AudAtMoho/USA AudRubbish AudShopping AudTourist

iro iro

I couldn’t decide what to post about! I still have to blog about New York but I think I got a little too carried away and took too many photos with my TX-5 so now I have an over abundance of photos I want to put up.

So this is me being lazy and doing a picture post of photos I want to put up but I don’t want to talk about WTF.


Pizza. The first meal in New York.

Wombeh’s reader Ray said it was the best pizza in New York 🙂

Forgot the name of the restaurant though *hates self


With Wombeh, Ooib and Xes.

(yes those are their real names)


Carol joined us for dinner <3


The next day we went to an outlet mall called Woodbury.

This is Wombeh in Ferragamo, feeling very poor.


This is me, not even bothering to look around the store.

Outlet prices were cheap, but they were still too expensive for me T3T I ended up getting small things only.

Unlike Wombeh who wiped out his bank account.

Only two bags were mine! The small Coach one and the pink Betsey Johnson.

We both acknowledge that I am the man in this relationship wtf.


His love for vending machines will never die.


It was dismal out T_______T

The weather forecast said it would rain so I planned to spend the day shopping in Woodbury, away from the rain.

Didn’t know Woodbury isn’t an indoor mall WTF.

I was already wearing every single warm-ish piece of clothing I owned and even paired those stupid white stockings with blue shorts which don’t match but mother of god it was cold wtf.

Every time we stepped out of a shop I thought my heart would stop cos it was so cold outside T___T But must persevere cos we would never come back to Woodbury again.

Rained until our shopping bags disintegrated WTF and Xes who bought 3 Coach bags for his girlfriend and mom had to change new paper bags 3 times hahahahaha.


Then headed back to the city and Junior’s for supper.


Wombeh’s cheesecake.

Wombeh’s hot chocolate.

He likes dessert and I don’t! Again the man in the relationship wtf.

Sorry fastforward back to KL again when Shanshan was here!

All pictures after this point taken with the TX-5.

Cik Sueti hahahaha I am so witty wtf.

Shanshan looks damn cute in a tudung hahahahaha if I wore a tudung I’d be a flowerhorn *sad

The three of us.

Myself wtf.

Dinner with Dumbi Kuah.

They iz having serious man to man talk wtf.

I forced them to take pictures of me wtf.

Dumbi’s head is extra small.

At Chic Pop 4 with Suet’s friend Eliza who has a stall there!

Eliza who kindly lent us her stall to film this stupid video on Suet’s blog.

With…. forgot her name goddammit.

I do remember however that she writes for Tongue in Chic!

Okay gotta go drink water now very thirsty cos I ate Korean noodles for dinner wtf.

AudRubbish AudSuay


Confession #1: I can’t remember people’s names.

Confession #2: I can’t remember people’s faces either.


I am that bad lor! (and Angela is exactly like me)

A lot of people can’t remember Chinese names, iz true.  But I can’t remember English names or Malay names either fml.

I took a test the other day. The test tells you how you process information the best — whether you’re a visual person (remember or understand things better if you see them), audio person (remember better if you hear them) or kinesthetic person (if you practice them).

I scored pretty evenly in all three actually!  But the highest was still visual.  Which is quite true actually! When I memorize facts from say, textbooks, I remember how the whole page looks like, where the info is on the page, and even the pictures.

And if I meet new people, I usually have to ask them to spell out their names so I can visualize it in my head.

But the moment I leave I forget anyway WTF.

And I’m equally bad with faces T________T

It’s nothing personal okay I just suck that way I try very very hard to remember but I have a memory like a sieve 🙁

So  here comes confession #3. HAIH.

The other day I was at this event when this very motherly friendly looking Malay lady came up to me and said “Hello Aud” in a very familiar way.

I said “hello!” brightly and racked my brains trying to figure out who she was. She looked familiar so I knew I’d met her before.

