edit: if you’re having trouble placing orders, just email foruchizu [at] gmail.com. sorry about the trouble! and please be patient cos me and cheesie are both currently out of the country with limited internet access T____T we’ll try to reply all by next week thanks for your patience!
By the time you’re reading this I’ll be on an airplane to the States!!! Scheduled this post am I nice or what!
A lot of people have been asking me what I plan to do now that the wedding is over.
Am I going to look for a full time job? Well, not at the moment because I am doing some part time work! Was doing this before the wedding already. I didn’t want to spend my -whole life working at a desk – at the moment anyway – much as I like what I’m doing, so we worked out an agreement for me to do a certain amount of work and be renumerated accordingly so I’m happy.
Also after two months of not having a full time job I think I regained my cuteness WTF. Not even kidding, I never realized how haggard and chan I looked when I was working until after I stopped for a while. I noticed that I look considerably younger now (not that I look very old before la but then I looked aged. Eyebags and tired skin all ok!!!! Like a tomato left out in the sun wtf)
So ya not in a hurry to look for a full time job. For now my blogging and my part time job is enough for me to survive and it leaves me time for other things!!!
So now here’s where I get a little nervous *deep calming breaths wtf
One thing that Cheesie and I realized separately is that a lot of people ask us where we buy this piece or that item. Cheesie gets it a lot more than me cos she’s Nuffnang’s Best Fashion Blogger ok!!!! And she’s very hardworking in coming up with coordinates and posting them on her social profiles!!! Restecp wtf.
I’m lazier than her truth be told but I get tons of questions asking where I got this and that and especially where to find clothing that fit me. I think this is a real problem wtf. Small sized girls not knowing where to find stuff their size.
So Cheesie and I talked about it… and we decided to try this.
Whenever we shopped for ourselves (mostly overseas), whatever pieces we bought that we thought our readers would also like, we bought a few more extra for you guys!!!!
Don’t know where this could go, but since both of us only know how to dress ourselves up and never tried buying or coordinating for other people before, we thought it would be interesting to explore — whether you guys will actually like what we pick for you to wear!!! And whether we could turn this into something more permanent for us since we’re both full time bloggers for now.
Our aim for now is to find nice, affordable clothing for you – clothing that goes with our fashion sense, basically we will only sell whatever we would wear ourselves. Stuff that’s still gyaru but cooler and more mode!!! More sophisticated and with an edge and less kawaii because we’re both older now and at the cusp of a new phase of life! We assume our readers are growing up with us too and would appreciate the same style and fashion 😛 And stuff that we can wear either at work or at play.
And for now, in smaller sizes because we’re not confident in choosing items in larger sizes yet!
Is this something you would be interested in? Us buying whatever we think suits us or is nice or cute and selling a few extra versions of it to you? Please let us know your feedback!!!
It should be noted however that because we were shopping for what we like, some of the pieces may be smaller sized (from XS to M/ UK 4-8, me being XS, UK 4, Cheesie being S/UK 6), but most others are free size!
Everything is also non-branded because we’re trying it out only and don’t have that much to spend please hahahah. Also, no point us buying from brands because you can easily get those yourself!
Here are some of the stuff we got.
Everything in this picture!!! Except me wtf.
Haha to be specific, the skull studded tee (which I super love cos it goes well with anything), the necklace, and the neon green paisley skirt.
Closer look at the necklace.
Gold sequin shorts.
Accessories also! We got the spiked bracelet in gold and silver. And the studded black headband also.
Ya if you notice we’re on a studs and spikes binge.
Cheesie wearing mirror version of me. Skull tee in white, black sequinned shorts, and spiked silver bracelet.
The neon paisley skirt from earlier! Green and orange. We thought the uneven hem was quite cute. Cheesie’s neon yellow belt also we got a few!
Closer look at the belt.
Neon floral skirt! This one’s quite stretchy and even a little bit loose for me so should be ok for 6-8. It fits me la but I think it fits Cheesie better.
Paired it with black top!
Neon yellow dress. This one’s a bit long for me also -_-
Distressed jeans. The jeans turned out smaller than we expected though >____> The XS fits me perfectly so I guess it’s about UK 4/US2. Cheesie wears the S UK6/US4.
Coral top! We also got it in white. Matched with the gold sequin shorts. The triangle earrings are available too! In white…
… and black.
Denim vest! Black fabric is chiffon. Free size, I think this one can fit anyone. I wore it with a long grey dress with skull motif.
Same dress on Cheesie but accessorized differently! Have to be honest, this dress fit me quite well, just a leetle baggy so the size is probably XS-S only 🙁
White eyelet top also! With the jeans from above. The XS jeans fit me fantastically, so more for short girls :X
The top is a bit big for me though so I think its best for sizes S-M.
And bustiers! Striped, polka dotted, and floral. The color of this one is actually more pink than orangey in real life!
