If I had to write a blog post about a color, guess which color would it be?
Guess guess!
No la kidding! Of course it’s Pink. Hahahahaha
Obviously ok what color is my blog?
And what color is my bag? And that princess crown sitting on top?
Ok Samsung and Nuffnang are tying up to throw the Samsung Corby Carnival on 16 January 2010 at the Sunway Extreme Park, full of paintball games and um other hyperactive activities wtf.
So for adrenaline junkies and everyone else who wants to go to the Samsung Corby Carnival to have fun, all you have to do is write a blog post and title it “Color Me Corby” and show us how colourful your life is (literally or non-literal)
You also have to take a picture of yourself themed with one of the colors of Samsung Corby. (PINK PINK PINK)
Then just submit your details, permalink and upload your photo at the Submit Page and you’re done!
75 Nuffnangers who send in the most creative valid entries will win an invite to the Samsung Corby Carnival!
Ok so my life is very colourful ok! In a literal sense, I hate the color black (black is the absence of all color) and you will almost never see me with anything black (except today I wore a black top wtf but I paired it with leopard print skorts and grey & orange shoes and a pink bag! *color blind)
But most of all (as though it’s not obvious enough) my life is filled with pink.
My mother’s fault ok. When she was pregnant with me she thought I was going to be a boy and she bought me a blue pram and a blue bath tub but then maybe after that to make up for it she bought everything pink for the rest of my childhood!
So I grew up loving pink. And even when I was 13 years old and the cool color to like was blue cos it was mature I secretly loved pink even though I would lie and write in autograph books that my favourite colors were blue and white fml.
Pink camera, pink bow, pink dress, pink makeup bag (bottom right)
And pink contents in pink bag! (Pink wallet, pink phone, pink DS, pink makeup pouch)
God this is the easiest post ever to write!
Pink strap hanging off pink camera.
Think this has been up on my blog a few times… but (messy) pink bed!
Pink cheeks!
So if I get to go to the Samsung Corby Carnival, Imma make sure all my paintballs are pink!
Have fun writing!
I guess shopping posts are always more interesting than travelogue type entries *sniffles
Never mind! Aud Ooi proudly presents…
Our 2nd day in Tokyo in visuals!
Woke up nice and early and rushed off to Shibuya. (no choice, 109 was calling me)
I am so happy to say that I safely and swiftly brought everyone around Tokyo with no mistakes at all! (have I said this before? dejavu)
I’m usually terrible with directions and Tokyo train lines are infamously complicated but I cleverly deciphered all the trains correctly!
Ok except when we took a train the other one time to Harajuku. But no matter because it was the Yamanote line and the Yamanote goes in a circle anyway so you’ll always reach your destination (just maybe in a longer time)
World’s busiest crossing!
Then I had to visit Hachiko and give him a pat for good luck! Wonder why his legs are lighter than his body. Is it because everybody pats him too! *possessive WTF
Then some time and money were spent here…
Before the Wombeh yodelled for his lunch and dragged me outside.
I found this adorable little ramen shop!
I desperately wanted to eat there just so I could order by pressing buttons but it was the kind of shop with no space so you have to stand and eat and Wombeh was convinced we would get indigestion *dark
So we walked around more…
And I found this very cute shoe! Take note of it ok it was less than 2000 yen AND I SAID I WILL COME BACK AND BUY IT LATER AFTER I EAT AND I FORGOT AUGHHHHHHHHH
But we did manage to find another cosy underground restaurant to nom at.
Wombeh had udon.
Then we went supermarket shopping and terrorized this kindly old man who was selling seaweed by pointing out every single seaweed he had and asking what was the difference FHL.
But in the end we bought cans of seaweed ok yay for his commission!
Then on to Harajuku.
Our loot for the day.
On the Yamanote back to the hotel!
Obligatory scenery shot.
And here’s Wombeh fumbling around for some money..
To buy more vending machine drinks -_-
Shabu-shabu for dinner.
(you can tell I’m getting bored of writing this. Have you ever seen food blogs or travelogues on my blog? No? Well that’s for a good reason wtf)
Some appetizer jelly with meat and tofu on top.
Some meat wtf.
Ok it’s actually Wagyu beef. They had 4 grades of beef there and the higher you went, the softer the beef was and the faster it melted in your mouth.
