
Return of MACC

As though there isn’t enough publicity wtf, Patrek Kuah has politely requested that I tell you all that MACC is back again with its CNY edition

Yes the MACC dudes are back resplendent in Chinese vampire hats! Kiongsi fa cai wtf.

Check out their #MACC ads!  This one’s the Cooking one.

Then there’s Office

and 4D results wtf .

Happening next week onwards at PJLA, Jaya One.  Me and Wombeh are going too!
Faster go buy your tickets…


If not Jenhan will be forever alone WTF.


We’re on NHK!!!!


L-R: Cheesie, Aud, Lie, Maiko

NHK’s Tokyo Kawaii TV program crew is in KL!

If you’re interested in gyaru fashion and makeup (and you’re a female), come join me and Cheesie tomorrow at KLCC Park, 11am (in front of the fountain) !!!


My fake birthday

Okay not to say I’m super eager for my birthday (because that would mean I’d be one year older T_T)

But! Last year I NEVER celebrated my birthday. NEVER!

My birthday fell on a week day last year and I think I worked late some more fuck this shit.

And I think I was in a self pity mode last year or something and assured myself nobody would wanna celebrate my birthday with me anyway WTF (besides Fat Her, Mumsy and Wombeh)

I felt like shit and looked like shit so I told my parents and Wombeh that I would celebrate on a day where I actually looked presentable.

That day never came WTF.

So I ended up never celebrating! But if you don’t celebrate, does that mean you didn’t turn a year older? *hopeful

So this year I decided I would celebrate no matter what! I had my birthday party…one month early wtf.

Making up for lost time ok!

(actually because Jam and Suetpants were back and I wanted to have more friends -_-)

And ctually not really a birthday party la.  I told everyone not to bring presents just come cos all I wanna do is really cut a cake (which I don’t actually eat) surrounded by lots of people wtf *popularity whore

So these were the people who came! Wombeh who’s as usual treating me like a teddy bear.  Or a gnome.

And whirling Suetpants wtf.

Cheesie and Suetpants!



Fujii Lena and Hasegawa Jun WTF.

You know how Lena (from Vivi) has signature expressions? She does that smiling while biting her lower lip thing and some weird pout that looks like a cross between a duckface and a grimace.

Cheesie and I tried it.  And looked like imbeciles.

This is why Lena is in Vivi and we are not *wise wtf

Lainey and Ah Chayyy

The biggest pimp I know.  Bet he loves this picture cos he’s the only one with XY chromosomes.

Group photo wtf.

Everyone at the table had a Blackberry!  Guess which one belongs to who!

Clue: Obviously the brown one at the side is Latat’s WTF.

Red Velvet birthday cake!  Cake also cheat wan because it doesn’t have my name written on it and I am clearly not one year old wtf.

But cutting cake is all that matters!

I reminded Wombeh to buy me a cake WTF.  But then he told me he forgot and apologized I got really heartbroken because then my fake birthday would be redundant -_- (as though it wasn’t already)

But he was bluffing (as usual)!

I can has cake!

Technically I could have my cake and eat it too 😀 But I didn’t because I don’t like cake wtf.

So happy 😀

Bitches realized that the frill on my dress was actually removable

Made me do stupid things with it!

(oh I got this dress with Wendy during my florals phase ok don’t judge I’m still changing style!!!)


Super love this set of photos <3  Took them with Jammie’s supercalifragilistic camera but the flash actually came from Pimp Soong’s BB which he was flashing from the side!



Real group photo!

Fake birthdays are so fun!  No stress of getting a year older (because it’s not technically your birthday) and you can have one whenever you like!! (I’m thinking every month)

Thank you every buddy for coming for my fake birthday I had loads of fun and it cured me of my phobia of nobody coming to my birthday party wtf <3

Sorry Wombeh’s brother doesn’t want his photo up.

Oh and Latat wants to see your smile WTF.


My affair with shoes

warning: this entry is shockingly shallow. sorry think my brains have degraded

They say there are two types of men in this world – the legs man and the boobs man wtf.

And correspondingly (or not), there are two types of women in this world.

The shoes woman and the bag lady.

I am so unquestionably a shoe person.  That’s the first thing I notice about anybody I meet! (next to their nose bridges)  Then I judge you based on your choice of shoes wtf.

Bags are cute and all but nothing beats the leap my heart takes when I carry home a shoebox wrapped lovingly in a paper bag <3


I aqctually took a photo of some of my shoes the other day WTF *obsessive

Nola actually I happened to walk by my shoe rack.  I looked at my shoes all lined up and I realized that while I can’t remember where a lot of my clothes came from unless I look at the tag, I can remember where and when I bought each and every pair of shoe and the stories that came with the shoe!

