AudAngry AudCamwhore AudShopping

Diarrhea is yellow

Know what I hate more than anything else in the world?

People who break promises.

And people who fong fei kei or are more than 10 minutes late.

When I was younger, people who broke their promises to me caused me to produce tears out of anger and have problems such as constipation.

Now, at age 19, it does not seem to have improved.

Now at age 19, people who break promises make me bad mood for the entire day and have problems such as diarrhea.

Why, just today someone pissed me off so badly that I had to shit TWICE in a morning!

Urghhh!! @#*&%!!!

This is wreaking havoc on my bowels!!!

People who break promises have caused, no, forced (I digress, I dunno what is the HTLM for cancelled words) me to:
– have a permanent frown on my face
– get diarrhea
– change into my pajamas 5 hours earlier just to spite them, cutting off my own nose at the same time
– speak Hokkien to old ladies whom I don’t know!

People who break promises should not be allowed to:

– eat other people’s (especially those who they bersalah to) Japanese rice
– try to make people laugh so we will forget what they did to us
– repair their laptops at people’s houses
– have good sex ever again

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Of course I’m kidding. There’s no need for anyone to die. Just to feed me peeled grapes and scrub the dry skin off the soles of my feet while humming the Rubber Ducky song.

::Because I got new photos of myself, I have to show it to you. This is me and my most kam cheng friend in the Amex office, Ji-ann::

::And this is an example of how useful we actually are in the office. I did both sets of our nails! Mine’s the cow print and her’s is the leopard::

Few months back, me and this Ji-Ann went shopping in Sungei Wang.

And Ji-Ann, frequent clubber and abit psycho that she is, decided that she wanted to buy….

silicone-like sticky cups that looks like implants, which you stick to your boobs instead or wearing a strapless bra.

We walked in a damn cool way into Sasa.

We darted into the sticky bra-cup thing section.


(All in Cantonese, of course to ensure that the entire customer population of Sg Wang would understand, with the possible exception of overweight ang mohs.)

We said yes in pure shame and she proceeded to demonstrate the use of the sticky bra-cup thing.

Not on herself you perverts!! She just took it out of the box and showed us how sticky the cups were. All for only RM199!

It was sticky all right.

It stuck right to my finger as a curious boyfriend temaning his gf stared strangely at two idiots holding breast implants in the middle of the shop.

It stuck to my hand as I discreetly tried to shake it off. Where is that fcuking salesgirl now when we need her? I thought furiously.

Finally, the breast implant came unstuck!

And it fell onto the floor and stuck to the tiles.

When the salesgirl finally succeeded in scraping the fake boob off the floor, there were grains of sand and dust stuck to it.

To save our souls and dignity, Ji-Ann bought a pair of fake breasts from them. All for only RM199!

But she wanted to buy it anyway! It’s not so bad.

I’m sure she’s perfectly satisfied with her purchase and possibly won’t go clubbing without it.

“Ji-Ann! What’s that skin-colored rubbery silicone thing that fell from your dress and is now stuck to your knee?”

“Oh, that’s just my brooch”.


I could have danced all night…

Argh!! Fucking Internet explorer had to die and be shut down!!!

WHy did you have to do this to me?! Right after I typed out this fucking long entry, you had to shut down!!! Damn the devil to hell!

Start again.


Oh happy day!

I think yesterday was a day that I’ll never forget.

My parents wanted to have a farewell party for me. But they told me that it is for “me and my relatives and neighbours”.

Don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t very enthusiastic about it because I thought when they said relatives, they meant those people that I only see once a year at Chinese New Year, who I’m not very close to also.

I thought the whole night I would have to make lotsa small talk and inform people how many jackets I’ve bought already.

But I thought its ok lar, since there would be lotsa food *slurps* and lotsa angpaus around. 😛

The day approached, the caterers came (bearing a fountain and two damn fake-looking plants which were infested with ants), my grandmother came, and Wei Zhen came with the excuse that he wanted me to teman him buy a CD for his sis.

Since he is the King of Impromptu Visits, I did not suspect anything.

In actual truth, it is a ploy to lure me out of the house so the rest of my friends could sneak in and surprise me when I got back.