But because we’re uneducated we actually prefered the lowest level F the shopkeeper’s L. wtf
Cooked and dipped in peanut sauce.
(captions getting shorter)
Streets of Ginza.
Wombeh finds a pet.
Where is Carmen San Diego WTF.
A Jimmy Choo window display.
Does that shoe look familiar or what!
This is what I drew on the window of our hotel room. Aud & Tim under the umbrella of love wtf.
After three days in Disney, we moved over to the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.
Imperial Hotel!!!
When Wombeh first told me where we would be staying, I thought “what Imperial hotel don’t tell me got pictures of the Emperor and chrysantemums plastered around the place” wtf cos that’s what comes to mind when I think of Japan and imperialism wtf.
Let me quote Wikipedia:
Tokyo‘s Imperial Hotel was the best-known of Frank Lloyd Wright‘s buildings in Japan. The original Imperial Hotel in Tokyo was built in 1890. To replace the original wooden structure, the owners commissioned a design by Wright, which was completed in 1923.
(er don’t look at me)
I was standing there in the lobby reading a plaque that said the hotel was built by Frank Lloyd Wright and I was wondering to myself how come that name is so familiar.
Then I realized that I had seen his name in Meiji Mura! And the Imperial Hotel itself in Meiji Mura!
When we were all studying in Kyoto, we went to visit the Meiji Mura.
Meiji Mura (博物館明治村 Hakubutsukan Meiji-mura , lit: “Meiji village” museum) is an open-air architectural museum/theme park in Inuyama, near Nagoya in Aichi prefecture, Japan. It was opened on March 18, 1965. The museum preserves historic buildings from Japan’s Meiji (1867-1912), Taisho (1912-1926), and early Shōwa (1926-1989) periods. Over 60 historical buildings have been moved and reconstructed onto 1 square kilometre (250 acres) of rolling hills alongside Lake Iruka. The most noteworthy building there is the reconstructed main entrance and lobby of Frank Lloyd Wright‘s landmark Imperial Hotel, which originally stood in Tokyo from 1923 to 1967, when the main structure was demolished to make way for a new, larger version of the hotel.[1]
Which was where we stayed! So cool right!
Here’s David with the old entrance of the Imperial at Meiji Mura.
Fml no picture of me cos by that time I was very sien and tired already and still suffering from remnants of lau sai. (Got lau sai but die die still wanted to go on this trip because everything paid for already)
Anyway the revised Imperial Hotel is beautiful! This is the view from the door of our room.
Oh and that’s a statue of Wombeh at the corner.
Ofuro! (which is Wombeh’s favorite thing in Japan besides drink vending machines)
So like everyone knows, you shower (on the right) clean clean first before you step into the bath and soak. Normal temperature usually about 40 to 42C unless you’re a devil for adventure and wanna fry your organs.
I used to not really like the ofuro because in a Japanese household everyone usually soaks in the same water and the most important or respected person in the house goes first (ie father)
My host family always asked me to use the ofuro first so the water for me would be totally clean but I was too grossed out by the thought of people’s skin flakes and dandruff in the water that I never used it T_____T
Then one day they found out I never used the ofuro despite them letting me bathe first and I don’t think they were too happy wtf.
But one day I decided to try it and it is fucking fabulous lor! Step inside all shivery and freezing from your shower and just lie there in the hot water and warm up.
When you get out you’ll be all warm and comfy all over and ready to run the marathon nekkid!
Then I got bored of taking photos of the room and started taking photos of funny commercials on TV. It’s Up!
Some ads are really weird.
This is the view from our room.
This is a restaurant we went to in Ginza for lunch.
It’s one of those small underground restaurants where you have to climb down flights of stairs to get to. Very cosy!
This is the backside of the obaasan of the restaurant wtf.
Our utensils.
This is what we had. Kamameshi! Also known as Kettle rice which is the Japanese version of claypot rice.
Kamameshi (釜飯) literally translates to “kettle rice” and is a traditional Japanese rice dish cooked in an iron pot. Similar to takikomi gohan, kamameshi is a type of Japanese pilaf cooked with various types of meat, seafood, and vegetables. By cooking it in an iron pot, the rice gets slightly burned at the bottom which adds a desirable flavor to the rice.
I am on a Wiki spree today!
