
sugar. or pepper

Aih no time to blog properly, mostly because I have been busy having a life wtf.

Just got back from watching Salt!

As always, because I am self centered like that I pictured what I would do if I were the protagonist.  And as always, I came to the miserable conclusion that if I was the protagonist in an action thriller, it’s safe to say that everybody will be safe against me WTF.

Seriously if the world ended one day or someone blew up my government and it was up to me to save the world, there would be no hope for the world wtf. I can’t read maps, get lost on the road often (not to mention in mazes) don’t even have enough strength to pop the tab on a soda can let alone dismantle a table and build a bomb wtf.

And I’m afraid of heights and enclosed spaces fml. If  I see people in movies walking along the ledge of say a building, my heels feel all tingly and if I’m in a small space long enough my breathing turns shallow and quick T_T

Actually I won’t have a chance at being protagonist anyhow. I’d be the passer by that gets in the way and is hit by a falling truck cos I can’t think fast enough to get out of danger’s way -_-

Which brings me to my next point. Wombeh likes to tease me by patting my head and saying “not very bright after all” just because I didn’t graduate magna cum laude fts.

But I think he is right T___________T

When I was growing up I never thought I was dumb (even though everyone thinks I am wtf) because I was one of those kids who liked studying wtf.  And I generally did well academically. (Sometimes I wonder if I should have been an academician)I got straight As for all major exams — I didn’t get all A1s for SPM but I didn’t study as hard as I could either.

And at college I floated through four years with A minuses, some A’s and the occasional B+ when I did shit classes like Drawing 101 wtf. I worked bloody hard for my thesis but for the rest of my classes I did enough to get by to score borderline As.

So now at work it’s different. Now I need to do more than what’s just required and I …have no idea where to start.

Sometimes I feel a bit hopeless.  But nothing has confounded me before so why should it happen now?

Even if I don’t stay in this field forever by god I don’t want to leave without mastering this shit first wtf.

We’ll see how it goes.


At least I still have my er personality wtf.

Picture taken with Sony Cybershot TX-5


Angel & Devil

I think in two voices, having a conversation back and forth inside my head.

I think one of them’s dressed in white and the other’s in red WTF.

See, I was in a 7-11 today to pick up something for an advertorial today but couldn’t find it.

As I was walking out of the store I suddenly spotted it!

I think I picked it up and probably thought something like “yay found it! I knew turning around to check for the last time would pay off.”

Then I realized that I was hopping and my mouth was moving cos I was talking to myself silently WTF.

And the 7-11 cashier and 3 other staff were staring at me WTF FML.

How does everyone else think? In words? Picutres? T__________T

AudSocialButterfly AudTourist

Shoot, screw or marry

I’m posting shitloads of photos here. Reason?

The good reason: I miss hanging out with Angela and Suet and would like to share our moments with the world

The bad reason: I’m too lazy to blog a proper entry and I’m masking this ineptitude with lots of colorful photos

The ugly reason: I want to look back in a hundred years and reminisce on my youth WTF.  Besides, there’s only 5 years or so left until I have to stop putting pictures of myself and start posting pictures of my baby (or if I’m not married, my pet cat wtf)

On our way to Malacca.

Too much pink stuff.

Too much camwhoring.

Too many hats.

Btw remember Fat Her being an Indian gangster? wtf.

We were waiting outside the chicken rice ball restaurant and Fat Her pointed at the bars on the window of the store and said “Indian gangster behind bars” WTF.

Then he turned around to see an Indian man smiling at him WTF.

Luckily he was so nice and didn’t take offense lor T________T

With Fat Her & Mumsy.

It was a sweltering day and we found this little nook within Jonker Street that was shaded and about ten degrees cooler than outside.

So we had to take pictures again wtf.

When I took my picture, Angela said “yerrr Vivi model ah” but when she took hers her pose even more extreme!!!!

Model ah acting cute even though the statue so ugly wtf.

Suet has mastered it to perfection wtf.

I have not.

Taking shelter from the sun.

Taking a nap from the sun.

Waking up.

Outside Christchurch in between shrieks of laughter while playing “Shoot, Screw or Marry” (funniest game ever!)

On the stairs.

Near A Famosa.

Cannonball wtf.

Pictures taken with Sony Cybershot TX-5.

P/S: The title does not mean I’m asking you who would you shoot, screw or marry among the three of us. Because I’ll be prepare to die WTF.


Aud & Angie in KL 1


Angie arrives!

