
Tsem Tulku

This is a topic that was always in the back of my mind but never in the forefront of my mouth.

A lot of my entries lately have been about how tired or stressed I am, about receiving new responsibilities at work yadda yadda.

I’ve never been a very ambitious person to be honest.  Although I never articulated it, I think my philosophy in life is actually Hakuna Matata WTF.

It means no worries for the rest of your days wtf.

At school while I cared enough to want to do well (because I knew I could) part of me knows that if I’d tried harder, I could still have done better.  I did well enough to get into good schools and to get honors but I did the minimum required to get these things.  I’d be happy with a 92 even though I knew I could get a 95 or 97.  And I settled for a cum laude when I think I could have tried for a magna cum laude.

Now at work, I’m working hard although I cant really tell myself if it’s because of my innate desire to do okay-well and keep surviving, or if it’s because for the first time in my life, I really really want to do well.  Either ways I’m working harder than I ever did at school.

All my time and energy is given to work and while I find it quite commendable since I normally wont work hard if I can help it wtf, I find that I’ve had less and less time for myself because work takes up a big chunk of my life now.  All my intellectual capacity, stress and emotions are given to work and so I stopped thinking about anything else besides myself.

So when I came across this blog post, things fell into perspective for me.


It’s written by a Tibetan Buddhist monk called  Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.  To put it shortly, he is the founder of Kechara House, a Buddhist Association located in PJ.

He was also born in Taiwan to a Tibetan father and a Mongolian princess mother, grew up in the US, then moved to India to become a monk, eventually settling in Malaysia.


At first when I saw his picture, I was like ya typical monk dude.  Then I was like eh why monk got blog wan wtf.

Then as I went through his blog more, I realized he’s not a typical monk.

Will typical monks look like this!!!

*refrains from saying anything inappropriate about a man of god


That was when he was younger la now he looks like the 2nd photo (pictures taken from Rinpoche’s blog)

Anyway this post isn’t about monks or religion or Buddhism or anything like that.  It’s about the Kechara Soup Kitchen.

Watch this video to know why soup kitchens like KSK are important.

When you live your life inside airconditioned houses, office and Pavilion, it’s kinda easy to not know that poverty exists in KL or homeless people live next door to you.

I am aware of underprivileged people and all that and I visited homes and donated to charities occasionally but in the midst of work and trying to get through everyday, I forgot that there are people worse off than me who would be happy to have my problems.  I felt super guilty about being so wrapped up in my own miniscule problems when other people are suffering so much more.

So Rinpoche’s blog really opened my eyes.  What I found interesting was that he didn’t start Kechara Soup Kitchen because of kindness (although that was probably one of the reasons) but because he ran away from home as a kid, he too had lived on the streets, experiencing poverty, physical abuse and offers to be a prostitute fhl so he knew what it felt like.

I’ve never seen a blog written by a monk either.  It was very interesting to get an insight into what he was thinking or experienced and it made me realize that monks/priests/insert religious title are just normal people who have just decided to dedicate their lives to god/religion.

My family is Buddhist/Taoist but I’ve never been very religious.  I only pray or put joss sticks when my mother asks me to, and Fatty is always scolding me for making jokes about religion and higher beings -_-I don’t believe in religion or religious doctrines; I don’t believe it’s which higher being you believe in that matters.  What matters is your actions and your thoughts.  And it should be your heart that urges you to make the right choices in life rather than a fear of retribution (whether in this life or the next)

But I do admire Rinpoche for what he’s trying to do – spread good through his teachings and his actions.


Huai Bin and I went over to Kechara’s office a few weeks ago after reading Rinpoche’s blog.  Guy in the middle is David who very kindly showed us around.


Saw more pictures of Rinpoche.  Seriously he quite hot leh.  Apparently his dream was to be a Hollywood actor before he joined the monkhood!

Anyway, the blog has inspired me to try to find more balance in my life rather than just being caught up with petty problems. When I was in school  I had all these big ideas of working to save the world, one person at a time and when I started work, all those good intentions were banished to the back of my mind.

Some people say that doing charity work is more for the donor’s selfish peace of mind than for the recipients’ good.  But I guess I have to start somewhere.