Then she turned to Tim and said “Hi Tim! You don’t remember me do you?”

Tim went “ha ha ha” so I knew he was having trouble too wtf.  Then somehow it struck me that this woman was Budiey’s wife! Yes it must be Budiey’s wife!

I saved him by saying “She’s Budiey’s wife la you don’t remember ah.”

Of course she wasn’t Budiey’s wife! But I don’t know why she either didn’t hear me or she didn’t want to embarrass me or what but she didn’t say anything!!!

So obviously after her lack of objection I really thought she was Budiey’s wife! And told everyone in the room she was Budiey’s wife WTF.

Even when Kim said “really? I thought it was someone else” I brushed her off saying “no no it’s Budiey’s wife” WTF.

To the extent that Yuen Yee believed it but she also knew that Budiey got married not too long ago.  And she also knew that lady by sight and knew that she had four children so she thought that Budiey already had four children WTF this is how rumors spread!!!

Confession #4

I met a client the same day! It was the second time seeing her and she had makeup on so I didn’t recognize her WTF. I went up to her and put out my hand and said “and you are?” WTF

Aih cannot see myself getting far  in the corporate world *gloom

(Robb also has a similar problem)

That’s why when Fresh put on contacts and makeup I couldn’t recognize her either and looked at her strangely hahahaha fml.

Confession #5

Think Fresh cannot tahan me already cos she says I keep doing stupid things T3T

That day she messaged me asking me why did my song in my playlist (which was showing up on MSN) have such a weird title.

So I looked at my media player.

korean touching song


I ripped the song off Youtube and the title was in Korean which I can’t read so I anyhow renamed the file and totally forgot about it hahahaahha.

Or is it not funny and I shiok sendiri -_-


taken with Sony Cybershot TX-5

AudAtMoho/USA AudTourist

Ooib graduates!

Ok guys time to distract yourself from Ooib’s urinary tract activities and focus on something more exalted.

His commencement!


This was taken right after me and Angela had a very un-emo goodbye outside the airport wtf.

Too early in the AM hence the glasses.

My breakfast: hot dog and some milk yummm although by the time I’d finished eating I felt like puking cos of all the air in my stomach fml.

Btw I’d like to say that I freaking hate American airports.  Always don’t know where to go because there are no bloody signs around (or if they are they’re in obscure places where I can’t see) and there’s usually nobody around to ask for directions.  And if you flag down a passing airport staff they usually look annoyed that they have to stop.

Plus if you’re struggling with your oversized luggage and you’ve already dropped your suitcase once on your toe, they still won’t help you to hoist your bag onto the weighing scale fuck you does it take that much to be nice.

(unless it’s like some airport policy that they’re not allowed to touch passenger’s bags or they’ll get sued/reprimanded/incriminated for drugs? somebody American please enlighten me)


Anyway got to Wabash soon enough and was reunited with the Oois!

(sorry about the hoodie draped over me Wabash for some reason was a lot colder than San Fran)

We go over to the Days’ who are Ooib’s host family.

Wabash has this system where they pair up international students with host families who basically act as surrogate families and help them get attuned to America!

And that’s their dog hahahaha they have two who look exactly the same damn cute <3 Forgot their names though this is stark proof that I’m horrible with everyone’s names not just Chinese names. Or human’s names *dark

Playing Beatles Rock Band <3


Another family photo out on the green.  This was where the ceremony was supposed to take place but on the day of commencement, it rained so everything had to be moved indoors -_-

(why does fat her look like mafia hahahaha)

Commencement day!

Everyone gets all dressed up and gathers at Ooib’s house.

L-R: Jerry, Fat Her, me, Mary Ann, Mumsy, Ooib and Lauren.

Jerry & Mary Ann are Ooib’s host parents and Lauren is their daughter.

(Fat Her made a mistake standing next to Jerry wtf)

With Joel, Ooib’s housemate and best friend, and all round emo kid wtf.