We don’t mind shipping internationally too but we might have to ask you guys to cover the shipping fee of course :X
Click on the link HERE to shop! We will contact you via email for payment and shipping 😀
So what do you guys think? *prepares self
Are we on the right track with you!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re very nervous about this actually.
Please please let us know your feedback it would be much appreciated! But please be kind. Lolol.
(artwork by cheechingy.com)
Too noob to figure out how to alter the coding to my blog to add a popup, but this is the next best thing.
In support of the Internet Blackout Day, a campaign against an amendment recently threatening to curtail freedom of expression on the Internet here in Malaysia.
Excerpt from MalaysianInsider:
Section 114A, otherwise known as Evidence (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2012, was passed by Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara in April this year and was gazetted on 31st July by de facto law Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz.
The amendment has raised concerns from parties such as lawyers, activists and Internet-based businesses. Under Section 114A, an Internet user is deemed the publisher of any online content unless proven otherwise.
“It also makes individuals and those who administer, operate or provide spaces for online community forums, blogging and hosting services, liable for content published through its services.
“This presumption of guilt goes against a fundamental principle of justice – innocent until proven guilty – and disproportionately burdens the average person who may not have the resources to defend himself in court,” the Centre for Independent Journalism Malaysia (CIJ) said
It added the amendment’s wide reach will affect all internet users, websites that provide space for online comments, and any business premises which give free Wi-Fi access to their customers.
Like that I am responsible for any idiot spouting nonsense on my blog!? All of you are on social media. This affects you too.
In support of this, I will not be updating any of my social profiles on August 14. This includes my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Formspring.
For more info, see here
Twitter hashtag: #Stop114A
Please spread the word!
I’ve wanted to write this post for some time but got too caught up with the wedding!
More than a month ago I wrote this post on my quest for a smaller face.
So I went and did botox on my jaw yadda yadda.
And a month later I went back to Sloane clinic for a follow up checkup!
Doctor checked my jaw muscle to see how it’s faring.
Botox relaxes your jaw muscles and causes it to reduce mass so the face shape is changed! He was checking to see if when I bite the muscle whether the muscle clenches.
Basically hor, if you want to see if you’re a good candidate for jaw Botox, just put your fingers on your jaw and bite down. If you can feel your jaw muscles clench and move a lot, means there’s a lot of muscle there and you can do Botox. If you want la ok and don’t quote me I’m not a doctor if you’re really considering it go check with Sloane or any other trusted clinic!
Faced this machine again (lol) to take my After picture.
Before and after! Before, the sides of my face were more 90 degrees vertical and after you can see the sides of my face slope inwards, and my jaw is also less angular now 😀
Doctor looks damn funny here hahahahaha.
Quite happy with the results!!!! Time for me to show you more useless vain pictures of myself hahahaha.
This was the full extent of my face before. Hahahahha. So wide that when I used this picture to make my Japan visa, this Cheesie called this my Me Gusta face FML.
My pictures are normally angled so you don’t see this everyday wtf. I do so I’m telling you now hahaha.
Below is a collage I made of the progress of my face shape.
Top left: right after injection. A bit swollen because of the jab, but if you look closely, the right side of my face is bigger than my left. So when Dr Kee injected, he injected more into my right side.
Top right: Next day after the swelling subsided.
Bottom left: My face now 😀 😀
Bottom right: Also my face now wtf. But I lifted up my chin a bit so you can see the shape of my face up front. See how the jaw is a more oval shape now :D:D
Just in time for my wedding so I was Smallfaced Aud then!
More pictures of my new small face hahaha.
Take from the side also nice!
Another effect of doing this Botox is that not only does it give me a smaller face, I think my cheeks look less chubby also! More mature looking now I think.
Good la since in new phase of life and all. Later people think Fatty is Pedobear!
Sorry one more!
Ya so like that ah!
No pain, no side effects nothing. There was slight tiredness in my jaw when I chewed the next day, but Dr Kee already warned me about that. After that no issues at all.
All in all, the whole procedure was done very well! Plus I liked the post-treatment service, how they got me to go back to check if everything was ok with me.
A lot of people asked about the Botox so for more info on cosmetic procedures in KL, talk to Sloane Clinic better!
Wedding part 2!
Like I said, there were three parts to our wedding. This is the second installment, the chip san leong wtf and tea ceremony. Ok I have no idea to spell it. It’s Cantonese for ‘picking up the bride.’
Even though we were legally married the day before, in the eyes of our family (and heaven wtf) we’re not married until Fatty comes over to officially collect his bride and we do the tea ceremony.
This picture was taken at 6.30 am, hence my half asleep face. I was literally half asleep leh!
Ok let me tell you the story of my wedding insomnia.
I think the stress and kancheongness of the wedding took its toll on me because by then I had managed about six hours of sleep in total over the past two days. The night before the ROM, I was terribly sleepy and would have fallen asleep…if Angela didn’t keep talking She super jetlagged should be sleepier than me but end up talk so much!!! I wanted to kick her off the bed wtf. Then when she was finally ready to sleep, I was wide awake.
