Few days ago I was invited to the Volkswagen Das Auto event at Bukit Jalil where I had a complete education about Volkswagen.
If you follow me on Twitter (cue to follow me on Twitter @fourfeetnineaud wtf), you might have seen me tweeting vigorously about it.
Posting a lot of pics since I took so many!
Before heading to the event. Quite sick of my hair now but dunno how I wanna do my bangs!
The Das Auto show was held inside a huge white dome constructed specially in Bukit Jalil for it. At first I was thinking “har a dome? Like are cars gonna just drive around it?” but the dome is ginormous.
When I went in, it seemed as big as an entire…I dunno hotel or something because there were spacious areas for everything – reception, waiting / chilling area and finally the main room where the event took place.
Inside the dome. This was the reception area! With Redmummy <3
Dress code said smart casual but I think everyone overdressed there got people wearing peacock evening gowns WTF. The bloggers for sure didn’t >___>
Denim jacket – Topshop, Leopard print maxi dress – Vanity Dreams.
Super fml right before I arrived at the dome, I shifted around too violently in the car and broke my dress strap WTF. Ended up tying it to my bra shhh secret T.T Cheesie said this kinda shit always happens to me only >___>
Group picture with Saimatkong, Redmummy and Cheesie before heading in..
Got classy waiting room some more with free flow of drinks and finger food. Unfortunately we got in a bit late and missed the food >____>
This was the actual inside of the dome. We sat in the middle and they projected images above onto the inside of the dome! Felt like we were inside a spaceship a bit.
While waiting for the show to start.
The whole placed filled with VIPs leh I heard even Mahathir was supposed to be in attendance.
Elaine Daly was the emcee so here she is launching the event.
Then something quite unexpected happened! Tiny pixels started swirling around the screen and the pixels congregated to show gorgeous views of cities all over the world. From the view of a speeding car.
Didn’t realize it but there was a ramp circling the dome and all the VW cars came driving out one by one with their own introduction.
Whole effect was damn grand!
Got KL too.
Took a video of all the cars speeding around the dome. Okla not really speeding, driving at a constant yet exciting pace wtf.
I really dunno much about cars although recently I’ve been paying more attention. Fatty likes the Polo GTI so we’ve been going to VW showrooms to see.
But I think this is one of my favorites though! Volkswagen Golf R – apparently the fastest car they have! It goes up to 100km in 5.5. seconds *sounds as though I know what im talking about
My instagram photo.
Actually I changed my mind when I saw this. I think this is my favorite Volkswagen vehicle HAHAHA.
So pretty and cute right!! My heart skipped a beat wtf.
The only thing that’s stopping me from getting a bike license and this scooter is…the sun wtf.
One of the other cars I really liked (cos of cool showoff factor) – Volkswagen Eos! The only convertible Volkswagen car and damn sexy.
When the roof started moving back, there was a collective gasp and everyone’s pants dropped.
Super nice leh! Manly some more I like convertibles to be decent sized cos if it’s too small it just looks like a girl’s car.
But then nothing beat the unveiling of the 21st century Beetle.
When this car rolled up, everyone went “awww” and muscular men dabbed their tears.
The Beetle has been my favorite car ever since I was 16 and I even contemplated buying a secondhand vintage Beetle from the 60s to drive.
Unfortunately I have the financial capacity of a beetle (haha) so no car for me.
And unfortunately for everyone else, I heard this Beetle won’t be for sale in Malaysia until next year? Never mind more time to save up money.
(sidenote to Volkswagen: if you sponsor me this car I promise to write ads for you the rest of my life WTF kidding ahahahaa. Or am i? wtf)
VIPs gathering for photo taking.
What are you doing here, Burt Reynolds?
After the whole car display we got ushered into another room where we could see the cars up close. (and eat more finger food and drink more champagne)
Polo GTI. Took this pic to show Fatty cos he likes it. But then everyone says it’s a cute girl’s car.
I like it but then I like all hatchbacks!
Volkswagen Scirocco. Honestly I used to think it looked like a toad (especially the green one) but it’s growing on me.
Eos!!!! (btw I learned today at the Buckingham palace that Eos is the name of the goddess of the dawn in Greek Mythology. Roman equivalent Aurora)
Volkswagen people let me sit in it and take picture! *pants drops again
Red one is gorgeous ^^ But in my haste I forgot to adjust the seat so my arms were stretched out like cranes trying to reach the wheel >___>
For more info on Volkswagen and its jawdropping dome, go here!
