Someone in Formspring asked “is your life really as glamorous as it looks?”
Not first time someone asked me this lo!
So here’s a typical day in the life of Aud Ooi.
1. Wake up looking like shit.
2. Get dressed, drink milo, go work blah blah.
3. Stay at work for the next billion hours or so.
4. Look like a zombie
5. Today an important client comes over to visit. Get scolded by boss for having the messiest workplace in the entire company. Reluctantly clean work area.
Yea there’s mess under my desk too.
6. Cannot finish work by dinnertime so have to eat cup noodles to prevent gastric.
7. Still at work.
Yea that’s my workplace after clearing up.
8. Finally finish work at 10pm and go home and eat cold food with Kindle for company.
9. Trudge up the stairs to find Fats busy playing Battlefield
10. In order to get attention, make nuisance of self.
11. Finally go to sleep in preparation for a new day of equal excitement.
Found the easiest way of blogging yet.
People have been asking me to join like since super long ago, and I even downloaded the Formspring app all ready in my iphone to use wtf. Then when I went to sign up I realized….
username fourfeetnine is already taken
And here I was, thinking I’m very creative to come up with such a unique username. First Twitter, now Formspring. Are there so many creative dwarves in the world wtf.
Anyway I tulan and to show my anger I refused to sign up for Formspring wtf. But then lately I realized Wendy, QQ and Sophie (all the SG bloggers) kept talking about it and I got itchy backside and decided to sign up for it again.
So fine my username on it is 4feet9.
Turns out it’s quite fun answering questions! Don’t really need to think except your own feelings and memories and best part is, unlike blogging, someone has already given you the topic so you don’t need to think too hard HAHA.
No no best part is you get a fake sense of feeling like a celebrity and can pretend you’re answering magazine questions about yourself HOHOHO.
Anyway cos I’m lazy today Imma copy paste Formspring answers here.
What! I wrote them ok so it’s technically still writing in a blog wtf.
(For some reason a lot of people ask me the same questions leh like asking about US education, Japan education, and books. FML i so nerdy meh)
how long do you take to get ready?
depends on what kind of makeup i’m doing haha. for work, 15 mins, for going out, half hour wtf
How many children do you want with Tim?
maximum 2 and they better be twins
Ohh, I love how you are a closet nerd 🙂 What’s your favorite book ever?
it’s a book called ‘pillars of the earth’ by ken follett! it’s about building and architecture (as well of the intertwined lives of those involved) set in the middle ages 🙂
What did you get on your SAT?
how do you know i took SAT? i got 1450 i think. this was the old format
Pro-choice or pro-life?
Do you believe in God?
i do but not in religion
how come you cannot speak chinese?
cos i went to malay school and my family speaks english at home. my mom sent me for chinese class but i resented it so much i never retained what i learned. i regret it now 🙁
love your hair! is it hard to maintain it? 🙂 had extensions put in before (altho’ not the same type as yours), really nice initially but later became a real pain in the ass to maintain! T.T
asked by Khulcher
It’s the same as maintaining super long hair! Don’t really feel that it’s difficult
What would you like your wedding song to be?
It used to be Annie’s song by John Denver. Now that I’m really getting married I dunno. Lol
are u that meme proposal girl?
What sort of student were you back in school? Straight As or average?
Straight As
Why did you decide to major in Asian Studies? 🙂
I took a history class on intellectualism in communist china and was hooked 🙂
Top 3 Disney princesses? 🙂
Belle, rapunzel… And LILO
What impact has your US education had on you?
Besides opening up my mind and eyes blah blah, critical thinking and writing skills
What university did u go to? In us or Japan?
Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, US, and Doshisha University in Kyoto
Do you believe in horoscopes?
Yes very much! Not in if horoscopes affect what will happen to you everyday but tht horoscopes can dictate your personality and relationships with others
why would someone ask xiaxue if you and tim are still together? did u guys argue or is that person just hopeful? lol.
i have no idea. if that person is hoping he/she better give up cos we are still getting married! hahaha
Quite fun! Faster ask me more! I reserve the right not to answer too intrusive questions though you can try.
Time for another wedding update.
To be honest, wedding planning is stressing me out big time. But also to be honest, I don’t think things have been anywhere near that bad – we haven’t had any major problems and we are getting all sorts of recommendations from well-meaning friends and readers so searching for vendors has been quite easy.
