Time for another AudEveryday post which just means a random collection of pictures from everywhere that have been taken recently.…
Category / AudEveryday
Oh my god!!!!! It has been too long. God Imma sound like a parrot wtf but because I update my…
Wah actually I don’t know what to blog about but old habits die hard wtf. Everyday has been kind of…
My title says it all. So the confinement auntie went home. I was actually quite sad cos I quite liked…
So last night I fed Fighter his bottle and because he drank a bit more than he does usually, the…
This morning I took Fighter to the hospital for his eye checkup. As a preemie he’s susceptible to eye problems…
The other day I was walking in Midvalley (heading to Mcds if you must know wtf seriously they should just…
More pregnancy updates! Yesterday I woke up and it hit me that I am 6 months now. D: And we…
This post is super cheat one cos it’s just gonna be a carbon copy of Qiu’s Qweekly. *looks around furtively…
A bit missed it actually since my memory is horrifyingly getting even worse. I don’t even remember saying things I…