Got so much to blog but no time!!!
Only one thing to say for now.
I’m going to London tomorrow!!!!!
That’s all. Cos our flight is at 10am and it’s already 12.30 and I haven’t even packed.
All I want to do is see some beefeaters. And maybe eat some beef wtf.
Will definitely update from Brit-ain (isn’t that how they pronounce it wtf). Because I definitely need to make sure I have internet access. Because I definitely need to keep up with work there T_T
I’ll say hi to the queen for you all!
(picture of the day wtf)
Trying to arrange a meeting for my work evaluation with my boss via MSN is tougher than you’d think.
He has this thing about talking to me in Japanese. Even though he doesn’t know any Japanese -______- But besides that he’s the best boss in the world wtf.
Aud❤ says: ohai 😀
Desmond says: “ohai. どのようですか
(translate: “how?” WTF)
Aud❤ says: “Appraisal 何時しましょうか?
(translate: “what time should we do my appraisal?”)
Desmond says: *評価?
(translate: “evaluation?“)
Aud❤ says: はい. Google Translate使っていますか?
(translate: “yes. Are you using Google Translate?“)
Desmond says: いいえ、私は日本語を勉強しています
(translate: “no, I am studying Japanese.“)
Aud❤ says: すごい!頑張ってくださいね
(translate: “great! Work hard/good luck with it!”)
Desmond says: ありがとう、(translate: “thank you.“) どのように私はいるのですか?
Aud❤ says: you just asked ‘how am i here?'”
Desmond says: あなたは私を理解していない!
(translate: “you are not understanding me!“)
Aud❤ says: あなたの日本語が悪いから!
(translate: “that’s because your Japanese sucks!“)
Desmond says: 私は学んでいます
(translate: “I am learning.“)
Aud❤ says: もっと勉強したほうがいいと思います
(translate: “I think you should study harder.“)
Desmond says: *助言のための[OK]を感謝
(translate: “insert gibberish” WTF. I think he was trying to say “thanks for the advice” hahaha)
Aud❤ says: I’m so blogging this.
Ok today I finally got mood to blog!
Because something happened yesterday that pissed me off to no end.
Even now thinking about it makes me angry wtf.
Fatty’s friend, Jia, is here in KL for a holiday from Shanghai. So since he was around we decided to take him to Zouk (even though Fatty and I are practically middle aged and our idea of a rockin’ night out is having dinner at a bar.)
So anyway the four of us – the three of us plus Cheesie – were in Zouk (for those uninitiated in the knowledge, Zouk is a club in KL) in Velvet doing our level best to look cool while dancing when this girl shrieked and barrelled her way across the dance floor to Fatty.
She started talking to him (or however much she could since the music was blasting) and trying to shimmy up to him.
I vaguely remembered Fatty introducing me to her the last time we were at Zouk (I guess she’s a frequent customer there) and now when I think about it, I realize she didn’t look too enthusiastic about meeting me and once the introduction was over, never looked at me again wtf.
Last night, however I did not realize this. Cheesie and I were dancing around next to Tim and Jia, and I kept looking over at that girl to try to make eye contact so I could smile at her or join her very animated and focused conversation with Fatty, which is what any normal person with some semblance of social experience would have done if someone comes over to your group of friends.
However, she chose to focus totally on Fatty only and kept on babbling incessantly about god knows what. I didn’t think much about it then either. I thought she must have a lot to catch up on with Fatty.
Then after that I realized that she had grabbed Jia’s hand and pulled him into the conversation with her and her friend and both of them started dancing around Fatty and Jia.
Feeling a little bit confused, I turned to look at Cheesie and that’s when it occurred to me. The reason why we weren’t welcome in her little dance circle is because….we don’t have penises WTF.
While I don’t think many girls are like that, I think there is a small but significant number who think that the only conversations worth having are with men and no other humans.
I’ve bumped into a couple before – women who in speaking in a group tended to only look at the men for affirmation and for answers while being not very interested in what a fellow beaver owner had to say.