Haha he’s actually very nice and goofy!

With Lauren and Mary Ann!

I make the same mistake as Fat Her and stand next to the very tall and pretty Lauren.


Like I said it was unusually cold in Wabash!  I anticipated this and longsightedly brought along a blanket because I knew we’d be sitting outside.

So every picture I was either wrapped in the blanket or carrying it (promptly ruining every nice picture we took) But totally didn’t regret it! I was wearing only a short dress underneath so the blanket came in very handy in keeping me warm and also alternated as an umbrella when it started to rain f Ooib’s l.


We had to move into the gym which was the contingency plan on account of the rain. Ooib was sorely disappointed because he wanted to accept his diploma surrounded by grass wtf.

But I thought it was still very nicely done in the gym!

Note: people at Wabash generally looked a lot better than the people at Mount Holyoke during my graduation.

All the guys (Wabash is a men’s college) were smartly dressed in shirts and ties and blazers– as they should be — and all their sisters/girlfriends wore floral or cocktail dresses and had carefully straightened/curled hair and makeup applied.

In contrast, the class of ’08 at Moho wore shorts and flip flops under their gown and had uncombed hair WTF. How can! A year before I graduated I was already planning with Angela what to wear and even kept my hair long just because I thought it would look nicer with the cap wtf.

Seriously this is where we don’t need feminism wtf they will regret this in 30 years when they look back at their old graduation photos with flip flops and unshaved legs.



Fat Her with Jerry and Mary Ann.

Fat Her weeping even before the graduating class walked in WTF.


The graduating class walks in..


Ooib getting his hood!

(small Asian family is screaming cheers on sidelines at this moment)


Ooib gets his diploma and a firm handshake.


Ooib walks off the platform (correctly I might add) 

Hello my graduated brother (and crazy friend Hoang) who is off right now in Boston doing an internship and then going on to do his Masters *blinks back tears

Hokay I might as well admit it I got a bit choked up seeing Ooib get up on stage to get his diploma (which is made of sheep skin btw poor sheep take his wool not enough must take his skin to make people’s diplomas some more)

And I’m very very proud that he got accepted at Tufts and is going on to grad school (which I dunno in my life if I’ll ever get to do) my little brother is all grown  up and making his way into the world T_______T


Family photo with the Days.

They gave each graduate a rose too! honestly Mount Holyoke watch and learn ok wtf.

The Oois the end 🙂


D for disgusting


But rated D for disgusting so if you have a weak stomach, best to skip this post.

For those people in Klang Valley, do you remember a Tuesday a couple of weeks back when traffic was just out of the blue unusually horrendous?

It’d rained in the afternoon so by the time people started getting off work traffic was just insane.

And as the Ooi luck would have it, things would go dangerously wrong wtf.

Ooib and my cousins Ian and Imelda were all back from overseas so we were supposed to have a family dinner with the whole extended family.

Ooib was to come pick me up from work at 6pm, then we’d take the LDP to the Kelana Jaya LRT station to pick my cousin Ida up then we’d go for dinner which was in Sungei Way

(sorry out-of-towners if you don’t have an inkling where these places are)

Anyway Ooib got to my workplace at 6pm.

Incident #1

Right when I put my hand on the doorjamb and pulled the door open, the whole building blacked out WTF.

At first I thought I did something with the door!  But it was just a coincidence.

Anyway my office was on the 10th floor.  So I had to climb down 20 flights of stairs.

In (very high) heels!

My very well known hate of exercise ensured that by the time I reached ground level I was feeling quite weak and woozy wtf.

(btw for days after that I couldn’t walk down stairs. Had to turn sideways and kind of slide myself down stairs because my legs couldn’t bend WTF)


Incident #2

Anyway the jam was so uncontrollable that we took TWO hours to get to the KJ station which normally takes like 15 minutes at the most with no jam?

