Sorry that this post needs to be a little #cryptic as it’s about work.
But recently I managed to pull off a good sized project almost entirely by myself! Of course I had a lot of help with some very good partners that we work with but all in all, I managed most of it myself without supervision from Desmond 😀
I thought I did it well but today Desmond told me that the clients were very happy with the whole project and that it caught the interest of other teams to do the same thing for their accounts.
That totally made my day! Desmond probably felt like he was giving a little kid icecream cos I think my whole face lit up *scuffs foot
So so glad I did it! At first I was apprehensive because it required a lot of micromanaging and attention to detail and forward planning that I do not have (I’m the type of person who thinks one bar of petrol is enough to get me anywhere I’m going wtf). And forgetting even one tiny detail would make a big difference in the outcome.
But miraculously I pulled it off *thanks Buddha wtf. And I actually had a lot of fun doing it! It was a very fun product and a very fun project to work on…and I don’t know la I was just soooo responsible and smart and totally not like my usual self WTF.
I think Bionic Woman possessed me momentarily wtf.
So yay to not feeling stupid and incompetent anymore! (or at least for the time being wtf)
To commemorate the occasion, let me post a picture of me taken at work!
Totally unrecognizable. Iz true. The other day I went out in glasses and bumped into someone I knew.
I waved to her and said “Hello May!”
She stared at me uncomprehendingly wtf.
I said “It’s me, Audrey! You just don’t recognize me because of the glasses…”
She smiled and nodded but the look of confusion never left her eyes fml.
All my life I have lived and behaved very much like the sandpiper – just running down the edges of different countries and continents, ‘looking for something’. – Elizabeth Bishop
What was that something and did you ever find it?
Last Thursday I was invited to the Maxis Iphone 4 launch *bursting with self importance
If you didn’t know already (and I find it hard to believe), Maxis was the first telco to bring in the iPhone to Malaysia. And they did it again with a big launch and bang of the iPhone 4 last Thursday!
Super packed lor!
This was just the inside where the VIPs (ME!) and media were all at.
This was the outside!!
Where all the iPhone-philes were waiting for their new phones!
Imagine, 12am and all these people were lining up just to be the first to get an iPhone 4 from Maxis!
Such is the power of the iPhone.
Blurry pics taken from my phone that may or may not be a competitor of the iPhone wtf.
It was like some mini reunion inside there lor! Here’s Jesrina talking to Kenny.
Huai Bin, Jesrina, Kenny, Wombeh, Xes, Nicholas.
With Joyce! Possibly one of the easiest people to make laugh. She laughs at everything lor! I sidestep some big hairy man’s elbow also she laugh wtf.
Better picture of us where I don’t look like I’m saving up air in my mouth in case there’s not enough to go round WTF.
Anyway back to the launch and press con.
The Very Important People from Maxis unveiled the phone and showed everyone a short video about the iPhone and its capabilities.
I took this picture from behind cos there were too many tall people holding very expensive and bigass cameras for me to get through T_T
This was my view FML.
But looks who’s in front of me!
Asked him to help me take a couple of shots so at least if I couldn’t see what was going on in front, I could have photos to look at later *loser
Sandip Das, CEO of Maxis, launching the iPhone.
The Ghost of Maxis WTF. (credits to Kenny)
But well worth the wait and well worth the throngs of people because look what I’ve got!
*trumpets blare
I’ve never really been a very technologically inclined person.
But it is a work of art and the prettiest phone I’ve ever seen.
Review coming up soon!
Wahlau super hard sell la wtf.
But today it’s AirAsia’s turn in the limelight.
Started eight years ago with only two aircraft, now they have 95 and they’re now approaching their 100 millionth customer!
So because all this would not be possible without their customers (and the customer is always right wtf) they wanna hear from you!
Tell your best AirAsia story “How has AirAsia changed your life for the better?” and you could win free flights!
Film it, tweet it, blog about it or make a photo collage to tell your story! And you could win free flights! (Japan!) Go here for more info or to submit your entry 😀
Contest is from 23 August – 4 October. Remember to include a #AA100M tag for your submission to qualify.
Ok reason why I’m blogging this is the other day I was at Pavilion and there was an AirAsia 100 Million roadshow going on.