Signs that something was amiss yet I did not notice:

1. When Wei Zhen came to pick me up, my dad went out to the car to talk to him in a secretive fashion. Wearing my pink slippers.

2. When I asked WZ what my dad said to him, he said “uh..nothing lar..EH! later you got farewell issit?” I said, is tat what my dad talked to you about? he said yaa…hesitantly.

3. Instead of going to Parade to buy his sis’s CD, he took me to McD’s in ss15 because he wanted to “sit down and talk to me”

4. At 7pm, I told him I had to go home already cos I didnt wanna be late for the party. His reaction? “Har? Your dad didnt even call also!”

5. He told me he wanted to pee before we went off. He then proceeded to sit down there and yak some more.

6. When i told him to go piss, he said he had to sit down some more and wait for the pee to collect in his bladder!!

7. When we finally left, he suddenly parked his car again and proceeded to show me how the nozzles on his car bonnet shot water out and washed his windscreen. TWICE.

8. I got irritated with him cos he was driving soooo slow.

9. We saw Kah Leong and Donovan at the roundabout! I did not suspect anything and was merely puzzled when instead of waving back, the just zoomed off.

10. Wei Zhen took the wrong turning to my house!! This is the stupidest thing when he has been to my house a gazillion times! It was to slow us down to make sure evryone reached already before me.

I finally realized what was going on when I saw Hsin’s car parked outside my house and a whole group of Langkawi people walking towards my house.

Things were not helped by the voices of people in the dining room while they were waiting to surprise me. 😛

Thanks to all that came!! I really really appreciated it…and I was damn touched by the loads of people who showed up.

Thanks goes out to:

Mummy and Daddy Ooi (the name Fat Her has been removed becos of this) who organised the whole thing together with…

Brother Ooi (love ya Baz!) and..

Chung Jia Min (thank you dear for organising this and getting terrorised by Daddy Ooi)

Liow Wei Zhen (sorry you were so stressed out!) – the con man

Those who attended…the night wouldn’t have been the same without you!!

SU gang – Grace and Mark, Rabin, Hsin, Vina, Jolene, Meldee, Nimalan

Elaine Kan – thank you so much for coming! Never expected to see you there.. you were the surprise!

Sam Li Huan – thank you for coming..I know you were bored!

Langkawi Gang – Din, Meow, Cheryl, Malcolm (with his Lynn Dhia), Don, Kah Leong, Wee Li, Mun Joon, Darren

all relatives and neighbours (but who will never read my blog anyway:P)

**Dearly missed was Ruth Gong, also Chow Pak Lun who have jetted off to Melbourne already. It felt incomplete without you…

All right all right here are the pics!!

::Some of my relatives! The short blue one is Daddy Ooi::

::SU gang!! Clockwise from F*C*U*K: Mark, Wei Zhen, Rabin, Jia Min, Audrey and Grace. ::

::The network! Min, Audrey, Grace::

::From front: Elaine, Vina, Hsin, Grace. Drugged guy in the back is Rabin::

::Jolene, me and Meldee. Sorry Jo, all the pics also your eyes closed!!::

::Langkawi!! Clockwise from pretty woman in the black top: Cheryl, Wee Li, me, Donovan (1/2 head), Darren, Lynn Dhia (1/2 head), Dinesh, Meow Fong::

::Auntie Rina, Auntie (not sure what but she’s Uncle Fook’s wife), Uncle Fook. Above are me and Mummy Ooi. Dammit why am I winking?!::

::L-R: Rabin, Wei Zhen, me, Min, Sam::

And for the heck of it and also cos I miss her so much…

::Min, me and Ruth at Kim Gary’s the night before she left::

::Power of 4 at Oishii…. Ruth’s farewell for me!!::

Funny Fat Her stories

I spy with my little eye

Fat Her Ooi is having great fun with my MSN account.

Every time he turns on the comp, my MSN pops up automatically.

People think Audrey is online and message me, putting themselves in the mercy of the Fat Her.

