
Nurse Aud is quite useless

Ok I’ve given up Project 365 quite officially.

But I’ve gotten into the habit of whipping out my camera at opportune moments (just not everyday) so maybe I’ll keep posting random photos from random days!

A rose hair tie from Singapore!  I got it because I don’t have any yellow hair accessories while I have a lot of yellow clothing.  Not like I wear stuff in my hair a lot anyway but I’ve decided I will because I have long hair now!

1-2 weeks ago I got this in the mail!  A very sweet card from Suet WHO HAS NEVER BOUGHT ANYONE A CARD BEFORE but who saw this and thought it reminded her of me T____________T

Last week our building had a blackout and since I had nothing to do (no computer how to do work!) I decided to not waste time and take a nap wtf.

But hurriedly woke up when I realized everyone was doing work!  Jerry was still on the phone…

And so was Yvonne while June was clearing all the shit on her desk dammit hate hardworking people wtf.

Oh yea so Tim was sick right!  His fever keeps coming back although it’s not very high dunno what’s wrong with him it could be swine flu!  Or dengue?  Or meningitis CHOI TAI KA LAI SI NO I WAS JUST JOKING GOD

So anyway I tried to take care of him…

And he was obsessed with his temperature!  He had an electronic thermometer which he would put into his mouth every 10 minutes and I would have to take and wash every time he did that…

“Oh no baby I’m 37.3 degrees!”

“……and now 37.2! ”

Got slightly annoying wtf.

Anyway I got curious about his fascination with the thermometer and decided to try it on myself.

And I got a 36.4 (!!!!)

Tim laughed at me and said this is because I’m a cold person which is true because I am one of the most unemotional un-manja/un-sa jiao girls I know T_____T

And then the next day i tried again…and got 35.9 WTF HOW CAN I am officially a reptile.

Anyway hello this is Nurse Aud (with just woken up hair).  No nurse uniform but I’m wearing my most favorite tshirt in the world I am like this!  I hardly wear tshirts but I always have a favorite tshirt (which of course changes in time) and I tend to wear that over and over again (until it gets old and I switch favorite tshirts)

I can never recreate the hair of my Glory Days again (pictures taken while I was bored and Tim was asleep.  Was not shirking nurse duties wtf)

Nurse Aud says, Hospital Rule #1!  Always wash your hands with soap wtf.  (Tze can you see the La Senza pajama shorts you got me wtf)

Poor thing see him so sick:( Usually I’m the one who’s always sleepy and the last to get out of bed but now he gets tired like an hour after waking up shit typing this suddenly makes me feel even more worried why ar seriously what is wrong with him !!

Um sorry to post this picture after the very serious picture of Tim ill but I was just so happy I found my aircon remote control!

It’s hot as Hades now ok wtf and I was seriously considering sleeping in the living room for the aircon if I didn’t find my remote control for my room.  But I did!  Under a pile of cardigans I think god is giving me a sign.  Which is to clean my room wtf.


Nurse Aud

1. Tom yam gave me diarrhea yesterday

2.  Supposed to go to Phuket this weekend but Tim was sick.

3.  Tim recovered this morning and I decided we should celebrate by going to Red Box with Jam and Latat.

4.  Tim’s fever and chills came back and he had to huddle under the covers for warmth 🙁 So Red Box is off too.

5.  Nurse Aud is here! wtf



edit: can i turn this into a tag?  i tag everybody who wants to do this do to a ___volution post and then send me the links i wanna see!

You know what I noticed!

About 80-90% of commenters who leave mean comments (whether about me or Tim)… are male. =0

So that means…. either women are not the petty ones… or mean people just like to identify themselves as men wtf.

Anyway ever since I was like 17 or 18 I’ve gotten quite a few comments asking me whether I got plastic surgery WTF.

The other day someone left a comment, so sure that I had plastic surgery that he asked me “why didn’t I blog about it”


But I didn’t get it and I thought he thought hair extensions = plastic surgery and I laughed but it turns out he’s very serious and he says he’s 100% sure that I did!  Because I look totally different now compared to the photos of me from 2005 especially “at the eye” wtf.

Well let me tell you that if I hadn’t changed physically over the years I woulda been screwed wtf.