So now Imma go all grandmama and tell you long story about some of my favorite shoes! wtf.  Already warned you.


I like special shoes 😀 This pair’s from Takeshita dori in Harajuku last year!  They were horribly uncomfortable at first but like all shoes bought in Japan (the ones I have anyway) they become very comfortable after a while and they’re my go-to shoes for now.

Also the most suay because they’re made of some velvety suede material and every time I wear them sure rain wan and they get wet T__________T Then I get desperate enough to save them so I wipe my shoes with my bare hands WTF.


Pink comfy flats I got with Suetpants at a flea market bazaar thing at Sunway Giza last year.  I usually wear them on casual weekends and delude myself into thinking they kinda look like Ferragamo flats (if you squint and tilt your head to the side wtf)


Every time I wear these out sure got people comment wan!  Sandals from Bakers in San Fransisco with Soulmate Luo.  She has the same pair!


A bit blurry but decided to put them in because they were my favorite shoes for a few years WTF.  Got them in Kyoto in junior year and again they’re damn comfortable!  Somore they’re quite flexible can wear clubbing then to work the next day wtf.

Finally stopped wearing them so much cos the glaze on the patent leather is coming off 🙁


These are a bit hard to match *Captain Obvious.  I bought them from Sungei Wang for the Nuffnang Blog Awards in 09! My dress was a cream color so I wanted something bright to offset the neutrality and you don’t get brighter than fuchsia and orange spots wtf.


Ya an extraordinary amount of my shoes are pink wtf.

These shoes are damn wtf lo!  I don’t really know for what purpose they were made for but they’re very light and quite breathable also cos of all the holes wtf.  Dunno leh for track?  Racket sports? I will never know.

They’re Tommy Hilfiger and I’m ashamed to say I might have bought them just because they were pink and Tommy Hilfiger -_-  I got them in San Fransisco on the way to Mount Holyoke for the first time!  Nearly 6 years ago!!!

I actually still wear them!  The last time was…a year ago to play badminton cos I don’t have any sports shoes -_-


My other pair of sneakers! (also pink).  I love Converse though they’re still about the only brand of sneakers I’ll wear. (although I do remember a suspect period of my life where I wore Adidas Superstars and DC skater shoes D:)

I got these off because during first year at Moho Angela and I would get really bored and would succumb to online shopping.  These were purchased at a time where pink and green was my favorite color combination wtf.  Still wear em pretty often 😀


Bought in Sungei Wang also.  Not that notable besides that Angela loved these shoes when she saw me wearing in photos and I went back to the store to get them for her but no more size.

Also notable (and stupid) because the heel strap kept coming off and I remember once in 1U I had to make Desmond and Matthew go with me to the cobbler to fix my shoe.

And the other time it came off at work so Edmund stapled the strap down for me WTF.


One of the pair of shoes Wombeh got for me when he shut down Shoes Shoes Shoes in Bangsar (during his Romantic Period).

Wear it mostly for work only though cos it’s so classy!


Got in Seoul with Cheesie!  Damn fucking cute!  But also damn fucking painful I guess Korean shoes don’t soften up like Japan’s 🙁

When we were in the store and I was trying on the shoe, we were speaking in Japanese because that’s what the sales assistants spoke to us in.

But then we realized they were actually Chinese!! So I forced Cheesie to speak Mandarin to them hoping to get a discount since our ancestors were from the same place wtf but I don’t remember getting a discount FOL.


My newest obsession!!!  Part of the Obakawa style that Cheesie and I are switching to now!  (fuck florals wtf)

I bought it before Chizu told me that Lena was wearing them in Vivi so yay! i can consider career in fashion buying now wtf.

And one more on the way!  Liz Lisa Style Beige Suede Boots from minimaos ordered already so what if there’s no place to wear them to in KL!

(For those who are a size 4 or size 36 or smaller, no such thing as finding it hard to find shoes your size! You just have to look)


Weight for it

I never thought this day would come.

That I would suddenly be able to…

…put on weight wtf.


Back when I looked like the photo on the right (resplendent in Harry Potter glasses and an overbite that could stab you to death), and all the way through high school, I weighed… 32kg.


All the way up to pre-u when I looked like this wtf.  Yep, had only one eye wtf.

Anyway the point is, I used to be freakishly skinny my whole life.  I ate a lot but basically wasted my parents’ money because I never put on any weight and when I went around with Hsin, we’d look like walking skeletons wtf.

I think my mom might have attempted deworming me at some point too, convinced that the food I was consuming was going straight to snakes in my belly wtf.