Actually she arrived the night before and Wombeh took us both to the Usher concert <3

Before Angela came, she told me she only wanted to go sightseeing and do touristy stuff because she could shop anywhere.

So I fretted on where to take her because clearly I do not know any tourist spots in KL besides um KLCC wtf.

But Wombeh suggested Putrajaya! Clever Wombeh!

I’ve never been to Putrajaya before.  The mosque is pink?!?!?!? Which genius’s idea is this wtf <3


Us in front of the pretty pink mosque.


They told us we had to put on robes before we could step into the mosque. No problem at all since the robes are pink too <3

I told Angela we look like some cute cult members WTF before I thought it might be offensive sorreh T3T

Inside the mosque. Didn’t think it’d be so pretty!

Then we pestered Suet until she came out of her office to take some photos with us WTF.  She’s interning at Putrajaya now!

Office lady and a coupla tourists.

Then off to see Raymond for some hair loving.

I cannot believe I am doing hair with my soulmate in KL T__________T

Doesn’t matter if I look like a bald plastic wrapped nut <3

Hair blowing process…

And tadah!

Hahahahah no la it was a wig!


Another look at it.  Never really crossed my mind to get a wig before but I’m suddenly quite tired of short hair already this could be a quick (and thick) solution!

Angela’s turn to try on wigs!  She wanted this for Halloween.

Or this. If not for the coloring I think it looks quite real!

Nah our real hair no difference just trimmed and touched up the color.

Then the Petronas Twin Towers!

All pictures taken with the Sony Cybershot TX-5!


You’re not you when you’re hungry

When I was in America, I saw the Snickers “You’re not you when you’re hungry” commercials on TV with Ooib & Wombeh and loved them.

Must watch ok damn funny I laughed like a nut whenever I saw those ads on TV.

The tagline is so true! I actually have severe stomach problems fml and whenever I get the least bit hungry, my blood sugar plummets and so does my energy levels and up goes my crankiness level hahahaha. Fat Her says that when I wake up I’m like a baby bird making lots of noise for food WTF.

And so that’s how the residents of the city of Snickers are feeling right now wtf.

snickers 2

Weak and energy-less wtf.

Robbed by a sneaky man wearing a black rubber glove over his head wtf.

So just hunt all over the city of Snickers at and find Snickers bars to restore energy to the poor lifeless citizens!

snickers 3

I think im quite efficient wtf.

Actually it’s so simple that’s all there is to it. So little effort for so many prizes!

PS 3’s, Sony Ericsson cell phones, Canon Ixus cameras, movie tickets and mystery gifts!

I have to confess, the pink Ixus caught my eye *looks down modestly

As a bonus, hunt for the Golden SNICKERS bars across the worldwide web and stand a chance to win prizes too. Look out for the clues on, Twitter (@snickersgame ) & Facebook and find out where are the Golden SNICKERS bars!

AudRubbish AudSuay

Spongeaud Squarepants

Stayed up last night watching the World Cup final (yea I know, me! shocker right wtf) so I’m about half past dead now.

But just wanted to do a quick post cos of something that happened yesterday!

Angela and I challenged Wombeh and Ah Quah (aka Boss Stewie and Boss Lepton) to a Who are the Better Best Friends / Who Knows Each Other Better competition WTF (more on this later) on the way to dinner last night.

(Ah Quah’s real name is Wilson but Wombeh calls him Ah Quah because of his last name so I call him that too)

Angela and I are very competitive when it comes to our friendship wtf. Once we joined a Best Roommate contest and got second place! And only because the girls who won first cheated and exchanged answers in Korean and the judges didn’t notice *narrows eyes

We were walking along Petaling Street when we both suddenly thought of a very good question to quiz the guys.

Ah Quah and Wombeh were walking in front of us so I yelled “Eh Ah Quah!”

Sombody yelled “APA AH KUA??” (“what Ah Kua??”) so I whipped around and saw a big ghastly woman in a tudung staring furiously at me WTF.

(For the non-Malaysians, Ah Kuah is slang for transvestite)

Hahahahahahaha I thought it was damn funny T___________T And I tried to say “No, his name is Ah Quah” but I burst out laughing when she scolded me fml.

I don’t think she was actually a man lor I think she was just a big hulking size and I don’t know why she took offense to that also especially when I was calling someone else his name and I wasn’t even looking at her!

Ok i hope I don’t trouble anyone’s sensitivities here wtf.


Besides that I have found a new talent within me: making my mouth into a square wtf.

I am so good at it! Suet and Angie say it’s because I have a big mouth fml.