It’s just that I’m a terrible planner. Details and timelines scare the shit out of me and it’s a wonder I’ve made it this far at work wtf. Hello I’m the girl who used to throw away unopened phone bills and bank statements because I didn’t wanna know. It’s also been a bit tough juggling it with work — I’m usually at the office until when most people finish dinner so during the day I keep thinking if I should make wedding-related calls at work. But if I do then I feel extremely guilty. And a lot of times I bring work home to do also so I don’t have time to do more wedding-y stuff at home either.
SIGH. But it could be worse I guess.
Here’s an update. Details may bore those who are not married (and piss off Yahoo Singaporeans WTF) but this is just for myself to look back when I’m old and grey.
(cos people on Yahoo Singapore are for some reason unbelievably bitter and said they hope we get divorced and our kids turn out retarded WTF)
1. Theme
Very early on Fatty and I had already decided on a theme which we are very excited about! Now the problem is translating that theme into what suits a wedding wtf. I spoke to my wedding planner and she said in her experience, most people choose color based themes for wedding. Now that we’re picking a different kinda team, I’m lost how to bring it out properly and in the context of a ballroom D:
Not saying what the theme is yet! Later people steal WTF. Only that it has something to do with…a story. #cryptic
2. Dress
Ok the thing is I was planning to rent a dress cos
a) Damn expensive do you know how much wedding dresses in Malaysia cost? If you don’t good for you wtf. I’m not sure how much tailoring usually costs anyway but wedding dresses sound unnaturally expensive to me. Maybe cos it’s a whole industry, and people are willing to pay more for the biggest day of their lives? But anyway.
b) Only going to wear it once in my life. Or at least I hope so wtf.
But as it turns out
a) dress rentals don’t allow you to shorten lengths!!!!! Even if I wear 5 inch heels still not enough!!!!! *breaks down in tears
b) no choice how to rent!!!! Was contemplating going to Guangzhou (apparently they have some bridal street there full of dresses and evening gowns) to buy a dress then come back and alter the shit out of it.
But I didn’t have to because out of the blue like an angel wtf, Gilbert Ng of Weddinspired contacted me and told me he wanted to make me a dress. T_____________T
I am so fucking touched and grateful that I got dress sponsor!!!
This is one of the first designs he came up with. I told him I wanted a sweetheart neckline and a big poofy princess skirt and bows and he delivered on all three hhaahahah.
Another design he suggested for evening wear. But I not sure yet.
If you wanna look for Gilbert, his shop is in Hartamas.
38-2, Jalan 25/70A,
Desa Sri Hartamas,
50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Email :
Contact No :
+6016-440 2780
Website :
3. Hair and makeup
Gonna be done by my awesome stylist Hikky from 76style!
4. Ko Tai Lai
Did you know this even existed? Apparently Fatty’s mother has to present my family with a bunch of stuff (food and biscuits mostly I think) as a sort of dowry and my mom has to return half of it? But never mind, let the parents handle it.
5. Bridesmaids and dresses and best men and ties
(missing three)
Kau tim mou man tai. Bridesmaid dresses and best men ties taken care of by Hui Wen of Azorias because we have had a uh, fulfilling relationship ever since we met in Melbourne 2007 wtf. Hahaha she’s also one of my bridesmaids! *name drops
6. Wedding emcees
Fatty’s friend from London, Alex, and my friend from Malaysia wtf, Jammie. Jam already came up with all sorts of ideas how to run the entire wedding night WTF. My bridesmaids are better than yours.
7. Photographers
Pre-shoot and on the day still deciding T_T this is where I panick.
8. Hen’s night
Still planning! But whatever it is must compete with Fatty’s stag night which he says will be an Asian Tour 2012 WTFFFF.
9. Honeymoon
Dunno yet!!! Where would you go? We don’t really want Europe cos it’s such a cliche (although I’ve never been and wanna go to Italy some day) and I want to go to Egypt or Turkey too but Fatty said with my luck, war will brew the minute we step foot there WTF *CHOI TAI KA LAI SI IF ANY UNREST THERE PLEASE DON’T BLAME ME
(Back story: I have unbelievably terrible aura around me which will cause misfortune on the people around me. For example, today I slammed the car door on Fatty’s six year old niece’s fingers #goingtohell)
Over the last week, for the first time in my life I made a decision such as this. I thought about it for some time and delayed making a decision and thought some more. Then I made a choice.