My poor cousin was waiting at the LRT station alone for two hours T_______T

And because Ooib’s and my sense of direction suck, we ended up taking the flyover before the station instead of following the lower road.  Which means that we missed the turning into the station and ended up driving parallel to it.

Because it was the highway, there was no way we could stop without angering any other motorists who were in understandably foul moods already anyway cos of the jam.

So we had to keep driving down that road (not that fast because it was jammed but still) and I had to wind down the window, stick my whole torso out, wave my arm and shout encouragement over the phone to Ida.

Ida, who was running on the road (in heels too) after our moving car. Hahahahahahahahaha T_____________T

Good thing she used to be a school runner and all round amazing sportswoman hahahahahaha because I think she ran close to a kilometer WTF.

And after she managed to catch up with our car and collapsed inside panting, we were stuck in the car for another hour to the restaurant. (while normally it would take us about 15 minutes to get there)

Incident #3

By that time, Ooib had been in the car for 4 hours (can go to Penang already wtf) and pieces of him were slowly dying.

By “pieces” i mean bladder WTF.

He kept drumming on the steering wheel, shouting at the traffic intermittently hahahaha and I think the next stage his voice would change pitch already wtf.

He started plotting how to pee in a mineral water bottle while driving WTF.

But he couldn’t think of how to angle it hahahaahahah cos if it was totally horizontal it wouldn’t do but he couldn’t angle it downwards what hahahaahahahha.

So in a rare feat of excellent acrobatics, Ooib and I switched places. While still on the road wtf.  He moved over to the front passenger seat and I moved over to the driver’s and took over the wheel.  All without getting out of the car WTF *admiring

Then! He and Ida switched places — he moved to the back and she moved to the front.

Then! He took an empty mineral water behind while me and Ida turned up the radio and faced front WTF.

Then! “Fuck la kena my pants.”


Then! “Fuck la bottle full already and I’m still not done.”


Then! Reach restaurant where the older generations are waiting for us and dispose of evidence wtf.

But not before taking a photo HAHAHAHA

Product of Ooib Inc.


So as to not end on a puke-inducing note, here’s a picture of all of us at dinner tonight starting with Grandma Ooi on the left. Taken by my Sony Cybershot TX-5.

Since there was so many of us what I did was I turned on the Panaroma mode and swept the camera from left to right, turning 180 degrees and captured this shot. In real life, Grandma Ooi is actually sitting right next to my auntie on the far right. 😀

AudRubbish AudSappy

Lotso Hugging Bear

What do Lotso from Toy Story 3 and Lolo have in common?



They could be twins!

(ignore the Oreo roll, this Lolo getting very commercialized and materialistic these days tsk tsk)

White and pink fur turned to beige and purple check.

For a further history into Lolo, see here

White ears, white snout and white underbelly check.

I just watched Toy Story 3 and absolutely loved it! And I couldn’t hate Lotso at all in the movie because he reminded me so much of Lolo T___________T

Wafu and I have this theory because we’re both Aquarians that Aquarians tend to have unnecessary guilt over things that aren’t our fault.  Like if we don’t give money to beggars we feel terrible.  Or if I see an elderly person doing work I feel horribly guilty -_-

Anyway I now have this immense guilt about abandoning all my toys WTF. Especially Lolo T__________T

Ooib and I grew up thinking that our toys were real and had feelings (even before we ever watched Toy Story) and now that I’m all grown up I still can’t shake that thought -______-

Ooib and I grew up with Lolo and when I left for college in the States I brought Lolo along with me *childish

When I went to Japan for study abroad I brought him along with me too.

And when it was time to head back to KL, I had no space in my suitcase and had to leave two toy Stitches behind in Kyoto (one given to me by Angie, one by this Japanese guy I hate who spread rumors about me fml) but I still managed to vacuum bag Lolo and packed him in my suitcase home WTF.

