Actually I got a lot of photos accumulated from the past few months which I never got around to posting!
Now that today I’m free, be prepared for a diarrhea of photos here 😀
This was from my REAL birthday 😀
I went out with Wombeh on the night of my birthday expecting to go for a intimate dinner for two but when I got to the restaurant all my close friends were there! T____________T (except for the Club and soulmate ok say first before you all make noise wtf) Why is Wombeh always so good at planning surprises T__________T
Even Desmond and Wafu were there! I kept telling them smugly that I had to leave work early to go for dinner WTF but they were there at the table grinning at me when I got there hahaha.
Desmond, Wafu, Fafu, Hui Wen, Ringo, Nic – Thanks for spending February 10 with me *big shiny eyes
And thanks for the surprise party Wombeh *clings to waist
Karaoke with the worst mic hoggers in the world.
I swear every single person in our team overly loves the sound of their own voice. So every song everyone screams along no matter who chose the song. And when singing is not enough everyone has to stand on the sofas wtf.
I thought all this was normal wtf. Cos my own friends do that too! *stares at the Club. Until I joined some other (different) colleagues in karaoke and realized that everyone was very civilized and takes turns with the mic *awe.
Two girls one cup WTF.
The story of how me and #addiction sat together in one car seat in the 2 seater car of Patrek Kuah.
Are we good or what! Actually Cheesie sat on the seat and I sat in the leg space (which was surprisingly quite roomy!) and ta-dah 2 become 3.
Can only do if you’re on the size of dwarves (and near dwarves)
Random outfit photo.
Had to wear this to Zouk I now realize I don’t have any proper clubbing clothes anymore D:
Btw this was the night I lost my phone *dark
Bought this headband at Sinma for #foruchizu photoshoot ages ago but it’s all cutesy and doesn’t fit our image anymore -_-
Michael Buble concert which was fantastic best concert I’ve ever been to.
Wombeh, Tim2 and Mimi. Coincidentally we were all wearing blue. Like the light in the picture above! wtf.
Last weekend when Wendy and Mike were in KL.
Got this fucking funny photo of both of them snoring in the back cos they were up at 6am driving down to KL hahahahaha but I promised Wendy cannot post.
But you can see a glimpse of Mike and his yellow shirt behind hahaahahha.
Wendy brushing her teeth after bak kut teh lunch WTF.
Nuffnang sharing session at Frames in Pyramid 🙂 With Hui Wen and Ming.
Some of the yummy food they served.
Everyone had to go round and tell what they would do if they had a magic wand.
Wendy is mistrustful of the wand’s powers wtf.
I hate these kinda questions! I thought for very long and decided if I had a magic wand I’d wish not to grow old wtf but Ming who went right before me said the exact same thing T________T
So when it was my turn I cleverly rambled on about how Ming had the same idea as me and how Wendy said if I stayed young but Wombeh grew old I’d be a grandpa f*cker WTF talk so much so in the end I didn’t have to come up with a wish and nobody realized *smug
(except Hui Wen dammit)
Restaurant name is self explanatory.
With Jackie.
Group shot! It was my first Nuffnang sharing session and it was quite fun to meet new people! Sorry I didn’t talk as much. I shy wtf. Usually I’m not shy -_- But felt abit weird to be referred to as “special guests” so I felt very awkward about talking to people >____>
Ming, Hui Wen, Rachel, Wombeh, Cindy.
Ok sorry right after the blog session photos I had to post this picture HAHAHAHAAH.
We found these shirts at Sungei Wang and couldn’t leave without getting em hahahahaha.
We all wanted the white one (cos they only had one in each color) and had to 1 2 jus for it wtf. (how do you say 1 2 jus in English)
I won! And Wendy lost so she was supposed to be stuck with the grey one wtf. But then the white top turned out horrible on me but damn nice on Wendy dunno why! And the grey one looked good on Cheesie also wtf so we ended up switching around shirts.
Shit la face damn ugly in this whole post T_T
This was in MAC where all the salesgirls thought we were Japanese even after we spoke to each other in English -_- must be the hair color.
Staring in disbelief at how off I look in this shirt wtf.
There can only be one reason why you’re reading this blog.
It must be because you’re here to bask in my audsomeness.