But to no avail it was just my Olympic metabolism!

Anyway I went to America, also got on the pill, got cold, and ate my weight in food every meal.


I put on something like 8 kg in 3 months WTF.

I was horrified but was unable to resist the damn dining halls wtf.  Every lunch and dinner I’d eat one plate of salad, one main plate of food, and a bowl of cereal WTF.  Then sometimes if I was in the mood I’d have ice cream.

But when I got back in the summer I naturally shed some of the weight, I think to 36 or 37kg.

And it stabilized the next year because I finally exercised some self control and stopped helping myself to three plates of food per meal wtf.   I still ate like one or two plates at a time and had fries and coke nearly every meal -____- but that was still enough for my metabolism to handle I guess.

Then! I went to Japan, where people have the longest life spans of anyone else in the world.

Where the food is amazingly healthy, and portions amazingly small.  I’m terrified of being hungry because I get nausea and gastricitis very easily if I don’t eat enough.  So before I went to Kyoto, I wrote to my host family to forewarn them that I eat a lot WTF.

And they did give me a lot of food!  My okaasan gave me portions as big as my otousan’s (father) and otouto (brother) but it was still less than what I normally ate T3T  Embarrassingly, my host sisters and mother all ate what seemed like ten grains of rice each in comparison.

So I’d buy snacks and hoard them in my room to eat at night because I didn’t wanna bother them in asking for more food T3T.  I also walked (or ran) for the bus and train every day so my weight dropped to like 34kg and couldn’t go up no matter how much I ate.

Then like that lo.  Final year of college my weight stabilized at about 35-36kg (Angela bought a scale for our room so I knew my exact weight was 35.8kg wtf)

Then I entered the work force T__________T And thar begun the neverending spiral into weightdom wtf.

Okla I exaggerate.  I think right now I’m about 39kg which while still very light, is the heaviest I’ve been.

And the scary thing about it is that number scares me.  I know I’m nowhere near fat but I still fear putting on any more weight.  And it’s scary that I’m scared wtf.

We’re so obsessed with staying thin because that’s what the media tells us.  And that’s what other skinnier girls with blogs show us.  If everyone else is slim with legs that go on forever, why would you want to be the (fat) sore thumb that sticks out from the other knobbly fingers?

I’ve been lucky enough not to worry about my weight before this, and I know I have no place to say it because there are people who struggle with real weight and health problems, and I’m not one of them.  But I’m not the only one either.

I talked to Angela and she’s exactly the same.  She doesn’t like being too thin but once she starts to put on some weight she gets nervous about the extra pounds.

It’s tragic that we all feel we have to adhere to society’s standards of what constitutes a beautiful body and do so to the point of obsession.

Isabella Caro, a French model who posed nude for an anti anorexia campaign, died of complications recently (although there is more to anorexia than simply wanting to be thin la wtf)

Haih write for so long in the end after I publish this I’m still going to go back to worrying about my weight.  Probably for the rest of my life -_-  Sucks being a woman sometimes.


I was there!

So this was my first view of the crowd waiting for Maxis’s iPhone 4S launch at KLCC last week.

Coincidentally, this was my view of the Maxis crowd last year at Gardens hahahaa.

Again I got invited to attend the Maxis iPhone 4S launch this year *self importance launches through roof


Got into special VIP area.


While crazy lines snaked outside!  Super admire the dedication of these people!

Maxis took up like most of the KL Convention Center to stage their launch so space was massive. No cramped or organizational issues too all very orderly and calm.

I really really want a (white) iPhone 4S too but I think I’m too lazy to do anything like this so these people have got amazing focus and determination.

Huai Bin asked me what I would line up for.  I thought and said if the world was ending and the only way to survive is to line up/fight way through crowds to get on a spaceship that will leave Earth to a safer planet wtf.  I’d win too cos my self-preservation level is damn high apocalypse sap sap sui.


Another view of the VIP area.

I heard that Maxis had the best organized launch so yay them!  We had a comfy VIP room with dinner to chill in to wait for the launch.


But inside also got people clambering to sign up to register to get their iPhones.


Me and Huai Bin!


Went outside to check out the crowd again.  Aih now wish a bit I’d lined up too to get a phone.

Stupid iPhone cult is damn good at convincing me that I need to get a 4S even though I have a 4 and it’s still quite new.  Luckily I have no money anyway wtf.


VIP entertainment room with a great live band and free flow drinks.


Me and Shin Yee (taken with my 4)


Elaine Daly and Henry Golding (not in view, probably busy being mobbed by girls) emcee-ed.