And now that I’m back and more or less grown up now with a job and a stable boyfriend I’ve forgotten Lolo who was such a big part of most of my life 🙁

So now it’s time to go home and take Lolo with me.

If only so he doesn’t think I’ve abandoned him and turns out like Lotso WTF WTF.

I’m aware this entry is ridiculous but for those who had childhood bears, small pillows and bolsters, you’d understand wouldn’t you? 🙂

AudShopping AudVanity

Watch me

I think it was a couple of months back when I was in Bangsar with Minami and I saw this:


Is it not the coolest thing you ever saw!

It was quite cheap too. And I didn’t buy it.

The only thing holding me back was that I am not a watch person. I like to be in denial of the time WTF.

And I think I’m actually quite feminine in my dressing am I not? I said dressing ok not personality wtf.

The watch is super cool and cute and retro and all but not feminine.

So because I wasn’t sure I would wear it, I didn’t get it.

Then after weeks of reminiscing about the time I saw the watch *loser* I decided I had to go back and get it T3T

Dragged Hui Wen along (who was coincidentally looking for a gold Casio watch too this is why we can be such good friends *big shiny eyes) back to the store….

and found it was all sold out *heart breaks

But thankfully the dude in the store was nice enough to let us order a couple of watches and he said he would call us when they arrived.

But then after that Hui Wen went back to Singapore and I went to the States WTF.

And the guy thought we cheated him because he did try calling both of us but Hui Wen turned off her Malaysian phone while she was in Singapore while I kept rejecting his call in the US hahahahaha. Actually I had no idea who this strange number was and just didn’t want to waste money on roaming.

Then when I got home I talked to Hui Wen and we realized we didn’t have the guy’s number between us!

So I searched for them on Facebook and messaged him *triumphant

Ah the perks of technology.

casio watches


I messaged Hui Wen on MSN (again the perks of technology wtf) and told her the good news.

And this was her reaction:

hui wen says:
but losers with watchessss


(Actually yes it does wtf. Going to pick them up next week!)


I have a Sony Cyber-shot camera!!!!

Ok sorry too excited until cannot think about subtle and interesting way of drawing your attention to this post and then gently introducing the Sony Cyber-shot TX5 wtf.

I was passed a camera to test to see if it’s really Shock-proof, Water-proof, Dust-proof, Temperature-proof, Audrey-idiot-proof as what Sony says.

And it is! But more on that later.

I love my current camera but sometimes when there’s not enough light my pictures tend to turn out a little grainy.

See what I mean? And this was AFTER I edited it to make it clearer.

So I was excited to see how the TX5 would fare.

With insufficient yellow lighting!

Damn clear right! No sign of graininess at all.

I have Shaky Hand Syndrome and I am a psychological failure because the more I tell myself to stay still the more I inadvertently twitch so I always fail at taking clear pictures without flash. So the TX5 definitely worked for me!

Ok so what I did this weekend was I brought out the camera with me every day to take photos in different places and lighting to see how the photos would turn out!

Picture of blister on my foot WTF sorry to put your eyes through such suffering wtf.

If you notice, my foot is blur even though it’s right in front. That’s because I was testing out this function here you can tap on the touch screen and set where you want the focus point to be.

I put the focus on the plastic red stool which is why it’s the clearest point in the photo.

Wombeh at lunch in coffee shop.

Testing the camera under sunlight. Damn clear can see my pores and lines on my eyelids fml.

Inside car with Shan Shan who was here to visit!

In broad daylight with Suet.

Elise used to have a Cyber-shot and somehow I always thought her pictures turned out too yellow so I wasn’t very sure about getting one.

But I take it all back lor it’s just a matter of knowing which features to use for which situations. But then again, this camera is quite smart cos it knows how to adjust itself depending on the situation and it’s really good at detecting correctly the setting needed! So noobs like me can just use auto function.

Like later in the evening we were at this event. And truth be told, the place was actually very dim. But the photo came out so bright!