Lemme show you what I mean!

AudCamwhore AudRubbish AudVanity

The eye

Okay you know how I mentioned I was going to the doctor?

No I’m not sick!  But I’ve been having some problems with my contact lenses 🙁

I wear the enlarging contacts.  You know the ones that basically make your eyes look like anime? (Now you know my secret!  That and lash extensions)

So anyway recently my contacts have been acting very weird.  Specifically the left eye.

After having the contacts on for a while, my left eye contact will start migrating upwards!

And then it will stay forever under my upper eyelid WTF.

The other day we saw Nicole and her boyfriend for lunch and I think she was judging me!

Of course la wouldn’t you judge someone who’s contact lens was moving upwards wtf.

Some more I didn’t know at first.

Then I was talking to her and she screamed “OMG what’s wrong with your eye?!?! There are two pupils” WTF FML.

Like this wtf.

Pupil is 2 small dots.  Black shadow on top is my contact lens stuck up there wtf.

So I had to spend an entire lunch carrying out intelligent-sounding conversation with one eye closed =(((((((

So I quickly went home and removed my contact lens.  Cos I was going to the Heineken Night in Rome event later (more on this later, still don’t have pics of it) and I wanted to have my eyes rest before I went out again.

Then at night!

Two hours after I put them in!

My eye started feeling weird again.

And I had to go to the portable loo to take off my contact fml.

And spent the whole night looking like this wtf.

I couldn’t take out both cos if I did I wouldn’t be able to see!  What if VIP came up to me and I couldn’t recognize them!

Jam said I looked cockeyed ='((((((

And I had to close one eye to see anything clearly.

Anyway I made Tim bring me to the doctor about this.

Son of a bitch pulled out my lash extensions !!!!!! (doctor I mean)

No la he was very nice!  Cos he pulled up my eyelid to check (turns out I have some allergy on my eyelid and my eyelid got bumpy and the friction is what’s pulling my contact lens upwards) and I knew he was going to do that!

I didn’t wanna sound so vain so I said “er can you not pull my lashes because it hurts” but actually it’s not that it hurts it’s just that I didn’t want him pulling out my extensions!

Then he said “ok don’t worry” and proceeded to drop anesthetic into my eyes (which stung)

And the anesthetic went into my nose canal I think and down my throat and I was bitter for the next hour or so (pun intended wtf)

But anyway he managed to pull my eyelid without touching my lashes but some still came off, and when I said “hey doctor my lashes!” he said “sorry sorry I’m very sorry about this” hahahahaha so cute!

But still my lashes :((((( And I will be wearing glasses for at least a week sighhhh so if anybody sees me around with glasses just pretend not to recognize me ok! wtf.  And next time you see me without glasses, we can have a fresh new start wtf.

Ok some leftover pictures from Project 365 which I have unofficially abandoned HAIH because things got too hectic the past couple of weeks.

Received a box of chocolates from Cartoon Network the other day!

HAHA what could it be??

Calendar! Haha so cute

Dior had a clearance sale so I stocked up on skincare.

The view when I trudged to get Macdonald’s for dinner one of those nights I was working late.

Some pics I stole off Facebook from Night in Rome!  Jean, Kim, Racheal and Tim.

Yes great Latat.  Put all the focus on the Champions League logo!  With Li Xiu, Jammie and her new haircut <3

With my ho wtf jai ho wtf.

Hello!  Recent picture of me.  Do you notice anything different!

See again! Give you a clue: Hair today gone tomorrow WTF.

I feel so much like my old self again T__________T With hair that I can style and curl T_______T

Ever since I cut my hair I’ve felt that I was incomplete T3T  I’d do my makeup and put on my clothes but I’d still think I looked too casual as though there was something I’d forgotten to do and that my outfit wasn’t finished wtf.

So I decided to cut it even shorter thinking it would be more interesting.  And even though it was a perfectly nice cut, the minute I looked in the mirror I hated my adventurous and impulsive self wtf.

So…  shortest short hair span ever.  God bless extensions.


A Day at the Mall with Panasonic

Ok here’s something to dispel all that negativity.