And they interviewed me!
I look like a gnome next to the big AirAsia dude -_-
Anyway they asked me to tell my best AirAsia story. Which is so easy yawnz.
Remember 2 years ago I wrote a very incensed blog entry
on my trip to Redang?
A local lowcost air carrier (not saying any names) left me stranded in Kuala Terengganu for more than 12 hours my blood boils just thinking about it! In the end I forfeited my flight, booked another flight on AirAsia and got back home immediately.
So basically I was saved a lot of time, anger and frustration and managed to get home in time (to start my job WTF cos my first day was the day after that)
I also took AirAsia to HK with Red Mummy, Xiaxue and Cheesie!
And when it was Wombeh’s birthday this year, he happened to be in Singapore. So I grabbed an AirAsia flight to Singapore to spend his birthday with him.
So you can understand if I have friendly feelings towards AirAsia ^^
Everyone for sure has their own AirAsia story to tell. So go ahead and tell yours to win ^^ (I super want to win a flight to Japan, AirAsia if you’re reading this I’m begging you WTF)
Diamond Lash! Best lashes ever.
Dolly Wink is good too but these are so much more defining! Plus they’re really hardy and you can use them forever. AAND the lower lashes come in one strip instead of individual pieces like so many Dolly Wink ones.
With these, I have discovered that I don’t need makeup anymore, just these lashes *big shiny eyes (yes literally!)
I got them in Tokyo a year ago and only remembered I had them a week ago wtf.
Unfortunately I don’t know where to get them in Malaysia 🙁 Does anyone know?
Wah a lot of you have secret fantasies unveiled in my last post wtf.
But today’s an infinitely more serious topic.
Furry Friends Farm is an animal sanctuary for rescued stray dogs, puppies, cats and kittens and other pet animals that are abandoned, neglected or abused by irresponsible owners. It is run and managed by volunteer rescuers with the objective of creating a more compassionate and humane society towards animals.
The farm provides a secured shelter for abused and abandoned stray animals rescued in the state of Selangor. It is also a place to house and rehabilitate cats and dogs physically and psychologically. They are given a second chance to live the rest of their lives in peace and dignity.
(picture courtesy of Wafu’s Footie)
Furry Friends Farm is currently trying to collect signatures for a petition to urge the Malaysian government to amend the Animals Act 1953 to increase the penalty for animal cruelty AND to ban the human consumption of dogs and cats in Malaysia.
Right now abusers are only fined RM200 or 6 months jail which does not do enough to deter assholes from abusing animals.
You can help by signing their online petition here.
Wanna see more pleading puppy dog eyes?
There you go wtf.
Just sign! It only takes a minute of your life and you get to bask in the warm feeling that you’ve done something good.
As a um fellow animal I strongly behest you to sign the petition for the sake of your furry friends (and me)
Or you want me to cry? wtf
(picture taken by Wombeh when I was bawling buckets watching Hachiko the movie fucking sad until dunno what ok I cried until uhuk uhuk wtf)
I promise you I’m not usually such a teeny bopper.
But I was talking to Fresh today and I randomly asked her who’s the top 3 men in the world that she’d do. Ok la not so random, we actually started because we were talking about Yuen’s dream man, Hattrick Roshan (dunno how to spell).
And she more or less answered immediately! (Justin Timberlake, Wentworth Miller etc wtf)
So now I know! I am not the only crazy one.
And I know all of you have it too!
A list of the top 3/top 5/(insert appropriate number don’t be greedy) top men/women/Twilight characters you’d like to do!
Ahhh don’t bluff la even if you don’t have a concrete list it’s there in the back of your mind.
I asked Wombeh just now “Eh who are the top 3 women in the world that you’d wanna shag?”
Wombeh: “Nobody! I don’t like anyone else…”
Me: “Aiya faster don’t waste time just answer la” wtf.
Wombeh (immediately): “Megan Fox, Jessica Alba…”
Told you!
So without further ado, here’s mine in no particular order (at the moment, might change with introduction/birth of new cute guys <3)
(actually I think I’ve written about this few years ago – click here to see if my tastes have changed)
Jim Sturgess!