(either that or you hate me and are only reading hoping I’ll one day stop posting because I’ve died)
But never mind I only focus on positivities!
Anyway since this post is about Audsomeness, Imma write a list of reasons why I am so Awesome(ly cute)
Or if I run out of reasons why I’m awesome, just things that I find awesome period then wtf.
1. Ugly children
Ugly kids grow up to be pretty nice looking sometimes! Trust me I know WTF. Ugly kids (because they don’t have looks to rely on) have no choice but to study hard (since it’s unlikely they grow up to be models) and/or to develop good personalities to get on in life and often they turn out wonderful individuals. True story! So don’t judge a kid by their cover.
Your one stop source of Forever Alone, Y U NO, Asian Dad, etc. Where else would you get the knowledge to pretend to be an Internet meme geek? (this post is also filled with meme references so now you know exactly how big a geek I am)
3. The sound of rain pattering on your window (or zinc roof) when you’re in bed
Couple that with the knowledge that the rain just started as you’re getting ready for bed …or you woke up in the middle of the night because you heard it raining and you know you got a couple more hours of sleep to go…
4. This blog – the perfect blend of frivolity, bad jokes and pseudo-intelligence (and modesty)
5. How I met your Mother
It’s not awesome, it’s legendary.
6. Saturdays!
Ever since I joined the work force, vacation days are a precious commodity 🙁 But then there are Satudays! Knowing that you have today and the next to sleep in, wear shorts and sleep some more is pure bliss (Students, take note) If you take away my Saturday, I will destroy you.
7. Japan
I’d move there. In a heartbeat! Even with the radiation. Have you donated yet? #prayforjapan
8. Makeup
A picture paints a thousand words. And makeup paints a thousand flaws! And there are no ugly women, only lazy ones wtf.
9. A liberal arts education
Despite the fact that as a result of my college education I now have a loan the size of India to pay back….
….I think one of the best things my parents ever got me was sending me for a liberal arts education. There were so many fields of interest and academics that I played around with in college which many of my friends didn’t get to do. I always think that without it I would have been a very different and possibly lesser person.
10. The moment right before you fall asleep. When your breathing turns regular and deep, your thoughts start running into each other and then turn into dreams <3
11. Walking into a nail salon without an appointment and finding they have a free chair YAY
12. Being 20 something and looking 16 WTF.
The other day I got picked up outside a McDonald’s by a boy who looked all of 18 -_- I nearly told him I could be his mother but then I have to applaud the confidence of youth wtf.
13. When you’ve done a good job and your boss sends you a virtual pat on the pack through email.
14. Finding something you thought you’d lost forever WTF
I’m always losing things and finding them again maybe months later in somewhere unexpected. Damn awesome ok that feeling it’s like getting a free gift in your own house!
15. Kitty chan!
16. Big foreheads. Where the brains are. Case in point WTF
17. Sunkist.
Sunkist is THE orange juice brand and I’m now drinking a lot of orange juice compared to soft drinks because I’ve come to realize my own mortality (!!) and Sunkist is equally awesome but healthier than Coke.
And Sunkist is giving some lucky fella an awesome 8 day getaway to Italy – in a Ferrari!
Annoying Orange is annoying. And orange. Nyehehe
To participate, buy a Sunkist with “AWESOME” on its wrapper and take an awesome photo with the pack.
I took three because I’m kiasu like that.
Awesome hyper act cute face.
Awesome full of raw energy face
Awesome d-bag face
Submit your photo here or MMS it to 016 339 9950. Don’t forget to type <Sunkist, Name, IC Number, Age>
RM500 cash prize also goes to the photo with the most votes in a week, and RM100 cash to the two (2) enthusiastic voters who vote the most number of times in a week.
Go here to participate!
Yes I know I’m awesome. You’re welcome.
So I feel like if you were my lover, you wouldn’t love me very much now.
Because I keep breaking my promises 🙁
I’m sorry I’ve let the trust go in our relationship 🙁
I keep thinking that work’s going to let up but obviously it hasn’t yet 🙁
I used to be the kind of person who would die die stay back in the office until I finish my work because I can’t stand having to face work at home.
