
Say No

For the first time ever, I can say this in a post and mean it: THIS IS A COMMUNITY SERVICE MESSAGE.


The first ever person I knew to smoke was my grandfather.

His name was Yeh Yeh.

(because apparently when I was little Ah Kong was too hard for me to say)

He used to smoke Dunhills and until now I can still remember the creased packets of red and gold that would lie on the table in my grandparents’ house in Penang.

My parents worked in KL then so Yeh Yeh and Mama were the ones who took care of Ooib and me when we were in preschool and kindergarten in Penang (back when Ooib was widely assumed to be mute and my parents considered bringing him to a therapist. True story)

Yeh Yeh smoked all the way through my childhood. One time Ooib and I read a Bookworm book about smoking and tried to get my grandpa to give up smoking by throwing away his cigarettes and replacing them with candy not knowing he was diabetic FHL. But mostly the cigarette packs and smoke odor remained a quintessential part of my grandpa.

Then when I was in high school, he contracted tuberculosis. He was hospitalized and my whole family was rushed to the hospital for our own TB tests. Luckily nobody but my grandma tested positive for it FHL literally (she’s still around
that’s why can joke) but that was a big enough scare for my grandpa to quit.

He died when I was sixteen from a heart attack though.

When I got to high school, the smokers were the cool kids. I have no idea why smoking is considered cool but I swear it’s an idea that’s planted in all high schools everywhere. Correct ornot!!!

The happening kids will escape class when teachers are not looking to go squat in the back alley to sneak a puff. Dunno why die also must do that just so they can smoke a bit and try not to cough. But that was the way it was.

Geek that I was, I somehow still ended up with a high school boyfriend who smoked. I never wanted to smoke before myself (although damn geeky I thought I was still cool in my own way *delusional* thus no urge to submit to peer pressure) it was still a sign of my own coolness that I was dating someone period and even better that he smoked.

Then in college, all my friends smoked. Guys girls all would leave the building and congregate outside to smoke. If I was with them and the smoke came near me I either just waved it off without thinking or tried not to breathe too much cos you just don’t scold your friends for things like this.


Going to smoky clubs ok. Going to play foosball in smoky bars ok. Mamak with smokers also ok.

Then when I went to the US I didn’t realize it but the number of smoker friends I had were much less. I don’t have stats for this but im pretty sure there are a lot more smokers in Asia than in Western countries.


I stopped having to put up with it. If smokers wanted to go outside to smoke, I wouldn’t go with them cos it was just too cold most of the time to stand outside for no good reason. And I had lots of non-smoker friends to accompany me. Clubs overseas also have strict non smoking policies so it was awesome going out and not having dry throats from breathing in secondhand smoke or having to wash hair afterwards.

And now I am old and not as tolerant and definitely not susceptible to peer pressure. Where I work, there are tons of people who smoke (and whom I really like) and it’s just the work culture. I don’t mind you smoking but please do not blow it in my face. And definitely don’t expect me to stand outside with you while you take a puff just because you want some company.

Among the dangers of secondhand smoke are:
– All kinds of cancer
– Heart disease
– Lung disease

Basically all terrible ways to die.

When I think about it I feel quite angry for letting myself breathe in smoke cos of other people. Who knows how much of my nice pink lungs have turned black up till now!

Wanna kill yourself go ahead why must take me down with you!

But the older I get the more friends I have now who say they regret smoking or they’re trying to quit. Which is why when I found out two of my closest friends picked up smoking in their 20s I was quite upset. It’s their choice… but what a choice. I honestly believe that every single smoker picked it up because of peer pressure or because they thought it was cool or both.

You may light your first cigarette cos you’re curious. But curiosity is satiated with the first stick honestly. Why anyone would continue with the 2nd or 3rd is because their friends are doing it.

And nobody picks up smoking to relax!!! Most bullshit reason ever. You may smoke now to relax but nobody STARTS smoking to relax ok how relaxing can your first puff be when you’re likely stressing yourself out on how to inhale the correct way or how to hold the cigarette so you don’t look like a noob or how to stop yourself from coughing.

But anyway everyone has freedom of choice. Your right to choose to smoke versus my right to choose to not have to inhale secondhand smoke.