Oh how you make my heart flutter!
Did anyone watch Across the Universe? He sings there *swoon
Not to mention him suited up in 21. He’s not as picture perfect as other celebs but there’s something charming about him! *swoons more
Also, is it just me or does he bear a resemblance to Paul McCartney? Whom coincidentally my mother used to like when she was a teeny bopper like mother like daughter wtf.
Needs no introduction. Oh hello fella *blushes
Last spot!
Originally it was Usher.
Actually it’s not his face *shy
Not his body either *shyer
Think it’s just the way he dances *shyest
But today i remembered somebody else! And he’s just elbowed Usher out of the top 3 wtf.
(wait forever cannot remember his name *googles)
Let us all bask in the perfection that is Joo Ji Hoon.
(knew his name rhymed with mee hoon)
The jaw! The nose!
God cannot be this biased so I’m sure his face is manmade! But whatever it is, it’s still a work of art wtf.
I get a sense that I like small eyes *shy
And sharp jaws and sharp noses.
You know how physical attraction is tied back to biological and evolutionary traits? For example, men like women with curvy figures because I dunno they can give birth better.
But I cannot figure out why girls like guys with sharp jaws and noses. Is it because they can use it to cut prehistoric meat WTF.
Ok la ‘fess up who’s your top 3? Don’t lie sure got wan.
Once upon a time there lived a girl.
A very cute girl WTF.
Ok I lie.
You know the saying, there are no ugly women, only lazy ones?
Totally true.
To be very honest, I think I’m just okay. But what I do have in abundance is focus and dedication.
On my face and hair. ^_^
Hairstyles make a lot of difference to your appearance! You’ll see what I mean.
So this is the story of my hair.
In the beginning..
Please remember I used to look like this wtf.
But also remember!
No ugly women, only lazy ones.
So as soon as I finished high school, I dyed my hair and never looked back since.
Curled my hair at every opportunity. See the vast improvement? (pretend you can see my face here)
My hair is naturally very very fine so in order to achieve volume, I stick on curlers and rollers every chance I get.
And I plugged on extensions which are pretty..
But are also pretty damaging to your hair.
They’re tied to your real hair which puts a lot of strain on your scalp.
But what to do!
Unstyled, my hair looks like this. T_T
All the years of styling, teasing and curling my hair have taken its toll.
Maybe you wanna enjoy the beauty for a while more. Cos it sure didn’t last WTF.
When Wombeh met me I had this super nice (from far) long blond hair that he said was my best hairstyle ever (f this shit) but cannot save already by then because my my ends were all split, my whole head was frizzy and worst of all I was dropping hair T_________T
This is was my hair in its natural state. When I say natural I mean as natural as it can be with all the coloring, teasing and styling ehehe.
Straight yet frizzy, dry, no shine and very very fragile T______T
So I chopped it off.
And dyed it dark.
(I wanted to stop dyeing it less frequently so I chose a dark color. Also cos flaws are more obvious in blond hair wtf)
Worst decision ever because I looked like some stupid noob/nerd/kid sitting for their UPSR exam T__________T
My self esteem plummeted. And I had a minor identity crisis fml. The whole time I had black hair, I didn’t feel like myself because for as long as I could remember, I’d had brown or blond hair.
Damn ugly lor seriously! With this kind of hair, even if I go out naked nobody would think I’m sexy *shifty eyed.
So no choice.
Dyed it back ash blond.
And it just got blonder and blonder. This is what my hair really looks like under sufficient light.
I fretted over it. Why my hair so bad condition T______T
I already try to dye it less frequently and try to dye only the regrowth and not the whole head. I curl my hair only on weekends when I’m going out and just put it in a ponytail for work. I wash my hair everyday but I also blow dry it for less than 5 minutes to minimize damage.
Why still so bad leh!!!!! Tell me Hair God, what else do you want from me!!!! Wtf.
So I googled it. And found the culprits.
Let me show you 7 crimes you may be committing against your hair but don’t know.
(Don’t feel bad because I do every single one of them on a regular basis GOD.)
#1Towelling wet hair dry.
Did you know toweling your hair dry can cause friction, breakage and frizzy hair? Neither did I fml. I’d always thought that toweling it dry would be better than blow drying.