There will be a time to say what it is but not right now. When the time is ripe I will!
But I’m excited for the future! I always thought life ended after graduating from university but being old gets more and more awesome. Seriously who knew being in your twenties could be this great? 😀
P/S: thanks for all the photographer recommendations! I nearly went blind browsing through all the different websites but we’ve narrowed it down to a few now (actually Fatty did cos to me all photos look the same if they don’t have my face in it WTF but Fatty turned out good at knowing what was wrong or right with a picture).
Really wan all the photos in this blog post are themed blue.
What I wore for Nuffnang’s 5th birthday party. The dress code was something blue and I never wear blue so the day before I had to go out and anyhow find something blue to buy.
I always think people in denim shirts look cute no matter what. Not me leh, I end up looking like a dressed-up hobo.
Denim shirt – Topshop, white tank top – Bangkok, fake leather shorts – Azorias.
Happy birthday Nuffnang! Quite amazing that it’s been five years. And to think that for it’s first birthday, me and Suetpants recorded a video at Mount Holyoke to wish them (actually I would rather not think about that now wtf).
L-R: Desmond, hobo, Naddy, and Yuenny.
Fffffuuuu I think I drew my eyebrows one higher than the other WTF. Cos all my pictures I look like I wanna be sexy raise one eyebrow fml.
Hobo and Bobo. HHAHAHA I’m so poetic.
Less hobo-like picture.
I’ve been feeling quite in a slump over work lately so when Fatty had to go over the weekend to Bangkok for a Nuffnang Thailand event I happily offered my services as immigration card-filler, and all round companion ^^ #useful
Left right after work on Friday and just got back this Sunday night.
Forgot my Kindle -_- Couldn’t face two hours of doing nothing on the plane so I rushed to the LCCT bookstore and randomly bought this book.
The book turned out damn good!! It’s about life and women’s rights in Saudi Arabia told from the POV of a Saudi princess true story wan. ok la lazy to type go buy and read yourself wtf.
Welcome garland from hotel <3 The jasmine smelled so nice I sniffed it like a veteran glue sniffer.
The hotel overbooked so they upgraded us to suite YESSSSS your mistake our benefit.
One day Imma build a bathroom like this. With two sinks so Fatty and I don’t need to nudge each other out of the way all the time.
Maybe two toilet bowls too cos I always diarrhea wtf.
Bathrobes laid out for our use awww they shouldn’t have *flaps hand
Fatty and a sheepish smile.
MK steamboat/hotpot! Apparently everyone loves MK and if you go to Thailand you gotta go to MK. It’s Fatty’s favorite restaurant in Bangkok and when he’s back in Malaysia he says he craves it sometimes (now you know why he’s called Fatty)
But ok only I thought! The only nice thing was that the food came in stacked containers and saved space wtf.
Nuffnang Thailand event! Quite excited about it cos I’d never been to any event outside of Malaysia (unless you count NAPBAS in Singapore). Plus Thai bloggers are jawdroppingly gorgeous!!!!
It was at a cafe called Too Fast To Sleep (i think they meant Too Early cos the place is open 24/7)
The theme was books!!!!!
My dream house will have a library and if I could open a store, it’d be a bookstore so you know what kind of hardcore nerd I am. So I fell in love with this cafe.
(seriously I considered opening a cosy bookstore in KL someday – somewhere people can just go to chill on couches and read for hours – but not sure how it would fare cos I don’t think Malaysians read that much. Maybe I’d go bankrupt wtf >.> Would you patronize such a place??
But when I saw this cafe I thought something like this could work. A cafe + bookstore/library concept. Dunno la no entrepreneurial spirit I can’t tell. This Too Fast To Sleep place doesn’t really focus on reading though the books look like they’re just there for decoration.
More of the cafe.
I think it’s gorgeous!
I also think my eyebags are horrendous I am this close to getting eyebag surgery.
Kirari (super super super pretty Thai blogger) and Eyebags.
Fatty and Pruet (NN TH partner) giving a bilingual speech in English and Thai.