Ok this blogpost turned out angrier than I expected -_-

I know it’s easier said than done to say Tak Nak to smoking when your friends around you are all lighting up (and if you don’t have skin as thick as a rhino like me)

But try la ok!

Ministry of Health is asking you to submit your most creative Tak Nak photo as part of their Gaya Hidup Sihat campaign.
Winners are chosen based on 50% votes and 50% marks given by MOH side.

(no photos of cigarette or cigarette boxes allowed)

• Grand Price cash-RM 1,000
• 2nd Price cash-RM 700
• 3rd Price cash-RM 500
• 4th Price cash-RM 300
• 5th Price cash-RM 150
• Consolation Price – Voucher Worth RM50

fuck-that-bitch-scared-yao aud
My Tak Nak face. I really added the hair myself!!!!

Nah another photo.
For more info go to their website or visit their Facebook page at

AudEveryday AudRubbish

Dance like you’ve been never been loved, hurt like no one’s watching

One of those posts where I upload randomly taken photos taken recently and force you guys to see.

What!! My life very interesting ok faster see wtf.

Ooib’s birthday!

Ooib is unbearably bad at smiling/posing in photos.  Always look constipated or on the verge of tears fhl.

Here we family dinner at El Cerdo – for the unitiated it’s where they make you chop a pig with a plate for good luck.


Noob picture taken by Pinky.  Asked her to take picture of my brother breaking his plate (also for good luck) I dunno how she ended up with this picture!

Is it cos her name is Pinky wtf wtf.




Odango win!  Finally learned how to make an odango with my measly hair later i tell how.

It was for Steph’s wedding which was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to T_________T

That’s the picture we took at her wedding!  Eileen closed my eyes cos they said kids cannot see WTF.


Another picture of self.


Hello Kitty phone cases!!!!


With #addiction at Leftblock


With Fatty at Kings & Queen of Comedy Asia.

Dunno where he learned to do peace sign!  Cannot be me I never do peace sign *serious face

Changed hair color!

Ringo introduced me to 76style and they asked me to come in and try their hair services!


I left my hair to them and the stylist Yuko decidedly said I should cut back bangs wtf.  Cos before this I’d left my bangs long cis.  She gave me bangs and a new brighter hair color super nice!  A lot of Vivi girls currently have similar shades ahem.

Under sunlight it looks reddish but under white fluorescent light it comes out ashy.

They also did a special hair treatment using some advanced Japanese technology where they flat iron the hair for the treatment to absorb better!  But the flat iron no heat wan.

After dyeing, my hair quality is still awesome so no complaints there ^^

76style is a Japanese salon with branches in Shibuya.  They got two outlets here too, the one I went to is in Midvalley.  Stylists are all from Japan! Website and contact details here.



Hair under sunlight.


Yuko’s hairstyling skillz are awesome cos she even made me a hair bow.  And I tell you my hair is impossible to do shit.

She super cocky some more when I expressed doubt that she would be able to do the bow.

She said “I can do but you probably cannot do it yourself.” LOL.

Jacket – Topshop
Tank top – Bangkok
Shorts – Bangkok


But odango is something she taught me how to do myself at home!!! My hair is super fine and thin and not very long so I had no idea how to do it myself.  But she showed me how damn terrer maybe next time when I’m feeling hardworking I do tutorial!

Outfit just change top only ahahaha.

Plaid shirt – Japan, tshirt – Topshop, shorts – Bangkok

Ok that’s all babai.



Photoshop Level 1000

Taking a break from work to blog!

Some time back Cheesie and I had this talk where we re-evaluated our friendship HAHAHA. Cos we were talking about holidays and we had to rethink our friendship cos we have very different holiday preferences!

She likes …Mother nature and scenery. I hate the outdoors.

I like museums. Any kind of museum also I’d go. Including Muzium Negara. ^^ She hates museums and history.

She loves animals and zoos. I prefer er humans.

She looks like the type who will wake up early and force people to go out. I prefer to wake up when I wake up (which is around 12) then go out to find lunch.

Only place we can go together is a shopping destination.

But then I thought about it and realized that I haven’t really outdoorsy activities and scenery a real chance. Every place I visit is a city. (excluding beaches la cos I love beaches :D)

So the most outdoorsy place I can think of is New Zealand! #adventurous

I googled “fun things to do in New Zealand during summer” cos they’re approaching summer now ma!