A frequent victim happens to be Severe Examinational Hailatification Syndrome

*snigger* one saved conversation goes as such:

Severe Examinational Hailatification Syndrome says: alien!

this is audrey not mr ooi says:hi its real dad again

Severe Examinational Hailatification Syndrome says: oh… sorry mr ooi… cos her nickname says it’s not you mar…

this is audrey not mr ooi says: aud is sniggering at the back

Severe Examinational Hailatification Syndrome says: she’s evil. you raised an evil daughter mr ooi. did you know she put funny pictures of you on the internet? hahaha….

Audrey kanna pinch by Fat Her Ooi!!!

this is audrey not mr ooi says: Erm, i will get back: to you later. i have something to SORT out with her. Is the picture about me in my funny pyjamas?

There is no such picture. Mr Ooi is playing along with Severe etc.

Severe Examinational Hailatification Syndrome says: hahaha… erm… no no… i better not say anything more… she will kill me… hahaha

***end of conversation***

Other victims include devilmin aka JMin and seabiscuit aka Hsin.

They invited audrey to their chatroom, thinking of course that it is Audrey.

Unfortunately for them, it was Kaypoh Ooi again. Unknown to them, Kaypoh Ooi read carefully their chat about their first sem results, under the cover of pretending to be audrey.

When he was done, he closed the chat.
devilmin and seabiscuit just thought that audrey was quite rude for not talking and simply leaving the conversation. They did not suspect anything else.

For revenge and prevention of further infiltration of Father Ooi into my MSN, i took the following measures.

1. Changed MSN nick to “this is mr ooi

2. Changed picture on MSN from this:

to this:


Hello, goodbye

Mean Girls is damn nice!

You know me, a sucker for chick flicks.

But other than me and Min, Rabin and Wei Zhen seemed to like it a lot too, though I don’t know if that’s more due to the amount of cleavage and leggage shown than the plot and humour.

Almost everyone I know seems to be damn worried about their future. Yes, first sem results are out and there are lots of uh, worrying grades.

All the best to everyone!!

(drums fingertips on table)

I thought I had a lot to blog about but it seems I’ve lost my train of thought.

I want something from Von Dutch! I don’t think they have it in Malaysia. But the things are all damn nice, kinda funky (in the old sense of the word, not the new, which apparently means weird or smelly or something) and casual.

I first saw it in Japan. ANd I already thought it was damn chun. But I dunno why the messages on the Tshirts didn’t make any sense, like for eg.,

“Real Men are Good-Looking!”

or something equally as mind-boggling. (I made that up, btw.)

So I thought Von Dutch was just some crap Jap brand and I chalked up the nonsense English to their oh-so-kawaii way of mangling the language.

I came back and suddenly I see pics of Von Dutch everywhere. And I realize that its an American brand.


OK, let’s just talk about something else. We shall not discuss the fact that I’m having terrible period cramps right now, for the reason that it’s disgusting.

We shall talk about a quite scary thing I do which is talk to myself.

When I say talk to myself, I don’t just mean shouting “Fuck!” when I ter-kick the table leg.

I mean, sometimes you can see my lips move as I debate with myself whether to buy that skirt or not.

Or I ask myself questions and answer them when trying to make a decision. There really is an Angel Audrey and a Devil Audrey perched on my shoulders pulling me this way and that.

Or even worse, I conjure up whole conversations that I might have with anyone I know and actually act them out in my head, me acting out both parts of course, complete with lip-moving and voices.

FIrst signs of schizophrenia.

Funny Fat Her stories

Thank you for the music

Yesterday I had a beeg fight with Fat Her Ooi about, of all things…Kazaa.

He insists that I delete Kazaa.

With a heavy heart, I agreed, due to the fear that the FBI would detect me downloading copyrighted stuff off Kazaa and sue me.

Hehe, sounds quite funny written down, doesn’t it?

I was very irritated. But the risk of that happening while I’m over in the US is there.

So I agreed to delete Kazaa.

Then Fat Her told me to delete ALL MY SONG FILES as well.

This is where I balked.

WHY MUST I DELETE MY MUSIC! I don’t have any movies or videos, all are songs. And not all of them are from Kazaa, some are sent to me by friends while some I downloaded straight from CDs.

