

Someone told me I have less confidence today than when he met me two years ago T___________T

Work just makes me feel stupid sometimes I think I forget how amazing I am wtf wtf.

I have confidence in confidence alone
Besides which you see I have confidence in me!

Remember this song?

That will be my 口癖 from now wtf.

AudRubbish AudSocialButterfly

It’s your choice



Stole Lainey’s theme and claimed it as my own ^^Prettiest theme ever.


Met up and spent ample girly time with my beloved sources of laughter and estrogen wtf. Dinner and bubble tea with Lainey, yamcha with PANGTZECHING wtf and Sherve, manipedis with Suet and Hui Wen (and Hui Wen’s tongue as pictured above WTF)


Also, I am now a proud registered voter!! I can now sincerely thumb my nose and sneer at people who are above 21 years of age but stilll haven’t registered to vote.

Just drop by your neighborhood post office any time and get it done. It takes two minutes and with it you hold a say in your future.


Although nobody can tell the future…except maybe a fortune teller wtf (not the fake ones)


Central Park

Nyehehe another picture filler post.  Because I need to get started on watching Lost! Season 1 episode 1 wtf as decreed by Wombeh.

What? Don’t tell me you don’t wanna see pretty pictures of New York! (3 months late fml)


Central Park!

It is huge. We traipsed all over it looking for Strawberry Fields (and Wombeh wouldn’t ask for directions FML)


I bend to pat a big dumb furry dog.


And Wombeh bends to drink water *yawn


Found it!


Strawberry Fields is a section in Central Park dedicated to the memory of John Lennon.


Apparently the memorial mosaic is often decorated with roses and strawberries in the shape of a peace sign by a Beatles fan called Gary dos Santos.


That’s right, Bigfoot. Show some respect wtf.


Seen on a park bench: Congratulations Bobbie & Wynn!


Thanks for the hospitality wtf.


Wombeh is grinning but this was the apartment block where John Lennon was killed.


There were some strawberry cravings goin on after that.


Meatballs and mashed potatoes for lunch!


Wombeh had to visit the Trump Tower.


I had to take a picture with the Sex & the City store display.


The Plaza… where Becky Bloomwood got married ^^


Big ass icecream with a big ass price tag.


Walked all the way back to Times Square.


Hello ladies.


All the walking exhausted me. Wombeh was busy buying like ten thousand shirts here.


Sitting outside waiting for Carol.


At the Mac store!


Wombeh busy trying to get wifi from the Mac store.


Crazy people lining up to play with the iPad. D: Sorry Fat Her, failed to get you one!


Brokeback Aud

Yesterday I happened to be stranded at a client’s office after a meeting.

I didn’t realize that my colleague wasn’t planning to go back to the office after that wtf.  As is common knowledge, I still don’t have a car fml. And since my office is nowhere near a train station, I usually rely on the kindness of my parents, Wombeh, and coworkers to shuttle to and fro from office, meeting places, and home.

So I sat outside the office, waiting for one and a half hours for someone to be available to give me a lift.  And so I got super fucking duper emo at the vehicle-less state of my life.

Mad at myself for forgetting to check with my colleague if she was going back to the office. Embarrassed that I sat there for more than an hour while people on their way out cast me curious glances. Feeling like a world class  burden and leech for having to rely on people around me for transportation.  Mad at my mother for not allowing me to get a car.  Angry at everyone for not being able to pick me up.  And then blaming myself for getting myself into this situation but still wanna get angry at other people wtf.

The truth is, I could hate the world and blame my mom for my car-less state.  But honestly, she’s right. There is no way in hell I can afford a car of my own right now.  The Parents Ooi and I were going through the documents for my college loan the other day and though I’ve been paying like a thousand ringgit a month for a year and a half now, the amount still owed still managed to sock me in the gut wtf.

Let’s just say the amount I have to pay can buy me a brand new VW Beetle in Malaysia (just saw a bilboard for it today wtf)

(for foreigners, cars in Malaysia are disproportionately expensive in comparison to our salaries)

I even contemplated getting a scooter WTF.  But then I’d have to get a motorcycle license. And I don’t even know how to ride a bicycle wtf.  But THEN I’d get to wear a pink helmet WTF.  But THEN I would get dark riding around in the sun everyday wtf.

At times like these, I wonder if what Wombeh said is right — is it worth it to go to a good school but graduate with years of loans on your back? Should I just have stayed back in Malaysia for college? Or taken ADP? wtf (sorry am not a fan of the American Degree Program)

But then again, who would I be today if I hadn’t gone to Mt Holyoke? I hated it then but now I think it’s damn cool that I went to a women’s college lor WTF.  Who knows how differently I would have turned out if I went to NUS? Or Melbourne Uni? I would have none of the unique experiences I had in the US and Japan if I did the more traveled route of UK/Australia/Singapore.