And yea they are all very outdoorsy -_-

But I’m giving them a chance! This is a list of things I would do in New Zealand (in summer obviously) if I had the chance to go:
1. Go see the Red Panda at the Wellington Zoo
Damn cute right actually hahahahaha. He’s Angela’s favorite animal! Although she used to think this was a raccoon.
Picture credits from here

2. Now that I’m all accustomed to animals and their smells, I’d also go to Orana Wildlife Park.
HAHAHAHHAH this is what I mean by Photoshop Level 10000.

Orana is an open range zoo in New Zealand that is designed with enclosures as close to the animal’s natural habitat as possible. So visitors get to see the animals up close and as naturally as possible!

3. Then go to the beach.

This is a picture of the Koekohe beach. Those are Moeraki boulders and are these huge round boulders scattered around the beach probably caused by erosion all. Photos of it look so pretty! But I scared cold so must go during summer. And must buy new camera first.

4. And then…

Go swimming with dolphins! Angela did it in Cancun so Imma do it in South Island in NZ *competitive
(photo stolen from Angie)

5. Erm fulfilled my quota of nature already! Next stop, the Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Hahahahhaha. (picture sourced from wiki)

How can go to NZ and not visit any museums! This museum houses a huge part of NZ history, including a large collection of Maori and Pacific Island artifacts 😀 I don’t really know anything about the Maoris so should be quite cool to go.

6. Buried Village, Rotorua
More than 100 years ago, Mount Tarawera erupted and destroyed the surrounding area, including a village called Te Wairoa.
Te Wairoa has been excavated now and turned into a historical site, showcasing fascinating and first hand insight into the devastation that occurred on the night Mount Tarawera erupted.

Super wanna go!!! Fatty says I’m morbid but I like finding out how people lived in the past and how big events affected them.

Picture of part of the Buried Village stolen from their website.

7. Lastly I’d go for the Rippon Festival.
It’s a music festival all Kiwi musicians and bands gather to perform. Can’t just anyhow go though – it only happens every second year and next year it’s on February 4! Must ask them to sing me birthday song.

Oh ya it’s called the Rippon Festival because interestingly, it takes place at the Rippon Vineyard and Winery. See here for info.

I like this kinda stuff wan would totally go for all these 😀

Anyway now I realize NZ is not all about sheep HAHAHA. If I had the money I’d definitely try to make a trip there sometime 😀

Actually don’t need that much money also can always take Air Asia! Ngehehe

For more info on New Zealand or if you’re thinking of heading there this summer, go here.

AudRubbish AudSuay


So I’m still sick 

After three weeks 

Doctor said if still not okay by end of this week to do a chest Xray FML.  Luckily I went to Kechara soup kitchen last week at least built up some good karma for my reincarnation if I die WTF.

No la choi.  I think I’m recovering …somewhat.  Slowly but surely!

But in the meantime, apparently when I’m sick I make damn a lot of noise in my sleep.

A lot of people when they fall sick they get snot and what not stuck in their throat which blocks their breathing so they end up snoring at night.

But apparently I have even surpassed snoring and am now just humming very loudly in my sleep WTF.

Fatty cannot take it and ran screaming from the room with his pillow around his head.

At first he said I sound like Darth Vader with asthma hahahahaha T_________T Then he changed his mind and said I sound like a motorbike T_______T

Then when I asked him how do I sound he made weird monotonous growling noises and did this pose FML.

Anyway now I’m slowly recovering already but I still make this noise! *fears being like this for my whole life

Won’t ever dare to fall asleep in public already cos I will make weird embarrassing hum-growls and scare the bejesus out of everyone D:

This must be karma.  Fat Her snores like an earthquake and I always get very angry when he does it when I’m in the same room hahahaha.

The night before our graduation, my parents bunked in me and Angela’s dorm room.

And the entire night Fat Her snored like a tractor T_________T

I was so angry at him I threw a rolled up poster at him from across the room WTF but he still didn’t wake up.

So on the night before the most important day of my life, I didn’t sleep a wink.  I actually watched the sun rise lying in bed insomniacally 


It’s karma.

And when I told Eric about it he wasn’t at all sympathetic wtf.  Not that this surprises me at all wtf.

And yes Fatty recorded my snore-hum-growl sigh I tell you my friends are all so loving wtf.