Fat Her is paranoid that “what if my roomate doesn’t like me and she will go tattle to the authorities aka the school authorities or Police and they check on me and I lose my scholarship”?
Breathe in, breathe out, Aud.

Me and Fat Her are in the dark about all this legal stuff.

Can the FBI or the record companies track you down even if you delete Kazaa or any other P2P network you might have had? By checking your music files, can they detect whether you got them from Kazaa or from a legitimate CD?

Which is the better way, save all my music files on the comp, or burn everything into CDs?

I don’t really download any English songs anyway. Most of my songs are Chinese or Japanese. Does that decrease my risk of being sued?

Someone give me an answer!!!

Will I be doomed to spend four years without music?


Gone with the Wind

Ruth has left Malaysia and is on her way back to Melbourne. I will miss her so much…. woman, don’t forget about the small thing over here ok!!!

And remember to use your bag!! ANd wear pink underwear.

I am so depressed!!! Yesterday was the last time that I would ever see her again for a year. I won’t see her again until next June when(if?) she comes back again for holidays.

Not only is her leaving proclaiming the fact that I won’t see her again for a looong time but it also reminds me that Grace and Wei Zhen will also be going off soon and I won’t see them for another year or so too. *black cloud over head*

But we shall not talk about depression today as it is the morning and I do not feel as sad as I did last night. How can anyone feel sad in the morning anyway?

We shall talk about random happenings yesterday.

Whole day was spent with Ruth, JMin and Joel, with guest appearances from Hsin, Qi Zhen the Quack, WZ and people from my class in college last year.

It was a day of lies on Audrey’s part. SHall not go on about it as it is too sinful and I feel too guilty.

Bernard from Class in College invited us to join them for some kinda class reunion. We were coming down the escalator and could see Stonegrill on our left (they were eating there) when all 3 of us suddenly changed our minds and ran to the right instead, trying to think what to do next.

We do not get on very well with our classmates. We are too noisy and pan cute for them.

Bernard however, saw us already and called my phone while we were panicking on the right side of the escalator.

We had no choice but to go and sit down with them.

It was torture.

Ruth and JMin left me to do the small-talking while they sat at the side and whispered secrets to each other.

In the end, we were saved by Hsin’s phonecall and pretended we had to go get her from the hairdresser’s and thus ran off.

Whole day was spent taking photos.

QZ the Quack has terrible photography skills.

Day was interrupted by some unforseen circumstances but luckily self got to go out and spend another few more hours with darling Ruth after that.

I apparently have a 13-year old friend (who thinks I’m 13 too).

Let us digress for a minute.

A few weeks ago, I teman-ed Aden to his friend, Sze Jiann’s housewarming party. There was a small kid there who came up to me and stuck out her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Belle“.

To humour a child, I started talking to her and she told me she was 12 etc etc. She complimented me on my hair (“looks just like Hayley Duff’s”…. I was thinking, who on earth is that?!), my pink Guess watch, my Roxy bag, and my bracelet.

Then later on she was talking to another girl there, Sze Ling (this chick was damn cute, with fair fair skin, pink chubby cheeks and a damn nice smile).

They both came up to me and Sze Ling moaned, “She thought I’m 14!” She is actually 18.

I said, “Har?” (turns to Belle) “How old do u think I am then?”


I tried not to faint.

Anyway, yesterday Belle saw me outside QBar and waved to me most energetically. Everyone, including me was wondering who was that when it dawned on me.

What is a 13-yr old girl doing outside QBar at 10 – 11 pm?! She should be in bed! Asleep! Or at least studying her Sejarah!

 Oh, this makes me feel so inadequate.


Sleep early

Random Signs that You’re Having A Bad Day and that You Should Go to Bed Early:

1. Your teacher’s car rolls over your foot while you’re standing at the side of the road waiting for your mum.

2. You’re cycling as fast as you can to avoid the rabid-looking dog chasing after you and don’t see the tree right in front of you and get smacked in the face by a branch.

3. Your toothpaste falls off your toothbrush before you get to brush your teeth.

4. Your lip swells up for no reason at all! You didn’t even eat any ajinomoto.

5. You discover you have a pimple on your ass.

I was bored.