Huai Bin and I have decided to go with the Kechara Soup Kitchen one of these days while they deliver food to the poor in KL!  Quite nervous but we’ll let you know how it goes 😀

For more info on Kechara Soup Kitchen, anything Kechara or Rinpoche himself, go to his blog here at


The evolution of Audcostumes

When I was younger, prettier and freer, I loved dressing up every opportunity I got.


Bunny for Halloween in Japan.

Ok la most of my costumes not very creative just buy ears from random accessories shop and be done with it cos I was a poor student ok.


Another Halloween. I was a – wait for it – leopard *stifles bored yawn.

But animal ears on head makes any girl automatically cute lo wtf. (Costume was also cheap I think I just bought the ears and a tail, put on a leopard preen top and was done)

Ninja one day when I was bored of studying -____- Costume was an artfully arranged tshirt on head.

Santarina one Christmas!


Thai for a cultural festival


Spent most effort on this one! It was the Nuffnang VPOST party in Singapore and we all had to dress up as something starting with one of the letters in VPOST so I went as Virgin wtf.

Luckily I think I won best dressed.


Went as as bumble bee in my first ever Nuffnang event! Wildlife theme.

I think Fatty went as a lion then!


Now old and infirmed already my idea of dressing up is putting on fake hipster glasses and calling it a day.

Although old and not as fun anymore, I miss having the chance to dress up again!

But nemai got new Nuffnang party coming up! Collaborating with Astro, it’s called the Astro Hollywood & Celebrities party!

Why called Hollywood ah. Cos as awesome as Hollywood lo wtf. Actually it’s because Astro movie pack channel partners are going to be there!

Anyway the theme is obviously Hollywood so you have to either go as a celebrity or movie star, or a character from a TV show/movie.

Damn fun right!!! So many possibilities.

I already have an idea what I wanna go as!

It’s not Mini Me ok WTF.


A couple of months back Astro launched its IPTV service

Which means that with this B.yond IPTV, your house is complete wtf.

You get (obviously) Astro with HD and PVR capabilities (ability to record, rewind and pause programs), high speed broadband, and phone service all in 1 package. Also included is the Video on Demand feature, which is not available through the satellite service.


For a better idea of what your house could be like and to experience B.yond IPTV infirsthand in the near future, Astro has a B.yond Concept Store located in Solaris, Mont Kiara!

Which is also where the Hollywood party will be at!

Date: 29th October 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 6.30pm – 10.00pm
Venue: B.yond IPTV Concept Store
No.5, Jalan Solaris 2, Ground Floor, Solaris Mont Kiara

If you wanna get in on the party (and obviously you would wtf), go to Nuffnang’s blog entry here and just answer the question: “if you could be a Hollywood star or Celebrity, who would you be, and how would you use the Astro B.yond IPTV services if you owned it?” 

70 bloggers will be chosen to win 2 passes each!
Also Best Dressed Hollywood Stars there stand to win crazy prizes!  A 32” LCD Internet TV each for Best Dressed Male and Female

See you guys there 😀

P/S: This is a hint to my costume.


No I am not going as Miss Piggy.


Pink October


I am totally a pink messenger.

Despite me telling Cheesie and Xiaxue that I am ditching cute shit forever and heading for mode kei, all my stuff is still pink and I still continue to buy pink shit -_-

Case in point my extremely pink room.  So pink Patrek said I’m living in a mouth wtf.

I rarely think about it but breast cancer is one of the top killer cancers for women T_T  Don’t think that you got no boobs so don’t need to be scared ok wtf.

If you’re above 25 like me you need to start scheduling clinical breast exams for detection of growths, if any.


Obviously it’s Pink October (or breast cancer month) which is why I’m even talking about boobs when I’m normally asexual.  Azorias is supporting Pink October by donating 10% of proceeds of pink items to  BCWA Breast Cancer Welfare Association.

Now for the more fun part!  If you post a picture of yourself wearing anything pink on Azorias’ Facebook page with the tagline  I am wearing pink today, what about you? I support Pink October, you automatically get a voucher for 10% discount!

Best pink picture of the month wins a pink outfit from Azorias!