Suet, Ginny and Vvens were damn surprised at how bright it turned out but it’s because i set the camera that way – brighter is always nicer I think!

Testing out the Smile Shutter technology!

Basically this function works so if you push the button, the camera waits until it detects when you smile, and automatically takes your picture!

Another photo because I like the colors…

Another indoor shot (of Wombeh and Ah Quah of Lengmou fame) playing Xbox -_-

And one of the most awesome possum features – the ability to edit photos purikura style on the camera!

It’s a touch screen so you can just write on the screen whatever you want. You can also put a frame and stamps onto the photo! See now Suet has a hibiscus and I have a tiara wtf.

Takes macro shots really well too – the camera automatically goes into macro mode when you bring it up close to an object so you don’t need to change modes yourself.

(that’s me, Suet, Ginny & Vivien in polaroids!)

And then came the biggest test of all – to see if the camera worked as well underwater as it did on land.
TO be honest I have never seen a camera work underwater before so I was very skeptical!

What if I put the camera underwater and it suddenly emits sparks or something!

Then I’m doomed to Electronic Hell for ruining a perfectly good gadget.

But everyone I asked insisted it would be okay so I shakingly decided to test it out.

No access to swimming pools or oceans to take fancy schmancy diving shots so I did the next best thing…

Guess how this photo was taken!

I immersed the camera in a glass of water and took a photo of myself WTF.

I’m really quite ingenious sometimes wtf.

(glass of water not really challenging because it’s actually Water-proof up to depth of 3 meters!)

Anyway if you wanna win a Sony Cyber-shot TX5 yourself, post a picture and explain how it reflects the theme “My Water Moments”. You have to explain how the photo connects to the theme and how it could have been so much better if you had a water-proof camera like Sony Cyber-shot TX5 to aid you. You also have to mention its other features and submit your permalink to the Nuffnang Sony Camera blog post.

Camera specs:
Optical lens 4x
10.2M pixels
Retails for RM1,499

AudAtMoho/USA AudNerd AudTourist


On my last day in San Fransisco (wuwuwuw), I went to Stanford with Angela.

Waiting for the bus.

Angela had a class that day so the initial plan was that I would go with her to school and explore the Stanford campus and try to network with Stanford men while she was in class and then after that we would go shopping wtf.

A peek at the Stanford campus which is gorgeous really.

But the minute I stepped into the building with her I wanted to go to class WTF *super geek mode

Haih seriously education is my weakness wtf.  I complained about exams and papers and all that but I always knew that I would like studying (for the sake of studying) a lot more than working. And I was right wtf.

My lifelong ambition would be to go to grad school! Other lifelong dreams include being a Broadway star, marrying the Prince of Monaco, living to 100 years and other such useless ambitions.

Us in class! I have a book!

I meekly asked the professor if I could sit in the class for the day because I was really interested.

She looked surprised but said “Okay. I’m just worried you’ll be bored.  Have you ever studied Classical Chinese?”

I don’t even know modern Chinese WTF but I decided not to tell her that.

So while everyone read out classical Chinese texts I just stared at the page and tried to pick out words I knew in kanji fml.

Which btw are not that many 🙁

We chanced upon the statues of the Burghers of Calais.  For more info, read above plaque.

Naturally I had to make full use of the photo opp they presented wtf.

I think I was trying to recreate the statue’s pose SIGH.

Settled for holding his arm wtf.

I thought he was doing the hip hop sign so I tried to follow WTF.

But maybe he was I dunno trying to brush away the noose from his face WTF =<

What I liked about Stanford was the very Spanish looking architecture. Very very different from Mount Holyoke which is all wood and brick and New England-ish looking. Angela thinks Moho is still prettier but I don’t know Stanford looks very warm. Which is actually is WTF compared to Moho -_-

The prettiest building there – the church 😀

Even the walkways are exquisite. And the whole Stanford looks like that /boo

When will we see each other again T3T

The very breathtaking inside.