But now I’ve become the kind of sad sap (no offense Desmond WTF) who has no choice but to go home, have a late dinner and continue finishing up work. And then go to sleep.
But really! I’m pretty sure that work by next week will let up and I will be back, as audsome as ever!!!
(did you all miss me)
(say you did. if not… i know your IPs. hahahaha no la i don’t. or do i….?)
Anyway what’s been up with me lately? Well besides losing my phone—
oh ya I got a new Blackberry -_- It’s a white Bold 3 and while it’s very cool and all, there are not enough nice themes out there for a Blackberry 9780 with OS6. I don’t really like this theme (wtf Valentines?) but anything’s better than the default. If you’re a BB theme designer, kindly contact me wtf.
Besides that, like everyone else I’ve been following closely the news about Japan 🙁 Thankfully all my friends and host families are in the Kansai area so they’re all okay. And the NHK people and Maiko & Lie are all ok too.
(shit got one more friend forgot he moved to Tokyo and I forgot to contact him WTF)
Anyway if you read Cheesie’s blog you might know that we were planning to go to Kyoto & Osaka next month. But the way things are looking, I dunno how likely that is. Actually we go help out also don’t mind! But that’s not too likely either and I don’t really feel right going happily to shop in Japan when everyone is still somber and picking up their country T__________T
If anyone from Malaysia Airlines is reading this can we postpone our tickets? T________T
About donating and offering help to Japan – I’m not gonna touch on that because I think a lot has already been said. And if you wanted to donate, you’d know where to do it.
I’m not Rosmah who apparently thinks that the Japanese disaster was caused by their neglect of the environment wtf but I think the silver lining on the cloud is that if this had to happen, it happened in Japan. It happened to the best prepared country in the world. With all their safety precautions and preparations, their death toll now stands at like 4k+? When the tsunami hit South East Asia in 2004, I think 200k people died.
When I was in Kyoto, we visited a disaster center. Yes! They have disaster centers to visit so you can practice what to do in an emergency.
This was the earthquake simulation room. I still remember – when an earthquake happens, you’re supposed to turn off your gas, electricity whatever, open the door (so it doesn’t get stuck when the ground or walls move) and hide under the table (head first)
But when I experienced a real earthquake, it was in the morning and I was still sleeping. I woke up cos I felt funny and realized that the curtains above my head were swaying!!!
I briefly considered running downstairs to safety but then I was too sleepy WTF and thought die also never mind la I’m too sleepy to move and just fell asleep again WTF. Disaster training fail.
The other bright side of the disaster is that it’s opened up the world to realize that there are Japanese who are not killers responsible for Pearl Harbor and Rape of Nanking wtf.
Some translated tweets from here from people in Japan that I read and cried to fts.
* 「みんな」
“All of us”Last night, I decided, rather than stay at the office, I should try walking home. So I slowly made my way west on Koshu freeway on foot. It was around 9PM when I saw an office building that had a sign that said “Please use our office’s bathrooms! Please rest here!” The employees of the office were loudly shouting out the same to all the people trying to walk home. I was so touch I felt like crying. Well, I guess I was too tense yesterday to cry, but now the tension is wearing off and am very much in tears.
* 開放
Rest here!I spoke with an old taxi driver and some elderly staff at the train stations. All of them had been working non-stop and had not been able to go home for a long time. They were visibly very tired, but never once did they show any sign of impatience; they were gentle and very caring. They told me “… because all of us are in this together.” I was touched at what the notion of “all of us” meant to these elderly people. It is a value I will treasure and carry on to my generation.
Read em all! I assure you you’ll weep like a menopausal woman!
I keep a pair of flip flops in my office (like three sizes bigger) to wear around work so I don’t have to be on heels all t he time.
But today I rushed out for a meeting and realized when I was outside that I was still wearing those stupid flipflops WTF. I thought it would be extremely disrespectful to go meet people wearing shoes that are too big for me wtf.
So! I brilliantly concocted a plan to bluff people that I fell and hurt my foot so I can’t wear normal shoes and have to resort to wearing slippers HAHAHAH.
Then for authenticity I slapped on a Hello Kitty bandaid I found in my bag so it looks like a real injury WTF.
Then the whole time I forced myself to limp when I walked WTF.
Nobody asked about my foot at all. Fuck this shit.
