
If I were

If I were my mother I would go crazy yelling at a daughter like me to pick up her room.

If I were famous, I would be Ayumi Hamasaki.

If I were Ayumi Hamasaki, I would get Botox in twenty years.

If I were rich, I would get Botox in twenty years.

If I were President, I would ban all racial discrimination and build better schools.

If I were an inventor, I would invent the Doko De Mo Doa. Or a chair that can fly.

If I were taller, I wouldn’t be 4’9.

If I were to die, I want my coffin to be pink.

If I were an old lady, I would sit in my wheelchair and roll down the hill.

If I were a boy even just for a day, I’d roll out of bed and throw on what I wanted and go.

If I were you, I would head over here right now to join the Beyonce Top Up Contest to win a chance to catch Beyonce live in concert in Singapore on 26 September. With Black Eyed Peas on the side.

To win, just top up any amount on your Hotlink card from 24 August to 15 September 2009.

Then, just download Beyonce’s Caller Ringtone Package for RM5. Songs included are Halo, If I Were A Boy and Sweet Dreams.

The 10 participants with the highest top-ups accumulated during the contest period get to win:

• Beyoncé Limited Edition Merchandise
• Beyoncé LIVE in Singapore concert tickets for 2
• Accommodation in Singapore for 2
• Return transportation by coach to Singapore for 2

And for those of us who aren’t so lucky to get to win, you can still try your luck to get your hands on the tickets through Hotlink Bid & Win. Amongst other cool stuff up for bid, you can bid for an all expense paid trip to Singapore to watch Beyonce for 2.

Just 4 easy steps to be on your way to Singapore :
• Login or Register for your My Hotlink account here
• Click on the item you want to bid for (Beyonce is the sexy one in the black lace wtf)
• Enter your bid. Each bid costs RM0.50. Lowest unique bid wins
• Bids end after 2 weeks. Check back to see if you won!

Good luck in trying! I will be going for her concert too ^__^ thanks to the good people at Hotlink! To the south, to the south wtf.

AudCamwhore AudSocialButterfly

Wrap up to go

I feel so much better after reading everyone’s encouraging and motivational comments huhuhu T_________T

Thank you!  Ok from now on it will be a new and revived Aud!  From the dead! wtf.  I promised myself to not care about what anyone says and just do whatever makes me happy!

And what makes me happy will be blogging like I did before with lotsa stupid jokes thrown in and saying I’m cute if I think I am wtf.

Ok moving on!

We had a kind of wrap party for Project Alpha a few weeks ago at Ministry of Sound.  And also to film the ending of it I think wtf.

Me and Janice, the woman behind my face wtf.  I was very happy cos I rushed there after work and dinner with hastily applied makeup (Tim was yelling from my bed where he was playing with his Iphone: “FASTER, WOMAN, WE’RE LATE ENOUGH” wtf) and it turns out Janice & Ling were there on hand to do our makeup and hair *teary eyed

This is part of how they did my hair.  They were going to put it up but I said “cannot too bald” wtf so they settled for this.

Me and Huai Bin, who’s also in the show.

Me and Patrick wtf who’s not in it but was an enthusiastic supporter (of the drink)

And us with Redmummy who’s infinitely pleased that she’s taller than I am.  Huai Bin is always happy to stand near me too wtf but it’s no big achievement ok if you’re taller than me wtf.

With Ringo!

And Tim!  If I’m a dinosaur, he’s the dinosaur keeper.  Indiana Jones wtf.

And purty Jojo!

And my mother’s bag!  Super old and starting to disintegrate wtf.  Seriously!  The shine was coming off so she asked me to use it she thinks maybe all it needs is a human’s touch so I willingly helped her out there ^^

They were taking a long time to set up the cameras.  Must be all those drinks distracting them.

Haha I think the drinks were fake though!  The staff came in with ten different glasses of colorful liquid I think it was just to look nice on camera.

So while waiting me and Ringo took lots of pictures uhuk uhuk this makes me miss Angela T3T

Haha coincidentally we both looked at each other when taking the photo without planning beforehand!!

We thought it was amazing so we tried to do it again.

Ringo’s hand is always up there to show off her nails!  And my hands are up there to block my Adam’s apple WTF.

Seriously I am a man.  I swear to god I have an Adam’s apple T________T

Dunno what I was doing.  Ringo looks cute though~


If only I could keep up my index finger my cock eyed face would pack even more of a punch wtf.