Or girls who upon being introduced to a guy, gush their self introductions then go into a protracted conversation about nothing. But when they meet another girl, they just smile and shake their hand but don’t even bother giving their names WTF.
That creeps me out to no end. What does it say about your own self esteem and confidence if you have to rely on a man for affirmation of your self worth or opinions? This is why I hate women WTF.
Ok la no I don’t hate women!!! After all I am one wtf. But I definitely believe that women can be each other’s worst enemy.
Ok fine maybe Dancing Queen isn’t one of those backboneless girls. Maybe she had a crush on Fatty or something which is why she hated my guts on first sight and refused to speak to me.
Like that makes it better!?!??!
Then she’s just being disgustingly rude by not bothering to acknowledge me and Cheesie who were so obviously with Fatty and Jia. Please, a hello or a smile wouldn’t kill you lo what does it hurt to be polite!?!?!
She thinks by ignoring me maybe I will cease to exist is it?
AHAHAHAHHA stupid cat’s face.
Since I haven’t been really blogging about what’s up in Audreyland since Bangkok, here’s a bunch of backdated photos.
They’re all off Instagram because I am addicted to Instagram!!! I’d like to ask you to add me but I don’t know what the link is. My username is Fourfeetnine though.
Me! In case you forget wtf.
My workstation (after an extensive cleanup).
A view of our house renovation. It’s progressed a lot more than this now as you will see later.
Did hair at Shawn Cutler in Damansara Heights (the best outlet!!)
Me and Jammie after our haircuts and dyes.
A little bit of shopping where I got the nicest blazer in the world. Because I can never get any blazers to fit me well 🙁
(dunno why Jammie looks so smug here hahahahaah)
Blazer from Zara. Purple leopard print top from Bangkok. Jeans from Japan.
Souvenirs from my blog readers Ai chan and Chisato from Japan! I have the best readers ever <3 (really should blog more)
Blazer from minimaos. Ripped tank top from Vanity Dreams.
Fatty looking off into the distance wtf.
#addiction power makes us buy the same things from different places <3
Fat Her resembling a fresh daisy in the pajama pants I got him from Bangkok HAHAHAHAHA
Trying out a new look cos I’m sick of my bangs. I have a sneaking suspicion I look bald.
Newly painted room! Walls are pale pink except one feature wall which a darker shade of pink.
Duck rice from PJ which is my favorite food in the entire world. Yes, Japanese food, I regret to tell you that you have taken a back seat to duck rice.
A long day at work in a pitch meeting. It’s physically impossible for me to exist in a non-cute environment.
Also tried pushing bangs to the side.
Went car shopping! Due to my severe lack of height, this car which in actual fact is really the size of a golden retriever, looks like a proper sedan in this picture.
#addiction power again wtf. Minnie Mouse tops from minimaos.
Took up reading in Japanese again.
Cheong k session. Dogs not allowed but Jammie sneaked Yoshi in!
He looks damn cowardly here hahahhaha hiding behind his mommy’s arm. His new name is Courage the Cowardly Dog wtf.
Me and Courage wtf.
Jammie who is the fkn most photogenic person I know. This is how she looks without makeup *emphasizes
The night of the Dancing Queen. With Bobo & #addiction.
I think we’re psychic. Striped black and white shirts…
and identical bow jeans (minimaos)
Save the best picture for last WTF. Nice only because it’s so blurry T______T
*tired smile WTF
Usually if you notice I lump a few days of holiday together dunno why this time I decided to be so hardworking now regret la regret wtf.
Ok so Day Bazillion in Bangkok.
Also known as the day after Angela’s Horrific Allergy Episode wtf. If you can see the side of her lip is still abit swollen.
Theme was long striped skirts!
Lunch! We unanimously decided on an expensive looking restaurant to avoid further allergies and food poisoning (TMI but we were both also diarrhea-ing the entire week FOL)
(and ya I’m aware that expensive doesn’t mean clean cos once we saw a rat run across Ming Room in Bangsar Shopping Complex just thought you should know wtf. But we psychologically felt better)
Matching odangos.
View from lunch! It was down the road from our hotel only.
Addiction to coconut 😀
At that time I still couldn’t get over the beauty of my iphone…case wtf.
Orange nails!
Chatuchak! Shoping Everday Seieet whatever you want HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Unfortunately we went on a Friday so not many shops were open -_-
Went there and was greeted by brass statues galore -_- I mean I like shopping la but not brass statues of old Romans wtf.