Getting them in on it. Suet cheat wan she still looks quite cute!  Angela’s nearly got it but she doesn’t have the crazed look in her eyes that is essential in achieving this look wtf.




This is Eric Soong.

And that is Wombeh behind.


This is a work in progress.


And this is my new Berry!

Ok fine not new but definitely new cute pink housing!

I am so in love with my phone now!  Before it was the normal boring black and I couldn’t really bear to look at it lor I’m shallow like that T___T

I couldn’t identify that the phone belonged to me because all my cell phones before were either pink or white. Identity crisis wtf.

Things improved only slightly when I got a fuchsia casing for it (as pictured here with Ooib and Latat wtf)


But this changes everything! Hehe changed my theme to match the housing too because the earlier theme’s pink clashed wtf.

The back.


And the best part — rainbow lighted keypad! Eric put quite a lot of work into achieving the rainbow.

This is what the LEDs behind the keypad looks like in the light..


and in the dark!

Ya ya now I know you all want to change your BB housing too wtf.

If you want your BB in a garish shade of antibiotic pink (or any other color), go see Eric Soong at blackberryhousing and fulfil your wishes with him 😀 And tell him if you found him from my blog if not he’ll look down on me WTF.

Pictures taken with the Sony Cybershot TX-5!


Are we really?

I don’t do this often but I read the below two articles in an email and I wanted to post it up.

“Chinese Malaysians Asking Far Too Much”

By Zaini Hassan
Source – Straits Times, published Apr 30, 2010

WHAT else do Chinese Malaysians want? Let us put aside the reasons why they do not support the current government in Kuala Lumpur. Let us study first what else they want.

For that, we have to go back to history. The Chinese came to Malaya to seek opportunities. They had lived a hard life in mainland China for hundreds of years. Like the whites who migrated to the American continent because it was the land of opportunity, the Chinese migrated to Malaya to make their fortunes in this bountiful land.

The strategy of their forebears has borne fruit. The Chinese have attained what they wanted. They now live in the lap of luxury in this land of opportunity called Malaysia.

In fact, it is not only in Malaysia that they have attained what they wanted. They have even gained full control of Singapore. Singapore is not their original country. The Singapore Chinese and the Malaysian Chinese were originally boat people. The difference is that those who landed in Singapore managed to gain full control of Singapore, but those who landed in Malaysia did not manage to control Malaysia.

In Malaysia, the Chinese live in peace with the Malays, the indigenous people and the Indians. In comparison, in Singapore, the Chinese control politics and the Government. In Malaysia, the Malays still control politics and the government. The systems of both governments are the same, but it is vice versa: The Malays dominate in Malaysia while the Chinese dominate across the Causeway.

In contrast, the Malays in Singapore and the Chinese in Malaysia are very different. The Malays in Singapore lead ordinary lives while the Chinese in Malaysia lead lives that are ‘more than ordinary’.

In fact, former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad once stated that if all the Chinese-owned buildings in Kuala Lumpur were lifted from the map, only the buildings in Kampung Baru, a Malay area, would remain in the city.
All the other buildings are owned by Chinese Malaysians. The well-known shopping centres in Malaysia are owned by the Chinese.
The Chinese Malaysians are fantastic. They control all the cities and major towns in peninsular Malaysia, as well as Sabah and Sarawak. They produce the largest number of, and the most successful, professionals. The school system of the Chinese Malaysians is the best among similar school systems in the world.
The Chinese account for most of the students studying in the best private colleges in Malaysia. The Malays can gain admission into only government-owned colleges of ordinary reputation.
With regard to corporate and private organisations, it is the Chinese who dominate. The Malays number just a few; most of them are low-level employees. In fact, knowing Mandarin is a prerequisite for applying for jobs in these organisations.
Finally, an annual survey by the Malaysian Business magazine has found that eight of the 10 richest people in Malaysia are Chinese. The following is the list of the 10 richest people in Malaysia:

Mr Robert Kuok Hock Nien
Mr Tatparanandam Ananda Krishnan
Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng
Tan Sri The Hong Piow
Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay
Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary
Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua
Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King
Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun

This is the reality in Malaysia, my beloved country. Is the current government, which has been in power for 52 years, cruel and totalitarian? What else do the Chinese Malaysians want? I think I know, and I think you know too.


This article was published in April but I hadn’t read it until now.I was appalled that an article of such seditious nature could be published in a national newspaper.

I couldn’t even begin to articulate a response in my head because this dude was so strongly racist that to refute his arguments would be to sink into racism myself.