Then filming starts!  Huai Bin downs a flaming lamborghini and sets himself on fire HAHAA KIDDING

Every candid shot someone takes, Ill always have the biggest mouth -___-

But Tim looks cute here.  Like Dug! *manjas

Then it’s a wrap!

Ok finish with a picture of the makeup they did for me.


Mental vomit

Ok here comes the vomit.  No crafting my sentences so they’re all all beautiful.  Not going to care about paragraphing or grammar even.  And everything’s probably gonna be all jumbled up.

I’m sorry that all I am these days is emo wtf.  But honestly all I feel like these days is not blogging.  It’s changed so much from when I first started blogging 5 years ago.

Actually I’ve changed.  I looked back at my entries when I was 19 and holy shit was I pretentious wtf.  Perfect English and no wtfs.  I just wanted to sound clever.  And then I progressed to sounding a little bit more Malaysian (and natural) and I think my best entries were from age 20-23.  Nothing to stop me from writing what I wanted to write — if I wanted to complain about my promiscuous neighbor, I complained.  If I stole a mail cart from the post office, I wrote about it.  If I wanted to say I think I look freaking cute today I say I look damn cute today.  I don’t know if I was writing well but I liked what I was saying and my blog represented a lot of me.

Now everything I say comes with a backlash.  If I jokingly say I’m cute, someone will say fuck no you’re old.  If I wanted to write something about work, I better look for a job elsewhere wtf.  If I’m sad, someone will happily tell me that it’s karma because I’m a homewrecking bitch.

Maybe some of it is because of Tim.  Everything I do or every success I achieve is going to be because I am in a relationship with him.  If my traffic goes up, it’s because I’m milking our relationship.  If it goes down, I deserve it.  I’ll always be known as Tim’s girlfriend (unless we break up wouldn’t you like that wtf).  Even Project Alpha — god I can’t wait to see how many insults and hurtful words people are going to come up with.  Midget, ugly, old, money grabbing whore wtf (ok sorry that was actually a description of Hee Yit Foong I read on Wikipedia wtf)

I don’t know what to do or what I want.  Ok I want to be able to blog as freely as I did before.   I don’t want to care what people say.  Sometimes I dread looking at my comments in case I find some shitty remark inside.  Or maybe it’s because I’m in a different phase of my life right now.  And I have my first real job.When it comes to work, ok that’s something that I have to deal with because it’s just not professional to talk about work on a public space.

But… I blog because I want to be heard.  And yet I don’t want people to know the person I am.  Or I do want them to know me but I’m scared.  I’m not making sense huh.  I really don’t take insults well.  Maybe I’m a people pleaser and I want everyone to like me.  Or at least not hate me wtf.  If you call me a midget or ugly or whatever it doesn’t bother me because it’s true that I’m a midget, so?  And it’s not true that I’m ugly wtf so how should that bother me?  But I do get very upset that people actually take the time and effort to come in here and write comments full of hate and trying to hurt me.  I guess it would make you happy to know that your efforts are well rewarded.

I’m not writing well anymore.  All I’m doing now is writing about events and putting up pictures.  That’s not me.  That’s maybe 10% of my life and 1% of my thoughts.  If I’m scared I wanna be able to say I’m scared.  If I put up a picture, I want to do it without wondering if someone will come and call me stupid ugly midget wtf.  But I don’t know how to get back to me again.  I wasn’t insightful or smart but I liked what I wrote.  Now I can’t even bear to re-read my posts wtf.

Suet says she loves where she’s at now because she’s connecting with all her readers and she feels good about that.  But although everyone leaves such sweet and warm comments for me, there’s no connection because what’s in my blog is nothing and I think you can see that.  Most of my thoughts and feelings aren’t included and I am very frustrated that I don’t know how to put them in.

Stop blogging? But I like writing.  Write protected posts?  If I wanted that I would write in a real journal.  Switch blogs?  Yes.  I would if I could.  Switch to an anonymous blog where I can be as nasal and blatant as I want.  But shamefully, I need the ad money that comes with fourfeetnine; without it I would be up to here in shit with my tuition loan.

Maybe someday if I were rich. I would throw away fourfeetnine and just be Aud somewhere else.

Caution: Probably the most honest I’ve ever been on my blog.  But also please take with pinch of salt because I am just writing down everything in my head and am aware not much of it is sense.


the 3rd time

I go back to the city for the first time in two years and find that everything is the same.  And yet very different.