Then after some time, I managed to doze off. Only to be woken up because Fat Her was watching Youtube outside in the living room, and he turned the sound up high and the video was some action scene and got explosion which woke me up. I was damn angry at Fat Her he always like that hahaha T________T the night before my graduation, my parents bunked in with me and my dad snored the entire night so I never got even a second of sleep also T___________T
Then I lay in bed a while before Mummy Ooi came in to wake me up for the hair combing ritual.
And even after that I couldn’t fall back asleep.
Then the second night I couldn’t sleep either! Probably because I kept thinking about the next day and what we had to do, plus I was paranoid that I wouldn’t be able to sleep again. So the more I thought, the more I couldn’t sleep. I even started wondering if my body had forgotten how to fall asleep wtf.
I think I finally fell asleep around 4am and only woke up at 6.30am when Hikky and the photographers arrived to set up and start their work. When the photographer came into the house, I greeted them with a toothbrush and foam in my mouth wtf.
So while I was busy getting beautiful, this is what the boys were doing.
All the best men gathered at Fatty’s place around the same time the girls were gathering at my place. Check out their bow ties! All matching with the girls.
They all had time to eat char koay teow and linger around and chat. At the same time, the bridesmaids were running helter skelter up to my aunt’s apartment and rushing to put the finishing touches to the challenges they had prepared for the groom and best men.
Some more Wendy made a very nice puzzle for them to solve but she left it in her hotel room fhl so she had to last minute make another one on the spot hahaha.
As is custom, Fatty’s parents have to help him on with his jacket.
After the guys are all ready, they’ll all get into the wedding cars (cars specially designated for the bridal entourage) and go to the bride’s house to get her.
My bouquet! Again, last minute the night after the ROM I realized Fatty needed to present me flowers when he came to get me -_______- Again I called up the florist last minute but he said he didn’t have any flowers left T______T
I think Fatty found the ROM bouquet (took it from the clutches of his niece wtf). It’s a bit tattered looking already from falling on the floor but still good.
But when he went to pick me up………. he forgot to bring it WTF.
Curse of the Forgotten Bouquet wtf.
Car deco! Usually people decorate their cars with sashes and ribbons or stuffed bears (wtf) and once upon a time, people even fixed Barbie dolls onto the fronts of their cars (wtf x2). I’m glad my florist did it this way! I don’t know how Up themed this is but I love that the flowers turned out so pretty and simple yet elegant!
The car handles.
Fatty getting into his car to pick me up 😀
Finally got dressed and ready!
Got some minor disasters where the pink ribbon fell off my dress wtf I don’t know what Mumsy Ooi did to fix it back on.
I gave Hikky the veil the morning itself and she realized it was just a big piece of cloth with nothing to attach it on. She is damn hero ok! She whipped out a needle and thread, and sewed on a clip so it would attach to my hair D:
With bridesmaids! I wish we had official photos cos I’m sure the colors of their dresses would turn out even prettier T_T These are all still cribbed from everywhere, official photographer hasn’t passed his to us yet. Wayne where are you!!!! lol.
With Hikky!
As usual she did an awesome job on my hair and makeup, but I don’t really like how I looked that morning T______T I think I look very tired and my smile looks forced at times. My eyebags not visible in photos thankfully but I think they look freaking obvious in the video please. Two nights of no sleep will do that to you T___________T
Hikky also looks exhausted hahahah T_T
Pictures with bridesmaids! We took tons but I only have whatever was tagged on Facebook 🙁
With Hui Wen!
And Bobo!
And Suet! Someone asked me on Formspring why Suet wasn’t at my wedding WTF FHL does she look very different now or something haha.
With Mummy and Fat Her Ooi. I think this was right before Fat Her had his crying fit hahahaha.
Ok crying fit coming up hahahahaha.
Like the tradition of the groom’s parents helping him put on his jacket, likewise my parents had to veil me before Fatty arrived.
*cue Fat Her’s crying jag hahahahaha
He hugged me and said “my little girl” and started tearing T_______T My smile super forced here cos I also wanted to cry but tried very hard not to to avoid ruining Hikky’s hard work wtf.
Angela came up to me later and said “your dad cried so much” hahahaha.
Apparently Fat Her left my bedroom and walked outside weeping hahahaha. Angela asked “uncle, are you okay?”, he shook his head and cried on her shoulder HAHAHAHAHA. Then when Mummy Ooi appeared, he hugged her too and cried on HER shoulder HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then he blew his nose loudly. Hahahahhaahha.
We met up with our videographer from Crazy Monkey Studio yesterday and he told me he heard someone say while in my house “don’t cry ah!” and he thought that person was talking to my mom but now he knows it was actually to my dad hahahahahaha.
Then the groom’s entourage arrive amidst a lot of loud honking!
Only to meet with the bridesmaids who set up chairs right inside the door and formed a barricade to prevent the guys from going in. Hahahahaha.