Found a navy shop where my outfit matched but where I was also hard pressed to find anything to buy >____>
So lifelike right! Miniature wax sculpture of a monk ohmmmmm.
Saw very cheap kago bags for like 400+ baht but didn’t buy also cos too difficult to carry home.
We realized that when both of us are not aware there’s a camera around we usually look damn stupid.
Shot of the furniture / deco area of Chatuchak.
THEN PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!
Chatuchak has quite a big section dedicated to pets and happily they were open on Friday!
Nawwwwwwwwww he looks like one of the dogs in The Dog wtf.
Why sleep in such an uncomfortable position HAHAHAHAH. Fatty says I sleep with my legs up in the air WTF so I’m not one to say.
This one has a pretty terrible sleeping position too.
Then one of them stretched and woke up and blinked at me sleepily *melts so fast I turn into gas
Fluffy butts!
Ngahahahahah retrievers are like my favorite dogs.
Ohai fella!
More furry butts.
Like 80% of my blog readers are female so I bet 80% of you are going awwwww at this picture. But I go mehhh cos I like big ugly dogs wtf.
Colorful handicraft.
Meet Angela.
And Audrey wtf.
Hahahaha funnily they have the same hair color and hairstyle as us! Angela actually had permed hair in sophomore year and she probably has that exact outfit wtf.
Ugly gnomes! I can say this because this blog was written by one too wtf.
Popsicle maker. It’s not enclosed and the popsicle maker just rotates from side to side so I can’t figure out how it keeps the popsicles frozen!
I love anything cola flavored 😀
Then another trip to Mcdonalds -_- We’re incorrigible wtf. Did you know McDs in Thailand calls themselves McThai? 😀
Then off to the rooftop bar on top of our hotel to have drinks like mature adults!
P/S: Sorry for the lack in posts recently. I may be really losing my blogging mojo D: Babai blog wtf.
This blog post is just gonna be a photostatted copy of Cheesie’s latest blog post.
I dunno why I’m so lazy to blog nowadays (Angela asked if it’s cos our Bangkok trip is boring WTF but it’s not!)
Maybe I’m just losing my blogging mojo woohoo there goes my blogging career wtf.
But since Cheesie already edited all the pictures AND the video so I got no more excuses not to blog ngehehe. BKK posts to continue after this.
This is actually part of my pre-Bangkok task to complete 5 videos. A friend suggested I do a video where I dress up like a doll and do a robot dance WTF.
I told Cheesie and she actually thought it would be fun to do! And two is always better than one so we both put on yukata (quite doll like what wtf) and this is our video!
Miso Galz cos Teriyaki Boyz was taken WTF.
Hope this makes you laugh wtf.
Video stills from filming!
Pretty and demure *chokes
My famous (un)wink! Fml just realized I put my yukata lapels in the wrong order. I can’t tell right from left so I had to google it but I still got it wrong T_______T
Strutting Leos HAHAHAHAHA (do you guys know ornot!!!)
P/S: Getting very addicted to Instagram now! Add me at @fourfeetnine if you haven’t!
Zomg bored of Bangkok posts already! But once you start something you can’t stop or else you’re a quitter wtf.
So here comes Day… 4.
Whole outfit from Platinum Mall -_-
Home of my new clothes wtf.
Yea we went back and attached the accessories floor.
If you didn’t notice, our theme of the day was fake Comme des Garcons tshirts and hats.
Can’t remember what we ate for lunch but we were hungry so it was McDs again -_-
Actually maybe we skipped lunch to shop ah WTF. You cannot question our dedication wtf.
Posting this photo cos I think Angie is damn pretty here <3
Tuk tuk ride again. Are you getting bored yet -_-
We stayed in Bangkok so long that got routine lo! Everyday if we have time (and I have no tasks set up) we’ll make our pilgrimage to Platinum -_- then take the tuk tuk back to the hotel or wherever for dinner.
This time no cute tuktuk driver. Son I am disappoint wtf. (refer to this for more info. I really should stop making internet meme jokes that nobody gets. Cheesie you too wtf)
Went to see the Victory monument at night.
It’s the phallic tall thin structure in the middle.