Change the World

Sorry, NOT in a good mood now.

I’m irritated at almost all of my best friends, for god knows what reason. Bear with me, it must be because I forgot to take my hormone pills last night.

And dammit! My comp seems to have lost its sound! Aku tak dapat dengar itu lagu lagi!

Lately I’ve been having this feeling that’s nagging me. There are quite a few people who pass judgement on me before they even get to know me properly.

I know that as a person, I am shallow, don’t think real hard about most things, including heavy issues like I dunno, war or Canny Ong’s murder, obsessed with my appearance and probably swear too much and make too many sick jokes.

I know that some people say I’ve changed at lot. Maybe I have. But do you have a right to complain about me changing as a person? Who is to say that as a human being on this world, you will stay stagnant while your surrounding twist and evolve? That you will remain forever the same while everything around you changes?

Last year, there was this guy in my class in college, who told me that I had changed a lot since I was twelve.

Lets call him No Nuts.

He went on to say that I should not have changed, because it is as though I don’t like my old self and strived to turn into a new person.

I seriously felt like laughing and spitting into his face.

Points to consider:

1. No Nuts has only known me last year, has not known me when I was twelve, nor anytime before that or after….only known me at age 18.

2. Can you please name a person who has not changed the slightest bit from age 12 to age 18?

3. He said that I should have stayed like how I was in my IC picture… which was me with bangs across my forehead, giant red specs and buck teeth. Now I still have bangs across my forehead, but no specs and orthodontically corrected teeth. He said I shouldn’t have “made myself become so pretty” because “now when guys go after me, I dunno whether they like me for me or for my looks”.

Wtf?! Do you expect me not to change at all thruout my teenage years? To not even get braces for my teeth that are fcuking crooked?! So I should stay looking that way so I will know who is sincere towards me and who is not, huh?

What a fantastic idea! And now, when my first boss hires me for my first real job, I WILL KNOW TOO THAT HE IS SINCERE TOWARDS ME!

My boss hired me even though I look like a pig’s behind, BECAUSE HE IS SINCERE.

I don’t care how sincere my boss is! All I care is if he will be a fair and professional boss and not make my working life a hell!

Studies have shown that first impression is something that counts a lot in everyday life. It is proven that better-looking people have an unfair advantage as in they are given more and better opportunities than their less-goodlooking counterparts. So why then, pray tell me, shouldn’t I want to present a good first impression for people?

PLUS I am not making myself look good so I can “attract more guys”. PLEASE! Am I an idiot who thinks that just because a lot of people are attracted to someone, that person will have a happier existence, lose less hair and have better sex overall?

(Come to think of it, yes, he/she might get more, if not better, sex due to the hordes of groupies wanting a piece of their ass).

Go and die, that is not my goal.

I am doing this for my own self-worth and esteem. So whoever that thinks this bimbo-ism is due to a wish to be popular, go fuck yourself.

Another person has also said stuff to me about myself changing that makes me want to strangle him even more than No Nuts, if that’s possible.

Let’s call him Hernia.

In the long, long ago past, Hernia has always complained that I am not popular enough, am too short, only associate with nerds, never yell at people who have wronged me, have bad dress sense and even the scrunchies I wear to school are not nice enough.

These days, Hernia is saying that I know too many people that are too cool for words and for me, snap at him too easily, yells at me for going clubbing and interrogates me over every other guy I know because I think he wants to imply that I am a slut.

You made me into what I am today. Well, you did most of it anyway. You were the one who drilled it into my head that looks are one of the most important things. You screwing me over every small thing I did made me less intolerable of people fcuking me up. But on the good side, you gave me the confidence to dress up and be pretty.

I am not blaming you for the hand you took in making me different from what I was. I was always obsessed with looks, its just that its manifested itself stonger now. You were in my life for a reason, maybe it was for that, maybe it was to make me stronger and better equipped to fight with people. I don’t blame you for that.

I blame you for blaming me because I changed. You did that. Don’t forget it.

As for people who look down on me because I am shallow or bimbo-istic, too bad. If you are too blind or self-absorbed to not notice things other than my bimbo-ism, then noone can help you.