For the non-Chinese, it’s the bridesmaids’ job to make sure the groom faces a ‘final challenge’ before he gets the bride. He and his best men have to tackle tasks as set by the bridesmaids, and only after they go through it are they eligible to pick up the bride. They also usually have to ‘bribe’ their way in by paying the bridesmaids with ang pau hahaha.
Sadly, nobody took pictures of the guys doing the challenges but the bits in black and white in the video show them doing the challenges.
Wendy prepared five challenges in total. Her logic was that in order to win me, Fatty had to have five qualities of an ideal husband – romance, intellect, bravery, chemistry and wealth.
For every challenge completed successfully, Fatty would receive a badge. Handmade by Wendy please!!! She super creative and detailed.
Super adorable because Russell in Up collected boy scout badges too so it was very apt!
For romance, Fatty and his friends had to sing a love song. The bridesmaids even prepared a guitar and tambourines for them to play for accompaniment hahahaha.
At this point I was waiting in the room, away from everything but I heard them sing A Whole New World with gusto hahaha. Then Tze ran into my room asking me if that was good enough to pass. I said yes it was and she said why you so eager to get married hahahahaha.
For bravery, they all had to down shots made of a bunch of gross ingredients – chilli was one of them but forgot the rest. It was so thick that they had to chew it though hahahaha. Pierre nearly threw up I heard so he offered to pay his way through the challenge hahaha.
For chemistry, Fatty had to answer correctly a bunch of questions about me.
For intellect, they had to solve a Sudoku puzzle wtf.
Wendy’s hard work!!!
They failed at this though I think they paid their way out of this hahaha.
Then for wealth, they had to give ang paus again of course. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness doesn’t know about this custom wtf.
Then Fatty was free to see me!
But not before drinking tong sui served by Ooib.
WHen Fatty walked into the room, the first thing he said was “the bridesmaids took so long!!!” but my bridesmaids told me that when he stood at the door of my room, he said “wow.”
Best pick up line ever. HAHAHAH geddit geddit.
Bride is picked up!
Part of the tradition also involves my mom holding a red umbrella over me as I leave the house. I am supposed to be the most beautiful girl in the world on my wedding day (HAHAHAHA) so the umbrella is supposed to shield me from jealousy of the gods WTF *serious face
Getting into the car.
Fatty takes me home!
A full photo of my dress from behind 😀
Then off to change to the kuah and put my hair up for the tea ceremony. Hair was so pretty! Hikky did this in like two minutes.
My outfit!
Got funny story hahahaha. I couldn’t wear a bra with the white wedding dress so when we got to Fatty’s and I had to change, I realized I didn’t have a bra to wear WTF.
Angela looked at me in terror and said in a trembly voice, “don’t tell me I have to give you my bra…” hahahahahaha. As it turned out I borrowed Wendy’s wtf cos she had an extra one for dinner hahahahahah. But the kuah was so thick that I don’t need to wear also can la wtf.
During the tea ceremony, Fatty and I are supposed to serve tea to all family members older than us because this is supposed to be the formal introduction of the bride into the groom’s family. In return, we get lots of advice and congratulations, and red packets full of money, jewelry and gold.
And then the younger family members will serve US tea and we distribute red packets in turn.
Who wants to know more about the tea ceremony read this wtf. Lazy to explain.
Then we have to go back to my family’s house to repeat the tea ceremony with my family members.
With Wendy and Suet!
In the car on the way back to my house. Ringo said she wanted to sit in the main car for once hahaha. It’s supposed to be the couple with the maid of honor and best best man ma.
My grandma and grand aunt flipping through our wedding photo book wtf.
Then tea ceremony for my parents! Tradition to kneel while serving tea.
My turn to cry T_____T
Tea for my Ah Ma.
And after going through all the relatives, we were done! I was exhausted by this time. So tired I felt like I was drunk!! Couldn’t balance properly while walking, everything I heard seemed to come from far away wtf.
Luckily we were done already. Packed all my things and Angela, Suet, Wendy and Ringo went with me to check in to the bridal suite so we could all take showers and nap before the wedding dinner.
The bridal suite had rose petals scattered all over.
So bitches made me pose like this on the bed, took a picture and sent it to Fatty with the caption ‘this is waiting for you~~~~’ WTF.
This was when it really hit me though. I was in the bathroom looking at the rose petals around the bathtub when I thought, this is first time ever I’m staying in a suite filled with rose petals. And it’s only because I’m married that’s why!!!!!!
Next post, wedding reception!
Actually one of the things I put on my todo list for when I’m not working was to do more charity work. To be specific, to give back more to society.
I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t done anything about that so far T______T
I do sporadically donate food or money to charities or go visit homes… or soup kitchens but not recently lo 🙁
Pictures below are from last year when we visited an orphanage in PJ. I realized I never blogged about it.
With Mumsy and Fat Her’s hand wtf.
The little girl in red fell in love with Fatty hahahaha she followed him around everywhere. Some more put her hand possessively on him hahahaha.