Dinner time! Also drinks time! Task was to visit a jazz bar so we headed to the Saxophone, apparently the oldest jazz bar in Bangkok.
There was this super awesome jazz band playing. I’m quite phillistinic when it comes to jazz music wan cos everytime I hear it I feel sleepy WTF.
But they were really really good! They played all the songs I know (Moon River etc) that’s why they’re good WTF. Also I’ve never seen such a big band before? Got so many kinds of brass instruments there.
And the lead singer was amazing too! His voice was like ten plates of PJ duck rice put together (my favorite food) me and Angela melted when he sang *swoons
And he came over to take photo with us! I look like shit in this photo but it’s worth putting up cos check out the photobomber behind HAHAHAAHHAHA. Don’t think she meant to do it though hahahahaha.
One of the guys playing the trumpet really looked like Kenny Sia. Right or not!!!! Wanted to take a photo with him but he was nowhere to be found 🙁
Interior of the bar. Very retro!
It’s called the Saxophone for a reason.
Funnily enough, I woulda expected a pub like that to serve British pub food or something but everything was Thai!
Very yummy also.
Then on to Khao San Walk which looks like Petaling Street to me.
Very lau juak wan.
Saw a Thai policeman so we asked him for a picture and he obliged.
Then after that he was like “oh wait wait” and took out his own digital camera WTF and passed it to our cameraman to take a photo for him too hahahahahaha so cute.
Got tailed by these two Korean guys who were the most persistent yet polite guys ever. They kept coming up to us like every 5 minutes to ask us if we would reconsider and hang out with them WTF. Obviously we didn’t want la what if they drug us and rape us wtf.
But there goes our potential wild night and story to tell the grandkids.
After the 3rd time or so, they finally said ok can we just have a picture wtf so there it is.
Fake university certs -_-
Wanted to do fish spa but they were all closed! Most interesting thing was getting our caricatures done.
Me having a sneezing fit fml.
Sorry! Most interesting thing was this.
Got conned by photographer to eat bugs for the camera -_-
The people behind this trip are compiling a video of all the stuff I did including this -_- When it’s up will show you.
Damn gross! Looking at this photo makes me want to break my head wtf.
Beetles *shudder
I didn’t eat these though.
I had grasshopper…
crickets (no picture) and silkworm (above)
Grasshopper looked disgusting cos its legs looked like cockroach’s legs with the spikes coming off it. I pulled off the legs before eating and it was all crispy and crunchy. Exactly what you think a bug’s texture would be like except it was fried in some yummy salty oil so the taste was ok.
Silkworm actually looked yummy to me! But god it was disgusting. It had like a thin shell around it but when I bit into it the middle was all soft and squishy ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wanted to puke but the vendor was looking at me happily so I swallowed it T_T
Then right after that I felt my tongue and throat getting itchy! When I used to be allergic to eggs as a kid that was the feeling I’d have so I stopped eating right away and drank a lot of water.
But Angela damn greedy! She bought a whole packet of grasshoppers to eat WTF.
Then after a while her tongue and throat started getting itchy too.
Then her mouth swelled up to great proportions wtf.
This wasn’t even the worst of it wtf.
Then both of us started getting stomach cramps FOL.
We went back to the hotel after that and went to sleep. I got woken up in the middle of the night by Angela who shook me awake and said “eh Audrey sorry to wake you but I think I’m gonna die” WTF.
Cos she ate so many bugs her allergic reaction was terrible!
Her mouth swelled to like the size of a baseball and she had rashes all over her back and her stomach still hurt.
I called the reception asking if they had Zyrtec or something but they asked us to go 7-11 buy ourselves WTF.
Luckily one kind hotel staff (had to be a guy seriously you can always trust guys to be more helpful wtf *sexist) offered to hire a taxi driver to go buy medicine for us.
So ta dah problem solved, Angela got her Zyrtec and I got to go back to sleep.
Angela googled it and apparently grasshopper and silkworm will cause the most allergic reactions in humans when consumed?
Ok so ends the allergic adventure.
Lazy post today. Went to the eye doctor this afternoon cos lately I’ve been seeing alot of ghostlike things floating in front of my eyes.