But Kee Thuan Chye of Free Malaysia Today did a wonderful job.

Thuan Chye Responds to “Orang Cina Malaysia, apa lagi yang anda mahu?”(Utusan Malaysia article)

By Kee Thuan Chye
Every time the Barisan Nasional gets less than the expected support from Chinese voters at an election, the question invariably pops up among the petty-minded: Why are the Chinese ungrateful?

So now, after the Hulu Selangor by-election, it’s not surprising to read in Utusan Malaysia a piece that asks: “Orang Cina Malaysia, apa lagi yang anda mahu?” (trans. Chinese of Malaysia, what more do you want?)

Normally, something intentionally provocative and propagandistic as this doesn’t deserve to be honoured with a reply. But even though I’m fed up with such disruptive and ethnocentric polemics, this time I feel obliged to reply – partly because the article has also been published, in an English translation, in the Straits Times of Singapore.
I wish to emphasise here that I am replying not as a Chinese Malaysian but, simply, as a Malaysian. Let me say at the outset that the Chinese have got nothing more than what any citizen should get. So to ask “what more” it is they want, is misguided. A correct question would be, “What do the Chinese want?”

All our lives, we Chinese have held to the belief that no one owes us a living. We have to work for it. Most of us have got where we are by the sweat of our brow, not by handouts or the policies of the government.
We have come to expect nothing – not awards, not accolades, not gifts from official sources. (Let’s not lump in Datukships, that’s a different ball game.) We know that no Chinese who writes in the Chinese language will ever be bestowed the title of Sasterawan Negara, unlike in Singapore where the literatures of all the main language streams are recognised and honoured with the Cultural Medallion, etc.

We have learned we can’t expect the government to grant us scholarships. Some will get those, but countless others won’t. We’ve learned to live with that and to work extra hard in order to support our children to attain higher education – because education is very important to us. We experience a lot of daily pressure to achieve that. Unfortunately, not many non-Chinese realise or understand that. In fact, many Chinese had no choice but to emigrate for the sake of their children’s further education. Or to accept scholarships from abroad, many from Singapore, which has inevitably led to a brain drain.

The writer of the Utusan article says the Chinese “account for most of the students” enrolled in “the best private colleges in Malaysia”. Even so, the Chinese still have to pay a lot of money to have their children study in these colleges. And to earn that money, the parents have to work very hard. The money does not fall from the sky.
The writer goes on to add: “The Malays can gain admission into only government-owned colleges of ordinary reputation.” That is utter nonsense. Some of these colleges are meant for the cream of the Malay crop of students and are endowed with the best facilities. They are given elite treatment.
The writer also fails to acknowledge that the Chinese are barred from being admitted to some of these colleges. As a result, the Chinese are forced to pay more money to go to private colleges. Furthermore, the Malays are also welcome to enrol in the private colleges, and many of them do. It’s, after all, a free enterprise.

Plain and simple reason
The writer claims that the Chinese live “in the lap of luxury” and lead lives that are “more than ordinary” whereas the Malays in Singapore, their minority-race counterparts there, lead “ordinary lives”. Such sweeping statements sound inane especially when they are not backed up by definitions of “lap of luxury” and “ordinary lives”. They sound hysterical, if not hilarious as well, when they are not backed up by evidence. It’s surprising that a national daily like Utusan Malaysia would publish something as idiosyncratic as that. And the Straits Times too.
The writer quotes from a survey that said eight of the 10 richest people in Malaysia are Chinese. Well, if these people are where they are, it must have also come from hard work and prudent business sense. Is that something to be faulted?

If the writer had said that some of them achieved greater wealth through being given crony privileges and lucrative contracts by the government, there might be a point, but even then, it would still take hard work and business acumen to secure success. Certainly, Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, who is one of the 10, would take exception if it were said that he has not worked hard and lacks business savvy.

Most important, it should be noted that the eight Chinese tycoons mentioned in the survey represent but a minuscule percentage of the wider Chinese Malaysian population. To extrapolate that because eight Chinese are filthy rich, the rest of the Chinese must therefore live in the lap of luxury and lead more than ordinary lives would be a mockery of the truth. The writer has obviously not met the vast numbers of very poor Chinese.

The crux of the writer’s article is that the Chinese are not grateful to the government by not voting for Barisan Nasional at the Hulu Selangor by-election. But this demonstrates the thinking of either a simple mind or a closed one.
Why did the Chinese by and large not vote for BN? Because it’s corrupt. Plain and simple. Let’s call a spade a spade. And BN showed how corrupt it was during the campaign by throwing bribes to the electorate, including baiting a Chinese school in Rasa by promising RM3 million should it win the by-election.