(btw the girl with the bun and her back to the camera is fucking attractive not so much her face although pretty also but the way she acted and carried herself. If I’m a guy I’d fall in love with her lo wtf lucky I got to sit behind her and stare at her in peace hahahah #creepy)
Btw I got to wear a Nuffnang shirt!!!! So excited hahaha when the Nuffnang TH people gave me one. They did it so casually some more as though I should be used to getting one at every event. Fatty said “you don’t have to wear it if it clashes with your outfit” and I gave him the “are you fucking kidding me” look hahahaha.
For those who think I work at Nuffnang, no I don’t wtf. But I’d be proud to be part of it lol.
The little touches made the whole place nicer! Like they used mini chopping boards as plates.
And quaint displays made of household items.
Next day’s outfit. More blue! My MURUA jeans and favorite gold tipped Azorias shirt.
Dessert that Pat took us to.
Tonkatsu ramen!!!! As good as Marutama’s to me, but just different.
But still cannot beat the one we had in Osaka leh even though this is supposed to be from Tokyo.
… you’re happy running errands/shopping alone because you don’t waste time.
… all the famous pop stars and actors are now younger than you.
… you feel nauseous at the sight of food coloring.
… you feel scared or annoyed around rowdy teenagers.
… people start asking their kids to call you “auntie”. You kick up a fuss and they say “oh ok jie jie then” but look at you disgusted.
… you can’t get to sleep much past 11am anymore on weekends because you’re too used to waking up early for work.
… you start preferring vegetables to fried chicken.
… you’re too tired to do anything on Friday night except watch a DVD or read to sleep.
… you pay taxes!!!! #successkid.jpg
… you stop wearing earrings besides the ones at the bottom of your lobes.
… you don’t know 70% of the bands on now.
… you start buying insurance (OK Fatty made me)
… you marvel at the energy and enthusiasm your younger colleagues have for Friday night.
… you realize you’ve stopped worrying about whether you look cool for some time now.
… you start planning how much Botox you’re gonna have. HAHAHA.
… you don’t mind eating alone.
… when older colleagues talk about “getting a younger person’s perspective” and they don’t look at you. FTS.
This post has been a while coming! There have been signs of “being an adult” cropping up here and there but now it’s rampant wtf. I am a full-fledged adult now. And I finally admit it.
Being an adult doesn’t mean hitting 21 and being able to vote. I’m talking about the pivotal moment you realize you aren’t a kid anymore. Fundamentally, it’s when you start taking responsibility for yourself… and then you turn into your parents.
More so cos I recently hired a twenty two year old who’s all cute and bubbly and I was like “wtf did she eat to get so much energy” but then I realized I USED to be like that. But now I’m old and haggard wise wtf.
Shit maybe this means I’m actually OLD at heart.
Whatever! Embrace ALL the age! My new ambition is to be a MILF gyaru mama.
Seriously though, adulthood has its perks. Maybe in another post.
Gold tipped collar top from Azorias. My new favorite shirt <3<3
But I still laugh at poop jokes hahahahah.
Feel free to tell your #YouKnowYoureOld stories!
Or Shijo Dori wtf.
I dragged #addiction there cos I die die had to go visit my old school while we were in Kyoto.
It was like going through a time machine and appearing back there five years ago. Has it been five years already T_____T
Angela do you remember this!!! メッチャメッチャなt種かしかったよ I used to go down these stairs everyday to get to school :3
Again I’m terrified of Kyoto weather so I wore like a billion articles of clothing. But Cheesie damn hero lo wear thigh high socks only some more her socks kept dropping and going into her boots so she was essentially barelegged hahahaha.
The first day I tried Mode makeup haha.
Waiting for subway.
Upon stepping out of the subway station, this is the first view of university!
For those who are asking, I did an exchange program in Doshisha University Imadegawa campus for a year. Although now I realize with a shock that the sign says Doshisha Middle School WTF. #inglip
The view right after entering the main gate. So many memories here! I remember walking in here our first day for orientation and feeling disoriented wtf cos everything was different and new like going to Standard 1 wtf.
Block Meitokukan! Where we had most of our classes.
Cafeteria! Everything is damn cheap cos I think it is partially subsidized. Like tofu is 50 yen or something ridiculous like that.
We snuck in so I can eat there one more time and Cheesie can pretend be student hahaha
Then I realized that last time I had my student ID so I could buy food for very cheap. So I had to hesitantly approach the cashier and tell her we’re not actually students we just wanted to eat there and she said can! Just don’t get student discount but still very cheap anyway.