I haven’t gotten photos of our kamameshi from Wombeh yet so here’s a photo stolen from um Robert J. Steiner wtf.
Then we went down to Akihabara. That’s Tim’s big love in the background wtf.
Comic books (and what looks like soft porno wtf) in a store.
Tokyo Takarazuka! Not sure whether this is the building or theatre for it but Takarazuka is an all-female musical theatre troupe and the actresses are super famous (at least among the middle aged women wtf) and they play all roles in lavish, Broadway-style productions of Western-style musicals, and sometimes stories adapted from shōjo manga and Japanese folktales.
This building was near our hotel and sometimes when we walked past, there’d be crowds of women sitting outside the building I think they were waiting for their Takarazuka idols!
Ever since I heard about Takarazuka I was dying to go watch them so last time a bunch of us went to Osaka to watch them perform!
Before the show started. (photo from 2 years back)
With Angie and Christine!
And by god it was the most boring show in the world T_________T
Maybe cos I didn’t understand also cos they spoke in quite chim old-style Japanese aih oh well experience is experience.
Then for dinner it was teppanyaki!
The restaurant (also in Ginza)
Just realized that I don’t have any of Tim’s photos from Akihabara day! 🙁
I also wanted to take him to a maid cafe in Akiba but everyone else wasn’t interested when they heard we had to pay 500 yen each an hour besides ordering food and drinks wtf.
Day 1 was quite chillz cos we woke up at 12pm and also I’m horrible at remembering to take photos 🙁
Ok that’s all (unless I get pickchas from him)
I couldn’t decide what to blog about first! Disneyland & Disney Sea? Akihabara? Hakone? More shopping?
Guess which one won?
Since my last post was already about shopping lemme just continue wtf. I took photos of the cute / interesting things I got and I feel like taking photos of Tim’s buys too but I think nearly everyone here is a girl right and can’t be bothered to look at men’s clothes wtf.
I’m sorry I’m talking so much about shopping! But I can’t get over how cute everything is and how I took all this for granted in Kyoto!! Now with only 1 week in Tokyo I bought so much to um maximize shopping cuteness and it’s just overwhelming wtf.
This is called a fukubukuro.
Japanese stores do this a lot especially around New Year’s. They package a whole bunch of stuff in one bag, seal it so you can’t peek in and sell the whole bag. And they always price it at a much lower figure than what the things inside are worth. Like the one I got was priced at 3000+ yen but the value was about 22,000 – 23,000 yen.
But the thing is, you can’t see what you’re getting before you buy so it’s a gamble! I always wanted to buy one but didn’t dare cos I’m sure they’re selling it off for such a low price for a good reason wtf but I thought ah whatever you only live once! And how often will I get to do this and got this one!
(I was deciding between this one and another fukubukuro from a lingerie store but thought this one more worth it what if I cannot fit the bra)
Anyway I got back to the hotel and faster called guest services to bring me a scissors!!
I cut the seal on the zip…
and this was the first thing I pulled out.
FML. This is possibly the fugliest thing I’ve ever bought (intentionally or not) in my life.
See through brown fabric check.
Weird corsetty thing on the front check.
Red flowers with green leaves pattern check.
Big check.
Fucking big check.
When I wore it I looked like a village girl gone wrong T_____T
But funnily enough when my mom tried it on she didn’t look bad so yay she gets a new top wtf.
Then I pulled out this very normal looking decent white sweater phewwwww. Quite simple but warm and good quality! Aih never mind even if nothing else is nice, I guess this one could be worth 3000 yen.
And then last thing in the bag! Surprisingly cute short pantsuit! Frills on the hems, gold buttons down the front and it even has a big tartan bow behind on the ass damn cute!
Fukubukuro save! ^______^
I also got Hello Kitty earphones for my Hello Kitty (encased) mp3 player! Oh this one didn’t come in the fukubukuro of course.
Strawberry Milk Rilakkuma Kitkat!
Yums I love Kitkat and this one is nearly too cute to eat.
Strawberry cheesecake Kitkat for my parents! (see packaging also not as childish)
Mother loves it though so it’s good ^____^
Domokun cell phone holder! hahahaha not from Japan intermission wtf it’s my Christmas present from Jammie <3
Pot holder thing and mechanical pencil from Disneyland.
More bottom lashes *obsessed
I swear I will look like a doll even if it kills me *shallow
Socks and stockings!