Imagine getting married in a church such as this…

Unfortunately only Stanford students can get married here apparently.

The…nave? I don’t know church architecture terms sorry T_T In layman’s terms, the side of the church where people sit wtf.

Stained glass windows 🙂

Did you know that Stanford is really called the Leland Stanford Junior University?

Stanford is named in honor of the Stanfords’ only child, who died in 1884 just before his 16th birthday. His parents decided to dedicate a university to their only son, and Leland Stanford told his wife, “The children of California shall be our children.” *weeps appropriately

The ceilings.

A closer look at the front.

Went outside and took more pictures of the facade.

Damn beautiful right!

Then we went to the Stanford Mall. It’s a gorgeous open concept mall that basically looks like a hotel.  Sorry forgot to take pictures except for the roses planted around the shops 🙂

Most WTF monument ever.  Are those merfrogs lounging on the rocks -____________-

Why are there merfrogs! Why are they relaxing on rocks in the middle of a fountain at the mall! And why do they look so smug? Maybe I can submit this photo to wtf.

And then we had dinner and that was the end of San Fransisco T____________T

We went home and I blogged and watched movies while Angela prepared for her upcoming interview with questions such as “if you were a fruit what would you be” wtf.

Can’t remember if I talked about this other question which was: “if you didn’t exist in this world, what would be different?”

Thought about it and my self esteem dropped like a stone wtf.  Seriously nothing would be different lor T3T Most is my parents won’t have a daughter and Ooib won’t have a sister wtf.  Or maybe they will have another son or a different daughter.  Or a daughter who is not this short *heart breaks

Then the next morning we had to get up at like 4 for me to go to the airport to fly to Wabash for Ooib’s graduation ;__________;

Too early, Angela probably too preoccupied with her interview and when I got my suitcase out of her car I accidentally scratched it WTF so our goodbye was not very emotional *shifty eyed

The car I scratched fml.


4 bloggers, 8 hours.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster WTF.

Well usually for me at least because I am totally not a competitive person and when I know other people around me are being extra competitive I get freaked out and go out of my way to be un-competitive -_-
But I wish I were this time because it actually sounds like a lot of fun!

Four bloggers will be locked up by Astro in conjunction with their B.yond PVR roadshow on 5 June for 8 hours from 10am onwards.

Astro B.yond PVR is a new technology that Astro is introducing soon which will solve all your TV problems wtf. It will:
• Enable you to record your favorite programs on Astro if you’re at work or class, stuck in traffic jam, fighting with siblings or parents over because they wanna watch tv when your favorite and highly anticipated show on HBO/MTV/dan lain-lain.
• Enable you to rewind parts of your favorite program if you saw a very romantic moment that you wanted to rewatch so you can go “awww” again (which is what always happens with me!!!). Or if the villain that you’ve been hating for episodes finally dies a spectacular death and you smugly want to re-experience the glee you felt at his demise!
• Enable you to pause your program because you have to take a break cos the chili pan mee you had for lunch suddenly decided to have a party in your stomach.

Imagine the possibilities! Even better if you could implement these functions in real life.

If I could record a moment in my life it would be the entire two weeks I was in the US recently!

I was always grumpy about being at Mt Holyoke so I was grumpy about staying in the US in general but now that I DON’T live there anymore I really appreciated it when I went back!

So I wish I could have recorded a lot of moments there so I can show everyone how kind and interesting a lot of the Americans were 🙂

Oh and if I could rewind a moment in my life and do it again it would be my graduation when I went on stage to receive my diploma…
And I walked the wrong way off the stage and ended up having to climb over potted plants to get off the stage and missed having my photo taken by the official photographer T__________T

After it all wtf.

Anyway basically the four bloggers will be locked up to fight it out, reality tv show style in order to win themselves an Astro B.yond PVR set!