Not lost – stolen!!!!!!!
My purse had a magnetic clasp and I remember damn clearly asking Wombeh to shut it for me and I remember the satisfying sound it made too.
But it was damn crowded yesterday and my purse is the kind that you put on your shoulder but has a long chain.
So some asshole must have crept up to me like a disgusting piece of shit and actually held on to my bag and opened it and took out my phone T_______________T
Stole my money some more cibai. Luckily only RM50. Before I left the house I was some more thinking “well should I bring RM30 or RM50 with me? Better be safe and bring RM50 ^___^”
Look what being safe does to you wtf.
Some more it was in Velvet!!! Velvet’s crowd is supposedly older and by assumption, more mature / richer and less likely to get their hands chopped off under Syariah law but nooooooooo I guess not.
I don’t think I’d lost it for long cos when I realized my phone was missing, Wombeh called it and it rang but nobody picked up.
I was still a bit hopeful because I thought maybe I’d dropped it somewhere but then after five minutes, asshole thief turned off the phone -________-
And then I realized my money was missing wtf which confirmed that it was a theft.
For the RM500 that my phone will probably sell for, the fucker caused Fat Her to have to deactivate my line in the middle of the night, Wombeh and me to traipse around Low Yat to get a replacement phone, and then to figure out how a prepaid line works, change all my passwords, etc.
All for RM500!!! Worth it meh!
Wombeh asked if I would rather pay the thief RM500 and save the hassle WTF.
I said no I would rather kill him (and take back my money) wtf.
How can you live with yourself knowing you stole something for your own benefit!!!! Some more in Zouk ok if you were a starving homeless person stealing for your survival then still can understand. Hello you’re in a fucking club probably drunk on whiskey and you decide to take someone’s phone.
Anyway fuck you thief. Wish the likes of you perished in Japan/Haiti/New Zealand instead of innocent people.
You know the Bruno Mars song on Glee?
The one that goes…
It’s a beautiful night…
We’re looking for something dumb to do…
Hey baby, I think I wanna youuuuu~
Guinness St Patrick’s Festival is back and they’re all about making the Merry Go Round this whole March!
(taken from their Facebook page)
On 17 March, the St Pats Festival Street Party will be taking over Changkat Bukit Bintang. The whole street will be closed up to traffic and filled with lotsa food, Guinness and wacky parade people like dancers, drummers, bikers and random street entertainers! Like the St Patrick’s Day parades they have in New York, Dublin and London (and insert other big city)
Looks damn fun! So make sure you’re at Changkat Bukit Bintang this 17 March with your party hat on and an empty stomach!
Besides the big CBB party, there’s also tons of merry St Patrick’s parties going on at Guinness bars and restaurants nationwide this whole month. Can check out the Guinness Facebook page here for details.
To make sure all this merriness infiltrates your life even when you’re stuck at boring work or school, the good people at Guinness created this Facebook app called St Pats GigGag for you to get a taste of what the St Patrick’s Festival is all about. You can access the GigGag app here.
I tried it.
It’s all about consideration for other people. You know like walk for a mile in the shoes of a person before you talk about him or something like that wtf.
In St Pats GigGag, it’s about dancing in the tapping shoes of an Irish dancer / strutting in the leather boots of some burly biker who will all (coincidentally ahem) be present at the St Patrick’s Festival.
Damn wtf lor I was trying not to laugh while at work hahahaha.
First you have to choose if you wanna be a graceful Irish dancer or a macho biker.
Obviously i chose dancer.
Then I made Wombeh, Cheesie and Angela be dancers with me FTL. Upload their photos and insert into each dancer’s black hole wtf. Can also take photos and upload via webcam or steal them from Facebook!
Cheesie get main roll! (geddit geddit wtf)
Once a man, always a man wtf.
We’re all dancing to the St Pats Festival! Got people clap for us some more ok I think we were dancing quite well WTF.
I did the Biker one after that. FML seriously regret using this photo of myself.
Then everyone ends up at the St Patrick’s Festival!
Mark my words Imma end up there too! I love parades and street parties are always fun. (Some more so near Fatty’s place if drink too much can just walk back wtf since Guinness is all about Drinking Sensibly)
See you there!