I’m a sucker for pretty packaging sometimes if the packing is too nice I don’t even wanna take the item out fml.
Liquid eyeliner. I’m always looking for very black, sharp eyeliner that won’t run and so far I fail 🙁
Gel eyeliner very good but I can’t get it fine enough.
Pencil no need to hope always smudge and run.
Most liquids I try tend to be more watery and fade after a while.
So hopefully this one works!
Pink bow for um no reason other than it’s cute.
Am obsessed with leopard print! Seriously maybe next Halloween I’ll just be a cat again since I even have ears for it. -_-
Leopard print necklace and earrings, and big fluffy white hoops!
Okok no more shopping posts. I’ve scratched the itch wtf wtf. Next one will be touristy!
Boys and Girls, I present to you…
Also known as Shibuya 109 *big shiny eyes
I promise you not all Japanese girls look like the one in the black coat wtf.
Pictures above were taken by Tim because he was quite bored and I had lost control at the sight of shops by then.
And Harajuku!
See the crowd of people in the street? Maybe because it was a Sunday but crazy! It’s like you can only take a step if the person in front of you takes one so maybe it’s helpful if everyone counts and steps in time together wtf.
Again I went crazy in Harajuku and totally forgot to take any photos of cute shops -___-
Except this one! I used to love Tutuanna when I was in Kyoto cos it’s a whole shop full of socks, stockings, leggings and any kind of er foot clothes you can think of!
Only remembered when Tim was shopping for his guy clothes -_-
This is some rock goth kind of store but surprisingly we found quite a few nice shirts!
Daiso! But no time to go in, we have Daiso in KL anyway. More pressing matters to address! wtf.
Forgive me mother for I have sinned wtf.
Got this in Akihabara! I’m always losing thumbdrives so I got myself this for sure I won’t lose this. *serious
Oh and lashes! I’ve been looking for bottom lashes forever and I finally got some!
And and a Samantha Thavasa inspired bag! Fml people buy Chanel inspired I buy Samantha Thavasa inspired. *cheapo.
But whatever it matches my wallet!
And guess what’s in this very cute bag!
(I’m so using this to bring my water bottle to office from now)
Wombeh thinks the furry orange balls are a bit weird but I like them cos they’re quirky 😀 Besides they were only 1000+ yen plus I could not say no they were begging to go home with me *compassionate wtf
Sorry I’m a lousy blogger because after that my ADD kicked in, I lost interest in taking photos and started watching tv wtf.
But I always feel better when Wombeh shops more than me <3 He got like six shirts! I kid you not wtf and a blazer and today we went shopping again and he bought another 2 shirts *relaxes WTF.
Ok maybe later when I feel like it again I’ll take more photos of best buys and blog again 😀 Honestly if you look properly and limit yourself to like 2000 yen or less a buy shopping here isn’t expensive! I’m talking about clothes and accessories I don’t know about household appliances or stuff like that wtf.
Obviously things can get a lot more expensive but even the cheap things last forever all my stuff from Japan like 2-3 years ago are still in great condition.
Ok dinner babai!
Hello from Japan!
I mean konnichiwa! wtf
I have totally not forgotten how to speak Japanese! *jumps around
Truth be told, I was damn scared before we came because as far as I knew, I couldn’t even remember how to say “Japanese” in Japanese anymore wtf and I knew everyone was relying on me to be translator!
I could feel them testing my waters too everytime there was a Japanese menu they’d ask me to read it and order *terror
And my reading sucks even more than my speaking cos I really have forgotten all my kanji T___T
And the first few times I spoke I think I sounded retarded lor! Like either I had a stutter WTF or the nerves connecting my brain to my mouth were like unusually long or something.
But now! I have recovered all my capabilities *big shiny eyes
I guess Lipton was right cos he told me I would never forget Japanese — if I didn’t use it it would just go to the part of my brain where rarely-used knowledge is stored but if you need it again it’ll come up to the forefront and you’ll be able to speak like normal again!
It’s a lot colder here than when we were in Hong Kong — I think about 10C or less, and Tim is soaking up all the cold goodness.
While I’m sucking up all the fashion I can god how did I let myself go like that! I always wear tshirts and baby doll dresses and flats when I’m not at work now but now all my dedication is revived! I will never be lazy again and accessorize properly! *ties scarf around head
We spent yesterday at Disneyland and today at Disney Sea.
