tiger against Team Guinness with Niki, KY and Cindy.
Rachel and Huai Bin!
Carlos who drank and drank but never turned red.
Not like some people wtf. I told him I couldn’t tell where his face ended and his shirt began wtf and apparently Gareth said the same thing too hahahaaha.
Since it’s Oktoberfest is a fair, it wouldn’t be complete without games!
This was a barrel rolling game.
Check out the girls in the barmaid outfits damn cute right!
This was the game I attempted. To throw pretzels over one of the beer bottles arranged there. I asked for handicap cos obviously my body not long enough but they ignored me wtf.
Both Wombeh and I failed miserably at this.
There was also this adorable quartet playing oom pah pah songs and pretty dancers in flouncy skirts waltzing around the place I think that was my favorite part of the whole festival 🙂
Rachel, Carlos and Nic with the 1 liter mugs of Tiger beer. Damn huge even when the mug was empty I found it hard to lift.
We each brought back like 1-2 of them ^^
HB and Wombeh in a bros before hos moment.
Fred, HB and WOmbeh.
Drinking games – More college frat party than Oktoberfest ahaha.
I think this is the first time an Oktoberfest type event like this has been held in Malaysia. And one of the more fun events I’ve been to! I loved how they recreated Oktoberfest here (even tho I’ve never been to Germany wtf) and how the atmosphere and setup were so merry and fun yet quite quaint. 😀
I got an iPhone!!! (and you don’t have one WTF)
So now for the first time in my life, I know what it feels to hold the latest most in demand item.
I got 2 groups of people who make me feel like putting my fist through a wall.
One group is the iPhone groupies who pester me to sell my phone to them.
The other day I was at a Maxis center cos I had a question about my phone (iPhone noob ok forgive me. The guy whom I approached to assist me picked up my phone and said “wah no screen protector you really don’t love your phone wan hor?”
Me: “Hahaha no laaaa I just haven’t bought the protector yet…”
Him: “Might as well sell it to me.”
Maxis staff don’t get some kind of priority wan ah! *feels exclusive
The other group of people is the BB evangelists who call me traitor because I’ve switched to the iPhone WTF.
I can never win.
Jokes aside, I have been using the iPhone for about a week now. An entirely new experience because I’ve never had a touch screen phone before.
My first encounter was…the microsim card.
Maxis lets you swap your micro sim for a minimal fee but I felt strangely insecure about giving up my regular sim for a micro one.
(plus I thought I could DIY a micro sim for cheaper – yes I am that kind of person)
Although I wouldn’t have done it if not for Wombeh’s explicit encouragement *stares
He said “aiya no problem wan very easy you can just buy a sim card and cut it yourself”
Like a trusting lamb, I bought a Hotlink card, put about fifty bucks worth of data on it (what is an iPhone without the data) and went home.
Then I asked “Wombeh so how do cut up my sim card?”
He said “oh just go on youtube and watch the tutorials” WTF.
So I did. And used scissors to cut up my sim card. And destroyed it. AND wasted my 50 bucks.
So never do this at home kids.
Anyway Mummy Ooi used it.
Then Fat Her used it.
Then I used it.
And… good lord the apps.
I knew about the apps but what I didn’t know was how much they would touch me WTF.
Scrolling and zooming is ridicuously easy. And there are so many to choose from T_______T
My favorite app is the App Store WTF.
These are the apps I’ve downloaded thus far.
Besides the usual Twitter, FB, Foursquare, there’s also a whole bunch of nerdy applications that I absolutely love!
I always associated apps with games (and I’m not really a gaming person) but I totally lied! So many apps right up my alley!
Time Mobile – for all the best news articles.
New York Times – cannot finish reading wan wtf.
(it really is a breeze to navigate through all these news apps compared to my other phone)
New York Times crossword WTF I really am the most boring person on earth T_T
But to up my cuteness level a bit, I also downloaded some non-educational apps!
Angry Birds which makes me want to hurl my phone at the wall. I am so ridiculously bad at it I don’t know why. It’s been a week and I play it every day and I’m only at Level 3 fml.
Ant Smasher which is a totally pointless but fun game of smashing ants before they get to your food wtf.
PuriPhoto which lets you puri-fy (HAHA) your photos.
What wasn’t so easy was using the touchscreen to type.
But I think that’s more a matter of my incompetence (or lack of) rather than anything else.
I’m getting better at it though!
And how could anyone forget – the thinnest smartphone in the world.
Can display multiple languages and characters!
And possibly the nicest function…Facetime!
Oh and the two camera function! I love it when gadgets reflect my face wtf.
Here I’m waiting to test out Facetime with Huai Bin.
Hello Huai Bin!
But aiya I see HB so often anyway wtf the best thing about Facetime is I can video chat with anyone who’s far away but still has an iPhone 4.