I love being a bimbo, and applying makeup (it feels like art!) and irritating people by asking them if my mascara ran. I don’t deny it; that is a part of me.

But please let me tell you that I probably read more books than you in your entire life, have a wider vocab (though my blog might not show it), don’t own more than 3 books of chick lit, got 90 plus for my TER, worry about beggars a lot, and ran into the rain to save my best fren, wtithout a thought to my makeup!:P

Besides being what you might call a bimbo, I am also what you might also call a geek (I refuse to say nerd due to certain associations with the word).

If you don’t know me, shut up.

Change the World


Nightmare on Jalan Tujuan

I seem to be having lotsa weird dreams during my afternoon naps these days.

WHY?! Is it that God is punishing me for not being human enough and being too piglike for sleeping too much? Or have I been eating beans or some food that induces nightmares?

Okay, today’s nightmare was this… I dreamt that my phone broke into half!

This is what my phone looks like. But maybe not so shiny and clean.

And I dreamt it broke into two: like this!

Goodness! I felt like crying in my dream. I think in real life, I must have been squirming on the bed with the eyelids fluttering ferociously and sweating.

Then it got worse. I dreamt that Daddy Ooi told me he didn’t have enough money to send me to US after all!

I started snivelling and snot dripped out of my nose as I asked to see our savings account. But no, Daddy Ooi wouldn’t show them to me and insisted we were broke so I had to study Form 6!!

Luckily I woke up and realized its nothing but a dream.

That is not the worst dream.

A few afternoons ago, I had this surreal dream, no, nightmare about none other than Chung Jia Min! (Don’t step on me, please)


It was terrible. We were in some hotel lobby with brown marble decor (We means almost everyone I know, but I only specifically remember Min, Hsin, Ruth, Wei Zhen, Rabin and I think Darren -but Darren only vaguely).

So anyway, there’s these 2 girls who were with our group who nobody likes and a bit scared of since they were so darn freaky.

I don’t know who are these 2 people lar, they are a figment of my imagination and I am also not sure why everyone is scared of them because I remember they had short Jap-like ponytails and looked quite cute and sweet. Oh ya, also it was implied in my dreams that they were like into satanism or something and also lesbian. Let’s call them Weird Gals.

And then, all of a sudden, Jia Min disappeared with those two to god knows where. I was terrified out of my mind, I dunno why! All I know was those two gals were bad news and I didn’t know what they were going to do with her. And she seemed to be very good frens with them suddenly and willingly went off with them.

I remember the emotion I felt at that time… stark white fear.

So Ruth and Hsin started comforting me, saying things like don’t worry, I am sure she is fine and she will come back soon etc.

Then I went into the hotel toilet. The toilet is like any other. When I enter it, the cubicles are on my left and the sinks are on my right. There are 3 cubicles.

The first cubicle door is closed. So I move further down the row.

Somehow I pass the 2nd one without seeing anything.

The 3rd cubicle door is open. Noone is inside, but on the toilet seat, there’s a crumpled pair of blue jeans, as though someone stood on top of the toilet bowl and dropped her pants there and then.


I gostan to the 2nd cubicle. The door is open too.

Inside, I see…… CHUNG JIA MIN sitting on the toilet bowl, while Weird Gal #1 stands with her naked ass facing the cubicle door, nonchalantly taking toilet paper from the roll. Chung Jia Min seems stoned.

With horror, I reverse even more. Now I’m standing in front of the 1st cubicle. Either I push its door open or the door opens by itself, and I see Weird Gal #2 also sitting on the toilet bowl…….


I realised that all the cubicles had peepholes drilled into their walls for people to look in/look out.

That disgusted and horrified me even more and I ran out of the toilet, without a sound, maybe I was scared that the Weird Gals would catch me and make me join them too.

I woke up traumatised and sweaty.


So long, farewell, auf wiederschein goodbye

Guess where I’m blogging from???


After dunno how many days, I finally managed to set it up with the all-important help of Chow Pak Lun. Thank you sir!! Will get you Ribena when Mummy Ooi buys it.