I guess the price of a new VW Beetle is worth it for that…. wtf.

You know the other day I was in a conference of sorts.  The topic was the differences in generations — Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y.

(For those in the un-know, we’re all Gen Y wtf)

Anyway they stated that Gen Y is the most privileged generation by far — never went through any major wars, no famine, thoroughly loved & pampered by their parents the Baby Boomers.

(ps: talk was given by members of Gen x. ie. biased wtf)

The speaker: “for example, once the Gen Y turns 18, the parents give them a credit card for their expenses overseas. And when they graduate and get jobs, the parents buy them a car so they can get to work.  And they feel sorry for their kids for having such low starting salaries that they usually top it up…”

I thought I should stick up for my fellow Gen Y members so I said “no lor! My parents didn’t give me a car also!”

Then all the older generation people dismissed me and said “your parents from Penang right? Penang people are different” WTF WTF.

HAHAHAHAHAHA sia suay Penang people!

Anyway my point is, they were right in a way. (not about Penang people wtf) A lot of my friends still get financial assistance from their parents.  A lot get cars granted by parents, Tze is working in London now but still has a credit card paid by her dad wtf, quite a few people got substantial gifts (Chanel bags, European holidays, etc) from their parents for graduating.

My parents are not like that at all!  Nobody can doubt their love for me ok wtf.  But once their kid gets a job it means the kid is financially independent and should start contributing to the household.  Which makes sense to me cos if I still can’t contribute to my family now when I already have a job then when can I do that? (btw remind me to give money to my mother this month wtf)

After I graduated I jokingly asked them if I was gonna get a graduation present.

My parents: “what? your graduation present is your education fees la” WTF.

So true T_T

We’re not superbly rich and my parents sacrificed a lot to give me and Ooib overseas educations (and Ooib a Masters now!) Some people ask me why don’t I ask my parents for help in getting a car but I promised myself I would never take one more cent from them after I start working.

I don’t think I’m unusually pitiful either.  I’m sure a lot of people my age are in my situation or worse.  Like at least I don’t have to take a bus to work wtf. And I have people who love me enough to ferry me around without complaining 🙂

So I guess I’ll be hovering around like a leech for a while longer… pour salt on me if I complain wtf.

p/s: ok that was a lot of verbal diarrhea wtf


Can we take a vote?

Would you rather be a public toilet cleaner or a toll booth cashier? wtf

We were on the road one day and I told Desmond I think the worst job in the world is to be a toll booth cashier.

Cos you have to stay inside the booth the whole day with only a tiny window out to the world.  And you’re enclosed in this tiny space and you can’t do anything except open your window and pass tickets out to the world wtf.

Tiny spaces plus perpetual boredom *horror

But Desmond said he’d rather be a toll booth cashier than a toilet cleaner WTF. Cos literally you’d have to face shit everyday wtf.

But I don’t know I think you get immune to shit after a while wtf.  And at least you’d be doing something productive.

Ok most pointless post I’ve ever written.

But which would you rather be?


Picture stolen from Deviantart

it takes two hands to clap and i’m getting a little bit tired of passing through air and hitting nothing.

a little help would be nice.


Country road take me home

This is the unfortunate story of some flowers and workmen’s pants fabric.

(go away now if you’re among the 10% of my readers who happen to be male)

I am soooo over florals and denim!

If you read my blog consistently (and you are of a sharp mind wtf) / if you are me and go through your pictures obsessively WTF, you would have realized…

that every day I wear either something floral, something denim or both T___________T

I am such a boring person!

Normally I don’t think I follow trends that much. Cliched but I usually just buy whatever I think is cute and that suits me. But so happens I think this country style florals and light denim are damn cute what to do!

And I cannot stop buying pieces fml.

I show you. Ignore cock face thanks.


Denim highwaisted shorts with zipper.


Pink floral top. With denim shorts wah super combo.


Um grey-green floral maxi dress.

Wendy also in floral actually! Ringo didn’t get the memo wtf.

Denim and lace one piece.


Purple floral top (with super cute bow behind *emphasizes)

Do you see a pattern here wtf.

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Denim and lace top. And denim shorts wtf.

Posted before but post again in case anyone got short term memory loss.  Floral shorts one piece.

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Multicolored floral top….


Seriously I type also sien! Floral long one piece.


Denim vest fml. And Angie behind in floral too!

More (red white) floral. From The Pop Look! A lot sweeter than my usual style! (which is cute of course wtf)


Denim shirt. And if you look closely, the sleeves are edged in floral AHHHHHH.

I puzzled over this with Angela for ages wtf.  Cos both of us are stuck in the same floral and denim black hole where we’re already kind of sick of the trend but every time we see new items in that fashion we keep buying fts.

I am such a trend whore!! *tears hair out.