For more details, go to the Guinness Facebook page here
And the St Paats GigGag app here
(unfortunately I think you can’t save your video so if you wanna keep the video you’ve made you need to post it to your Facebook)
You know when you were younger, you had those things you called “autograph” books which you passed around your classroom? Your friends would painstakingly draw and write in their personal biodatas and their thoughts about everyone in class with magic markers wtf.
Obviously when my classmates wrote notes about me, nobody said I was cute at that age WTF. But the words they all used were either “nice” or “kind”. One of my close friends in high school even told me that I was the kindest person she knew.
I don’t think I was all that kind la to be honest wtf. But I was nice. I tried to make every kid who was left out feel included. I offered help if someone was in trouble. Although to clarify, I don’t know if I was nice because I was, or because I wanted to be liked.
Anyway somewhere along the way, I think I lost that niceness. Going out of my way to be nice to people suddenly seemed to cost too much. It seemed to take too much energy and time. Maybe it was because I entered adulthood. It’s not a good reason but my time got sapped away. And I realized the most important person in my world was me. And the people that mattered of course.
So maybe I became a little meaner with who I spent my time and energy on. And I lost my patience. I lost my tolerance for many things… and many kinds of people.
If someone asks me a stupid question, I lose my patience.
If someone keeps telling me the same thing, I lose my patience.
If someone refuses to see reason, I lose my patience (bear in mind reason can be entirely subjective wtf)
If someone feels excessive pity for themselves, I lose my patience.
I don’t rage like Rage Guy wtf but I get extremely irritated and sometimes I end up doing something I wish I didn’t. Like rant to the person next to me or snap and get harsh on the other person.
And I don’t wanna be like that T_____T I don’t wanna be some mean old wench who’s forever grumpy and unreasonable because someone isn’t listening to her T_____T Because who knows I could be the one in the wrong.
And I don’t wanna be so ugly T______________T
Also, I will be having someone under me soon at work to train and *ahem* mentor so I cannot go on like this! Not fair to the poor person if they don’t understand things (being new) and I go batshit on them.
Haih. Dude above, give me the strength to be patient.
So Cheesie and I itchy backside went to do gel nails in January (before Tokyo Kawaii ahem).
Hers are the orange ones and mine are (predictably) the pink.
Anyway although I thought I was the last person in the world to try gel nails – besides Cheesie fol – (cos I saw all the Singaporean bloggers do gel nails until very shiok) a lot of people still stared in fascination at my hands. Especially children and older people.
Anyway because I’m kind of bordering comatose right now wtf I decided to not think too much about deeper issues and tell you some basics you should know about gel nails.
- Gel nails are just that – gel applied on top of your nails and shaped and extended from your own (short) nail. Then they put it under UV light to harden. When it’s hardened, it’s actually harder than nails (hahahahaha)
- Once you get these, you may get addicted wtf. Not only because they look so pretty, but because after you take them off, you discover your real nails have nearly gone to pieces and when you push them with your finger they bend in like a bendy straw T__________T Then you panic and faster commission another set of gel extensions to cover your dying nails.
- Depending on your lifestyle (and how much housework you do wtf) these gel nails can last for up to three months.
- Gel extensions are really so much harder than real nails! The ones I have anyway. Don’t have to worry about them breaking I can pull open heavy doors with just my nails WTF.
- You lose the joy of scratching wtf. Gel extensions are thicker than real nails so when I scratch an itch now it loses its oomph and the itch doesn’t feel relieved -______-
- You cannot dig your nose anymore WTF. I couldn’t anyway. Gel extensions are also bigger than my real nails and while you would think that it increases efficiency because the surface area is bigger and thus able to scoop out more (WTF) it just doesn’t work that way. So you’re stuck pushing tissue up your nostril and hoping some snot will stick on the tissue (very unsatisfactory)
- Wiping after you go to the toilet however, is not an issue. I have no idea why so many people asked me if it’s hard to wipe!!!!! Why!? Y U THINK THAT?
- Typing on a computer keyboard and on a Blackberry is no problem either although some adjustments have to be made to the way you type. I type on my BB with my knuckles WTF.
- Removing contact lenses is also very easy. And washing hair is no problem. It’s called skill.