But anyway Bobo showed me this video.

HAHAHAHAHA the answer to my problems!!! I really wanna buy this damn fun!!!

AngieEntry AudTourist


Realized I haven’t finished blogging about Bangkok! #shitblogger

Never mind this is the last day already bygones!

Appropriately, you would say ‘AUDREY Y U NO BLOG ABOUT BANGKOK’ and insert this ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)


Anyway on the last day we went to the floating market!


To get to the floating market, you gotta take a boat from the pier/starting point to the market.


Damn a lot of boats ferrying people back and forth!


I’m on a boat wtf.

A bit terrifying actually cos the boat went quite fast and water splashed from the sides!  I only know one swim stroke which is breast stroke wtf and the water looked so murky and green so I was a bit scared.


View on the way to the market.  There are all sorts of buildings and homes built alongside the canal so I think everyone just travels by boat instead of car or motorbike.


Better picture!  Here not so scared already wtf.


Reached the market!


I loved the whole atmosphere and vibe!


Everything super colorful wan.  But one thing I think the market is too commercialized already.  So many selling mass produced commercial souvenirs 🙁 Some more I think our boat driver got some contract with the souvenir stalls keep stopping us at souvenir shops that all look the same -_____-


Interesting boats are the food ones!


Pomelos I love pomelos!


We got up really early in the morning for this and didn’t eat breakfast.

This woman was our saviour!!!



Some koay teow type soup dish with meatballs and tofu and minced pork and spring onion – *wipes drool from keyboard



Portion was pretty small but it was awesomely yummy! i think it was the addition of the chilli flakes that did the trip.

Although I over added as you can see from my red face above wtf.



Super happy tourists in opposite boats.  Hahaha their boat didn’t have a roof hence the umbrella hats.


Go Thailand cannot not have mango sticky rice.


More pomelos wtf.


Then we met Jackie Chan!!!!!111111


Look like him ornot!  Jackie Chan selling ornaments by the canal wtf.

But a bit disgusting.  We were so happy to see Jackie Chan and wanted to take a photo with him.  But when we posed to take the photo he rubbed both me and Angela on the back WTF.  Only for a split second la and both of us didn’t know until we compared notes later but still.

Take advantage of his looks literally to do this 


Back on solid ground!


Then because we didn’t have enough of Chatuchak, we went back again.


Happily it was the weekend already so all the good shops were open.


What did I tell you?


More Blythe dolls.  Dunno why bangkok so heng.


Then more yummy food!

I swear Angela and I are the easiest to please when it comes to food.  Cos her favorite food is grilled cheese and mine is…anything that costs less than RM5 wtf.

Don’t really know how to tell what’s good food and what’s not -_- If I go fine dining I always feel like eating Indomie afterwards.  Like feeding cows with roses wtf.

Above meal was some noodles in some herbal chicken broth with some daikon and Coke in a metal cup.  Drinks always taste better in special cups 😀 More so if they come with bendy straws wtf.


Then went back to the room to rest a bit.


By rest I mean take photos.


DUnno why I do duck face.  Actually this batch of photos I duck face everywhere!! Just that delete most of it already phew no more evidence.




Then change clothes for dinner! Angela went cute and pretty but as usual I tried my best to be mode kei wtf.


Pinned up my hair cos my bangs were dirty from all the blowing in the wind and canal spray.  But got mixed feelings la when I looked at myself in real life I thought not bad but now I see pictures still look like flowerhorn fish aih.



And with no bangs on face makeup needs to be even more perfect.


Since last day already had to go for last foot massage.


Dinner was at a … beer garden.

When we were told about the Tawandang German Brewery, I imagined it to be some sort of german restaurant with lotsa sausages to go with the beer.


Big vat of brewing beer.


Turned out to be totally different!  There was a live show in front of the place and lots and lots of rows of tables.  Whole place was packed and everyone was eating… Thai food *deng deng deng


Another vat of beer.


Some food. Not really winning any awards for best food blogger here.

Or travel blogger for that matter cos my descriptions suck balls 🙁


Chicken wings.


Best dish ever!  Ok not sure what these shellfish were (mussels? clams) but they were boiled and you ate them dipped in some sour chilli sauce together with bunches of rice noodles and they were so orgasmically good T_______________T

Think we ordered two or three more after that 😀

Apparently this is a Vietnamese dish though.