Ticket for chicken katsu curry. Have to buy the ticket and go to the counter to pick it up.
Ocha! Me and Angela used to have this system cos we both wanted warm tea but it was either too cold or too hot. So we’d both have a cup and I’d fill half of mine with hot and she with cold then we’d efficiently switch and fill the other so we’d get 2 cups of warm tea.
Ok la now when I explain it sounds quite lame and nothing to be excited about but we had style and finesse when we did that ok hahahaah.
Ordered alot of food cos it was cheap -_- Quite yummy also!
Trey (one of the angry white men who went with us to Kyoto) used to eat 2 large bowls of udon every day for lunch and finish with an onigiri his host mother packed for him -_-
School convenience store.
Corridor. Remember loitering around here when it got too cold to stand outside Meitokukan.
Old classroom! Wanted to go in but it was locked 🙁 When we went it was still New Year’s and school hadn’t started yet.
Can’t believe it’s been five years ZOMG.
Sign explaining that the Imadegawa campus used to be a clan site. Took this for the history geeks! (ie myself wtf)
Then we left campus and went to walk around Kyoto.
Kyoto river.
Sights from Kyoto.
On the way up to Kiyomizu.
Yasaka Jinja (where we did the kimono shoot)
Saw other girls in kimono on their way to pray!
During New Year’s, most Japanese make a pilgrimage to temples and shrines to pray for the new year.
Fuck being a blogger being a geiko is where it’s at.
Climbed all the way up to Kiyomizu.
Made it! Glare from sun giving us squinty twin faces.
Bloody gorgeous lo.
Washing hands before you get to go in.
The view of Kyoto from Kiyomizu.
The view of me in a taxi WTF.
Went back to Osaka for dinner and to meet these two!
The four of us make up Team Gesu wtf.
Sushi for dinner.
Don’t remember what this is anymore but grossest sushi ever. Puked a bit in my mouth when I ate it much to everyone’s amusement T_T Cheesie happily gobbled it though her taste is damn varied. And she says my taste is damn cheap T_T
Cutest tamago sushi ever hahahaha.
Yuta helped me carry my fukubukuro from Hello Kitty! We laugh laugh laugh cos he looks damn sketchy hahaah but actually it’s quite a gentlemanly thing to do lo! Carry pink bag for a friend, not many guys would do that.
My homeland wtf.
Ok going to get ready for Nuffnang’s 5th birthday party!
So now that all the dust from the proposal has settled and I’ve gotten used to our new status (OK NOT REALLY IT’S STILL SO SURREAL HAHAHA) it’s…. wedding planning time!
Knowing my goldfish memory, I know I want to put this here so fifty years — or maybe just one — from now I can remember what’s happening.
Immediately after Fatty proposed, his mom (for easier typing, I’ll call her AT) told us she was gonna look for a fortune teller to find and set a good wedding date.
I was all like “pssshhhhh chill la auntie what’s the rush I wanna stay engaged for a while” but she insisted we needed to find out when, earlier better.
So she took down my birthdate and time of birth, as well as my parents and grandmother WTF. The fortune teller then compares our families’ birthdates and comes up with a day that will apparently suit all family members so we’ll all be in harmony with no problems.
Our date is somewhere in July!!!!! We found this out sometime in December which left us like 7 months to prepare for it. All my married friends told me, “Cannot. You need at least one year to prepare!”
But we’re all Nike Just Do It so we’re going ahead with the date.
Actually it’s because the fortune teller kept saying “THIS IS THE BEST DATE FOR THEM. THIS IS THE BEST EVER DATE FOR HER WOMB.” I’m not sure if I believe this but based on my birthdate he also said some accurate things about me and… I don’t wanna risk my womb!!! You can say whatever you want to say about me but don’t play with my womb!!!!!!
Oh and I also like the sound of a July wedding ^___^ Sounds summery even though we don’t have summer here. Or any of the other three seasons.
So there it is.
The last two months have been a flurry of slightly panicked activity.
My friend Bobo got engaged a month after me. The DAY after her engagement, she already fixed appointments with dress stores, planned out her theme, and could lend me wedding pamphlets cos she was done with them.
True story.
This girl had clearly put a lot of thought into her wedding! She’s not the only one — quite a few of my friends have been planning about dream weddings and dresses since they were kids, apparently.
I lose at being a girl in the most crucial way. .____.