Yea they’re called floaters and I was getting a bit worried cos there are so many that sometimes I get distracted by them D:
So anyway I went to the doctor who checked and said there were no abnormalities or retinal tears (the rip sort of tear, not crying sort of tear) so I was fine but if anyone of you ever notices shit floating in front of your eyes, you better get your ass to the doctor fast.
Anyway while everything is ok, the doctor dropped medicine into my eyes to dilate my pupils but which also made my vision blurry and my eyes numb for hours so I was indisposed the entire afternoon.
Point of whole long auntie story is to tell you I need to do work after this so this post is gonna be all pictures and hardly any words. But pictures are worth a thousand words anyway. So start reading! wtf.
At night after the 4 faced buddha and massage, we went for a dinner cruise down the Chao Phraya river. If anyone’s wondering, the cruise is by Marriott so you can probably search for it.
God my eyebags are bad. Anyone know how to get rid of them cos nothing works for me D:
Nice dinner calls for a dress wtf.
Lace qipao – online
Suede heels – Sungei Wang
I look like a nun next to Angie WTF.
Waiting for the cab.
The boat!
It’s basically a floating restaurant. It’s a preset multiple course dinner and you pay per person.
Very romantic wan the atmosphere! We were the only table there who wasn’t couples and I think the couples there were all celebrating special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Wonder if they felt murderous cos we made so much noise and ran about taking photos.
Candlelit dinner.
Since it’s on the river it was quite cool! (also cool temperature wise wtf). We just drifted quietly down the river and enjoyed the scenery.
Except when other boats (like the lit up one above) went by us full of party people singing Shanghai Tang very loudly WTF dunno why so happening!!
Some temple on the river.
Food pictures!
Appetizer. Possibly favorite dish of the night – vegetable sticks dipped in minced meat with curry.
I think I could eat cheap food my whole life and be happy.
Er Thai salad? I eat this all the time cos Fat Her loves it but dunno what it’s called!
A bunch of chopped up condiments wrapped in leaves.
Some spicy sour salad that was pants droppingly yummy! Also pants droppingly spicy which probably contributed to my diarrhea wtf.
No Thai meal is complete without tom yam!
Ate the whole bowl EVEN THOUGH I AM ALLERGIC TO TOM YAM WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF. I get rashes around my mouth and swollen lips and it’s damn horrible but everytime you put a tom yam bowl in front of me I’ll still eat it T______T
Chicken curry.
Sun dried pork. Is it a very popular Thai dish or something cos I had it twice there.
Oh more scenery.
Tweeting live!
WE’RE ON A BOAT *runs out of captions
After dinner we went over to Sirocco which is the world’s highest al fresco restaurant (according to the website) and probably oneof the most expensive also wtf.
It’s also where Hangover II was filmed!
But first we walked through a train station where I found out with heels I AM 160 CM!!!!!!
Oh tuktuk ride to Lebua (which is where Sirocco is in)
Sirocco is full of rich foreign people only! Didn’t see any Thais there besides the staff WTF.
I think because it’s bloody expensive! My white wine (and it was one of the cheapest) cost 700+ baht per glass ok!!
The view is amazing la cos it’s on the 63rd floor and you can see the whole Bangkok laid out below.
But really only millionaires can go there regularly I think and it was really packed so not very comfortable also!
But now I got bragging rights for having gone there since it’s one of the must do things in Bangkok.
(forgot to say – both the dinner canal cruise and Sirocco were my tasks)
View is breathtaking though.
So is this view WTF.
Sorry ah so commences the billion shots of ourselves.
Couple toast!
“I do” wtf.
Photobombed FOL.
Ok goodnite wtf.
Today’s topic is…. traditional Thai massage!
Some clever person suggested I get a Thai massage in Thailand.
I was most excited about it! Wanted to go on the first or second day even. Cos I love massages and foot rubs!
But little did I know how the Thai massage was to be *grim. Show you later!
The spa we went to was Health Land on Sukhumvit 21. Click here to go to their website.
It’s huge cos they have tons of branches all over Bangkok.
Stole this picture from Google. It’s very pretty and totally not sketchy at all!
(sorry ah massage spas just have a negative connotation to me)
The inside.
The first picture together of the day!
It’s really very nice! And cheap too our two hour Thai massage only cost 450 baht.
I’d recommend anyone who goes to Bangkok to try out Health Land! But not the Thai massage if you’re not a fan of pain wtf.