So you know the super exhausting day I had a long time ago? When I slept until 830 pm and tried to screw Earth Hour? wtf

Well it was because me, Tzia, Shin Yee, Karen & Pam were all invited by Panasonic to join a photo taking contest (of all things seriously god seriously have you seen my photos)

It was called “A Day at the Mall with my Lumix G1” and what we had to do was compete against each other in an Amazing Race type of contest to finish as many photo taking tasks as we could in the time they gave us and whoever finished the tasks and took the best photos would win a Lumix G1.

Ze camera.

Ok I know nuffin about cameras but they told us this model is the lightest of all Interchangeable lens camera in the market.

Truthfully I was dreading it. (not to mention I had a extraordinarily bad hair day)

Lemme say it again: I know nothing about cameras! Much less DSLRs.

When they first handed us the cameras to experiment with, this came out:

Hello Karen!

And then this.

Told you I look like shit!

Bad hair day so I had to pin up my bangs and look like flowerhorn T___________T

But this guy (his name is Loo Mix Wan WTF ok la don’t need to laugh stupid joke) walked us through how to use the camera it turned out to be not as bad as I feared.

Apparently it’s some new-generation digital interchangeable lens camera so it’s as easy as using a normal digicam but with lots better photo quality. And it also features iA (Intelligent Auto) mode which i think adjusts the settings of the camera to fit the lighting or place or whatever which is good for l33t n00bs like me (actually I dunno what l33t means but I just wanna fit it in can or not)

Anyway, the camera has a swivelling mechanism on the screen for easier camwhoring (like Angela’s camera!) Better photo of Karen.

Shin Yee.

*refusing to put a photo of Tzia because she’s so tall and pretty I look like Mrs Baggins next to her (no la I dunno why I don’t have a picture alone with her I thought I did!  can you send me a pic of us Tzia!)

All of us.  Shin Yee, Karen, Tzia, Pam, me.

Tested out my Lumix G1 on nearby unsuspecting cameras. I just pointed and shot and I got the blurry background effect already!

Loo Mix Wan also showed us this waterproof camera. Got curious fish lurking around his hand. Curiosity killed the fish ok wtf.

Then we all practiced setting up tripods and stuff.
That’s Tzia!

And then off we went to take photos around Sunway. That’s my photo of the model Twin Towers in the concourse.

And my photo of the world’s largest tv screen. That’s what the tripod was for – so I could take cheesy shots of myself too nyehehe.

The Lion outside Pyramid.

The deer outside Sunway Hotel.

And this is my funny idea of an artistic shot HA HA wtf. I had to take a photo of the Panasonic event at the concourse below me and I took a picture of the railing instead I’m quirky like that.

And then we had to take a motion shot of people ice skating! As in our aim was to capture them clearly while everyone else was blur. But I didn’t know I thought all i needed to do was take a photo of someone there.
So i tried to take photos of people falling down WTF.

The guy squatting midway is actually just getting up from his tumble *guilty

There was also a beauty appliance section in the display so I took a photo of myself before.

And myself after. No difference except face is more annoying and hair is curled a bit.

Pictures of the concourse areas.

One of the games they had at the event! (pic also taken by tripod and timer) They filled a big glass box with money and turned on the fan and we had to grab as many notes as we could.

I got 2 bucks wtf.

Another tripod timer shot of myself playing… some racing game on Playstation.

The sales guy said “why are all girls so bad at driving” ARE YOU SPEAKING TO ME SERF

The iA mascot and me (tripod and timer)

Then we got to have lunch! At Raku Zen yummmmmmm

Me and Pam.

Who won first prize! The camera!!! I haven’t gotten a chance to look at her photos yet but Shin Yee and Tzia said they were amazing so I hope she posts them up soon.

So she has the camera now to play and enjoy. Which is very good actually because she was using her phone all this time to take photos. How did she develop such skillz then!

Tried to take artistic shot again but failed. I guess if the judges read this they know they made the right choice T3T

Feckin ell look at those eyebags. This was after a whole day of crawling about in the sun to take the outdoor shots. Anyway the tag says “proud to be a blogger”

This post was brought to you by Panasonic and..

HAHA! Always wanted to say that!

