I’ve honestly been cooped up at home/hospital for a little less than three months thanks to the preeclampsia, then confinement…
Category / AudBaby
So how is this Fighter? He’s okay, although I’m not even sure if he notices he’s out of the hospital…
Hunny I’m home! We’d kinda known for a few days that we could bring him home today but we…
I don’t normally bother with haters/trolls/online assholes because none of what they say usually affects me. Say I’m ugly? You…
Here’s a compilation of the cuuuuuutest photos of Fighter we took recently. And if you’re wondering, yes I’ve become that…
I’d like to pretend I’m special and unique and all but let’s face it, my biggest #firstworldproblem like every other…
My #OOTD most of the time now – pajamas. With bra inside cos I’m very scared of sagging boobs HAHAHA.…
Wendy once asked me what all the things attached to Fighter were. So I thought, okay maybe I’ll blog about…
HUNNY I’M HOME!!! Two days ago, the doctor decided I was showing enough progress to be discharged! My BP is…
Taking up from where I left off, the five days or so after I delivered Fighter was quite an emotionally trying…