The Chinese were not alone in seeing this corruption. The figures are unofficial but one could assume that at least 40 per cent of Malays and 45 per cent of Indians who voted against BN in that by-election also had their eyes open. So, what’s wrong with not supporting a government that is corrupt? If the government is corrupt, do we continue to support it?

To answer the question then, what do the Chinese want?
They want a government…

a. that is not corrupt;

b. that can govern well and proves to have done so;

c. that tells the truth rather than lies;

d. that follows the rule of law;

e. that upholds rather than abuses the country’s sacred institutions.

Because BN does not fit that description, the Chinese have learned not to vote for it. This is not what only the Chinese want. It is something every sensible Malaysian, regardless of race, wants. Is that something that is too difficult to understand?
Some people think that the government is to be equated with the country, and therefore if someone does not support the government, they are being disloyal to the country. This is a complete fallacy. BN is not Malaysia. It is merely a political coalition that is the government of the day. Rejecting BN is not rejecting the country.

A sense of belonging
Let’s be clear about this important distinction. In America, the people sometimes vote for the Democrats and sometimes for the Republicans. Voting against the one that is in government at the time is not considered disloyalty to the country.
By the same token, voting against UMNO is also voting against a party, not against a race. And if the Chinese or whoever criticise UMNO, they are criticising the party; they are not criticising Malays. It just happens that UMNO’s leaders are Malay.
It is time all Malaysians realised this so that we can once and for all dispel the confusion. Let us no longer confuse country with government. We can love our country and at the same time hate the government. It is perfectly all right.

I should add here what the Chinese don’t want:

a. We don’t want to be insulted,

b. We don’t want to be called pendatang

c. We don’t want to be told to be grateful for our citizenship.

We have been loyal citizens; we duly and dutifully pay taxes; we respect the country’s constitution and its institutions. Our forefathers came to this country many generations ago and helped it to prosper. We are continuing to contribute to the country’s growth and development.

Would anyone like to be disparaged, made to feel unwelcome or unwanted? For the benefit of the writer of the Utusan article, what MCA president Chua Soi Lek means when he says the MCA needs to be more vocal is that it needs to speak up whenever the Chinese community is disparaged. For too long, the MCA has not spoken up strongly enough when UMNO politicians and associates like Ahmad Ismail, Nasir Safar, Ahmad Noh and others before them insulted the Chinese and made them feel like they don’t belong. That’s why the Chinese have largely rejected the MCA.
You see, the Chinese, like all human beings, want self-respect. And a sense of belonging in this country they call home. That is all the Chinese want, and have always wanted. Nothing more.

The Utusan Malaysia article: Orang Cina Malaysia, apa lagi yang anda mahu?

Dramatist and journalist Kee Thuan Chye is the author of ‘March 8: The Day Malaysia Woke Up’. He is a contributor to Free Malaysia Today.

Comments are closed.

AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

Of museums and musicals

Ok I got 40 pictures here to put up /shy

These are from what I consider the best and my favorite day in New York City — when we went to the Met and then to watch Avenue Q!

(My second favorite day was the day I unexpectedly picked up a bright pink Coach bag for USD 100 /shallow)


Wombeh looking with hope into the future wtf.  No la we were just trying to capture the New York scenery behind.


We get to the Met!



(wasting time and effort carrying trusty baobei umbrella for nothing cos we were indoors the whole day -_-)


Um are these the steps Blair and her posse always hang out on in Gossip Girl?


The atmosphere around 🙂

(learned my lesson from the previous day in Woodbury — where I caught a cold fts — and piled on 3 layers of clothing and a pair of leggings under my shorts cos I didn’t bring any pants T3T)

Another look at the beautiful buildings around. Wish we had buildings like these in KL!

Blair Waldorf WTF.

Mini Blairs and Serenas behind I swear!

Oh do you see that big blue banner behind that says “American Woman”? That was a special exhibition that was my absolute favorite part of the Met!


Inside! Xes was supposed to meet us there but he overslept fhl.


I really really don’t know why I never took the time to go to the Met before this.  Because they have that flexible recommended payment thing so if I went as a student I wouldn’t need to pay much also.

As it is, I forgot about that recommended price thing and we paid full price each for this little metal badge.

Also, when Wombeh said to the guy “Two adults”, he said “are you sure? Not one adult one student?” WTF.