Like Ooib! *trumpets blare
Mummy Ooi and I had a gala time Facetime-ing with him while he showed us his apartment in Boston.
Maxis iPhone 4 plans start as low as RM100. Here for details. Or if you have a Maxis contract already, you can opt for contract extension (see here)
Iz me, blogging from the comfort of my…laptop wtf.
Why did I want to show you a picture of my freshly washed hair (and face)?
Because I have just washed my hair, conditioned it, applied moisture serum AND overnight treatment! Aud’s Hair, you are really so lucky wtf.
Remember my post a coupla weeks back about the state of my hair? And the 7 sins we commit against our hair but will probably never stop doing if we don’t want to look like sloppy joes?
Frizzy, fine, flyaway hair.
Well I got my hands on the complete range of Dove Damage Therapy Intense Repair products.
L-R: Daily shampoo, daily conditioner, leave on cream and overnight treatment. (Domokun not included)
SO many things right! Especially for someone who merely shampoos, then slaps on some conditioner just so I can comb my hair in 2 seconds and save time for other things (like blogging ahem)
But if you (when I say you, I mean myself) already spend so much time and money on blowing your hair, styling your hair, dyeing it, you bleeding well should be prepared to spend time protecting and repairing the hair you’ve just damaged.
Dove has come up with this Intense Repair range that uses new Patented Fibre Active Technologies and Micro Moisture Serums.
Based on the knowledge that when we style our hair, we actually damage it both from inside and outside, Dove’s Fiber Active Technologies contains small molecules that penetrate the hair fibers deep into the hair core to repair damaged fibers from within as well as from the surface.
This is the Intense Repair shampoo.
The two additional products! Leave-on Cream and Overnight Treatment.
Leave-On cream should be applied on cleansed hair focusing on the tips. Then comb your hair without rinsing off. Light enough to be used daily!
Overnight Treatment on the other hand should be used at least once a week. You apply it on damp or towel dried hair concentrating on the middle to the ends. Then you leave it overnight to help replenish vital protein loss in the night.
Anyway, I’ve tried the shampoo, conditioner and overnight treatment (which I was actually very excited about).
My hair turned into WATERY SILK. Wtf.
Other conditioners I’ve used before turn my hair soft and manageable la granted. But not this smooth.
And the key thing, light. My hair is so fine that some hair products can turn it lank and heavy. But my hair now is soft and still light! And it feels clean while some other products can make my hair feel like there’s still shampoo residue on it wtf.
I also squirted the overnight treatment out and applied it to the ends of my hair. I was worried that it’d be sticky or my hair would dry in strands wtf. But as promised, no mess or residue left behind on my hair..or pillow wtf.
Hello shinier stronger Aud’s Hair!
In most cases, prevention is better than cure. But in this case, NO CHOICE LOR.
Take away my hair(style) and I am nothing. No thanks wtf.
But with my Dove hair products, at least I have the freedom of continuing to style and dye my hair without worrying too much about its condition cos I got Dove to fall back on.
Ganbarimasu wtf. It feels good right now but hair damage therapy should be an ongoing process, not a one time thing.
So many of you have come out and voiced your hair woes so don’t take my word for it! Try it out for yourself and see how they work out for you 🙂
Two years ago Wombeh and I fixed our anniversary date as 10 October. Cos we’re both terrible with dates we couldn’t remember the exact day wtf so we just set it as 10-10.
And now we share our anniversary with a million other Chinese couples who believe in the power of numbers FOL.
Incidentally, the day we met was 6 June! 6-6.
What is this numeric influence over my life maybe I’ll die on a double-date too. (HAHAHA pun not intended.)
Anyway nothing mushy or romantic to read here because we’re just not that couple. Or maybe Wombeh is but I’m not FHL.
We tried going on a romantic date at a fancy restaurant but we ended up talking about nonsense as usual.
And today I forced him to open his mouth while I threw grapes in.
Of course I missed HAHAHA just wanted to throw something at him WTF.
But it wasn’t for lack of trying ok! I wore a long pink chiffon romper ok to be sweet and feminine.
Didn’t work because I look like a damn idiot here wtf. Wombeh on the other hand has the gentle clever look down pat.
There much better.
God I love the complimentary appetizers they serve in Japanese restaurants!
So glad they served cha soba as appetizer cos I was deciding between that and salmon don (and fifty other dishes)
I asked Wombeh to take a picture of us and he kept insisting we needed to use flash. I insisted his hand needed to stop shaking wtf.
There much better.
Duck face HAHAHAHA. You have to see this site to get what I mean
Black sesame ice cream.
That Wombeh gobbled.
Wombeh thought I was taking a picture so I asked him to strike a stupid pose but I was actually taking a video HAHAHAAHHAHAA
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