Disneyland is magical and a fairytale…
but Disney Sea is just beautiful!
No time to blog much now, besides I just blogged about HK Disneyland so much people might be bored 😀
Oh and in case you haven’t noticed…
I cut my hair!!! Again -___-
God I am fickle. Luckily it only applies to my hair and not to guys *stares meaningfully at Wombeh
I think my stylist is a bit sick of me now. Cos everytime I come in, he asks hopefully “trim ah?” and I tell him “no cut it short” then when he does I regret losing my long hair and demand extensions FHL.
But I really like this cut! It’s just touching my shoulders and I curl it so it’s all messy and bouncy!
At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it just cos I wasn’t used to the length but now I think this is the best short hair I’ve had. Ok sorry if you don’t like it wtf.
Ok going off now tomorrow another day at Disneyland because we didn’t finish it the first time!
I am sick again fml!!!
This time it’s a throat infection 🙁
I’m probably being punished for running around too much on weekends, plus work as usual on weekdays so it’s all been taking a toll on me.
When I went to Phuket I was recovering from my UTI.
Week after that I went to HK and caught a cold.
Next week I went back to Penang and was still recovering from a terrible hacking cough which scared everyone in vicinity.
(except maybe Desmond who thinks that just because I’m small I’m also harmless wtf. So I think even if I have TB and cough in his face he’ll still be chill)
And now this bloody throat infection! Fever, chills and a throat so sore that sometimes when I swallow it brings tears to my eyes fml.
All over a weekend too.
Good news — or bad news, however you look at it — is that by tomorrow (Monday) I’ll probably be doing good enough to not need an MC wtf.
And I should recover! Because Tim and I are going to Tokyo this Tuesday!!!!!
Ok seriously I think I’m getting punished for traveling too much. After this Imma take a long break from trips. But not before Japan ok!!! Haven’t been back since I finished at Doshisha which was in 2007 so excited!!
Anyway to post a coupla photos in the meantime…
Got this brochure from some tuition center that bragged about all the special courses it had for kids.
WTF financial intelligence course! I don’t even know most of the things on this list *shamefaced
For sure I have no clue about the basics of banking I used to throw away my unopened bank statements when they came cos I didn’t like the numbers WTF. Don’t throw them away anymore… because I unsubscribed to them WTF.
And definitely not about Thrifty culture or Costs Management T_____T
This is even more ludicrous! What tips to avoid potential danger or emotional trauma?!
Don’t go to dark places with boys? Don’t wear skirts? Don’t leave your Coke lying around for bad men to spike? How to use your keys as a deadly weapon?
And tips to avoid sweet talkers HAHAHAHAH WTF??
Saw a worker engaging in an extremely futile activity — climbing painstakingly onto a wall and yanking out weeds wtf. Every slot is full of weeds I swear by the time he finishes one round the other end of the wall will have weeds again wtf. But let’s all admire his tenacity wtf.
Now material time! A present I got recently 😀
Bracelet with my initial! All I need are some charms to go with it 😀
This is something I got as a souvenir from HK Disneyland!
Portable makeup case! It opens and rolls out to showcase all your makeup and when you wanna shut it you just roll it back up and snap it close!
Ok fine it’s not a makeup case when I got it it was filled with magic markers wtf but it works so well for makeup! Cheaper than if I bought a real makeup case too and cuter!
A huge ass Hello Kitty bag I got from Lui Yan Kai in HK. Ringo and Wendy both got the same bag except theirs is My Melody!
I also stocked up on fake lashes (besides other kinds of eyemakeup)! I’d stopped wearing them since forever but I vow to start again wtf mainly because I don’t wanna mascara my lashes anymore. Give them a break wtf.
Yesterday (amidst a throbbing fever wtf) Wombeh and I had a photoshoot and interview for Female magazine! Behind the scene photos are courtesy of Wan Lee who’s doing a piece on interesting couples (aw shucks) (but exact angle I forgot T_T) Think the article will only be out in February though.
Setting up! Damn funny though when they were shooting they asked us to look like we were talking and laughing but we had to look at some spot NEXT to each other so our faces would be angled properly for them to take a shot of.