They have a bunch of other packages too – like aromatherapy massages, foot rubs, facials and everything else a self-respecting spa would have.
Nice lights wtf.
Angela decided to do the Thai massage with me too since we were in Bangkok.
In the elevator up to our room. The attendants were staring at us camwhoring in the mirror so I smiled at them and showed them my camera to take a picture of them. They backed up against the elevator walls and put up their hands in horror WTF fml dunno what I did wrong.
Resorted to photos of our feet instead wtf.
Our room for two!
They made us put on very comfortable pajamas! The pants are a super huge free size and you fasten them on by pulling a strip of cloth sewn on the back of your waist and tying it around you.
I loved the pants so much when I went to Chatuchak I bought a green pair for Fat Her.
Unfortunately when I gave them to him, he asked me why I bought him pants the color mental patients wear in Tanjung Rambutan WTF HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
The summary of my virgin Thai massage experience wtf.
Whole thing seemed to consist of a lot of bone cracking and muscle pressing. And a good sized dollop of pain wtf.
I’d be lulled to sleep cos the room was cool and dim but would wake up cos she’s pressing some tendon or snapping some bones wtf.
And quite scared doing that video also cos she always stared at me very hard when I took out my camera!
But I guess I did feel better after! Like body looser like that wtf.
Top – Bangkok
Shorts – Minimaos (recycled SHADDAP no other shorts matched this top and Angela and I have this policy of wearing themed clothing whenever we go out T_T)
Shoes – Bangkok also, bought in a fit of pain and foot blisters wtf.
Then we took a short walk down the road (like real Bangkok-ians!!!) to the MRT station.
Waiting for train.
Wa looks just like our LRT wtf.
Another self shot.
Next stop: the famous 4 face Buddha!
I heard so much about this 4 faced Buddha! (I once thought blasphemously why is he called 4 faced isit cos he’s twice as bad as two faced WTF)
Ringo and Hui Wen told me about all the miracles this Buddha performed for them or people they know and it all sounded so magical! Like cure sinus problems, give you straight As in the exam you’ve been failing for 5 years, let you strike lottery etc. But then they also told me hell befalls the person who gets his wish granted, but doesn’t come back to fulfil his vow. Someone struck the lottery but didn’t come back to give thanks so he went bankrupt WTF. And other such horror stories.
Apparently it’s not real Buddhism so god knows what powers are really behind this statue. (HAHAHA good pun wtf)
I went there planning to make a vow! Like make me taller or something and I’ll come back and pray.
Actually wanted to ask to be forever 25 but then got scared what if the buddha misunderstands and lets me die WTF so i’ll always be 25 or something wtf.
But then…I gotta say I chickened out -_-
We bought joss sticks and flowers and everything but then I started getting very scared that my prayer would go wrong and something bad would happen!
So in the end I just prayed for general stuff like health and happiness for my family and loved ones wtf. Some more I kept telling the buddha “eh this is not a vow ah don’t think it’s a vow and punish me for not coming back ah. I mean I might come back but don’t hold me on that this is not a vow” WTF.
Then cultural bit of the day done, we went back to Platinum -_-
It was raining and we couldn’t get a cab so we took a tuktuk back to the hotel.
Driven by the tuktuk driver from hell FOL.
Drive as though he’ll be reincarnated the next day! Seriously.
But then I suddenly noticed he has a nice side profile WTF. Then Angela promptly fell in love with him luckily we have similar tastes in everything except men.
She likes dark, smouldering bad boys wtf but I prefer funny, fair and small eyes (with nice nose and jaw)
In the middle of all the horror that was our tuktuk ride, we still managed to take this picture of a taxi driver shaving his face in the Bangkok jam HAHAHAHAHA.
Nobody’s exaggerating when they say Bangkok jam.
Reached the hotel alive. Took a picture with Angela’s love wtf.
That’s not all for Day 3. We took so many photos I have to split em up.
At night we went on a dinner cruise on the Chao Phraya! And then to Sirocco (where Hangover II was filmed) why are we so happening.
Next post!
Warning: post contains a lot of mind-numbing photos -_-
First things first. Shopping haul picture! Mind you this was only the first shopping day. The results of the photos below *jeng jeng jeng
Morning face! We always used to have the same hair color (even when we went blond) but now she’s black and I’m still brown.