I’ve been asked by friends over the years how I imagined my wedding to look like.
And every single time the image that pops to mind is this.
*brain explodes
Yea I’m not sure why. I don’t even like 98 degrees or Jessica Simpson.
Maybe subconscious desire to have blond hair, big boobs and a square-faced groom.
Anyway I’m blogging this to remind myself how lucky I am.
So far things have been progressing pretty okay with no major hiccups. Venue found and secured; wedding planner found and in discussion; theme decided on and all aspects working towards it; bridesmaids agreed and all pretty #shallow.
So many people — even those I’m not so close to — have come forward and offered help and advice in so many ways and I am so grateful T3T There are so many things we don’t know and I’m so glad there are so many nice people around me who are willing to help if they can 🙂
My close friends have all rallied and when they’re not going with me to check out wedding stuff, they’re online researching or throwing ideas out :’) If I can do half of what they’re doing back for them, I’d be awesome wtf.
And unexpectedly, complete strangers have also contacted me and offered their services or products because they said they saw the video or my blog and were touched :’) Because of this, my wedding dress will be designed by a very nice local designer — I’ve seen his work and I love it so far! When things are more confirmed, I’ll probably blog more about him.
I also have a short ROM outfit suggested and designed by a blog reader who owns an online shop. Again I’ll blog more about this later.
Bridesmaid dresses to be sourced by Hui Wen of Azorias. Who better than her, who’s also one of my bridesmaids, to do this <3
For eveningwear, I found a shop in SS2 which custom makes dresses for quite a good price! Although I have no clue what kind of evening gown I should wear -_- any ideas? No mermaid gowns cos my ass looks like a battleship in them wtf.
However I’m also searching for a photographer who can do a pre-wedding shoot as well as wedding day photography. If anyone knows any good photogs (and who are not crazy expensive), can you please let me know! Please leave a link so I can see what kind of photos they take.
No stagey dramatic shit please wtf. It suits some people but I don’t think we’re the type who can do standing on top of a hill in a tux and a dress looking into the distance while lightning strikes behind wtf.
I’m not even sure if I wanna do formal looking shots in wedding dress! Fatty says it’s up to me so yay I get to decide. I want something fun, happy and representative of us. Seriously. I don’t want to lean my head on Fatty’s chest and close my eyes.
HAHAHAHAHAHA that’s what I heard Kim had to do to Gareth FHL ahahahaha.
Please let me know! Thanks in advance!
Bribe you with picture of eyelash coming off wtf.
Damn right that’s my birthday. Being an Aquarius is awesome cos all horoscope descriptions of Aquarians somehow sound flattering! Even Aquarian flaws somehow sound all quirky and yet attractive. Although some traits remind me of Manic Pixie Dream Girl characteristics -_-
Ok I not making sense.
#addiction and I were talking about this cos she said Aquarius traits sound cool mostly but Aries sucks wtf. She say wan ah not me don’t be hatin, Arieses.
My birthday present from Cheesie! <3
Murua iphone case! Pls ignore the grammatical errors and focus on the aesthetics.
My Fatty pulled everyone I love into the same room to celebrate my birthday with me T_________T I think I must have done something very good in past life to deserve him.
The Oois and uh the partial Ooi? 😀
Alternative photo caption would be “We are family”
“I got all my sisters with me”
Hahahahaha *pats self on back
True ok! These are all my ji muis / bridesmaids. Only we’re missing three cos one is in China/Canada, one is in Singapore, and one is in a village which name I cannot remember wtf.
Someone asked if I’m worried cos all my bridesmaids are so pretty. Pffffft please have you seen me? WTF. No la hahahaha why would I want my friends to look shitty on my wedding day -_-
Same like how I don’t want my groom to be humiliated on our wedding day also I’m talking about the tradition of putting the groom and best men through tests before they can win the bride which have become increasingly gross and insensible. For non-Malaysians/non-Chinese, I’m too lazy to explain this now hahaha wait for my wedding blog post wtf.
My *ahem* fiance and I.
(still not over the novelty of this)
Another photo in which we are better prepared.
Birthday cake! Fatty knows I hate cake -_-
(used to be allergic to eggs, ate cake containing egg, developed allergic reaction, hated cakes ever since)
So he got me a jelly cake. I thought it was delicious! It’s actually a Valentine’s cake hahaha I know cos I went with him to pick it out >_>
At least not like my Tai Yee (big aunt) who bought her own cake on the way home from work and brought it back so we can blow candles with her. Forever Alone Level Asian hahahaah.