We bypass most of Chinatown and all of the student eateries and head into quaint little restaurants tucked into side roads that I’ve never seen before.  Instead of hanging out in cafes on the street and counting out change to pay for their drink, we go to eat steak and everyone fights to pay the bill.  I recognize all the restaurants and buildings but everything’s different now that I’m an adult.

We go out of the city to see kangaroos and feed wombats.  Charlotte, David and Grace’s baby cries in the car and for once, I don’t mind. Go to watch Australian football with beer and a meat pie.

I tell people that I can’t remember how to get around the city though I’ve been here twice before.  I don’t expect this, I don’t remember remembering, but in actual fact, every time I pass a familiar building or shop, I get a hard bitter feeling in my stomach.  So many memories here and the strongest ones are unhappy.  This is where he sat next to her and teased her with me sitting opposite.  This is where he sat next to me but exchanged secret looks with her across the table.  This is the club he carried her out from when she was passed out drunk and left me to carry her purse.  This is the street we walked on because he said he wanted to make it up to me after weeks of neglect, but ran off halfway to work, leaving me to find my way home.

So I take it out on the person who never deserved it.  I stiffen when he makes a joke and blink back tears if he doesn’t sit next to me.  He is going to hurt me too.  IHe’s going to do the same to me.  I am paranoid as hell now because before I dismissed my fears.

Same city, but different.  Different shops, different food.  Different company, a different older me.  And I have to remind myself, a so very different him.

AudCamwhore AudSocialButterfly

Project Alpha Day 2

For some reason, listening to Bei Ji Xue by Kelly Chen always brings me back to sitting on the bus to Amherst, staring out of the window at the frost and thinking pensive thoughts (and also hating the long bumpy ride out).


And for some reason, taking days off always makes me feel guilty T_______T


Anyway today is about how glad I am that I have a day job wtf.

I had lots of fun shooting my Project Alpha segment!  It was very fun and glam running all over the place pretending to be famous.  And the best part was definitely the makeup artists Janice and Lin T3T God how I loved having someone spoil me and let me just sit down while they do my makeup and hair and keep fluffing my hair, powdering my nose whatever the whole day *big shiny eyes

This is the life wtf.  *stretches toes

But aihhh I am just not cut out for it.

I smile too much, laugh too loud, speak too quickly and fidget too much to look presentable on camera.

If you stick a camera in my face and ask me to pose, I freeze and put up two fingers in a peace sign.

If you push a big conspicious microphone in my face, I stare at you blankly.

There’s always threads trailing below my skirt and my bra strap is always showing wtf.

Aih especially the fidgeting!  I learned in a Presentations Skills class that the more you fidget, the younger you look.  No wonder people think I’m a kid!  It’s not my face because apparently I look old wtf, it’s my fidgeting (and height wtf)

So.  No celebrity life for me.  Thank you god for letting me have a job that doesn’t require looking good wtf.

But fun while it lasted!

Day starts off nice and early.  However, I am not nice when it’s early wtf.

Makeup artists my loves!  That’s Janice trying to improve my face wtf.

And that’s also a pink heart to cover my modesty.

Tim gets his face put on too.

The crew sets up the lighting and stuff diligently.

Rambo takes a nap (and by the looks of it, has a nightmare)

A light gets set up outside Ooib’s room.  Yes everyone!  This is Ooib’s door.  He has a picture of Roy Keane, an MU plaque, and his name spelled out in bright wooden letters wtf.

Another view of Ooib’s door and the light.

Me and Tim with our faces put on properly, with Jojo and Janice and Ling the makeup gods.

Jojo touches me inappropriately WTF hahahaah no la she’s helping me to put on my mic.

I water some plants !!!!!!

Seriously.  I have never watered any plants in my entire life and Jojo asks me to stand outside and water plants until they drive up to my house.  My mother won’t be able to believe her eyes wtf.

So I totter around with the watering can a bit.  I’m surprised that so much water pours out of it and even more surprised when the water runs out.

I can’t figure out how to turn on the garden tap and hastily asks one of the crew to help me fill up the can in the kitchen.

Then when he darts out with a filled can, the van drives up and he ruins the scene.

And we have to do it all over again wtf.  And that’s what filming is like!

Then we head off to Pyramid to er meet Jam and Latat and have lunch with them.  Jammie gets her makeup done!

I bump into a friend I haven’t seen since high school and feel very awkward when he asks why I’m standing next to a big film light *sheepish

Jojo gets hers touched up too.

I have diarrhea throughout the day and have to keep running off to the bathroom.  But I manage to take pictures of myself too wtf.