I’m not gonna put up that many pictures even though we took loads and the kids are adorable cos I dunno… is there any law protecting children’s privacy online? -_- Better not la wtf.
But this is a reminder to self to not be selfish or lazy and to do more!!!!
Feeling inspired from watching this video:
It’s an interview of a Malaysian woman called Sabrina who, when the Japanese tsunami occurred, dropped everything to go to Japan on a humanitarian mission to help the survivors.
It is humbling to see the commitment, kindness and compassion that Sabrina had in her for her to travel there when conditions were still precarious to extend help where it was needed most.
How many of us were horrified by the events and rushed to donate to the disaster? My friends and I did too, and that in itself I think is commendable (say ownself wtf) but we all did it from the comfort of our own homes.
I’m ashamed that I didn’t try hard enough to give. I’m incredibly privileged as it is; stable life, happy relationship with Fatty, tight circle of good friends, healthy family and can buy whatever I want. I’m sure most people reading this are equally blessed and so should we not do more for others?
Sabrina (and everyone else who did the same) went a step further. She chose to give help this way, sacrificing her own time, comfort and safety and I’m thankful that people like her exist.
There should be more of her!!!! I should learn to be like her!
She deserves all the love and thanks she can get 🙂
And the people of Tohoku region are saying thank you.
Have you seen this video?!! Me and Cheesie cried like shit watching it.
For other inspiring stories, go here.
Who hasn’t been watching Olympics!?
Ok the answer is me :X
The opening ceremony happened during our wedding weekend so obviously we missed it. Then we were running around settling things so I never got to catch any of the Olympics except the legendary….
The infamous badminton match lolol.
Maxis is a leading supporter of the Malaysian teams in the Olympics!
Show your support for the Malaysian Olympians by submitting Olympic-themed messages or photos and you could stand to win great prizes!
Grand prize includes solid gold medals worth RM12k each D: This will only appreciate in value!!!! (very knowledgeable after wedding)
Grand prize winners will be selected by the Maxis Sports Ambassadors – shuttlers Lee Chong Wei, Koo Kien Keat, Tan Boon Heong, cyclist Azizulhasni Awang, and divers Pandelela Rinong and Leong Mun Yee.
But the other winners will be picked via voting!
1 x Grand Prize per category
(Selected by our panel of Maxis Sports Ambassadors)
Solid GOLD medals worth RM12,000 each
4 x Top Prizes per category
(by overall contest votes)
2nd Prize Device (5 units) – iPhone 4S 16GB (RRP: RM2,890)
3rd Prize Device (5 units) – Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (RRP: RM1,599)
4th Prize Device (5 units) – Samsung Galaxy S Advance (RRP: RM1,099)
5th Prize Device (5 units) – Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 (RRP: RM599)
5 x Daily Winners
(by highest daily votes)
Maxis Prepaid Internet Starter Kit with 2GB data quota for 4 days.
50 x Daily Prizes
(awarded to all successful entries daily)
July 28-Aug 1 : 2-day unlimited Facebook data pass
Aug 2- Aug 7 : 10GB Maxis Loker space for 6 months
Aug 8- Aug 12: Maxis eBook selection
Like in the real Olympics, there are 5 categories to choose from:
1. Caption
Caption the Olympic photos provided on the website.
Someone captioned this “Mrs Shrek is ready” HAHAHAHAHAH I VOTED FOR HIM DAMN FUNNY OK
2. Olympian-a-like (photo of yourself looking like an Olympian – photo submission)
This is correct.
This is not so.
Why is my humor so nerdy T_T
Olympia = Greece wtf.
3. Tribute to our Olympians Submit a text based entry with your encouragement to the athletes!
Form your own 5 rings creatively and submit a photo/video!
This is mine hahahaha. My engagement ring, our wedding bands (which Fatty took off to shower and forgot to put on again -______-) and two 1 yen coins haha.
If you think you can inspire Malaysia with a new rally cry, submit it here!
Be prepared for a visual heavy post! And I have so many things to say so this might just be the longest post I’ll ever write haha.
This is the story of our ROM from preparation to end!
We actually had three ceremonies going on for the wedding – a more intimate garden wedding where we’d legally get married, a traditional morning tea ceremony where we’d be married in the eyes of god and our relatives, and a dinner reception for all our friends (and parents’ friends).
I have to split it into three at least, so this is just an account of the ROM.
People in Malaysia don’t generally throw a party for the ROM itself; most people just register at the office I think. But maybe lately more and more couples have been doing it. We wanted a small romantic ROM because that would be the only part of the wedding which was for US. The reception and the tea ceremony would mostly be for family and relatives and the whole world wtf so I thought of the ROM as ours.
The ROM was on Friday afternoon so on Thursday we already had friends and family flying in to Penang for the wedding 🙂
Fatty and I picked Angela up from the airport. She flew in from Vancouver on Thursday and left on Sunday T___T She tahan 46 hours both ways for me *clutches Angie
This picture was taken before bedtime so we’re not looking our best wtf.