- However, things that require delicate finger motorskills like picking up coins off the floor, picking dry skin, opening soda cans, picking vegetables off my teeth WTF, are nearly impossible -_- Also impossible is opening makeup compact cases where you have to push in the bottom of the latch so the top can pop open. I usually use tweezers to jack the top -_-
Anyway these are just things to consider if you wanna get nail extensions. If you read through the whole list and still (like me) want them, we got ours done in Sungei Wang 😀 Forgot the name of the salon but I think more than one place there does nail extensions (with 3D nail art).
Has my work-life balance deteriorated so badly that I need to resort to free online image generators to muster up content for a blog post?
Apparently yes.
It’s true though.
If you happen to see someone who looks like me, it’s probably my ghost. Or Ayumi Hamasaki HAHAHAHA.
I foresee all this letting up in about two weeks. But right now it’s taking all my strength just to keep going.
And I’ve got so many things I want to say! But I think I’ll just keep them for a time when I feel a bit more rested.
Oh ok sorry I just need to say this.
I heard a message on the radio the other day that said that we would be considered patriotic if we worked to show the world the good side of Malaysia/being Malaysian (or something asinine like that go ahead and correct me if you know the exact message)
I don’t know about you but I took it pretty badly.
It sounds to me like this ad is telling us to shut up and put on our best show for the world because it is unpatriotic to show the world that we have issues.
What kind of dimwits do the people behind that radio ad take us for? Patriotism is defined as love and devotion to one’s country and that is highly subjective depending on the context isn’t it? For example, if you happen to be Mubarak, you probably wouldn’t regard the Egyptian protesters as “patriotic” would you? But do you think the Egyptians would agree with you? wtf.
My point is, patriotism is about love and devotion to your country, but not necessarily the government. And for that matter, patriotism is not about white-washing the negativities of your country because you’re afraid the world will laugh at you. It’s about working to correct those flaws for the betterment of your nation and fellow countrymen. If you don’t point out the flaws, how would you know what the problems are and how to solve them?
It’s preposterous to imagine that whoever is behind that radio ad thinks that anyone would actually swallow what drivel this idiotic ad is spouting. /rage
Actually I didn’t wanna replace the below amazing post with some crappy new one filled with low quality photos from an iPhone app called Pudding Camera wtf.
But nobody gets Y U NO Guy!!! *wails
Except Jammie, Suet, Fresh and Xes maybe. But none of the other few thousand of you got it *emo wtf
My Y U NO Guy!
This looks fishy wtf.
Pedicure time!
Pedicure was a birthday present from my fake gay friend Patrek because he forgot my birthday. Thanks Patrek!
Mumsy heard that I was going for pedicure with him and thought he was a girl FHL.
My toes are from Oz! Cos they look like Dorothy’s ruby slippers ^_^
Speaking of manis and pedis, today’s Milkadeal deal is 50% off Manicure + Pedicure at Jacqs & Jans, Damansara Heights! I already bought mine *smug
(eh I think I need 4 more people to unlock the deal can some of you go buy it too)
Wombeh Stonehenge goes to Hong Kong so I talked to him on Facetime.
Really look like Stonehenge right hahahahaha.
Sencha Matsuri tea at Tea Republic! (Tea and cookie deal also purchased from Milkadeal)
You have no idea how much I love green tea.
I think I’ve matured now so my favorite beverage has been green tea for a few years now *sticks out little pinky
(Back in college my favorite drink was Honest Ade Orange Mango (only can find in the US I think), followed by Soya Bean and Coke)
Tea Republic is damn cosy and chill! I was nearly jealous of the owner for having such a nice shop and for filling it with varieties of tea from every continent >.>
But anyway it’s really nice to sit with your laptop there cos they have couches and cosy nooks too. Not telling where it is cos there’s only three couch spots don’t hog my space WTF. (ok fine if you really wanna know…you’ll find out yourself)
Fatty and Shorty.
Ngehehe I cannot let go of him.
…by Y U NO Guy.
Images courtesy of the Y U NO meme generator. If you don’t know Y U NO Guy, Y U DUNNO Y U NO GUY?
Hehe this might be the best part of my week (next to the Japanese food I had for dinner today).
Maybe I’ll blog like this forever wtf.
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