Loved this band and their song selection and energy!  Dunno why nobody else seemed to respond much lo -_- Unresponsive Malaysians are unresponsive.


With Steph and HB.

Then they announced that the iPhone was gonna be launched in a few minutes!!


Faster went outside and saw this.

Crowd getting all excited for the launch!  Event was super well organized they thought of everything!  They even had radio DJs there to entertain and hype up the crowd.



All swarming in to get their phones.


Maxis was really sooo organized about the launch!

They had booths set up around the entire hall.  People just went to one booth (according to alphabetical order) and got their number then went to another booth to collect their phone and pay then done!  Very efficient.


Just to show I was there!  Just me and my iphone.

(shit me always look damn sloppy)

So the iPhone 4S (in black…and white sigh) is available now at all Maxis centers worldwide.  See Maxis website for prices and contract rates and renewals.



edit: I’ve removed the pictures of the guy with the funny expression because a friend of him complained.  To be honest, I didn’t think I was being rude because I wasn’t making fun of the guy for having a handicap or for being ugly but just that my camera happened to catch him with the same expression for 3 photos in a row.  But then again, I can be insensitive at times because I laugh at everything so I’m taking it down and I’m sorry if I hurt anyone 🙁

New Year photos!

Haven’t done anything for New Year’s in forever – last year we were in Penang flopping around Wombeh’s room like lazy fish so this year we decided to go out and see fireworks!

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Getting ready with Chizu.

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Foruchizu in shiny dresses!


At dinner! I was helping the guys take photo but Cheesie impatient wanna camwhore so become like that masterpiece wtf.


With Jammie!  Cheesie how many times repeat this joke scared people dunno she clever wtf.  The joke is that I must be crackers to hang out so much with Jam and Cheese wtf.


With Wombeh and his brother! He Who Must Not be Faced.

But I can tell you this. He’s happy not to show his face in public WTF.


Streets of KL were jam packed with people!  I put cardigan on my shoulders cos I’m terrified of crowds and very paranoid I’ll get molested.  Not that there’s anything there to touch la but you never know wtf.


See crazy crowd outside Pavilion.


Crazy crowd sprayed Cheesie’s hair with fake snow 🙁

It’s like that wan – her hair so big and big objects can create their own force field WTF.


Waiting in Changkat for hanabi!


Sorry a lot of photos of us only cos the other friends we were with don’t really want their photos in public.



去年はお世話になりました。今年もよろしくお願いします ~


My paramesium and me! Our 3rd New Year’s together.


Hello 2011! (and old age GAWD)


My 2010

My turn to reminisce about 2010!

Yesterday we were watching the fireworks on Changkat and I tweeted “Happy 2010!”


As Wafu rightly put it, first second of  the new year already make mistakes wtf.

But anyway, I will miss 2010.  (and not just because I will be a year older in 2011 wtf)

To be honest, 2010 was a good year for me!  Everyone said Year of Tiger not good but I don’t believe in superstitions. The more you believe, the more it will come true dai sei wtf.

In 2010, I was more … settled.

In 2008, I moved back to KL permanently to start the phase of my life where I you know, really start taking on responsibilities and acting like an adult.

In 2009, I spent most of the year in a partial identity crisis wtf.

I had black hair which made me think I wasn’t me whenever I looked in the mirror T3T


I spent most of the year having the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that my summer vacation was way overdue (because I couldn’t get used to not having 3 months in a year off)

You probably don’t know this because I never blog about relationship stuff but Wombeh and I fought a lot!  Okla not really a lot compared to my other exes wtf but there were still bad fights.

And lastly, for at least some of the time in 2009, I was lonely.  I had my parents and Wombeh but I didn’t have many close friends in Malaysia.

Call it the Curse of the Malaysian Education but I’d been away for four years and lost touch with most of my school friends (ok sorry I’m awful at staying in touch).  I made new friends of course, but when I came back, they all stayed away WTF.  Suet and Tze still remained in the UK and the US.  And even Jammie migrated away from me to Melbourne T____T

So for most of the year I drifted around (with Jammie cos she was still here) with no real ties to anyone besides my parents and boyfriend.

But in 2010, everything stabilized for me 🙂

I finally settled into my own skin – I stopped feeling like a student who was working but a real member of the work force and I was okay with that.  I got better at what I was doing too and stopped feeling so lost or like I was drowning in a sea of clients’ judgments wtf.


My relationship with Wombeh vastly improved!  The last big fight we had was in May ’10 in Madison Square Park in New York WTF.  I remember reminding myself to remember wtf because I wanted to see if we fought more than I did with my first ex but nobody can beat that weekly schedule of arguments ok wtf.