Summer now so I think nautical is back in style but I never really got hooked on to it.

Luckily I have finally found another new style to leech on to *parasite


I am now Pastel Girl!

Pictures taken with Sony Cybershot TX-5

P/S: My New August’s resolution is to blog every 2 days!  Watch me fail wtf.

AudSocialButterfly AudSuay

Fortune teller at Central Market sucks monkey ass

I have been dreading writing this post.

But I feel an urge to remind people of what stupidity can do when it stays in your head wtf.

When Angela was here, we happened to talk about fortune tellers, and the fact that both Angela’s and Wombeh’s parents had taken them to fortune tellers when they were kids.

Angela and Wombeh are my two favorite people in the world!  And based on what had happened in their lives so far, their fortune tellers seemed to have made amazingly accurate predictions!

Also, my two favorite people are also the two smartest, achieving, near perfect people I know, and their fortune tellers had also apparently told them both that they would be very successful in whatever would form their lives later *sticks close to them WTF

So I started wondering how come my parents never took me to a fortune teller? It can’t be because I am not loved because I can tell you I am wtf.

So we went to Central Market one day to get Angie some local souvenirs…

And I saw a fortune teller shop there !

Deprived of childhood predictions of my life, I (as usual, made split second suckass decisions) decided to go for it wtf.

And let me tell you it was a SUCKASS decision T____T

See the man up there?

His name is Master Chin (or something like that)

And he’s the worst fortune teller in the world. Master Chin might as well change his name to Master Cheat wtf.

I really cannot believe I parted with RM90 just to hear shit predictions about myself.  Actually not even predictions.  More like saying a lot of random disconnected shit and hoping he’d get something right WTF.

But in my defense, I was thinking how bad could he be?  Even if the fortune teller doesn’t have real powers, I thought most of them would be pretty good at reading you just by looking at you and your behavior and would still come up with fairly insightful statements.

And he offered me a money back guarantee if I wasn’t satisfied.

But call me chicken or what but I thought even if he said that, if I wanted my money back, it would be very hard to get it back already cos like it or not, I had already accepted his service.  So I went into it with no expectations of getting anything back *resigned.  And anyway I still thought how bad can he be wtf.

Well he surpassed all expectations wtf.

He asked me to write my birthdate down.  And Suet said when I wasn’t looking, he surreptitiously looked at a horoscope chart beside him to determine my horoscope WTF.

Then he told me that I was very scientific WTF. And that I liked building things WTF.

Errr I have never felt any interest in engineering or architecture or anything connected to science and building.

He saw my confused face and quickly said “you like doing social work. You like doing charity and helping people.”

(possibly true…but it’s also the total opposite of what he just said.  And it’s actually just a generic description of what alot of horoscopes say about Aquarians)

Cheating scumbag fortune teller: But you’re very extreme. You have a very very bad temper.

Suet & Angela: No! She doesn’t have a temper at all!

Cheating scumbag fortune teller: I’m talking to your friend, not you.

Me: Ya actually it’s true I don’t get angry wan.

Cheating scumbag fortune teller: I said you’re extreme. You either have a very bad temper or no temper at all.


And it went on like that T___________T

He went on to say that I am very hardworking (which he probably thinks is what everyone thinks about themselves) but I know for a fact that I am damn lazy WTF.

And that I would get married in 2 or 3 or 4 years.  Wah so many choices how to decide. Of course la, he knows I’m in my mid 20s chances are that any girl my age would get married within the next few years!

Then he moved on to tarot cards and according to Suet you’re supposed to open only 3 cards or something? But he opened like 6 WTF.  He opened like a sun card and then a moon card and spouted something contradicting about them both.

Actually I don’t know why I listened to the whole thing.  Maybe part of me wanted very badly to believe and I was looking for the truth in what he was saying.  Maybe I was concentrating on what he was saying too hard.

maybe I was just stupid haihhhh T_________T

And maybe I was a bit scared of him FML.

Suet & Angela weren’t though!  They got very angry on behalf of me and scolded him very loudly and demanded my money back T3T Seriously they were so brave lor!

He scolded them back and said “Your friend never complain why you complain?” and kicked us out of his shop WTF.

I didn’t really think that I would get my money back anymore which is why I didn’t say anything but then I felt really really bad that my friends got yelled at just because they were standing up for me T_______T

(Throughout the whole thing Suet and Angie kept piping up and correcting him and he kept telling them to keep quiet wtf)

The more I thought about it the angrier I got so I went back to the shop and told him I was only giving him face by not asking for my money back.  But in actual fact, all his predictions sucked and weren’t true at all.  And that my friends were only helping me so why should he scold people like that.

He defensively said that they disturbed him at work WTF but I said whatever they’re still my friends and I am his customer so he has no right to scold and he’s being damn rude.