As part of the traditional wedding rites, the night before the wedding, Mummy Ooi made me bathe in flowers.
I didn’t ask what this was for but I’m guessing blessings and good luck haha.
Then the hair combing ceremony.
My parents consulted a fortune teller who told us the best time for me to do it was at 2 am -_____- Hence my grumpy face.
The hair combing ritual signifies you becoming an adult. So when I die and go to the underworld they would recognize me as a married woman. I told Mummy Ooi I wanted to be forever young but she was having none of it.
My husband is supposed to do it too, but Fatty’s family is a lot less traditional so he didn’t. So great, when I die and go to hell, not only will I be a divorcee, Fatty will still be a little boy and I’ll be Pedobear.
Mummy Ooi also prepared three bowls of tong yuen, of which I was supposed to SWALLOW WHOLE two balls from each bowl. Didn’t bother asking the significance of this either.
Here I am negotiating with her to chew instead of swallow -_- I can’t swallow pills!!! I have to mash them up and dissolve them in water (ya damn gross right) so what makes you think I can swallow tong yuen!
The tong yuen. End up I just chewed them up -_-
Then I wrote my vows. We were undecided as to whether we wanted to write and recite our own vows, but then this Fatty wrote his IMMEDIATELY in two hours! Show off wtf.
I wrote mine the night before our wedding. He should be the wife I should be the husband lol.
Mine turned out awesome though I think! Though nothing compared to overachiever Fatty of course.
My first bridal look ^^
Hahhaah Hikky made me do a mask while she blowdried my hair. She flew down all the way from KL to Penang to do my hair and makeup for the whole weekend, and her work is just fabulous T___T
EVERYONE said my hair and makeup was amazing! A lot of brides look like they fell into a barrel of flour but I looked like my normal self except ten times hotter. Lololol. It was very important to me to look like myself and she did made me look like myself! But ya just ten times cuter and with better makeup. Hahahahha.
So thank you Hikky for devoting your time and attention the entire weekend T____T I was exhausted so you were probably dying on your feet. 大変だったけど、可愛くしてくれた、ありがとうございました!
All dressed up and ready! My ROM dress was actually a two-piece – a corset from Queen Chloset, and a matching skirt which they made for me by hand. Her work is amazing! It looked like a dress because they matched the fabric and shades so well.
Oh here I was actually panicking because my parents were late -_____- to their daughter’s wedding -_______- I was afraid they’d be late and the commissioner wouldn’t wait around and we couldn’t get married hahaha. But they came in the nick of time and it was saved!
Some of the wedding deco!
I told the decorator I wanted pastel colors and a lot of pink for the ROM. She delivered with this. Very worth it too, best money spent because it was actually very affordable but put together, it all looked gorgeous.
I told the decorator I wanted balls of flowers and she asked me if I wanted them in paper or real flowers. I chose paper thinking it’d be cuter and cheaper but turned out it was the same price, and the decorator suffered for days hand making the paper balls hahahaha fhl.
Think she gave up after that and put in some real flower balls.
Another photo of the deco.
A quiet moment with my Fat Her first before he walked me down the aisle.
Fat Her cried so much hahahah even though we didn’t even play Butterfly Kisses T_______T As is obvious in the video wtf.
I walked down the aisle to Pachelbel Canon in D btw. That was always supposed to be my wedding song!
Fat Her deposited me in front of Fatty and I read my vows. Actually I halfway reading it also want to cry already T______T Touched my own heart WTF.
Then it was Fatty’s turn. Being Fatty, he had to have something special for me – he read his vows in Japanese! Cheesie helped him translate the vows into Japanese and he read those.
Then he got his best men (standing beside him as pictured below) to hold up placards with the translation written on them! At the end of every vow, all of them would say “Hai!” and bow hahahaahha so adorable!!!!
Wait how moderately angry is moderate? Hahahah this came because I asked him if I could put a Hello Kitty roadtax sticker on the windshield.
He’s acutely aware of my fear of the sun wtf.
And that’s why he’s always taking pictures of my weird sleeping poses.
Say one ah!!!!!!!!!!!
Fatty’s best men were literally the best men ever. They went out of their way to help Fatty deliver his vows with style, and stuck around for him the entire time even while they were hot and tired. And they listened to whatever I or the bridesmaids said and dutifully did what they had to do.
And my bridesmaids too of course! Bridesmaids always have more work to do than the guys, so thank you girls for being there for me the entire weekend and staying throughout everything even though you were exhausted/jetlagged. Each of you did so much for me and I really appreciate it! Special thanks to Angela who hosted, Ringo for supporting me even though she was so sick, Wendy for making all the games and in such pretty detail, and for refusing to let me lift a finger at all during the wedding, Huiwen for helping me with the outfits, Bobo for handling the flower girls and their petals, Jam with the wedding montage, Tze for the hen’s night and the door gifts, and Suet for fanning the best men hahahaha.
The commissioner leading us through the proper legal vows.
Exchange of rings…
And we’re man and wife!!!!