I don’t want to brag but I have a lot of pink pictures.


Here’s one wtf.



Sorry ah suddenly decided to preserve myself in pictures after so many months.  Please bear with me wtf.


Pink blazer from Zara, beige bird print top from Azorias, tiered necklace from Japan


Camera also pink! Room also pink! I am a shoo in.

AudCamwhore AudForuchizu AudShopping

Foruchizu 2nd round!

NHK’s Tokyo Kawaii TV crew came back to KL for a follow up episode of Malaysian gyaru.  For those who didn’t read my blog earlier hmph these were the entries I wrote about them earlier this year here and here.

In other words, they were here to check up on Foruchizu, the first ever Malaysian gyaru sa – also known as the gyaru sa Cheesie and I invented blindly by putting Fourfeetnine and Cheeserland together wtf.

From like 6 people who showed up for the first filming, I think 30-40 came this time!  So as a tribute, today my blog is going to be in Japanese.

(use google translate)


同じようなCoordinate! #Addictionpower やで~

Top: H&M

Lace skirt: Azorias

Platform wedges: minimaos




マレーシアでLiz Lisaと姫ギャルスタイルめっちゃ人気ある

Foruchizuオリジナルメンバー ♥




I’ve been working on a railroad

I’m kind of impressed that I haven’t blogged for nearly a week and I don’t feel the guilt!

Actually that’s being a trend in my life right now.

Less and less I’ve  been feeling the urge to put things up online or document my life.  Gone are the days when I was afraid that if I didn’t, I would forget what happens to me (actually problem still exists just that I don’t care now wtf)

Also gone are the days where I felt that I had to publish things somewhere for them to matter.  Does that make sense? Nobody does anything without a purpose, and my purpose was to say what i wanted to say and have people react to that.  And of course my purpose in posting up photos of myself was vanity wtf.

But lately I find myself whipping out my camera less and less.  I’ve stopped tweeting as much too D:  I still like having an avenue open where I can air my thoughts but less and less does it seem like a necessity.

Maybe it’s getting older.  Maybe I’ve subconsciously accepted that younger and prettier girls are taking over the blogosphere and I will have to give way gracefully while my dignity is still intact WTF.

I always thought that I would keep blogging all the way until someday if I become a mom (and if I ever get hitched wtf) and be a cute gyaru mama and take bloody cute pictures with a stroller wtf.

But maybe it’s something you outgrow as  I get older. The urge to document your life lessens and is just replaced by the urge to just focus on living it and giving it your best.  And right now that feels ok to me.

Or maybe because work is taking up all my intellectual capacity right now.

Yesterday was my boss and mentor’s last day at work.  I’m very happy for him cos he deserves some time to himself now and his family deserves time with him.  But at the same time I’m panicking and shitting bricks because that means that I’m left to lead the team.

(and yes I got a promotion :D:D A month or so ago!  Just never said it wtf)

But that means suddenly the responsibilities have all been shifted to my shoulders so I felt like I was drowning in a sea of mud for the past couple of weeks wtf.

But right now I think I am in a good place to create big things! To build and improve structures and make good things happen 😀  Again cannot reveal too much about work but for the first time I really feel like whatever I do now can matter and can change the things surrounding 🙂

Ok la so that’s all I wanted to say.  Who knows my blogging mojo might pick up.  Or it will just continue to fade away and this blog will be something to look back on and cherish 🙂

AudCamwhore Audvertorial

Picture of you

Didn’t wanna write this post wan.

Cos it means I have to return this T___T


The Sony NEX-C3.

*heart breaks

Gone are the days when the average digicam was enough for self obsessed vainpots like me to camwhore with. Now all my friends are carrying big DSLRs and semi pro cameras that take crazy photos. Because size matters wtf *feels peer pressure

Honestly theres nothing wrong with my old Cybershot and it still takes great photos. But I itchy backside was thinking of getting a more high spec camera because I jelly at all the amazing photos my friends were taking.

(don’t ask)

But then I tried using Bobo’s camera in Bangkok and I realized that there are too many controls to adjust that I didn’t know how to use semi pro cameras to the maximum -_- Contrary to (my parents’) popular belief that I am a blogger and thus very good with technology, I am actually horrendous with gadgets (ie the type of person who will pull my computer plug in a panic if anything goes wrong with it)

So this here’s my review. Why I like the NEX-C3 so much is that besides the great photos, it is very very easy to use.