Not sure what kinda stuff they will be doing… but since it’s TV entertainment related, it’d be funny if they had to like act out or recreate their favorite TV show.

But what if someone’s favorite show was Girls Gone Wild WTF.

OK kidding *hastily

Or or since PVR enables you to record, rewind and pause, it’d be really interesting if the bloggers’ challenge was to record and cut out scenes from any program on Astro and put them together to make their own film!

Or maybe they just wrestle each other to win…

But whatever it is sure entertaining because the four bloggers are Red Mummy, Eiling, Eyeris and Beautiful Nara
Not sure who would win also cos tough fight lor I think!

Both Eiling and Redmummy are both strong empowered women and I have a feeling they can both get quite competitive and might just go all out to win!

(which is seriously what you need to succeed in life lor too bad I don’t have it wtf)

But on the other hand Michael (from Eyeris) and Nazuwan (from Beautifulnara) also both damn charming and smart so cannot look down on them either.

(pictures stolen from respective blogs)

Dunno la! But I think Imma vote for Red Mummy cos I think she’s super capable and determined. Hold a proper job, blog like a gazillion times a day, take care of her children and still look very well groomed and polished all the time. This PVR challenge should be easy peasy for her.

Anyway stay tuned to their blogs, Twitter and Facebook accounts on 5 June to find out what happens! Or you can also head down to Midvalley and get a front row view of the drama 😀

Or to win yourself a PVR set, go to and BE A FAN Like the Astro page to join their contest starting from tomorrow! Just tell Astro which moments in your life where you wish you could have rewinded, paused or recorded to stand a chance to win!

For more info on PVR you can also go here


Tambun Pneah and Yoga Bear

Because I was away for nearly three weeks I am too slow right now in catching Project Alpha!

I finally had time to sit down tonight and go through all the episodes, starting from when Cheesie, KY, Shaolin Tiger and Kimcun go to Tambun.

These are some of the episodes I liked!

Ep 25 – I never knew Shaolin Tiger had a blog war with Xiaxue!

Ep 26 – Jojo asks Kim if Gareth (Shaolin) is the One *soft.  And whether Kim will ever propose to him.  Kim’s answer was the funniest ever: “no that’s not gonna happen, my mom’s going to kill me… I’m an only daughter.” Hahahaha what does that have to do with anything!

Ep 27 – Um shamefully I more or less skipped through this episode cos it was full of snakes T____T I don’t know how Cheesie and Jojo could smile with snakes on their shoulders I can’t even bear to look at rubber snakes WTF.

Ep 30 – All is redeemed in this episode when the racoon  (Angela’s fav animal!!!) makes an appearance! The raccoon is so so sos fucking cute especially when it clambers all over for food T________T skipped the snakes again sorry i just cannot take them T_T

ep 31 – F me with a spoon I dont understand how KY can get into an enclosure and watch and talk about the snakes lor. I watched pretty much the whole thing but not without trepidation wondering if KY is gonna get swallowed wtf.

ep 36 – Ninie Ahmad’s turn on camera! Highlight of this episode was when her ex boyfriend shows up randomly and Jojo talks to him.  Damn cute hahaha when jojo interviews her ex you can see Ninie leaning forward to try to catch what he’s saying!

ep 37 – They showcase the “burn machine” – which is exactly what I need to stop wobbling when I shake salt wtf.  I think Ninie is one of Project Alpha’s most interesting bloggers actually! I liked that she talked and gave so much information on yoga which is something I don’t know anything about -_- And it was obvious how much passion and knowledge she had about it 🙂

Ep 39 – Ninie shows off some amazing yoga poses.  She also conducts a yoga class which by the looks of it is pretty damn difficult lor!  I mean even Jojo looks like she has trouble following it and if you’ve seen Project Alpha Season 1 you would know how I suffered trying to keep up with Jojo on the yoga mat -____-

Azwan Ali’s episodes are running now! For the full set, go to the official Project Alpha site.