But I realize we haven’t had a proper fight since then!  I think we just got to know each other better and we both adapted to fit each other.  We’re vastly different people to be honest for example he’s damn impatient and I’m as bleh as an amoeba.  And he’s very romantic while I think it’s a waste of energy WTF. Conserve energy better… for 2012 wtf geddit geddit.

Anyway the relationship settled down too and we’re now a boring couple 😀

At the start of 2010, Jammie moved off to Melbourne and left me in her dust wtf.  But in replacement I became friends with some very awesome people 🙂

Esoong wtf.  Hahaha Wombeh behind <3  But maybe not counted cos he says all his friends are from his Blackberry business I’m not special wtf.



And my #addiction wtf whom I’ve known for over two years but never bothered to get to know better until recently WTF.  (she lansi first)

Highlights of the year in photos!


Project Alpha

And my first time ever in Kuching! (or East Malaysia)

Project Alpha Season 2 launch in KL with Wendy!

Also,thankfully ditched the black hair and reverted to blond

(but overdid the blond I think because it’s nothing like Wendy’s pretty blond and everything like the color of a tuba wtf)


Went to San Fransisco…

and was reunited with my soulmate <33333


Saw Ooib graduate in Indiana!


Visited the Met in New York City.  And did every other touristy thing there too.

Was reunited again with Soulmate Luo (and Suetpants) when she visited KL in July *weeps

Double Shan also visited!! Seriously this Tourism Malaysia campaigns quite work wtf.

Went to Korea!


Foruchizu was born.


Celebrated two years with the Fatty!

In retrospect I think I didn’t do as much this year as I did the year before last.

But I was happy 🙂

And so will all of us in 2011.  Happy New Year!

AudCamwhore AudEveryday

Lazy Sunday afternoons

…were made specially for Fruit Ninja duels.


I was watching them play and I noticed my dad sending my mom bombs WTF.

Me: “Eh Mummy those bombs Daddy sent wan!”

Fat Her: “Shhhhh!”

Mother: “Idiot!”

Then proceeded to trounce my dad repeatedly wtf.

Some more photo evidence of my life.  Or that I have a life wtf.


Boxing Day was spent Facetime-ing with Ooib.


Hello Ooib and Kehrole!


Lazy Sunday breakfast with H-Sin <3


Alfie pulling a James Dean hahahaha.

Those are Jammie’s oppressive hands holding (Eric Soong’s) Alfie btw 😀


Christmas linner with Cheesie (cos it was so late after usual lunch time so it’s lunch + dinner wtf)  We didn’t only have pastries the pasta came later.


Edible Makkuro Kurosuke!

(see My Neighbor Totoro)

Ok why some of the photos above are in like sepia, faded tones is because I was playing with an iphone app I downloded called LomoLomo and I was inspired to edit my regular photos like that. But then I got lazy halfway (worm)

Everything is so pretty after they’ve been LomoLomo-fied!

Like me and Cheesie!  Although it’s hard to imagine how we can be any prettier WTF okok don’t stone me to death.

This was a while back let me warn you my hair is not like that anymore wtf.

I went around the house taking pictures just to see what they’d look like Lomo-ed.

A blue plaster pig I got at some Spanish restaurant.

The Chinese vase that my mother tied a red bow around.

Another of me and Ringo god this is addictive.


My new bangs which I cannot get used to D:

I think I look like Friar Tuck WTF.

Shellie May!  (from minimaos)



edit: Lucas is home! A pet store spotted him and called up Yee Hou 🙂

Ringo lost her dog a few months ago and I remember how upset she was 🙁

My family lost our dog, a pariah with a very gangsta attitude called Binkie (FHL) when I was in high school and I remember how sad we were.

This is a call for help for my friend, Yee Hou.

Today his miniature schnauzer, Lucas, ran out of his house in Desa Park City through a crack in the gate.

If anyone lives around there, please keep a look out for Lucas!

Yee Hou sent me a couple of pictures of Lucas.

lucas 1

The one of him running is his most recent photo…

lucas 2

but his current haircut resembles the photo of him on the chair, with his ears thinned out.
He’s not a very large dog, probably about 4-6kg. One defining feature is that he doesn’t have the typical schnauzer-like nose, but his beard’s abit more bushy.

lucas 3

There another picture so you can kinda see his size wtf.

He’s exactly a week shy of being a year old.  His microchip number is 4580-986-000-9899 so you’ll know if you got the right dog.

Yee Hou lives at Levenue, Desa Parkcity, which is where Lucas escaped from.  If you happen to find him, please email me at fourfeetnine [at] or call Yee Hou at 017 366 0933.