Btw, digression but this bunch of photos was taken with a self timer. I didn’t know the self timer was so fast!!!
This was the first picture I took with self timer. Not enough time to pose properly I panicked when I heard the camera clicking and threw the towel on my head so this is the picture that came out HAAHAHAHAHAHAH
Filddled around with the timer a bit then only figured out how to work it!
#2 Blow drying your hair
Drying your hair too much will cause your hair to dry out and break T_T
#3 Excessive brushing, especially when hair is wet.
I do this all the time T_____T Sometimes I forget to put on conditioner (when I say forget, I mean lazy to apply wtf) so I end up fighting with my comb against the tangles. God knows how much hair has broken because of my un-care T__T
#4 Hair coloring
I dye my hair about every 2 months because regrowth is as disgusting as the scum by the side of your bathtub T.T
If you haven’t noticed, I dyed my hair AGAIN. Hellooo sin #4
#5 Straightening or in my case, curling hair
Doing this on a regular basis will cause hair to become drier, more fragile and prone to breakage. I usually spray on heat protectant before curling my hair but I suspect this is what dries my hair out the most 🙁
#6 Using styling products
(I have a fear of hairspray going into my eyes cos once I accidentally mis-aimed and sprayed both my eyes before good job Aud)
Gel, hairspray, wax all basically. If don’t use styling products how is my hair going to stay!!! Already said my hair is super fine and straight already if don’t use wax or spray might as well just wake up and go out la do makeup and hair for what some more T.T
#7 Ponytails or buns.
Aih seriously fml la. Do also cannot, don’t do also cannot. In bid to reduce curling my hair, I put it up in a bun or ponytail. But now I find out very tight braids or pony tails can damage hair, sometimes irreversibly. Buns, in particular, put strands of hair through considerable contortions and are not recommended for fragile or brittle hair. In addition to creating split, frayed ends and irregular broken areas, it pulls painfully on the scalp, causing redness and sensitivity.
Then what should I do! Look like a numbskull everyday ya good idea wtf.
And I know I’m not the only person guilty of all the above right!!
But the way I see it what choice do we have? Going out looking like a suaku is not an option.
edit: Reposting because I was too much of a flake before and left out some info…
Remember a while back I got the Sony Cyber-shot TX5 to play with?
Sony held a competition at Sunway Lagoon where people could compete in all sorts of tasks to win Cyber-shot cameras among other things.
I don’t normally blog much about events (too lazy and slow fml) but I cannot get over how nice all our photos taken with the camera looks!
With Wombeh before the event. I was all prepared for the dangers of the outdoors! wtf.
Bikini (in case I get wet I don’t have to wash wet underwear wtf), old shirt, non-floral wtf (doesn’t matter if shit happens to it), umbrella and sunblock tucked away in Stitch bag (very hardy)
(Blog titled such cos I’m uh happen to be wearing the colors of the Star Spangled Banner. Also the Jalur Gemilang wtf)
Throngs of people registering to participate!
With Huai Bin!
And Tziaaa! She so tall she had to bend down so low to be on par with me T3T
Just a lot of bigass photos of myself. I cannot tell if I like this hair color! Sometimes I think it’s too blond but other times I think it’s nice to be blond what wtf.
Wombeh’s head is so big he looks like Mashi Maro here HAHAHAHAHAHA
Everyone preparing to get competitive.
I didn’t take part in the competition but had lots of fun walking around with Tzia kepoh-ing on everyone’s efforts to play the games and win. And boy did they go all out 😀
Because the Sony Cyber-shot TX5 is all kinds of proof, the tasks set to the participants were all based on showing exactly how hardy the camera is!
This was one of the challenges. To show how shock-proof the camera was, participants had to toss cameras into the colored bins to win.
I see also heart pain shock-proof la but how can simply throw gadgets like that! *hugs own camera protectively
Posted this photo cos you need to check out the trepidation on the face of the person in green hahahahaha
(if you see my hair it looks like it has a purple base now not blond which is actually what it’s supposed to be! Camera captured it well wtf)
But when the sun hits it it goes blond again aih. Ascending graph wtf Tziaaa is so pretty and tall AIH. Huai Bin on the other hand looks like an awkward turtle here hahahaha.