We get briefed by Micheal to walk down Asian Avenue.  Everyone stares at us like we’re aliens and Tim is very fascinated by the boom (big furry mic hovering over us)

During our break, the makeup artists and I take pictures to fill time.

How they did up my eyes!  My own makeup skills actually really suck because I don’t know how to do anything except basic light shadow, eyeliner and mascara *sad

They keep touching up my hair and makeup so I always look fresh!  Actually at this point I am ready to drop off to sleep at any second because I’ve been up since 6 and have been running all over.

The worst part of my day (and life) occurs.  Jojo drags me to the Hitz FM studio to do an interview with Adam C and also to *deep shaking breath* take over his role and pretend to be a radio DJ.

The whole time my face stays like this.  Eyes and mouth wide open wtf.  When Adam or Jojo speak, I stare at them in awe and admiration.  When they ask me something, I stare at them in fear and blankness T_______T

We are on air !!!! I go crazy with fear.

I wasn’t so bad on camera.  But there’s something about the big microphone pushed towards me on radio that pushes me over the edge wtf.

I think I can even do public speaking better than bloody radio!   Especally since I thought we were recording this for future use or something and I don’t realize we’re live until halfway through T______T

Jojo & Adam C are of course fantastic at it wtf.  Tim is too because he’s eloquent like that even though he hates the sound of his voice *nods

Thankfully the interview is pretty short — but not short enough wtf.  Adam C shows me and Tim how they edit conversations so there’s no awkward pauses or stuttering or anything remotely ordinary like that.

Then it’s over!  I thank Adam C, thank Jojo and Michael and the crew, thank my baby, and thank god wtf.


Fairest of em all

You know how I used to be super ugly as a kid?

Flat, skinny, buck toothed, huge thick glasses and dark.

And thank goodness I changed. Grew some boobs, got braces and contacts and discovered the beauty of shade and sun protection products.

Of all the differences mentioned above, staying fair is the most consistently demanding of all. I wasn’t born naturally fair skinned and I’m obsessed to the point of obsession with having delicate fair skin.

Now this is the most basic of basic of my sun protection products.

My trusty umbrella.

Very versatile, can be used as a prop in photos.

As a study aide (I was truly writing my thesis under that umbrella ok)

And of course, protection from the sun.

Got so many varieties of umbrella I’ve used over the years.

But truthfully, umbrellas are the least sufficient of sun protection products.

What you really need are things like sunblock and whitening products with UV protection and stuff. (all of which I use regularly hoho)

Olay is trying to educate people about the importance of protecting your skin. Olay Natural White is a cream that is filled with vitamins to feed your skin so fairness can come from within.

They’ve come up with a game where you go around Paris collecting vitamins (and racking up scores) to win Iphones, Sony Cybershot cameras and Olay Natural White products.

Register and log in to the game and you’ll find yourself…

In Paris!
There’s a shopping mall, a club, the supermarket, a park, a restaurant and even the Metro for you to explore.

There’s even a Giant hypermarket there! If you click on it, a window opens up and offers you a RM2 discount off Olay Natural White cream (20g) you buy.

Anyway, you get to play games in all the different locations and collect your vitamins.

My favourite one was the club! The game was basically Bejeweled (my favourite online game EVER), but instead of jewels I had to arrange cocktails into rows to win.

The one I failed at miserably was the DDR one. I was in the park and I needed to do some aerobic DDR to keep fit but I am so bad at this! Plus my keyboard wasn’t sensitive T_T

After every game you need to apply those vitamins to your face again to replenish after getting dark (whole day out in the sun ok what do you expect!!)

Freckles and tanned skin be gone!

Couldn’t find my scoreboard except at the bottom of the game.

Have fun playing yourself! Spent like 2 nights playing it and still couldn’t get into the list of Top Scorers *dark face

Kidding! With all the skincare I use how can my face be dark HAHA funny.

Oh and I tag to do this:



Fight for my Kitkat

AHEM I am making a community service message here.

KitKat is… your dream come true wtf.

That is, if your dream is to travel to any of these destinations – Australia, Canada and the States to watch your favourite artistes live in action. All expenses paid!

Zat’s right, you can win MTV Featured Artist Concert tickets – all expense paid trips to concerts around the world – for 2!

Looking at the time period right now, you get to watch…

U2 in the USA
Kelly Clarkson in Canada (ANGELA LUO IN CANADA TOO)
Black Eyed Peas in Australia

Other prizes include Ipod Shuffles and music CDs!

What you have to do?