So it’s like… I had to laugh at a joke that the wall behind Tim was saying. And Tim had to laugh because the tree outside was making a funny face wtf.
But still very fun! I usually hate photoshoots because I’m awkward as anything and disgraceful ungraceful as hell but having Wombeh around to do it with made it a lot less painful 🙂 Thanks Wan Lee for the chance!
Oh and the grey cardigan with pink hemming I’m wearing in the photos is the one I got from HK which I thought I lost! I was damn sad cos it was like 35KHD and fucking cute! The hems are all pink and curvy and there are two pink bows on both sides of the waist. I was wearing it when we arrived back in KL and took it off cos it was too hot. I remembered taking it out from the cab with me when we got home but couldn’t find it after that. I even went out to the road to check wtf but as it turns out I think the maid just took it and gave it a wash hehehe I found it when I opened the closet and it was inside all freshly washed and pressed <3
Wah got so distracted by Disneyland I forgot I went to Phuket a few days before!
We actually hopped on a cruise to Phuket and then stayed a night there before flying back again. My first time on a cruise!
Actually I thought I went on a cruise when I was 9 with my family but turns out it wasn’t a cruise, it was just a big motorboat WTF.
This is our ship!
Actually no it’s not T____T I got so excited when we got to Port Klang that I just took a photo of the first ship we saw.
Jam asked me what AIDA stood for and I said “Association of Independent… Dumb Asses” WTF.
Some of us before boarding! June, Leefen, Jammie and See Pin.
The girls!
Why Jerry looks like he’s picking bugs out of my hair T__________T
This is on the ship! That’s a picture of our room / cabin / nest wtf.
(Jam looks like she’s growing out of Leefen’s head hahaahha)
I wasn’t sure what to expect but I think it was something along the lines of this.
Just never thought it would be so small! (and I’m a bit claustrophobic)
Jammie got seasick too poor thing she couldn’t get up from her bed T____T
But free trip I’m not complaining wtf.
Our heads could touch the top bunk! (well mine didn’t but it was close!)
Thought the sign was funny!
With See Yin! Who’s wearing my glasses! Look at the model in the background hahahaahahah. We’re on the upper deck of the ship 🙂
With Yvonne! Yvonne you’re famous! WTF.
With Celestine whose cleavage is deeper than mine fml.
A very cool-looking Jammie with her pink retro glasses.
Hahahahaha I forgot what See Yin and Jerry were doing but I just took the photo.
Jerry’s Bathing Ape shirt.
Group photo! I like this photo cos it looks like a sitcom poster wtf.
Leefen why are you like this T____________T Hshahahahahh wearing my glasses and Jam’s on top of her own.
Oh btw all the pictures with the syin.com photomark (the nice ones obviously) are stolen off Facebook from See Yin!
See Yin and his amazing Technicolor camera wtf. Hahahah Jerry and Yvonne same expression.
Jumping off into the sunset.
More of Leefen, Jam and Celestine.
The view at night. We haven’t left the harbour yet WTF. That’s the dunno office or something.
The view of the upper deck (where everybody sunbathes) at night. So pretty right! Very romantic too although the wind got a bit creepy at one point scared it blows me off the ship wtf.
The ship had an inhouse magician! He’s asked people to chain him up and he’s going to jump into the pool and then escape magically underwater!
No photos but of course he makes it tadah hip hip hurray wtf.
I hope he gets paid a lot because that can’t be comfortable..
See Yin took a picture of me taking a picture of the magician!
Me and June lounging on the deck again.
Then finally we get off the ship and into buses to head for the Sheraton Laguna! Eileen through the window hahahaha
Lee Fen and See Pin. Again Lee Fen hahahahahahahaah god why wtf.
Our super nice hotel room! Worlds away from the ship cabins wtf.
Bathroom! The bathrooms in the ship cabins were so small you could take a shit and wash your hands at the same time WTF.
And if you turned around in the shower you’d hit your elbows on the wall wtf.
Figuring out how to work the safe.
Changed and got ready to go out for dinner!
The garland of flowers the hotel staff gave to every single person who went for dinner!
It was raining (boohoo rainy season) so they provided golf buggies to take us around the hotel, to the dinner area and everything!
That’s the driver! He was asking me how long I was in Phuket for and didn’t notice Jammie climb into the front and release the break hahahahahahahaah.