With Tziaaa again <3 She was my symbiotic partner in taking photos of each other wtf.
So we could take pictures like this! (taken with Tzia’s TX5.
I am so brave!
Tzia also not scared.
Pic courtesy of Tzia <3
That was our own demonstration of this next game – participants had to dive underwater to grab the TX5s that were at the bottom of the pool. Illustrates camera’s water-proofness 😀
Pic stolen from Sixthseal heehee.
With Fresh!
David Hasselhoff WTF. He was supposed to do the Baywatch run towards us but doesn’t look like it T_T
Nuffie picture. All looking like they’re full of hope for the future wtf.
Camera is dust proof too. Tzia putting hers into bunch of tiny styrofoam balls.
Participants had to fish out ten cameras of each color out of the “Styrofoam dust” in the fastest time to win. This bunch of people was super enthusiastic! I was standing beside them trying to take pictures and they were so enthusiastic they threw the cameras on my toe fml.
My camera in ice! (temperature proof)
Another challenge was to dig out the most cameras from under all the icecubes. Quite refreshing on such a hot day 😀
With Sheng & Karen!
Then Juztin (quite a famous artiste apparently. I wouldn’t know T_T) made an appearance! Think he was quite a hit with the younger (and Chinese literate) people there. Actually he would be a hit with me too especially when I was a younger cos I have a weak spot for boys who look like that wtf.
Sony photographers went round the event snapping pictures of the going-ons. Then they brought it back to the station and developed the photos there and then for people to see. That was a very nice touch 🙂
Possibly my favourite team there. Only they could pull off rubber swim caps with such sass!
All pictures taken with the obvious wtf.
At first I wasn’t gonna blog but I was looking for old pictures to play with on Meitu Xiuxiu (my super fobby yet amazing photo editing tool)
And I found a lot of pictures that made me smile!
Can’t remember if I’ve posted them before but whatevs.
This was IN 2007. WTF LOOK AT ME AND TZE!!! Long curly scraggly hair and pupils rolled up to the heavens how did we let ourselves go out like this T________T
Jammie why didn’t you tell us!!! wtf.
A trend that we noticed in all photos is that Jam looks exactly the same four years back and now – pretty. wtf.
Still 2007! One thing’s for sure, that flat stomach pre-permanent office hours can never be salvaged T_T
(but why was my face so dark last time compared to my body and nobody tell me again)
Suet in those days where she looked more like Cecilia Cheung wtf.
Me and my love’s classic best photo of all time (then. Which was still 2007 wtf)
We both thought we looked damn pretty! Maybe because the photo is blurry fml.
Early 2008! Look at my collagen-ful face *wistful
Thankfully I grew out of the shitty 2007 phase.
And thankfully, this, being what I fondly think of as my glory days wtf, was when I had the shittiest breakup of my life. So I had comfort in other ways WTF. God is fair.
And this hair color was gorgeous! And look at how long it was I want my long hair again *sobs on knees
One night Angela put on her shirt backwards and when I pointed it out to her she did this HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
2008. I was inhouse hairstylist for a while because there weren’t any decent stylists around that knew how to cut Asian hair.
Apparently my tongue sticks out when I’m concentrating hahahaha.
In my Odori class! One of the classes i took was Japanese folk dance which I loved!
Odori means dance in Japanese. Coincidentally, my name is pronounced Odori in Japan too (but obviously different meaning)
Ironically, I can’t Odori for shit T_T I took shitloads of dance classes cos I didn’t want to I don’t know play tennis or row a boat or ride a horse for PE.
I even took hiphop classes thinking it might make me less awkward in clubs. Yea that helped big time wtf.
I think the best dance I was ever at was the polka WTF just because it involved skipping and whirling around the room and no real nifty moves -_-
Also 2008! With Tze and yet another of our unplanned yet similar outfits <3
Us today! We haven’t deteriorated that much yet! *relieved
Jam of course looks exactly the same *sour wtf
And one last picture!
Recognize this dude?
Wombeh in 2008! The era before Aud wtf.
My touch does magic. (pun not intended)
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