MAN AND WIFE OMG. Sounds so sureal hahaha.
Right when he pronounced us married, my bridesmaids all released their balloons into the sky 😀
Then time for bouquet toss! Shit me, I last minute only remembered I forgot about a bouquet so I hastily called my florist up the day before and asked him to make me a simple one. He did…. then when I walked down the aisle I forgot to bring it with me WTF.
Then when time for the toss, I realized I don’t have it so I had to frantically signal for someone to find my bouquet and end up looking like I’m campaigning for election wtf.
Every important event of my life, I must do something stupid.
Wedding, forget bouquet and look like Najib campaigning.
Graduation, walk wrong way and had to step over flower pots in graduation gown.
Birth, shat in my mother’s womb WTF.
Then bouquet toss!
Again, not something we usually do here, but Angela wrote it into the program so we did it. Nobody wanted to catch the bouquet though hahahaha maybe dowan to seem desperate to get married wtf. In the end Fatty’s five year old niece rushed forward and grabbed it WTF.
Then fun photo taking time!
First picture as Mr and Mrs Tiah!!!!
With some of the bridesmaids! Cheesie, Angela, Hui Wen and Wendy.
I’m so glad I went with a rainbow theme for the bridesmaids’ dresses! The colors turned out gorgeous in photos!
The dresses were partially sponsored by Maryjulian of Jipaban in Singapore. I was gonna do the whole dress in one color, but Maryjulian’s owner Jade came up with this design – colored bodices and white tutu skirts and I’m so glad I went with it! Now that I think about it, whole dress in bright color might have been a bit overboard.
The best men wore their own clothes but the next morning, they’d have own white shirts and matching bow ties to the girls’ dresses 😀 We got the bowties made in Bangkok cos it’s impossible to find all eight colors ready made.
With Team Japan! L-R: Ayumi, Masato, Hikky and Yuta.
I was so surprised that every single Japanese friend I invited made it T_____T Like no questions asked. You won’t get that with Malaysians lo. On the day itself I was still getting calls canceling RSVPs -_-. I asked Hikky is it that if you invite a Japanese person to your wedding, they’ll come no matter what and she said most of the time T_______T Maybe they secretly hate me like “fuck you Audrey make me fly to Penang for your wedding” wtf but no choice have to come lolol.
No la I was honestly very touched at their sincerity and effort T__________T
My hair! By Hikky. I love my new pinkish orangey color!
When Hikky was doing my hair, I asked her “did you bring the flowers?” (because we decided on flowers in my hair during the ROM) and she looked at me and said “I thought you were bringing the flowers” WTF FOL.
But our florist saved the day T___T I called him up and asked if he had any leftover fresh flowers and he came through hahaha. The blue and white went so well together!
Team Ooi wtf. With cousins, uncles, aunts and my Ah Ma. And Ooib’s girlfriend wtf. Ok la nearly family already hahaha.
Romantic comedy photo.
With Kehrole!!! Between her and Fatty’s cousin Michelle, they took most of these photos you see here.
My maid of honor <3
With #addiction and Wendy!!! The two of whom hopefully I’ll be in Tokyo with in two months :3
With Mumsy!
With my beautiful bridesmaids. Damn busy la ok they kept asking us to change pose.
Super glad I told everyone to wear nude shoes too! I’ve seen weddings where the bridesmaids all wore nice matching outfits but different colored shoes and it came out quite horrendous :X
And super glad everyone is so pretty take photos all come out nice hahahaha.
Kiss the bride!
Best men and bridesmaids.
And that’s how we got legally married. Lolol.
Due to certain things, I was quite panicky before it started, but Fatty (who is usually the panicky one) said to me “whatever happens, we will be married by the end of the day. How could this not be the best day ever?”
How can I not love him you tell me!
Read Fatty’s account here.
So much to blog about but no time yet! We just got back from Penang and there are still a lot of things to be cleared and settled.
Like for example, today Fatty and I set up our first joint account. $____$ wtf.
Just posting up Crazy Monkey Studio’s video summary of our registration of marriage and “picking up the bride”. Ya I know there are people nitpicking on social media already about how the video can be nicer or what but haiyo let it go already wtf.
CMS had like four hours to put the video together and I think they did a fantastic job :))) I really love it leh!! Some more so many people at our reception who watched it came up to me and told me this is the first time they cried at a wedding video hahahaha. Technical criticisms aside, I think they captured the memorable moments perfectly and that’s enough for us 🙂
Blog more later!!
P/S: sorry wanted to say it one more time. WE ARE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breaking commercial in the midst of wedding preparation.
Deet deet deet deet wtf.
Have you heard about the latest development from Nusmetro Group called Arte@Subang West? It has a FB game app named Arte App that lets you be a virtual property owner! Add your friends to Arte (it’s like them moving into your Arte condo) and you can unlock the penthouse occupants to chat with them there! The more the merrier ma! Prizes to be won from Samsung including Samsung Tab 10″3, Samsung Note, Samsung Smart tv and Samsung S3! Play Arte here
Also, in keeping with the social aspect of Arte, there will be an exclusive private party for the Top 20 with all penthouse occupants!