P7300362Me drinking some of their beer.  Quite yummy actually!

Ok going to sleep now with my shitty ass cough.

It’s been two weeks and while I think i recovered from it, I think this is a second round of sickness!

Cough is horrendous and if I even cough once, my gag reflex kicks in, stomach muscles heave and I end up having to hold back puking T________T I tear up and my eyes and face turn red like how you would when you puke.

Imagine nearly puking continuously throughout the day T__________T Going to see doctor again tomorrow cos the last one was a joke who gave me cough medicine that made me pass out but still wake up to cough >:(





My Nuffnang story

My Nuffnang story started in 2007.

It was the summer of 2007.  I was back from Kyoto and was interning appropriately at Dentsu, a Japanese advertising agency.

Suetpants was also interning at the time – with a small startup called Nuffnang.  She and I would get dropped off by Fat Her every morning at my office and then she would meet up her boss – some fella called Tim – to start the day’s work.

I was quite suspicious of the whole thing because as far as my (limited) knowledge went, 23 year olds didn’t own companies.  Much less a blog advertising one with a weird name wtf.

Nevertheless when my superior at Dentsu talked about alternative advertising, I called Suet up, spoke to Tim and passed the phone to my superior.

Then at the behest of Suetpants, I signed up for Nuffnang.  Then I went back to Massachusetts.

Months later at Mount Holyoke I saw RM200 in my Nuffnang account!!! Damn happy didn’t think I’d actually make anything out of this.  Nuffnang ads are targeted to Malaysian IPs anyway so I never saw any ads in the US.

I cashed out and I think my mother probably took the check wtf.

Then fast forward a year later and I came back to Malaysia for good!

And I got my first ever advertorial!  It was for Oreo hahaha the story was about fighting Lolo for Oreos I think.  Lolo damn disgusting who sticks cookies down their skirts WTF.


Oh and I also finally met Tim the cofounder of Nuffnang who would end up as Fatty ahem.  He’s a changed man now ahem again. Story another time.

When I first joined I had no idea what Nuffnang was about!  I only joined cos I’m a sheeple and Suet asked me to wtf.

Then I found out that can make some pocket money with it especially crucial since I was unemployed (no job yet that time)

Up til then I hadn’t even known there were so many bloggers, not to mention who they were.  I only knew my friends’ blogs, and Kenny Sia was some overly patient dude who kept leaving comments in my blog FHL.

Oh but I knew Xiaxue la everyone knows Xiaxue wtf.

Then I realized that actually it’s more than that.  It’s a whole community of bloggers who have met because they’ve all registered with Nuffnang, go to events together, socialize, sometimes become friends, and maybe even push a brand to marketing success because of their collective power under Nuffnang.

I was thoroughly fascinated!  Wanted to go to the Nuffnang Chipster Pajama Party for their first birthday and dress up in cute sleepwear but still stuck in the US.  Contented self (with Suet) by scrolling through blogs covering the whole party *sour

But it’s been 3 years since I’ve been back and Nuffnang has been such an integral part of my life I can’t think how it would be like if there was no Nuffnang.


The first bloggers I ever met! This was after the Chelsea game with Malaysia sponsored by Heineken.

Forgotten I met all these people so early on!! Especially Eri, Cindy and Ringo.  Actually Ringo I met earlier same time as Fatty hehehe #crypstic.  I remember being very awed because Cindy told me she majored in theater and she was also awed (or maybe secretlyh WTF) cos I told her I majored in Asian Studies wtf.

Without Nuffnang I wouldn’t have…


gone for the Maxis Broadband Girls Day Out which still ranks up there as one of my favorite events ever.  Wouldn’t have met people like Kimcun and Karen!  (Jolene and Cynthia don’t count already know them before wtf)


Wouldn’t have danced like an idiot with Pooh at Maxis’s Wildlife party.


Would never have seen Fatty as Mexican WTF if not for the Mister Potato party.  And Redmummy too of course <3


Would not have met Sixthseal.  Or would have met him but only at a later stage 🙂

Would not have the chance to be on a TV show (Project Alpha although i don’t suggest you watch it wtf).  Would not have visited the kids above at a home in Chow Kit.