Thank you Panasonic for effectively crippling me wtf but I had fun!  The end.

AudAngry AudEmo

what really happened


Okay I have to clarify things.

Actually, no I don’t really.  None of the 3 people involved in this — Tim, Angela and I — really have any obligation to make ourselves clear to anyone.  But since I’ve chosen to make my life public by writing a blog, this is what I have decided to do.

I am very amazed and saddened by the things that have been written in the comments in the last post.  Since when was it okay to insult and make fun of people, not only towards Tim but against others in the comments?

Here’s what really happened.

I had a pretty tough week at work; a couple of things happened to make me upset and I had no time at all to blog.  So I gave Tim the password to my blog and told him to put in a new entry so I could have something to read and look forward to by the end of the week.

It’s always been a long-running joke between Tim and Angela about who is my true soulmate — it’s something that Tim always disturbs Angie about.

Some people never find their soulmate ever in their lives but I think that I am lucky enough to be blessed by two.  A soulmate is supposed to be one special person meant for you but I think in Tim & Angela I’ve found mine.  Tim because he could be meant for me (but I don’t wanna jinx it wtf), and Angela because it’s as though there was a piece of clay in heaven 24 years ago which was supposed to make one girl but god chopped that clay into half and made two.

So Tim and Angela have always had play arguments on who wins and gets to be my soulmate.

And when I asked him to write a post, he came up with that entry to tease Angela more.

Yes, of course it was a joke.  If it wasn’t he wouldn’t have admitted it was him in the end.  He wouldn’t have said okay Angela wins.  And if he didn’t know how much Angela meant to me he wouldn’t be able to describe our friendship so well in the first paragraphs.

The unfortunate thing was, he wrote it too seriously that everyone took it for real including Angela.  I knew from the start when I read my own blog that it was a joke because duh I didn’t write this.  But maybe it wasn’t clear to people out there.

Another thing was he had horrible timing because Angela is going through a tough time but I thought her life is her own business and I didn’t tell anyone including him.  I really really wish that I could be there for her in Canada now but I can’t so right now we’re both missing each other a lot right now.  So when this happened I guess she really took it seriously. Sorry babie that I have to say in public that you are going through a tough time right now that’s why you were affected so much by it. 🙁

So that’s the story.  It may have been childish of him but it has been joked about for months now just that it went overboard this time.

This should be between us only but Angela has made it clear that she knows it was a joke and Tim has apologized to her after realizing that she was seriously upset.

But I was just very upset by the things that some of you said.  He was wrong to take the joke so far but who of us have not made mistakes or said anything wrong or hurtful in their lives?  Please just think about that for a minute.  He was harsh in writing that but I think a lot of the comments were far worse.

I myself have often thoughtlessly said things that hurt the people closest to me but I was lucky that they loved me enough to forgive me.

I wish for the sake of all 3 of us that none of this has happened but it has.  And this is something I blame myself for because I brought this upon myself and my loved ones by choosing to put my personal life into a blog.


Dear Angela

This is a serious post so there are going to be no wtfs and no fmls.


Dear Angela,

I’ve been feeling the need to talk to you about this for a long time but I could never muster the courage to say this to you in person. So since I know you read my blog every day, I’ve decided to write it here instead.

We have in our history so many years together. I remember when met in Mount Holyoke. How it was a big relief and refreshing sight to see a girl like you in the college I was about to spend 4 years of my life in. Just like the rest you were a little quirky, but in the kind of way that I am myself.

You made the 4 years of my life in Mount Holyoke a joy! Everything from being the best room mate I could ever ask for to even the best travel buddy going with me from Miami to Vancouver to Thailand and Taiwan. You were also always there for me in my relationships ups and downs (except for that one time but you came back soon after and made it up to me). I love how we’re alike in so many ways and yet different others. It is no wonder that for years I have referred to you as my soulmate.

I look back at those memories with a smile on my face. Today I am back in Malaysia working hard in an average job and living the working life of a city girl in KL. We’ve been apart for almost a year now and I don’t know when I will ever see you again but there is good news. As you know, I’ve met Tim and today we share a happy relationship. Just like you, Tim today can make me laugh and make me cry. Also just like how you were with me, today I see Tim almost every day making him a very important part of my daily life.