Another post chock full of iphone photos! I kinda like posting this way actually cos it helps me remember what I was doing before.
(and really not because these posts are super easy to do wtf)
For those who didn’t know, I went to China…again. Glutton for punishment wtf.
No la no la I gave it a second chance wtf. This time, to Beijing! Fatty went for work and he said he didn’t know when he’d be going again so I thought I might as well go with him since I uh majored in Asian Studies. China was one the first countries I studied about and probably the most too. And Beijing was where most of the action is ma wtf.
It was A LOT better than Guangzhou! No spitting on the street (okla two men spit but vast improvement), no babies pooping in trashcans, and very clean streets!
Fatty had to work so he hired a guide/translator to take me sightseeing T_____T See what did I tell you wtf he’s damn good at anticipating my needs even before I realize I need something. And since I’m a banana I totally needed a guide to take me around. I think I must have saved a village in my past life.
Outside the Forbidden City! Whaddup Mao.
This was the Summer Palace. Fatty calls those my skank shorts fml cos super short hahahaha.
The Forbidden City was way better than the Summer Palace btw! The Summer Palace was where the Emperor and the Dowager Empress retired to during the hot summer months because the way it was built (facing a lake with mountains behind) ensured that it was cooler than the Imperial Palace. But it was just like courtyard after courtyard bleh wtf.
The Forbidden City actually presented different chambers and the way of life during the Qing dynasty especially which was very interesting! I got to see the concubine quarters. The concubines all lived in rooms next to each other and the guide told me that every night all the curtains would be down so people couldn’t know which room the Emperor was in to avoid assassination wtf. After all, Chinese kungfu can fly over walls wan ok hahahaah I always thought that was a TVB myth :X
Fatty also engaged a car to take me around the city! But the car duty ended at 6 and I was late so the car left me fml.
So I ended up taking a trishaw 😀 😀 I love trishaws and bullock carts and stuff like this. The trishaw charged higher than a taxi but I felt so bad cos the dude is 74 years old T_T Thankfully he had some sort of dynamo on his bike so he didn’t have to cycle most of the time just steer only.
Some more he very bad ass go the opposite way of traffic and scare the shit out of me WTF. Seriously he went the opposite direction on a HIGHWAY/FREEWAY I thought I was gonna meet my maker in China wtf.
This is actually Aud’s ghost typing wtf.
I was late cos I went to get my nails done hahahaha.
Most untypical wedding nails every wtf.
AND AND! Fatty had a lot of mileage points so we got a free upgrade to business class!!!!!!!!
I’ve only sat Business Class once in my life ok!!!!!!! That time Angela and I were flying back to Osaka from Taipei and our flight was full so the airline put us on a later flight in exchange for a business class upgrade. And we were up partying the entire night so we fell asleep the entire flight (WITH THE SEAT UP BTW) and they didn’t wake us up for meals ARGHHHHH. So essentially my experience = no experience wtf.
Then on the trip to Beijing I slept through the meal too T_________T On the flight back I made sure to tell the stewardess to wake us up for meals. Warned her repeatedly some more wtf.
So yay I got my real steel utensils and cloth napkin and warm croissant and real glass hahahaha. This is the life wtf.
So in this trip, Fatty made me basically not hate China anymore. And maybe love him a little more too lolol.
Hen’s night dinner!!!
Huiwen said every time she goes out with me or Cheesie we end up eating Japanese food hahaha quite true ah.
Ok no other photographical evidence of that night please :X
Wedding present from Nuffies Yuen, Pinky, Michelle, Karen and Fresh HAHAHAH paper dolls of us which look damn bad shaped ok hahahahaha no pun intended wtf.
Dunno why Fatty looks like that! They made him look like the vice principal in the Great Teacher Onizuka comic hahahahaha.
Outfit! Sheer white top worn as jacket from minimaos last time, tube from Supre I think and Murua pants.
Ohai /shy
Went to 76style to do hair before the wedding!
And totally changed my color :X Went from blond to… I don’t even know wtf. It’s reddish brown with orange and pink strands mixed in.
My new mouse and keyboard!!!!!! Fucking love them! My previous Hello Kitty mouse broke the first week I bought it -_- So I bought this weird pink creature mouse to replace it hahaha.
And the keyboard is gorgeous. Me and Huiwen went to Kenanga to look for some last minute wedding stuff. We didn’t find what we wanted but we found a Hello Kitty shop where everything was 50% off if you bought more than 6 items. So I combined purchases with this auntie who was going berserk in the store (that’s my future right there wtf) and got this keyboard for RM30+ ^________^ it works beautifully btw! The keys are a dream to tap.
P/S: Getting married in 5 days!!!!! Probably too busy to blog, but follow me on Twitter and Instagram for updates! (@fourfeetnine for both)
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