Would not have gone to HK Disneyland with Xiaxue and Cheesie!!!


Wouldn’t have planted a tree.  Ok fine not by myself – Kinkybluefairy, Cindy and Cheesie helped too wtf.


Wouldn’t have the chance to be a promoter girl for eyeliner standing on a basket at a pharmacy.  Thanks Maybelline wtf.


Would not have met my buddy Fish!!!! *thick skinned

Would not have been sent to Bangkok on a week long trip 🙂 Just realized I never posted this video on my blog hehe.


Would not have gotten close to my #addiction.



And although not directly through Nuffnang,  I would probably have never met this Fatty. 🙂


And definitely would not have attended the first ever Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards!! (cos Nuffnang won’t even exist duh wtf)

Pictured here with the PH partners Eric and Jay and their wives!


Also the adorable Violet Lebeaux and Grace, the wife of David of Nuffnang Australia.  If I look drunk here, that’s because I am WTF.  Thanks Grace for dragging me out of the ballroom and forcing me to take shots at the bar next door now you know everyone.


Fatty and Bobss Ming at the NAPBAS 2009 with the super pretty girls from Love, Bonito *crushes paper cup in fist wtf.  Hahaha they’re perfect lo like tall pretty intelligent good business sense and rich.  Everything I’m not WTF.



The Nuffnang team at NAPBAS 2009!  The Nuffnang group has expanded crazily to a 100+ people now.

And these 100+ people manage a network of a million blogs and more today all over Asia Pacific.

Since 2008 Nuffnang has achieved so much.  It has changed the landscape of digital advertising in Asia, created additional income streams for many (even a living for some); it has created friendships and relationships between people who would never have known each other otherwise – apparently a couple even met through the community and got married wtf.  And it will continue to do so.

Congratulations on the amazing past 4 years Nuffnang!  And may you have a billion more wtf.

On 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region’s best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.

If you want in on the very glam and prestigious looking NAPBAS, just go here to complete your submission.

You can either choose to write an entry titled “My Nuffnang story” like me wtf or “Nuffnang Blog Awards, Here I Come” with the top 3 reasons why you want to attend the awards.

I will see you there 😀


My good day

This is how it began.

Woke up in the morning feeling like P Diddy and took a picture of my er work area to show you.

Now a picture of myself to scare you wtf.


Pure Beauty Promeganate Antioxidant Skincare Range – the brand that made my day amazing *shy

I’ve known Pure Beauty for a while because my mother (queen of Watsons shopping) discovered it at the store and bought me a tube of the Eye Cream, telling me it’s the shiznit.

So I’ve actually been using the eye cream for some time. Just squeeze out a small dollop and pat it gently on your eye area like any other eye cream.

I’m usually quite sceptical of eye products BECAUSE NOTHING SEEMS TO WORK FOR ME. I got fine lines, dark circles, eyebags everything you name it. I always say that people with small eyes are luckier cos they usually don’t have these flaws – or if they do they’re not magnified – and I think small eyes make you look younger but people always give me threatening looks when I say it wtf.

Anyway after a few months of using the pomegranate eye cream I noticed that it did work to reduce the teeny fine lines around my eyes!

So when I got the entire Pure Beauty Pomegranate Antioxidant range to test I was quite excited  But not nearly as excited as my mother who stole the whole set from me the day I brought it home FML.

Retrieved it after a week or so and so this is my review!

This Pomegranate range is obviously made using pomegranate extracts which are supposed to have tremendous antioxidant powers. It’s Korean so it’s made using breakthrough Korean technology and is produced in a fine grain form for easy absorption. Consequently, it’s good for brightening, firming, anti0aging, energising, and softening skin. Also has quite a nice smell wtf.

The toner is actually more like a lotion (like all toners nowadays made by Asian companies) and less like the easy evaporating toners of before.

Looks and feels like water but when I pat it on it primed my skin very well for the next step.

Essence! The essence is their most popular product and it came out a very clear light gel. When I put it on can immediately feel the difference! Super moisturizing and I even thought I didn’t really need to put on moisturizer after that cos it was that moist.

Then next step, the antioxidant gel (to be used as day cream) or night cream whatever time it is for you. Both gel and cream also provided enough moisture for me considering that my skin is really really dry. I noticed that with the night cream when I wake up in the morning my skin still feels supple even though I sleep in an aircon room.