The reason I haven’t blogged in so many days is because Daddy Ooi’s fcuked up laptop is getting sicker and sicker PLUS my streamyx has been down. But surprise, surprise! It decided to work fine tonight. So here I am.

Okay, let’s recap what happened the past few days (which has been a lot) since the Hair Revamp of Thursday.

Since Thursday, the Jia Min has had a humongous fight with Qi Zhen the Quack and sad to say, they have broken up over the stupidest reason possible. I will not divulge further information but I will just say that I think she made the best decision for herself, and possibly for him too. It may not be the easiest decision to make (in fact, it is fcuking difficult to do it when the person that you’re breaking up with happens to be your First Love – if it were me I would not be able to do it, honestly)



It has been a very trying past few days for her (of course the bf must be half-dead by now) and she is damn strong!! Don’t worry woman, you have everyone’s support and love! And like I said, you have your boyfriend-less, uni-less, lifeless best friend here to teman you 24/7! *muaks and hugs*

Friday, July 2 2004:

Ooh, surprise farewell dinner for me by Ruth!!!

This is the sweetest thing that anyone could ever do for me!! Next to planning my surprise birthday party, of course:P *dabs at tears* She planned it cos she would be going back to Melbourne soon and wanted to do something for me before she left!! I cannot believe it…you are so sweet Ruth!!! *smothers Ruth with kisses*

I never expected it! Min called me up in the evening and told me we’re going out to dinner.


Then she told me to dress up because we were going to a nice place.


She told me that she’d already informed Mummy Ooi that I was going out.


I never assumed that this would be a surprise thing for me!

Until I got into the car and they wouldn’t tell me where they were going.

So anyway, the thing consisted of:

Master Mind: Miss Ruth Gong Huai Lan

Sneaky #1: Miss Chung Jia Min who sneakily called up Fat Her Ooi on it

Sneaky #2: Miss Tan Hsin-Ee who sneakily pretended she didn’t know where we were going too

Getaway Driver: Mr Joel Low Jia Liang who threatened to sell me off or kill me

We went to Oishii (is that how you spell it? Anyway I know it means delicious, so there! When I was in Japan I had to keep announcing that everything I ate was oishii to not hurt people’s feelings) in Midvalley.

Nihon go no Buffet!!! Need I say more?

But of course, our delicious dinner had to be disrupted by Qi Zhen the Quack, who dragged the Pak Lun plus a bouquet of pink lilies (PINK!) to MV and waited there for Jia Min.

Naturally, Audrey the Amiable was called down to act as a middle person. And of course I dragged down with me Ruth the Ravenous and Hsin the Hungry, who told them to come back later cos they were having a farewell dinner for me.

Then we went upstairs and continued dining on sashimi etc. Then! The happy dinner was disrupted once more by QZ the Quack who called Min and told her he left the lilies at the counter for her. So of course, she’d rather not and went downstairs followed by me again.

Then she and QZ had a nice fight outside Oishii while me and PL stood behind the pillar and pretended they were not fighting.

Then Ruth and Hsin also came downstairs, wondering why on earth were we taking so long. On seeing the two of them fighting, they also decided to pretend everything was fine and started making small talk with us behind the pillar.

Then, Audrey decided that enough is enough, it is already 9.40 pm, the buffet is closing at 10.30 pm and she hasn’t eaten enough sashimi yet! So she goes back in to continue eating and Min comes in 2 minutes later.

Thanks to the Quack, I didn’t get to eat as much as I want, much to my annoyance.

Thanks to the Quack, I didn’t get to eat dessert!

Thanks to the Quack, they switched off the aircon while we were still eating!

Thanks to the Quack, after dinner, we had to rush down to Rafi’s in SS15 for Min to “berbincang with him”.

So off we went. And when we reached there, the Jia Min was lured into the car by the Quack who refused to get down and discuss things at the mamak table.

So the night was then spent this way: me, Ruth, Joel and Hsin in Joel’s car waiting for them, and Min, QZ and PL in QZ’s car discussing things out.

In the end, the break is final, with Min climbing back into our car to a lot of hugs and bitching.

And I am exhausted from typing out this long entry.