Someone in Formspring asked “is your life really as glamorous as it looks?” Not first time someone asked me this…
Category / AudSlave
You know when you were younger, you had those things you called “autograph” books which you passed around your classroom?…
Has my work-life balance deteriorated so badly that I need to resort to free online image generators to muster up…
Sorry that this post needs to be a little #cryptic as it’s about work. But recently I managed to pull…
A newly promoted person, that’s who!!! Yay me đ…
OMG I just heard that my friend got retrenched :O :O *clutches office desk It’s okay as long as I…
So professional working woman is back wtf. I like my job so far! And the people are all very nice…
çŞăŤć ăç§ ăăăĺŻćăăŞăă ăăă¨ăŚă˝ă¤ăăă ăăăă⌠ăăšăăăăăŽĺ¤ çĽăăŞă弳ăŽĺă¨ă㨠éăă§ăăăŞă㍠ă¸ă§ăŠăˇăź ăäźăăăăŞăăăŞă㌠ăŞăč¨ăŁăĄăăŁăăŽăăŞďź 大弽ăăăăŚćăă ăď˝ăď˝ăď˝ äťćĽăŽćśăŻăăăŁăąăăăă čŚăăăăăŞăăăŽćś ă~ć´ăăŠăăé¨ăŽăĄĺĽ˝ă Oh yes I love you…
I’m back! (And half dead on my feet.) Let me sum up the outcome of the day in a few…
Guess what. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 4.45 because the van is coming to pick me up at…