I was furiously thinking how should I say yes actually I am a student and show him my Mt Holyoke ID! But then he’d know cos it says Class of ’08 there dangnabbit so I just said “no, two adults” sighhhhh.


I iz in your museum ruining your atmosphere.


Lion/tiger/liger carving from one of the ancient civilizations Egypt/Sumeria/Greece.

Argh forgot what each exhibit is already this is what i get for blogging so late!


Um…kissing a philosopher….

Ok this is definitely Egyptian. And it’s definitely some kind of coffin or something to keep important dead people.

I love this curator!  I walked near him and he went “Ni hao? Konnichiwa” and when I told him I wasn’t from China or Japan but Malaysia he said “Selamat Datang” so smart !!!!!!

Then we had a long conversation about what we were doing in New York and where to visit.  Hasn’t been to Malaysia but Indonesia I think and he’s actually French.  I love meeting random interesting friendly people heehee <3

This was one of the places in the museum he said is a must see. It was a recreation of this…. area…….. in Egypt……….

F myself la T____T


Wombeh standing in front of some I dunno old house wtf.

I am so disappointed at myself why I cannot remember anything T______T

Thus this means I not only suck at names, faces but everything else in the world.

And this was part of the American Woman exhibition!

It was narrated by Sarah Jessica Parker and it was a look at the evolution of the fashion and style of the quintessential American woman over the years back from the 1890s until today.

No photography allowed so you know I HAD to try and sneak a shot wtf.  The two figures above are Gibson Girls from the turn of the century and those outfits are apparently sports outfits worn for a bout of golf wtf.

Lawdy how to play golf in long sleeves and skirts! I’d wear it to (a very conservative) office.

But they had can can hats!!! How lucky wtf. Cos Angela & I scoured San Fran to find some but failed.

Sneaked another photo.  This time in fear cos I thought I’d get caught. Evening dress from the House of Chanel in the 30s 🙂

Then we left for some lunch…


To this little Austrian place tucked in a corner!

So quaint <3

Xes being a good blogger.


The sausages were amazing!

Then back to the museum for some Christian art wtf.

So beautiful the stained glass /boo

And Wombeh’s favorite section — weaponry and armor! The horse armor was huge D:

Typical testosterone-y male!  Movies he likes war movies.  Video games he likes war games wtf.  But when it comes to books he bought Dear John WTF shhh don’t tell him I told you.

Then I took pictures of creepy Japanese armor because I am Japanese WTF I studied in Japan.

Seriously what is this?

Why is there some noob drawing hanging around in the Met?

Seriously can someone enlighten me! I was aghast by it how is this art! I can draw ten times better and cuter looking characters lor how come this gets to be in the Met and all my drawings are crunched up by Mummy Ooi and thrown away?

This one no need to say.  Ooib drew stuff like this when he was 7 wtf.  With the same blunt 2B pencil on the same computer-looking type of paper wtf.


Guess who’s drawing?

(Definitely not mine or Ooib’s)


Picasso!  I was entranced by the Picasso exhibition he had so many different styles of painting!

But then the museum closed when we were only halfway through it fts.

(wombeh was relieved though he didn’t like Picasso)


Then time to faster rush for dinner before the show! The obachan in the restaurant was all flustered calling to the chefs trying to get us a place somewhere else besides the bar but we were in a rush so I said we’d just sit here at the bar in japanese so all of them assumed Wombeh, Xes (who’d shown up by then wtf) and I were Japanese.

Somore Xes ordered his whole meal in Japanese!

When we started speaking English to each other we stunned the restaurant staff wtf.


Turns out one of the chefs visited Malaysia like 17 years ago or something!

And when I asked him why he moved to New York he said “to get away from my family” hahahahahaha then he did the talking a lot handsign and a disgusted face damn cute hahahahahah.

Bracelets from Forever 21! Like $4.90 for all!


Avenue Q! God I look like a dumbass wtf.

It was good in a quirky sarcastic way!  Doesn’t hold a candle to Wicked but still very entertaining 😀

Xes however fell asleep halfway through the show *stares at Xes


He woke up fine when we went to Juniors again for dessert wtf.


Forever taking pictures!  His friends behind 🙂 forgot their names again *shifty eyed


MY friends! Hohoho. Next to me is Ai Ling who’s one of my readers and goes to NYU and was very sweet to offer to meet up to tell us where to visit!  And my Kehrole Keroppi wtf.

With Keroppi <3

Time Square!

Wiz my Wombeh 🙂


And Fresh made a surprise appearance HAHA.