1. Buy a KitKat (stealing is a sin wtf)

(let me say that I got into a fight with the biggest most obnoxious woman in the world just for my Kitkat and to write this community message but that is a story for another day)

2. Make sure your Kitkat bar stands a chance to win you your concert tickets! (check to see if the sticker is there at the corner)

3. Open it to check if you win!

You know I really feel like killing myself.

When Carol told me about this contest, I went out and got myself a Kitkat right away. I checked for the contest sticker and everything.

And then I tore open the wrapper, ate the Kitkat AND THREW AWAY THE WRAPPER. WITHOUT CHECKING IF I HAD WON.

So the next day I went out to buy another bar of Kitkat.

And at the store was where I had the misfortune of bumping into the very mean and fat woman and quarrelling with her T______T

So I flounced out of the store and into another one to get my Kitkat. And in my anger (cos Kitkat is actually the only chocolate I’ll ever eat) I ATE MY BAR AND THREW AWAY THE WRAPPER AGAIN.

Just kill me la T____________T

Oh wait sorry I misunderstood the contest mechanics WTF.

It says here in the T&C also found here :

In order to win a Contest prize, you must purchase any participating packs of NESTLÉ KIT KAT® products with the on-pack Contest promotional sticker which may contain the‘Winning Mock KIT KAT® Bar’ (“Winning Bar”).

If you have a Winning Bar, please call the hotline number stated on the Winning Bar by 28 August 2009 (during Mondays – Fridays from 10am to 5pm excluding public holidays to obtain a replacement KIT KAT® product of the same value and to win the Contest prize.

In order to win the respective Contest prize, you are required to answer correctly a simple Contest question, within the given time period.

Oh well I guess it’s pretty obvious to tell if you’ve won. Because the Winning Bar is not real chocolate so clearly I did not win. Or if I did, it means I ate plastic wtf.

Anyway I am not going to give up!

Tomorrow Imma try again. But remember, contest is open only until 28 August!

AudCamwhore AudSocialButterfly

Project Alpha I

So happy!

I’ve had a really strenuous week — in more ways than one wtf but now it’s over!  We had a final project for our training so we were staying late at work and coming back to work on weekends but now we’re finally done!  And we won Best Big Idea for our presentation too so yay Jayne, Cheryl, Jennie, Yoke Thin and Chris!  We can all die happy now wtf.

Anyway!  Strenuous in more ways than one!


I went to the gym T_____T

I was forced to!  Why else would I go.  In my defense, I was bribed with makeup and hair artists wtf.

A picture of reluctance wtf.

Ok I cheered up a little…

But then they put me on weird terrible machines T_____T

I soon found out I was lying the wrong way wtf.

Kenny getting his makeup done teehee wtf.  I guess everyone knows why now…

Treasure chest.

The crew!

Rambo and I forgot the other guy’s name setting up the cameras.

Me and Ringo!

All of us.  hahahahaha look at Michael’s face priceless!  Ringo, Tim, me, Jojo & Kenny.

Me and Tim.

All this for Project Alpha!




That’s me being smug.

Procter & Gamble Malaysia Sdn Bhd has so nicely given me their new foundation to test and review!

Love getting products to test and talk about! heartEspecially if they’re from Anna Sui!heart

Anna Sui had this to say on this season’s cosmetics:

“I wanted the beauty look to complement the fashion, as always, so this season the skin was a big focus. I really liked that the girls looked young and fresh. This season I preferred having the girls look beautiful and natural, so not wearing too much makeup was a key point. Base makeup served a big purpose, as it always does, because the skin had to have a flawless finish.”

And according to super alpha power makeup artist Pat McGrath,

“All women want a foundation that delivers flawless natural- looking coverage. Makeup artists have the same desire, to find a foundation that makes the complexion naturally beautiful and flawless with a moisturizing effect that mimics young skin.

Everyone wants the look of flawless skin without a lot of coverage. As a makeup artist, I’m constantly searching for the ideal foundation, one that makes skin look naturally perfect & moist like young healthy skin.”

This is the foundation:

It’s part of the Anna Sui Fall 2009 product range and it’s called the Anna Sui Moisture Rich Fluid Foundation.

The bottle itself *awe

The Anna Sui Fall collection also includes the products below:

Anna Sui Moisture Rich Foundation Primer

Loose powder

And Treatment Mist.

The bottle of foundation itself *awe

This foundation is supposed to give a natural yet flawless finish to the face while still providing moisture, since it is made from botanical extracts with the goodness of anti-oxidants and UV protection.