Me and Yvie at dinner <3
Then next day shopping in the town! With Jammie <3
Japanese lunch!
Jammie’s glasses and her aspirin wtf.
Then time to fly home! Hahahahahah why is this person sleeping leaning on the seat in front HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I’m back from Penang!
Super tired now actually. There was a massive jam all the way back from Penang. Think it took us nearly 7 hours to get home! Not that it mattered to me cos I slept the whole way …
Somebody please explain to me why I’m sleepeh again -_-
Anyway I had to blog about this before all my anger dissipates and I become yet another customer with no backbone.
Anyway,more than a year ago I wrote this post about my horrendous experience with Firefly.
In short, not only did they delay our flight 7 frigging hours, they also lied about the rescheduled flight time as then the airport would be closed WTF.
Then they promised us a refund since we ended up taking an AirAsia flight back home. When we got home, they insulted our intelligence by denying that they ever promised us a refund, and when we blogged about the horrible experience, Firefly staff came into our blogs and further insulted us by calling us bitch etc WTF.
(how we knew they were Firefly staff was because they ignorantly left their REAL email addresses in our comment boxes -_-)
Anyway! They finally resolved the matter by giving us free one way tickets as a refund. It wasn’t cash but by then we were all too sick of it to dispute.
So this time! You’ve probably read it on Wombeh’s blog, but whatever I tell again.
My cousin’s wedding was this weekend in Penang and my parents had already left for it on Thursday morning.
I didn’t take leave so me and Wombeh decided to fly Firefly back to Penang the next day.
Ok not I decided. I was vehemently against paying them for another flight anywhere. He did because he heard that Firefly was okay. Naive boy wtf.
Our flight was supposed to be 1130am or something. Before we left for the airport, we got a message telling us that our flight had been delayed to 1245.
Wombeh said “so lucky! They tell us now so we don’t have to wait in the airport!” ^___^
I said “ya see la when we reach the airport sure got another delay one”
JINX T_____T
Sure enough, when we got there, they told us it was delayed to 220pm.
We ate lunch at one of the restaurants at the airport and waited.
Then delayed to 330pm. Then 340. (WTF?)
Then 440 WTF.
By then Wombeh was roaring and stampeding around the Firefly counter terrorizing people.
The people at the counter were so nervous they didn’t even dare to look at him when he asked them questions -____-
My cousin’s wedding was that evening! I was supposed to do registration for it!
Wombeh decided to just cancel the flight, retrieve our baggage and fly MAS.
MAS no more economy class seats so we had to take business.
Bittersweet experience because
a) very expensive wtf
b) I never sit business class before!!! Ok la sat once from Taipei to Kyoto but only because they upgraded us cos they overbooked the plane. And I was out the whole night clubbing so once I got onto the plane I fell asleep and missed the entire experience fml.
Ok business class was quite fun. But how can that make up for the anger and hopelessness we felt when we were waiting for our flight!!!
Not to mention the wasted money on taxis back and forth between airports.
I somehow think it’s a conspiracy leh. Like MAS wanted to fill up their business class seats so they delayed their Firefly flights until passengers had no choice but to fly business class wtf. SUSPICIOUS!!!
Okok paranoid.
Anyway they told us they would refund us monetarily (which is better than getting a free ticket) but only within 14 days to 2 months.
2 MONTHS?! What do you need to do — count out 1 cent a day to repay us ah wtf.
And to top it off, when we finally arrived in Penang (via MAS Business class) we looked at the Arrival board and saw that our original Firefly flight had been delayed to 8pm -____-
Poor suckers who decided to wait it out.
We also demanded compensation for wasting our time, money and for mental and emotional damages wtf and how about what we had to pay for our business class flights!!! but all they told us to do is write an email to them.
Ya sure la it will be a cold day in hell before they give us compensation.
I am not as raging this time as the last maybe because I expected this to happen. I know other people who have had no problem with Firefly but I have tried the airline TWICE and BOTH TIMES also they fucked up badly.
100% failure rate wtf.
They did apologize in the paper but no mention of refunds or compensations 🙁 Let’s just see how it goes.
But either ways maybe it’s just me like I’m damn suay when it comes to Firefly. I don’t need sex cos Firefly screws me every time wtf.
But I’m never flying it ever again! I’d rather take a boat wtf.
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