I hope Tim and I end up somewhere good some day and I’m pretty confident that we’ll be together for a long time. The relationship that I have with Tim now is so different from any of those that I’ve had in the past. For once I think I’ve found my soulmate and hence the reason to this blog entry. I’m afraid from now on the word “soulmate” is no longer going to be used to refer to you anymore but instead to Tim.

I know how you’re going to feel and I know you’re going to protest over this. I know you’re going to throw insults at Tim, say that he’s fat and all but deep inside you know it doesn’t matter to me Angela. Fat just means there’s more of him to love. Please don’t be sad Angela. As King Julian from Madagascar would say, It’s nothing personal, it’s just that he’s better than you.

If he wasn’t I wouldn’t have given him full access of my blog and asked him to write whatever he felt like writing on behalf of me would I? ……….


*stops to think….

*realizes he just let the cat out of the bag…..

fuck this shit….

Okay fine Angela. You got me!! Fine this is Tim!

You gotta let the “soulmate” thing go Angela!!! Just LET IT GO!!! I AM PRINCESS’ SOULMATE NOW… NOT YOU!!! LET IT GOOOOO!!!!!


*looks hopeful


You’re not going to let it go are you Angela… you’re just going to fight with me over this till the day we both lie in our coffins aren’t you?

Fine…. I give up… you can have the soulmate title =(  *defeated

I’ll just go sit in my corner now.

*sits in corner facing the wall…


What did I say about this week being killa?

I don’t feel I should say much — especially since other people (Desmond wtf) have it much worse…

But I am weak!  I can’t even open my own Coke can or mineral water bottle!

And I um.. kinda got into trouble.  Twice in two days T____________T

So that was bad.

So Project 365 has to be on hold for at least a few days.

While I do other things… like catch up on my sleep…. eat on a proper table off a proper ceramic plate wtf…

And if I don’t update within the next few days…

Look out in the paper… for my obituary WTF.

Aud365 AudRubbish AudSuay

domestic abuse wtf

1.  Jammie’s birthday dinner at Bora Asmara on Friday.

I love this picture look at Jammie and Latat both so happy!  While the band with their guitars and cellos and hawaiian shirts piped out Happy Birthday hahaha.  And that’s the manager doing a Tasmanian devil wtf.

2. Jammie’s cake where they misspelled her name from Jia Meei to Lia Meei WTF HOW CAN HAHAHAHAHA I’m sorry it struck me as super funny I couldn’t stop laughing!

Who’s Lia Meei!  And who’s All of Us!  Nobody knows anyone called Lia Meei also! *childish

(Uh oh now you know her age.)

No pictures of her and me because they are all ugly I hate going out after I work working life has ruined my looks I tell you wtf.

3.  See!  Early morning no problem what!

#66: 18 April 2009

I’m in the papers!  Hello Mum!  Hello Dad!

Thanks To Bob Marley who crazily put my blog under his Top 10 Malaysian blogs /shy

#67: 19 April 2009

View of Penang Island.

I was in Penang for 24 hours last weekend!

Where, at night in Batu Feringghi Tim stepped on my shoe and broke the strap T______T

I swear this is god telling us we’re not meant to be wtf.

Once a day at least!  He’ll either step on my foot or elbow me or slap me in the head by accident or something.  Once he elbowed my eye I thought I would go blind T_T

And it hurts okay!  He works out in the gym!  Imagine how it feels when he wallops me!  Me, the person who can’t even open her own Coke can ya I am a weak and useless human being.

Me being very angry.

Oh and this was right before this girl (later found out her name is Veron) and her boyfriend walked past us and stared at me strangely for 5 seconds.

I thought it was because I stopped in the middle of the road and was glaring at Tim and I said to him “eh why this girl looking at me for so long.”

He said “maybe she reads one of our blogs” and I said “Pleeeease la you think we so famous isit” wtf but she did turn out to be one of my blog readers /boo and her husband why did you not say hi!!  I thought she was younger than me FML but it turns out she’s already married see what work does to me I tell you.

Anyway this week is going to be killa wtf so my blog posts are all going to be short and crappy.

But short is good!  Look at me! wtf.