Anna Sui Moisture Rich Base Makeup contains 5 botanical ingredients including raspberries (50% higher antioxidant activity than strawberries) and ten times more than tomatoes.

Anyway yesterday I woke up and decided to try out the foundation.

Sometimes I really wonder if it’s worth putting up photos of my bare face on my blog.

(also changed from my pajamas into a tshirt because pajamas are too ugly)

Did my usual cleanse, tone, moisturize and apply sunblock routine.

Macro shot of my face shows you all its flaws T_T Freckles, veins on cheeks, dark circles you name it. Also my skin tends to be a little bit on the dry side.

Now, it’s recommended that before you apply foundation, you should always apply a base or primer to protect your skin and to give your foundation an even, clean finish.

But I don’t *shifty eyed. I don’t really like using foundation because I haven’t been able to find a foundation that isn’t too harsh and dry for my skin. I usually use BB cream because it’s less drying and I don’t use a primer for that!

Anyway primer should be your new best friend!

Next comes on the foundation.

I put it on with my fingers and surprisingly it was even more watery than BB cream! Not watery as in it was dripping off my face but very moist! Had no problem rubbing it into my skin and it blended very well to produce a natural smooth looking finish 😀

I also tried on some Anna Sui Eye Color Accent B that I got.

I think Accent B means “Bright” in Anna Sui language.

Ok I somehow still look like a tool with makeup on.

Ok a better photo of the foundation. And also the eyeshadow!

The Eye Color Accent B worked better when I layered it bit by bit. Also, it can be used to add on to existing eye color or as a highlighter to make brighten eye make-up for glamorous nights out.

So does the foundation deliver?

Yes. It didn’t make my skin cakey (like all the other foundations I’ve tried) or flakey (HAHA IT RHYMES). In fact, I think it gave my skin sort of a glow and my face remained moisturized for the whole day I had it on.

No photoshop too!

Actually I downloaded Photoshop to try edit some of my photos. I wanted to Anna Sui-fy my photos to be all purple and black (Annasui colors) since I DON’T HAVE ANY PURPLE CLOTHES.

And this was the only photo I managed to edit.

*deng deng

I suck so bad T_T But my brushes were still quite appropriate right! Anna Sui said this year’s Fall collection is

“all about the details; rich in embellishments and abounding in interesting techniques. There are lace-overlays, fluttering silk georgette flowers, military soutache embroidery, Pére-Lachaise jet beading, patent leather arabesques appliquéd on silk velvet. There are loads of velvet ribbons, embroidered Chinese ribbons, ribbon fringe, chenille fringe, venise zig-zag lace trim, silk-cord frog closures and embroidered “jewels” strung in their embroidered gold settings.”

Well I got some of it right!1!

Some other pictures of my flawless finish *smug

Okay so maybe this is the other photo I photoshopped. -____-

Anyway the Anna Sui Fall 2009 Moisture Rich collection will be out in makeup counters this August so go check it out 🙂


What I got in the mail

Super super tired!  Had a week that felt like it would never end, and a weekend (that didn’t feel like a weekend) jampacked with work, training, adverts and Project Alpha which I will blog later when I actually have the time!

This is what I got in the mail!

A package from my soulmate <3

Sent on behalf of her anyway, technically it was Sonohito who sent it.

She got me a pink Stanford tshirt!  Because that’s where she’s headed this fall and she insisted that I wear the shirt no matter what even if it’s only to sleep.

So I wore it to the gym (gym! me!)  -_-” More on that later.

A close shot of the tshirt (and me OHOH)

She also got me a vibrating penis -________- Dildo but not dildo wtf.  It’s a pink round cuddly meat & 2 vegs with a string attached and if you pull it it vibrates.  Baby’s the hand model for this picture *snigger

She’s always like that!  Last time she got me this mug which said “For My Best Friend” on the outside and I was very touched and happy when I got it….

…until I saw there was a long ugly ceramic penis shaped thing inside sticking out from the bottom T__________T

And navel rings!  Both pink, 1 is a crown like a princess’s and the other’s a heart.

Thanks for the care package babie T3T Yours is coming soon but yea I will probably have to send it to your Stanford address = = *fail.

I also received this!

I am a Friend of UNICEF!  A letter from them, much to my relief because it means I didn’t get cheated !!!

(I signed up to send some money to UNICEF every month for their efforts but using Fat Her’s credit card WTF and he was quite suspicious and not very happy about it wtf but this certificate proves that this thing is for realz *relief)