Everything is spelled out in very simple terms and big font wtf.

For example, instead of telling me aperture or ISO or dunno what, the camera tells me I can blur background or so only my face is clear, or defocus so everything is in sharp detail.

Or it asks me whether I want warm or cool colored photo. Or retro look or pop look. All words I understand! Very easy to adjust brightness and photo tones too.

A setting called Picture Effect is where the Retro or Pop Color filter comes in. Other choices are Partial Color, High Contrast, Toy Camera and Soft Skin (very essential the older you get).

(Source of both pictures above)

Camera tutors me to take more skilled hipster photos too.

Camera also has a swivel screen for taking pictures at tricky angles. My only wish is that the screen would swivel out more so you can see yourself when you camwhore.

Time to show you test photos!


Brought it to an outing at Janda Baik. I have friends! Actually they’re my colleagues #foreveralone


Pop color mode! The view from our bungalow.


Tried out the Sweep Panaroma mode to show you the whole view (signature of Sony cameras) But the NEX-C3 now can take panaroma shots in 3D! Means if you hook it up to your 3D TV you get to see your pictures in 3D.


Partial color mode. I chose green obviously.


Sorry if you’re eating. We found a lizard in the room *shudder. Its tail broke off when we caught it *collapses


Another view of the sky.

Then I took the camera indoors.


My unfurnished house. Hi Ooib! (this was Toy Camera mode – see darkened edges)


Trying out the soft skin mode for the first time.


My equally unfurnished room. We’re living like hobos now. Next time I do house intro post!


Retro mode. My favorites were Retro…


And Toy Camera. (super love how the camera automatically focuses on my face)

Just to show you different modes in comparison!


Toy cam.




Pop color


High key


Partial color.


Soft skin again. Also played around with the tone adjustment. This I upped the warmth.


This is the smallest interchangeable lens camera on the market! It’s definitely not as carryable around as a compact camera but to a noob like me the pictures really make up for it <3

I’m a very amateurish photographer so I didn’t feel the need to change lenses or anything. But I swear everyone reading this is better at photography than me so you guys obviously have the option of getting more cool lenses. I heard got fish eye lens also.


Ohai Dug. (Toy Camera for toys!)


What’s up Stitch and Shellie May wtf.


Sorry ah camwhore a bit first. Desperately want to edit photos to block out bathroom background so I don’t look so kampong but refrained to show you true quality of photos.


Conclusion: I love it! Any child can simply click and still come out with good photos without much adjustment cos the camera is smart enough to do it itself. But if you want better adjusted photos, the camera gives you the capability to do so. So If you’re looking for an idiot proof camera that takes awesome professional looking DSLR type photos, this is the camera for you!

Get to pretend to be pro and take awesome photos #likeaboss
Makes face prettier
Got pink karer

A bit heavy after a while if you camwhore too much

For more info (and possibly a more professional opinion), see the Sony website.


Manchester United

This is my Manchester United post!

I’ll be the first to admit that I know nuts about Man Utd besides whatever Ooib tries to drill into my head. But it was a wonderful experience that I wouldn’t exchange for anything else! Besides life of my parents maybe wtf.

Anyway we were in Manchester because Mister Potato is entering into a global partnership with Man Utd as their sponsor!  So the Mister Potato people very kindly gave us spots to join their press conference and meet the players session as well as watch a match at Old Trafford *big shiny eyes

Actually I wasn’t supposed to go wan.  I was supposed to wander around Manchester while everyone else is at Old Trafford but last minute someone opted out (loser wtf) so I got a pass too!

If you want the same experience we got, Mister Potato is sending two winners monthly to Old Trafford to watch a game and meet the players from now until 31 Dec!  Go here to find out how to get to Manchester.

Anyway there are 58 photos so they’re below the cut.



Magnum & me

A long time ago, (in more romantic days) Fatty used to call me Princess.