Birthdays mean less and less to me now as the years go by — it’s an age thing — but this was a good birthday 🙂 Japanese food, my Fatty, close friends and family. End of the world, you can come in now!
My present from Fatty <3 He knew my laptop was dying so he got me a new one 🙂
Actually he tried to bluff me first by giving me a squashy package wrapped in Chinese New Year wrapping paper hahahaha. I opened it and it was a laptop bag. He told me he got me a laptop bag cos I don’t have one and he knew I was looking to buy a new laptop.
And I was very happy already cos I like useful presents! And it’s nice to have a new bag to put my new laptop in 😀 Then he brought in another package and it was the laptop itself *cries
Er my Valentine’s bento for Fatty.
Yea I can’t cook for nuts.
Don’t say it looks like shit ok!!! *covers your mouth
If you call food shit, then you only get to eat shit the rest of your life wtf. *superstitious
I actually hate Valentine’s day cos it’s commercialized and cliched and why must you fit love into one day out of 365 anyway? So we don’t usually do anything for Valentine’s but this year I decided to do something small.
I got up earlier in the morning to cut bread and spam into heart shapes (had to go through 4 pieces of bread to get the nicest shape), stuffed in some lettuce, and piled in strawberries.
The heart-shaped egg slices I made by hard-boiling an egg, then while it was still warm, peeled it and pressed a chopstick on its top to create the indent for about 5 minutes. If you do it while it’s warm, the egg should not break. Then slice it in half and tadah heart eggs.
I think he was happy 😀
There’s a reason why I don’t vlog. I’m horribly awkward in front of the camera (did you watch Project Alpha? Cos I didn’t wtf) and I lose my train of thought a lot and stutter wtf dunno how people like Xiaxue and Bongqiuqiu do their Click Network shows man.
So when Maybelline approached me to do a makeup tutorial for them, I was like
But then they said they’d prepare everything and all I had to do was show up!
So I thought it would be fun…. I mean I don’t think I have to talk and since its not a TV show, I can retake as many times as I want.
So a few weekends ago I went and did it.
Here’s the starting of it – totally no makeup besides eyebrows.
Turned out quite fun! Because we needed to focus on the makeup, the stylist pulled my hair back and used water to slick it down wtf
The tutorial is all the way from how to apply foundation to putting lipstick as a finishing touch.
But the star product was Maybelline’s new mascara, Falsies!
Me trying out Falsies!
Entire crew who worked on the video! Thanks everyone!
Maybelline Falsies Volume Express mascara.
Called Falsies cos duh you can use it to replace false lashes. For more info, go to their Facebook page.
Actually most of the time I don’t use mascara in my makeup routine.
While my lashes are long, they’re also really fine (as is the hair on my head fml) and it’s tough to find a mascara that gives as much oomph and volume as a pair of fake lashes.
So I usually just slap on fake lashes, and if I use mascara at all, it’s for my bottom lashes.
But sometimes I do need mascara! Like when I have to look nice for an important meeting but I can’t wear fake lashes cos it’s a bit overkill and I don’t want clients to think I’m going clubbing after this wtf. Or that I’m too obsessed with how I look and will have no time to do work for them.
Please. Don’t bluff there are loads of stereotypes out there about girls who wear makeup. For example, one of my readers actually thinks there’s a possibility that because I take care of my face and hair I will abandon my kids’ hygiene next time. -________-
So. Need mascara sometimes. But haven’t found effective mascara that can give the volume and length that fake lashes can.
I told a Maybelline rep about it that’s why she asked me to try Falsies.
So try lo!
Pretty nice!
What I like about it is that I find the mascara comes off darker than other ones I’ve tried. It creates a bigger contrast around my eyes and makes it look like I actually took effort with my makeup
(cos other mascaras I tried are so shit that sometimes it looks like I didn’t even wear mascara)
The more coats you apply the darker and er bushier it becomes too.
Most people prefer subtle makeup (as opposed to me I guess wtf) so this mascara is quite perfect for making your eyes pop yet not being too over the top J
Another view. Contrasted the picture so you can see clearer.
All ready to go!
Oh ya here’s the finished product. I look extremely awkward but I’m old and past caring.
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