Then he apologized and offered to shake my hand and told me to have a nice life WTF.

When I walked out I found Angela and Suet cornering tourists outside and telling them not to visit Master Chin / Master Cheat because he cheated my money and then kicked us out WTF.  The tourists had fake smiles on their faces and were edging away FOL.

So anyway that’s my pathetic story about getting cheated by a scumbag fortune teller T______T

But what would I have done without Suet and Angela I love you two T_____T

Think if Wombeh was there he’d knock in Master Chin’s dentures too ^_^

So please remember this asshole fortune teller and don’t ever go there ok!  Tell your friends! Spread this link around even better.

Put his picture again for good measure. How can he live to this age cheating people.

Anyway some pictures of that day…

My saviors *big shiny eyes

Aud & Angie

Lunch was Klang bak kut teh with Pierre & Lay See (who btw now have a beautiful baby girl congrats Mr Mrs Pang!)

Doctor Fish WTF.

Fish spa which totally made up for getting screwed by the fortune teller.

RM5 for 10 minutes and that’s actually all you need!

After that for two weeks my feet felt incredibly smooth and soft cos all the dead skin was removed!

Damn ticklish though! I slapped my thigh cos I laughed too much doing the fish spa wtf.

Forced  other customers to take pictures of us.

Before doing it ourselves and succeeding ^^

We were supposed to go to Batu Caves after that but it started to rain heavily. So we settled for Pavilion.

Suet was doing a peace sign but she looks like she’s nagging someone hahahaha.

Matching outfits!

Angela’s motto wtf.

Angela & Wombeh & random couple behind.


Ah Quah WTF.


The 3 of us!

(did they both suddenly get alot taller)


Group picture!  Plus a double chin!


Angela’s zipper broke WTF.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH we were in the Pavilion bathroom and I was in one of the stalls when I heard Angela cry “Aud! Suet! I need help with my zipper.”

I came out to see Suet struggling with Angela’s shorts zipper because the zipper broke WTF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Angela says she’s always had very good luck when she’s away from me wtf so some might conclude I have the luck of the damned.

But zipper can repair wan don’t worry! *waves hand


More shameless pics.

Suet and I can’t wink so we end up with similar expressions.


Normal picture!


Can this picture get any cuter WTF.



Oh remember to tell everyone about Master Chin / Master Cheat! Some people might say that I should have known better but aih look on the bright side, at least now you have a primary source that he’s a lying cheating scumbag wtf.

Pics taken with Sony Cybershot TX-5!


Cookie’s Monster stealth Munchy’s moments

Remember’s Tim post a while back on the blue pest that lives in the corner of our bed?


Cookie has been a pest lately because he keeps asking for cookies (or anything with chocolate) and obviously nobody gives him any because he keeps dropping crumbs on the bed.

Well guess what he’s been up to late *narrows eyes

See, there’s a Munchy’s Muzic contest going on right now.

All you have to do is create a video of yourself doing a rendition of the Munchy’s Muzic jingle in the most creative way – you can hum it, sing it, beatbox it, whistle it whatever. Then just submit it here by 4 August 2010 and you could win 3 iPads!!!

To listen to the Munchy’s jingle, you can download here. Obviously the most creative rendition wins! So don’t simply make some half-assed video ok. Also, your video must feature at least ONE Munchy’s Muzic Wafer pack, show your mouth when mimicking the jingle and cannot be longer than 30 seconds.

Anyway I wanted to take part in this contest although I was very apprehensive about making videos. Some people have asked me to make vlogs since i’ve never done it (ok by some people I mean Suet) but I’m quite nervous about speaking in front of the camera!

But this is making a song in front of the camera!

Anyway I got Tim, Suet & Angela to help me out. We downloaded the jingle and put it on repeat and listened to it while we were doing our every day stuff so we can learn it.

But then! Weird disruptions kept happening to our preparations!

So! It’s you!


Since nobody wants to give him cookies Cookie Monster(in an effort to get his furry paws on all the Munchy’s Muzic) kept disturbing us and stealing all the wafers! T___________T

Very angry cos Cookie ruined our video! AND ate all the Muzic Wafers!

So I forced him to perform the Munchy’s jingle as compensation *slave driver

This was the product of all our efforts! Imma submit this and win the contest wheeeee

Hahahaha ok la obviously everyone knows Cookie can’t move on his own. It was me stealing all the Munchy’s Muzic (and holding Cookie and lala-ing the jingle) *eyes downcast

Submit yours too and let’s see whose is better *competitive

Munchy’s Muzic are damn yummy btw.

There’s also an ongoing Munchy’s ‘Put MUZIC in your Mouth’ SMS and Win contest where you could win weekly, monthly and grand prizes of iPod shuffles, iPhones and MacBook Airs! See the website for more info 🙂