Then his friends who didn’t know me called me Princess too. That got weird! So I asked Fatty to call me something else.
For a short while he called me Dino -_____- because apparently when I wake up in the morning I roar WTF (seriously who wakes up in a good mood).

And now I’m just Shorty. But it’s all good cos he’s evolved from Baby to Fatty wtf.

But to be honest, I have extremely girly tastes and for the better part of my childhood I secretly wanted to grow up and be a princess wtf. When I say girly, I mean my favorite color my whole life has always been pink, even when I was 12 and it was uncool to like pink and I had to lie and tell everyone my favorite color was dark blue -__-

Anyway I even picked out the prince I wanted to marry *crazy


Prince Andrea of Monaco (eh why he looking at me like that *shy)

Everyone else was drooling over Prince William but I wanted to be different! Also thought if less people want him less competition so I got more hope WTF.

But I’m now all grown up and I think in all likelihood I’m probably not gonna be a princess in this life *prepares to do more good deeds to collect karma for next life

…unless I win the Magnum Royal Treatment contest #trollface.jpg

But more on that later.


Why I’m talking about royalty is because #Addiction and I had the chance to glimpse the Magnum tiara at the launch recently which was super atas and glam!




All the Magnums we collected on our table!!! Feel so rich just looking at them hahaha geddit!

Magnum actually launched three new variants of ice cream made from Belgian chocolate for that extra luxurious taste – Magnum Classic, Magnum Almond & Magnum Chocolate Truffle. Meaning the signature chocolate shell that covers the icecream is Belgian chocolate while the Almond one has crunchy almonds in its shell while Chocolate Truffle has smooth chocolate truffles swirled through the deliciously creamy chocolate icecream 


Did you notice all the models had Magnum hairbuns? 😛


(Picture by Cheesie!) Hair sucked totally not royal looking at all  Bad heir day wtf.


Grand prize is a tiara worth RM200,000!!!! (certified by Habib). It’s made out of 18K white gold and studded with diamonds, aquamarine and pink sapphire (I dunno what pink sapphire is but it sounds beautiful!)

If I won the tiara, I might be tempted to sell it for a princely sum. But obviously I would be being a royal pain.
(Cheesie and Dumbi always laugh at cos I cannot pun! Are you guys reading this!)

How to win?


Upload a photo of royal proportions. Must have three things:
1. Magnum ice cream



2. Tiara, crown or both.


Check. Mine has fluffy pink furry stuff on it! It’s actually ermine ok.

3. Royal pose


I am so Elizabethan. That’s my lady-in-waiting WTF.

(NO LA HAHAHA *sayangs #addiction)

I was thrown on the throne wtf.


Nah make up with nicer picture of us <3 Picture from Cheesie.

Anyway have all 3 elements in your photo, upload to the Magnum Royalty Treatment app here and you could be richer than a… king’s ransom wtf.


My submission!

Click here for your royal chance!


All you need is hate

I met a blog reader in London a few days ago.  She asked me if I ever got hate comments and I said ya I just got the above comment the day before wtf.

I don’t think I get that many to be honest.  I’m not talking about negative comments cos if they have valid arguments I usually publish them and answer them. Like if someone scolds me shallow for thinking that only girls who wear makeup care about themselves wtf I would still publish their comment cos cannot blame her if she thinks I’m shallow cos I act shallow on this blog wtf.  I believe in freedom of speech so I must practice freedom of speech on my blog!  But once in a while I get hate comments which usually make no sense and sound retarded wtf.

Hate comments are all very standard wan.  First of all, nobody dares to ever put their real name or email address because god forbid the person they’re trying to bash will find out who is trying to sneakily insult them.  Dunno why lo I’ve said negative or bitchy things online before too and I always put my real name and email address cos why be scared if you think you’re right?  If you really hate someone so much why would you not want to take responsibility for what you’re saying?  It only increases the validity of your comment and make sure the blogger knows yours is a real opinion.

Then again, all hate comments sound ridiculous so I guess the commenters don’t want people to think they’re retarded wtf.