Also right after washing my face I can usually see fine lines if I don’t put on moisturizer but since I’ve started using this my fine lines have reduced a lot lo!

Definitely a must try for girls my age especially if you have dry problematic skin! Depending on people but if you’re younger maybe you might wanna skip the cream wtf but go for the essence and toner!

Prices for Pure Beauty are also quite affordable – get them at any Watsons store.

After putting on my real face. The first (ugly) picture is only temporary.

Headed out to meet my best friend Fish Leong!!!!


See how tight we are and how close we stand!!!

Actually five bloggers were invited for an INTIMATE CHAT SESSION with Fish Leong who is Pure Beauty’s ambassador.

And I was one of them!!!

First of all I have to say her skin is exquisite. Did you know she’s 30+ already and she still looks like this!!

2ndly I have to say I am full of self hate because the chat session was conducted in Mandarin/Cantonese T__________T

When I went there they were like “everyone ok with Mandarin?” And everyone was like YES except me who raised my hand and said sorry I dunno Mandarin (insert weeping face) Then they were like “it’s ok! Cantonese is ok too!” and I had to raise my hand a second time and say sorry again WTF.

But the Pure Beauty reps were very nice and sat next to me and explained everything she said.

And Fish Leong said I’m cute!!!!!!!!!!!1111

But cannot beat her ok I tell you her skin is flawless. Since I couldn’t understand what people were saying I kept staring at her skin to study it.

She has no freckles, no pores, no blackheads, no veins on her cheeks nothing. And she wasn’t even wearing Is this the power of Pure Beauty? Let me use longer then tell you wtf.

And she’s about a billion times prettier in person than on TV.

Show you the intimate environment wtf. Fish Leong with Jessying and Cindy. Everyone was so well prepared they whipped out notebooks and tape recorders to talk to her!!! While all I could do was stare lovingly at her face wtf.

We asked her for beauty advice and she gave lots! With the help of my voluntary translator, I asked how she kept her eyes looking young cos if I’m the slightest bit tired, it shows right away in my eyes not to mention the permanent eyebags big enough to be checked in at KLIA. She said don’t drink water right before sleeping (I always do), sleep early (sometimes do) and put used teabags on your eyes (!!?! Never hear before but will do)

She also said not to drink cold drinks cos it’s not good for your body and I’ve been keeping to that so far 😀

We also got to watch her interview as Pure Beauty ambassador …

And watched her perform with the winner of the Fish Leong singalike contest.

With #addiction and Cindy.

Crowd all lining up to get her autograph (some pictures taken from Cheesie)

Mandatory #Addiction picture

Picture stolen from Jessying! All us bloggers – Tracy, Cindy (who both look damn alike I swear), Cheesie and Jessying.
Super FML all of them wore feminine dresses with elements of red (Pure Beauty color) and I had to turn up in jeans -_____-

Last picture with our best friend!!!


Remember him?


If you don’t you’re probably not old enough and I hate you wtf.

Fat Her used to be a great collector of comics (I think we still have the original Archie comics from the 60s somewhere in the house!) and one of his favorites was Tintin.


This was the first Tintin book I ever read. I think I was like seven and when I read it I wondered why it was so long (cos I was too used to Archie and Doraemon length stories). Then I wondered why the plot was so difficult to understand WTF.

Now I know it was cos I was young and er not so clever.

The Adventures of Tintin is a series of comic books starring Tintin and in every book there’s a mystery to solve.


Some of the Tintin characters.

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of the new Tintin movie coming out soon!

The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn! Directed by Steven Spielberg, story is based on three Tintin stories, The Crab with the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn and Red Rackham’s Treasure.

Okla dowan to spoil it!

Watch trailer here.

Because we’re all so excited about Tintin’s premier, the movie distributor UIP is running a Tintin Secret Online Treasure Hunt !