Ya sorry ah you get to see a lot of our camho pictures.
Pratunam Market! Famous for selling….lotsa stuff wtf.
Hair extensions galore! My fake hair feels right at home here.
Very cheap fake lashes! Angela bought like a billion.
Browsing through ridiculously cheap makeup. So cheap I was abit afraid to buy. Later got like lithium inside melt my face off wtf. I think one eyeshadow cost like a few ringgit?
Twin poodles we saw outside a store! I was gonna pet one (forgetting that I tried to pet a stray dog before and got my finger chomped WTF seriously once bitten, twice not shy) — but Angela wouldn’t let me cos she said there might be disease.
So I’m only pretending to pet them wtf. They seemed happy though.
Inside a haberdashery! *smug cos know big words
Ya sorry ah one more time.
Pratunam is filled with rows and rows of stores and stalls selling all kinds of stuff!
Like dancing queen costumes wtf.
We found this lady sewing costumes in her store. So nice had to take a picture!
Then I got hungry cos we slept through breakfast. So off to McDs across the road.
God I love Thai McDonald’s! Their McSpicy chicken burger is so juicy and yummy omfg I’m salivating just remembering it.
We had McDs three times when we were there WTF. Of all our photos, if we’re not shopping, we’re eating at McDonald’s #culturalfail
Sawadeeka Ron!
Then HAHAHAHAHAHA we saw this sleeping man who didn’t move! Angela dared me to stand next to him and take a photo so I did. Then I told her she had to do it too so this was her picture.
Then she dared me to sit with him at his table WTF so I did HAHAHAHHAHA.
Damn good timing cos as soon as I stood up he woke up!!
That was our adventure of the day.
Passing pink tuk tuk crammed about 8 people in it WTF. It’s like those Toyota Estima ads.
Roadside stalls selling street food… (this is all around Platinum Mall)
Cheap glasses! Only RM15 but dunno why we didn’t buy.
Superman! (er cos he changes in phone booths)
Pink bikes! I really like this Bangkok obsession with pink <3
Thai fruits are so yummy! They sold fresh coconut all over and I drank so many. So refreshing especially if you’re hot and trudging under the sun.
Polaroids <3
Tried walking to Paragon but failed. Took a cab halfway. But we arrived!
Verdict: prettier than Pavilion (which I think is a big feat) but equally as expensive.
Outside Siam Paragon. Told you it was pretty!
Oh outfit list!
Denim cropped top – Urbanscapes (but I saw the same one in Chatuchak *grim)
Torn denim shorts – Online
Slippers – Havainananana
I found Strutting Leo!! HAHAHAHAHA. I tweeted this but nobody replied me 🙁 Please read here for info on Strutting Leo.
Ok so he was Regular Leo but I strutted next to him ma!
Still Paragon. It’s like an oasis in the middle of dusty Bangkok.
Waiting for a cab to Platinum Mall.
….and at Platinum we didn’t take a single photo -_-
Couldn’t cos we needed to focus on shopping there too many things to see!!!
Oh sorry we did take a coupla pictures.
Picture of this shop cos it was closing but I needed to remember it so I could come back and buy a dress I saw in it WTF.
Picture of new shoes I bought cos my stupid flipflops hurt too much. I was too tired lugging shopping bags by then so I found a seat while Angela bought more owl accessories wtf.
Chicken curry at the food court!
Super yummy! I think we were hungry too.
After reluctantly leaving Platinum cos it was closing, we went back to the hotel to take more photos to make up for not documenting Platinum properly, and to take above shopping haul photo.
Tried on new hats.
Played with pepper spray WTF.
Then things got a bit out of control wtf.
HAHAHAHAHAH pretending to be super heroes actually WTF.
Then 1940s’ pilots. Or ancient dynasty maidens with fancy buns on their heads WTF.
Then houseflies WTF.
Then a queen and her slave WTF.
Then back to normal programming. Posted this picture cos I realized while Angela was camwhoring in the mirror, I was doing the same thing behind with my iphone hahaha.
Cos I realized that actually I think I look quite nice with my hair up for a change! I always think I have a flowerhorn forehead (so when have you ever seen me without bangs) and I never put my hair up but that day it suddenly looked ok! I think it’s cos I managed to draw my eyebrows nicely wtf.
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