Secondly, and I’ll say it again – they all sound fucking idiotic.  They don’t really have anything valid or sensible to say so they say stuff like “I HATE YOU YOU’RE TOO SHORT” or “YOU’RE PLASTIC” or “DON’T THINK YOU’RE CUTE YOU’RE ONLY STUPID” or “DON’T USE WTF ANYMORE SWEATLEE OWNS THAT NOW” (True story)

Really wan.  No matter what you do, if you have a blog, sooner or later they’ll come.  Just like smegma wtf.

To be honest, when I got my first hate comment I was damn upset.  I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I’d shake with emotion WTF.

But then … I got older…and more thick skinned.

I’m short?  True what.  If it bothered me I wouldn’t name my blog fourfeetnine.

I’m stupid?  Okla fine I think I actually have no common sense or street sense but I got straight As for SPM!  And graduated cum laude with thesis honors!  So technically I don’t think I’m that stupid…

Don’t use wtf anymore?  And I should care about what you say because….?

So usually cos hate comments are all inane and usually go along similar lines, I just delete them.  It scares me to think there are such imbeciles in the world.

But I had to talk about this one!

didn’t think that my hurriedly dashed off last blog post of pictures and a few words would provoke a response like this:

Rich ppl continues to be rich, while the poor continues to be poor….some ppl are just so lucky. There are some often who are at the last stage of leukemia and their final wishes are just to watch their dream team MU but they do not have the chance to do so…

I bet you know nothing about MU and yet….

I guess the moral of the story is GET A FREAKING RICH BF!


I had to read it three times wtf.

“Rich ppl continues to be rich, while the poor continues to be poor” – ignoring the poor grammar (pun unintended wtf) but it’s true. I got a B in my econ class so I can’t be too sure but I think it’s got to do with capitalism?

So I THINK this person is saying that I’m lucky because my boyfriend is rich therefore I get to watch Manchester United play and that other people who might be dying don’t even get the chance to even though it’s their final wish?

True ah I dunno anything about MU besides what Ooib drills into me every now and then.  I told Mister Potato (who gave us the passes to their launch and the match) to give the chance to someone else who might better appreciate the opportunity because while I thought it would be awesome to watch them play, it would be priceless for a football fan.

But Mister Potato had a free spot and they very generously wanted to give it to me anyway since I was already in the UK so I gratefully accepted it.   And yes, it was priceless because it was a closed event so no matter how much money you have, you wouldn’t be able to get in.  So what’s that again about being rich?

I had an awesome time in Manchester learning about football and United and I’m not gonna apologize for that.  Why should I?  I was lucky enough to be invited and I hugely appreciate the gesture.  But how is it my fault that someone would die to meet Man Utd but didn’t get to but I did?  Then if I don’t go then you think you can get to go ah wtf.  Seriously what the fuck? Show me someone with leukemia and I’ll show you compassion la ok.

On the same logic, why don’t you stop eating since there are starving children out there in the world?

I do think I have had a very very blessed life.  My parents gave me everything I needed and supported me in all the choices I made.We wouldn’t have been able to afford sending two kids to the US to study but my parents still found a way to do it.  I always told Fatty that I think the Travel God is on my side cos my whole life I’ve always had a lot of opportunities to travel that other people don’t.   I had a very good childhood and no major problems in my life.

I don’t think it’s about having money la sohai.  It’s about being happy with yourself.  And maybe positive affirmation wtf since I’m happy most of the time, good things come to me.  Maybe it’s a whole positive affirmation cycle = happy thoughts => good things => happier => better things wtf.  And clearly you’re not which is why you’re leaving this comment and your life will probably always suck wtf.  Although I don’t hope you get leukemia.

To piss you off further…





A little bit of what I’ve been doing lately…

It should also be obvious where I am right now! 😛











Going to watch my first live game ever!  Manchester United vs Chelsea later today at Old Trafford 😀 Hope the curse of my supported team doesn’t strike wtf (ie every single team or player I support in every match I watch will sure lose wan WTF)

Thanks to Mister Potato for the Manchester United experience <3<3

Mister Potato is now a global sponsor of Manchester United!  Watch out for their electronic ads at the side of the pitch.  You can join their Man Utd contest here to win home VIP tix to watch Man Utd play, Old Trafford tour and a meet & greet session with the players!  They send 2 winners every month so got lotsa chances to win!