*puts on super magnifying glasses to search for clues


Prizes :
Grand Prize: Luxury Bali Adventure for two (worth RM7,500) + 1 pair of Gold Class Tickets + Exclusive Merchandise
1st Runner up: Canon EOS1100D (worth RM2,500) + 2 pairs of tickets + Exclusive Merchandise
10x consolation: 2 pairs of tickets + Exclusive Merchandise

How to play?
1. First download ‘The Secret Online Hunt’ on Facebook
2. Solve the 1st task with the given clue
3. Find the secret code based on the given clue
4. Once you’ve found the secret code, enter the code in the application to unlock the NEXT TASK AND CLUE
5. You’ll need to unlock and solve up to 7 tasks

Clues will be hidden all over the world wide web! So all you people who go online till late at night and don’t sleep (yea I know) will sure have a good chance of winning wtf.

And I got a surprise for you! One of the clues you need will be hidden in this blog post.

Actually not hidden la very clearly posted.


Here it is.

Give you guys more reason to visit my blog muahaha.

Not telling you what # clue this is cos won’t be fair. All the best in your Tintin Treasure Hunt!

If win, please take me to Bali with you.

AngieEntry AudCamwhore

More Angela!

Aih extremely sick right now goddamn flu robbing me of my weekend T.T

But just publish this post since all these pictures have already been uploaded. And since everyone loves Angela!


I see you driving round town with the girl I love wtf.

Me looking very stressed cos I’m just bad at cars.

Angela with her Bieber hair hahahaha she tried to lie to me that she cut her hair short and dyed it blond before she came.

Then when I was at the airport waiting for her I saw her from afar and thought “who is this woman wearing such a bad wig in public” WTF.




Turns out it’s my soulmate *dark

Here she is adjusting her fake hair shamelessly in Pavilion.



Normal picture.



Fatteh and me.



Then Marutama for dinner with Suetpants!



Fatty had to endure an entire dinner of three shrieking gossiping girls sorry Fatty.



Bieber having some ramen.



Outside Pavi!

At 10+ after ice cream we all felt very tired and thought it best to come home instead of hanging around.



But after reaching home we all suddenly leveled up 10000 points of energy and decided to ..take pictures wtf.318508_628003918055_10400533_33715829_364028330_n

Get ready until must need to put on fake mustaches! (for Suetpants that is)



We were all very impressed and how remarkably long my neck looks!


Sorry then you just have to sift thru a bajillion similar looking photos of us hahahahaha.







Then I spoiled this angelic looking picture of Angela and Suetpants with this pose wtf.  Actually a lot of photos I did that dunno why nowadays me gusta strange faces.



Here all normal looking photos.







Angela in her pajama looking top which was not actually a pajama top -_- Don’t worry we already told her to burn it when she gets home wtf.


Take more pictures in my room with Jammie!


Then spoil another picture and call it a day.

Because then we had to send Angela off to China again babai soulmate T_____T

Actually babai Suetpants too cos she’s gone off to a rural area to teach good luck! Only Jammie left now *clutches

AudRubbish Uncategorized

Day of Memes

Title is self explanatory

while Angela was in KL last weekend!  We see each other so often these days that we’re quite chill whenever we meet just like “yo sup” *cool nod wtf

Anyway she was in KL only for the weekend so we didn’t do much also!  Already told you we are so chill about each other’s presence it was just like a normal day for us wtf.

Shop, eat and take lotsa pictures!

Anyway Suetpants and I introduced Angela to the joys of Rage Faces.

I post and you guess which face we’re supposed to be doing ok! (see whether our rage faces make it ornot)

If you don’t know Rage Faces don’t talk to me.  Actually just click on the FYI’s below to see source and explanation la this is such an educational post yo.



#1 LOL guy (FYI)





#3 Happy Kitteh.  Not very sure what this is called.  But anyway fail cos cannot make eyes into upside down Vs and mouth into sideways 3 wtf.



#4 Success Kid!!! Not Rage Face but meme called Success Kid wtf. (FYI)



#5 Dunno what this is called either.  Should have photoshopped blue tears!



#6 PFFFTTTCHH face (FYI) Suetpants looks good in every single picture la!!! Either she’s just pretty or she’s not trying hard enough wtf



#6 My brain is full of fuck face wtf.  Inspired by Jackie Chan hahaahha


#67 Me Gusta!!! HAHAHAAH MY FACE IS SO ACCURATE YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. Angela didn’t know what face we were doing so she simply anyhow do hahahaahah



#8 Fuck that/ Dumb Bitch face. (FYI) AGAIN MY FACE IS SO ACCURATE I should just become an actress wtf.

Thanks for wasting your time!!!! 😀